#then after over three seasons of this castor dies in battle
inamindfarfaraway · 5 months
I love that we're getting focus on Chris Rodriguez early in the TV show, so that we have time to get invested in him before he a) betrays the camp and b) is driven so insane that only Dionysus can cure him. Knowing him beforehand will also make his relationship with Clarrisse, friendship and romance, feel more interesting.
What other cool, fun, not-heartbreaking characters will the show give more attention and depth? Silena Beauregarde? Charlie Beckendorf? Micheal Yew? Castor and Pollux? I can't wait!
#can you imagine the gut punch of having castor and pollux be recurring minor characters#always together#the classic either very similar or very different twins trope#with jokes about dionysus being their dad and more insight into that awkward relationship#that's their shtick like the stoll brothers except the comedy premise is 'mr d is their dad' which really does write itself#they're well-established as both part of the camp's normal and one of those 'two-in-one' side character duos#then after over three seasons of this castor dies in battle#and we don't see the death but when we next see pollux castor just. isn't there#and we Know#only one thing could have separated those two and it looks like pollux is missing at least an arm (and hurts accordingly)#and when we next see dionysus he's exactly as broken as a father who's lost a son would be#so different from how we've seen any other god emote about their children#and it sinks in that he actually was present in castor's life for years and now that's gone#it isn't 'well the view from olympus is different now and my name is stained with failure. drat' but the weight of#'he won't sit at my table tomorrow' 'he will never play pinocle with me again even though it bores him because he secretly likes me'#and so on and on and on forever#because he's never coming back. we will never see castor AND pollux again#enjoy your fantasy series kids! war is worse than hell because it hurts the undeserving!#pjo tv show#pjo tv series#pjo disney+#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#pjo
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sueboohscorner · 6 years
#IntoTheBadlands S3 EP1 “Enter the Phoenix” Recap & Review
Season 3 started with The Widow's voice “I promised my people freedom, and I will settle for nothing less,” The Widow looks at a strategy map of the Badlands. The Widow continue to voiceover “Now, six Barons are dead, only Chau refuses to yield. No surrender until every last one of her Clippers lies dead on the battlefield..."
We then see hundreds of the Widow's Butterflies and Bowler Hats fight on a battlefield against a massive army of Chau's Clippers, leaving bloodbath.
Next, we see someone riding on a horse towards an abandoned tower at the edge of a seaside cliff, The Widow reveals her face and tells someone to come out, and it was Nathaniel Moon (the guy from last season who Sunny cut off his hand). The Widow said to him "You're a hard man to find, Nathaniel," Moon referred to the graves instigating that everyone who comes to visit him is laid to rest. The Widow introduced herself and gave Moon a brief history of who she was and why she came to visit. The Widow tells Moon that she was there to recruit him as a Regent who will fight "for an honorable cause." Moon refuse telling The Widow that he was retired, and his honor was "stolen" After Sunny refused to kill him after their last fight. The two starts to battle as The Widow does not plan to leave there without Moon by her side and Moon doesn’t plan to leave there at all. The two fights until Widow saves Moon after she heel kick to the head almost sends Moon flying off the tower. She promises to help him track down Sunny if Moon agrees to be her Regent.
Our first time this season seeing Sunny (I was screaming). Sunny is walking through the woods with baby Henry on his back and Moon's black sword at his side. He spots a doe and prepares to shoot it with an arrow and stopped when he sees the doe's fawn. As baby Henry mumbles, Sunny said to him “I am hungry too.” Sunny stop by a stream to wash up and wash his clothes. (Baby Henry is so cute). 
Two trucks with the butterfly symbol are driving through the woods presumably on its way to the Sanctuary. A masked Tilda jumps down from the trees along with two of her fighters, including Odessa. They viciously killed and the Bowler Hats and took control of the trucks. In the back of one of the trucks, Tilda finds Bajie “we must stop meeting like this,” he said, Tilda “What are you doing here?” Bajie tells her that he was a prisoner again and Tilda says to him that she was a thief.
