#i literally see zero tags for this movie maybe not looking in the right place bc this is probably gonna be the gayest movie of 2024
merevide · 6 months
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i just. needed to share this poster. i needed this on my blog
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🦅Hawks HC’s🦅
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This is SO unnecessarily long. Some NSFW. Minors do not interact.
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Has zero social life or hobbies outside of work. He knows it’s unhealthy, but like, who has the time?? Oh? Lots of people do?? Haha what are healthy work/home boundaries? He desperately wants to retire and always talks about a world without heroes, but the truth is he would have no idea what to do with himself if he got his way. Take him to a park at midnight and watch him turn into a giant repressed child on a swing. He’ll do a standing-360 and it will be terrifying.
Listens to music way too loud in his headphones to drown out wind noise. Probably half deaf at this point. His musical taste is wild; listening history all over the fucking place. Algorithms have no idea what to do with him.
That visor? It’s prescription. Wow is he far-sighted. He wears glasses. He’s not blind without them (rather the opposite) but they help him see things directly in front of him without massive eye strain. Yeah, he looks really hot in glasses.
Prefers communicating via text. Sometimes it’s a lot of dumb memes, but mostly it’s sincere. He can say what he means when he doesn’t have to put on a public front.
Smokes like a chimney. Self medicates with stimulants. Coffee, tobacco, sugar. Fidgety, likes things in his mouth or hands. Gnashes on toothpicks and popsicle sticks. He really should go back to therapy, huh? His teeth are sparkling white for the cameras but his breath could use some work. Chews gum a lot to compensate, and always does it really loudly with a big shit-eating grin.
Impatient as fuuuuuck. Rude about it. If you take too long doing anything, you’re going to hear a foot tapping. He’ll smile and laugh it off, never ever directly criticize you about it. But lord, the dramatic sighs. He WILL nudge you out of the way and take over in order to finish a task faster, and it’s truly fucking annoying.
LOVES food. Has the metabolism of an actual bird. Will seize upon any excuse to eat. No need to be self-conscious about eating in front of him; he wants you to enjoy it. Steals bites from you and talks with his mouth full. Prefers street food and take-out, usually eats while walking or flying. Sit-down restaurants are an invitation for gawkers.
He’s one of those celebrities that looks way taller on TV. In real life, he’s small and compact. So you’re surprised the first time you see him in person. He has a big head. Literally.
If you’re taller or bigger than him, he does Not Care. He treats everyone like they’re four feet tall, even Endeavor. Everything you do is cute. If you’re actually short, he’s going to carry you around all the time, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Collects big chunky overpriced watches. All the better to tell you you’re late.
Half his clothes are brand fucking new. Sometimes he forgets to take off the tags. (Don’t look at the prices, do NOT) He never seems to wear the same thing twice. He also never seems to go shopping. Brands just give him stuff, and he shrugs and goes “yeah okay.”
The other half of his clothes are old, faded, and patched up. Every item he acquires for himself has deep sentimental value. If you tell him to throw away that nasty ten-year-old pair of frayed cargo pants, be prepared to find out how wrong and evil you are for even suggesting it.
He doesn’t snore; he coos. Loudly. Like a fucking pigeon trapped in a megaphone.
- - - - -
Gift-giving is his love language. Bringing your favorite snacks. Leaving novelty magnets on your fridge. He found a copy of that book/game/movie you mentioned like a month ago, don’t you remember? If he has to go out of town on a job, he’ll bring back the ugliest possible souvenir, just to annoy you.
He likes gifting jewelry especially. Covering you in shiny baubles, little golden things. Not expensive, but unusual. Antiques or handmade, even bizarre vending machine crap. Gets really handsy if you wear or show off his gifts.
Since you’re the first person who has given him The Feels, if you are resistant to his advances (like, say, because he’s way too famous and you’re terrified he’s gonna break your heart) he’s going to go fucking nuts trying to woo you. Doesn’t have a single patient bone in his body but will wait as long as it takes for you to come around. He’ll act like he’s cool with just being friends at first, just hanging out, haha. Oh you’re busy today? That’s cool. Inside he’s shrieking like a tea kettle. Go ahead, make him wait.
Don’t bother giving him a key to your place. He’s coming in through the bedroom window or patio door. Just put out a damn welcome mat on your balcony... or a bird feeder.
A bit of a voyeur. He likes to watch you do your normal routine without interruption. He can see from miles away so if you’ve got your lights on at night, he’ll creep for a while before he comes in. It comforts him immensely, seeing a little slice of the world that isn’t constantly in need of saving.
Is super talkative and funny but a terrible communicator. Makes more jokes the worse he feels. Will almost never tell you what he needs. Most of the time, he doesn’t even know. You will learn to read between the lines and gradually notice his tiny unconscious cries for help. Back rubs make him emotional.
He shows up at your place at the weirdest times. All hours. You’re never ready. At first it was infuriating, because you wanted to look your best and have time to prepare, but you figure out pretty quickly that seeing you in your natural state is his favorite thing. He never gets to be around normal people, doing normal things. A boring, lazy afternoon is his idea of paradise.
He’ll pick through your things and ask a world of invasive questions. A medicine cabinet raider. He wants to know every fucking tiny thing about you, live vicariously through you.
He actually lives in a top floor penthouse. Because I mean, where else? Never spends any time there; mostly he seems to roost on the balcony. He has used the front door maybe once. He much prefers your place, and will only take you back to his after months of dating. It’ll take like, an entire emergency. You’ll end up in his bed by mistake.
Because when you finally come over, he’s embarrassed. Its sparse. White. Things in boxes. A new furniture smell. Like he’s not done moving in, though he’s lived there for years. He wants you to move in So Bad but doesn’t want to be pushy. If you don’t start leaving your stuff there, he’ll steal things from your apartment. Where the hell is your favorite t-shirt? Or that pillowcase you like? Dammit Keigo.
He’s a decent cook, a habit he made himself pick up because he thought it might make him feel more normal. It... didn’t. He never actually cooks until you give him an excuse. He’ll bring you breakfast in bed and watch you eat every bite with big hungry eyes.
He’s got a separate wardrobe for his hero costume and all his feathers. Yeah. His feathers. Because he can detach and control his feathers at will, when he’s alone at home he kind of just... shucks off his wings. The first time you see him do it, your eyes fall out of your head. He walks around in a tee shirt and boxers with these ugly little stumps covered in brownish, blood-red down. It actually looks kind of gnarly, like he got mauled by a bear.
He’s never dated until you. No one has ever been in his apartment until you. No one has called him Keigo until you. He has some bigass intimacy issues. Because. Y’know. The trauma. But god, he wants you in his life so bad, even if he has no idea how to make time for your relationship.
He’ll want to keep you to himself for a while. Once you go public he’s going to have an arm around your shoulders at all times. Publicly Displays his Affection way more than is socially acceptable in Japan, and gives precisely -100,000 fucks.
His fans either love you or hate you. There is no in between. He will immediately take your phone and threaten to drop it from a great height if he catches you reading shitty gossip about the two of you. Does NOT care about his public image anymore, doesn’t want YOU to care about it either. He’s gonna retire soon anyway, remember? That’s a lie.
Being a charming motherfucker is the core of his public persona, so you will get jealous. A lot. He will flirt shamelessly without realizing it. He will get photographed in compromising positions with gorgeous people.
Once you accept that he’s basically an actor 80% of the time and that Hawks and Keigo are separate identities, you’ll both feel better. When he comes home (to YOU) and falls over exhausted and stops being Hawks(tm), when he scratches his ass or burps in front of you, when he yells to you from the bathroom, when he groans childishly about his shitty day while laying face-down in your lap, you’ll know you have nothing to worry about. Keigo is all yours.
Boundaries? Never heard of ‘em. He’s either a million lightyears away or he’s glued to your hip. The whiplash is astounding.
Absolutely says “I love you” wayyyyyy to soon. It thrills you but scares you off at the same time, because there’s no way Hawks - The Hawks - can actually mean it, right? (He does)
Rings? Nah. When things get serious, he will make a necklace out of a feather for you, and if you ever take it off, you better be asleep or in the shower. Even then you’re on thin fuckin ice. If you’re not wearing it he knows. He’s never mean about making you put it back on, it just makes him nervous if he can’t feel your heartbeat.
- - - - -
High sex drive. Horny like 25/7. Probably a symptom of having way too much pent up stress.
Often takes care of it himself when he doesn’t have the emotional resources for anyone else, even his S.O. Figures you don’t want him coming on to you as often as he would like to, but he’s too stupid to talk to you about it first. Morning masturbator.
Yes he’s fucked around a lot but he’s not exactly a playboy either. People have always thrown themselves at him, and before he met you he let them do it. Especially when out of town and staying in a hotel. Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, etc.
He’d never be unfaithful to you though; his loyalty and dedication are frankly a little unsettling. Sometimes you feel like the only thing in his life other than hero work. Teach this man to knit. Make him join a book club. Christ. Anything.
Does in fact have seasonal mating patterns and it’s super embarrassing.
An underwear-sniffing perv. He’ll definitely hump your pillow.
Gets a sick thrill out of breaking in and startling you. Coming up behind you in the dark, sneaking into your bed. It’s probably his worst habit, and even he hates that he does it. If you get better at detecting him he’ll be so proud. Land a slap on him and he’ll be a horny mess.
Dog-whistles at you. Often from rooftops, and you have no idea where he is but you know he’s leering.
He will call you a lot of really stupid pet names. He likes the way you blush when he finds a newer, stupider one. Calls you angel when he’s really far gone.
Likes to scratch you with his stubble until your skin turns raw and sensitive. If it annoys you or hurts a little? Even better. Making you squirm is his new favorite thing. Especially when going down on you. Your inner thighs are always exfoliated.
His cock is average in every respect. This is not a bad thing. He knows how to please you with every totally normal inch of that cock. He has some kind of homing beacon installed on your sensitive spots.
Goes absolutely insane for blowjobs. Any time, any place.
Likes to bend you around in all kinds of positions with an assist from his feathers to hold up an ankle here, an arm there. Get used to floating mid-coitus. It just seems to happen.
His number one priority is making you feel adored and at home in his bed. Ohhhhh he likes to make you smile. But if you encourage him to get pushy and dominant with you, you will have a good, good time.
He’s switchy, and will lose his shit if you initiate or take control. Again, he’s always horny for you, because he can finally let go. Breathe in his direction and he’s hard.
Doesn’t moan much, but Babe, he’s a dirty talker. He’s not smooth or deliberate about it, it’s more like he can’t fucking believe you let him do whatever he wants to you. You like that huh? Like he’s in stages of shock. He’s singing your praises to high Heaven and muttering oh shit oh shit oh shittttttt and laugh-crying as he cums. He never talks about his feelings; he fucks about them.
After. Care. King. He loves pampering and clucking over you anyway, this is simply another excuse to do it. He knows exactly how much water you drink in a day. Can’t take care of himself for shit, but you? You’ll never have a need he won’t try to fill. What’s all that hero work for if not this? Yeah, soak it up. You deserve it.
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organabanana · 3 years
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What spring does to cherry trees || Supercorp
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: mostly fluff, with some porn for flair, pre-canon, but also, post-canon, tooth-rotting fluff.
Summary: I want to do with you what spring does to cherry trees. What does that even mean? It's taking a simple I love you and putting lead-lined glasses on it to keep its power contained. No offense, Mr. Neruda, but that's just weak. Kara doesn't like poetry. Until she does.
Notes: Written for a very patient anon who prompted me with “Seeing the cherry blossoms in Washington DC” but I got sidetracked by Neruda and my favorite of his poems and it turned into This.  It's poem number fourteen, found in "Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada" (Twenty love poems and a song of despair) by Pablo Neruda, which you can read here (Spanish) or here (English). I mostly translated the lines I needed myself, so I can't guarantee they'll match the official translation (I'm also not sure there is such a thing as an official translation, so there's that). With special thanks to the most patient anon in history for the prompt, to @lavenderrry for praising my vibes, and to @emiltons for the gorgeous graphic.
[ao3 link]
The first time Kara encounters Neruda's poetry she's nineteen and bored. In her defense, she thought taking a poetry class would make her feel sophisticated and cultured, but all she feels is annoyed at the insistence of using language to obscure your message rather than share it.
And yes, yes, she gets it. It all sounds very pretty and evocative. It's just Kara has been hiding her true self in plain sight for the last six years, and she can't understand why anyone would willingly and needlessly do that to themselves. To their feelings. She may never have been in love, but Kara is pretty sure if she ever is -- if her heart ever feels full to the brim with the kind of big feelings her professor keeps making them read in metaphors and symbolism -- she'll want to make them clear as day.
I want to do with you what spring does to cherry trees.
What does that even mean?
It's taking a simple I love you and putting lead-lined glasses on it to keep its power contained.
No offense, Mr. Neruda, but that's just weak.
Kara doesn't take any more poetry classes, and she doesn't think of Neruda (or any other poet, for that matter) for years. She has so many other things to think about. She moves to National City and starts working for Ms. Grant. She grows into herself, she thinks. She becomes Supergirl and feels more like herself than she has since her pod left Krypton. She dates, a little bit. Dips her toe in the dating pool, if you will. She meets Lena Luthor.
And that's the second time she runs into Neruda. Right there on a shelf in Lena's living room, on a book that looks well loved and well read, spine full of small cracks and lines from being opened over and over again. Kara has always thought you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their shelves.  
"Pablo Neruda," Kara says, one finger tracing a line down the spine of the book like she's trying to read something in the pattern of the cracks, "I didn't know you liked poetry."
"I don't dislike it." Lena's heels click-clack on the hardwood floor before she sets the bottle of wine and two glasses on the coffee table and sits on the couch. "Have you made up your mind on what we're going to watch?"
Kara can hear the faint electrical hum of the TV being turned on, but she's a bit too distracted by the book to focus on deciding whether tonight is a night for a romantic comedy or an epic drama. She couldn't say exactly why this book feels important. It just does. Maybe it's because Lena keeps so much of herself hidden somewhere not even Kara's X-Ray vision can reach, and finding little clues about her thoughts and feelings feels a lot like she's struck gold.
Yeah. Maybe that's why.
Her fascination with the book only grows when she pulls it out of the shelf only to find the title written in Spanish. "Veinte poemas de amor--"
"And a song of despair," Lena finishes in English. "Atonement? I've heard good things about it."
"No way. I said I could be persuaded to watch a tear jerker, but I did not sign up for actual depression." Kara brings the book along when she walks over to sit down next to Lena. She's so focused on the book, still, that she miscalculates her landing just by an inch or so and her thigh bumps against Lena's as she settles on the couch. But Lena doesn't move away, and Kara figures there's no reason why she should. They're friends, after all. Close friends. Figuratively and now very, very literally close.
"I didn't know you spoke Spanish." Kara speaks again, breaking the silence before it solidifies into something potentially awkward.
"I don't. It's a bilingual edition. Can we please pick a movie?"
Kara would love to do exactly what Lena wants. In fact, giving Lena everything she wants has become sort of a constant in this fledgling friendship between them. It just feels nice, you know? Giving her what she wants and making her smile. But this book. It's all so very distracting.
"So. Do you prefer the twenty love poems, or the song of despair?"
Lena rolls her eyes, but she can't quite hide the amused smirk behind the glass when she sips her wine, so Kara knows she's not nearly as annoyed as she's trying to appear.
"What is it with you and Neruda? I didn't know you were a poetry fan."
Kara scoffs. "I'm not." She still remembers the feeling of relief washing over her when she saw her passing grade on that stupid course and realized she'd never have to read another line of poetry in her life. "I don't even like poetry. I'm just curious, that's all."
Lena cocks one eyebrow at her. Studies her, in a way that makes color rise to Kara's cheeks and has her wondering if Lena can see through people, too. 
"Anyway!" Kara shakes her head like she's hoping that'll make the blush fade. "The love poems, or the song of despair?"
"The poems," Lena finally concedes, "and I'm very surprised you don't like poetry. You seem the type."
"What?" Kara is already thumbing through the edge of the book, trying to find the place where it'll open naturally and hopefully show her which of the twenty love poems Lena happens to like the most. "What does that even mean?"
"Well, you have a big heart. Big feelings." Lena looks into Kara's eyes like she's trying to read all those feelings right there in shades of blue, and Kara finds herself looking down at the book just in case. Just in case all those big feelings she can't even name herself are there for Lena to read. "Seems like a recipe for liking poetry."
Kara shakes her head and pushes her glasses up, just in case. Just in case the lead in them can shield more than just her powers. And just as she's about to argue -- just as she's about to tell Lena precisely why she doesn't like poetry -- she opens her book and her gaze lands on a familiar phrase.
"Quiero hacer contigo," she reads out loud from the page on the left, and her fingertip is already finding the next verse on the right when Lena finishes for her.
"What spring does to cherry trees."
If Kara was just Kara Danvers, she'd have missed it all. She'd have just heard her best friend speak a line from a poem that -- much like most poems -- means very little to her. But she's not just Kara Danvers. So Kara hears the way Lena's heart beats just a little bit faster. The way her breath catches just so. The exact fraction of a tone her voice drops when she speaks. The faintest hint of a sigh.
"See? This is why I don't like poetry." Kara chances a look into green eyes, and she's so very grateful Lena has no superhearing to tip her off to the way Kara's heart seems to trip all over itself.  "'I want to do with you what spring does to cherry trees'. What does that mean?"
Kara swears -- she swears -- she catches Lena's pupils dilating just enough to make her think she knows exactly what the poem means. 
"It's not about what it means, Kara. It's about what it makes you feel." Lena lets out a soft chuckle, something light and airy like this is just a silly little conversation with no weight to it at all. Like she can't feel the way the air itself seems to have changed into something new. 
"Is it your favorite line?" Kara pretends she can't hear the way her own voice has changed, too.
Lena shakes her head. "No. My favorite is actually--"
Kara hears the DEO alarm before Lena's fingertip can make contact with the paper, and she almost considers ignoring it. She almost considers letting whatever danger is looming over this whole city have at it because finding out what's Lena's favorite line in her favorite poem seems far more important right now.
But of course, that would be crazy. Crazy! Kara would never.
"I'm so sorry, Lena, I--" Kara stands up, already hearing Alex's voice telling her where she's needed as she pulls her phone out of her pocket and pretends to read a text, "I have to go. I forgot I had this thing with--"
"Go." Lena's smile is just small enough to make Kara's heart twist in an uncomfortable way that's become familiar since she started lying to her friend. "Sounds important. I understand."
Kara nods, just once. "Tomorrow?"
Lena's smile doesn't grow, but it suddenly reaches her eyes, and something settles in Kara's chest. "Of course. Tomorrow."
Five hours later, foe defeated and safely locked away at the DEO, Supergirl touches down on Lena's balcony. There isn't a single light on inside the apartment, and Kara hesitates for a second by the sliding glass door. She shouldn't sneak into Lena's apartment in the middle of the night. That's a little creepy, right? Even if she knows Lena's said over and over again Kara's welcome any time.
It's just.
That book.
Lena's favorite line.
Kara may never be able to sleep again if she doesn't find out what it is.
