#then it could be king and return to Damian
tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 51
One of Damian’s pets passes. Instead of moving on it’s a Cujo situation.
Damian’s animal does not move on. Instead attacks the ghost king to get back to Damian by becoming king. The animal thinks its the only way to get back to Damian. So Danny now had a feral animal constantly attacking him.
Danny just has gotten used to the attacks. One day sam is complaining about a gala she’s being forced to. She shows tucker and Danny pictures of the Wayne’s.
Just in time for the attacker to see the picture and start hitting the picture. It clicks for sam what’s going on.
Sam has the brain cells.
Danny now brings the ghost animal to Damian. Telling him that his pet is feral, then proceeds to explain how to care for an ecto-pet. Also a supply of ecto supplements to add to the pets food.
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bluerosefox · 8 months
Bellatrix Star
A TaliaxDanny idea that came to me.
Damian, Bruce, and the rest of the bats discover the Talia al Ghul they had been fighting against, the one that cloned her own son, had the clone kill him, plant a control device in him when he broke his spine, etc etc was actually not the real Talia al Ghul.
Turned out Ra's had cloned her and killed the original when she discovered his little plans to take over Damain's body and she confronted him about it. Ra's had to make a clone when after tossing a dead Talia into the pits but never returned (he meant to kill her as a warning, as a "you may be my blood but will not hesitate to end you Talia.") It explains so much to Damian when remembers how out of nowhere his mother changed, her training him changed from harsh to deadly, the soft motherly love she would give him when behind closed doors suddenly stopped, the tales she would spin for him about his father no longer whispered to him for bed.
How this was find out?
Well it's hard to ignore the facts that when your foolish grandfather in his quest for immortality summons an eldritch being known as the Ghost King into the Mortal Realm and uses Damian as a sacrifice while his (not) mother watches emotionless.
When the being appeared, plunging the room from green glowing flames and the glow of the Lazarus Pits into darkness before a cosmos exploded to life, its glowing green eyes snapped open in the stars and stared at them all. Making every single one of them feel small, so very small.
It took a single glance around the room before stopping on the al Ghul's. It's eyes widen before a steel and firm look entered them. Just as quick as the cosmos sprang to life, it suddenly swirled away into a ball, putting them all back into the Lazarus room,and reformed in front of them to a more humanish height and body.
When the body, around the height and build of Batman, was done forming it took a step forward and suddenly as one blinked a man stood in front of them. Or rather floated. Snow white hair that flickered and wisped towards a crown made of fire and ice, glowing green eyes that held none of the madness but all of the power the Lazarus Pits could give. His clothing were tailored made that were tastefully a mixture of black and white with some silvers and greens, clothes fit for a King one would say. The cosmos that once engulfed the room had shifted into a cloak that hanged around his body, on one side more than the other (think like how CW wears his only the hood is down).
This, this was no doubt the Ghost King, he stood tall and regal and made everyone in the room feel the need to look down, to bow ones head for even just a moment. Even Ra's had trouble disobeying the urge to do so.
"Well..." the being said, his voice deep but not as gravely as Batman's was "What an interesting way to meet my In-Laws and Step-Son..."
He has said that as he looked towards the al Ghul's. Damian flinched back with a frown of confusion and disbelief while Ra's looked panicked for a second when the words registered into his mind, meanwhile Talia... looked emotionless and barely even twitched.
"What the fu-?" Someone began only to stop when the King lifted his hand and with a snap of his fingers a green portal appeared, it looked almost like the Lazarus Pits but it felt... cleaner? Less angry?
"My Bellatrix, my warrior star. I believe I've been summoned to your home dimension. And judging by the looks of it your father created a barely functioning Mirror of you and planned on using your son as a sacrifice to me." He spoke out towards the portal before holding his hand out.
A hand appeared from the portal, a slender hand and with green and black painted nails manicure to perfection before someone walked through it as they took hold of the Ghost King's offering hand.
Standing in front of them was another Talia, only this one looked a tad older than the one in the room. She wore clothing that matched the King to a T but even then, as always, Talia looked deadly in it. Beautiful but very deadly. From the heels she wore to the crown upon her head, a crown made of not ice and fire but of stars and black jewels. Her eyes were sharp as she stared at everyone in the room, frown on her painted lips, but her eyes lit with a small soft joy when she saw Damian only for them to turn poisonous when they landed on Ra's and the other Talia nearby.
"I should had know you would had created a Mirror of me instead of admitting to my son you killed me Father." Queen Talia spat out. "The least you could had done was not make my Mirror so cheaply, it doesn't even have a proper soul attached to it."
#danny phantom#danny fenton#blue rambles#crossover#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#i forgot Danny and Talia's ship name#Talia was killed when she confronted her father when she found out his plans to take over her son's body#she was tossed in the pits and was meant to return to life but a portal opened up as she was brought back#she landed in Danny's garden and in a Pit Rage attacked any ghost in sight#Danny was called in noticed the Rage and knocked her out before taking her to Frostbite#they find out she is very liminal#like near halfa levels like she just needs something to kill and bring her back at the same time levels.#Talia raged and wept when she woke up#she was told she was in the Infinite Realms and what the Lazarus Pits actually were and that they were going to try to find her a way home#but because the Infinite Realms were well Infinite it was like looking for a needle in haystack#it takes a while and some talks with Jazz but Talia eventuality begins to try to make the most of her life within the Infinite Realms#and the only world is was always connected to#she does eventually fall for Danny though. things happened and Talia can sense her love for Bruce fizzle out and begin to grow for Danny#who never once asked her to change her deadly and swift ways#Danny was the Ghost King now. he understands that sometimes a quick and hard hand needs to be used.he is a fair and just King not a doormat#Danny accidentally called Talia Bellatrix one day. after the female warrior star in the sky. she is deadly and beautiful to him#Talia liked it a lot and well showed him how much she liked it#eventually they date and get married. Talia is in charge of the spy network for the Kingdom encase of anyone gets any bright ideas#Talia loves her new life. the one without her father or Bruce trying to control or changer her. She wishes for Damian though still.#Danny's been on the look out for her world when she told him everything. He wants to meet and learn about his step-son#he hopes he'll like the 'I'm sorry I married your mother without your permission but I would love your blessing.' gifts he had commissioned
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
I loved Summon AU, is it possible that you make more Summon AU?
The aftermath of the summoning leaves the Wayne Manor in a strange sense of foreboding. No one really knows what the Ghost King has done with their list or what it means for them that he has accepted.
Everyone tried to go about their daily lives, attempting to act like they weren't looking over their shoulders. Bruce had nearly broken a blood vessel when he heard about them doing a stupid online trend when they knew magic and gods were real.
