#the only thing I'll say they did right was actually going after Bryce
hiddengems16 · 3 months
Finding the Patterns
Director:  Matthew Vaughn https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0891216/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk
Writer:  Jason Fuchs
Producers: Adam Bohling (produced by) (p.g.a.) | Jason Fuchs (produced by )(p.g.a.) | David Reid (produced by) (p.g.a.) | Matthew Vaughn
Cinematographer: George Richmond
Casting Director: Lillie Jeffrey | Reg Poerscout-Edgerton
Well, I really had high hopes for this one - with the all star studded cast and the $200million dumped into this movie I was really excited to see what new action adventure we'd be taken on. Unfortunately it didn't live up to it's hype. That being said, I'll have to watch it again when it comes out on Apple +. We have to try everything a couple times to really truly appreciate it, right? Don't forget, if you're not an expert in this field, be nice. You know what you like as an audience member, but any movie that comes out is worthy of admiration. The things that have to happen in order for it to even it the screen is nothing short of a miracle. For that I say good job and valiant effort.
Obviously spoilers lie ahead, so if you want to stop here, just know that it is an at home movie that can be found on Apple + . (Highly recommend watching with a bottle of wine.)
On to the juicy bits -
To be honest I was most excited about watching it because of Henry Cavill, with his casting fit to be James Bond, I thought to Myself, "This is going to be a great spy movie". Not to mention - Matthew Vaughn has given us some great action packed movies like "Kick-Ass", "Kingsman: The Secret Service", and "X-men: Days of Future Past" to name a few. Needless to say, the expectation was set quite high. With the film being announced back in 2021 - we've been waiting for this "banger" for a long time, only to be met with a confusing - plot twisting story. Not to mention, not a lot of Mr. Cavill - but I digress.
This story follows the journey of Elly Conway - played by Bryce Dallas Howard. We meet Elly at the height of her career as a novelist and as she is about to finish her final book, she's met with a writer's block from hell. As she travels to get a fresh perspective for her new book, she's whisked away by a spy that suspiciously reminds her of her lead character, "Argylle" played by Henry Cavill. As the story progresses, we find that Elly is actually a spy who had her memory erased by her bosses, and the whole time her partner/lover "Aiden Wilde" - played by Sam Rockwell - has been trying to help her get her memory back while trying to out the bad guys.
There were so many twists and turns that it's hard to write them in a summary. Which leads to the first issue of this film; half-way through you think the movie is wrapping up only to be shoved in a different direction with a new story unraveling. This happens a couple more times before the movie ends. If there were 1 maybe 2 plot twists, the story would have been captivating, but the turns just kept coming.
Next, what started as an adventurous romantic spy story, turned into a ketchy cheesy love story. There was one scene where Aiden and Elly are fighting for their lives after they've found out the truth about each other and they start spraying gas everywhere that turns colors and this weird dance occurs.... it just was out of place. Sam Rockwell did "kill" that dance - pun intended! He really is a great part of this film, never faltering in what he wanted, plus his dance moves were on point.
Lastly, the casting may have been just a bit off. Bryce Dallas Howard is a talent of this age, but she may not have been right for this part. I believed that she was the author of a spy book who's been taken by surprise by reality. But a hardened spy with years of killing under her belt? It just didn't fit. Also, all of the cameos of outrageously famous people, made it feel like they were just trying to break even on their $200 million spend. On the other hand, maybe the outrageous is exactly what Matthew Vaughn was going for - to make it really feel like a story book. But as an audience member it just felt like we were being force fed famous people.
On a more positive note, the action sequences, stunts, and costuming were AMAZING! If you're looking for action, then you've found it! The wardrobe department deserves and absolute standing ovation. The colors, textures, and contrasts of EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER was impeccable! Stephanie Collie, I tip my hat to you, great job!
Also, what the hell is the cornfed Henry Cavill cameo at the end? I didn't understand that tie in with the entire movie or the preview during the credits.
On to the next one old chaps.
Thanks for reading my not expert opinions
Ta ta
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roman-cates · 10 months
Bryce gives a brisk nod as he puts on his gun. "Okay. I'll be back before five, hopefully closer to four. I'll try to cook something edible for dinner, and Kyle will be over at six. I'll see you in a bit."
He wheels Roman over to the door and steps out, waiting to hear the bolts slide in behind him. Then he goes to his meeting at the main house. Boss got in this morning, supposedly.
When he gets there, Mal is nowhere to be seen. Robert brings him up to to Boss's study and leaves him at the closed door.
He knocks. "It's Bryce," he says, "For our two o'clock."
"Come in." Boss's voice is sharp and authoritative, as always. He enters, about to close the door behind him until he sees Mal, standing up to leave. She brushes past him, tears glittering in her eyes, and leaves, shutting the door.
"Sit down," says Boss. "I think we have a lot to discuss."
Roman locks the door behind Bryce when he leaves. And then he's left by himself...
He can't really move from where he is, either. Maybe a little bit, but not really. Therefore, the only thing he can really do is think...
His thoughts wander first to Avery. And to sleep. Where his mind is right now, it's going to be extremely difficult to fall asleep. Even if he tries, he keeps reflexively opening his eyes and waking back up when Avery's corpse inevitably comes to him...
Roman had never seen someone die before... He's... sort of glad he saw Avery's death, though...
A lot of things were said that night...