So with a non-zero amount of shame at her own choice, Kara ends up sliding the door open and slipping into Lena's living space. She listens for Lena's breathing to make sure she's asleep, and once she's satisfied that's the case she makes a beeline for the shelf and the now-familiar book. It doesn't take her long to find the page she'd been reading before, and soon enough she's reading the lines Lena had been pointing to.
How you must have hurt getting used to me, to my savage, solitary soul, to my name that sends everyone running.
The words wrap around Kara's heart like a vice. If she could do it without blowing her cover and putting Lena in danger, she'd go in her room right now just to wake her up and tell her what Kara thinks about her soul. About her name, too, while she's at it. She'd tell her everyone else is free to run if they want, but Kara isn't going anywhere. 
But she can't do any of those things. 
The two lines stay with Kara, sort of swirling under the surface of her thoughts. She never actively thinks about them -- about poetry in general, for that matter -- but they're there. 
She remembers them sometimes. When their friendship grows and strengthens and one day Kara realizes Lena may be the person she loves the most in the world (tied with Alex). When the secrets and lies catch up with her and she thinks she may have lost Lena for good. When she finally gets Lena back.
It's been five years since she snuck into Lena's apartment that one night to find out about her favorite line in her favorite poem. Five years since she's actively thought about Neruda and the book and the words inside it. But for some reason, when Kara wakes up a couple hours earlier than she needs to and finds herself unable to sleep, she feels like that's precisely what she needs to read to soothe her brain. Maybe poetry will have the same sedative effect it used to have in college.
Wearing only an old t-shirt, Kara walks out of the bedroom and into the living area, scanning the shelves where she thinks she last saw that book. It's hard to keep track when your book collection has multiplied and turned into more of a home library situation than anything else, but she eventually finds it -- spine still cracked and pages still well-loved and well-read -- and settles down on the couch.
Kara flips from poem to poem, not really paying attention to any of them. A line from the third and then two from the eighteenth and a word or two from the seventh, eyes flicking between the Spanish lines and their English counterparts on the other side of the page. It's soothing, in a strange way. Like white noise, she figures. Nonsensical but calming. Until she lands on the fourteenth. 
"Oh, those cherry trees," Kara half-groans in a whisper. The cherry trees and the spring and the convoluted way to say I love you. And Lena's favorite lines. 
Kara feels it all over again. The pang of pain at the sight of that line.
My name that sends everyone running.
It lands different this time, five years into a friendship that turned out to be so much more and nearly went up in flames at one point. Because of names and lies and... well. Everything else. Lena was right after all, wasn't she? It's not about what the poem means. It's about what it makes you feel. And right now Kara feels a lot more than she'd be able to put in words if she had to.
Maybe Mr. Neruda was on to something after all.
"Hey," Lena's voice is laced with sleep, and Kara smiles as she listens to her footsteps bringing her closer, "what are you doing? It's the middle of the night."
Kara wouldn't call it the middle of the night -- more like a very early morning, really -- but she's not about to argue. "Reading. I couldn't sleep."
"Everything all right?" Lena reaches the back of the couch and makes the most of the rare height advantage over her girlfriend to press a kiss to the top of blond hair. "Why couldn't you sleep?"
Kara opens her arms before Lena can even think about sitting next to her instead, and smiles at the familiar weight of Lena sliding onto her lap. Even as she shrugs off Lena's question, Kara is already burying her face against the soft skin of her girlfriend's neck, breathing her in and letting the familiar scent filling her lungs soothe her like no amount of poetry ever could.
"Kara," Lena's fingers slide into blond hair, blunt fingernails scratching at Kara's scalp and making her hum in delight, "that's not an answer."
"No reason. I'm just not tired anymore I guess." A deep, content sigh. "Baby, you're so good at that."
There's still a slight crease between Lena's eyebrows, but that doesn't stop the smile Kara's praise brings to her face. "You'd tell me if I had to worry?"
Reluctantly, Kara pulls away from the warmth of Lena's neck. Her arms wrap around Lena's waist as she looks into green eyes. "You know I would."
And Kara watches Lena let the words sink in. They've had this conversation before, and Kara knows they'll have it again. They both have sore spots that need special care from time to time. And just to keep Lena's mind from going down any sort of rabbit hole, Kara decides it's time to continue a conversation they left unfinished five years ago.
"It didn't hurt at all, you know. Getting used to you." Kara shows Lena the book she's been holding, and grins when Lena smirks as the reference clicks.
"I thought you didn't like poetry," Lena chides, taking the book and flipping through the pages until she lands -- unsurprisingly, if you ask Kara -- back on poem fourteen.
"I don't. It's like... giving feelings a secret identity."
Lena arches one eyebrow, looking somewhere between amused and curious. "Care to explain?"
"Well, you know," Kara leans in to steal a quick, soft kiss, "say I want to kiss you. I can just say it. That's better than hiding it behind some kind of... flowery metaphor that'll make you wonder if I'm even saying that in the first place. Right?"
There's this look on Lena's face. Kara knows it well. It's like a challenge. Like she's playing chess and she's already thinking six moves ahead and knows you're toast whatever you do from that point on. Kara finds it nothing short of delicious.
"So you're saying," Lena says, and there's victory right there simmering under the surface of her words because she knows -- she knows -- she's won, "you'd rather I say 'this is a lovely sunrise we get to see together'," Lena's gaze drops to the open book in her hand to refresh her memory on the line she's about to quote, but she makes sure she's looking into blue eyes once again when she speaks, "than 'so many times we've watched the morning star burn, kissing our eyes, and over our heads the grey light unwind in turning fans', right?"
Kara swallows, hard. Her cheeks burn with a blush that will simply not be contained, no matter how hard she tries to keep some semblance of dignity. Her mouth feels dry all of a sudden, heart beating just fast enough -- hard enough -- that she's sure even Lena's plain human hearing can pick it up. And the look on her girlfriend's face lets Kara know she knows exactly what's currently happening to her.
"W-- well." Kara blinks, shaking her head like she's trying to physically clear the fog inside. To her credit, she thinks she manages to sound more indignant than turned on. "I mean that's unfair. You made it hot."
Lena lets out a delighted chuckle that hits Kara right in her heart, like a little pinball ball making it ding with the knowledge that Lena Luthor is happy enough to laugh. Really, truly laugh. 
"What?" Lena asks, still grinning, fingertips teasing the soft hairs at the back of Kara's neck like it's nothing -- like she doesn't know what she's doing to her. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Ohh no, ma'am," Kara grins, cheeks still burning with the feeling simmering down low in her belly but too charmed by her girlfriend's teasing smile to stop, "you don't get to pretend you didn't do that on purpose."
"Kara," Lena says, in that way, because she knows, she knows, she knows Kara's weaknesses so perfectly well, and Kara wouldn't have it any other way, "I was just quoting Neruda, I didn't do anything."
"You did the voice thing!" 
"What voice th-- Kara, if you can't just admit plain language and poetic language are simply not on the same level I--"
"You purred the words! How is that fair!?"
Kara presses her lips together like she can retroactively keep the words from exiting her mouth. Too late, though. Lena looks positively delighted.
"I purred the words?" Lena echoes, barely able to keep a straight face. Actually, you know what? Scratch that. She's openly pleased with herself. Smug, even.
"I mean. I mean," Kara says, and she touches the bridge of her nose with one fingertip because for a moment she's forgotten there are no glasses to push up at all, "obviously it's not the same. Poetry and prose, they're inherently--"
"Different, right," Lena finishes Kara's thought, "so you see how you'd use one or the other depending on how emotionally charged--"
Kara shakes her head. "But you don't need flowery metaphors to convey emotion! You can just say what you mean and mean what you say."
"But you just said it yourself. It felt different when I just said it's a sunset, and when I quoted--"
"You purred poetry at me, Lena, of course I'm going to feel a certain kind of way!"
And there it is. Kara feels it in her bones. The checkmate Lena had seen coming a mile away. She sees it right there in the smirk on her girlfriend's face. In the way Lena's pupils dilate just so. The way her tongue peeks out to lick her lips as she looks at Kara like she's lunch.
Or, you know. Breakfast, as the case may be.
"You feel a certain kind of way?" Lena shifts on Kara's lap and they've been together for long enough that Kara absolutely knows there's nothing innocent or coincidental in the way Lena's night shirt (Kara's high school gym t-shirt, mind you) rides up to expose Lena's lace-covered ass. "What kind of way is that, Supergirl?"
Kara perks up at the sound of her name. Her other name. Because maybe it wasn't checkmate after all. Maybe it was just check. Because the thing is, it's not just Lena knowing all of Kara's weaknesses. That knowledge very much goes both ways. And Lena calling her Supergirl? 
Oh, Kara is absolutely not the only one who's feeling a certain way.
"You know." Kara shrugs slightly, pretending to still be the mouse in this little game. She rests one hand on Lena's knee and lets her palm slide up her thigh, slowly, listening to Lena's heartbeat speeding up with each inch of skin Kara explores. "You know the way I mean."
Lena's breath hitches just so when Kara's hand slides further up, and Kara savors the sound of Lena's heart tripping over itself when her fingertips drag along damp lace.
"You're listening, aren't you?" Lena cocks her eyebrow, but her lips stay parted and her breathing comes in short, warm puffs so the whole thing really doesn't come off as stern as Kara is sure Lena would like. 
"Hmm?" Kara knows she's probably pushing her luck, but she bats her eyelashes anyway, her face the very picture of innocence as if her fingertips weren't tracing the very edge of Lena's panties, hinting at what they could (will) do if she just happened to push that fabric aside. "Listening to what, baby?"
Lena tries not to -- Kara can see the struggle right there in her eyes -- but she whimpers anyway, quiet and just barely audible to the human ear. 
"Kara." It tries to sound like a warning, but it falls just this side of pleading instead. Lena blushes so very pretty when she's feeling a certain kind of way.
"Yes, Lena?" 
"You're listening," a breath, slow and measured like she wishes she could take in a deep one but her lungs can't quite cope with that right now, "to me."
"Well, I mean," Kara shrugs slightly, like she can't feel the warmth of Lena's pussy against her fingertips, "I try to. I feel like it's good girlfriend etiquette."
Lena is trying so hard to look at least moderately annoyed. It's not working at all, but Kara can see that's her intent. She also knows exactly what Lena means, too. She means Kara is listening to her. To the beat of her heart and the air in her lungs and all the tiny, inaudible (for everyone else) sounds that tell her exactly how much Lena wants her. 
"You're listening to what you're doing to me." Lena drops the book on the floor to wrap both hands around Kara's neck, hips shifting forward just enough to get more contact with Kara's hand between her legs. Kara knows Lena doesn't need superhearing to notice the way Kara's breath catches in her throat. 
"And what am I doing to you, baby?" Kara won't cross the barrier of Lena's panties just yet, but her fingers becomes more purposeful, less teasing as two fingertips press against Lena's clit through damp lace. Lena's eyes flutter closed and she takes in a sharp breath that sounds almost like a gasp, and Kara rewards such a gorgeous sound with a kiss to Lena's jaw. "What Spring does to cherry trees?"
Lena must feel Kara's teasing grin even if she can't see it, because she lets out a breathless chuckle even as her hips start rocking to meet the movements of Kara's fingers. "Just admit poetry can express richer emotions than prose ever cou--"
Kara's mouth is on Lena's before she can finish her thought, and Kara would maybe feel a bit guilty for interrupting, but Lena's fingers fist in blond hair and pull her close and there's no way someone who's offended would kiss her like that. And Kara isn't even listening anymore, because Lena's tongue is in her mouth and all she can hear is her own heart thumping along anyway.
When she breaks the kiss, Lena keeps Kara close. She's panting slightly, breath hot and wet against Kara's lips and pupils so dilated Kara wonders if she can see her at all. A quiet, hitched moan escapes parted lips, and Kara swears there's nothing in the world -- in the universe, really -- more beautiful than Lena when she's like this. Like putty in her hands. And Kara just can't resist. 
"Admit you purred," she whispers against kiss-swollen lips, knowing if there's one chance for her to win an argument with her girlfriend this must be it. When she has Lena rocking against her fingers, wet and wanting and just the right amount of needy to get her to give in, for once. 
"Kara." It's practically a whine, and Kara swears it sounds like victory. Until she sees the glint in her girlfriend's eyes, and Lena gets her checkmate move after all. "Shut up and fuck me."
Kara feels the words rather than hears them. They hit right between her legs and spread all over her body, and you know what? Kara really is okay with losing under these particular circumstances.
Two fingers hook under the crotch of Lena's panties and Kara tugs lightly, almost like she's testing the strength of the lacy fabric. "Do you really like the..." Kara's voice trails off as Lena pulls the t-shirt up and over her head, blue eyes staring unabashedly at her girlfriends breasts as she struggles to finish her thought, "...these?"
It's just polite to ask before tearing someone's panties to shreds, if you ask her, even if you're currently transfixed at the sight of her breasts.
"I don't care." Lena's voice is doing that thing again, except this time Kara is pretty sure she's not doing it on purpose at all, it's just that's what Lena sounds like when she needs Kara now and isn't that just the best thing ever? "Baby, please, I don't care."
Kara doesn't know if she rips the panties off first and then leans in to catch Lena's left nipple with her mouth or if it happens the other way around, but she honestly doesn't care either, as it turns out. All she knows is two fingers slip inside Lena in one smooth, firm thrust, and her free hand grabs Lena's right breast, and then--
"More," Lena moans, breathy and greedy, but when Kara starts thrusting harder into her Lena shakes her head, "no, no-- more fingers," and Kara lets out a quiet whimper around the stiff nipple between her teeth. 
Kara pulls her fingers out of Lena and stretches her ring finger to join the first two before sliding them back inside. Her movements are slow and careful, all of her senses focused on detecting even the slightest hint of discomfort in her girlfriend until her three fingers are fully inside Lena. 
"Go on, Supergirl." 
Lena's tone is just the right amount of teasing to make Kara chuckle lightly, mouth leaving Lena's breast to trail kisses up her sternum and to the freckles on her neck as her arm starts pumping once again. She's so very close, Kara can tell, and even more so when she turns her wrist just so to press the pad of her thumb against Lena's clit.
Lena's fingers dig into Kara's scalp, into the strong muscle at her shoulder as Lena holds on and rides Kara's hand, hips rocking hard and fast in time with Kara's thrusts. Kara couldn't listen to any one thing if she tried. It's a symphony of sighs and moans, whimpers and ragged breaths and stuttering heartbeats that nearly overwhelms her senses until she feels Lena clench around her fingers, hips losing their rhythm as Lena comes with Kara's name on her lips.
Kara pulls her face away from Lena's neck just so she can look at her. Watch her come around her fingers and then relax, chest heaving with the effort of trying to catch her breath. Kara swears there can't be a more beautiful sight in the universe, especially not now, with the sun rising and bathing Lena's damp skin in early morning light. And as much as Kara tries to suppress it, there's a thought running through her head. A line from that stupid poem with its stupid cherry trees.
A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body... 
"You're thinking very loudly," Lena whispers, already resting her head on Kara's shoulder as her fingertips play with the hem of Kara's shirt, "what are you thinking?"
For a second, Kara considers telling her, but Neruda's words aren't what comes out when she opens her mouth. "Just how beautiful you look," she says, which is in fact the truth. Kind of. She can't let Lena win every single time, right?
"Apparently the first cherry trees got here in 1910, but they had to burn them all because of a bunch of insects." Kara holds the little guide book in her hand as she reads, her other hand safely in Lena's as they walk along the Tidal Basin. "These ones are newer, from 1912."
 "Oh, like the Titanic!" Lena looks delighted with the coincidence, and the bright smile on her face makes Kara lean in to steal a kiss from her lips. Her fiancée is super cute when she lets her inner dork show, if you ask Kara.
"See? I told you buying an actual guide book would be worth it!" Kara holds the small book in her hand with the pride of someone who's just won an argument (for once). "Where else are you going to get that kind of high quality trivia?"
"You do know the prototype L-Corp keychain I gave you last week can access Google, yes?"
"Not the same."
"Not to mention the actual supercomputers we all carry around in our pockets. Or the high-tech communicator in your wat--"
"Lena!" Kara groans. "Look around! The cherry blossoms! The quaintness of springtime! A romantic stroll along the river! Where's your sense of romance?"
Lena chuckles lightly, her free hand sliding up Kara's arm to wrap around her bicep. And Kara would complain about the obvious use of one of her many Lena-related weaknesses, but you know what? It works.
"Kara Danvers," Lena says, voice low and teasing, "that's all very poetic."
Kara rolls her eyes, but she can't quite stop the bright smile that's already appearing on her face. "Don't you start with me," she warns, not very convincingly. 
Lena presses a kiss to Kara's shoulder, and it makes color rise to Kara's cheeks even through the soft fabric of her cardigan. Even after all these years. But she figures if there's one day to be particularly enamored with one's fiancée, that's the day she's scheduled to receive a Presidential Award for her contributions to science and the betterment of humanity.
Not to brag. But Kara is proud.
"I love you," Kara says, because she can't not, "and I'm just so proud, I--"
Lena presses a finger to Kara's lips, stopping what was potentially about to turn into a whole speech about the many ways in which Lena Luthor could not possibly be any more perfect if she tried. 
"Kara," Lena warns, all cocked eyebrow and slightly pursed lips, "you promised. You promised you wouldn't cry before the actual ceremony."
And Kara would argue. She'd argue that she's perfectly capable of going on about Lena's many virtues without actually crying, but you know what? Her eyes are feeling just a tiny bit misty already so she's just gonna go ahead and trust Lena on this one.
"You know what I also love?" Kara presses a kiss to the pad of Lena's finger and obediently changes subjects. "Sushi. Let's go get some." Kara starts walking away from the beautiful soft pink trees and in the general direction of the street festival, tugging Lena along. She's all for the romance of blossom-watching, but she'd be lying if she said hearing about the culinary side of this whole festival hadn't excited her a bit more than that.
It's only when she hears a sigh coming from Lena that Kara's focus shifts from food to the woman next to her. That wasn't a happy sigh. 
"Are you okay, baby?"
Lena smiles. It's not a fake smile, but there's a hint of something in it that isn't fully happy, either. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. It's just... between the cherry blossoms and all this talk of sushi, I guess it made me a bit nostalgic for Sendai." 
"Sendai?" Kara looks at Lena with curiosity written all over her face. "What's Sendai?"
"Oh, it's a city in Japan. I lived there for a few months for an exchange when I was in college. Did I never tell you?" Kara shakes her head, her face the picture of delight at getting to learn something new about Lena. "There was this little restaurant near Tohokudai, I swear they had the best sushi in the world." Lena hums, letting her eyes flutter closed for a second like she's trying to imagine the taste. "I'd do anything for some negitoro maki from that place right about now."
Kara listens intently to her fiancée's words. She knows it's just a silly little comment. She knows Lena will be perfectly happy eating the undoubtedly delicious sushi currently being sold at the street festival. And yet.
She can't resist a chance to make Lena just that little bit happier, can she? 
So Kara looks around to make sure they're not being watched, and lets go of Lena's hand. "Be right back."
"Where are you--?"
