#the only reason this is an atla/hp blog and not an atla/cb blog is because of the fandom
theotherace · 4 years
Alright. As a child, one of my absolutely favourite book series was Charlie Bone. My sister and I would pretend that we had special gifts while playing all the time, I read all of the books thrice (which I know isn’t a lot, but I’m not usually somebody who re-reads books at all, so that’s a Big Thing for me), one time in the span of about five or six days. (Could think neither straight nor in German after that.) 
So, ATLA!CharlieBone!AU. Yes.
The Bloor Academy is probably run by Ozai. (It’s also not called “Bloor Academy”, but that doesn’t really matter right now.) Azulon is still alive and kicking, willing to murder children at the drop of a hat, just like Ezekiel. Iroh fucked off with Lu Ten after his wife’s death. Nobody’s entirely sure what the hell happened to Ursa, but she’s still (kind of) around, just not talked about. 
Zuko and Azula grew up inside the school, but with very little contact to the outside world; probably homeschooled, too, until they’re old enough for the Academy.
They are both gifted, but just “control of fire” would be boring, so Azula has a gift similar to Uncle Paton’s, but with a better grip on it than him – she can control electricity. Zuko can technically control heat, but he’s not particularly good at it; he’s basically a walking mood ring. Rooms get cold when he’s sad or lonely, hot when he’s embarrassed, and that’s probably why he doesn’t have too many (any) friends. Constant swings in temperature aren’t pleasant. Nobody wants to sleep next to him in the dorm (if he sleeps in the dorm at all, as his family lives in the school). 
If we’re keeping with the three houses, then both of them are definitely in the Theatre house. 
Aang’s special gift is basically the Avatar State; he can call onto either his ancestors (a bit like Lysander) or his past lives (as in canon). He’s not a bender, so if and when he calls onto somebody, he has their powers at his disposal instead of the elements. (Unless one of them can control the elements. Kuruk could control sealife? Cool, Aang can do that now. Something like that.) His control over that power is shaky at best. Once he’s mastered it, he can manage all of his forebearer’s powers (super OP, basically), until then, it’s more like channeling one person at a time. (Or he’s just a medium. Or he can transform into birds/birdlike creatures like Emma.)
He’s raised by his grandfather Gyatso after the tragic death of his parents (at the hands of Zuko’s family, but shh, they don’t know that yet), and Appa is just the most ginormous dog you can find. Momo is a cat who likes to sleep on people’s faces. Aang, Zuko and Azula are (not so) distantly related via Gyatso and Roku, who are brothers instead of friends in this AU. Gyatso’s quite a bit younger than Roku, though. (And Roku’s already dead.) 
Aang would probably have a hard time deciding between Art, Theatre and Music, because everything sounds great, but settle on art in the end, because his dad was an artist. 
Neither Katara nor Sokka have a gift. At least that’s they think for the longest time. Katara is the student assigned to show Aang around when he transfers after his gift manifests (Gyatso didn’t initially want to send him to the Academy), and she bullies Sokka into looking after him in the “boys only” areas (the dorms), so they’re his first friends there. 
They live with their Gran-Gran and their dad. Their mother was probably murdered by Zuko’s family or some allies of them, too, for Reasons. Maybe she saw something. Maybe she knew what they did to Aang’s parents. Doesn’t matter, I won’t write this, they killed her. 
Katara’s gift manifests late, under a stressful situation; she can either heal or control blood (i.e. bloodbending). If it’s bloodbending, Hama (old friend of Gran-Gran’s, now either an ally of Azulon and Ozai or just wreaking havoc on her own) would probably try to get her hands on her, because she has the same gift, and it’s very rare. (Katara is much more powerful than Hama, though.) 
Sokka gets a sword at some point in the story, and it’s some old-ass sword, prophesized to be wielded by a great warrior. 
He picks Art, Katara picks Music.
Toph’s parents are a little less strict in this AU (they send her to school, after all), but still pretty overbearing. She mostly keeps to herself in the beginning; her and Zuko become friends before she befriends any of the other guys. 
She’s still blind. (Stating this because she sometimes isn’t, in these (semi-)Modern AUs.)
Her gift is either her Seismic Sense or she can bring to life (so to speak) statues (like Erik). Leaning more towards the Seismic Sense, though. Otherwise, she has no control over earth or stone or anything, and the Seismic Sense works basically everywhere (wood vibrates, too), but she does still have to be barefoot. She isn’t even fully aware that she has a special gift until she talks to Zuko about how she gets around so well and he’s like: Dude, that’s not normal. 
She’s in the Music house. (I don’t think they’re even called houses. Branch might fit better. But anyway.) 
Suki does Theatre with Zuko and technically, she is his first friend, but they aren’t as close anymore when Aang starts school, since she befriended Katara and Sokka, who aren’t Zuko’s biggest fans initially. 
She doesn’t have a gift, but she still kicks ass. Maybe she even still does tessenjutsu. Either way, you don’t wanna cross her. (that’s what fighting with fans is called, right? correct me if i’m wrong.)
I don’t know if Mai and Ty Lee would’ve gifts, but if they did, it would be hitting every target with every thrown object and seeing auras. (Could be just hard training and synethesia, though, which number one definitely is in canon; number two is a HC of mine.) Ty Lee does Theatre, too. Mai joins Sokka and Aang.
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