They couldn't think of a better excuse for why they did besides "it seemed funny at the time."
Bruce had been so unimpressed with them all that he broke out the big guns.
That night, Alfred grounded them. He really sat everyone- minutes Cass because she had escaped through the window after Danny called- and told them they would not be allowed to use any form of technology unless it was related to their nighttime job.
They would also be given a chore list to complete every day until their punishment was over.
Even though neither Dick or Jason lived at home anymore, they too were grounded and didn't bother to even try to argue with the aging butler. Cass was informed of her own punishment through a text, and she returned about thirty minutes later, ready to face her punishment.
She reorganized everything in storage- and in Wayne Manor, there was a lot in storage- without a single complaint, but she did seem somewhat nervous. And excited?
Like a child waiting to open a present.
That was out of character for Cass, but no one was brave enough to ask her about it. Life before the manor was a taboo topic when it came to Cass.
A week later, her restless behavior finally came to light.
When the doorbell rang, Alfred was just looking over the wood polishing job Tim and Damian had been assigned. Confused- as there were no expected guests and the kids were all still grounded- he approached the door cautiously. Tim was on standby in case things went south.
A young adult, likely barely eighteen, with pretty blue eyes, a vast, charming smile, and a gorgeous winter-themed dress, was on the other side of the door. Their hair is short but styled to have one side longer than the other, framing their face perfectly.
A spinnable circle pin on her dress read Gender Fluid in the unmovable part and "She/Her day" in the spinal part.
"Hi there," She chirps, a dimple on full display. "I'm Danny."
"Good afternoon, Danny. My name is Alfred. How can I help you?"
"I was wondering if Cass was home?" Dany starts surprising Alfred and Tim -who were eavesdropping around the corner- as the girl carefully plays with her hair. "I was hoping to talk to her."
"Miss Casandra is currently not allowed guests." The butler starts slowly. He watches her face fall dramatically before humming. "I can, however, pass along a message to her."
"Oh yeah, that be great. Please let her know Danny was wondering if she would like to go with me to see a ballet tonight. Um if she's allowed to go out."
Tim's eyes widen. A date? Danny had come here in person to ask Cass if she wanted to go on a date? Then had the courage to ask Alfred, to his face, if she could take his grandaughter out?
Who is she? Tim thinks amazed. He wants to text the rest of the group chat, which would invade Cass' privacy. He waits a few minutes until Alfred responds.
"Miss Casandra is currently grounded. Unfortunately, she and her siblings cannot leave until their punishment ends."
Tim winces. Hopefully, Cass being nineteen and still being grounded at her age didn't scare off Danny. Some people didn't understand how much power Alfred's word had over the manor and frankly, those people didn't deserve Cass anyway.
But it would make her sad.
"Oh, that's okay. Thank you for letting me-"
A scream makes everyone jump. Tim whirls around to find Damian pressed against the main stairway. His face has gone three sheets of white, staring at Danny with horror.
Danny tilts her head. "Me?"
"Y-you!" Damian gasps and Tim is highly alarmed that his voice is tinted with fear. "Why are you here?!"
"I came to ask Cass if-"
"You will not take Cain from me, Ghost King! I will destroy your core before you try to get near her!" Damian screams, hand suddenly holding a glowing green sword, but his threat doesn't hold much because he is literally shaking in his boots. "You have your summon payment already! You shall leave Cain alone!"
"Oh! You think no, no. I'm not here for her soul or anything. Cass and I go way back when she lived on the streets. " Danny- the ghost king they summoned using a list of their gay awaking apparently- laughs, waving her hands as if to calm the young child. "I liked her for a while but thought she didn't feel the same. Until the summoning, where I saw my name on the list. We talked it out, and I was hoping to take her on a first date, you know?"
"You lie!" Damian races down to point his sword at Danny, looking just as wild as a cornered animal about to fight for its life. "Why would the strongest being in the multiverse live on the streets?!"
"Well....it's not like they pay to rule the dead....I had a rough patch, but Cass helped me get back on my feet." Danny muttered, slightly embarrassed. Then she squits at Damian. "Wait, are you a al Ghul?"
Damian breaks into a sweat as Danny gasps, "You are! You're family owes me so much money in backed up taxes for the healing pool! We cut off contamination maintenance because Ra's refused to pay years ago! Kid, do you know I can get into contact with your family member about the Lazarus pit?"
Damian screamed again, turned around, and ran, leaving a stunned Alfred, Tim and Danny. "Guess not. Anyway, sorry to be a bother Mr. Alfred, I'll come back when Cass can go out. Bye!"
A familiar portal rips under Danny as she falls through with a cheerful wave. Alfred and Tim watch it close in a moment before Tim turns to the butler. "Did I inhale too many polishing chemicals? Am I hallucinating?"
"No, my dear boy, I saw everything as well."
"Oh, good. " Tim pauses. " One of us needs to speak to Damian and Cass."
Alfred closes the door slowly. "I'll find Master Damian. You go for Miss Cassandra and Master Tim?"
"The next time, Mister Conner sends you a fun trend to try. Don't."
"Yeah, that's fair."
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minty364 · 5 months
DPXDC Prompt #138
Damian decided he wanted to be a veterinarian in his spare time so after high school he applied to Gotham University and moved into the dorms. Alfred and his Father highly encouraged it something about getting that college dorm experience and they were pushing him to make a friend or two. He also didn’t know what to expect from his roommate Nightingale, something was off about him and Damian was determined to find out what that is.
Danny just wanted to get his engineering degree. Unfortunately his new roommate seemed curious about him. After he ran away from home he decided he’d try to make it on his own. He didn’t even try to tell his parents about Phantom, their prejudice about ghosts wasn’t going away soon and the sooner he got away the safer he’d be. He had to think about the infinite realms now and keeping their king, well himself, safe was the best option at the moment. If only the Observants could stop appearing in unexpected places to beg him to return to the realms.