But all Lena gets is a quick kiss and a gust of wind on her face before Kara disappears.
She's only gone for a couple of minutes -- just enough for Lena to wander back towards the cherry trees -- and when she comes back she's holding a small box which she immediately presents to Lena.
"Sushi for my... sushi," Kara lets out a chuckle, her now-free hand coming up to scratch at the back of her head like she's aware she may have gone just a little bit overboard but she's hoping it won't be too much, "Sendai's beautiful, by the way."
Lena's smile is soft, and Kara has a feeling -- not to toot her own horn -- if she'd been listening she would've heard Lena's heart skip a beat. 
"Kara Danvers," Lena sighs, shaking her head like that'll do anything to hide just how charmed she is right now, "you're something el-- what's that?"
"Nothing," Kara shifts slightly and puts her hand -- and the little carton box it's holding -- behind her back, fully intending on letting the focus of this moment be on her romantic gesture, but Lena raises one eyebrow and Kara loses her resolve. "Potstickers." Kara's voice is quiet as she shows Lena the box. "What? I was in the neighborhood!"
"In the neighborhood of," Lena squints slightly as she reads the words on the box, "Shanghai?"
"Well, China is next door to Japan, if you think about it."
Lena chuckles, clearly too charmed by this whole thing to even continue teasing Kara about it. "Thank you. For this. You didn't actually have to fly all the way to Japan to get my favorite sushi, but I appreciate it."
Kara shrugs, chopsticks already grabbing the first potsticker in the box. "I'd go way farther than Japan to make you happy. You know that."
"I do know," Lena nods, looking just a little thoughtful, like she's just now realizing she fully believes Kara would stop at nothing to make her happy, "you even promised when you proposed."
Lena wiggles her finger, flashing the kryptium ring that's been there for a few weeks now along with a teasing smile, and Kara can only shrug. "Well, I meant it," she says, popping the potsticker in her mouth and leaning against the trunk of a nearby cherry tree.
"I know," Lena says again, but this time she's smiling, amusement shining in her eyes, "if only Lex had figured out the one true way to have the world in the palm of your hand is to make a Kryptonian fall in love with you."
"To be fair, I really don't think your brother is Kal's type."
Eight hours later, they're seeing the Tidal Basin from above, the cherry blossoms looking nearly white in the moonlight. They could be in National City already, but Kara figures there's no reason why she can't take the scenic route with Lena in her arms and enjoy the view without the crowds and the bustle they experienced earlier today. Perks of being your own private jet.
"Go a bit lower, baby," Lena's voice is soft against Kara's ear, like she's afraid if she speaks too loud she'll break the spell and they won't feel like the only two people in the world anymore, "I want to see the flowers."
Kara doesn't make her wait. Lena's just been awarded an actual medal by the President, and spoiling her a little is the least Kara can do. So she dips until they're hovering just above the soft pink blossoms and then a little lower still, close enough that Lena can smell the sweet, fresh scent of Spring.
The night is clear and quiet, just cool enough for Lena to reach for Kara's cape and pull it forward to wrap it around herself. Kara holds her a little closer, just enough to hopefully provide a bit of extra warmth, and she figures it was the right move when Lena slips one arm from under Kara's cape to reach for the tree and pick a particularly pretty blossom from one of the branches that's closer to them.
Lena looks at it for a moment, twirling the little stem between her fingers like she's pondering what to do with it. And then she turns and tucks Kara's hair behind her ear, sliding the small flower between soft blond strands and smiling when she's satisfied it'll stay exactly where she wants it.
"Happy?" Kara chuckles, something soft and quiet and a little teasing because there's something equal parts amusing and endearing about Lena's perfectionism when it comes to silly little things like putting a flower in Kara's hair.
And there's something about the way Lena smiles, more with her eyes than with her mouth, that makes Kara see, clear as day, just how serious Lena is. How sincere, when she says she's very happy. 
Maybe that's why Kara gets a little transfixed just looking at her, suddenly aware of just how different this Lena -- the Lena wrapped in her arms and her cape, wearing her ring and smiling with a smile that's just Kara's -- is from the Lena she first met all those years ago.
"Kara Zor-El," Lena's voice is soft just like the sound of Kara's true name on her lips, "what are you thinking about?"
And Kara wishes she had the words to tell her. But how does she even begin to explain what she's feeling right now? How she's still the same Lena that made Kara's heart trip all over itself the first time she saw her, but she's so very different all the same time. Brighter. Lighter. Loved. God, she's so loved, and Lena knows it, finally, and that's what's different, maybe. Not just Kara's love, because Lena's had that from the very first day, probably, but the fact that Lena can feel it now. 
How do you put that in words? I love you just doesn't feel like enough. 
And then it hits her.
"I'm thinking," Kara smiles, cheeks pink with the knowledge that she's just been proven wrong, "about what Spring does to cherry trees."
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ilcaeryx · 3 years
Cascade [Gojo Satoru/Reader]
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Summary: Satoru picks you up after a wild night in Tokyo’s party districts. While he’s dying to be more than your close friend, he won’t act until he’s certain you want him, too.
Tags: Gojo Satoru/Reader, Cute, Fluff, Humor, Slight angst, Nightlife, Pining, Pre-relationship
Word Count: Almost 2k
Author’s Note: Feels good to complete something. I listened to The Rose’s cover of ILYSB while writing this.
Gojo Satoru’s 1AM drive to one of Tokyo’s nightlife district was strictly for serious business. While he would fit into the crowd of youthful people enjoying the neon stinging their eyes and body contact with at least four strangers at all times, he had zero intentions on partying. Indeed, his sole mission was to retrieve a package – that package being you.
Lulled into rumination by the car engines constant humming, Satoru pondered about your occupation of his mind. Even though his days were busy, he would associate the concept of you with quite literally anything. Bickering with the higher ups? He could envision himself cranking up the drama as he told you the story, smiling smugly inwards at you cooking him comfort food to soothe ‘his stressful day’. Whenever something hilarious or crazy happened, he would automatically think ‘I’ll tell Y/N this later’. One would expect it would annoy him but it was not the case; Satoru was entertained by his daily fantasies, very much enthralled by the walking-on-clouds-feeling his body would produce during his mental escapades. If one Y/N thought equalled one endorphin molecule, he was experiencing a cascade.
His first thought after awakening every morning was your face between his palms, his fingers frigid against your temples. If things between you two ever developed, one day your face would be his first experience that day, every day for the rest of his life. Right now, Satoru would pin your relationship as close friends. As much as he would overinterpret your behaviour towards him, he was quite certain you were not interested in discovering whatever else could unfold between the two of you. Not yet, his positive inner self protested. Maybe never, his negative inner self retorted.
Despite his conflicting emotions, he gathered himself up into a presentable version of himself while he walked to the nightclub your friend had mentioned. Your safety was his number one priority right now, regardless if you were into him romantically or not.
“Text me when you’re home!” you yelled over the pulsating music, bidding your friend farewell by blowing her a kiss. In a dramatic motion, she caught the invisible kiss in her palm and clutched it against her chest.
“I will! Stay safe, bitch!” she screeched back before submerging into the human current outside the club, her cursed energy swashing to and fro like a solar flare.
Even though his evening had been a cozy movie-night in his bedroom, Satoru’s limbs felt heavy from looking at you. With your shoulders drooping and hands massaging your left thigh, you were finally punished from dancing non-stop all evening. Indeed, your hair clung to your forehead, neck and upper arms, intermingling with the shining perspiration on your skin. Nevertheless, you seemed to relish in whatever banger was playing inside as you were gently swaying side to side.
“I know what you’re thinking,” you said, pre-emptively shushing him with your index finger in the air. “But I’ll take a shower once I’m home.”
“I was actually thinking that I should’ve brought a towel, considering that your sweat’ll soak the car seat,” he said and tucked some slick strands away from your face. Your mortified look cracked him up. “It’s fine, I’ll lend you my jacket.”
“Your expensive-ass jacket? Thanks, I’d rather freeze to death.”
He rolled back his shoulders as he slid his jacked halfway down his back, hands still in his pockets. A little disappointment tinged his tongue. “Are you sure? I warmed it up just for you.”
“Yeah, stop stripping and let’s get the hell out of here.” You smacked his back with an open hand, pushing him onwards. “God, I can’t wait until we get home. I’m so tired. Are we going to your place?”
Let’s not read into anything, Satoru thought. ‘Anything’ meant both your off-hand comment about his place and the fact that your hand remained steady on his back even after you two joined the crowd. Physical closeness wasn’t anything new between you but the context provided another layer of complexity to read into. Suddenly, being the completely sober adult in charge seemed like too heavy a responsibility for him...
Without meaning to, his back tensed up. “No, you weirdo. You can sleep off the alcohol in your own bed.”
You either weren’t bothered by his tenseness or you didn’t notice, as you shifted your hand around his waist. You carefully leaned against his arm. “Sounds boring. Don’t you want to talk all night?”
Like always, your presence burned his arm, enough that he was unable to feel the strangers he bumped into on his other side. This was a sign, right? Or were you flirting as a friend? In the past, he had people confess their ‘love’ for him and apparently they thought his teasing and touching meant he fancied them. Being extremely lovable wasn’t easy, especially not when any platonic affection could be re-constructed as romantic by the other part. You, too, were extremely lovable and affectionate… Had he been in your shoes, this proximity wouldn’t have had any romantic subtext. But unlike him, you had a good personality… This could be the night you two finally spoke about whatever was between you two.
Or the night where you lose a friend because of your stupidity, his negativity brought up.
It had a point. Yeah, you were a good person and a terrific friend – he’d be an idiot if he lost you. Compared to his co-workers and allies, you were awfully soft; he liked how you doted on him, even when he was a pain in the ass. If you rejected him now, your dynamic wouldn’t be the same and his life would be much harder for it.
“We can talk later today,” he said, his arm automatically shooting out to stop an accidental elbow-right-into-your-chest-accident. He settled his arm around your shoulder after giving the guy the evil guy through his glasses. Watch your limbs, man.!
“That was close,” you said, sighing. “Thank you, Satoru! I’m sorry about having to call you out this late, by the way. Did I wake up you?”
He both cursed and rejoiced on the inside now that you changed subject. “Couldn’t be helped that your friend had an emergency. Next time, try to wake me up later for an early breakfast instead.”
“Next time, you’re coming with us.”
His lips faltered slightly, smile not feeling as genuine. He adjusted the collar on his jacket to hide it. “To the nightclub?”
Your index finger jabbed into his side accusingly. “Anywhere! Last time we hung out was… uh…”
This was the first time in a few weeks you two had spoken in person by yourselves. As you both mostly met together with your friends, you tended to invite him whenever the gang planned something. He admitted to himself that he often declined because he only wanted your company, but you never offered to join him instead. Whenever he invited you out, you’d be perfectly alright with hanging out just the two of you, though.
“Two weeks ago?” He squinted into the lights of an incoming car. “It’s because of work but-“
“I’m not a hikikomori, you bastard – I’ve got a job too, but I’ll make time for you, you know?”
You’d make time for anyone, Satoru thought, somewhat discouraged.
The crowd thinned out as you entered the parking lot, though the place was jam-packed with cars. Both of you remained quiet as you passed by couples on the way to Satoru’s car. When you detached yourself from his side, he rustled your hair. You stood on your tippy-toes to return the favour, messing up his hair worse than he did yours. He liked seeing you struggle to reach his head, so he didn’t mind.
“I missed you, scarecrow,” you said, pinching his cheek. He elongated his smile to feel one knuckle touch his lips. “What is the gremlin and scarecrow duo without the scarecrow?”
Slumped against the window, you were peaceful the entire ride home. Every so often, Satoru would catch a glimpse of your sleepy face and his heart would clam up. He made the right decision in picking you up, even though he aged weeks in those twenty minutes you two had spoken. Your interactions followed a pattern: he’d look forward to meeting you, creating fantasies and expectations of what could be; when you were with him, he would attempt not to ruin your current friendship to the point where he’d feel sick; and whenever you two parted, he’d overindulge in his memories. In two days, he’d be prepared to undergo this rollercoaster once again.
He drove into your street and called your name.
You immediately woke up and looked outside. “What time is it?”
“Almost 2AM…” he exhaled deeply, hands falling into his lap. He still had to drive home, so he’d be in bed in 30 minutes.
“Everything hurts,” you said, bending forward to readjust your high heels. “My legs are killing me… I won’t be able to walk tomorrow. I’m not sure I can walk now.”
He understood what the lilting tone at the end of your sentence meant and with great effort he stepped out of the car. Your giddiness as he opened the car-door on your side was intoxicating, as was the feeling of seeing you stretch your arms towards his neck. He cradled one arm below your thighs and one behind your back.
“Watch your head,” you chided softly into his ear, covering the top of his head as he carried you out of the car.
“Gimme keys.” Satoru leaned slightly backwards to account for your weight as you handed him the key to your apartment. With your bare arms against his neck, he would be surprised if you didn’t notice how his pulse rose.
Your apartment door opened and he stepped into darkness, shutting it behind his back.
“Excuse me,” he mumbled, heading for your bedroom with his shoes on. Your teeny apartment had a teeny bedroom with a single sized bed.
“Say, Satoru,” you said, your cheek pressed below his ear, “are you sure you don’t want to stay and talk?”
“Just go to sleep, Y/N.” Satoru leaned over your bed to carefully lay you down. Your grip on his neck loosened and he thought you’d comply until you kissed his neck, his soul almost as soft as your lips.
“What about now?” you asked and released your arms, falling onto your bed. Your hair spilled around you, a gloria around your tired face. “I’ll let you sleep in my bed, if you want to.”
Honestly, he wanted this. Everything he’d thought of earlier this night could become true if he gave in, which was insane enough to send his head swimming. He’d endure this cramped bed for you, even with his feet being colder than hell and his back aching from sleeping on his side. Gojo Satoru was more than ready.
However, he did not want this to backfire. What if you were simply too horny, lonely, exhausted or intoxicated to consider the consequences right now?
You rolled towards the wall, leaning on your side. Your eyelids fluttered weakly, your exhaustion almost overtaking your body and yet you found enough strength to pat the empty space beside you. “See, there’s space. I’ll always leave space for you.”
Ah, fuck it.
Satoru’s personality was bad; his attitude was self-indulgent; his morality was concrete grey; and his discipline when it came to you near non-existent. If you awoke tomorrow and found that you had fallen asleep with the love of your life – then great, you were both on the same page. If he had completely misunderstood your intentions, he would absolutely bullshit his way out of trouble, like he always did. Whatever, everything’d be alright someday.
If you enjoyed this, give me a like/follow/reblog/comment/scream into the void. I hope everyone had a good New Year and let’s hope that 2021 is kind.
Started this 22/11/2020, finished 10/01/2021.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Men who I think would be soft for their baby for no other reasons than because I want them to be, in no particular order but still numbered ten to one because I like countdowns...
Part two —> part one here
This one’s for you @activist-af​, no Finn and Kol erasure here Lottie
10. Raleigh Becket
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A really good man who is a little too impulsive at times and has pretty much no sense of self preservation and always seems to get himself into worsening situations
Is so fucking soft for his baby that it’s insanity
His baby is in no way the same kind of super soldier he is, she’s literally the softest baby in the world, and he’s just so careful with her
Like he follows her around the compound and just makes sure she’s okay
Eats every meal with her, shares a room with her, literally does pretty much everything with her just in awe
So many cuddles before and after a mission, lots of reassurance, kisses her entire face everywhere at least twice and has to get practically dragged away
Endures so much teasing from his partner
I don’t care if his character is suited for a dominant female you can’t change my mind on this one this man is soft as fuck
9. Ambrose Spellman
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A reformed radical warlock who has been locked in one house for a hundred years and is itching to go on a self-destructive bender after cleaning up his family’s messes for years
In absolutely no position to be in a committed relationship but I don’t give a single fuck
He would follow his baby around like a damn puppy when finally free of the Spellman residence 
Oh she wants to go to witch school? He’s tagging along
She wants to go travel? Lead the way
The park, carnival, movie theatre, cafe, literally endless places he would follow her
Would read to her as she falls asleep and tell her all his little bits of knowledge on things that he collected during his time stuck in the house
A soft man that is final
8. Richard O’Connell
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Cannot survive a normal, mundane life because it’s “too boring” for a man like him and would risk it all for a mummy invasion even if it means that he dies in the process
But by god he is so fucking soft I just know it
Keeps her safe at all costs even when she pouts at him and makes him take her with him when he travels
Refuses to leave her side when they go abroad because his track record with ancient curses is not great and there’s no way he’s letting some gross ass mummy hurt her
Does the thing where he leans into her hand when she touches his face and like kisses her palm
Definitely sleeps curled around his baby and wakes up at the slightest noise ready to hurt any intruders
I would literally do anything for this level of soft
7. Finn Mikaelson
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A one thousand year+ original vampire who has absolutely zero sense of self preservation and actively seeks death because of how much he hates himself and would gladly bring his family down with him because mommy said so
Doesn’t quite fit the full dominant image but I don’t care he fits the soft part 1000%
Would bring her with him when he goes to see his family and is always wrapped around her the whole time
Endures all the teasing that would come with that for her because she’s?? Just?? So?? Cute and perfect???
