#the moment my teacher shifts to understand that each data point is exactly what i collected as opposed to an average of what i have….
arthur-r · 6 months
linguistics teacher gave feedback on my presentation and it’s stuff i can’t fix and am embarrassed to have wrong in the first place and knew was going to be an issue but chose to push past and now here we are
#i just don’t have enough fucking data like at all#‘surely the results weren’t all integers. why aren’t there any fractions?’ well you see. it’s because i had 14 recordings and two listeners#the moment my teacher shifts to understand that each data point is exactly what i collected as opposed to an average of what i have….#but it’s fine. it’s fine. in other news guess who dreamed about the spreadsheet i was working on last night#okay how do i say this in a normal way though….#‘hey joe - thanks for the feedback. i had a lot fewer listeners than speakers#so a lot of the numbers are based on one listener each. it’s the main flaw concern with my data but makes for very round numbers’#perhaps. is maybe the only way to say it without just sounding fucking evil about it#anyway i’m cold and tired and i don’t want to go to class…. and i don’t have linguistics today so that part will be an email#my eyes hurt so bad i want to go back to sleep but this is second to last day of class this whole semester#so it’s kind of important that i at least try to participate#also does anyone have links to an npr story about a fading north carolina accent cause i know it exists but i don’t remember where#and my teacher always wants me to cite it but i can’t find it#that sounds worse than it is. my teacher picked out this article for me to use and then i can never track it down when i need it but i can’#complain that there aren’t any sources i can use cause he so clearly described this one to me i just can’t find it. i didn’t invent a sourc#anyways…. i’m cold and tired and honestly plenty annoyed and i want to go back to sleep….#but i will persevere i guess. a little over a week before i can just be free of all these classes#i’m tired when i wake up when i’m opening my eyes when i’m not feeling low i get tired out by the highs (/ly)#my eyes hurt and it’s cold outside the blanket and i have a stomachache and i feel strange. but i will persevere#okay. today i have two classes then i come home have a good call and work on the presentation in question. and perhaps go to a cocoa event#wednesday i have three classes including the actual presenting part of my presentation. and MAYBE a car seat headrest moment at my partner’s#but that’s just wishful thinking on my part and has not been discussed. car seat headrest moment = sleeping together in the literal sense#(it started out ironically on his part and now that’s just how i call it shdhdf)#and anyway then thursday morning either way we go and get breakfast early at like 8:45 and then by 10am i’m at a bus stop about to go home#for a MONTH AND A HALF. and there will still be assignments due in the meantime but so much less. and i’ll sleep a lot more at night i hope#anyways i’m going to be late to latin cause there’s nothing motivating me to pull up. but it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine#idk. i hope everyone is doing well and i’ll be back in a couple hours. i’m just not feeling well#me. my post. mine.#delete later
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[42] Glitch in the System - Loose Lips
By E.
A bar fight happens.
It all began with a simple drinking contest.
“Otro más?” Sombra shouted, tipping back a copper shot of some alcohol she’d forgotten the name of. It was bitter on her tongue and tasted like fire. At that point she was about seven shots into the evening, and she’d sworn it had been a sweet liquorice when she’d started out, so either she’d switched drinks midway through or her palette had just given up.
“Mami, no, please,” the man across from her laughed, immediately burping after he spoke. The pub was loud and smelled of hops, and Sombra had to lean in to hear him. “No more. You win. I forfeit.” An omnic bartender rolled by and scooped up their empty glasses, casting a disapproving look on them both.
“Psh,” she replied, ignoring the omnic and waving her hand in the air. “Amateur.” The man’s cheeks were rosy, bringing his swarthy complexion out from under the shadow of inebriation. He was from the eastern coast of Spain - Alicante, to be precise, if his stories were to believed. He claimed to be visiting for pleasure, mourning a recent, bitter divorce, and looking for any excitement he could find to drown his sorrows.
It was a lie, of course, but an easy one to feed.
“Perhaps,” he laughed, tipping the bartender as they rolled by. “But the fact remains: I am beaten.”
Sombra grinned back at him, leaning in her chair. “I always respect a bit of honesty in a person. Good trait to have.”
He smiled widely, placing his hands together and bowing his head slightly. “Let me buy you something less caustic, sí?” he asked, and Sombra could see he was nowhere near as drunk as he was putting on. “A token of my defeat and in honor of your superior constitution.”
She tilted her head to the side, assessing his motives. He didn’t seem savvy enough to be onto her, but she hadn’t gotten this far by assuming the best in people.
“Sure,” she said, pushing back her chair. “Can my friend come?”