Roman is fairly confident now that Bryce wasn't actually considering Avery's usefulness and that he really did plan to kill them the entire time. Roman keeps going back to that statement about loyalty, though...
This one's just for fun.
He's not sure what to think about that. He still feels it could have been true...
All that aside, though, the sleeping really is going to become an issue. Roman will probably be fine for a night, maybe two, but he's acutely aware that he is healing. Healing takes energy and rest... He's already exhausted.
What Roman needs is a way to get the image of Avery's body out of his head...
After a while, his thoughts arrive at Lenny.
What would happen to Lenny, in your ideal world?
Roman wishes the question hadn't been asked, but it had. And he can't help but wonder, what would he want to happen to Lenny? Certainly his actions don't equate the same consequences as Avery's. In a way, Roman understands where Lenny was coming from. A place of grief. A place of anger. Roman would have been upset to interact with someone he perceived to be working with Avery too. He's not sure what he would have done to that person if he were in a position to have power over them.
Still, the thing that's most upsetting is that Lenny seemed very ready to hurt Roman even before Avery was brought up...
Should anything happen to Lenny? The more Roman thinks about it, the less he thinks Lenny even needs to face punishment for what he did. It won't happen, but Roman mostly just wishes that he could make it clear to Lenny that he was never working with Avery— wouldn't ever have worked with Avery. He... wants an apology, but not really for Lenny to suffer.
Bryce had said, I'll figure it out on my own.
Roman probably doesn't want to know what's going to happen to Lenny...
He starts taking mental note of all his injuries... All the scars, the missing fingers, broken bones...
Hang on a minute...
Kyle had written all of these down already. He had sent a report to Bryce. Bryce had received the report and got alarmingly upset about something on it...
What was it? Did Bryce say he was planning to go over it with Roman..? He had said something about options, right..? He had probably just forgotten and Roman isn't sure he feels comfortable asking about the report, but he is concerned about it...
0 notes
therealraewest · 7 years
So my roommate was binge watching 13-r-w and I decided to join out of morbid curiosity and bc I actually enjoyed the book way back in middle/high school and WOW I don't know where the hype is coming from bc that was the most mediocre, over-dramatized, disorganized wreck of a book-to-tv-series show I've ever seen
#like they didn't even get the good parts right#fuckin introduced some kid shooting himself in the head as a plot point in the last 10 mins of the series#the last episode had at least a dozen potential satisfying ending points and they just kept going#until they got the the least satisfying one and were like 'okay yeah let's stop it there's#the only thing I'll say they did right was actually going after Bryce#and maybe that thing with the zip drive but also YIKES can u imagine#the whole lawsuit plotline just felt like a drama grab to make the stakes higher than some dead girl#when the whole thing was supposed to be about said dead girl#give me meloncoly​ clay biking through his neighborhood in one night reliving Hannah's experiences#give me him sitting on the playground while seeing her during tape 13#give me Tony riding with him during his tape and continually checking in#(which was my fave part of the book btw)#instead of Tony telling him 'yeah you killed her just listen also lemme take u to a cliff so u can threaten to jump'#while Hannah tells him she'll never be good enough for him and he's not like other guys#spoiler she never said that in the book#and clay wasn't even likable in the show like damn#saying the absolute worst thing at every turn#like girl... get some standards... please......#yeah the series would have been better if they hadn't tried to make it pretty little liars and also had some tact#maybe don't graphically display how to kill urself in a bathtub pls and thanks#anyway rant over sorry#ugh#i feel bad for watching it but we did downvote it once we finished
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
Lie About Us (Part 4)
Daniel Garcia x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Lie About Us Masterlist ♡ Daniel Garcia Masterlist ♡ Jon Moxley Masterlist
Summary: F/Reader is the daughter of Jon Moxley & starts to date Daniel Garcia. The only problem is, she hasn't told her father.
Jon Moxley's POV:
"I'm gonna kill him."
I said as I stood to leave the locker room. Eddie stepped in my way and pushed me back. "Calm down Jon. You can't talk to him like this."
He was right but I still fought against him. "Y/N isn't a child anymore."
"She is still my kid Eddie." I said as I pushed him away from me.
Eddie didn't even miss a step as he got right back in my face.
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"You need to calm the fuck down before you go out there or I will call Renee and have her deal with your ass." He was right. The both of us didn't want to back down but I turned away first.
"Now let's get out there and do not kill him." I took a couple of deep breaths and followed Eddie out.
I did my entrance with Eddie right behind me.
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Once I heard his entrance music start, all I saw was red. Eddie was screaming at me from the side of the ring to not hurt him.
But as I got closer to the Daniel, I noticed what Eddie was talking about. The hickies that they tried to cover up in makeup, but they were so dark that the makeup didn't cover them that well.
Once I got behind him, I noticed the scratches. In my mind all I could see was Y/N as my little girl, who used to run and jump in my arms on her visits.
The look on her face when I saved her from the hands of her mother. My little pumpkin. Before I knew it, the match was over with me winning.
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Poor Bryce had to practically pry my arm from Daniels neck. 2.0 came rushing to Daniels aid as he tried to get his breathing back.
Eddie was holding me back. Good thing the crowd was so loud, they couldn't hear me as I pointed at Daniel.
"Stay the fuck away from my daughter." And I walked backstage.
My phone was ringing and I had missed calls from Renee and Y/N. I wasn't in the mood to deal with that right now, so I just let them go to voicemail.
