#the trailer drops tomorrow. i’m seated im sorry
merevide · 6 months
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i just. needed to share this poster. i needed this on my blog
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askjaaryl · 5 years
Episode #13: A Little More Time
The days following their encounter with the Free Men are some of the hardest days they’ve faced as a couple.
The days following their run-in with the Free Men were some of the hardest Aaron had experienced in a while, emotionally. Paul was practically refusing to even leave the trailer and Daryl was...just angry, all the time.
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Day One
“Paul,” Aaron said quietly, when he woke up. Daryl was already gone before he even woke, Dog included, so he assumed he went out to check his traps. He shook his boyfriend slightly, “Paul, c’mon, baby, we slept in.”
Paul opened his eyes slightly, but didn’t say anything, just stared.
Aaron swallowed, touching his cheek briefly. Paul had been quiet the entire ride back to Hilltop last night, not letting go of him or Daryl the entire time. As soon as they got back to the colony, Paul had made a beeline for the trailer and locked himself in their bedroom. Aaron and Daryl had just started to make up a bed on the couch, ready to give Paul some space, when their boyfriend unlocked and opened the door slightly.
He still hadn’t said anything since they got back.
“Okay,” Aaron said, more to himself than Paul, trying to think, “I’m going to go and make breakfast for Gracie and get her ready for school. Do you think you can eat something for me?”
Paul swallowed and shook his head. Now that his eyes were a little wider, not full of sleep, Aaron could see they were still red rimmed from crying and a little bloodshot.
“Okay,” Aaron told him, “I’m going to make you a smoothie for breakfast then. You stay here as long as you need to.”
Paul didn’t respond, so Aaron leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead before going to get up and starting the day.
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Aaron walked out of the trailer, holding hands with Gracie. He froze when he saw Daryl fighting with Eduardo, with a few people watching, Lydia and Carl included.
“Sweetie, can you walk over to Barrington for class yourself?” Aaron asked.
“Yeah, I’m a big girl!” Gracie cheered, already taking off running.
Aaron watched for a moment, making sure she went into the house and went in the right direction. He’d make sure she actually went after he check on...whatever this was.
He walked over to where Lydia was standing, her arms crossed over her chest as she watched Daryl tackle Eduardo to the ground.
“What’s going on?” Aaron demanded.
“He was supposed to take me hunting today but he’s been sparring with anyone willing to,” Lydia said, annoyance in her tone, “What crawled up his ass and died?”
Aaron just sighed, “Sorry...let me get him for you.”
“No way,” Lydia said quickly, “This is way more entertaining than a hunting lecture.”
“Yeah, well...he has a bad shoulder,” Aaron said, walking over to the two and grabbing the back of Daryl’s shirt when he tried to lunge at Eduardo again, “Okay, break it up, you two.”
“Sorry, man, just sparring,” Eduardo laughed, “We got a little carried away.”
“Uh-huh,” Aaron said simply, “You have gate duty, right?”
Eduardo just sighed and groaned, walking away and mumbling to himself.
Aaron turned to Daryl, “We gonna talk about this now or are you gonna take Lydia out like you said you would?”
Daryl stood there for a moment, breathing heavily, before speaking up again, “Let’s go, kid,” he told Lydia.
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Aaron didn’t stay long, after checking that Gracie had made it to class okay. He immediately wanted to get back to Paul. Yesterday was so hard for him...and as much as Paul prided himself in being clean from self-harm for years now, there was always a small risk and he didn’t want to leave him alone.
Paul had been alone for so much of his life, he didn’t want him to ever feel that way again.
On his way back from Barrington, he’d stopped at a few places and got blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries from their various bushes in the garden, then he stopped by the pantry and grabbed some peanut butter and honey. Paul had a huge sweet tooth, though he’d never admit it. When he was on the go like he almost always was, Aaron saw him make this a lot. Though he didn’t have as much experience as Paul, he was sure he’d be able to manage.
Without incident (thankfully), Aaron headed back to their room, smoothie in hand, and found Paul still lying in bed, but awake now.