Literally a thousand years old and would still absolutely crumple for his baby in SECONDS
If she cried it would literally be game over
There would be two people crying 
He would be crying MORE than her
Epic date night planner, meticulously detailed, would pay so much attention to the things she likes and picks up on even the smallest clues
God he’s so soft I want one
6. Clint Barton
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Largely pushed aside Avenger who has been evil in the past and appears at times to miss the evil a little too much
This one doesn’t even need an explanation, I’m literally right and this one has proved himself countless times
This man is the love of my life so yes: I am biased
Badass, sarcastic, cold archer Avenger by day; soft, caring, gentle man by night 
Goes home, soaked with blood and sweat, and pulls his baby into the shower and just sags into her arms 
Lives for her fingers in his hair after a long day
And bubble baths with her 
Has gotten in trouble countless times for skipping important meetings but does not give a single fuck about it 
Teaches her archery and doesn’t yell once (which is a feat pointing to his softness because once he tried to teach Nat and they yelled at each other the entire time)
5. Bellamy Blake
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Incited a radical uprising in a highly dangerous and sensitive situation for really no reason at all other than the fact that he wanted to be the de facto leader of something
As per usual, I don’t care about canon characteristics this is my world I can do whatever I want
Every bone in this man’s body is a protective one 
Yes, every single one (No, I’m not sorry about this)
Does not take shit from anyone about her, has definitely shut an entire group of people up for talking about her badly
Gets so nervous when she does anything even remotely dangerous and when she does he’s stuck to her side like glue
He’s so touchy and talks so quietly to her, not because he doesn’t want anyone to hear him call her his baby but because he just literally can’t bring himself to raise his voice he’s that soft for her
Does everything in his power to make sure she’s comfortable which is by no means easy in the slightest
So many forehead kisses that it’s almost barf worthy but he doesn’t care because she loves it and that’s all that matters
The radical leader is a fucking puddle of softness for his baby and that’s final
4. Loki
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A trickster god who always teeters precariously on the edge of good and evil and no one ever knows which side he’ll favour at any given moment
Except when it comes to his baby then he’s good duh
Tiptoes around her because he would definitely be the type to go for a baby who jumps easily and he’s loud and kind of clunky so he’s always just slow and gentle 
So much gentle teasing and giggling like oh god it’s tooth rotting sweetness
He takes her hands and just puts them on him, like his chest and cheeks and jaw and arms
Anywhere he just wants her touching him all the time 
He rests his chin on her shoulder or head and reads whatever she’s reading or watches her go about her hobbies, kissing her cheek in between 
This girl would never work a day in her life she would be ridiculously well taken care of
Would burn down a city for her with little provoking 
As soft as butter for his baby
3. Kai Parker
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Bringing back the “needs a therapist, not a girl” but sprinkle in a touch of volatile daddy issues that has created a man so hyper reactive to every negative situation whose only solution is to lash out because he figures no one loves him anyway 
But sweep all that aside because fuck it, I don’t like it 
He would worship his baby 110%
Is the type of man to let her do his nails and put as many face masks as she wants on him
Can’t sleep without her literally on top of him 
He so clingy and touchy, loves when she grabs his hand, internally screams whenever it happens
Has for sure killed for her that isn’t even a question it’s just a fact 
“He didn’t do anything” “he looked at you” “but Kai” “but baby” 
Would do it again
2. Jasper Hale
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A literal once upon a time confederate soldier who made child soldiers for his dom-vamp girlfriend because he was “in love”
This man has ripped so many heads off so many bodies but I don’t give a single fuck I know he goes home to his baby and just picks her up and does not put her down 
Face it, his family is rich, he doesn’t have to do anything, naps are definitely a big part of his routine and he’s always just snoozing with her on the couch, pulling her onto his lap and pulling a blanket off the back and they’re just asleep
Goes out for dinner with her, makes it through maybe twenty minutes, the entire time he’s waiting for it and then boom, the puppy eyes, game over, they’re home in minutes
Has skipped so many family functions 
Will make any excuse to just go the fuck home 
Sometimes he doesn’t even make an excuse he just fucking leaves
He’s touchy too I just know it look at that face the man lives for contact
The verdict is in-- 100/10 SOFT
1. Kol Mikaelson
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Perhaps the angriest, most volatile, I-hate-the-world-and-everyone-in-it, thousand year old+ original vampire who has been stomped on so much and died so many times that he has no true sense of the world, trust, and love left
Oh GOD this man, this FUCKING MAN 
I don’t even care what y’all think about this one Kol is so damn soft
This man is the inventor of cuddling 
And he doesn’t give one single fuck about where and when I just know it
Family dinner? The witch market? CHURCH?? 
It doesn’t matter, he’s pressed against her 
Oh god this man is protective 
Maybe a little possessive too
I don’t care
His family calls him unpredictable so hey he may as well live up to it and burn down a bar or two or twenty for his baby
Shows her all of his witch things and rambles about them all
Is always pulling one of his shirts or hoodies over her head 
He likes washing her back and just getting to be alone with her 
He likes it even more when she washes his hair like he just sinks to his knees and closes his eyes and gives into it
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 14*
Awwww yeah, you've been waiting for so long ya'll, now your reward is two full chapters of....Well, I'll let you find out.
You're welcome.
PS- Okay fine I couldn't get too too NSFW right now, it's the middle of the day. Y'know what I mean? So I'm sorry it's so short, but I need to run out for a while and I want this to be extra special, it's a LOT of hype you know what I mean?
Check back tonight for "After hours" fun, and the finale.
Tag List:
Part 13
Part 15
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(^^^ This is you. ^^^^ 😉)
You blushed and smiled while Rafael still held you in his arms as Chloe and Maria rushed over.
“Oh my God HOW cute are you? It’s just like the end of a movie!!!!”
“Chloe--” You started.
“Yes I know, you’re welcome,” She giggled.
“What?” You and Rafael both looked at her in confusion.
“Uh, I’m pretty sure you were about to say ‘thank you Chloe, for giving me the love of my life’!” She looked at you with an ‘obviously’ look.
“....Weeeellllll,” You dragged out.
“Seriously?” She scoffed.
“I mean I got the job--”
“By manipulating the system,” Rafael added with a smile.
“Hush you,” You hit him playfully.
“And Rafael did say he was already in love with me, Soooo--” You nodded your head back and forth.
“And he also said he wouldn’t have said anything SOOOOO” She pointed out.
“I mean, he might have, someday--” You looked at Rafael, who gave you an iffy look.
“....Thank you Chloe, for giving you the love of my life. Thank you for everything good in my entire life,” You said sarcastically with a smile.
“You’re welcome!!!” Chloe beamed, throwing her arms around you.
“And speaking of the end of a movie--” You started.
“YESSSSSSS….?” She grinned.
“Movie’s over, Chloe,” You gestured your head at Rafael.
“....What?” She glanced between the two of you, you gave her an intense look.
“Right! Right, you guys just found each other, soulmates and all,” She waved her hands and bowed out. You and Rafael were just about to savor your alone time-- when Maria came bounding over to you.
“See, chiquita I knew it! The first time I saw you, I knew it was no brujeria!” She hugged you tightly, then hugged Rafael. “I told you Raffi, she’s a keeper,”
“Yeah she-- oh my god baby, what’s wrong?” Rafael suddenly became concerned when he saw you were crying.
“I just--” You tried to stop crying. “I had made peace with that day, that it was just-- for one day,”
“Aww honey,” He shook his head with a laugh as he hugged you.
“No, look Rafael--” You looked at him very seriously. “I-- You, you brought me to your most secret place, your familia, after we hadn’t even-- okay we may have made out in your office but that didn’t really count--”
“Baby,” He stopped your rambling with a small kiss.
“You have to believe me-- I would have taken you to Maria, and the fountain, and HERE,” He gestured around the cave. “Regardless of any ‘spell’,”
He took your head in his hands. “And you should know that I’m telling you the truth because that whole-- yellow, swirly, vortex of memories should just PROVE to you that I’m under ZERO kind of magic, or spells, or potions, or anything. It’s just ME, and ME is saying that I love you. I love you, and I have always loved you, and I want everyone to know it,”
“Okay…” You nodded with a small smile. “I just...I still feel guilty,”
“Well DON’T,” He kissed your forehead. “In fact, if anyone should feel guilty, it should be me,”
“You?” You half laughed. “What would you--”
“I remember everything, Y/N. EVERYTHING,” He emphasized.
“....Meaning…?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I remember how it felt, being under Olivia’s voodoo,” He looked at you sadly. “I remember everything I...said,”
“I was so cruel to you,” He looked down in shame. “I was so…”
“I know it wasn’t you, Rafa,” You assured him, now taking his head in your hands.
“...I called you a psychopath!" He looked at you in shame. “I PUSHED you, I--”
“HEY,” You stopped him with a finger over his lips. “We both did stuff we regret, clearly,”
He nodded silently as you removed your finger. “It was awful, Y/N,”
“...Yeah?” You asked. You felt so bad for him, it must have been a nightmare.
“YES. It was like-- like the real me was locked inside my body, just watching it do this awful stuff to you. I was screaming and fighting, that’s why I kept breaking out of it,” He put a hand on your face and you kissed you softly.
“Rafa…” You stroked his cheek.
“And she-- she made me bring her here,” He nodded at the celling, meaning the cave.
“What do you mean she made you bring her here?”
“I-- I don’t know how, I guess she…’overloaded’ me with that stuff so I was literally like a...Barba Bot,”
“Oh baby…” You tried not to laugh, but BarbaBot was too cute.
“...She, she told me to bring her everywhere that I brought you, so I brought her here. But I couldn’t tell her about Eduardo even under her highest power, so she--” He stopped, looking down.
“What…? She did WHAT?” You became really concerned, taking both of his hands and gripping them tightly.
“She pretended to be you,” He looked at you with the saddest eyes.
“I’m sorry, what?” You blinked in disbelief.
“She pretended to be you, so I told her about Eduardo. But I was reliving telling you. It was awful, I just watched myself telling her, wishing it was you,” Tears came to his eyes as he relived it in his head.
“Oh Rafa,” You kissed him deeply, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “But it’s over baby, It’s over,”
“I know, I know--” He kissed you again. “I just...I can’t believe this is real. This is happening, carino,”
“...You called me carino,” You bit your lip with a small smile.
“Yes,” He nodded with a smile back.
“On purpose,” You smiled bigger.
“Yes, cariño. Mi amor, amante, I’ll call you whatever you want Y/N. For the rest of our lives,” He pressed his forehead against yours. "I'm yours, now and forever. We'll be together, for real," He kissed you again, like he couldn't get enough of your lips.
“And...I think we should start right now,” He bit his lip while staring at yours.
“....Have we not been together…?” You looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Remember that first day, that first morning…?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Yeah I mean you were insanely--” You stopped talking, suddenly realizing what he was saying.
“Maria!” Rafael suddenly turned to Maria with a smile. “I appreciate you being with Y/N, and helping her but--”
“Ay, Raffi. I may be old, but I’m not dead,” She winked. She hugged you one both one last time and walked away, finally leaving you and Rafael together, alone.
“So...my place or yours?” Rafael took your hand and started leading you out of the park.
“I mean, Chloe’s at mine so--”
“Oh definitely mine,” He chuckled as you both got into the Uber and headed to his place.
Soon you arrived at Rafael’s place; as soon as you walked in he grabbed you in a hungry kiss. You jumped on his waist as you felt his throbbing erection against your thigh. You were lost in his touch, his mouth, the smell of his cologne. You remembered back toy your perfect day, when you were memorizing all of this. And now, you didn’t have to. You could have it whenever you wanted. And you wanted it NOW. You pulled back for a second, looking into his amorous eyes.
“What is it, carino?” He asked softly.
“I just...I’ve waited for this for a long time, maybe forever,” You gave him a happy sigh, running fingers through his hair.
“Well that’s a lot of pressure amante,” He chuckled, blushing a bit.
“Oh no no no,” You shook your head, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist. “I am just so happy--”
“Well you’re about to be a LOT happier, I promise you,” He grinned mischievously as he carried you to the bedroom. He tossed you on the bed as he unbuttoned his tuxedo vest and then his shirt, his shoes and his pants. His erection was poking through his silk black boxers as he got on the bed and crawled towards you, grabbing you in an aggressive kiss.
“You ready for this, Y/N?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my entire life,” You grinned as you ripped off your t-shirt, jeans and bra, leaving your top half exposed.
Rafael gazed at your breasts with admiration, playing and cupping them in his hands. His eyes then turned up to you, you’d never seen this look in his eyes. Not even under your spell. They were wanting, they were needing. And it was for you. He grabbed you in another kiss as he slowly slipped off your underwear.
Here we go….
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Am I forgotten ? (KitTy Fan Fic)
KitTy fan fic based on Kit and Ty’s flower cards (art by Cassandra Jean), to celebrate the release of Ty’s latest flower card. I alternate between Kit and Ty’s POV.
If you prefer reading it on AO3 or if you have missed the previous chapters, Link is here. AO3 Link - Am I forgotten? 
Following Chapter is Chapter 5 - Blinded by the Sun
Tiberius had never understood the concept of nightclubs. Of sharing loud music, like cacophony in his ears. Of sharing breath and body odors in the same crowded space. Of physical contact with mere strangers. No matter how large the room, he felt like he was trapped. Like he couldn’t breathe. Like all his senses were challenged, driven to the brink of explosion.
Tiberius clutched his pendant, his fingers reflexively stroking the heron shape in a soothing gesture he had made a habit of whenever he was confronted with stressful situations such as this one.
He had been in such a hurry that he had left the Institute without his headphones. This had been a terrible mistake. And Ty did not make mistakes. His mind never faltered, never betrayed him. Except, this was not entirely true. It only took one look into a pair of blue eyes for his mind to come tumbling down like a house of cards, as if hit by a storm, leaving a jumbled mess of incoherent thoughts.
He wasn’t going to be able to go through with it. He had to get out of here, and come back in through a back door. Not the best plan if you tried to remain inconspicuous. But this was a matter of life and death. He couldn’t stay one minute longer in this noisy, giant tin can.
He was moving towards the general direction of the exit, trying to find a clear path through the throng of strangers, when a hand gripped his shoulder. He fought the urge to take the hand off. Literally. To cut it off.
“Not so fast, Dark and Brooding” said a girly voice. Tiberius turned to look at his assailant. He could see under the glamour that she was a blue-haired Faerie. He knew enough about Faeries to know which kind. A mermaid.
“Oh my, but you are gorgeous,” she said, her eyes widening, before zeroing in on the Runes partially visible under his shirt. “I have always wanted to do it with a Shadowhunter… and you, my dear, appear to be one of their finest specimens.”
“Sorry, not interested,” Ty answered in a clipped tone. Although his gaze was directed at her collarbone, his posture must have sent a warning, because she withdrew her hand as if she had been burnt. 
He was about to move past her, doing his best to avoid physical contact, when he caught the change of expression in her face. She looked stunned, as if she had just seen the sun rising in the dark windowless room, her lips parting in awe. But she was not looking at him. Her gaze was directed at something - someone? - behind his left shoulder. Ty tensed and spun.
Kit was standing there, a grin showing white perfect teeth plastered on his face, his blond hair elegantly tousled as if he had just gotten out of bed looking like other people did after three hours at the hairdressing salon.
Actually, he looked like the Angel himself had decided to shrink to human size to walk upon the earth for one single night of debauchery. His thin white shirt did nothing to hide his muscular torso, and the broadness of his shoulders was barely concealed under a tanned leather jacket. He looked as if he owned the place. As if he could snap his fingers and get anyone to do his bidding. As if he knew he could but did not care. He looked dangerous.
And he was all Ty could see, as if he - not unlike the Faerie - had been blinded by the sun. There was only him. It was as if the crowd had vanished, as if the music had been turned off. 
Except, Ty’s heart had started playing staccato inside his chest.
It had not been difficult to find Ty among the crowd. Not only was he one of the tallest figures in the room, he stood out. Even as packed with Downworlders as this club was. It was as if a fairy tale character had lost his way in the modern world. Kit almost expected Sleeping Beauty or Snow White to come strolling around in the room, looking for him. The artificial lights gave his pale white skin an eerie glow, making him look even more surreal. 
As soon as Kit saw him across the room, he fought the urge to fight his way through to get to him as fast as he could. Even from a distance, he could see from Ty’s stance that he was in pain.  
Upon seeing him, Ty’s eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t acknowledge him otherwise. He seemed to be in a state of shock. Well, you weren’t expecting me, were you?
“Sorry, I am late,” Kit said, resting his hand casually on Ty’s shoulder. Ty leaned into his touch and relaxed infinitesimally. “Difficult to find a cab in Manhattan these days.” 
The Faerie who had appeared to be talking to Ty was joined by two of her friends and the three of them were giggling and staring at Kit, as if he were a movie star who had just shown up at the club after his Premiere. Good. Focus on me. Ty doesn’t want that kind of attention.
“Evening, ladies,” he said in his most pleasant voice. “Have you been enjoying yourselves so far?”
One of the Faeries batted her eyelashes at him. “It has just turned into a very interesting evening.”
“Happy to be of service,” Kit said. He executed what he hoped was an elegant bow. It must have been, seeing how his fangirls had turned hysterical. Well, he had learnt from the best.
He mouthed a silence thanks to Jem, then turned to Ty, whispering urgently in his ear. “So, who are we planning to kill tonight?”
“Not kill. Interrogate. A Faerie. I will recognize him as soon as I see him. Two, maybe three bodyguards.” Ty jerked his head towards the far end of the room. “He will probably be spending most of the evening in one of the private rooms in the VIP section.”
Kit’s mind was racing. All his training had led to this moment. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins, and he was beginning to sense the thrill of the fight. Now was his chance to show Ty just how much he had changed from the harmless mundane to the skilled Shadowhunter. But first things first. He needed a plan.
He turned to the puzzled faces of the three Faeries who hadn’t moved from their position during his whispered exchange with Ty.
“Apologies, fair ones,” Kit said. “We’d love to stay and chat but my friend and I had a long night. We are heading home. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
He pulled Ty away from the Faeries’ disappointed faces, to a more secluded corner of the club, with a direct view of the double doors leading to the private section of the club. He started racking his brain for a plan.
“Should we use the ladies as bait?” He asked after a moment. “We could go back and find them. We would make sure, of course, that no harm comes to them.”
Ty shot him a puzzled look before realization dawned on him.
“No,” he replied. “ From what I hear, he has a preference for….” He cleared his throat. “Men.” 
Kit paused to consider this new information. As he did, he noticed that Ty was searching his face, his eyes moving restlessly, as if he was looking for something there. What are you looking for, Ty?
“Ty,” Kit said after a moment. “Do you remember when Mark had to pretend he was in a relationship with Kieran? Do you think you could play the part of... my boyfriend tonight?” 
He hoped Ty hadn’t noticed the way his voice had risen to a high pitch when he uttered the word “boyfriend”.
Kit understood his mistake a second too late. Ty stiffened and a wave of pure panic crossed his delicate features. His hands were shaking as he grasped the heron-shaped pendant tied around his neck. My gift to him, Kit realized with a jolt. Trusting his instincts, Kit caught Ty in his arms, squeezing hard, and started stroking his shoulders, his back, applying as much pressure as he could. Ty heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed under Kit’s touch, nuzzling his face against Kit’s neck. Kit was able to breathe easily again. He had made the right call.
“Ty- Ty, I am sorry,” he said. “It was just an idea I had. A stupid idea. I will come up with another plan.”
“No, Kit,” Ty said in a quavering voice, muffled against Kit’s shoulder. “I want to help you. Except that… I don’t know how... How to act. How to play a part. I wouldn’t know what to do. Tell me what I need to do.”
“Nothing, Ty. I am not asking you to do anything. I will do the talking. You just need to… come along. I just wanted to warn you in case I touched you in… inappropriate ways.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“That’s alright,” Ty said, in a clearer voice. “You didn’t have to ask. You can touch me anywhere you want to. I don’t mind if it’s you.” I don’t mind if it’s you. Butterflies were fluttering inside Kit’s chest and around his stomach.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got you, Ty. I’ve got you...” 
It was Kit’s own way of speaking the words he couldn’t say. I love you, Ty. I love you.
Too soon, he released Ty from his embrace, took his hand and, together, they moved towards the far end of the room.
Tagging @arangiajoan @nenyx @naerysthelonesome​ @adoravel-fenomeno @unorganisedbookshelf @blindbandit1515 @whyhastgodfarsakenme @noah-herondale-lightwood @georgiaherondale @nicotheangel17 @joonjxne @that-dreamer-girl-m @mariiaarranz @writeforjordelia @shadowfae1878 @majollica-blog @mferraz ​@darkkitai @justanothermultifandomgirl @kitty-appreciation-week @gabtapia
and anyone who wants of course
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awed-frog · 3 years
Do you think maybe banning that stuff from AO3 could be a good thing?