Y/N's POV:
After the phone call with my Dad earlier I decided to call Renee and told her what happened.
"You know your father. He will get over it eventually. He doesn't like change and you dating and actually telling him is a big change."
"I always told him when I was dating someone." I said to her.
"Yes, but none of them have ever been like this. Not with someone he knows and works with. I'm not saying he in the right Y/N but just think about this from his perspective."
She had to end the call because Nora woke up and I had to get ready for work. I grabbed a bite to eat, text both my Dad and Daniel good luck tonight because I do not have any favourites.
I was on my first break when I pulled up the match on my phone. My mouth dropped open and what I saw.
I called my Dad a few times leaving voicemail after voicemail and I called Daniel.
"Hey baby."
"Are you okay? I saw what he did. I am so sorry."
"I see you told him huh? Yes I am fine." Daniel let out a soft chuckle at that.
"I didn't think he would try to kill you."
"Can't get rid of me that easily Y/N."
"What did he say to you at the end?"
Daniel didn't answer right away so I repeated the question.
"Told me to stay the fuck away from you."
Pure silence on both of our ends.
"Are you going to break up with me?" I asked him softly, scared of his answer.
"You can't get rid of me that easily love."
I could of cried when he said that. Any other guy would of dumped me just so he wouldn't have to deal with my Dad.
"I gotta go Daniel, break is over."
"Text me when you can. I'll be flying out to you in a couple of days. I didn't want to wait until New Orleans."
I can't believe he is going to do that. "Let me know what you are supposed to get here and I will pick you up."
He told he will and we said goodbye once more. I knew how packed his schedule was, so for him to be able to fly and see me made me so happy.
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Daniel Garcia's POV:
The moment I stepped foot in the ring I knew Y/N told him. Jon did nothing to hold back his anger one bit.
I knew he would be angry, but this angry? I made sure to stay away from him for the rest of the night just because I had no idea what he would actually do once he saw me.
But after hearing Y/N's voice on the phone, caring about me made me realise how truly special she is.
Not many people get wrestling, she does as she grew up around it so when I told her I was flying down to see her, I could practically hear how happy she got.
Once I got my plane ticket information, I text her that I will be seeing her tomorrow evening.
She sent me a photo of herself with a big smile that I quickly saved to my phone. I told her the time that the plane will be arriving.
"How you holding up?" I looked up at the sound of Eddie's voice.
"I'm doing fine."
"Not running for the hills I hope?" He asked me as he sat down next me.
"He can't get rid of me that easily Eddie." He laughed at that.
"Jon has gone back to his hotel if you want to leave. I know you were staying out of his way."
"Thank you. Yeah, I didn't want to make the situation worse."
"How did you and Y/N meet by the way?"
I told him and he actually laughed. "Oh boy, so because of a lunch with her parents, that is how she met you?"
"I know, kind of funny that if she didn't have lunch with them, we would of never met."
"You like her kid?" I nodded my head.
"I do...a lot. I know we just started to date but she just the most amazing woman I have met. We can talk for hours about anything." I said to him.
"Just treat her right and Jon may come around." Eddie said to me as he patted my back.
The two of us left the locker room and went our separate ways.
Part 5
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @kawaiikels
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terrm9 · 3 years
Father’s Day
Ethan makes sure to celebrate the Father’s Day with his daughter. (Ethan X Chiara X Matilda)
Words count: 4 000
Warnings: two swear words, fluff
Author’s note: I don’t know what happened here guys. I am so sorry, this fic lacks plot and point, depth, quality, this truly is one fluffy piece of shit. I had a good feeling about it when the idea appeared in my brain and then I started to write and nothing seemed right. And I just kept telling myself ‘just keep writing and it will start making sense. It will get better’... and suddenly the fic is finished and it still doesn’t make sense. I was so close to not posting it, but then I thought that sometimes mindless fluff can make my mood better and so maybe it can do some good to you too. Love you all and I promise I won’t be angry or hurt if you hate this:D
Also Ethan is ~47 in this fic, if you thought I wouldn't mention his graying hair, I am sorry but I did
Also also, I didn't find the strength needed for a proof reading this and so I didn't proof read it. If you see a mistake, please pretend you don't see it
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The sun was long set at the time Ethan stepped into the apartment and even though he rationally knew that it was late, he couldn’t quite give up on his hope that maybe Matilda was still up. On the days like this, when more patients came in than out of the hospital and there was so much of a paperwork that he has to bring it home with him, there is nothing Ethan loved more than to put his daughter to sleep and then spend a nice quiet evening with Chiara.
But of course, Matilda was fast asleep – judging by the silence filling the whole apartment – and so Ethan was looking forward to skipping to the part of sharing an evening with his wife.
Chiara didn’t notice him as he stepped into the living room, her nose slightly crinkled as she was filling some papers spread on the dining table, white earpods in her ears.
Looks like I am not the only one to bring work home with me today.
Ethan stopped in his tracks for a moment, just inhaling the familiar scent of Chiara and home and absorbing the picture in front of him. Even after alsmot ten years since he met her for the first time, even though she was his wife now, someone he woke up next to every morning, Chiara still – always – managed to knock the air out of his lungs. How her smile only gained more brightness through the years and how she looked almost like a girl with her hair braided on one side.
Had he been an artist, he would call her his muse.