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kizzer55555 · 3 days
I had a crack idea and I really like your content I was wondering if you would like to hear it
Damien had an Over The Moon moment with Danny
Over The Moon Is about a little girl while building a rocket to the moon to meet a goddess so she can get advice about accepting the death of her mother
As a child Damien remembers one of his caretakers telling him the story of the god Phantom how something happened to him and how he floated up and away to space and became their God but could never see his family or friends ever again
Story that Damian got told was incredibly popular one in the infinite realms about King Phantom after he had to shut down the portals to the infinite rounds from the human world to keep the ghost safe and himself
And the ghost saw this heavily liminal child is like oh let me tell him the story of the space god Phantom
This was when Damien was still dueling Talia to find out who his birth father is and like a few days before his birthday Damien actually did find a portal that led to the infinite Realms
He ended up meeting ghosts like the Box Ghost or Johnny 13 and Kitty and going on a big adventure to the infinite rounds to meet High King Phantom who encouraged him to venture out there and find out about what it's connected to him
And turn there was a portrait made of Damien and Danny of Danny being in Royal where in Damien sitting on his lap with the brightest smile on his face
Damien ends up going back home and never telling anyone else in the League of assassins or in bat family about his adventure in the infinite Realms and king Phantom
Damien ends up getting into it like a really bad argument with Bruce and feeling unwanted so decided to go back you get advice from Phantom it ended up taking Jon with him
The bat family have to realizing that Damien's gone missing are spending most of their time trying to find Damien when Constantine calls them and shows them a portrait of Damien and the ghost King
Which leads the bat family thinking that Damian got kidnapped by the ghost King probably because of the Lazarus pits while Damian and Jonathan are out there living their Disney adventure
So the bat family and Constantine summon the Ghost came to the man Damien back while Damien trying to convince Danny at the world is changing that he might be able to go back home and see the people he loves
Anyway I just kept having the idea of Damian singing my rocket to the moon but changing out the lyrics
Anyway I hope you like my dumb idea and you might watch Over The Moon it's really good movie
This is such a cool idea! Unfortunately I don’t know much about over the moon but here’s my little spin on this idea.
The Justice league do the summoning but unfortunatly, they are still under the impression that the ghost king is Pariah Dark. So there is a bit of interference. So the summoning latches onto the last person to touch Pariah Dark (AKA his coffin) and while Danny did defeat the previous king in single combat, he wasn’t the one to turn the key. No, the last person to touch Pariah Dark was one Vlad Plasmius. So when the JL starts the summoning, they get a very confused Plasmius and before he can comprehend what’s happening a bunch of angry and colorful adults just start demanding that he return Damian.
Vlad has no idea who these people are. He has no idea who this Damian kid is. And no matter what he says, none of these strange costumed adults believe him! He’s not even the ghost king!
JL: lies. Lies and slander.
And THEN, ooooh, and then he wasn’t the only one summoned. For Maddie the cat was right there and unfortunately got caught in the summoning because it was feeding time. And because she wasn’t a ghost, naturally she was able to wander outside the circle. The JL, having multiple interactions with Kalrion assume this is the ghost king’s familiar and snatch up the fluffy white cat.
Vlad can only stare in horror.
The. Pure. AUDACITY.
You know what? FINE! Yes! It is I! The ghost king! I have your PrEcIOse little boy! You want him back?! THEN GIVE ME BACK MY CAT!
So here Damian and Jon are, having the time of their lives, chilling in a strangely warm ice castle with Danny and telling him their problems, giving Cujo scratches and meanwhile, Vlad is screaming bloody murder from his summoning circle.
JL: give us back our child!
Vlad: Give me back my princess before I ERaSe YouR exIStaNce and I’ll think about it [insert intelligible ghost swear]
Constantine: *dramatic gasp* How DARE you?!
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 2 months
There's something about Tim that has always slightly unnerved Bruce.
That's not to say he doesn't truly love him, the little Robin who dragged him kicking and screaming from the edge, who reminds him everyday he has to be better.
Yet something in his eyes always makes him hesitate.
Watching him solve cases connect dots that even Bruce at his most able couldn't hope to understand.
Watching him fight it's calculated every move planned but executed with a grace that would make ballerinas jealous.
He couldn't identify it the greatest detective stumped by his own son until one day when he walked down to the cave.
His eldest sparing with Tim it was beautiful moves that he could never replicate they worked as if they were one. Escrima quickly blocked by a bow staff, every single move perfectly executed.
It felt like for once he could see clearly the thing that had made him so uncomfortable brought forth a fear that was so instinctual.
It was Dick.
The same moves, the quiet grace the deadly motions, even the anger.
A perfect copy a clone couldn't even hope to achieve.
He stays so still almost frozen afraid to catch the predators attention.
As Tim ends it heading to the showers his eyes drift meeting Dick's.
A smile that before he would call kind he can't help but see almost a sadistic undertone like a animal playing with it's food.
He breaks first, hair standing on end as he heads back up into the manor.
He should do something, but he can't whatever monsters that are his sons he decides to turn a blind eye.
To let the tigers play he knows he is beaten that if he were to try anything his blood would stain his eldest's chin.
But a darker deeper part of Bruce recognizes the same look he ignores in the mirror.
The look that both Jason and Damian try so hard to replicate.
He has never consciously favored his children but as he erases contingencies and allows full access to a network he had never shared with anyone before he can't help but feel a tide changing.
Sitting the next morning at the table secrets smiles shared between him and his sons. Jealously crossing theirs brothers eyes he wants to cackle, scream but it's time he returns the loyalty that they have bled.
After all what's some secrets between Kings and crowned princes.
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mysterycitrus · 3 months
so the body is a haunted house, right? ur haunted by past pain, ur experiences and regrets, the people you’ve known and lost. ur a living structure inhabited by countless others, and that kind of grief never stops. on a biological scale, we know that trauma rewrites dna and brain matter. we see how monumental loss affects the human mind through generations, how it shapes the way we think. u can track that down family lines to the present. even unseen, u r carrying the ghosts of everyone who came before.
the central thesis of persephone is how grief can be the proponent of so much change, both good and bad. part of that is bruce’s visible, living state of mourning in the manor, in the mantle of batman, in the pearls and the portrait. he is literally haunted by the alley, by the gunshot, by the darkness. but robin is haunted by mary grayson, by dick as a child and as a teenager and an adult, by jason in the dirt, by tim and steph and damian, and on and on it goes. how do u conceptualise that kind of loss?
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both jason and dick’s grief is faceless. dick’s parents are remembered in colour and name, through dick’s embodiment of joy. they are transient. they are worn by children who do not know their names. they are honoured in that way, something that jason, despite not knowing robin’s origin, is conscious of —
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in persephone, i knew jason would have an altar of some kind. his grief is action, but it’s also his heavy anchor to gotham. he could leave, but he doesn’t. he despises bruce for the same reason they’re similar. originally, it was a memorial to the people at his funeral, but that changed to commemorating the life he had before his death, and the people he left behind. he lies to himself and says the elephant represents robin as a whole, but it doesn’t. it obviously doesn’t.