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” Aaron said, setting the glass down on the side table and sitting down beside him.
Paul didn’t say much, just mumbled a “thanks,” in reference to the smoothie before curling close to Aaron, obviously wanting his arms around him.
“We should talk about this,” Aaron said softly, moving his arms around him.
“Where’s Daryl?” Paul whispered.
Aaron pursed his lips, “He told Lydia he’d take her hunting today, so it’s just going to be you and me for a while.”
“He isn’t talking to me,” Paul swallowed, looking down, “D-Did I do something wrong? Should I have not told him?” he whispered, burying his face in his chest, “I know what he’s thinking, he thinks just like everyone else. Th-That I wanted it o-or that I’m gross and used-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Aaron said quickly, “No,” he told him firmly, “We both know Daryl and we both know he doesn’t think like that. He’s just...angry. Not at you, but at him for hurting you, and he doesn’t know how to deal with that.”
Paul buried his face in his chest, “I’m so scared, Aaron,” he choked out, “I-I haven’t felt this scared in a while.”
“I know,” Aaron told him softly,rubbing his back, “It’s okay to be scared. We’re both going to be right by your side no matter what.”
“Promise?” Paul whispered.
“I promise,” Aaron said, tucking his hair behind his ear, “What do you say I grab one of your books and read to you for a while?”
“Only if it’s Gulliver's Travels and if you’re really fast getting it,” Paul told him, moving so his boyfriend could get up.
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Aaron looked up when he heard Daryl come in. He’d put Gracie to bed about an hour ago and Paul was in and out of sleep. The day had been full of a few panic attacks and a lot of tears, despite his best efforts to cheer Paul up.
He was finally asleep now, his head on Aaron’s chest with one hand gripping his t-shirt. He was still in his pajamas from last night, but Aaron hadn’t commented on it.
He’d convince him to shower tomorrow and he’d snag his clothes for the laundry and get some clean ones.
Daryl walked in, dropping his crossbow by the door, “Lydia’s exhausted, told ‘er she could stay on the couch for the night,” he said, pulling his vest off and then his shirt, digging through the dresser for something to wear.
Aaron didn’t say anything, just watched the hunter while stroking Paul’s hair.
It only took him a few moments and Daryl was in his usual sweatpants he slept in and a t-shirt he’d dug up. He turned around and paused when he saw them, “He alright?”
“Well, aside from thinking you think he’s -and I quote- ‘gross and used’, he finally exhausted himself from crying all day, so he’s asleep now,” Aaron said quietly. He didn’t mean to snap, but it had been on his mind all day; with every hour that passed without Daryl around, he knew Paul’s insecurities had been on the rise.
Daryl sucked in a deep breath through his nose, looking down at Paul, “Didn’t mean it like that,” he whispered.
“Then what did you mean?” Aaron sighed.
Daryl gnawed on his lip for a moment, “Was mad...needed ta get it out ‘fore I talked to ‘im.”
“Why?” Aaron sighed again.
“‘Cause my dad always got mad, took it out on us,” Daryl swallowed, running a hand through his hair, “Wouldn’t never hurt none of ya but...I know how I am; was gonna yell and scare ‘im, I know it.”
Aaron swallowed, looking down at Paul for a moment, “How are you feeling?”
“Better now,” Daryl swallowed, “Lydia shot her first buck...think bein’ outside the wall helped a little.”
Aaron just nodded softly and scooted over a little, moving Paul with him, “C’mon, get in here.”
Daryl crawled into bed, taking his place on the outside. He leaned down, touching Paul’s cheek softly as he did. He blinked a few times, his eyes stinging when Paul’s eyes opened.
“Daryl?” he whispered.
“Hey there,” Daryl rasped out, “How ya feelin’?”
“Tired,” Paul swallowed, “Where’d you go?”
“Got some dinner for the place,” Daryl said quietly, “Sorry I left ya all day, darlin’...won’t do it again.”
Paul stared at him for a moment before wrapping his arms around his neck.
Daryl held onto him tightly, wrapping his arms around the small of his back and practically pulling him into his lap, “M’sorry,” he mumbled against his hair.
