#the mennyms
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trisshawkeye · 8 months
Got reminded of some books from my childhood and anyway I think that the Toy Soldier should visit the Mennyms for tea
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colors927 · 1 year
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i remember really liking this book when i read it in 5th/6th grade
i’ve always been a big fan of dolls and i loved the idea of sentient human-sized rag dolls living together as a family. if i remember correctly, they had to live hidden away in an attic so no one found out about them being alive which i found interesting.
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thehiddenbaroness · 2 years
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The way this specific cover entranced me as a child and probably became a keystone of my psyche. To say nothing of the book itself.
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owormy · 2 years
extremely niche british kids book(s) (series) that were fundamental to me becoming the person I am today:
the depford mice
the mennyms
anything by david almond, in particular clay and my name is mina
anything by philip ridley but especially scribbleboy
the enemy series by charlie higson
chartbreak by gillian cross
angela and diabola
the septimus heap books
horrible histories. of course. also horrible science
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figureinthedistance · 3 months
Trying to find online a book series I loved as a kid abt two pet cats. Im convinced one of them was called tex and i was trying to think of the second name i typed in tex and molly. Apparently there is a book called that with a pretty hard to follow blurb on goodreads not a kids book and it sounds interesting. Well its called tex and molly in the afterlife. At first when i saw that name i was like thats crazy did the author kill the cats. Well its not the first kids book that did that (thinking about the mennyms always). Anyway i cant remember ever hearing about this book ever but maybe i have or else maybe we are all just operating on the same rhythms. The authors name is richard grant like the actor too. Everything is so tightly tied together
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lavellenchanted · 1 year
1, 8, 9, 19?
1. What are you reading right now, and what do you think of it?
I'm nearly finished a re-read of This Duchess of Mine by Eloisa James, which is one of my favourite historical romances and definitely holds up on a re-read. It's got a great balance between yearning, angst and romance and really well-drawn characters.
8. Favourite book read this year?
Always difficult to pick but I've got to go with the one I've just finished, The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen-Turner which was an absolute delight and I completely devoured it over just a few days and would happily have read several hundred more pages of. It's the third in her Queen's Thief series, a Greek/Byzantine inspired fantasy setting, and my favourite so far - so well plotted, with great characters.
9. Do you finish books no matter what, and, if not, what makes you quit?
I used to, as a teenager I was very determined to finish everything I picked up. Then I went to university and spent four years reading a whole lot of books, many of which I did not enjoy, and came to the conclusion that life is way to short to keep reading something if you're not having fun. So these days if it feels like a chore to pick something up, I just won't do it. Generally the thing that will make me not have fun and want to quit most of all is not liking any of the characters, but a poorly constructed plot might put me off and there are a few tropes that I just personally hate that might make me put something down.
For example, I DNF The Road Trip by Beth O'Leary earlier this year because I was getting so frustrated with the characters and not buying into the romance, and after checking Goodreads to see if other people had had the same issue, saw a plot spoiler that immediately made me nope out.
Or I'm still technically in two thirds of the way through The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss but I put it down months ago because I got to Kvothe's interlude in the Fey Realm and found that whole subplot incredibly irritating so decided to take a break.
I do however tend to get stuck in the sunk cost fallacy where if I've gotten a certain way through something I will stick it out even if it's annoying me.
19. What's a book you love that other people don't "get" or understand?
Hmm, interesting question. I see a lot of (what I consider to be) poor interpretations of Jane Austen floating around, which is always frustrating. But there are also good interpretations so it balances out.
Also Howl's Moving Castle but that's also because most people are basing their interpretations on the Ghibli film and many don't even realise there is a book that is wildly different.
I tried explaining The Mennyms by Sylvia Waugh to some of my coworkers recently and they did not get the concept of it at all, I was trying to describe what I consider to be a heartwarming children's book and they were like, "This sounds like a horror story." Which I guess from one perspective it kind of is, but also it's really not.
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tunglo · 2 years
7, 3, 2, 1 and 9 for the fandom asks please (:
Character in my fandoms that I think I’m most like.
I'm not sure I want to be like any of my fave characters to be honest, they're all very messed up people!
2. What character archetype am I attracted to?
I'm usually attracted to writing the failing caregiver. They want to help, to do good, are great at self-sacrifice... but it never feels like enough. They invariably end up tragic and lonely, or losing it completely.
3. First ever ship and why.
I first came across fic at 11 or 12 while searching for song lyrics and found a Gundam Wing Heero/Duo songfic. I was so excited that it existed - then immediately preferred the (at least then, no idea what it's like now) very rarely written Wufei/Quatre... Other early stuff I remember reading was Tom Paris/Harry Kim, Gohan/Future Trunks, Sam/Frodo, and Holmes/Watson.
I can never forgive Sherlock for what it did to my ability to find romance fic featuring repressed Victorian gentlemen. Seriously though, I spent a lot of time in my early teens reading absolutely everything on Sacrilege! There's one story I still think of often even now - Watson's war wound was somewhere rather, er, intimate, but Holmes offers to show him how he could still enjoy sex. Which, yeah, is the set up of a million and one fics. But! Though Holmes loves Watson ardently, Watson can't love him back. Even after all the intimacy, trust, etc. It broke my heart. It still breaks my heart. It's probably a big part of the reason why I so love the format of Character A pines for Character B - gets Character B - realises that it's only for a limited time - pines for Character B for the rest of their life, but now it's worse cos they know how good it could be and their relationship with B is strained and awkward. <3333
7. Top 3 Favourite books.
I don't really read a lot of fiction these days, other than fanfic or official tie-ins. It just seems like so much investment to discover a whole new world, characters, etc. I read a few non-fiction books a week though, and always have some research projects on the go. So, yeah, my top fiction books are all childhood faves:
The Mennyms - Sylvia Waugh
Children of Winter - Berlie Doherty
Jane Austen (I couldn't pick a title, so just all of them.)