But he was just a man, a doctor with any artistic words stuck in his throat and so he just kept staring at Chiara and thought, inspiration, that’s what she was, because even the most rational of men could get inspired.
„I can feel you standing there,“ Chiara exclaimed suddenly, putting the earpods off and turning to him with that bright smile.
„My apologies,“ he smiled faintly and crossed the distance between them to give her, what Chiara called ‚a proper greeting‘. He kissed her softly and it only took the feeling of Chiara’s warm body under his hands to ease the tension in him almost completely.
„Matilda missed you tonight,“ Chiara murmured into his chest, not willing to break their embrance.
„As I missed her,“ Ethan sighed. „Did you have an eventful afternoon?“
Chiara chuckled at that, parting from him at last to switch her phone off and leave the work on the dining table.
„Just the usual. The teacher asked them to draw themselves in the future and she couldn’t decide which version of that future she should draw because she wants to be everything.“
Ethan could imagine the conversation very well. Matilda, at the age of five, knew exactly what she didn't want to become when she grows up - a doctor. She kept shifting between wishing to be a travel blogger like her aunt Kyra or a photographer like aunt Alicia. After a weekend spent in Providence, she proclaimed that she could also imagine being a cable repairwoman like grandpa, because grandpa has the coolest coworkers that came over and let her eat chocolate cookies and watch football with them. And if by any unfortunate coincidence she should become a doctor after all, she would definitely be a surgeon like uncle Bryce, because he actually cuts people and that's much more interesting than her parents' job. All they do is talk about the patients.
„I promised her you would take her to school tomorrow. You have rounds in the morning but I can taker over,“ which would only be a service for you, she thought to herself. „That would certainly make her feel better.“
„Was she that sad that I didn’t come home earlier?“
"Oh, she was more sad about the Father's Day program at her school – you know, the one where kids and their dads go together - but I explained her why you had to miss it."
Ethan furrowed his brows, confused for a while.
"Why do I have to miss it?" he asked as he picked Matilda's stuffed llama from the floor.
"It's the Wednesday when you are at the conference in Seattle."
Ethan put the toy on the couch next to Til's favourite blanket and sat down before responding, his voice carrying no sign of hesitation.
"If there's a Father's Day program at her school and she wants me to be there, I'll be there."
Ethan knew all too well why he was so persistent on being there.
He wished he didn’t know, but he did.
Because he knew what it felt like to spend so many of his Mother’s Days programms with his teeth gritted, wishing it could all just end.
He could still remember the first Mother’s Day without Luise, how his teacher walked into the class and told them that they would create nice postcards for their moms and how Ethan’s classmate pointed his finger at him and said: „And what is Ramsey going to do? It’s not fair that he doesn’t need to do anything for the whole hour.“
It was the first time Ethan punched someone.
There was no way, no way, that he would allow his daughter to feel any of those feelings.
His thoughts were interrupted by Chiara, now sitting right next to him, a soft concern visible on her features.
„Alan and Naveen would go with her, you know. She wouldn’t be alone.“
„I am her father.“
„And you are also an author of the study this whole conference is going to be about.“
Ethan knew Chiara was right, just as he knew that she was doing this not because she didn’t want him to attend the programm, rather because she respected and supported his career.
But her arguments were of no use. Ethan’s mind was made up and he only wondered if this is what it felt like, all those years ago, when he pushed Chiara away in order to support her career. The idea of putting career first was making him uncomfortable and all he could do was to think, how did Chiara see it all those years ago?
Or rather, how did he not see it back then?
He had no answers, only his gratitude that she stayed and showed him the world through her eyes.
„Aurora is just as much of an author as me. She can handle the conference without me just fine. You can go with her.“
„Me?“ Chiara asked incredulously.
„Sure. They don’t really care which Dr. Ramsey will come.“
Ethan aged well. More wrinkles circled the corners of his eyes and the grey hair on his temples were not an optical illusion anymore (and Chiara has never found him more handsome than now) and his gaze changed too, the cold blue of his eyes almost forgotten, as his eyes were warm and soft almost all the time he was with his family.
Ethan aged and changed and yet there was a thing that didn’t change in the slightest in these last years. His insufferable stubborness.
And so Chiara knew that he won’t change his mind and that there was no point in trying to and while it warmed her heart to see how in love with Matilda Ethan was, the study was important to him.
Obviously not important enough, however, and Chiara decided not to push him any further. Instead, she asked curiously.
„And what are you going to perform? What if Matilda wants to do something crazy?" Chiara raised an eyebrow.
"Of course she won't want anything crazy. What if it were my father and Naveen taking her?"
Chiara laughed wholeheartedly at his question, because for someone so brilliant, sometimes Ethan was desperately clueless when it came to people around him - and what they were willing to do for their daughter.
"Please, this is Naveen and Alan you are talking about. Matilda could say she wants to sing Hakuna Matata and they would come dressed as Timon and Pumba."
"Ah," Ethan exhaled, obviously only now realizing that Chiara was, indeed, right. And singing - or dancing, for God's sake - was not part of his plan. "Well, she can play some basic compound on the piano, she has learned some already. And I could accompany her on the cello."
Chiara choked on the water she was just drinking, turning to look at Ethan so swiftly, his brows furrowed in a concern for her neck.
"On a what now?"
“A cello. I thought you knew that I used to play the cello as a kid.”