“It’s okay,” Paul whispered, “You’re here now, it’s okay,” he swallowed, holding him close, “Don’t leave me again, okay? I-I can’t...not right now,” he choked out.
“Won’t,” Daryl shook his head, “Ain’t even gonna go out ta check my traps, showed Lydia how ta do it today, she’s gonna check ‘em with Carl.”
“And I’m only leaving to take Gracie to school and back,” Aaron added, rubbing his back, “We’re here for you as long as you need.”
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Day Two
In the early hours of the morning, Daryl tensed when he heard the sound of whimpering. He woke up and saw Paul was in a fitful sleep, mumbling to himself.
“Stop, stop, stop, no.”
Daryl wrapped his arms around him tightly, “M’here,” he whispered against the side of his head, careful not to wake Aaron, “Me and Aaron ain’t gonna let no one hurt ya.”
Paul tensed for a moment, still breathing hard, before curling into Daryl’s chest, holding onto his t-shirt tightly, but relaxing.
Daryl just sighed softly, looking down at him.
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When Paul woke the next morning, he was alone in bed. He heard voices talking in the living room and smelled pancakes being cooked. He swallowed and got out of bed, slowly walking out to the living room...making sure he avoided the mirror above their dresser in the process.
He was sure he looked like a disaster at this point.
“Paul,” Aaron breathed out when he saw him walk in.
Ezekiel was standing there, talking to them from where he was seated on the couch.
“What’s going on?” Paul whispered, “Why are you here?”
“We were on our way back from Montgomery Park, I took a detour myself to come and check on you,” Ezekiel said, standing up. He walked up to him, pulling him into a tight hug.
Paul took a shaky breath and hugged him back, tightly. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine he was somewhere safe, but he just...couldn’t, not with everything going on.
“I suggested to them that maybe you should come back to the Kingdom with me,” Ezekiel said quietly.
“I have stuff to do here,” Paul whispered, “A war to plan. I told you before and I’ll tell you again, you can’t just lock me behind the walls and keep me there for safekeeping.”
“It’s just a thought,” Ezekiel said, pulling away and moving his hair from his face, “Please let Carol give you a trim next time she’s here or you are with us at the Kingdom. You know I love it, but you’re starting to develop split ends.”
Paul snorted out a laugh, rolling his eyes.
“Well,” Ezekiel said, pulling away, “I thank you for the pancakes,” he told Daryl and Aaron, “Do not hesitate to contact the Kingdom should you need anything, as always,” he said, “And be careful,” he added before walking out.
Paul watched after him for a moment before looking over to his boyfriends, “You’re not sending me away,” he said simply, “I’m a part of this community and I’m going to fight for it, if we have to.”
Aaron nodded in agreement but Daryl didn’t say anything, staring out the window.
“You disagree?” Paul asked, crossing his arms.
“Seein’ ‘im once put ya laid up in bed for two days,” Daryl told him, “Ya won’t leave the damn house, Paul. How ya gonna go to war knowin’ he’s leadin’ them fuckers?”
“I’ll manage,” Paul swallowed.
“Ya won’t,” Daryl said quietly, “Hey, I get it, man. I’ve had shit that made me shut down. But I wouldn’t risk bein’ out on the battlefield when that happened,” he took a deep breath, “Aaron and I think ya should go and stay with Ezekiel.”
“Cool, I don’t,” Paul said simply, “And trust me, you can’t make me stay somewhere I don’t want to be,” he said, his tone slightly challenging, “So drop it. I’m not going anywhere,” he said, holding eye contact Aaron for a moment.
Aaron just nodded, breaking it and walking over to hug him tightly, “We just want you safe,” he explained, “We weren’t making decisions for you.”
Paul hugged him back but kept eye contact with Daryl over his shoulder, not backing down. He wasn’t about to be sent away like some frail princess to be locked into a tower. He was a warrior, he’d fought in two wars now and he wasn’t about to risk missing a third when they would need all the help they could get.