9. Character death you still haven’t moved on yet?
I was very sad about Darth Maul's death but Star Wars fixed it for me...
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missbookiverse · 2 years
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Monatsrückblick Juli 2022
Was dazugelernt
Ich möchte lieber nicht (über toxische Positivität und ständigen Produktivitätszwang – provokant und stimulierend) 
Disability Visibility (Essays über und von Menschen mit Behinderungen – klärt auf, macht wütend und hoffnungsvoll) Beitrag folgt
Tiere & Fabelwesen
The Bees (totalitäres Regime im Bienenstock – erschöpft sich leider schnell) Beitrag folgt
The Accidental Apprentice (Fabelwesen finden und fangen – magisch und spaßig) Beitrag folgt
Tess of the Road (Analyse von Rape Culture im Fantasy Setting – noch besser als beim ersten Mal)
Der Fluch der Aurelia (Drachenreiter #3, Tiere und Fabelwesen retten – dichte magische Atmosphäre zum Abtauchen) Beitrag folgt
The Debutante & Other Stories (surrealistische Kurzgeschichten – abgedreht, feministisch, kreativ)
Ruhig & berührend
Sea of Tranquility (Zeitsprünge durch Pandemien und Anomalien – klug und kurzweilig) 
The Editor (Autor in den 90ern, dessen neue Lektorin Jackie Kennedy Onassis ist – ruhig, komplexe Familiendynamik, toll geschrieben)
Die Mennyms (Kindheitsbuch über eine Familie lebendiger Lumpenpuppen – frech, ein bisschen provokant und melancholisch)
Adult Assembly Required (Protagonistin versucht sich an einem Neuanfang – aufgesetzt, nervig und langweilig)
A Magic Steeped in Poison (YA Fantasy mit einem Magiesystem, das auf dem Brühen von Tee basiert – coole Idee, der Rest leider 0815)
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Thinking about the Mennyms as people who could totally exist in the world of The Magnus Archives. They'd be, like, "monsters" rather than avatars, because they were never human, but they'd be very reluctantly monstrous, if at all. Except maybe Apple would get a kick out of spooking people.
Given the little family's secretiveness and terror at the thought of being found out, maybe their own (very human in tone!) fear would be what kept them alive.
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trisshawkeye · 4 months
Wild about how, after the events of book 2, Pilbeam and Soobie decide that they are now 18.
This is after 40+ years of being 16 for Soobie, and about 2 years of existence for Pilbeam after being incomplete in the attic for the rest of the time. But the experiences of being kidnapped and falling in love were sufficiently transformative that the both of them agreed that yeah we're adults now
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sothischickshe · 4 years
1, 5, 9, and 21 for the writer asks plsss there were probably some other good ones but my eyes started to cross so feel free to swap if there’s a dif one you’d rather answer
Ahaha trying to read that whole list kinda made my eyes tired TBH and I kinda forgot what was at the start by the time I got to the end 😂
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Ummmmm well it's a genie au! Inspired by the man pops up like a genie line obvi, but also Beth's fairytale rant in s1.
I havent written any of it (but I'm hoping to start on it this weekend!), though I do have comprehensive notes.
Beth is not married to Dean because I do not like Dean (and also, apart from kidnappings, I don't think his existence is particularly a source of conflict in beth and rio's relationship really anyway).
I think there'll be some angst, but mostly like life angst yknow, and quite a lot of stupidity. But also I think it'll be fairly light comparatively.
5. Top five formative books?
I mean. What. This is impossibly difficult!!!!!! I'm just gonna pick some five
Pride and prejudice
The birds and other stories
The 5 volume collected short stories of Philip k dick, and no I won't pick just one
The mennyms
9. Favourite/least favourite tropes?
Ummm again this is TOO hard!! A fave is definitely fake dating (the comedy potential!! The yearning potential!!!!)
Least favourite hmm I don't enjoy reading about sexual assault, is that a trope? I'm also not a fan of daddy kink stuff. Nor am I generally into genuinely tooth rotting fluff that ignores, like, character complexity.
21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?
Hmm, well I guess I'm most proud of my progress?
I guess if I had to pick an 'aspect' I'd pick my editing. I think I've gotten better at it and it's something I really enjoy - poking at something until I'm happier with the shaping!
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creekfiend · 2 years
Yes I was entranced by his tragic circumstances
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downydig · 3 years
Have you ever read The Mennyms? It seems like it would be right up your alley.
I haven’t! But I did find it online and I’m reading it now and I LOVE this concept! Might draw fanart for it because yknow I’m a weirdo lol
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tenebris-lux · 3 years
While on the plane, I read a children’s story called The Mennyms by Sylvia Waugh. I read it before when I was younger (middle or high school), and I found it disappointing. Now, I can appreciate so much more of it. My only issue is the names of three of the characters. But otherwise, it’s a really good story. Basically, it’s about a family of life-sized living dolls that live their private lives in the typical human world. It’s the first in a series, but I haven’t read any of the other books (yet).
I got into it again because of my recent interest in fictional A.I.s. My guy had a question about A.I.s in fantasy while we were discussing the topic (I can’t remember the specific question), and the story was the closest that came to mind.
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