#the last time i played pleasantview i accidentally hit break up when mary-sue caught daniel
goodeveningbella · 4 years
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intro - pleasant house
On the surface, Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant seem to have the perfect life, but is their love a flimsy façade? And can Angela and Lilith make the right choices when it comes to love?
the very first thing i did at the pleasant lot was i fixed the roofs & i do believe i deserve a standing ovation for managing to do that in a pretty short time without crying even once. the roofs of the pleasant house suffer from that thing where the game doesnt consider them real roofs and consequently weather gets in and nobodys having a good time 
but then again who at the pleasant household ever does have a truly good time
(daniel. daniel does but at what cost)
the second thing i did was give daniel and mary-sue their secondary aspirations and college degrees. daniel is a secondary fortune sim and he’s got a degree in drama (good to know hes an academic expert in stirring shit when things get too boring lmao); mary-sue has a psychology degree and shes a secondary knowledge sim
aaaanyway the first thing that happened when i finally hit play was some cutesy flirting between daniel and mary-sue and i guess it brought back some long lost spark bc they got a crush on each other again
however right after daniel locked himself in the bathroom to work on his charisma skill mary-sue and lilith got into a pretty heated argument
now what i like to believe here is that mary-sues the one who wants to keep up appearances here, the whole long happy marriage and two beautiful well-behaved young ladies who have identical hair and as identical clothes as possible cos theyre identical twins thing - shes a politician, gotta create a trustworthy image, look good when the elections come, and theres probably a fair bit of you are going to listen to me and behave so and so and not such and such while you live under my roof young lady as well as constant nagging about how lilith ought to act more like her sister whos at least trying to be act like a lady. and dont talk back, dont take that attitude with me. so what liliths wearing at the start of the game is the most rebellious outfit she could find that her mother hasnt managed to get rid off. its the makeup, the boots, and the studs that irk mary-sue
as for daniel? he doesnt care. like seriously he doesnt give a fuck about his daughters at this point this familys a mess
anyway. the girls went to school, mary-sue went to work, daniel stayed at home practicing his speech in front of the bathroom mirror.
kaylynn langerak, the maid, arrived, and since the house was nearly spotless, was able to ask almost immediately if daniel wants to hang out. and boy does he
daniel and kaylynn are having a wonderful time - and for reasons i dont know (or care about for that matter lol), the fateful chance card that should result in mary-sure coming home early never came
however the twins did come home from school at this point - and angela got an a so naturally she barged in when daniel and kay were just getting down to do the nasty. she didn’t even register what he was doing and with whom. just closed her eyes and ears and focused on showing off her report card and pretending everything is FINE there is NO conflict in the pleasant household except lilith fuck her
angela brought dustin broke home from school. lilith came home with the townie teen randy london. randy and lilith hung out in the living room and became friends over the afternoon. daniel was almost civilized towards dustin - guess he at least had the brain to figure out he cant really judge either of his kids for the choices theyve made in their love lives. at least dustin isnt involved with anyone else. as long as daniels aware of, at least
now since that chance card of pure drama never came, mary-sue didnt get fired or demoted but instead promoted to lobbyist (lvl 3)
daniel decided he wanted a second round of woohoo just as mary-sues carpool arrived. so thanks to acr mary-sue did end up catching her husband in bed with the maid after all
im only slightly sarcastic here i love the drama this family creates around itself
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