“Hey, I was thinking about showering,” Aaron said, pulling away -breaking Paul’s eye contact with Daryl- and trying to fix Paul’s hair, “How about you join me?”
“Your way of saying I smell?” Paul smirked.
“My way of saying you’re both very gorgeous and Daryl was just about to go out to have a cigarette on the porch, so I need some company.”
Daryl scoffed but still headed towards the front door anyways, “Gonna run over ta the pantry, get us somethin’ for dinner...might stop at the butcher’s and see how they’re handlin’ my deer.”
Paul stared at him.
“I’ll be back before you’re even done in there,” Daryl smirked, nodding towards the door, “Go on.”
Paul just sighed, turning back to Aaron, “Guess it’s just you and me, hot stuff.”
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“How are you feeling?” Aaron asked quietly, moving Paul’s wet hair so he could wash his upper back, gently massaging him as he did. Paul’s back was always a mess of knots and no matter how hard he and Daryl tried, there was always a few there.
“Fine,” Paul mumbled, his eyes closed as worked on rinsing out his hair with his hands.
“Don’t lie, Paul,” Aaron sighed, “This is a lot, especially for you. I know you...you need the fresh air. Staying inside like this isn’t good for you.”
Paul finally turned around, his back to the stream of water coming from the shower head to rinse off. He looked up at Aaron, sadness in his eyes, “I’m scared,” he admitted, his voice quiet. Aaron almost didn’t hear him over the water.
“Paul…” Aaron trailed off.
“I’m scared,” Paul said firmly, “But in here? I know I’m safe for now. I just…” he took a shaky breath, “I need that for just a little bit longer, okay?”
Aaron stared at him for a moment before nodding, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead, “Whatever you need, okay? We’ll be here for you.”
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Day Three
Aaron woke up in the morning to Daryl’s morning wood pressed against his ass, half of his body on top of his. He huffed and swatted at his shoulder, “Lack of oxygen woke me up.”
Daryl just groaned into the pillow, rolling over a little. He tensed up before fully waking, “Where the hell is Paul?” he demanded.
Aaron quickly jumped out of bed, knocking on the bathroom door, though it was obviously open and there was no answer. He went through the living room and their little kitchen to Paul’s office, not seeing him there either. He cracked Gracie’s door, seeing her still asleep in bed, and even checked the storage closet.
Daryl swung open the door and almost ran right into Paul’s back, “The hell you doin’?!” he asked, his voice raised a little.
“Talking to Maggie,” Paul said quietly, still very close to the door.
“He missed our weekly meeting, I got worried,” Maggie told him, standing on the grass in front of their house, “Figured I’d pop by and check.”
“I’m fine, thanks for worrying,” Paul laughed weakly, “Just...feeling a little under the weather. I didn’t want to risk getting anyone else sick,” he said, his voice a little shaky. He felt Daryl’s hand press to the small of his back in encouragement.
“Well...just wanted ta be sure,” Maggie said.
“I’ll be over later today,” Paul blurted out, “To pick Gracie up from school...I’ll come with Aaron. We can go over our notes then.”
Maggie smiled at him, “Sounds good! See ya then!” she said before turning and walking away.
Paul immediately whipped around, wrapping his arms around Daryl’s neck tightly, standing on the tips of his toes.
“Okay, okay,” Daryl said quickly, moving them inside enough that he could kick shut the door. He held onto him tightly, “You’re okay, that was real good.”
Paul let out a teary laugh, “I didn’t think anything of talking to her until I stepped outside,” he choked out, “I was so scared once I realized I was out there.”
“It’s okay,” Daryl said quietly, nodding to Aaron when he walked over, “You’re safe behind these walls, ya know that...it’s good ya know that. We’ll all go to pick Gracie up today and I’ll go up with ya ta talk ta Maggie.”
Paul took a shaky breath, “I’m going to get better...I promise. I just...I need a little bit of time.”
“You can take as long as you need,” Aaron reassured him, “It’s okay, Paul...it’s going to be okay.”
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yourjughead · 6 years
Loyalty pt.2
Sweet Pea x Reader.