I don’t know. I don’t like censorship, and I think it’s very hard to know which stuff one should censor in the first place. I do wish some people would not share what they share, that’s for sure. I think maybe there should be a system that recognizes how long you’ve had a page open - sometimes people will open a fic with weird tags in a kind of Dead Dove moment then close it, but the result is that some truly upsetting works have a very high number of hits, which pushes them at the top of any search. And I also think that stuff that’s just porn shouldn’t be in the same place as other stuff. I know the distinction is problematic, but again - writers should be more honest about what they’re writing. A lot of things you find on AO3 are one-chapter PWPs or ‘one kink per chapter’ fics, and imo those don’t belong in the same category as a long fic with two explicit sex scenes in it. And also: maybe some tags should show up only if you’re specifically looking for them. Like, if a fic is tagged ‘castration’, then it only shows up in your search if you’re typing in “enemies-to-lovers, castration” so that if you type “enemies-to-lovers” you don’t get pretty weird porn you never asked for. 
Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I think people often underestimate the damages porn can do, and while movies are worse for lots of reasons (chief among them, the presence of real human performers who’re often abused on screen, or whose work is shown and sold without their permission), fiction is not great either. It can still normalize stuff that shouldn’t be normalized, and desensitize us to stuff we should find unusual, unacceptable or shocking. 
And while fanfiction is not the whole problem here (published books are doing what they can to close the gap), I think it is still part of the problem. 
(Anyway: I say porn, but there is a lot of other stuff that’s harder to catch but a lot more dangerous - mostly the way some ‘romances’ are written.)
Most of all, I wish that people would stop spreading these ideas:
1) It’s okay because it’s not real. Yeah, no. Fiction matters, it shapes how we see the world and how we respond to it. Obviously this is more complicated than *sees Se7en, becomes serial killer*, but fiction is central in our life as humans and that should not be taken lightly.
2) It’s okay because trauma. As far as I know, there is zero research into who writes and reads the most extreme stuff out there, and even if those were all trauma survivors working through their stuff and not, say, people who get off on child porn or whatever else, there is still no reason to put that stuff out there.
3) It’s okay because Nabokov. A sex scene in a book (or long fic) is very different from a PWP, or a story built around porn. I’m not a prude, and I don’t think all porn is necessarily bad, but comparing some of the filth that’s out there to the Decameron is a bit much.
4) It’s okay because libraries. This is what irritates me the most. Libraries don’t keep everything, and they don’t keep everything for a reason. If you ask for white supremacy propaganda, for instance, you’re likely not to find anything unless it’s a university library, in which case it will be a heavily annotated edition and not simply a random ‘Jews are bad’ pamphlet. And another thing: a librarian won’t say, ‘Since you enjoyed If This Is A Man, try Mein Kampf.’ People recognize the two works are different even if they can both be tagged as ‘history, memoir, WW2, holocaust’. AO3 doesn’t do this (and as far as I understand it, it’s a deliberate choice). If you enjoy Coffeeshop AUs, it will happily offer you a fic that’s 90% about bestiality set in a Starbucks. And I know the argument - readers should search better - but the thing is, 1) I won’t necessarily know what I don’t want to read and 2) some stuff is just tagged the same when it comes to the main tags, but obviously it doesn’t mean the two stories are similar in any way.
5) It’s okay because free speech. Well: free speech has limits. We regulate some of it, as there are laws against hate speech, genocide deniers, Neo-Nazis, threats, bullying, harassment, and a lot of other things. So free speech doesn’t mean you get to regurgitate whatever bs into the world.
6) Children are old enough to protect themselves. Literally no, they are not. Any sane person should recognize a child is not an adult and that there are certain choices about his life he shouldn’t get to make (for instance, you wouldn’t allow a child of 12 to join the army no matter how much he begged you). Now the internet has become a central tool for education and lots of stuff of everyday life, it’s absurd that we ask children to do the right thing and that’s it. I mean, you wouldn’t have a bakery near a school sell meth by the croissants and then be like ‘It’s labelled as meth! I asked this kid if he truly wanted it and he said yes, it’s not my job as a random adult to decide stuff for him!’. Like - what the fuck? In a way, yes, it is your job. Children are raised by the entire community. We should do what we can to make sure they have more good choices than bad, and in my opinion that includes not having stuff that’s objectively awful freely available and sitting right next the cuddly and fluffy stuff.
(A stupid example from real life: this school I taught at had a convenience store next to it, and some kids would sneak in there during breaks to buy energy drinks. While that’s legal, and it was also allowed for them to leave the school grounds, energy drinks still have a lot of caffeine and are not healthy for 13-yo kids. After this happened regularly with the same kids for about a month, the owner refused to sell them anymore of the stuff and went to talk to the teachers instead. The school started a whole project - on the one hand, they had kids doing science experiments and learning why energy drinks are bad, and on the other, they offered support and free breakfast to anyone who needed it - and specifically to those who normally skipped a meal because their families had to leave for work very early - and the gorging on energy drinks and chips at 10am stopped.) 
I don’t know. I’m very conflicted about this. I wrote fanfiction and though my style is pretty consistent, I know my own stuff has issues. There are days I reconsider even having it out there, tbh, especially when I got yelled out for forgetting to tag something or I see a particularly callously libertarian pro-AO3 post, but rn I don’t have the time or energy to make a decision about that. 
I just wish we would all think of each other a bit more, that’s all.
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leesh · 4 years
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because i have zero self control when it comes to christmas films and, well, cheesy christmas films are #life. 
basically, i have developed a collection of favourites over the years, including both classic christmas films that are fun for the whole family and terrible, dripping with all our favourite favourite cliches hallmark christmas films, and yet i am still always on the hunt for more. so, i thought i would try a little thing to share them with everyone else as well (and actually remember them for future reference)!
check out the tag here i will try and remember to use as i live blog some of these movies or head on down below the cut to see all of the christmas films i’ve watched in 2020. thoughts and star ratings included! as expected, i will also be updating this as i watch more and more this holiday season (follow along on twitter too if you want).
note: since i LOVE terrible hallmark films, some that i give a higher rating will not actually be......critically acclaimed. i am just #obsessed and have my reasons as stated, i’m sure.
holidate (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| first time watch | someone on letterboxd compared this movie to when you watch a rom com in sims and it’s just a bunch of random scenes that make no sense and they’re absolutely right. its only saviour is an australian dude and the line “so you know me well enough to cum in my mouth, but you don’t know me well enough to get me a christmas present?”
my christmas inn (2018) 
⭐️⭐️| first time watch | i’ll be honest, this film was pretty forgetful. i watched it over a month ago and don’t really remember what happened. however, i do remember being impressed that the leading lady wasn’t a stereotypical thin white woman. so i guess at least it has that going for it.
christmas made to order (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| first time watch | i actually thought this was pretty cute. it’s not the best, but also not the worst, so a decent medium if you need to fill up those figurative christmas stockings. the concept of hiring someone to decorate your entire house with no budget sounds pretty cool, but when the guy is aaron samuels and looks far from straight, it becomes a little questionable. 
last christmas (2019) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | now this is not a cheesy hallmark film. in fact, i LOVE this film a lot and think i saw it twice at the cinema. last christmas is a top tier christmas song and i remember theorising about it when the trailer first came out, but i will say tissues may be a requirement to watch this. AND henry golding is my husband thank u and goodbye.
operation christmas drop (2020) 
⭐️| first time watch | interesting concept in theory, but this is nothing more than US military propaganda and a cgi lizard. bonus: white saviourism. 
the knight before christmas (2019) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | a medieval knight transported into today’s world and has never seen a car before can drive better than me. that’s it. that’s the movie. also, he literally says the words “modern technology is lit af” at one point. solid christmas film if you ask me. 
the princess switch (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | i strongly believe in the vhcncu (vanessa hudgens christmas netflix cinematic universe). i also have so many questions, like how did they afford the flights or solid conversation or was it all expenses paid? how did they finish a bulk of the cake without a mixer? why does everyone always speak english with a posh english accent even though it’s a non-english european country?
the princess switch: switched again (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| if we learnt anything from a christmas prince, it’s that sequels are generally never better than their predecessor. that being said, this was much less cute body swapping christmas fluff and a little more literal kidnapping and saving the day. either way, blonde vanessa was hot and i appreciated the amber/richard cameo that insinuates a christmas prince is actually a dramatic documentary.
midnight at the magnolia (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| now if you’re after an absolute cheesefest that ticks the boxes on best friends meets fake dating over the holidays, then this is the movie for you! albeit it takes place between christmas and new year’s, it’s still filled with their families knowing they were soulmates the whole time and two people who are a literal too comfortable on the radio. also, the dad’s totally should’ve been gay. they had more chemistry.
christmas wonderland (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| tbh, i genuinely enjoyed this one. post breakup/high school sweethearts is a personal favourite trope of mine, so throw christmas & being forced to spend time together when she goes back home into the mix and i’ll have a serotonin explosion. bonus points for the guy telling the girl to go back to nyc to follow her dreams without being a dick. OH and the scene when he points a fuck load of sugar in his hot beverage.
a wish for christmas (2016) 
⭐️⭐️| who doesn’t love a good office romance between a boss and an employee at christmastime? especially when you throw in a little christmas magic that makes her more confident that results in her finally getting what she deserves and having to travel and rekindle with his family? also, fuck them rich white dudes, but props to her for the significant job promotion.
christmas with a prince (2018) 
⭐️| this was TERRIBLE and not in the good way. it featured: an entitled prince who suddenly had growth even though he did nothing to achieve it, majority of the film set in one hospital room, and the fact that she’s the only one with a tiara at the party filled with people who actually have titles. also, thought there was a decent ending but turns out there was still another 30 mins to go. ugh.
a royal christmas engagement (2020) 
⭐️| don’t be fooled by the title. the engagement doesn’t happen til the last two minutes. it’s actually about a prince (bet you didn’t see that one coming) who travels to america, pretending to be his best friend who works for this major marketing firm because he’s tired of being the spare. this gets one star purely for the line “she’s not a commoner, patrick. she’s an american.”
christmas wedding planning (2017)
⭐️⭐️| it looked like it would be half decent, and while it’s definitely better than the last two, it was still pretty eh. i could get on board with her texting her dead mother’s number as a way to talk to her still, and i understand we all experience grief differently, but.....actively paying your mums phone bill 3 years later? girl. also, the end made me SCREAM. WHY DID THEY DO THAT!!!!
santa girl (2019)
⭐️| this was just painful to watch. evil jack frost makes memes in his free time, santa has a fancy car and doesn’t eat sweets, and there’s an odd comparison between the elves, minimum age workers, and racism. however, one star purely for the entertaining (read: bloody awful) tooth fairy cgi that gave me a right laugh.
the christmas chronicles (2018)
⭐️⭐️⭐️| this was really cute and had the makings of what could be a christmas movie staple along with the likes of elf and the santa clause (but will never reach that standard, obvs). tbh, it’s just a nice heartwarming family christmas movie about two siblings who band together to help santa and save christmas. also, santa was a #dilf.
the christmas chronicles: part two (2020)
⭐️⭐️| one of these days i would love to see a sequel that’s better, or at least on par, with its predecessor, but that day is not today. sadly, this film lacked all the heart and magic the first one was filled with and some scenes were pretty redundant. kurt russell and goldie hawn, however... one star for each of them.
forever christmas / mr. 365 (2019)
⭐️⭐️| the title varies depending where you’re from, but that’s probably the most exciting part of this movie. a guy celebrates christmas 365 days a year and a reality show wants to invade his house? ok, sure. one star for the eye candy and one star for, surprisingly enough, their chemistry and all the kissing scenes that don’t usually make the mark in the hallmark world. 
noelle (2019)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| did i renew disney plus just so i could watch this (and a couple of others)? maybe so... this movie is so fun! and family friendly! and is actually funny! it gives me major elf vibes, but if elf was set in a more modern day setting. either way, i had a great time and have been holding out on this one after loving it a lot last year!
the nutcracker and the four realms (2018)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| anything nutcracker related is an instant win in my book because it’s my favourite ballet of all time (except for graeme murphy’s version, we don’t talk about that). does this movie actually deserve the four stars? maybe not. am i going to give them anyway purely for my love of the nutcracker and the soundtrack? absolutely!
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georgescatcafe · 4 years
not now, not ever
rating: t warning/s: none pairing/s: georgenap genres/tags: non-youtuber au, confessions, banter, fluff word count: 1838 summary: Local man finds intruder who he may or may not be in love with chilling on his couch. What happens next may shock you.
+ao3  +for @dreamnap​
Flicking on the light switch, George lets out a shriek at the sight of the other on the sofa. “Sapnap! What the hell?” He crosses his arms as he glares at Sapnap, who only reclines further onto the couch cushions.
“What?” he asks. “I’m just hanging out, dude. Chill.”
“How did you even get in?” George collapses onto the couch next to him, arms still crossed, now glaring at the wall instead.
There’s the sound of metal, and then George lets out an oof! when Sapnap’s keys land in his lap.
“You gave me a key. Remember?”
George picks up the keys and sees the one that matches his own, sighing. “Regretting that now.”
Sapnap laughs, shaking his head as he brings his legs up onto the couch, stretching them out across George’s lap. “Nah. You know you love having me here.”
George stares down at Sapnap’s legs before glancing at his socked feet then sighing and leaning back, arms resting across the other’s legs. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“You love me,” Sapnap teases, sing-songy, and George can practically feel his gaze on his face. (It feels like sunlight.) “You just can’t resist the ol’ Sappy-Nappy.”
George bites back a laugh. “Yeah—because you really want to be calling yourself ‘nappy’.” Sapnap’s smile drops as George gives up on not laughing, instead just hiding his laugh by ducking his head. When he glances over, Sapnap’s smile is back, gaze soft as he just looks at George. George swallows, fingers finding a loose string at the hem of Sapnap’s jeans and messing with it.
“So,” he begins, hesitant, like they’ve never done this before, like Sapnap has never been in his house before, like the two of them have never been alone before, “what’s up?”
Sapnap tilts his head back as he thinks, the position awkward with the way his back is against the arm of the couch. George keeps glancing over at the column of his neck, the way his t-shirt stretches across his chest. Each time, his gaze drops back to his hands as they fiddle with the string.
“Just wanted to hang, I guess,” Sapnap finally says, head lifted back up so he can look at George. “Feels like it’s been forever since we’ve just… chilled, you know?”
George laughs, though it’s weak. “Yeah,” he agrees, because I’ve been trying to keep it that way.
Normally, never in a million years would George avoid a friend, not intentionally. But one day, he and Sapnap were arguing like usual, just the snippy back-and-forth they always do, when he had said something that sent Sap into a round of giggles and George found his breath catching, cheeks heating, and then dread filled his stomach, dread and a determination to just… ignore it, his feelings, just ignore them.
But then he couldn’t. So he chose the next best thing.
It sucked.
So now here the problem sits, sprawled across George’s couch and subsequently George, like he owns the place, and, okay, George isn’t going to kick him out—but he isn’t going to address anything. He’s not going to confess. Not now. Not ever.
“Uh,” he begins, then swallows, “I mean, how’ve you been? Dream said you—”
“Wait,” Sapnap holds up a hand, “can I just say, you and Dream have been hanging out a lot lately, and I mean a lot. Do you have something to tell me, dude?”
“What?” George’s head snaps to the side, eyes wide as they lock with the other’s.
Sapnap gives a shrug. “I just mean, like, you and him have been hanging out a lot, you know, without me, and I don’t really mind or anything, but it’d be kind of nice to know if my two closest friends are dating, y’know?”
George blinks, then makes a face. “You think Dream and I are dating?” He laughs. “Why would I date him when I—” He slaps a hand over his mouth, staring wide-eyed at Sapnap, who gives an equally wide-eyed stare back.
“When you…?” he prompts.
George shakes his head.
“You like someone!” Sapnap accuses.
Again, George shakes his head.
“Tell me who, please,” Sapnap tries. “I promise I won’t tell. I promise.”
“I don’t care,” George says, once again crossing his arms. “No.”
“Please,” Sapnap tries again, “please, Georgie-poo?”
“What the hell?” The stern crease that had formed between his brows smoothes as he gives a small laugh. “No. Don’t ever call me that again.”
“You just don’t want to admit I make your heart flutter.” Sapnap grins, lacing his fingers together and setting his chin atop them daintily, batting his eyelashes.
“Oh my god, you look so weird,” George can’t help his laughs now, shoulders shaking as his cheeks heat, “shut up.” When all Sapnap does is bat his lashes some more, George reaches out a hand to try and break his locked fingers. And then his fingers actually catch with Sapnap’s, intertwining, however unintentionally. He’s playing with fire, he is. George swallows when he feels Sapnap’s thumb brush against his palm softly. Fuck. He glances to Sapnap’s face. He’s just got that stupid smile on again. George swallows again. Well. In for a penny, in for a pound. “You just want me to say I like you.”
A pause, and George panics, eyes dropping back to their hands, thinking that’s it, he’s burnt his bridges, he’s lost it all, everything’s ruined, and then—
George near breaks his neck with how quickly he looks at Sapnap’s face. “What?”
“I,” Sapnap glances away, “said ‘maybe’.”
“I really—”
They stare at each other.
“You first,” George says.
Sapnap gives a small cough behind a fist before his gaze goes to the wall. “I,” he worries his lower lip between his teeth before meeting George’s eyes, “like you. A lot.” His cheeks are flushed pink, George sees that now, and he can feel heat creeping up his own neck, reaching his face and taking over. “You’re—okay,” Sapnap then continues, beginning to pull his hands away from George’s, “you’re not saying anything. Okay, this was a bad i—”
George’s fingers tighten around Sapnap’s. “No, I—it’s not like—no, I like you,” and here, he smiles, though it’s awkward and lopsided, he knows it, “I like you, too.”
“Oh,” Sapnap says.
“Oh,” George agrees.
“But you’re always making fun of me!” Sapnap suddenly says, brows furrowing. “How do you—”
“Only because you start it!” George argues. “Literally, I’ll be like, ‘Oh, can you do this for me?’ And you’ll decide to just be a fucking… gremlin or something and make my life miserable. For literally no reason. Like, for what?”
“No way,” Sapnap says. “You do the same thing. You do the exact same thing, and you know it.”
“Name one instance,” George snaps back. “I’ve done no such thing. All arguments have been started by you.”
“Right now!” Sapnap replies. “This one is on you.”
“You’re the one who complained first,” George says, turning up his nose at the other.
Sapnap rolls his eyes, lacing and unlacing their fingers together. “Whatever. It wasn’t a complaint.”
“What else was it then?”
“Reasonable confusion,” he says. “You make zero sense, dude.”
“Whatever,” George mutters. “You still started it.”
Sapnap hums, smiling as he looks down at their connected hands. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He glances out the window then, hazel eyes glimmering in the golden afternoon sun. “Speaking of, want to go out for dinner? Or maybe like… pizza and a movie. Just you and me. You know.”
George stares at him. “Like… as a date?”
“You said it,” Sapnap replies.
George scoffs, looking down at their hands. “If you’re going to ask me out, at least do it right.”