The man looked over to where Widowmaker brooded, dressed in a black cocktail dress and looking entirely out of place in the pub as she leaned quietly against a carved column. She’d insisted on monitoring the event from the sidelines, carefully nursing a cup of wine in a familiar show of discomfort with their presence in the pub. Widowmaker, it seemed, really wasn’t much of a party girl unless there were fancy dresses and classical music in attendance.
Even then, Sombra thought, she acted exactly the same - it’s just that wine felt a lot more out of place amongst the mixed drinks and beer here than at one of Talon’s soirees.
“Two beautiful women?” the feigned shock, looking between the two of them. “But of course!” He bowed gallantly and headed for the bar, pulling two seats out for them.
Sombra stepped over to Widow and sidled up close to her, slipping an arm around her waist. “C’mon babe, let’s have some fun.”
“We have different definitions of fun,” she replied, the barest of smiles lifting the sides of her lips. “Are you certain about this?”
“Always,” Sombra said, laughing and pulling her in for a kiss. “Keep me honest here.”
“Impossible, cherie.” Widow replied into her kiss.
They sat at the bar and ordered their drinks, the sum of which ended up being mojitos for Sombra and her new companion and a very reluctant martini for Widow.
“How would you like it, hermosa?” the man asked, and only Sombra noticed the way her eye twitched at the endearment.
“Dry,” she replied icily. “Clean. With a light whispering of vermouth.”
“A what?” Sombra asked, eyebrows scrunched.
“A light whispering of vermouth,” she replied by way of explanation.
“Oh, thank you, that really helps clarify things.” She rolled her eyes and swiveled in her seat to look at the man. “So,” Sombra said, leaning forward in a display of interest. “Gonna give me a name to call you, or just ‘that sap whose ass I kicked’?”
“Diego,” he supplied with a laugh, touching a hand to his chest. Liar, Sombra thought to herself. “And you are?”
“Alexandra,” she replied, the name rolling off her tongue with zero preparation. She had an entire mental rolodex of them, each with a unique history she could borrow from in a pinch. Alexandra was a favorite, and easy to remember; she’d modeled her profile after the daughter of her favorite baker in Dorado. Sweet kid, if a bit too precocious for her own good at times.
“A pleasure to meet you, Alexandra,” he said without the slightest hint of suspicion. “That is a lovely name.”
“Thanks,” she replied, reclining in her chair. “A good name for a traditional data archivist.”
“En serio? I did not realize such a position still existed,” Diego mused.
“It’s a dying art,” Sombra replied, shrugging. “What do you do?”
“Ah,” Diego replied, looking pleased to be speaking of himself. “I work in espionage.”
Sombra blinked back at him. “Oh?” she replied, legitimately taken aback by his candor. “Espionage?”
“It is the art of - how should I say?” he thought to himself, misinterpreting her shock as a lack of understanding. “Redistributing information.”
“Oh, that sounds very interesting,” she replied, biting back what she wanted to say which was “I fucking know what espionage is, you pretentious garbage fire.” She could hear Widow chuckling under her breath from where she was sitting beside her, and looked over to see her staring firmly into her martini, smirk plastered across her perfect face.
“It is important, and difficult work,” Diego replied, nodding with the air of a teacher instructing a slightly dull student. “I have lost many companions to failure and loose lips.”
How ironic, Sombra thought to herself. Nodding appreciatively, she smiled vacantly and asked, “How does one ‘espionage’?”
Widowmaker nearly spat out her drink at this, and Sombra jabbed her in the ribs with an elbow. If she was going to be patronized, then she was going to use it to her advantage.
Diego shook his head, laughing softly to himself. “Señorita, it is no easy task, but essentially,” he explained slowly, gesturing with his hands from one area to another, “you take the information from Government A and relocate it to Government B,” he said, smiling widely, his pleasure with himself nauseating.  
“How do you get to the information?” Sombra asked curiously. “Isn’t it, you know - locked up in computers and stuff?” She shrugged. “Sorry. I’m not great with technology.” She waited for Widow’s response, but the assassin appeared to be holding herself together for the time being.
“But these,” Diego said, tapping at the cybernetic implants in Sombra’s skull, “do they not require one to be ‘good at tech’?”
“Oh, no,” Sombra laughed, high-pitched and affected. She could see Widow grimacing beside her. “They’re just good for making the television sound better.”
Widowmaker groaned. Sombra jabbed her again.
