#the most fun debates i had while writing this were 'do i include the lovejoy deleted fight scene' and 'does achilles look like billy zane'
jaskiersbard · 10 months
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Chapter Eight - Unable To Stay, Unwilling To Leave
Guess who finally pulled their shit together and managed to upload?! This girl!
I apologise for the delay but I've been ridiculously busy with work and other things unfortunately - but come on, let's be honest, I was *never* going to abandon a fic about Titanic, let alone a Newtina Titanic one! :D It just takes a while to write chapters sometimes due to life and other things getting in the way - I hope that it means the chapter is better for taking the time to work on it instead of just rushing!
Fun fact: I went to watch Titanic the Musical about a week and a half ago, and it was amazing! I had no idea that it was a thing until I accidentally saw an advertisement for it a couple of months ago while perusing pamphlets at my local inn while having dinner with family, and I'm so glad that I went to see it! Honestly highly recommend it for anyone interested in the sinking, even though it's not strictly 100% historically accurate (but it's a musical so we'll allow it some artistic license there), or anyone who loves musicals! It apparently premiered on Broadway six months before James Cameron's movie came out, which I thought was interesting - two different forms of entertainment about the same shipwreck releasing/premiering on the same year is such a coincidence!
This chapter features the scene with the soundtrack that this whole fic is named for, so I highly recommend you listen to the song "Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave" during *that* scene. I really hope I did the scene at least half the justice it deserves because it's one of the most emotional scenes, it's probably one of my favourites, and I cry every time I watch it - you can watch the scene HERE if you're unfamiliar with it (or if you just fancy checking out one of my favourite scenes)!
Unlike the other chapters, this one isn't named after one of the chapter names on the DVD - mostly because the scenes involved all had scene names like "Cal Spurned" and "Get on the boat, Rose" XD I figured it might be an idea to just name it after the piece of soundtrack the whole fic is named after, so here it is!
This chapter is, as always, not beta read and there are probably errors but hey ho!
A quick warning that this chapter features a few deaths - including an important side character.
Anyway, without further ado, enjoy the chapter!
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