Sapnap sighs. “Whatever. Okay then, George,” he gives a tug to their hands, so George looks over at him, “would you do the honor… of going on a date with me? It will be pizza and the Prisoner of Azkaban.”
“Do I even get a say in the matter?” George asks.
“No,” Sapnap replies. “Well, to the date part, yes, I guess. You won’t say no, right?”
A minute passes. Neither of them blink. George sighs, looking to the television across from them, still off. “I’m not going to say no. Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”
Sapnap grins, brighter than the sun and any other star in the sky, and George wonders how he could even think for a second George would say no. Then he blushes, eyes dropping back down to their hands because wow, that was cheesy.
“Um,” Sapnap says then, “I’ll need a hand back please. I need to call the pizza place.”
George pulls his hands away, flexing his fingers, before Sapnap snatches one back. “I said a hand, not hands. Give me that.” He intertwines their fingers again, pulling out his phone to call their local pizza place. George blinks down at their reconnected hands. “Yeah, we’re going to be that couple,” Sapnap tells him. “Get used to it.”
George bites back a smile, though the corners of his lips twitch upwards. He rubs his thumb down the back of Sapnap’s hand. “Alright,” he says, quiet.
Sapnap flashes him one last grin before there’s a hello? and he’s rattling off their usual order. George listens to the gentle cadence of his voice before holding his hand that little bit tighter and closing his eyes. Yeah. He can definitely get used to this.
Two weeks later
“What the fuck?” George shrieks when he enters his apartment just to see Dream sprawled across his couch.
Dream spins his keyring on a finger. “Sap let me borrow his key.”
George sighs. “Of course he did. What is it?”
“You and him have been hanging out a lot lately,” Dream begins, and George swallows, pretty sure he knows where this is going, “and I mean a lot. Am I missing something here?”
“Like…?” George really doesn’t want to have this conversation.
Dream gives a melodramatic sigh. “It’s just, well, you and him have been hanging out a lot... without me, and I don’t mind or anything, but it’d be kind of nice to know if my two closest friends are dating, y’know?”
“Sometimes I forget you and Sap have been friends for, like, ten years,” George replies.
Dream pushes himself into a proper sitting position. “What, why?”
“Why do you both assume I’m dating one of you?” George asks, crossing his arms. “And give me back my key.”
“But it’s Sapnap’s,” Dream says. “And I can’t believe you two started dating and didn’t tell me!”
“It’s been, like, a week!” George replies. “And it was my key first. Just give it.” He holds out a hand, Dream making a face before removing the key from the keychain and setting it into his open palm. George pockets it. “Thank you.”
“I still can’t believe you got together and didn’t say anything,” Dream says.
George falls onto the couch next to him. “Get used to it,” he replies.
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Hi! Could you possibly give some of your favorite finished chaptered reddie fics?❤
Well do I ever! Enjoy these amazing fics by some amazing people! Its an extensive list so I’ve put it under a read more so as not to clog the tag! 
Is there somewhere by @tozier-boy | 11/11 | complete | explicit
Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure.
Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before.
Zero Characters Left by @stellarbisexual | 18/18 | complete | explicit 
Eddie works in social media at a tech start-up in Boston, and Richie's been hired to do some video production for the company.
Characters are aged-up to their late twenties, and this takes place in 2017.
Bright as yellow by @speakslowtellmelove | 30/30 | complete | mature 
“‘Remember that hot guy I couldn’t stop turning around to stare at while watching the movie? Y’know, the one I stalked? He’s being hilarious in my math class full of nerds.’ You honestly think that’s my fault, Eds?”
Eddie felt his cheeks heating up, because Richie was right about all of it. Well, most of it. “My name is Eddie, not Eds. And I didn’t stal–”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. See, isn’t that better? Eddie and Richie, Richie and Eddie. R plus E. It has a nice ring to it.”
the sea around us by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak & @tozier-boy | 26/26 | complete | explicit 
Prince Edward, is due to marry Princess Myra in order to help secure his kingdom financially. In a last ditch effort to be free and fulfil a lifelong dream of travelling the world, he sneaks out of his window and on board a pirate ship. Captain Richie Tozier’s pirate ship.
or Prince Eddie & Pirate Richie AU
Beep-beep, Eddie Kaspbrak by Ragno | 5/5 | complete | mature
Eddie Kaspbrak is 14 years old and he just defeated a demonic clown along with his friends.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 16 years old and he's fighting against himself and the way he feels and the way he thinks.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 18 years old and he'd much rather fight a demonic clown all over again than face his true feelings for Richie Tozier.
The Order by @s-s-georgie | 10/10 | complete | mature
“You guys lost too?”
“Nope. Believe it or not Silent Hill is my actual destination.”
- The Silent Hill Au Literally no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
far too young to die (part one) by @catsbrak | 17/17 | complete | explicit
Eighteen year old seamster Eddie Kasprak is forced to put his survival skills to the test when he’s selected in the reaping for the 27th Annual Hunger Games, where twenty-four young ‘tributes’ who are gathered from each of the twelve districts must fight to the death. Eddie forms close bonds, his priorities undergoing a drastic shift, and he instead takes on a more difficult task: to try and protect his friends.
(in other words, the reddie hunger games AU no one asked for, and everyone will hate me for)
Kryptonite by hoeziertozier | 13/13 | complete | explicit
‘Richie looked down and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “There’s a reason I came to New York.”
“Isn’t it because of your job?”
“Yeah, but there’s a reason I specifically chose New York. I mean, it’s Wonder Boy’s home.”
Eddie choked on air. For the first time in ages, he wanted to use his inhaler. “What?“
"Yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with him. He’s, like, my idol.”
So, his new roommate was his superhero persona’s fanboy. Yep, that was definitely not going to be a problem.’
Or, the self-indulgent Superhero!Eddie and Superfan!Richie AU that literally nobody asked for.
Just Survive Somehow by @s-s-georgie | 21/21 | complete | mature
When the world ended, and the dead rose to eat the living, it turned into kill or be killed, but how do you survive when the creatures around you are constantly evolving?
Wishes by strictlyamess | 14/14 | complete | mature
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
Operation: Hawaii Honeymoon by @tinyarmedtrex | 9/9 | complete | mature
A plan formed in Eddie’s head. One that would benefit them both. “Does your ex have an instagram?” Eddie asked. Eddie shook his head. “Do you want to make her jealous?”
“More than anything.”
“Hear me out then.” Eddie said, plunging forward even though he knew his idea was ridiculous. “What if you came to Hawaii with me? We’ll act like the perfect couple- she’ll get jealous, maybe want you back, and Myra will have to accept that I’m gay and will leave me alone.”
Richie looked up at him, a noodle dangling out of his mouth. “What?”
[ or Eddie and Richie meet on a plane to Hawaii and strike up a deal. Pretend to be lovers to make Richie’s ex-girlfriend jealous and convince Eddie’s ex-fiance Myra that he’s gay. What could go wrong?]
Inexhaustible Source of Magic by @jem-carstairs-is-perfection & @tinyarmedtrex | 17/17 | complete | teen 
The Triwizard Tournament is back at Hogwarts and this time, two students from each school will be chosen to participate. When Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are elected by the Legendary Goblet of Fire to compete, they must come together as a team and overcome their differences to prove to themselves and to others what they are capable of.
ask me to stay by @richietoizer | 7/7 | complete | teen
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
[or: the year is 1994, and Eddie Kaspbrak is in love.]
Sex, Money, Murder by @studpuffin | 8/8 | complete | explicit
“The only sin is mediocrity.” ― Martha Graham
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg | 4/4| complete | mature 
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
Fall Away From Me (I Just Can’t Take It) by @thelazyeye | 6/6 | complete “ explicit 
It’s okay, though, Eddie tells himself. It’s all fine. This is part of their arrangement. This is a casual thing they have going. It’s his own stupid fault for catching feelings for someone he agreed to casually fuck. Especially when that person is his best friend from childhood.
It Was Always You by eddie_kaspbraktozier | 12/12 | complete | teen
Eddie, miraculously, survives the fight with Pennywise. Richie is still hopelessly in love with him, even after all of these years. As Richie stays with Eddie to help him with his recovery and divorce, he tries to find the courage to tell Eddie his true feelings.
Eddie wakes up after the fight with Pennywise to realize his whole life has been a lie – his asthma, his marriage, god, his whole adult life. Although now, Eddie is finally free to decide what he wants out of life. Eddie slowly comes to realize his feelings for his best friend.
Told in alternating point of views – Richie and Eddie’s.
IT Chapter Three. The ending we deserve.
IDK, spooky stuff by varnes | 3/3 | complete | explicit 
“You’re a ghost hunter, aren’t you?” Georgie reminded him. “And he’s a ghost, or something. So obviously the police won’t find him, but you guys can, with all your equipment. You can find him and make the murders stop.”
From the couch, Richie’s whole face was lit up with delight. That was always a bad sign.
“I don’t know, Georgie,” Bill said, but before he could get the words all the way out, Richie was leaping up and yanking the phone out of his hand.
“Murderous ghost circus performer, love it, love it,” he announced. “Georgiekins, say no more, not one word, we are absolutely going to come bust the shit out of this clown.”
Or: the quasi-BFU AU where Bill, Stan, Bev and Richie go to Derry to hunt a ghost. Featuring a one-armed boy out for revenge; a Tiny Smol hotel clerk who can't decide if he wants to fight Richie or marry him; The Hot Fireman From LA?!; a local librarian who just wants to read books to children in peace; and, of course, Pennywise the clown.
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Becoming A Stark (18)- Peter Parker X Stark!femReader
Word Count: 2434
Warning: Swearing
Author Note: Yes, yes I missed Wednesday’s update. To be honest- it completely slipped my mind with classes. I’m going to have to set an alarm to remind me or something lol. Anyway, let me know what you think of probably my favorite chapter of this story and if you want to be added to the tag list.
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List
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“Kid, we have to talk. What have you been thinking?” Tony is pacing around the lab as Peter sits on the stool. He should be working on his physics homework, but Tony needs to talk to him. He’s been fighting on and off with you, he had to rescue Peter from a lake and now the DC stuff. “You could have blown Spidey’s cover so many times in the past weeks plus the alien tech stuff on top of that? You’re supposed to be neighborhood Spider-Man, not running off to DC Spider-Man. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that people needed help and I was there.” Peter says, swinging his leg, not looking Tony in the eye.
“Not good enough.” That makes Peter’s head pop up. “I looked up your suit info. Don’t lie to me. Your suit doesn’t even show being in DC after say nine thirty six pm on Friday night which is weird seeing as you were videotaped at the Washington monument on Saturday. So either there’s something off with the suit, or you messed with it?”
“There was, um, some faulty wiring?” 
“Nice try. Plus Y/N got pissed at me that I introduced you to Spider-Man first since you were trying to use him as a party trick. And then I had to rescue you from a lake. So either you need to explain what’s going on, or Spider-Man goes back to being a kid in a onesie.”
“Wait you’d take the suit away?”
“I’m trying to figure out where you’re at. None of this seems like the kid that told me he wants to help the little guy.”
“I’m trying to help the little guy, but there is also more I could be doing and you’re not listening. You’re too focused on everything except what I’m telling you. I’m trying to keep the little guy safe from this guy with the wings and you won’t listen. You don’t even seem to care about what I’m actually doing unless it involves Y/N.”
“That’s because she’s my daughter.”
“Who I happen to like a lot and all you care about is keeping her to yourself. You want me to keep a million secrets from her and that’s fine. But you’re making me hurt her and I won’t do it anymore.” Peter snatches his homework off the table and shoves it into his backpack before walking out of the lab. Tony can only watch as the kid walks out of the lab. This conversation went nowhere near where he thought it would go.
And the next few days don’t go any better for Tony. He tries to do what he thinks will help the situation so that Peter doesn’t have to worry about it, but when he has to rescue the entire Staten Island Ferry from being split down the middle, he’s pissed off. So yeah, he takes the kid’s suit. Because he’s worried. And nothing seems to be going through that kid’s thick skull.
Your dad was in a mood when you got home from Betty’s house that afternoon. “Let me guess you weren’t even at Betty’s house studying?”’
“I’ve been at Betty’s since school let out. Happy literally picked me up from there. What’s your problem?” You drop your backpack on the floor.
“My problem is you kids running around like you can do anything in the world and thinking that us adults won’t help you if you just reach out. Instead you have to skirt the rules and make up things. Then we have to come in to save the day all the time.”
“Clearly I have no idea what you’re talking about. But if you’re in a shit mood, quit taking it out on me. Because I was having a relatively good day until now.”
“I was having a relatively good day until your boyfriend messed it up.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend so I have less than zero idea what you’re talking about.”
“Well Parker made his intentions about having feelings for you clear when he stormed out of the lab the other day clear so I thought he would have made a move by now. Then he goes and makes a huge mess that I have to take care of.”
“What are you talking about? There is nothing going on between Peter and I. Honestly if he was having a relationship with any Stark, I would guess it would be you since he spends way more time with you than he does me. But if he did something that you had to fix, that’s on him, not me. So quit taking it out on me.” You grab your backpack and storm up the stairs to your room. Twitter is full of stories about Spider-Man and Iron Man saving the Staten Island Ferry. He goes and makes a huge mess that I have to take care of. Holy Shit. Peter doesn’t know Spider-Man; Peter is Spider-Man. 
Grabbing a pair of sunglasses, your wallet, your phone, and your purse, you make your way downstairs. Your dad is still pacing around the living room, mumbling to himself. He doesn’t even look up as the front door beeps, which says something about how far in his head he is. The brownstone is better than the tower at one thing- the paparazzi haven’t swarmed it yet. So you’re actually able to get out of the building without being swarmed like when you leave school. You should call Happy. He at least knows how to get you where you want to go. But you don’t want him to say no or worse tell your dad. So you’ll figure this out. 
“FRIDAY, can you pull up directions to Peter Parker’s apartment?” 
“Certainly Y/N.”
“FRI, can you not tell my dad where I’m going?”
“He has the ability to override your settings, but unless he does, I will keep your trip a secret.”
“Thanks FRIDAY.” You look at the map on your screen and start walking towards the subway station. It’s been months since you rode the train, but it feels like coming home. You used to ride the E train all the time to go to Betty’s house and school, so this feels like going home. According to the map, Peter lives only four blocks from Nana and Pops’ anyway. It’s going to take some time to get there from where you live now, so right now you plug your headphones in and let your I Hate My Life playlist start playing. Song to Sing When I’m Lonely by John Frusciante plays and you let your head bob back and forth as the train clicks and clacks over the tracks. 
You look at the number on your screen one last time before knocking on the door in front of you. “I’m coming.” A voice from the other side calls. A female voice. Not Peter’s voice. “Hi?”
“Hi, is Peter here?”
“Uh, he is. I think he’s in the shower. Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of his. I’m Y/N Stark.” You realize it might be safer to use your old last name, but you’ve gotten so used to saying Stark now, that it’s too late.
“Oh. Peter told me.”
“Told you…?”
“About how he lost the internship. He never mentioned that his friend Y/N was related to your dad though.” Peter lost his internship? That’s news to you.
“My dad is trying to keep it kind of low key.” Not that he did a good job at that.
“Come on in.” The woman motions for you to follow her into the apartment. “I’m May, Peter’s aunt.” You follow her through the kitchen into the living room. “I’d offer you a snack, but I’m not much of a cook.”
“I’m good. My dad is kind of strict about what I’m allowed to eat anyway. No GMOs, all organic, no high fructose corn syrup, all those crazy rules. It’s kind of annoying to be honest.” May looks at the teenager sitting in front of her in a printed graphic tee that reads ‘I like coffee and maybe three people’, a pair of denim shorts and a pair of galaxy high tops. Much more summery than the fall weather that was starting to roll in but a cute outfit nonetheless. Before May can say anything in response, the bathroom door opens and Peter walks out in nothing but a towel. 
“I might have used all the hot water, May. Sorry.”
“That’s ok. Your friend stopped by.” Peter looks up to see you, but you can’t help but look at the abs he has somehow managed to hide the entire time you both have been friends. 
“Y/N? What-what-what are you doing here?” His hand falls to grasp the towel that's wrapped around his waist.
“Maybe you should put some clothes on before you try to have a full on conversation?” May suggests.
“Clothes. Right.”
“Boys.” May rolls her eyes. “So you go to MSST?” You nod. “Are you as into all the sciences as Peter is?” You shake your head.
“It’s probably the biggest disappointment about being Tony Stark’s kid is that I hate science.” You can’t help but scrunch your nose as you say this.
“Well thank god, because I can’t follow half of what Peter talks about.” May says with a smile. 
“That’s how I feel when him and my dad come up from the lab. I never have a clue what they’re talking about. But books, most movies, pop culture, I’m good with that.” 
“Well I’m pretty good at following those as well.” May smiles as she talks with you about some of your favorite books, movies you’ve seen recently, and even some news until Peter comes out and steals you. You follow him into a room that has a bunk bed and a ton of tech. It all screams Peter. You don’t know what to say to him, but luckily, Peter starts the conversation.
“I thought your dad would have told you we can’t be friends anymore.” Peter says crossing his arms and kicking some of the legos that Ned had left here across his floor.
“Why ‘cause you lost your internship? When did that happen by the way?”
“Today.” Peter looks at the floor.
“Right when you and him had to save the Staten Ferry right?” Peter’s eyes jump up to look at you.
“I feel like an idiot for it taking so long to connect, but you’re Spider-Man. Which makes total sense. I never should have sent the video to my dad in the first place.”
“Wait, your dad found the video because of you?”
“You think my dad knows how to find Youtube videos?” You can’t help but laugh. “He’s good at science and stuff, but Youtube is not his forte. So why didn’t you just tell me? I know like half a dozen if not more other superheroes. Knowing one more, wouldn’t have been that big of a deal.”
“Your dad made me promise not to tell you.”
“Well he seems to have no problem telling me that you have feelings for me, so why is telling me about your alter ego a big deal?” Peter’s face falls, turning red at the same time.
“He what?” You step across the room, reaching out for Peter, but dropping your hand at the last second.
“It’s not a bad thing. It honestly makes me feel so much better about the fact that I may or may not have been feeling quite similarly about you. But I didn’t want to be that girl that had feelings for the guy a year older than her.” You shrug and your hand tugging your hair forward, trying to find something to fidget with. But Peter’s hand comes up to push your hair away from your face.
“So you’re saying that if I told you I like you…” His hand rests on your cheek.
“Then I would say I like you too.”
“God, Y/N, you’re making this awful day a million times better.” And before you know it, Peter’s leaning in to place his lips on yours. Peter’s kissing you- you should be kissing him back. He takes your lack of movement as resistance and starts to lean away from you, but you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him back. You could keep kissing him until you needed air, if your phone wasn’t going off in your back pocket.
“Hold that thought.” You whisper into his lips as you pull out your phone, seeing your dad’s picture. You take a deep breath before picking up the phone. “Yes.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Stark, where the hell are you?” Tony’s voice is harsher than you’ve ever heard it.
“I didn’t even know you knew my middle name.”
“Y/N I’m in no mood for games. Where the hell are you? You didn’t ask me to go anywhere and you didn’t ask Happy to drive you. FRIDAY says you requested I don’t ask where you went so I’m giving you a chance to tell me before I just override the system. Where are you?”