Diego nodded, eating her lie like a sweetcake. “A worthy investment!” He leaned forward and brought out a small handheld device. Pressing a button, he activated a small hard light screen that popped up between them. “You can acquire almost any information you desire through hacking. Here,” he said, finger swiping through a variety of screens. “Press this.” He swiveled the pad around so Sombra could see it.
“Huh,” she said, taking it from him and pressing a finger against the screen. The wires along her gloved fingers vibrated, and the screen flickered ever so slightly beneath her touch. Idiot. Sometimes she felt as though her talents were wasted on people willing to simply hand her what she wanted.
“I see,” Sombra replied after a moment or two of perusing the surface-level SQL he’d placed before her. “Too complicated for me.” Returning it across the bar, she saw Widow shift.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” she muttered, slightly louder than intended.
“Perdón?” Diego asked, confused.
“Nothing,” she replied, returning to her barely-touched martini.
“Don’t you run out of governments after a while?” Sombra asked, pulling his attention back from Widow and affecting naivete. “I wouldn’t imagine they’d be too keen on asking you back, knowing your propensity for selling their information.”
“Ah,” he said, waving his hand dismissively, “it is not always governments. Sometimes it’s just powerful people, comprende?”
“Hmm,” Sombra said, thinking hard. “Like corporations? International groups?”
“Frequently, yes,” he affirmed, nodding so that his dark, curly hair bounced into his eyes. He brushed it back, eyeing her closely. “Right now I am working for LumériCo, helping them recover from a brazen hacking attempt. You know them?” he asked, clearly aiming for her to be impressed.
“I do,” she replied, her sweetness forced and feeling like poison on her tongue. She could feel a hand placed gently against the small of her back as Widowmaker made her presence known, discreet and supportive, from her seat to Sombra’s right. “By name at least.”
Diego nodded, grinning like a cat in the cream. “Then you know they are made of money, and pay their people very, very well.” His hand reached out and he placed it on hers. “Very well.”
Sombra raised an eyebrow at the unbidden contact, looking back up at the man before her. He had no idea. Not a single clue who he was dealing with and what fire he’d thrown himself into.
She could feel the smile creeping across her face almost beyond her physical control. Widowmaker’s hand clenched against the small of her back, the fabric of her shirt bunched between her knuckles.
“A tempting offer, hermano, but I’m not sure I’m quite cut out for a life of crime,” she replied, oozing innocence tinged with danger.
“You let me do the crime, you just reap the benefits.” He looked over her shoulder at Widowmaker, eyes glued to her martini, hand clenched around the stem so tightly her knuckles were white.
“I think I’ll pass,” she replied, pulling her hand from his grasp. “But I hope you have an excellent night.” She stood up, and Widowmaker stood with her; a fluid, deadly weapon wrapped in a small black dress.
“Please, señora,” she heard him say as she turned, accompanied by a hand grasping her arm. “One more drink?”
The next thing she knew, Widow’s fist was flying through the air to connect soundly with the man’s skull. There was a moment of shock in his expression, right before his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground in a drunken pile. Sombra looked down at his crumbled form and laughed. The bar fell silent, eyes on them. The sound of a glass dropping off a table rang like a shot in the air.
“You know,” she said to Widow, nudging the man aside with her foot, “jealousy is a toxic emotion.”
“I am not jealous,” she replied simply, examining her nails. People were beginning to mutter around them and the man Widow had punched was moaning on the floor. “I simply did not like him.”
“We’re probably about to be kicked out. Wanna bail?”
“Oui,” she replied casually. Finishing her drink with a flick of her wrist, she set it on the counter and followed Sombra out of the bar. The bouncer hesitated as they left, but at the ice Widow shot his way as they passed, he thought better of stopping them and headed inside to clean up their mess.
They’d walked a distance through Venice, Widow with her arm supporting Sombra as the hacker stumbled along beside her. It was strange, she thought, how different things were now than months ago; how much easier their time together felt after the missteps and broken bridges they’d had to navigate. It was strange to think that something might be broken several times only to be rebuilt stronger.
“You are drunk?” Widowmaker asked after Sombra, for the fifth time, tripped over her own feet.
“No,” she replied defensively. “Ugh, yes,” she followed up almost immediately.
“Do you need anything?” she asked softly, directing her around an overturned trash barrel being attended to by a frustrated street sweeper bot.
“A kiss maybe,” she chuckled.
“You do not mind?” the sniper asked.
Sombra smiled, the warmth of the alcohol stoking the glow she always felt these days when Widow was gentle, and near. “Of course not, cielito.” She brought her hand up to slip her fingers into the softness of the sniper’s hair as she pressed her lips against hers. It was as sweet as ever, and she never tired of the feeling that twisted inside her whenever they touched. In a world like hers where newness and novelty were key, finding such satisfaction in something so familiar was...well. It was nice, is what it was.