“Of course, but the as a kid part is important. I mean, I played a piano as a kid and now I couldn’t play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star if my life depended on it.”
Ethan laughed, wrapping his arm around Chiara in a half-hug and had to bite his tongue not to tell her that maybe Matilda could teach her, as she already could play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star exceptionally well.
“I might have stopped playing actively when I was ten, but I found a certain sense of serenity in music – and playing – for a long time after that. I-,” Ethan stopped himself, mulling over his next words. It was not like he didn’t want to tell Chiara anything, but talking about his years at med school was not something he did often. “I befriended a music shop’s owner back in Baltimore. He was a nice guy, barely older than me and so very different. He had musical instruments for sale there and as we became closer, he let me borrow the cello and play a little in the back of the shop. It became a thing that helped me clear my head when school became too stressful and it also helped me not to forget how to play. I think Matilda’s level on the piano is very close to what I can remember with the cello.”
Now all he had to do was to find someone who would borrow him the cello.
*** *** ***
Ethan always found it amusing, how his mornings with Matilda differed compared to Matilda’s mornings with Chiara.
He made sure to wake her up earlier than usual, so that they could cook breakfast together and have some time to spare.
Chiara – the person that hated mornings more than eggplants – did all she could to stay in bed for as long as possible. She would rather prepare Matilda’s breakfast in the evening and run to the school than wake up before 6 AM.
And it seemed like Matilda realized this difference quite soon, for all the times Ethan came to wake her up, she knew she could ask him to join her in bed for a few minutes.
"Hey, little Rookie," Ethan whispered, softly stroking Matilda's curls out of her forehead so that he could press a gentle kiss on it. "Time to wake up. We don't want to be late for school."
The little Rookie nickname was first used when Til was perhaps one year old and it made her giggle so hard Ethan kept using it. Chiara found it extremely funny, always pointing out that Matilda was nothing if not Ethan’s exact copy – and she was right. With her big blue eyes and long curly dark hair, there was no doubt that she was Ethan’s daughter. Not that the similarities ended in her physical appearence – she was phenomenally subborn for a five year old (to which Ethan always argued that she could as well inherit that from Chiara) and sarcasm was her second language. She also might have used ‚fuck‘ once or twice and Ethan knew it’s not Chiara she heard that from.
You should call her little Terminator, Chiara always teased and partly, she was right.
But there were many traits and marks of Chiara in their daughter, marks not so visible but unmistakely hers. How Matilda’s smile was always bright and warm and sincere, something only Chiara could pass on. How she came home one day from school and asked Ethan if he could make cupcakes with her, because her classmate loves cupcakes but his parents are too busy to make them for him and so she would love to bring him some to school. How she appreciated the most common of things, like sun shining because it makes her skin warm and also rain falling because she can jump in the puddles. Her genuine curiosity and open heart and just her general need to make people around her feel good.
That was all Chiara’s mark and Ethan loved his two girls so much it sometimes still surprised him. That he was capable of such love.
It also made him want more sometimes. More people to love that much.
„Snuggle time, please?“ Matilda smiled, her eyes still closed and Ethan was prepared, he knew this request would come and so he didn’t even need to check the watch to know that he could lay down next to her, the tiny bed making his position rather awkward.
He snuggled Matilda from behind and between her slow stirs as she began to wake up and his soft kisses put on the back of her head, he whispered how excited he was to attend the Father’s Day program with her.
*** *** ***
Ethan didn’t even need to try hard to persuade Matilda that a piano-cello duet would be better to perform than a dance. She liked the idea from the beginning and after going through her music sheets with Chiara, she happily exclaimed that they could try to learn Hedwig’s Theme together. Her eyes were bright and full of excitement and Ethan knew the decision was already made, because he couldn’t resist that face.
And so they performed and for a girl who was five and her father, who was almost fifty, they did a great job. Seeing Matilda’s pure, unadultered joy and excitement and so much gratitude that her dad could be there with here, was something Ethan would consider one of the best moments of his life forever.
Tillie was almost jumping up and down with the happiness as they watched her classmates and their fathers or grandfathers or mothers in some cases or maybe even uncles perform their numbers. She was clapping hard after every single one and she kept waving at everyone, her smile so wide Ethan thought for a while that she resembled Bryce more than anyone. The thought made him chuckle, because Matilda would love to hear that, as Bryce was her hero and possibly the best person she could spend her sleepovers at.
Ethan could hardly say that he enjoyed being surrounded by so many people, but he sincerely did enjoy spending the day with his kid. He didn’t regret choosing making a fool out of himself in front of bunch of kids instead of the conference. He almost forgot about the conference altogether until Aurora’s call interrupted the bustle full of laughter around them.
She only called him to let him know that all went well and she was off to have a lunch with other diagnosticians that helped with the study.
"Yes, alright. I'll see you on Monday. Good job, Aurora," Ethan put the phone back into his pocket and turned to Matilda.
"I am sorry you missed the conference because of me, dad."
Ethan knelt down so that he could face his daughter, the very same blue eyes he knew from mirrors, looking back at him, wide and curious.
He smiled softly, kissing Matilda's forehead before responding.
"I am not. No conference is that important, and just between the two of us," Ethan lowered his voice and put his best serious face on, causing the mischievous sparks ignite in Tillie's eyes "Conferences are so boring. You saved me from a torture."