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it is a literal symbol of jason’s inability to fully abandon his life before. the body is being haunted, after all. we get to see his perspective in wolf-king, his anger at his disconnection, his isolation from others, his paranoid, neurotic interactions with dick. he has changed so completely that he cannot trust anyones intentions. he’s hurt people, and he doesn’t regret it. he thinks people see him as something he was, versus something he is. it’s dehumanising and hard. like he is memorialising something lost at the altar, so to is everyone else when they look at him. his presence in their lives is a haunting.
when a seventeen year old dick grayson sees the elephant there, he assumes he’s died and that jason is honouring him. how can jason explain that it’s to represent a past that jason himself can’t return to? after all, the only way out is through.
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and then, at the end, he is given a gift — dick leaves behind a bird on the altar. not a robin, but something meant for jason the person, not the body in the box. he is remembered for what he was. and that connection to what he was is horrifying. the idea that someone recognises that grief and honours him hurts. after all, a heart is a heavy burden.
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boo-its-stress · 1 year
So I had a silly little idea about what if Danny was ghost king but he didn’t actually have to be in charge because he is baby. You don’t put a baby in charge you put an adult in charge until baby is ready. Vlad would be the most qualified. But he’s Vlad. So. It needs to be somebody else. Batman. I’m talking about Bruce Wayne. Death touched and not ready to rule the infinite realms in his stead. I’m full of big thoughts on this but instead of organizing them and sharing them I wrote a little Blurbo.
Bruce was on the bat computer writing incident reports on the night’s patrol. It was a quiet night and it looked like everyone might get at least 4 hours of sleep tonight. Well, quiet on the streets of Gotham. The cave was very much not quiet as Tim seemed to have had the stupendous idea to intentionally rile Damian up. Idle hands may be the devil’s playthings but apparently an Idle Tim was more likely to lose all sense of self preservation. He wasn’t too worried yet, he could hear Dick trying to keep the peace which had about 50/50 odds of working.
The sudden silence was the absolute worst thing he could be hearing right now. He spun around in that chair as fast as bathumanly possible and stood up. Prepared to deal with an attempted fratricide. But what he saw froze him in his tracks, though not quite as literally as everything else. Damian was frozen mid leap towards an equally frozen Tim who's laughing face was in the midst of shifting towards regret while Dick was reaching out to catch him. He was instantly on guard for whoever had done this, it would be an unlikely coincidence for him to be the only one (or even one of many) left unfrozen if this was a global event that had nothing to do with him. No this was likely a deliberate act but the question remained if the intent was hostile or not. Not that it really mattered because they froze his boys and he would not be relaxing until that was undone.
He felt a presence above him and threw a batarang even as he was turning to face them. And the batarang passed straight through a floating blue humanoid. A being who radiated an aura of power that was only somewhat ruined by the pendulum clock in their chest and a total lack of concern for the weaponry thrown their way. There was a beat of tense silence before they shifted into the form of a child and gave the impression of raising an eyebrow despite not having any above the unsettling wholly red eyes “Did I catch you at a bad time Bruce? I can come back.” And just like that his guard was up even further. An intruder in the batcave with this kind of power and he knew his name? That could not mean anything remotely good. He was mentally preparing alternative methods of attack should this turn to violence, as most forms of physical attack would be useless depending on what form of phasal shifting that just was.
“Oh there’s no need for any of that Bruce. I’m just here to congratulate you on your ascendancy to Kinghood.” That left him wrongfooted and before he could even muster up a response and begin with any proper Questioning, the being continued. “Well, King Regent at least. The rightful ghost king is still a child and you possess the familial relation necessary to stand in until they’re ready to ascend the throne. Should you choose to refuse this position you have 30 days to find a suitable replacement and contact the high council of the infinite realms with this information.” And just as suddenly as the… Ghost? Just as the possible ghost had appeared, they were gone.
All at once life returned to the world and there was an audible thump as one Robin collided with another. But it was Dick who screamed. For if one were to view things from his perspective, Bruce had teleported from across the room and he thought he was immune to the Batman jump scares now! With Dick and Tim briefly caught up in their own individual terrors it was Damian who noticed something was wrong. He shoved Tim aside with contempt, rising to his feet and dusting himself off as if he felt especially dirty after the physical contact he himself had initiated. “Father? What is it?”
Bruce let out the slightest huff of relief at seeing his boys in motion once more, most wouldn’t notice it at all, but the collection of current and former robins were not most people. They were all at attention, waiting to be told and willing to resort to trickery if he wasn’t in a sharing mood. “Something was in the bat cave.” All three stiffened, knowing this was serious. He returned to the computer to begin a profile on the (man? Ghost? clock?) and also to avoid looking his children in the eye. No need to give away how badly this had shaken him. “They were capable of freezing time selectively. And froze all of you while we spoke. Possibly everyone else. Oracle, is it still 1:27 outside the batcave?”
He could hear rapid fire typing before she replied. “Matches up with the time in Gotham and there’s no noticeable time delay between here and anywhere else on Earth. I’ll have to get back to you on if we fell out of alignment with other planets, but I can tell you there’s no gaps in the footage in the batcave either, it… it looks like you teleported.”
Well that was not comforting news in the slightest. Whoever this was, they were incredibly powerful. Possibly capable of stopping all of time with (hopefully) no consequences. Looks like he might actually have to take what was said seriously. For such a powerful entity would have little reason to lie about such a thing. But could he really? He might have had a few close calls with death but he was still living? His heart was still beating? How could a living man be the reigning king of ghosts? Even as a regent? And regent to who exactly? A child? Is that by human or ghost standards? Bruce seemingly didn’t qualify as a child but would Dick? The ghost had said familial relation which was incredibly vague and unhelpful. Did his adopted children count or was it only Damian? Could it possibly be some distant cousin? He didn’t know and unfortunately he had no leads to speak of. How was he even supposed to contact this High Council of the Infinite Realms? He got the sinking suspicion that was the point. That he wasn’t being given a choice in the matter.
His eldest broke him out of his thoughts with a hand on his shoulder, reading what he’d written before locking eyes with him. “And what exactly did he want to talk about B?”
He couldn’t help the slight downturn of his lips as he answered, “Apparently I’ve been named the Regent King of Ghosts.”
And with the widening of Dick’s eyes and a muffled curse from Tim as he missed a step and collided with a table he couldn’t help thinking he was right. The intruder hadn’t brought anything good.
When he later called Constantine asking if he knew how to contact The High Council of the Infinite Realms and the man promptly swore before hanging up? He was absolutely sure he had found himself tangled up in something that was bound to cause him at least one headache in the near future.
When he found the first green sticky note that appeared between one blink and the next he was ready to have words with whoever put him in this position. He sincerely hoped the King he was playing regent for wasn’t Jason.
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phantom-dc · 1 year
A deal with the Ghost King
First previous AO3
It's been 2 months since the Justice League summoned the Ghost King.
