#the sugar point run
lilacthebooklover · 4 months
mmhmm. yes. i'm absolutely in love with shadow milk's design, but can we please take a moment to just,,
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just look at her hdhkjf
the harp? the tiny lil devil tail?? the halo and wings??? the lil headress?? the cute front parting and pink aesthetic and hair twirlies and sparkles and sbhgbhgfj why is she so pretty
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martyrbat · 6 months
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harley quinn (2000) #35
[ID: a sequence of three panels focusing on an abandoned cup of tea as drops of blood drip down into it. Harley Quinn's internal narration boxes reads, ‘I was a tomboy growing up. Tackle football with the local boys? You bet. Under a car hood changing a filter? Sure. Dances? No. Pedicures? Pass. Sewing? You have to be kidding.’ The panels expand, revealing Harley hunched over. She's shown in a profile view and from afar, her face hidden by shadow as her blonde hair is in a slightly overgrown pixie cut.
The blood continues to drip as her narration resumes, ‘I remember watching my mother. Sewing. Sitting in this old chair with a pile of clothes my dad or brother needed fixing. A rip, a tear, a patch. Just kept a smile on her face as that pile got higher and higher. I resented her so much. Sewing. I vowed I'd never learn.’ Her hand comes onto panel, revealing she's holding a needle as she yelps, ‘Ow!’ We finally see her bloodied face when she looks up at the suddenly ringing phone, it being revealed that she had to give herself sutures to close a large gash on her forehead. END ID]
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quibbs126 · 3 months
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I just realized Sugar Swan in her swan form has all these beads on her tail
Kind of wish she kept them in her Cookie form
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mymarifae · 2 months
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stupid fucking titty window distracted me on my first few watches (don,xt talk to me ok) but he has his hand held behind his back here... clutching his chips for dear life.. hiding the way he's shaking.........
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hybbat · 1 year
"You saved me so I can kill you", "my wretch of a wife", and "30 seconds" all happened in this series, yet y'all cry divorce on the ranchers.
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brzatto · 11 months
​i have some Thoughts about the claire plotline obviously and i actually genuinely like her as a person but i dislike her character wherein i don’t like the fact that they introduced her with the sole purpose of being carmy’s love interest and posing as a conflict for the restaurant? considering she’s supposed to be a childhood friend of carmy’s and grew up with the rest of the berzatto family i wish she had gotten the chance to be developed and fleshed out as her own character instead of just being used as a plot device. the buildup of her and carmy’s relationship was definitely very abrupt but in a show that revolves around (found) family it just felt very out of place for us to be introduced to a character with explicit romantic intent like that
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padfootastic · 1 year
Tell us more about sugar daddy James pls 😏
sadie <3
so—this one comes wholesale from a random post i made a while back about sugar daddy james with a huge age gap b/w him and sirius. i’m talking, businessman james who comes into contact with sirius who’s just run away from home and is on the verge of homelessness. it’s about james being nice and kindhearted, offering sirius a meal which somehow turns into a place to stay which somehow turns into the spending a lot of time bonding with each other.
it’s about a little shit sirius who’s deliberately trying to seduce this saint of a man who refuses to look at him twice (spoiler: it’s not because james doesn’t want, it’s because he thinks it’s unethical. sirius is here to put all those worries to rest). just. a lot of back and forth, pushing and pulling, and getting together moments.
at least, that’s how i’d want it done lol
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li-esonthefloor · 9 months
NO BUT REALLY where the fuck is julius. do you know how hard it is for me to whump ludger during the game's events and i'm stopped by the part where julius has every reason and motivation to be present and just ISN'T??? (even chronos chasing him for like four waymarker chapters and another exodus attack doesn't make sense for chronos) i know julius' character profile in the encyclopaedia implies he just couldn't bring himself to face ludger and answer but its just that the entire game is structured around not letting these two talk to each other or else the entire plot would fall apart and i just [bloody stick figure biting] how am i supposed to write ludger suffering without julius when it doesn't even make sense to me that julius would have zero contact with ludger.