She giggled and threw her arms around Ethan's neck, squeezing him as hard as a five years old could.
"Now let's go, I think there's an ice cream that needs to be eaten."
"But daddy you said ice creams are sugar bomb!"
Ethan chuckled at her shocked expression - not sure is it was a genuine one or an act - and took her little hand into his.
"I'll pretend I don't see you eating it."
Matilda squealed and before her ‚no sugar in this house‘ dad could change his mind, she stormed off in the direction of the ice cream truck.
Before she could reach her destination, however, she stopped in her tracks and tugged on Ethan’s sleeve, pointing at the little girl sitting under one of the trees – alone.
„That’s Dorothy! She is my best friend.“
Yes, Ethan remembered Matilda mentioning Dorsey, her best friend, quite often, but he never got a chance to meet her before. The girl was tiny, much smaller than Matilda – which inherited Ethan’s significant height, too – her hair almost white and her eyes similar to Matilda’s, big and blue but not even close to being as bright.
„She doesn’t have a dad,“ Matilda added, her voice much less excited now. „She didn’t want to come here but her mom has to be at work.“
Ethan’s heart tightened at her words, the description of Dorothy’s situation reminding him of his own when he was a kid way too much.
„Why don’t you go and ask her to join us for an ice cream?“ Ethan smiled at Matilda faintly.
Before he could as much as blink, Matilda was gone and in the very next moment, both girls were back, smiling up at him, his own kid widely and Dorothy very shyly.
„Hello, Dorothy,“ Ethan knelt down and smiled at her encouragingly. „I am Ethan. It is my pleasure to meet you, Matilda talks about you a lot.“
„Hello,“ Dorothy muttered, not meeting his eyes and Ethan noticed she was holding Matilda’s hand.
Without any other word, he stood up and led both girls to find an ice cream truck, only half-listening to what they were talking about – enough to recognize that Dorothy was much more open when talking to Matilda, but not enough to register particular words.
Maybe that’s why Matilda’s next question took him off the guard.
„Right, daddy? I was just telling Dorsey that you could be her dad, right? And I would be her sister!“
Ethan’s eyes widened and before he could find the right words – gentle but also firm enough to explain that that’s not exactly how these things work, Matilda spoke again.
„She could come over anytime and we could have sleepovers like the ones I have with uncle Bryce or grandpa and we would play together and I could borrow her my toys, right?“
Ethan nodded and smiled, of course Dorothy is always welcome to stay at our place, and let the topic go, because there was nothing wrong about his daughter having best friend that would come over.
Thirty minutes later, all three of them sat at the grass and ate their ice creams and it was easy to forget the previous converstaions.
*** *** ***
Until he came into his office, a week after the Father’s Day and found Chiara waiting for him, her arms crossed at her chest and her expression unusually stoic.
Before he could ask what was wrong, Chiara spoke.
„Matilda’s teacher just called.“
„What?“ Ethan stepped closer, automatically reaching into his pocket to make sure his phone, wallet and car keys are there and he is ready to leave and pick up Matilda at any moment. „Is something wrong? Is she in trouble? Sick?“
„She is absolutely alright,“ Chiara shook her head sligthly, her face unreadable – something that scared Ethan more than her visible anger. „She just called me to let me know about the rumors going around Matilda’s class these past few days. She thought it would be better if I found out from her rather than from other parents.“
„Rumors?“ Ethan asked, utterly lost and confused.
It took all the willpower Chiara had not to let her facade slip and keep her expression neutral. But teasing Ethan was one of her main hobbies, even after ten years, and so she tried her best.
„Apparently, Matilda and Dorothy Wilkins told everyone that they are in fact sisters. They have different mommies but the same dad – no other than the famous Dr. Ramsey,“ now, it was really hard not to laugh. Ethan’s whole face paled and the confusion was quickly replaced by recognition. „The other kids shared the news with their parents and now those parents talk.“
Ethan didn’t know that Matilda told Chiara about her idea of Ethan becoming Dorothy’s dad the very same evening she shared it with Ethan himself and even though Chiara tried to explain why that idea is not going to work the way the wished it would, Matilda was stubborn. Meaning, Matilda adopted Dorothy as her sister anyway and didn’t mind sharing her dad with her.
„Fuck,“ Ethan whispered, pacing around the office, not really looking up at Chiara.
If he did, he would catch her grinning.
She cleared her throat quickly and added: „Some of the parents came to tell the poor teacher that they appreciate how civil the mothers of Matilda and Dorothy are about the whole thing and that it must’ve taken much strength of our spirits to put out kids into same school.“
She couldn’t anymore. The first chuckle escaped her and when Ethan’s eyes met hers, the mischievous sparks were dancing on full display in her irises, her smile wide and so amused.
Ethan exhaled a sigh full of relief and rolled his eyes and when he looked at Chiara again, she was laughing softly, badly trying to cover her laugh with the hand over her mouth.
The bizarreness of the whole situation and his wife’s reaction made Ethan laugh too and he slumped down on the couch, pulling Chiara with him.
„We should give some kind of explanation, right?“ he whispered when they both calmed down.
„Oh, I don’t know. I am the civil one,“ Chiara smirked smugly. „And with a strong spirit!“
Ethan laughed again at that, thinking about how any kind of rumors about him and Chiara startled him in the beginning of their relationship and how over the years, Chiara managed to teach him to just let people talk.