“I had to run an errand.”
“And that is at what location?”
“I had to run to Peter’s.”
“Does it really matter? You apparently fired him, so he’s no longer your intern. He’s just my friend.”
“It matters because you are fourteen and you left the house without telling anyone which you promised you wouldn’t do. Security risk remember? I’m sending Happy to pick you up. So finish your conversation by the time he gets there.”
“And know you’re grounded.”
“How is that any different than how you already make me live? I’m literally allowed to go to school and come straight home?”
“You went to a party did you not?” And you have to bite your tongue to not spoil where you actually went.
“Ugh whatever.” And you hang up the phone.
“You snuck out to come see me?” Peter asks and you look up at him in confusion. Was your phone that loud? “Spidey Senses. I can hear way more than I’m supposed to.”
“Ah. Yeah, kind of snuck out. It’s not like it was really a secret. My dad could have easily hacked my phone if he wanted to.” You run a hand through your hair before looking up at Peter. “I don’t really want to talk about my dad.”
“There’s a better way we can waste the ten minutes until Happy gets here.” You smile at him, and Peter’s hands wrap around your waist.
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway​  @iamaunicorn4704​   @furiouspockettoad​  @daughter-of-stark​  @eternalharry​  @huntective-kyeo​ @riiis-stuff​ @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb​ @sovereignparker​ @bbarnestan​ @teenwishes08​ @iamthescarlettwitch​ @skyfallstilinski @cutie1365​ @a-mnd​
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick​
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trouvelle · 4 years
I love all your Heizuha contents!!!! Oneshots, drabbles, etc (memes too lol). And your ANGST FICS???? I'M DESTROYED. Just curious, if you are accepting requests, can you write happy shinran and heizuha oneshot? I need something to heal from your angsty AUs 😢😢😢😢💦💦
Hi hello thank you so much 🥺 AH YES HEIZUHA I’m HEART-EYES FOREVER 😍!! My hot-blooded Kendo boi and his Aikido (and Karuta) queen ugh they make me feel so soft. Wait—don’t be destroyed pls omg I have a shinran oneshot first for you right here! And yes it actually is a happy one. Although I gotta say I’m probably even worse at doing happy sappy fluff. But still, I hope you like this! ❤️❤️
Fandom: Detective Conan/DCMK Pairing: Shinichi/Ran Rating: G Genre/Tags: Romance, Fluff Summary: Ran hates being apart from Shinichi. All she wants is to feel his warmth next to her. 
Ran is happy to be with Shinichi, even if it means not being physically together and having to survive long distance.
Now she would be lying if she says it doesn’t bother her in the slightest. After they got together and she finds out that Shinichi still has to leave for his ongoing case, her initial thought is that it wouldn’t bother her. She’s grown so used to it by now. It’s not like he’s never coming back, because he always does. After all, they just started dating, and maybe this way they’ll still be in their honeymoon stage for years to come.
They have been doing alright with frequent calls and texts sent to each other. Although she is slightly upset that they can’t physically go out on any dates, hearing Shinichi’s voice always makes everything worth it. She knows she’s going to forget all this as soon as she sees him again.
She does expect Shinichi to be as sad and lonely as she is, but she never asks about it. She doesn’t want him to think that she’s already turning clingy after only a few months into their relationship. And because she is an understanding girlfriend, she never tells him how she feels about it. She has been saying “I love you” more often though, now that she’s more comfortable saying it, which he always happily returned. She never once doubts Shinichi either—he gives her zero reasons to. Besides, they have short meet ups every now and then, and those feel like they are enough for her.
There are certain things that leaves her feeling an extra amount of longing. When she sees couples out and about in the streets, or strolling around the park, or fooling around in the hallway of their school, it breaks her heart a little. She wants Shinichi by her side, to be able to cuddle into his warmth. She wants to walk next to him and hold his hand, to go to the movies and check out cute restaurants.
“I miss you,” Ran mumbles into her mic, only one side of her earphones on. She is lying on her bed, on a call with her boyfriend who is still away, on yet another case. She has to cherish all their calls together because time is all she can afford.
She traces her finger on her phone’s screen, outlining his name that’s currently displayed, yearning to touch him. She can't help but feel disappointed when all she can feel is how hot her phone is. She should probably get a new phone soon. 
“I miss you too. More than words can describe,” Shinichi replies guiltily, sad that Ran is so troubled. He has been trying to ease her pain by sneaking away to call her more often these days. He sees the longing in her eyes, always wondering what he can do for her. He hates it, hates seeing Ran’s face contort into sadness and what seems like disappointment. It never gets any easier. 
If only she knows that they are actually together literally every single day.
“Anyway, how is your day?” Shinichi asked, trying to change the subject to distract her. 
Ran huffs. “Conan-kun left on a weekend camping trip with his class. I’m worried about his safety. They’re elementary students, they’re not supposed to go camping in the mountains yet!”
Shinichi smiles fondly. Yep, he’s definitely on his camping trip all right.
“Also, it is kind of lonely here when he’s not around.” Lonelier, she adds to herself.
“You have nothing to worry about, I’m sure he’ll be okay,” Shinichi reassures, grinning.
“I suppose it’s true. Conan-kun does know how to take care of himself. What are you doing, anyway? Do you have to go soon? Can we switch to video call?” The hope in her voice is unmistakable. He purposely ignores Ran’s questions while wrecking his brain for a believable excuse to not switch to video call. But it is too late, she has already pressed the button that requested for him to accept the call.
Uh oh.
Shinichi curses silently. As soon as their cameras are on, he raises his phone up close to his face, careful to leave the streetlights out of view. “Hi!,” he says, hoping she wouldn’t detect the nervousness in his voice. Ran squints at the blurry screen. She can’t see much, but it is enough to make her whole evening better.
“You know what, Shinichi? It’s okay, you’re probably busy and tired, I understand! Have a good night or morning, wherever you are, okay?” Ran yawns, turning to lie on the other side as she reaches out to switch off her table lamp. “I’m already getting ready for bed anyway. Please stay safe out there. I love you.” 
“NO!” Shinichi yells, before realizing how loud and unnecessary it is. He stops to look around, praying that no one around him is affected by the noise he is making. Ran is decently surprised. “Shinichi, what’s wrong?”
“I, uh, I’m staking out a criminal’s possible hideout. It’s really boring here because nothing is happening so far and it’s probably deserted. Keep me me while I wait?” Shinichi asks sheepishly, belatedly realizing how dumb of an excuse he just gave. Is it even believable in the slightest? “I’m just walking around the place now,” He adds as he quickened his pace. 
Ran yawns but he can see her nodding her head in the dark. “Don’t you have to be aware of your surroundings, though? What if the bad guys creep up on you?”
“You’re right,” he says half-heartedly, not really paying attention to what she’s saying anymore. He’s trying to climb up the stairs as fast as his feet can take him. He is so close.
Ran mumbles something sleepily in return. How she wishes for body heat, but she only had her blanket to make up for the warmth. She closes her eyes, unaware that the line has gone silent. After a few more beats of silence, she hears the front door being unlocked. She sits up, suddenly alert and forgetting about her call with Shinichi. It is definitely not her father, since she can hear his snores very audibly from his room. Is it Conan, coming back from his camping trip a few days early? But—it’s literally the middle of the night, so if it actually is Conan, he has some explaining to do. She tip-toes to the door just to get ready in case it is an actual robber.
As the door unlocks and the intruder enters, Ran’s eyes widen and her hand flails around for the switch to turn one of the lights one as she recognizes the familiar silhouette. It can't be.
“Surprise.” Shinichi is standing there, smiling widely at the sight of his dumbfounded girlfriend.
Ran stares at the boy in front of her for a good while before reaching out for him in a frenzy. “You’re kidding,” she chokes out, wrapping her arms tightly around him, afraid he will be gone again as soon as she let go. 
“I’ve missed you too,” Shinichi sighs, hugging Ran back just as tight. They stand like that, hugging at the door silently, choosing to ignore the fact that her father can very well walk out of his room at any given moment. Shinichi pulls away, frowning, when he realizes that she is crying.
“Hey, don’t cry.” He whispers softly, bending his knees to look at Ran who has her head down. She shakes her head, opting to bury her face in his chest instead. Shinichi run his hands up and down her back, gently kissing the top of her head. “Don’t cry, I’m here.”
Ran looks up, a few droplets of tears streaming down her face. “That’s exactly why I’m crying! You’re back now, for.. God knows how long, and then you’re gonna have to leave me again. Probably in a few hours, or in the morning if we’re lucky,” she cries, sniffling. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Shinichi remains quiet as Ran cries her heart out in silence. Then, he very gently lifts her up, carrying her to the bedroom and setting her down on the bed. “Actually, I have a few days to spend with you.”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“I mean, you’re right. And I’m not gonna lie to you, I will have to leave again, but not until Monday. So.. I’m yours for the whole weekend.” Shinichi says, hoping for her acceptance, despite how little he is offering her right now.
“The whole weekend?” Her smile is back on her face at this point. Sounds like she will just have to make the most out of this weekend, then. It’s a good thing she doesn’t have anything yet planned. She wipes the tears off of her face. She can’t waste their time together by crying like this. “Oh Shinichi, there are so many places that I wanted to go with you to!”
“We can go anywhere you want,” says Shinichi. That already sounds perfect to him. Truth be told, any moments spent with Ran were perfect. The Where and What weren’t all that important. Like right now. Even in the dim light, he can see how bright she’s smiling. God, all he wanted to do is stare at her and admire her beauty, amongst everything else.
He hates lying to Ran, although it is done to protect her, to shield her. He will have to lie to her some more, but this time, he does not want to make any more promises he can't keep. “It will all be over soon, I promise. I’ll come home for good.” You’re my home, he wants to say.
She has missed him so much—she missed his voice, his scent, his warmth, his presence. She crawls towards him, unable to hide the overwhelming sense of hope that arises after his declaration. “Really?”
“Really.” Ran can feel the tears welling up again. This time, out of happiness. “It hurts so much to not be able to be by your side.”
“I’m here,” murmurs Shinichi quietly as he reaches out to wipe some of her fallen tears away with the pad of his thumb. “... and I’m always watching.” he adds quietly, wrapping an arm around her as he hugs her to sleep.
Ran nods in silence. She has so many things to tell him, but she is content with just enjoying his warmth and presence beside her for now. Truly, nothing can compare to the homey feeling and the familiarity of being next to Shinichi. She lets him hold her to sleep, his voice a lullaby that carries her out of consciousness.
“I’m always with you,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss her forehead, “There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”
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xxbyimm · 4 years
The knight and the princess - Fíli x reader - Modern AU
Link to my Masterlist.
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This was a prompt I originally received from @saviorsong​ yesterday: next-door neighbor trope with the line ‘That won’t work, Try again’. As I wrote down most of this in bed last night, this piece expanded from a short drabble into a short fic of more or less 1500 words. I don’t know what happened and I don’t regret it. As I try to be less brutal about the level of perfection my work has to achieve to be worthy, I try to NOT edit my oneshots endlessly. So bear with me on that, and I hope y’all enjoy.
The knight and the princess - Fíli x Reader
Summary: Friday night. The reader tries to set up her new surround sound system, but it turns out to be harder than expected. Luckily friday night also means her favorite next-door neighbor comes over. MODERN AU.
Warnings: Fluff, bit of cursing.
Taglist: @soradragon​ @pistachiozombie​ @legolaslovely​ @tomisbaeholland​ @swoopswishsward​ @fizzyxcustard​ @deepestfirefun​ @ruthoakenshield​ @mariannetora​ @thequeenoferebor​  If you don’t wish to be tagged anymore, please let me know! Or if you’re not on the list and want to be tagged: check out my lists and I’d like to hear which list you want in on!
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It shouldn’t be this hard. Literally anyone could do it. At least, that was what the people at the store had told you. And the delivery girl. Even the helpdesk guy had told you the same, though he even had the nerves to inquire ‘if you had read the instruction manual’.
Of course you did! You weren’t stupid, you were an grown-ass woman -damn it- and you could take care of yourself.
‘It’s not hard, ma’am.’ The guy repeated for the zillionth time. ‘Just put the red cable-’ ‘And I told you there is NO RED CABLE!’ you hissed back, exasperated by the fact that this person refused to listen. ‘There has to be.’ He mumbled. ‘Because otherwise you won’t be able to connect the tv with the left box.’ ’Okay, you know what…’ you grumbled. ‘I think this doesn’t get me any further than it already did.’ ‘But have you checked the package the system came in?’ You let out a strangled groan. ‘Of course I checked it!’ ‘You sure?’ the guy pressed. ‘Because more than often, our clients-’
You ended the call, just before you would have battered those poor worker’s ears with the most vile curses in the English vocabulary. It wasn’t his fault, you knew that. He probably had to stick to a protocol anyway and you were too impatient to follow such bureaucratic nonsense. But still, he wasn’t the proud owner of a surround sound system that was nowhere to near to be connected with the rest of your setup.
You heaved a sigh and eyed the chaos around you. There were cables everywhere and the manual lay crumpled on the couch. Six sound boxes were scattered across the room, waiting patiently to be put in their new place. Oh, and you weren’t even talking about all of the packaging it had arrived in! Ugh. You were ready to give up, even if it meant you couldn’t enjoy your favorite movie with some proper sound effects tonight. Whatever that meant anyway. This hadn’t been your idea.
Defeated, you strolled towards the kitchen. The least you could do, was reward yourself with a glass of wine. You opened the fridge and nearly jumped when someone knocked on the kitchen window. When you quickly turned your head to see who was disturbing you, your eyes met the dreamy blue ones of your next-door neighbor, Fíli. He was holding a bottle of wine and winked at you. His golden locks radiated in the sun and for a moment, you once again appreciated how handsome the bastard was. He obviously liked to take care of himself, as his blonde, shoulder length hair was almost more soft than yours and his beard was trimmed into perfection. Normally you weren’t into mustache braids, but the way this guy sported those made your legs weak. Fíli was wearing a simple, blue t-shirt with a V-neck that showed off some of his chest hair. You sincerely hoped that he had not paired it with his favorite jeans, because otherwise you’d spent all night gawking that fine ass.
‘Hey, Y/N!’ Fíli called, his eyes twinkling mischievously. ‘You’re going to let me stand here all night?’ You smiled and moved to the door to let him in. Because of all the hassle, you almost had forgotten it was Friday night. A few months ago, when you were new in this neighborhood, Fíli had swung by to say hello. In hindsight, you had lost your heart that night on your doorstep, though you had denied it for months after. It wasn’t a coincidence that the two of you had developed a habit of spending Friday nights together, since both of you highly enjoyed each other’s company over going out in search of love. In addition, Fíli was one hell of a chef in his spare time.
‘How are you faring, love?’ Fíli inquired while kissing your cheek. ‘How was work?’ ‘Ah. It was fine.’ You replied, closing the fridge and reaching for your fancy wine glasses in the cabinet. ‘My boss was a total pain in the ass, though that’s nothing new.’ Fíli smirked. ‘What’s the old toad up to now?’ A giggle escaped you and you shot him a glance. ‘You know you can’t call her that! What if I say that while at work? She will have my head!’ ‘Ah, but then all you have to do is to call upon your knight to save you.’ He told you while opening the bottle and pouring some wine. ‘I have a knight?’ you wondered. ‘Why hasn’t he informed me yet? I would spare me loads of trouble.’ Fíli shrugged, his eyes flashing briefly over your face. ‘Maybe he’s been a coward and doesn’t know how to show it’s him.’ ‘Selfish bastard.’ You muttered, too engrossed in the red liquid pouring into your glass to notice. ‘Anyway, no matter. I don’t need a knight.’ ‘Not even in shiny armor?’ ‘No.’ You groaned. The last guy you had gone on a date with a few months ago, had those ridiculous old-fashioned standards that you possibly couldn’t and wouldn’t meet. Naturally, the date had been a disaster when you straight up told him you refused to settle for a ‘woman’s place is in the kitchen’ kind of relationship.
Fíli took a sip and leaned against the counter. ‘I don’t get why the women get the knights, and us men have to settle for the princesses.’ ‘You want a knight, eh?’ you grinned, grateful for the fact that your friend hadn’t noticed you mentally had visited the dreadful topic of your dating life. ‘Exactly.’ He nodded vigorously. ‘Someone who can battle dragons, command legions.’ ‘And take over the world?’ you filled in. ‘Bend every civilization to your will?’ Fíli laughed and lazily moved towards the living room. His blue eyes burned through yours and you bit your lip. ‘Those are your words, milady, not mine.’ He purred as he disappeared in the hallway.
You winced when you discovered that he was, in fact, wearing his (and your) favorite pair of jeans. Damn that fine ass!
‘I said I wanted a knight.’ Fíli went on, obliviously to your appreciative glances. ‘A knight, Y/N, not a- Mahal’s hairy balls! What happened here?’
Oh Mahal’s hairy balls indeed. You had forgotten about the ground zero in your living room. You turned the corner. Fíli was eyeing the chaos with an amused smirk. ‘Is that the surround sound system I recommended to you?’ he asked. ‘Yeah.’ You said. ‘But I wasn’t finished just yet. I merely went to the kitchen to get myself some wine.’ ‘Finished with what?!’ Fíli grinned. ‘Wreaking havoc?’ ‘Oh, you ass! I was getting there!’ ‘Yeah?’ Fíli gestured at the pile of cables on the carpet. ‘That won’t work. Try again.’ ‘Hmmm.’ You mused while draining your wine in one go and putting the glass aside. ‘If I do that, I will lose my sanity. The helpdesk guy said it was easy, but I beg to differ.’ ‘You even called the helpdesk?’ Fíli chuckled as he grabbed the manual from the couch. ‘You must have been quite desperate.’ ‘I wanted to do this by myself!’ you said fiercely. ‘And I know I can, it’s just…’ ‘It’s not that complicated, once you know what to do.’ Fíli told you. ‘Shall I walk you through it?’ You narrowed your eyes. ‘Are you going to make fun of me in the process?’ He laughed. ‘Maybe a little. But in the end you’re a bloody amazing person and I’m sure you can do anything, if you set your mind to it.’ ‘Don’t mock me.’ He shook his head. ‘I’m not. You’re the proverbial whole package, and I don’t mean that in a patronizing way.’ You lifted a brow. ‘Then in what way?’ He took a step closer. His wineglass still holding in one hand, he gently stroked your cheek with the other. A fond smile was displayed on his face. ‘In a brilliant, I rather spend my free nights with you than going out, because what I want is right there, way.’ Your cheeks were on fire and you lowered your gaze. Your teeth sunk in your lower lip and slowly turned into a mumbling, flushed mess. ‘What? But I’m-’ ‘Y/N.’ Fíli whispered and a soft thud informed you he put his glass on the floor. You didn’t dare to look up, because you knew this moment would turn out to be a) a dream, or b) a cruel joke. So instead, your gaze was fixed on the carpet.