*lies down* i love x2 very much but there's a reason why a grand total of none of my finished fic ideas happen during canon 😂
anyway maybe that jogs your memory of what you were thinking cheers
😂😂😂 ok i think i wondered about. maybe him doing some of his hiding in some fds on and off, for various purposes not necessarily limited to avoiding the cops (and his little brother) (should those be switched? 'his little brother (and the cops)'?). they could have had something useful for him in theory. idk how plausible that is since all the fd information should have gone straight through spirius, but also the man is very tech-savvy so who knows maybe he built a backdoor so he gets heads up when fds pop up or whatever that might not necessarily be canon speculation, it may be some kind of subplot in an au or something LOOOL i really dont remember....
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fennopunk · 1 year
I've been addicted to cola drinks for close to two decades (started out as me desperate and unconscious attempt at self-medicating ADHD), and all my attempts at quitting have failed. And I don't think I'm still quitting, but I accidentally found something that severely curbs my need for cola drinks:
Mandarin juice.
Specifically Fun Light juice concentrate, which to my mother's and diabetic friend's delight is sugar free. I have no idea what it is about mandarin juice that does it, but so far I have reliably wanted it instead of cola. They are even on the saime aisle in my regular store and I walked right past all the cola drinks without even looking. Weird, but I'm not complaining. The juice is cheaper and many juice bottles were added to the deposit system some time ago, so I even get tiny bit of money back when I return the bottle.
I also bought Cola juice concentrate and so far I am not impressed. I will probably mix it with mandarin juice so it won't go to waste.
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3ct0plasma · 8 months
i think the pronoun headcanon infighting in the cookie run fandom is the goofiest /neg shit in the entire fandom
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quibbs126 · 4 months
So I’ve noticed that with Sugar Nova Odyssey and Beast Yeast, both Kingdom and Ovenbreak have started off this year with very ambitious plans, adding in big things that they plan to continue, with the new big multi update storyline and a new version of the main game mode, and I can’t help but notice that. What’s going on here?
I assume that it has something to do with the fact that Devsis isn’t making as much money as it used to, and they aren’t doing that great. Maybe not to the point of bankruptcy, but still not the best. So an assumption I make is that this is an attempt to try and attract people to come in and/or return to the games, and bringing in more premium tier Cookies to make good amounts of money. I could very much be wrong, but the whole situation seems off
And also these promises of big things make me concerned about if they’ll be able to follow through. Because I want them to, but I’m also now questioning the financial state of Devsis right now and I’m concerned
I mean I suppose I don’t know how businesses run, so I could be entirely wrong and this is just business as usual, but still, I feel the need to stop point it out
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magentagalaxies · 6 months
in an unexpected turn of events i'm having to edit down the content in my aubrey monologues so that i can actually fit all four of them in my final performance for my standup class and on the one hand it sucks bc i really love some of the jokes i have to cut but on the other hand someday i'll be able to write more monologues and possibly expand upon this cut material so i can get a whole monologue on a topic that would've just been an aside
#the actual standups in my class who have only ever done a tight five having to stretch their new material to fit the 20 minute final#vs me‚ an extremely extra fag who's used to writing full-length scripts‚ realizing the 3 monologues i've timed already add up to 20 min#and i'm working on a fourth one that works better as an opener than any of the existing pieces so it has to get in#(it'll be short tho i'm making sure of it. it's just like ''here's some material about aubrey's relationship to zir mom!'')#(then immediate segue into the uncle reg bit)#got the catcalling monologue down to 5 minutes and 30 seconds when the first draft was nine minutes#(tbh i'm fine with most of those cuts i think they were mostly filler)#(there's a bit about androgyny that i liked that i cut but tbh it doesn't work as just one paragraph it needs more nuance)#the uncle reg monologue is having the ''dumped at the pride parade'' thing trimmed down which is funny bc that was the original premise#tbh i could probably stretch my toronto pride material ft. uncle reg to a full 20 minutes bc the first stream of consciousness was so long#i wrote it right after i myself got back from toronto pride and tbh i actually wrote it as the outline for a sitcom episode#so the monologue version is very reduced down bc there were so many