„She really wants that sibling, huh?“ Chiara broke the silence, poking his side softly.
„Yes, she does,“ Ethan nodded.
„And you would...want that too, right?“ Chiara asked again, this time much more seriousness in her voice.
Both Chiara and Ethan were decided to adopt a child back in the days they believed they would never have their own. After Matilda was born, they didn’t really talk about it anymore – they felt too blessed, too lucky that they’ve gotten her and they were happy.
But the thoughts of adoption never truly left their heads and Chiara knew that especially Ethan considered the option often. She could see him talking to Matilda when she asked for a sister or a brother for her birthday, she saw the dreamy smile as they spoke about little kids.
And it was not like she was against the idea of adopting a child – quite the opposite. She grew up with two siblings and her brother and sister were one of the best parts of her childhood. She wished she could give Matilda the same feeling, the same love she recieved at her age. She just felt like she would be asking for too much, like it would be selfish to want another little human that would make them happy, when they already had one.
Those thoughts were not rational, but they were there and they slowed her decisions down.
„Yes, I would,“ Ethan nodded after a long while, looking straight into Chiara’s eyes.
He would never push her. But he wouldn’t lie either.
Chiara nodded and leaned in to press a soft kiss on Ethan’s mouth, pouring her emotions into it, her excitement with the idea just as strong as her anxiety.
Deep down, she knew that the decision has just been made. That no matter how openly they talked about it or expressed themselves, all three Ramseys wished to share their love and happiness with another soul.
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Spicy Newlywed Questions
A/N: Thanks a lot to the lovely @jamespotterthefirst for sending this weekly self-indulgence challenge. Please be advised that this is a 18+ edition of The Newlywed Game, so there might be some triggers if NS*FW topics make you feel uncomfortable. This time, all the answers will be below the cut.
Rating: 18+ (Mature)
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Do you kiss and tell? Have you told your friends about your…"adventures"?
Ethan: I like to think that's where we set the limit on what we share about our relationship with our friends. So no.
Casey: Agreed... and yet, here we are publicly talking about our sex life... the hypocrisy...
Casey: I'd say the closest we are to kiss and tell is when my brother guesses some of our "adventures" and he teases us about them... but we like to keep the mystery and we never confirm or deny anything.
My spouse looks the hottest in ____________.
Both, in unison: Naked!
Ethan: No, for real. Seeing my wife naked every day is a blessing, but she's also the biggest teaser. Every time we attend some formal event, she makes her purpose to find the perfect dress to make me feel the luckiest man on the planet...
Casey: ...especially because you're the one taking those clothes off as soon as we get home...
Ethan: Exactly *smirks*
Casey: I have to admit there is something about Ethan when he's wearing his workout clothes... or when he's working out... he's lucky that Bryce and Raf are at the gym with him...
Ethan: How can you say something like that and then say that I'm lucky because Lahela and Aveiro are there with me?
Casey: You can always kick them out of the gym and tell them you're going to be busy with me... I'm sure they'll get the message.
What song best describes that night after the country club (1.15)? You know which one…
Casey: Fallin' For You by Colbie Caillat.
Ethan: *surprised* That was fast!
Casey: Yeah... the fact that I never pushed you away doesn't mean that I wasn't a mess about my feelings for you, and you know it. I think that was the moment where I realized that we were no joke and I stopped lying to myself and I just began to admit I was falling for you. What about you?
Ethan: I think Just A Kiss by Lady A summarizes very well how I felt about us at that moment.
Casey: Now... if you really, really want to make this question spicy... I'd say You're Makin' Me High by Toni Braxton *smirks*
Ethan: Should I listen to it?
Casey: At your own risk...
*Ethan listens to the song... Is he blushing?*
Casey: I told you so... *smirks*
Hottest thing my spouse has ever done is ___________. (Doesn’t have to be dirty)
Both, in unison: Existing!
Ethan: *looking at Casey* Should I tell a dirty one or should I keep it PG?
Casey: *smiles* Whatever you want, babe... I'm fine with it.
Ethan: She made a professional photoshoot not so long ago... nothing explicit, but very suggestive... and whenever she wants to tease me, she sends me just one picture to my phone... all I can say is that I can't wait to find her to go home... or to an on call room... or to a supply closet... or to any of our offices... whatever is closest at the moment.
Casey: You really enjoy those, don't you? *smirks*
Ethan: I like to think we both enjoy them *smirks*
Casey: Oh, believe me, I do! Well, to keep a balance, I'll go with a PG one. Ethan fighting for what he believes in is one of the hottest things he'll do in public. Then in private, only a few people are lucky to see the real him. He goes full protective mode for those he care about, and that's irresistible to me.
Who said “Let’s make out” first? Where was it?
*Casey points at Ethan*
Casey: He didn't say it, but...
Ethan: I couldn't help it, she always looks beautiful, but that day... *sighs*
Casey: He surprised me... I mean, I wanted it to happen, but I didn't expect him to feel the same way about me.
On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate their seduction skills?
Casey: He is a solid 12... he knows exactly what to do... he has never failed, not even once... and it's frustrating...
Ethan: *laughing* Why?
Casey: Because I can't play hard to get...
Ethan: Casey is... *looks at her*
Casey: I know I'm awful at it, so be honest, I won't get mad...
Ethan: She is a 10...
Casey: *surprised* What? I expected like a 5 or a 6...