The League was having another meeting about it. Other then Batman none had noticed any sign of its precense. Constantine hadn't found any trace of the King outside of Gotham, leading to the conclusion that whatever had happened occured in Batmans territory. He and his Robins had searched all over Gotham to see if anything strange was going on. Even Red Hood checked his area, though he had seemed preoccupied. Still, nothing had stood out to them. That was when Shazam mentioned reality itself might have changed.
That had sparked a whole new debate. According to Constantine it was certainly possible. The Ghost King has many powerfull subjects, and near-godlike allies as wel. If the ghost of Kronos had aided him time itself could have been altered. If something like that did happen, only someone outside of their reality would be able to tell the difference. That had sparked an idea in Batman. The camera's inside the meeting hall had become useless, but the ones outside it could still work! He quickly made his way to the security station to acces the cameta feeds of that day. A few closest to the meeting hall had still been static, but he found what he was looking for: Jason, leaving the waiting room and heading for the meeting hall, only to return a few minutes later. When Batman comes back to the rest of the League he immediatly aprooaches the Flash. 'Why didn't you interrogate Red Hood?' Flash admits he finds Red Hood kinda scary. 'He's a Bat with guns, B! I figured since everyone else hadn't seen anything he hadn't either, so I went to ask the others.' Batman puts Flash monitor duty as punishment and turns to Constantine. 'Gather everything you need to detect a change in reality you can and anything that might help us track the Ghost King and meet me in Gotham. I'm going to talk to Hood. Meeting's adjourned.'
Getting out of the Zeta-tube and stepping into the Bat-Cave, Bruce rubs his eyes in annoyance. All this time, Jason was the one with awnsers. As he walks to the Batmobile, Alfred asks him where he is headed. When Bruce tells him needs to talk to Jason, Alfred reminds him that they are having dinner today. He assumes Bruce forgot? Bruce sighs. That's right, Jason was here for dinner, for- Alfred cuts him off. 'Master Jason is introducing us to his boyfriend today. You are already quite late, but not to worry. I have already told him you had a meeting that ran late. Everyone has been making up for your abcense in the meantime. Dinner is about to be served, so whatever you need to discuss with Master Jason will have to wait until Mr. Fenton leaves. Bruce relents. Perhaps he will find a moment alone to grill Jason for awnsers. In the meantime he will put on his best Brucie Wayne face and meet their guest.
By the time Bruce had managed to get out of the Batsuit and get to the dinner hall, Alfred was already serving the plates. Bruce apologizes for running late and spots their guest. A young man with black hair and blue eyes, with a lean build and shorter than expected. He introduced himself as Danny Fenton, and was polite yet friendly. As expected of someone meeting their lovers parents, though something seemed off. He had expected someone more... dangerous. He brushed it off. Perhaps he was projecting his own tastes on Jason, if Talia and Selina were any indicators. While everyone was sitting down, Bruce asked Dick to distract Danny after dinner, he needs to talk to Jason about a case. Dick says he'll do what he can, but Danny proved pretty clingy. They haven't left eachothers side since they got here.
The converstation the group was having before Bruce arrived picked back up. 'Damian, you're going to love Ellie. She is such a troublemaker, I have no doubt you'll get along great!' Jason was gushing about Danny's little sister. Bruce was suprised that Jason had already met Danny's family. 'Well, we have been dating for 2 months, but we just clicked so well! And Danny had already been singing her praises, I just had to meet her!' 2 months? Bruce had been so preoccupied with his case that he had missed this for that long? Duke asks how Danny and Jason met. Danny doesn't look like the type to hang around Crime Alley? Jason says they met at work. Danny tells them he'd been called to get rid of a big rock that was becoming a hazard. 'Oh, so you work in excavation? Did it have anything to do with that new soupkitchen you were talking about, Jason?' Jason starts saying no, when he gets interrupted:
'B, THE GHOST KING IS IN GOTHAM RIGHT NOW! IF WE HURRY WE MIGHT-.' Contantine had burst into the room, when he stopped dead in his tracks, dropping half the stuff he was carrying. 'You, uh... already found him?' Bruce is confused, when suddenly Danny waves at Constantine. 'Hiya Connie! How've you been? Need me to get rid of another rock for you?' Realization hits Bruce hard: this 'Danny' is the Ghost King!?! He immediatly stands up, battle ready. He needs to protect his family from this threat! Dick is confused, what is going on? Before Bruce can explain, Jason cuts in: 'I was about to tell you. When I said 'work', I meant Hero work. We met during that asteroid-incident in the Watchtower. The League needed Danny to get rid of it, but things got complicated and they left him to figure out what to do next. That's when we met, and-' Duke interrupts him: 'Wait, you're that Ghost King Bruce been worrying about? He's been pulling his hair out for months straight! You just disapeared on them!' Danny huffs. 'Well, if they hadn't been so rude as to ditch me I might've stuck around to chat. Besides, they took forever! If Jason hadn't come along and made a deal with me I might not have made it in time!' That snaps Bruce back in reality. He immediatly turns to Jason: 'What did you give him?' Jason is suprised at the sudden question. 'What do you mean?' Constantine is about to lose it. 'You made a deal with the Ghost King! What did you offer him? Servitude? Your first-born? YOUR SOUL?' Danny gets a mischevous grin. 'Oh, he offered me something much more valuable.' Constantine is freaking out: ' WHAT COULD BE WORTH MORE THAN THE 8 BILLION SOULS YOU WERE GOING YO GET!?!'
'A date~!'
After that all hell broke loose. Bruce slumped down on his chair as 2 months worth of stress was released. Tim and Duke were freaking out that apearantly the League hadn't told anyone the world had been in danger. Cass held back Damian as he was trying to attack the 'Pit demon' that had seduced his brother. Dick held his head in his hands, realizing that Jason now had ammo to be absolutly insufferable. Jason was indeed thinking of all the ways he could milk this, and Alfred was trying to get Contantine concious again after he had fainted. During all this, Danny knew:
'Best. Deal. Ever.'
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 11 - "You lost it, Well, we lost it."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
A/N: Ties to this Post, but can be read independently, or at least I hope. I am bad at judging these kind of things.
"Daniel." Damian hissed looking over his shoulder at the floating presence next to him. 'Daniel' had his back turned to him, arms crossed and was clearly pouting. The preteen's right eye twitched.
"Daniel, look at me." Really was this the others reaction to getting told to shut up after he had rambled a good while about his oldest brother and causing them to lose the artifact they had just acquired?
"My name is not Daniel."
"For such an old being, you are being childish." Damian huffed back, having had this kind of argument before with Daniel, well Danny as the ghost - spirit - his past life's soul or whatever he should call him, insisted.