details that didn't fit in#and i'm realizing the material about the person who dumped aubrey should be its own monologue that i'll do another time#and maybe even add in the rest of the sitcom-style story at some point bc tbh that's some of my favorite aubrey material i've come up with#and the cishetman monologue is getting the intro part about facetime trimmed a bit bc it meanders#and the ''sugar and spice and everything nice'' joke is being cut even tho i like it bc i actually have a ton more material in my notebook#that's just me riffing on how weird those expressions are. and the material isn't polished but i could make it something later#the song isn't being trimmed bc it has a very specific run time and imo is the strongest. so that's my closer#anyway thank you to everyone reading my aubrey updates i'll be sure to post the final 20-minute-special on youtube#and i hope i get to do more monologues soon so i can put the other ideas mentioned here (as well as some i haven't) out into the world
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Wait if Meteors Roxy always races Cassie's school bus and when she's sick a bunch of kids give get well soon stuff to Cassie which leads to a penpals situation... Oh my god Roxy's first ever birthday could be way bigger than the Plex animatronics, anyone else who's been Meteor'd at the point, Eddie and Cassie. Roxy could have her birthday on the grassy riverbank with like ten kids from Cassie's school she's never actually met in person before lmao
Like she spends her day at the Plex with Eddie, they play games, hang out, and stuff. Then she chases the bus to meet up with Cassie and gets happy birthday sang to her by the bus of kids. She and Cassie go back to the Plex, hang out and spend more time there before heading back to the flat and setting up a party table at the nearby riverbank. They play games and run around for a few hours before the cake (the second one because the Plex animatronics were INSISTENT on this so she has several little ones she's gonna be eating for the next week lmao) and eventually, the clean up. Once back at the flat, Roxy is acting like she's not running out of steam and is still jumping around playing with Cassie with her favourite takeaway food delivered for supper. They have a smaller celebration with a dessert pizza they stuck a candle in and they play board games for another few hours in matching onesies before Roxy finally falls asleep in the middle of them watching a movie.
Roxy can have three birthdays in one now! An animatronic birthday, a kid's birthday, and a quiet family birthday! First birthday has to be big right? Is it a lot? Yes. Roxy is fucking dead on her feet but fighting sleep through the boardgames until Eddie notices and switches them to a movie night lmao. But fucking hell she had fun! Best day of her life in fact! Her tail is actually hurting it's been wagging so much all day she's living the high life!
#meteors roxy#meteors au#oh my GOD does she get a bog ass birthday#it's her first ever one!!!#she can hardly keep up and she's recharging her zoom batteries for like a week afterwards#she's so fucking happy oh my god#eddie helps this happen for the others as well when it's their first birthdays too#but oh my god roxy could have her penpals there to run around with for hours!!#pupper on a sugar high all day sjjejdk#the zooms!!!!#look at her go!!!!#naps so much for a week at least lmao she had an absolute BLAST#and the presents!! roxy suddenly owns so many Things!!!!#what do you MEAN these Things belong to her???? she can own this many Things????#are you sure???#it's such a random mix of things too#especially if they asked cassie what she likes and she said 'as long as its not swimming? whatever you like she likes.'#so she's just been introduced to a bunch of new things she's never seen before all in one go which was the point#is she overwhelmed? well... she WOULD be if she didn't keep forgeting about the presents#she's too busy zoomin'#she's left like half of them still wrapped up cause she Forgot and she's Busy having fun lmao#she'll get to them once she's recharged a bit lmao she's DRAINED#someone got her a remote control car though and she's OBSESSED#jsjdkd anyway yeah Roxy's birthday is HUGE#as she DESERVES#and it sets the bar for everyone else's so all of theirs are huge too now!!!#and you think Cassie's isn't huge? THINK AGAIN!!! HER FAMILY HAS NEVER BEEN BIGGER IT'S IS HUGE!!!!#anyway
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bunniii-ylr · 1 year
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Ovenbreak is fun, especially when you've maxed out yogurt cream
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kulliare · 1 year
wondering if the closest connection carmy had in nyc besides chef and maybe sugar (i’m assuming they would call occasionally) was some rival that the chef occasionally favored over carmy
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marinecorvid · 1 year
Sometimes living with my mother is tolerable and sometimes she says shit that makes me want to bash my head against the wall
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