‘Y/N.’ Two sturdy hands cupped your cheeks and gently tilted your head. A pair of dreamy blue eyes came into view and your heart skipped a beat. ‘You have asked me countless times why I had zero interest in dating.’ Fíli began with a faint smile. ‘Now let me answer that one for you: from the moment we met, I haven’t been interested in any other woman, but you.’ ‘Why didn’t you say so?’ you managed to blurt out. ‘Because you’re quite independent.’ Fíli confessed. ‘And it’s one of the things I like that about you.’ ‘Independent doesn’t mean-’ ‘I know that.’ He told you. ‘But I wanted to make sure that you and I match in all the right ways, rather dragging out our worst qualities like some couples tend to do.’ ‘Oh Fíli… Why would you think that?’ ‘I just...’ He heaved a sigh. ‘Fell in love with the wrong person one time, I suppose. After that you get careful.’ You pulled him against you and placed a gentle kiss on his jaw. ‘Sounds like you’re in need of a knight.’ Fíli chuckled. ‘And a damn brave one, I daresay.’ ‘That settles it. I am forever in your service, good sir.’ You grinned. ‘Do you happen to know a princess with technical proficiency?’ Fíli laughed and you reveled in the sound. ‘Oh, Y/N.’ he murmured, his lips ghosting over yours.
And then he kissed you.
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Thank you so much for reading my humble story. Feedback is always welcome.  Did you like my work? Spread the love and reblog! :) And here’s my Masterlist.
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helpinghanikan · 5 years
One and Only (SoulMate Au)
X-men x Reader
Sum: Soulmates happen no matter who or what you are. 
AN: Picture was found using google, credit to OG making when I find them 
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Charles Xavier: Meter of how dangerous
           Past college age it’s pretty accepted that nobody cares about their soulmate or their meter. The only people that really care are those that are 120% sure they have their soulmate. Even then it’s impossible to be sure until one dies and the others meter slams down to zero like a knife in your heart.
           People who still cared about their meter were the absolute worst.
           “Look how tough my soulmate is, they could beat your any day!” And this was said by the husband of the wrestler. Saying this with a smug face while you just smiled back.
           All you had to do was hold up your wrist and that smug face dropped like a beautiful rock.  
           The average number of the populations meter was five or below. Less then twenty percent reach over six and less then five reach ten. You are in that five, even from a young age everyone you showed it to assumed you had just drawn over it. More then one teacher forcing you scrub the area with soap to make sure you weren’t lying.
           Just like everyone else you stopped caring about the number after college. Instead focusing on your teachings and the new school where you were officially the only non-mutant teacher at Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters. Not thinking about that little number until almost two years, and well over establishment of relationship, later. Rubbing your thumb over the number and looking between it and Xavier still looking over papers.
           “Can I see your wrist?” You ask, sitting on the edge of his desk, having gotten bored with waiting for him to pay attention to you.
           Still writing with one hand he holds out the other without looking away from his papers. His arm stretches out for you to hold it, rubbing your thumb over little three etched in black. Placing your wrist next to his, the ten next to the three and looking back and forth between them.
           “I doubt it will change with you staring at it.” Charles says after a few seconds.
           It’s usually not until after marriage that you even consider someone is your soulmate. Avoiding saying it out loud you instead say: “Do you think I’m tough?”
           He hesitates and that’s never good.
           “You’re tough on the students.” He finally says.
           “Yeah, but am I like, fighting tough?” You ask.
           He hesitates again. He’s such a jerk.
           “The students say you’re tough but good.” He finally says. He’s a lying jerk.
Erik Lehnsherr: meter of how in danger
           Since you can remember the little number on your wrist has never gone down below a seven. Rubbing your thumb in soap and water never helped in removing the number, drawing over it with a marker was just sad.
           It was your “friend’s fault that you had gone running to the teacher the first time the little marker hit ten. She looked over your shoulder and said, “they’re gonna die” right in your ear. At that young age it probably didn’t occur to them that there was anything wrong. Instead just watching you run to the teacher sobbing. Even so, you didn’t really hang out with them after that.
           Also, after that incident long sleeves and bracelets were all the rage. Keep your wrists turned down, keep the thought of your soulmate out of your mind and away from your present. Only checking it once a day, when it stayed high that slowed down to once a week. By high school it was monthly.
           By this point in your life it’s stayed at a constant nine, best not to think about it.
 Raven/ Mystique: heterochromia
            It was a scene out of a bad teen movie. Both you and Raven sitting cross legged on the bed facing each other. She stares into your eyes, flicking back and forth between your natural and the yellow that matched her’s.
           “Okay, okay, hold on.” Raven talks like a little girl talking to her new puppy.
           She never really had to concentrate to change her appearance. Staring into your eyes, her own changing slightly until it was created into hazel. Based on the smile that decorated her face your eye had changed at the same time.
           With her mutation Raven didn’t have the same effect on her eyes as the rest of the world. Her body naturally wanting to be even on both sides, giving the impression that she either had a soulmate who could also change their eyes or didn’t have any at all.
           It wasn’t until an off notice that she ever realized she had one.
           A mirror is held up next to Raven’s head. Looking at yourself at the same time she could look at you. A giant grin and one too hazel eye looks back at you. Raven laughing at the same time you did.
           “Now go back,” You say, a high from excitement.
           “Go back to what?” She asks.
           “Yellow, go back to what it is natural.” You say. Gently pushing her sitting for as encouragement. “Come on.”
           You were probably one of maybe a handful of humans who understands what she was going through. Having to live your same young life with a constant changing face and eyes. Being mocked until reflective sunglasses became a regular piece of your wardrobe.
           You were either still too giddy about this interaction or didn’t realize what you had asked. Either way Raven took a second before complying. Her grin wasn’t as wide as it was before, but she still smiled at yours.
Peter Maximoff: Share the same fingerprint
           Your leg is bouncing so hard the table is going to vibrate right through the floor. For the first half an hour in here you were left alone. Listening to the metal table bang and tang against the floor until the first officer came in.
           “I want a lawyer!” You immediately demand, banging the table once more with the top of your thighs. Practically knocking the whole table over.
           “Calm down and sit down.” She says pointing at you with a file, “You’re not under arrest, Ma’am. I just have a few questions.”
           Madam officer is nicer then you expected. The usual tactic was for the first officer to come in guns blazing, acting angry as a badger, slamming files and barking orders. It was the second cop that would be the nice one; apologizing for their partner and asking if you were okay. This time you got the kindness without being bullied.
           “There have been several break ins at stores and museums in the past few years.” She explains. “Some goods were stolen, and they were all by the same person. A dumb-ass who doesn’t know to wear gloves.”
           “I literally just got off the plane, this is my first time in the state.” You immediately say.
           “Oh, I know, I know. We’re taking you for this. Unless you were a sprinter in high school.” She says with a closed mouth smile. Holding up a blurred picture that was nothing but a gray smudge in a black and white still. “We just want to know; do you know who your soulmate is?”
           Just like the idea of a mother’s instinct there was an assumption that everyone is protective of their soulmates. Even when you don’t know who you were meant to be with there was a serious about them coming to harm.
           “No, what was even stolen?” You ask.
           She sighs deeply and holds up a list. “Uh, pop, a souvenir bear, the bathroom sign and almost completely cleared the gift shop of any candy.” She says, tossing the paper back down.
           “Are you sure you weren’t robbed by a twelve-year-old?” Your arms cross in annoyance.
           The officer was toying with her wedding ring. Watching you start to shut down. “We all can’t get lucky with who we’re destined for.
           “And we all can’t be lucky in knowing who we’re destined for.” You almost snap back. “Look, I don’t know who he is, I haven’t met them yet. And since I’m not under arrest I bid you a good day.”
           “Can you try not to leave the state, we might need you again.” She calls after you.
           “Not under arrest, ma’am!” You call back.
           Being new in the state you had to call for a car. Sitting perched next to the police sign, a leg swinging back and forth. The wind picks up to a hundred miles in second and dies in another.
           A little bear still it’s tags left by your side.
Hank McCoy: Color for the first time
           It was a gentle touch that he didn’t notice until glass shattered around your feet. He was too focused on the microscope in front of him to worry about a delivery girl accidentally catching his hand.
           It was anybody’s guess what he was looking at. Probably some DNA that was naturally black and white, he wouldn’t see the whole world of new colors until he looked up.
           In every movie when the soulmates meet there is a second of silence before they quickly grab each other. More then half of the movie would then be each soulmate trying to describe color to their respective friends and family.
           Instead all that came out was; “Sorry, I dropped your-. The sample, fuck, I’m sorry. Hi.”
           He was equally as useless. “I can-I’ll make new ones.” He says, both of your looking down to the liquid that was now obviously purple compared tot eh gray it had been before. “I’m Hank,” He finally says.
           You go to say your own name, he says it at the same time.
           “I’ve read your name tag when you deliver them,” He explains. “Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself before.”
           A small laugh comes out of your mouth. “Could have saved us a lot of time if you did.”
           He laughs at the same level. “You weren’t jumping over things to shake my hand either.”
           “And take away my chance to break stuff?” You say, gently nudging the broken glass.
 Jean Gray: Timer for when your soulmate will die
           There is no better feeling then looking down at your wrist and seeing literal years in neon green numbers. They dwindle down by seconds, stare long enough and it goes down into minutes. Nothing to worry about, though. Jean still has years and years, so much so that you don’t bother covering it up with bracelets or sleeves like most do.
           It’s such a common fashion choice to cover that wrist you didn’t notice Jean did the same. Keeping a firm hand over her wrist to keep the bracelets from slipping, even though nobody would have seen it.
           After you found each other there was no point in asking how much time you had left. A recent poll showed that over eighty percent of people (taking away any factors) would/have lied to their soulmate about how much time they have left. The small percent that did only would because their mate had decades left.
           Jean was in that eighty percent. Refusing to say how much time you had left, in turn you refusing to say either. Taking it as a joke instead of anything serious, even though Jean refused to touch you with that side of her.
           It was only a few months after finding each other that she started to hang around you more and more. The word “clingy” was even used after a few weeks. Not that it stopped her, instead her making jokes that possibly you were following her and that you just happened to know ahead of time.
           Subtle weird behavior is never noticeable until after it’s pointed out. Your mutual friends being kind enough to pull her away for the night. Long enough for you to get away to the store. You loved her, but it was nice to buy some oranges without being hovered over. That your phone kept blowing up did nothing to deter your mission.
           It wasn’t uncommon for one of the team to hit you up when they have one too many drinks. Determined to keep you as much in the loop as everyone in the room. If you had answered you’d likely be given narration of a board game gone violent for the rest of your shopping trip. It’d be better to wait until you get back; hear the narration over a nice glass of wine and your woman leaning against you.
           It didn’t occur that there’d be another reason until the barrel was staring you down. A distant order to “get down” being heard too late to obey.  
 Logan/ Wolverine: Red string of fate
           People always described that stuff in different ways; a long stretch of light, silk ribbons or actual bolts of sparking lightening. No matter how people described it, they were all red in just as varying colors; some call it wine or blood, one particularly creative bartender called it “like a whore’s lipstick before work.”
           Logan had never seen that stuff. Either brushing it off or just not participating in the conversation. For awhile he held his ring finger up to the light, maybe his ribbon was something thinner then dental floss, maybe even thin as hair and barely visible by the strands owner themselves. Eventually he stopped holding up his hand, even later he didn’t even care.
           Forty years and three shots of the hard stuff later and he’s finally looking at his hand again. That little line of red wasn’t there a second ago. It wasn’t a ribbon or a string, certainly wasn’t some cool like lightening or floating liquid. Just a small chain, looked like the same width and strength of a necklace chain. In theory he should be able to rip it right off. He could feel it between his fingers and tell each link between each other, even then he tried pulling there was nothing.
           It took days before he got the balls to actually follow the damn thing. It was a kid thing to take a year off between college and high school to try and find their destined. Logan was a little late to the game but not like he had anything better to do.
           It wasn’t until he reached a hospital that he stopped in his tracks. Little chain of destiny leading right into the exit into the nursery. It only took him a few seconds before audibly going “nope,” and heading back to that bar.
 Kurt Wagner: Same injuries
            At some point it was easier to pop an Advil and ignore the point in your feet and knees then wonder why they were hurting. The real bitch came when you invisible drug was stabbed right into your neck. More then once falling face first onto your desk in school.
           Given that the only cramps you experienced were yours they were a small vengeance. Easily the worst part of the connection were the cramps. Either you were born male and got to experience them without any warning, or you’re born female and get double the dose of them. It’s no wonder business is always booming for pain meds.
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Nobody Knows -- BTS Jungkook drabble
I’ve been sitting on this plot idea for literally 3 months so I can’t tell you how glad I am to be able to yeet it out into the universe and move on. :’) 
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Word count: 1.4k+
PS: it HAS been edited, but edited and 4 am, so who knows lol
people who asked to be tagged: @lynnthevirgo @atiny-piratequeen 
You had few complaints about your relationship in general. In the year you’d been with your boyfriend Jungkook, the pair of you have hardly fought. You’d actually been exceptionally happy together…. mostly. While dating an idol and all that it entailed was not easy, you felt all the concessions you had to make were fully worth it. Your relationship wasn’t public yet, but because you knew that would open up a whole new set of challenges, being together under the radar was okay with you. 
  You both were super careful to guard your secret, taking extreme measures to avoid being discovered. You knew this was pretty standard considering Jungkook’s career, so you didn’t complain, and for the most part you weren’t bothered by it. Only BigHit, the rest of the members, and your families knew you were together.  But things were wonderful. You always had fun together, and you truly loved and cared about each other. The only issue? He got super weird and evasive whenever you mentioned wanting to meet his friends (outside of BTS). 
  Whenever you mentioned it as part of casual conversation, he would sort of freeze up and then change the subject. It didn’t seem to be related to his concern about keeping your secret, either. When you assumed that to be the case he was quick to correct you, saying that he had no doubt in his friends’ ability to keep quiet about it. Somehow that was worse, because you genuinely had zero explanation for his behavior. 
Then you started doing what you do best: overthinking things. Every time he would go to hang out with his friend group he was sure to imply you shouldn’t come or take measures to avoid your tagging along. What were you supposed to think? You started to feel progressively more insecure, thinking maybe the reason he didn’t want to introduce you to his friends was that he was embarrassed of you. 
  Your brain ran off with that thought and you started spiraling. If you were prettier, cooler, more interesting, another idol, would he behave differently about it? Would he even bother keeping your relationship a secret in that case? Though you had thought you’d mostly overcome it, this brought back up your deeply ingrained fear of not being enough. 
You were scared to directly ask Jungkook about it. You were terrified to get a confirmation that you were right, that you weren’t enough for him. While you sometimes wished you could be brave and just address the problem directly, you could never bring yourself to do it. Your attitude changed noticeably as time went on. Even when you were physically in the same place as your boyfriend, you were miles away in your mind. He absolutely picked up on the distance you were slowly building between the two of you, pushing him away for fear of getting hurt. 
  Jungkook noticed that you smiled less, you were less cuddly, you didn’t immediately jump at the chance to see him like you used to. He assumed it was just being able to spend so little time together beginning to wear on you. You loved movies, but you never had the chance to go together, so one evening he made sure to carve out enough time to take you on a movie date. It definitely cheered you up at first. Before and during the movie you were acting like your old self, smiling and laughing with him with a comfortable sense of ease. Him trying to do something special for you eased your worries a bit, making you feel a bit better. Maybe you’d been wrong after all. 
It was when you were exiting the theatre that things took a turn for the worse. A group of six guys approached, noisily greeting Jungkook with hugs and a kind of chaotic excitement. They looked pleased to see him, but he looked like he might throw up. That’s when the guys noticed you. They stared at you in surprise for a moment before politely saying hello to you as well. A very tall, black-haired man said to Jungkook, “Wait, how come you never mentioned that you had a girlfriend?” It was an innocent question. He looked confused when one of the others shot him a warning look, sensing the tension growing between you and your boyfriend. “Yugyeom, shhh, not helping.” Someone said to the tall one. 
  This was it. This was the confirmation you’d been fearing all along. Not only did he not want to introduce you to his friends, he hadn’t even told them that you existed. Jungkook had a guilty expression as if he’d just been caught. You bit your lip hard to try to hold yourself together, but the tears welled up in your eyes anyway. “I’ve got to go.” You mumbled before quickly making your exit. He must have been in shock because he felt as if he couldn’t move to go after you, standing still with his mouth hanging open. One of his friends said gently, “Go on and go after her, we’ll talk later.” This prompted Jungkook to nod, finally becoming unstuck from the spot he stood in and exiting the theatre as well.
By the time Jungkook was frantically knocking on your apartment door, you had already arrived home, changed into pajamas, and sat down tucked up into a ball on the sofa, absolutely sobbing. You ignored Jungkook’s attempts to get you to open the door, too consumed by your hurt feelings and toxic thoughts about your shortcomings. 
  You were surprised out of your distracted state when your apartment door opened. Jungkook stood there, shutting the door behind him. He held up a key with a halfhearted smile. “I know where the spare key is. I had to know you were okay.” He explained softly, sitting down on the couch next to you, facing you. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” He asked gently, and you looked at him in confusion. 
  Giving a little humorless laugh, you tried to wipe away some of your tears. “You know, it always worried me when you never wanted me to meet your friends. I just didn’t know it was THIS bad, you know? I know I’m not some glamorous idol, I’m not on your level, but god, I didn’t think you saw me as falling quite this far short. I didn’t think you were so embarrassed of me that you didn’t even want your friends to know I existed.” You said softly, the hurt in your voice apparent as tears continued to stream down your cheeks. 
  What you didn’t expect what Jungkook’s reaction. “WHAT?!” He exclaimed loudly, totally incredulous. His expression shifted between surprise, confusion, horror, and finally concern. “No no no, why would you think that? Oh my god, this is my fault, if only I’d just been honest with you….” He seemed truly panicked and guilt-stricken. He took both your hands in his, looking you straight in the eyes. 
“You couldn’t be more wrong. Who cares if you’re not an idol? You’re everything I could possibly want. You’re perfect for me, and I just love you so, so much…” He trailed off slightly, tears welling up in his own eyes now. “I could never be embarrassed of you. I didn’t want you to meet them, you’re right, but not because of you. Because of me.” 
He took a deep breath before continuing. “My friends are such genuinely nice, talented, and extremely attractive people. I was afraid to introduce you to them because I knew they’d see how wonderful you were too, and I was scared you’d meet them and they’re probably a better option, and…. I was so scared of losing you.” A choked sob ended his sentence and he pulled you into a tight embrace, his breathing shaky.  “So I guess we’re both insecure, and I guess neither of us need to be. I’m sorry I didn’t just confess what I was worried about, the fact that I made you doubt yourself or how I feel about you is absolutely killing me.” 
  Squeezing your eyes tightly shut, you hugged him back, feeling inexplicable relief. “I love you, you big dummy. I don’t want anyone else.” You muttered into his shoulder, both of you snuggled into the comfort of each other’s arms. That made him laugh. “I love you too.” He replied softly, pulling back to kiss your forehead gently. 
  “Now should we see if the guys want to meet up for ice cream? They’re gonna adore you.”
Ta da! Feedback please :) *grabby hands*
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