A//N: oh my goodness I can’t believe the response from this! Over 25 of you asked for a part two which is I think the most requests I’ve ever gotten for a second part in such a short period of time. Thank you!!! I’m so nervous now to release this in case I ruin it but I mean, if I don’t I’m afraid you’ll all murder me or something 😂 Please enjoy and leave me your feedback thank you thank you thank you!
It was a while yet before you could go back to school but everyday a different Serpent would visit to check in and wish you well, with Fangs and Tonic never really leaving. There was no lead in who attacked you but that didn’t bother you as much as what was happening with Sweet Pea. His jacket was still on your hospital chair, not letting anyone touch it besides the nurses. When you were left alone at night you’d ask them to throw it over you and return it to the chair the next morning. They had pity for your disposition and did as you asked. You of course had your own Serpent skin but this one was Sweet Peas and although you hated yourself for it, you just wanted to be close to him again in any which way. That, in true Serpent style, didn’t mean you wanted to forgive him.
After three weeks in hospital you were finally released and eager to return to your friends and normal life. Yes you were still scars and that cast was decorated with scribbled serpent signatures but you just wanted to pretend it never happened. Not so easy.
You sat across the quad and for the first time since you asked him to leave, you saw Sweet Pea, still with Sarah and her coven. You looked back at your grey lunch when he saw you looking. He watched Toni tell you a story with other Serpents lurking around, more than usual since your little incident. It made you feel childish and with your constant reminder that you were their superior fewer of them started to show up as the day went on.
Sweet Pea decided to try and talk to you, believing he could manage Toni and the few stubborn stragglers still around you. With a deep breath he made his way across the crowded quad only to be jolted back by an old best friend.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Save it Fangs I have to talk to ynn”
“You don’t have to do anything besides leaving us alone” Fangs pushed Sweet Pea back by the shoulder when he tried to move passed him.
���Really I can’t talk to you either?”
“You hurt one of us, you hurt all of us. You’d know about that if you had a bit of loyalty” Sweet Pea pushed Fangs back and Fangs swiftly caught hold of Sweet Peas collar.
“You’ve got a Letterman too Fangs, why aren’t you being ostracized for it?”
“I didn’t trade my family for it or nearly get a friend killed” Sweet Pea caught Fangs jacket while Fangs just kept the even pressure on Sweet Peas collar.
“I can’t even rely on you to help me fix things and you’re supposed to be my brother”
“You lost that privilege the day you chose to wear the letterman over your skins” Fangs released Sweet Pea with a jolt backwards. Sweet Pea looked the ground, being stripped of his jacket was a massive dishonour and it was hitting him hard at that moment.
“Just be thankful she took the jacket and not that tattoo off your throat because if it were me? I’d want a pound of flesh as well” Fangs delivered the dig and went to turn back to you and Toni before deciding it wasn’t enough. While Sweet Pea had his eyes on his shoes Fangs swiftly turned and sent his knee soaring into Sweet Peas stomach and tossing him to the ground. When Sweet Pea was clutched his stomach and not even trying to get back up and fight Fangs realised just how much Sarah had changed him. Toni ran over to Fangs and pulled him away with you hobbling behind, Sarah went to aid Sweet Pea as other people from her friend group called for teachers.
“Sorry they benched you from the team Fangs”
“Sorry I could only get one kick in” he laughed lightly as himself and Toni sat on your trailer couch.
“C’mon Fangs we better get going to the meeting, you sure you’ll be okay until we get back?”
“Yes, I am in fact a fully functional human person”
“Weeeeelll” Fangs sighed sarcastically gently knocking on the plaster coating your arm. You swiftly punched him into his own with your better hand.
“Truce!” You laughed at the both of them before waving them off. You weren’t ready to be surrounded by endless amount of pity just yet, you earned your command and just because you were a little very broken at the moment, shouldn’t mean they forget that. You crashed down into the seat Fangs just left and continued watching TV. Not long after the sound of knuckles meeting metal filled the trailer.
You shakily stood, retrieving a gun from your couch side locker and made you way to the front door. You opened it slowly, with the gun ready to unleash, to see Sweet Pea standing there smiling.