It was very nice.
“Gabriel is going to shit,” Sombra said once they’d broken apart.
“An odd thing to say in the moment, but please,” Widow replied, casually waving away the strangeness of the context, “do continue.”
Leaning into the sniper’s embrace, she pulled up her hard light screen. “Idiot let me hack into not only his corporate accounts, but all the secret stuff they’ve got behind a tighter firewall as well. These guys,” she laughed, shaking her head. “They are into some shit.”
“Hm, yes, Gabriel will be pleased,” Widow mumbled into Sombra’s hair. Despite her usual chill, she was still warmer than the night air and the cold stone building they were leaning against. “And here I thought you simply enjoyed running circles around him.”
“Well yeah, that too.”
The sniper smiled.
“Hey, Widow?” Sombra asked, feeling softer than usual. Must have been the alcohol cracking her hard exterior.
“Oui, mi petite ombre?”
“Can we go home? I’m tired,” she said, pressing her cheek against the sniper’s shoulder.
“Of course,” Widow said with a gentleness that was usually reserved for late nights and whispers. “I will take you home.”
*Read from the beginning or check out our intro post! All stories tagged under #glitchfic. Table of contents located here.
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We will set a straightforward example. Assume that your colleague wants you go with him / her to watch dvds but you experience your home work unfinished and also teacher is going to be dissatisfied together with your progress. Therefore , how many edges this situation possesses? It is distinct that privately you will love to go to the cinema. Your colleague, in his or perhaps her simply turn, would like to find a better companion, and unfortunately your teacher is usually interested in obtaining your homework fantasticly done, and this what signifies their own goals in such a situation. In truth, if you don’t finish the home task, you will probably get a poor mark. Conversely, if you do not go to the cinema, your companion will find someone else to go with. At this point, many contradictions emerge plus the possibility of some conflict will be severe, for this reason I recommend you to read the following article.
Therefore which edge should be undertaken? I think the top decision is usually to take into account every point of perspective. It is referred to as overall diagnosis of the circumstances. If you understand the further situation of the circumstances in general, consider carefully your own needs and those on your partners, evaluate what you have now and what prospects are recorded the voisinage. It is the best position for making a choice. For example, you can use the mission writing service to cope with your individual homework together with go to the movie theatre with your mate freely.
From time to time, it is very difficult to decide on, if you are carefully guided only by your local mind all of which will. Usually, girls are more game to feelings, pay more awareness of their inner thoughts and some men more straightforward and make decisions with more powerful determination. Thus even person’s sex impacts the process of picking a choice00. We offer you a technique that consists inside experiencing every possible different of the order of occurrences and examining attentively your emotional doubts. The technique is especially suited in the case in the event the question of producing a decision remains in suspense for a long time. You should think that virtually all possible types have been actually deliberated in the past, but it will be hard to find the ideal position.
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Action 1. Think of most possible cases of a circumstances
Think of those people variants for ones that you have by now. Write all of them on the separate sheet regarding paper and place it appropriate in front of you. Go along with your instinct. What preference would you like to obtain the most at the present occasion? Which of them awakens your fear?
Step. Reproduce each scenario at heart and see your own personal reactions as well as behavior
‘Open’ your thoughts to the best extent. Suppose time for your current reflections is up and you have to select right now. Also, what sense do you knowledge at that moment?
Carry one of the bedding of papers. Read it again thoroughly. Suppose you have invest your issues away and pick the variant that is composed in that piece of paper in your arms. What is belonging to the highest magnitude here is to assume that the determination is made since vividly as is feasible and you have issues no longer. Talk aloud the things you have picked out. Stay in like condition for a while. You can have a walk or perhaps do what you look for for some stretch of time and look in what shifts you can observe in your sentiments and feelings after making a choice. Congratulate oneself on your decision. How do you sense? What do you concentrate on and what can you do in this type of case?
Assume that it’s been quite a few years you earn up your intellect. Now you can notice all the implications of your decision. What is in your life? Do you need those adjustments? Do you have one thing to regret? Reflect on whatever you might look while addressing these queries. To enhance the consequence, approach the actual mirror and tell your self how exactly you get such a determination, what concerns why maybe you’ve rejected additional variants. Assuming you have a close individual is going to recognize all your tests with attributed understanding and will be ready to assist you to, share your thoughts with this man. Concentrate on the things you feel whenever you voice your thinking to your fellow.