"And you are not childish enough. You are what? 11? 12? Be a kid and live more!" Danny turned around, throwing his arms out while doing a twirl in the air. Damian watched how the other's hands lit up green and he let sparks fly, imitating a firework.
"We do not have time for this." Damian huffed instead, turning his focus back to their surroundings.
"If not now, when then?" Danny retorted, floating next to his shoulder again, looking at the map Damian had laid out on the ground, several areas were already crossed out and the boy was tapping with a pencil against the paper.
"We wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't distracted me before, with facts that I did not need to know."
"Excuse me? I find the fact that I figured out who Dash got reborn as very important! Like do you know how badly I want to go to Clockwork and beg him to sent be back in time just so I could see his face if I told him? That's something you should be looking forward to with how interested you had been about some of the others. Ancients! Dan would laugh even more if I told him!"
Standing up and dusting his pants Damian crossed his arms staring unimpressed at the now rambling ghost. Now going on and on about the fact that since they were tied together, he would get dragged along and prove that Danny wasn't lying to his former bully about having become a super protective and wacky older brother.
Pinching the bridge of his nose Damian, felt like he could relate to his fathers a bit more now. "Daniel."
"Just image the face he would make and…"
"....of course it would be hard to prove but since we can't get more than 20 ft distance you would…"
"....Daniel James Fenton."
"...once we are there I could also show you how Dad and Mom used to be and…"
"... Daniel Phanom."
"... you could help me figure out who Vlad was reborn as once you saw past him. I am still…"
Damian sighed, glaring at the still rambling Ancient of Balance, Ghost King or whatever other title the ghost had acquired. "Danny."
In an instant Danny's head snapped to Damian with stars in his eye. "DAMI! You called me Danny!"
His eye twitched and he suppressed whatever he wanted to return right now and opted to only click his tongue. "Oh right, we got a job to do! We gotta find that artifact, we had researched."
The younger turned his unimpressed stare into a glare. "You mean the artifact we had, previously before you distracted me with your ramblings again."
"That's right! You lost it!" Danny knocked with a fisted hand against the flat of his palm in realization, smiling brightly. "That ninja guy took it, the one you said who was working for your Peepaw right?"
"Please do not call grandfather that. Besides, you distracted me. Being the only one able to see you is clearly a hindrance not an advantage as you insisted." Damian huffed back, turning his face to the side.
"Still doesn't change the fact that it got taken from you. Ergo you lost it!" Danny grinned widened, ready to tease Damian more about having lost the artifact they had painfully researched and tried to find behind their families back. Though the ghost blinked as Damian suddenly smirked up at him. "Well, we lost it. You told me once that we were supposed to be the same person until you were removed from the reincarnation cycle. But this soul magic recognizes you and me as the same. Despite you seeing me for who I am, we are bound."
Damian continued to smirk. "You are essentially teasing yourself."
The two stared at each other, one smirking triumphantly the other staring in disbelief and with a gabbing mouth. Finally Danny huffed, crossing his arms and pouting as he floated cross legged next to his sort-of-but-not-reincarnation. "Don't tell Dan you outworded me again."
"I have yet to meet this 'Dan', Daniel." Damian answered easily as he uncrossed his arms and picked up the map, having decided where to go next now that Danny was no longer spouting nonsense and would be of help. He had noticed small traces of his grandfather's man that had taken the artifact from them.
"Nooooooo!" Damian only so much as inclined his head slightly into the other direction. Bracing himself for next nonsense the other would come up with only to see from the corner of his eyes how Danny dramatically fell into a horizontal floating position, acting like he was laying flat on the floor. "You are back to being all formal names! I thought we made progress!"
Damian only smirked hopping off the roof they had been on, back on track to get the artifact back. It had only been two weeks but he had become quite fond of his dramatic past self, despite the existential worries he had caused at first. Still as much as he had gotten fond of Danny, he did not want for the other to be stuck with him forever. After all, the Ghost King surely had his own duties to attend to, yet Damian wouldn't mind if the Ancient became a permanent fixture in his life.
Maybe he could even introduce him to the rest of the family, once the soul magic was resolved and he was no longer the only one able to see him.
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Based loosely off of this:
Damian was a child like many others. He woke up every morning, got ready for the day, and met his teachers for their daily lessons, where he would learn important things about the world and his place in it. Eventually, like all children, he would forget much of what he was taught, but that didn't matter.
There were differences, of course, as there are between all children. For instance, where most children learn their time's tables and how to play a recorder, Damian learned sword fighting and how to disarm a bomb (blindfolded). While some children’s mothers teach their children to be polite to strangers, Damien’s mother taught her little prince how to crush those foolish enough to cross him, for he was not an average little boy. No, Damien was the son of a Demon, and as the son of a Demon, it was his job to rule with an iron fist. He had to be smarter, stronger, and more grown-up, lest he meets his untimely end. There was no time for the son of a Demon to make friends! Friends only made you weak and vulnerable to attacks from behind. Nor was there time for playing; time spent playing was time not spent learning to protect yourself after all.
Still, for as much as Damien was not like other kids, he was still very much so LIKE them, and as much as his mother tried to hammer in her lessons on self-sufficiency and emotional guardedness, he would sometimes disobey. See, there was a pit in the middle of his home, and sometimes when he was meant to be learning how to hide, he would slip into it a journey down, down into the land below, where everything was green and the people walked through the air as easy as breathing. And while it did not come naturally to the little prince, he made many friends down there, like the Ghost-writer, who would show him books of faraway lands and Undergrowth, who let him play in their garden for hours and hours, the deep green vines snaking around his ankles as he danced just out of their reach. His favorite, though, was not Ember or Skulker, or any of the other wonderful and strange denizens of the land, but the King himself, a young man who glowed like starlight and who's crown hung loose about his head. He too understood the pressures of a kingdom, and he would help the little prince whenever he could, be it with training, homework, or finding his way out of Walker’s prison.
The two were the best of friends until one day, Damien’s mother learned what he has been doing while he hid from her. She barred him from ever returning to the pit and the green land below, and warned him that if he did not listen, the pit would take him and he would never return. The little prince loved the land and his friends, but he was scared of never seeing his mother. Time passed, and as he grew, Damien began to forget the green land below. He began to believe that Phantom and Undergrowth and all the other people down there were little more than childhood dreams. Eventually, he left his mother’s home. No more the son of a Demon, now he was the son of a Bat. There was no longer pit at the center of his home. There was no longer a green land below.