It seems that The Widow has taken over Quinn poppy field and inside the sanctuary we see a gated chambers and women laying on a bed, and a man standing at the window a man smoking, when he turns around it was M.K (oh how much he has grown). The Widow open the gate and enter the chamber ordering the two butterflies out, then reprimands M.K. for wasting his potential. M.K. is discouraged that all the training he has done, and his gift still have not returned. M.K however, hold out hope that Sunny will return for him, but The Widow tells M.K that she was his only hope and that it has been six months and Sunny have returned. M.K take a jab right back at her reminding her that Tilda and Waldo both abandoned her.
It is night time, and Sunny is camping in an old RV feeding and reads a book to Henry. Later, he takes a drink from his flask and apologizes aloud to Veil. "It should have been me," he cries.
The morning day, Sunny wakes up to Henry crying uncontrollably and goes over and notices that Henry have a fever. Sunny hears a sound outside and slide a protective metal grate over the top of Henry's crib, sealing him safely inside. Three stalkers crash through the RV. Sunny kills the first two, then reveals a row of spikes alongside Henry's crib to impale the head of the third. Sunny finds a wanted poster in one of the stalker's pockets that shows his face along with the Widow's butterfly seal.
Lydia who we see for the first time this season is now running a Totemist camp where she's housing war refugees, Lydia talks to Vitania, who is worried about space limitations at the refugee camp. One of the refugees tells Lydia that the Iron Rabbit has returned with a truck. Tilda is the Iron Rabbit, Tilda introduces Bajie to Lydia telling her that she found him along with the suppliers. Bajie mockingly refers to Lydia as a "Baroness" and cites her history with Quinn as evidence for why Tilda shouldn't trust her. Lydia pulled Tilda and thanked her for all she has done but is asking her and the other Iron Rabbit to leave because she doesn’t want to draw attention from the Widow. Tilda suggests attacking the Widow first, but Lydia warns not to let her anger allow her to make the same mistake as her son. Tilda tries to enlist Bajie, reminding him that M.K. is still waiting, but he refuses. Bajie Lydia and Tilda that he'll leave in the morning.
Sunny takes Henry to a farmhouse, where another woman had a young child. However, she told Sunny that he could not help Henry but refer him to the refugee camp, which is not far from their home and had a healer and medicine. When the woman leaves the room with her baby, the husband suggested that Sunny doesn’t visit again. Sunny suspected that he was the one who sends the stalkers and was about to kill him, but turns around and sees his son and tells the man that he only decided not to kill him because he believes that his kids needed a father.
Sunny arrives at the refugee camp. Vitania tells him that there was no more bed, but Sunny tells her that it was his son, when she looks at Henry she tells Sunny to follow her. After seeing Henry's condition see tell Sunny that she must run some test and tells Sunny to leave and get some food. Outside, Sunny sees his old Clipper motorcycle and makes his way towards it.
Outside Bajie is drunk as always and is cheating at the game he is playing; the men suspect and searches his pockets for their money and find Sunny's Azra compass. Sunny appears behind them and Sunny fights off one of the men for the compass. Sunny shows Moon's sword as a warning to anyone else. 
At the Sanctuary, the Widow stands before a row of caskets. The mother of a slain Butterfly cries and blames the Widow for her daughter's death. The Widow hugs her, and Nathaniel nods at her from afar.
Vitania draws blood from Henry and is shocked at what she sees. Sunny and Bajie catch up over drinks Sunny informs Bajie of Veil's death and says, "Moon was right. She died because of me." Lydia walks over to scolding Bajie and sees Sunny, just as Vitania comes to fetch Sunny.
In the healer's tent, Sunny sees that Henry's eyes have turned black from Vitania drawing blood he touches his head and tell him that he was there, and Henry's eyes return to normal. Bajie tells Sunny that Henry possesses the dark gift and it was the first time seeing it manifest in someone so young. Sunny wants to search for Azra to find answers, but Bajie tells him that Azra was a  fairytale and that he is waiting months for his signal to Azra to be answered.
Pilgrim leads a mile-long caravan of vehicles through the outlying territories. Pilgrim pulls out a compass like one Sunny have and point it towards the Badlands wall and announces they've reached the "promised land." Two of Chau's clippers hiding nearby run off to alert the guards manning the checkpoint before the wall.