Ethan: That's exactly why you're a 10... you're not even aware of your power over me... when I tell you I'm not rational when I'm around you... I'm not joking, dear...
What bathing suit does your spouse look the best in?
Ethan: There is this white and brown that she wore during our honeymoon that fits her so well. But she has two that she literally calls the "RIP Ethan" bathing suits. She wears a trikini when we're at the pool with our friends and a very tiny red bikini when she's waiting for me at home by the pool after her shift... because yeah, she's such a teaser...
Casey: Does it work?
Ethan: We tend to disappear for a while when our friends are visiting, so what do you think? *smirks*
Casey: I'm picking this one at random because honestly, when you're wearing a bathing suit I don't care much about what you cover, but more about what you can't cover with it *winks*
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What’s a surefire way to turn on your spouse?
*Ethan whispers something on Casey's ear*
Casey: *very uncomfortable* This... what he just did... he just knows I'm weak and I can't resist him when he talks to me like that...
*Ethan gives her a knowing look and smirks*
Casey: *even more uncomfortable* And that... that look... can I have some water?
Ethan: When she gives me a very seductive look and bites her lip... I just can't...
Casey: Like this? *She gives him a knowing look while she bites her lip*
Ethan: *very uncomfortable* Next question, please?
Who makes the most noise?
Ethan: *pointing at Casey* She does...
Casey: Guilty as charged... you should feel okay about it, it means you're doing your job perfectly
Ethan: I would never dare to complain... I actually love the effect of your moans on me... *winks*
Who loves foreplay the most?
Both, in unison: Both!
Ethan: Really... we both love a good foreplay... not only we like trying new and different things, we really like taking our time...
Casey: And when we say "taking our time", it may even mean teasing each other all day... messages, kisses, some subtle touching, you name it...
Ethan: And it only gets better if the other part doesn't expect it... I really enjoy it when you can cut the sexual tension with a knife...
One round or multiple– Which do you prefer?
Both, in unison: Multiple!
Ethan: Come on... again?
Casey: I think it actually depends... and I know Ethan will agree with me on this, so I think I'm speaking for both of us... it's more about quality than about quantity... we are lucky to have both, but if we must choose one, we'd definitely choose quality.
*Ethan just nods in agreement*
Best night/sex you’ve ever had with your spouse?
*They look at each other for a while*
Casey: I don't know actually... it's not like I have a list of our best times...
Ethan: Me neither... but I can think of a few times...
Casey: Yeah, me too... like our first time...
Ethan: ...after the attack...
Casey: ...that night by the river...
Ethan: ...when we disappeared for two full weeks, and no one knew we were together...
Casey: ...the diagnostics team office...
Ethan: ...the on call room...
Casey: ...that quickie at the museum...
Ethan: ...when we got engaged...
Casey: ...our wedding night...
Ethan: ...when we moved in to our new home...
Casey: ...pool sex... all the time...
Ethan: ...I think we could go on forever...
Casey: Agreed... next question?
Morning or night? What’s your favorite place to have sex in?
Both, in unison: Both!
Casey:*laughing* Ethan, stop! We can't keep giving the same answers half of the time! This is supposed to be sexy and hot, not funny!
Ethan: *laughing* Don't blame me! Maybe we're just discovering why we work so well... *smiles*
Casey: Well... even though we both like to try different places, I think nothing beats our bed, at night, after our shifts, and when we can have all the time to enjoy ourselves...
Ethan: Agreed... but the early morning shower is a close second...
Casey: It has taken you a while, but I have to admit you're finally beginning to convince me of all the perks of morning sex... especially when it's you who wakes me up. *winks*
Ethan: It's been a real challenge, you're a heavy sleeper, so I feel honored...
Casey: You should...
Who dominates in the bedroom?
Casey: He does, 99% of the time. And who am I kidding, it takes me to cloud nine, so I really enjoy it. But I like to think I dominate the teasing that leads to him to dominate in the bedroom.
Ethan: I had never thought about it that way... that's actually a good answer, dear.
Casey: Thank you, babe.
Casey, what’s your favorite outfit to wear for him? Ethan, what’s your favorite Casey wears?
Casey: What I'm wearing right now... it's both my favorite and Ethan's.
Ethan: Your working clothes? No offense dear, you look really sexy, but I don't think that's my favorite outfit...
Casey: I don't mean this outfit, but actually the one that's under it...
Ethan: Are you wearing the...
Casey: Nope...
Ethan: Then, it's the...
Casey: Not really...
Ethan: You bought a new one that I haven't seen yet...
*Casey gives him a knowing look while she bites her lip*
Ethan: *very uncomfortable* How many questions are left?
What’s your favorite thing your spouse does in bed?
Both, in unison: Oral!
Casey: *laughing* Shut... up! I can't be serious if we keep doing this! Well, I can proudly say that my husband knows how to use his tongue for more than just talking... and I wonder if he ever thought about becoming a surgeon because his hands are a close second...
Ethan: I can say the same... she's give me the best handjobs and blowjobs of my life, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. But when she is on top, things go to a whole new level for me.
Casey: I do enjoy when he is the one on top, so that I can look him in the eyes... and when he takes me against the wall... or against the window... or in the pool... *she begins to blush*
Ethan: *very uncomfortable* Are we done?
Casey: *very uncomfortable* I think so...
Ethan: *whispers on her ear* Your office or mine?
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