So the story should have ended, and would have too, had the little prince’s brother not have come home one day with a boy. The boy, a young man with void black hair and a shirt that hung loose about him, was named Danny. Damien did not know him, but he knew Damien and soon, much that had been buried would come to the surface once again.
Part 2
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froggyfics · 9 months
The Deadliest Poisons Are The Sweetest - 3
You remember the little boy and his rabbit.
(09/15/23) Note: If you have read this chapter before this date, please note that I have combined chapters 1 and 2 together. This may seem confusing, but I have decided that as a creative approach, I would like the chapters to be longer. This used to be chapter 4, now it is chapter 3.
Y'all, let me know if you prefer fics with fewer, but longer chapters, or fics with lots, but shorter chapters.
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome! 
Word Count: 3,309
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He plucks off a red carnation from a bush and places it into your hands. The flower is so beautiful that you cannot help but gawk at it. 
“My mother had these planted many years ago, before my birth,” Damian explains. “Do you know what red carnations symbolize?”
You timidly shake your head, embarrassed at your lack of flower symbolism knowledge. You wonder if all upper-class women already knew the answer to his question. If they were in the garden with the two of you, they would probably shout out the answer before it left Damian’s lips. 
“They symbolize deep love and affection,” he continues. “She planted them for my father.”
You squirm at his explanation, unsure of how to react. Should you feign innocence? It was a well-known, yet rarely spoken about secret within the realm that Prince Damian was born out of wedlock, but no one could fathom speaking about the matter in public. It would certainly be considered treasonous to do so. After all, even implying that the royal family was anything less than perfect was worthy of prison.
Damian laughs heartily at your reaction. “Please, I know what you must be thinking. I am well aware that I do not come from…the most honorable of circumstances.”
You cannot help but laugh in response. “That matters not,” you reply. “It is your character that I care about.”
He hums in response, and silence befalls you two. It is a much more comfortable silence than when you arrived in the capital. This time, you are alone with him instead of being surrounded by a throng of people. 
Well, technically. While your family and his become acquainted with one another indoors, you are walking next to Damian in the gardens, each with your respective chaperone trailing a few yards behind. You turn to see Alice viewing the extraordinary plants around her, some of which she had never seen before. Damian’s chaperone, a high-ranking general in R’as army, trails along indifferently.  
You turn back around and to your surprise, you find Damian observing you intensely. 
“There must be something on my face for you to look upon me like that,” you shyly utter.
Damian broods for a moment before responding. “I look at you in the hopes that you remember me.”
You smile fondly at the memory. “Of course, I remember. How could I forget the little prince and his rabbit?”
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You remember nodding your head at your father, not entirely listening to his words. You were too entranced by your surroundings. Never had you ever seen walls so tall, bricks so sturdy, and rooms so ornate.
“King R’as and I fought alongside each other many years ago,” he explained. “You should forever be grateful towards him. In return for fighting loyally by his side, he granted me earldom.”
He grabbed your shoulder and proceeded to kneel to face you directly. “I must leave you with the servants to attend a meeting with the king. Be good, my child. Do not dishonor our family name.”
“Yes, Father!”
He smiled at you and kissed you on the forehead before handing you off the servant that stood on the side. 
“Let us find you something to eat,” the kind servant said. 
She escorted you to the bustling kitchen and sat you down on a small wooden stool. You were surprised at how many people were employed in the kitchen alone. The amount of kitchen staff here at the castle equated to how many people were employed in your family’s entire home and stables!
You were given a measly bowl of oats, but it still satisfied your rumbling stomach. The servant left you to your own devices to perform her own duties. Surely, there were more important tasks on her mind than to care for a child. However, that meant you were left unsupervised to explore the castle. 
There were an unnecessary number of rooms to explore. You were amazed at the grandeur of it all. The imagination you had as a child ran wild, conjuring up scenarios of how you would live leisurely at a place like this. There would never be a problem that could not be fixed within a snap of your fingers. Chores would never have to cross your mind. You would have everything you could ever desire and more.
One after another, you hurriedly explored each room, forgetting the promise you made to your father. Who cared about family honor when you there was so much to see? 
You were able to easily flit from room to room. Innumerable servants passed you by without a glance, hurriedly completing their tasks. No one cared to look after a whimsical child when they risked corporal punishment for not completing their daily chores. 
A skip, a hop, and a jump later, your heart suddenly clenched. Your feet skidded to a sudden stop and your ears perked up. There were the rumblings of an angry individual coming from just around the corner. 
How could anyone be angry living in a place like this, you naively thought. 
You steadily inched across the hall. The voice increased in volume the closer and closer you approached. 
“ – to be a king!” You overheard a snippet of the conversation as you pressed your ear to the wooden doorframe.
“I have had enough of this sniveling. What would your grandfather say if he saw you like this? He would surely be disappointed in not only you, but in me. I have obviously failed as a mother if you cannot keep it together over something so insignificant.”
You pulled your head away from the doorframe quickly. It did not sound like the sort of conversation that you should have eavesdropped on. You scurried away from the door and hid just in the nick of time around the corner when the door thumped open. Footsteps stomped away from the room until all that could be heard were tiny sniffles, almost undiscernible. 
Forget anger, how could anyone be sad living in a place like this?
Curiosity overtook your body, and you could not stop your feet from approaching the now open door. Peeking inside, you saw the silhouette of a young child on the edge of a bed, with their back towards you.
It was obvious from their trembling body that they were crying, but it was also equally obvious that they were attempting to quiet their own whimpers. Your mind battled itself – should you comfort this person, or should you walk away? 
The memory of your father from earlier that day pierced your mind suddenly. You cringed at the sudden realization that you disobeyed your father, and that he would be displeased with your current behavior. 
You slowly started to back away from the entrance of the room, but you never were one to have life go your way. The soles of your shoes scuffed against the stone floor and created an echo within the hallway.
A gasp was heard from the inside of the room, and you knew you were caught. You winced as you raised your head to meet the eyes of the person whose privacy you intruded on. 
Watery green eyes met your own. His cheeks were wet with his tears, and his nose was blushed red. His mouth trembled in an effort to contain his tears, but one trickled down before he could stop it. He angrily wiped his face with his sleeve before returning to face you.
“What is it that you want?” he sneered, embarrassed that someone else had seen him cry. 
Your mouth opened, but no words could escape. There was so much to be said in that moment, but in your foolishness, you chose silence. You remembered what your siblings would do to comfort you whenever you were scolded by your mother. They would stroke your hair, wipe your tears, rub your back, and whisper declarations of love into your ear, all while you wailed your misfortunes onto them. They listened and your heart had no choice to calm itself after their comforting presence. 