Step 3. List thier results
Write your findings on the overleaf. The key factors that should be looked on first are actually your own mental and actual feelings, suggestions and electricity. How simple and easy was it for you to replicate the thought need already opted something? What did you sense when you gave up your alternative? Did you actually manage to replay again all the results of your things inside your crown? Abstain from almost any conclusions for a short time. Just observe your findings. Do the same thing with the lasted scenarios.
Step 4. Conclusion. Make a decision
Lay the main notes all possible cases in front of you. Request what you find about by yourself after finishing with your records. Which judgement must be consumed right now? If you are still hesitating, write the following phrases for a separate document: ‘I make a decision to be able to doubt and necessarily to choose correct now’ or possibly ‘I in the morning not able to choose right now, I need time’. Probably, you would like some time to collect the incomplete data plus prepare. For instance , if you consult ‘Who will take my challenges for me with diligence and even responsibility? ‘ and have issues about the convenance of our The english language essays creating services, go here and learn a number of information about you. Accept choice whatever it is to be as well as proceed out of doubt in addition to hesitation to the real things.
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bryantfuerst-blog · 7 years
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Tricks To Getting teacher To Total Tasks Rapidly As well as Effectively
The best ways to Begin A Company With instructor
My last center was an attempt to recognize and also discuss why some neighborhood college students fall short. Started the school year with 1 day of training on the best ways to browse the iObservation website. The most important high qualities of a teacher are wishing to be there, and understanding just what they are showing. I was a full-time student of this teacher for two years before working side by side with her as an instructor. As this program has actually been created meticulously, it could be really useful for any kind of kind of teachers who intend to live or already reside in this state. This week notes the yahrzeit of Rabbi Gavriel and also Rivka Holtzberg, Chabad agents to Mumbai that were murdered during the terrorist assaults in December 2008. An instructor must have the ability to discuss the means she or he involved grade your kid and show you just how your kid's toughness were reflected because quality. I drop hints regarding exactly what happens on the 10th day, yet the real appearance takes place the 10th day. Prior to we go any type of further allow me make one thing flawlessly clear here ... this write-up has to do with quiting SMALL class management issues such as chatting while the instructor is speaking, composing or passing notes, and minor prank. In order to maintain a Level II certificate active, educators need to finish a needed variety of proceeding education and learning credit report units. I could gladly spend my entire day with wonderful children but can not stand brats for greater than 5 minutes. An unacceptable trainee teacher relationship is one where the teacher, whether purposely or automatically, gets thoroughly included with the trainee as well as love occurs in between them. While we might think about instructors and pupils in relation to school, I prefer to consider my parents as being my initial teachers. They can teach us and also entertain us. Allow's assume that robotics will certainly also progress into far more qualified educators with much better voice recognition.
educator Smackdown!
I provide a lot respect to all my instructors ... Although I love directing, testing ideas as well as bringing out the wonder in youngsters ... I am not exactly sure I would have the ability chocolate slim recensies to endure doing it for a living. The second point you're going to do is create 3 variations of your teacher cover letter. What I like regarding Ton of money College of Education and learning is that it produces a setting for new instructors to benefit from each various other. Because mentor is such a facility as well as demanding occupation, it is essential for new instructors to be given with a support system that allows them to shift from theory to practice. They need a human that truly cares about them and also intends to see them be all they can be. They require an instructor with interest they could capture to interest them in a topic. If he desires the relationship to help the pupil as well as to last, the teacher must avoid certain actions or problems. A good violin educator is able to clarify a musical item in different methods till the student understands it. The teacher ought to likewise enable a greater degree trainee to experiment a little and also discover every method of the knowing process. With lessons on DVD, the average person could take a seat to take a lesson at any moment of the day without stressing over conflicting work timetables and not having the moment to practice methods prior to the following lesson. Yes, the trainees certainly know when the teacher is excited regarding a subject - it's catching! Load your sweet gifts in ornamental boxes as well as put them in plastic gift bags, and also keep presents chilly right before distribution. The genuine issue is educators turning the entire course into grammar lesson, refuting the trainees the right to function and participate on exercises. Muni, your gratitude for the educators of words is noticeable, and also we thank you! When educating the passive, the teacher can write various active sentences and reduce the sentences right into strips. Attaining over a straightforward pass reveals you're a qualified teacher as well as you are devoted to the occupation. The U.S. Division of Education and learning; National Center for Education and learning Data Instructor Follow-up Survey reveals these major self-reported reasons amongst 7,000 instructors as well as previous teachers for why they stop or are most likely to soon give up.
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