Flags emblazoned with Chau's insignia wave from the top of two massive watchtowers. Chau's Clippers see Pilgrim approaching with two of his Acolytes, Nix and Castor. Pilgrim coolly explains he's here to offer the Clippers salvation should they submit to him. The Clippers get ready to attack. Nix and Castor cut themselves, activating their dark power, and mercilessly destroy all the Clippers but one. Nix notices Castor's eyes temporarily return to normal during the fight. Pilgrim leaves the lone Clipper alive to pass along a message: "Tell your people what you saw here today. Tell them the reckoning has come. Join us or die."
This was an action pack episode from start to finish; I am looking forward to what this season will bring, I give tonight episode a 9.5/10.
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clarusclan · 7 years
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The Interim: After the Hypnos Scandal, Before the Fracture
A Summary of What Follows...
After the Hypnos Scandal, occurring during the Year of Growth in the Cycle of Acolytes, tore the Clarus Clan apart, they struggled through a slow recovery. Leadership passed from grandmother to granddaughter while the daughter, the cause of all the Clan’s strife, was imprisoned deep within the Willow’s roots.
Clarity returned to the Clan, and they followed Aria and the three Clarus Councils into a new era. It was a time of peace, of joy and love - and it would not last long.
Soon enough, throughout the Cycle of Goblins, dragons began to disappear from the Clan territory without a trace, one after another - this included Nighttide, Siera, Talisa, Kelp and Nagi. Others in the Clan were uneasy about these disappearances, and several dragons were no longer comfortable living by the Willow. Paratu, Maganda and Tethys all left the Clan at this time, moving on to other parts of Sorneith. 
With the absence of several important Clan members - including one of the Willow’s Guardians, several guards, and the caretaker of the nursery, security in the Clan was weak. The new matriarch, Aria, rallied her dragons in the hopes of stopping these disappearances, and a few new dragons joined the Clan in order to, as Aria claimed, help protect the lair. 
One dragon in particular is key here. Nighttide’s daughter, Carina, took over her mother’s duties in the nursery (although she was not as kind to the hatchlings as Nighttide was) and even transformed from a soft-skinned Tundra to a fierce Mirror in order to better protect her Clan. She refused to allow more dragons to disappear - to be taken - as her mother was. Over time, Carina slowly realized what had caused the earlier disappearances, and who - no, what - many new dragons to the Clan really were. Non-Dragons. Fair Folk. Fey. Sidhe. Imposters. 
The Clan did not listen to Carina at first. She was loud and aggravating, and a threat to the unsteady peace which Aria was hoping to maintain. Carina nearly refused to care for a few hatchlings placed in her care, because they were of some strange creed but Aria was not lenient to Carina’s temper-tantrums. 
It wasn’t until a year or so later, in the Year of Gales, when the Sidhe made themselves known to the whole Clan - confirming what Carina had been saying this whole time. She roared and raged, spouting hate: You can’t trust these creatures! They are selfish and cruel! They will kill us all! However, the leader of the Sidhe promised Aria they meant no harm, only wishing for a home by the Willow, which had called out to them.
After several day’s conference, the Sidhe promised that no more dragons would disappear to make room for the faeries. There was no way for the missing dragons to return from wherever the Sidhe had taken them, but there would also be no new Sidhe joining the Clan beneath the Willow. The dragons agreed to this, and the Treaty of the Sidhe was signed before the season was out.
It seemed the Clan could move forward with peace between the dragons and the non-dragon... until, at the end of the Year of Gales, more dragons began to disappear. The Clan was in an uproar, and Carina was too angry to say “I told you so!” The faeries insisted they had no hand in this foul play, but Aria was insistent that faeries were at fault here - the disappearances were the same as before. The Treaty was in tact, the Sidhe leader promised, but it was possible a stranger was the culprit; although, many faeries in the Clan were confused, for they had not noticed strange Sidhe passing by the territory. Still, the disappearances continued, and the dragons in the Clan grew distrustful and wary of their non-draconic Clanmates.
The dragons who disappeared this time include: Arista, Marcel, Ves, Etna, Alice, Emelin, Swiftstrike, Allora, Majestas, Castor, Pollux, Dosa, Sunship. 
The Clan was struck down at the loss of their healer, Marcel. This was the second healer the Clan had lost since they had been founded.
When Dosa disappeared, Sonnai fell into disarray - she had lost not only her Charge, but also her unrequited love, one whom she had never even spoken to before. Now she never would. Nothing would bring Sonnai back to light and happiness...