“Hi Yn- wait yn don-” you closed the door again before he could finish his sentence
“Yn please talk to me please” you listened to his voice through the metal and eyed his jacket hanging from a stool. You put the gun down and sat back on the couch ignoring his attempts at getting you to open the door. Then it stopped. You let out a sigh of relief to which your recovering rib screamed at you for.
“JESUS CHRIST SWEET PEA! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” The tall jet black haired boy had squeezed his 6ft2 body in your bedroom window before making his way to the living room.
“No no please you have to let me try and fix this, please hear me out!”
“Hear you out?!Have you ever heard the sound of one of your bones being broken over someone’s knee? Your own blood curdling screaming turning to sobs as you just want the thrashing to stop? No? Well I hope you never have to because I CAN’T STOP FUCKING HEARING IT SO IM SORRY BUT THERE’S NO OTHER ROOM IN MY BRAIN TO HEAR ANYTHING ELSE! ESPECIALLY YOU!” you picked up the magazines on the coffee table and hurdled them at him.
“You shouldn’t swear” you cocked your head to one side before making your way to the front door. Sweet Pea put his hands behind his head and let the air escape his lungs. You opened the front door allowing it to swing back before gesturing for him to leave. He bit the inside of his cheek before noticing his Serpent jacket, picking it up and holding it in his hands.
“I’m taking my jacket”
“Why are they all out of jumpers at The Gap?”
“Well they didn’t take your sense of humor from you” he stood chest to chest with you, your back against the wall by the door. It had been a long time since you both were this close, a long time since either of you had even looked each other in the eye.
“You don’t need the jacket SP” you hand grabbed hold of a section of the fabric but he still didn’t release
“I need it”
“You can have it when I have your loyalty again”
“How do I get that?”
“You’re a smart little preppy, you’ll figure it out” you pulled downward on the jacket, snatching it from his grasp, he stepped in closer to where your chests were now touching, the both of you just hovering over each other. If this was before the letterman the next part would have gone differently.
“So you want me back? Otherwise you wouldn’t say that”
“Get out” you whispered as he was even closer. The corner of your lip still scarred drew him in and you felt yourself slowly melting into his charm before you came to your senses and pushed him back.
“Get out!” you were more forceful this time and he seemed to obey, begrudgingly.
“I’ll do the gauntlet again" you let a light laugh escape you as he stood at the bottom of your steps outside the trailer.
“I think they’d kill you if you went down that again”
“Let them” he shoved his hands in his pockets and began sauntering off you watched him walk out of sight and then began cursing yourself for even letting him that close.
Sweet Pea was walking home alone, the entirety of the Winter night settling into his bones. He was happy with the little progress he made with you but knew there was still a mountain to go. He found himself outside of Sarah’s as she just parked her car in the drive.
“Sweeties!” She ran at him and wrapped her arms around him. He buried his head in her shoulder before she pulled her head back and kissed his cheek.
“What did you this evening Sweeties?”
“I just went over to yn to try and sort things out and-”
“Ughhhhhhh Sweeties let it go, you said you’re sorry and she didn’t accept, what more can you do for them? Give them a pound of your flesh?”
“Do you think that would work?” He laughed at her and she hit him playfully into the chest.
“You don’t need them and besides, the letterman suits you more than that nasty icky leather thingy. Your new family wouldn’t just drop you because of one girl falling over or whatever”
“Umm she was nearly killed because I didn’t do what was expected of me, she wouldn’t have even been there if it wasn’t for me annoying the seniors.”
“I said or whatever” she looked at Sweet Pea like he was stupid when it was her who was missing the point, she let go of Sweet Pea to answer a text as it came into her phone.
“Sweeties you should go home, you have the game tomorrow”
“Yeah you’re right, wanna give me a lift home?”
“Not really no, see you tomorrow” she kissed his cheek before returning her eyes to the screen and slipping into her house leaving him alone to himself once again. He had totally forgotten about the game tomorrow and actually enjoyed not worrying about it for once. Even if that meant worrying about you instead.
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