And when Sunship disappeared - inside the dreams of his mate, the dream-catcher Jassu - Jassu was devastated. Jassu blamed himself, for how could he know what truly happened? That a spirit deep underground was awakening, and disrupting the lives and dreams of the dragons who lived above it... That the disappearance of Sunship’s soul into the dreamworld - a disappearance which was unlike the others, but still related to the power of the Sidhe - would mean Jassu could only ever see his partner again while asleep, and even then, Sunship would be forever changed... 
Arvale, Pascal and Minato all left the Clan due to the tension in the Clan, and in Arvale’s case, heartbreak at losing his mate Arista. Minato, a Sidhe himself, was growing weary with the happenings of this Clan whom he had adopted for a short while. For him, it was time to move on to different streams, and so he flowed down the Gladeveins to find a new home.
The Clan was falling apart. 
And soon, they would know why - for it was nearing the end of the Cycle of Goblins, and the Year of Tides was upon the Clan. Two full cycles since the Clan had been founded, two full cycles as the Willow grew with Ashlesha’s careful guidance, and two full cycles since the dragons had settled beneath the Willow.
Two full cycles during which the Clan had never known this truth - there was a spirit in the Willow beneath which they lived, and this spirit had been trapped by the Clan, a prisoner, a slave. The Willow was Ashlesha’s Charge, but the same Guardian magic which helped shape their home tree also kept the spirit from ever living freely.
And finally, she had fed on enough dragon energy to break free. There was only one dragon who knew this truth, and unfortunately for the others, she was a prisoner herself, in the roots beneath the Willow... and, regardless, Adagio had no desire to help her birth Clan.
When the spirit escaped her bitter bastille of bark, the camp exploded into an unbidden battle. Earth erupted as roots sprang from the ground, out of Ashlesha’s control, strangling dragons all around. Branches blazed with a power that had been dormant for far too long. Fronds whipped through the air and left bloody streaks on the hides of the dragons, caught off guard by this attack. 
When the Sidhe who had been living in this Clan saw what happened, they immediately understood: The Willow had called them forth from the far reaches of Sorneith and beyond. The Willow had drawn them to this corner of Sorneith, to gather together. The Willow needed their support to free herself, and the faeries - who had once promised peace to the dragons - would fight on her behalf, because she was of their ilk. And the Willow was the one responsible for the disappearances which had broken the Treaty. 
The Fair Folk could not continue their peace with the dragons knowing that she was their prisoner, even though the Clan had no idea of her existence. The Willow called for violence and vengeance, and the other faeries would give it to her because, even dormant, her power was much stronger than many of theirs, filled with her element and her rage.
Some faeries, like the chaotic Iele, enjoyed the battle against the dragons. Any chance to cause destruction, even against those whom she had once called family. Others felt guilty at such betrayal, but they could not ignore the call of their kind.
The battle was ugly, and the dragons who lost their lives in this event were many: Marcus, Aurora, Tzarel, Aquarelle, Tana, Opalina, Aurel, Caspian, Berem, Kage and his mate Midnight, and even Ashlesha. Marcus, the Clan’s ambassador and a strong root of the Clan’s foundation, also lost his life to the vicious faeries. The Clan’s secretary, Aurora, was not made for battle - although she defended her home even with her last breath. Tzarel and Opalina died side by side, fighting together until the end. Berem was filled with the grief he carried from his father’s disappearance, and with the strength of all the Striders in the Labyrinth, but even he fell victim to the violence of the faeries. Kage and Midnight were killed unjustly, for they were visitors to the Clan, where they laid a clutch of one single egg... an egg left behind in the fury of the battle.
Ashlesha was killed by his own Charge, strangled to death by the Willow. It was at this moment when Aria called for the Clan to retreat - even as Sonata and Dusk cried with pain to see their oldest friend fall - fleeing from a battle they could not win, from the only home many of them had ever known. 
From then on, the future of the Clan was rocky and uncertain.
From Neva’s archival records:
Cycle of Goblins, Year of Tides, 8th of the Plaguebringer's Dominance Let it be known that on this day in the North of Sorneith, deep within the Gladeveins of the Western Labyrinth, the Clarus Clan has Fallen to the tides of the Sidhe.
May you go with clarity.
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