Words could not be conjured in your head, so instead, you inched further into the room. The green-eyed boy watched in irritation when you rounded the bed to sit next to him. He huffed and looked away from you, but remained on the bed. 
You remained mute for what seemed like an eternity before you spoke. “Do you want to talk –” 
“No, I do not,” he sharply interrupted. 
The sharpness of his tone made you tremble. It felt as if you had been scolded by your tutors or perhaps your parents. It shocked you to no end that someone as young as him could hold such authority within his voice.
Silence enveloped the room once again. All that could be heard was his slight sniffles before you huffed in annoyance. Your siblings made this look so easy, but comforting someone was looking to be quite difficult!
He did not wish to speak to you, so how else could you possibly comfort him?
The bed creaked as you stood slowly. You turned to face him and stood closely to him. Your proximity to him broke his attention and he finally gazed upon you once more. This time however, confusion marked his face rather than anger. His knees nearly touched your upper thighs.
Your arms were firmly at your side, but you soon raised them around his shoulders. They dropped behind him, and you pulled him in closer. His head now laid beneath your sternum.
It was certainly an awkward hug. The angle itself was odd, but what made it even odder was the fact that the young boy did not reciprocate. His arms stiffly remained on the bed, unmoving. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion – were you mistaken? Were others not as receptive to hugs as you were?
It grew more embarrassing for each second that passed. You began to feel extremely hot and realized that perhaps, this was a situation that you were simply unable to solve. Your hands were tightly bound to your wrists to secure the hug, but they began to slip as you moved to remove yourself from the boy.
That is, until his arms began to move as well. Slowly but surely, they snaked around your waist, and kept you attached to him. 
You grinned at your achievement. Yes, the hug was possibly the worst one you had ever received, but at least it was reciprocated. 
One hand remained on his back, but the other slowly slid up towards his head. He gulped when your fingers tangle in his hair, stroking his head ever so gently. His sniffles disappeared, and his breathing evened out. His grip around your waist grew tighter and he held you closer. 
He took a deep breath in and spoke much more softly. “My rabbit passed away this morning.”
You tsked in response. “I am terribly sorry. What was the name of your rabbit?”
He paused. “His name was Rabbit.”
You had to stifle the laugh that gurgled in your throat. His head shot upwards, and he frowned at you, but his eyes smiled. 
“A fitting name for – erm – a rabbit,” you responded.
“Yes, well, he was a rabbit, so it made sense.”
You hummed in response. “How did Rabbit pass away?”
He rubbed his head on your belly. “I…am not sure. He was fine this morning. And then by the afternoon, he was…” He trailed off, unable to continue. “You must think I am weak. I am to be king one day and here I am weeping over a rabbit,” he dryly laughed. 
You were silent for a moment. The future king? It did not cross your mind to think of who you were comforting. All that crossed your mind was that you saw someone who was in desperate need of affection. Your hands suddenly became clammy at the realization that you were not comforting a normal child. This was Prince Damian! 
You ripped yourself from his grip abruptly and stepped back. The little boy appeared bewildered at your sudden movements.
“Prince Damian,” you whispered. Your immediately bent your head and knees in respect, holding your dress out to the sides in a clumsy curtsy. “I sincerely apologize – I should not have –” You glanced at the open door in horror.  Despite your good intentions, this interaction was beyond inappropriate between a royal family member and a low-level aristocrat. 
Damian stood up, his hand outreached towards you. “Please, there is no need for –” 
You took a step towards the door. Your father’s stern warning rang once more in your head. “Once again, terribly sorry about Rabbit. Also, I should not have intruded on your Highness’ privacy.”
“No, there was no intrusion!” His arms stretched towards you, but you fluttered away out the open door and down the hallway. You could hear the pattering of footsteps behind you, but continued your fast pace. His footsteps eventually slowed to a stop.
Your mind flashed back to just how intimate the two of you were mere moments ago. Suddenly, it seemed impossible to run away. Your feet turned to bricks. It was wrong, so wrong, but his watery green eyes flashed in your vision, and you just had to properly say goodbye. It was impossible to leave the castle otherwise. 
The little prince had a despondent look on his face as he stared at his shoes glumly. His slumped posture revealed his melancholy. You could not in good conscience leave him so abruptly.  
Damian’s head whipped towards you when you squeaked out your name and your father’s. 
“Perhaps, I will come to the capital again to see you, your Highness. Though, I must return to my father now. He will be very displeased with me if he finds out how I have been misbehaving.”
Damian nodded his head, a small smile etched onto his face. “Yes, perhaps. I look forward to that day, and hope that it comes sooner rather than later.”
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“I keep the memory of that day near and dear to my heart.”
You flush at the thought of Damian remembering you from all those years ago. “Your Highness, I am not sure –”
“Damian,” he interrupts. “Call me Damian. Or Husband. You are to be my wife, so we should remove these formalities between us.”
“D – Damian.” His name rolls off your tongue like butter. “Husband.” You are unsure of what name you like more. “You sound so firm in your decision to marry me. I must know – why? Why me? I have no major titles. No social standing. As your mother pointed out at my arrival, I have no money.” Your hands move rapidly in the air to emphasize your confusion. The carnation Damian gave you dangerously teeters between your thumb and index finger.
Damian calls your name softly and grabs your shoulders, so that you face him. “Why does my desire for you come as a surprise?”
“Well, because of what I just said!” you sputter. “Money, status, titles! All of it!”
“Has it not crossed your mind that I do not need any of what you have mentioned? I am perfectly content with what I have been born with.”
“That still does not explain anything. When the royal messenger delivered us the news that you accepted my proposal, I sincerely thought it was a joke! A cruel joke, but a joke nonetheless.”
“T’is no joke! Out of all the maidens in the realm, I want to marry you. I chose you.”
Your mouth gapes open at his revelation. His disclosure sounded like one of those oral stories that your grandmother would tell you when you were younger. Those stories about the rich prince and the poor girl who fall in love and overcome all struggles. But those were merely fairytales, and this is reality. 
Damian rubs his face with hand in frustration before dropping it back down to his side. His gaze softens at your expression. “Look, I understand this situation was unexpected. Honestly, my decision surprised even myself.” He moves to grab your hands.
You gasp as his hands engulf yours. His fingers intertwine with your own, radiating so much warmth. His display of affection directly causes your heart to skip a beat. The carnation’s stem becomes crushed between your hand and his.
“The day we met…is one of the fondest memories of my childhood. I have never forgotten the kindness you showed me that day.” He rubs the top of your knuckles with his thumbs. “When talks of my marriage began to arise, it was expected that I would marry a princess. I was never opposed to the idea of marriage, but I amopposed to marrying a stranger.”
The green and yellow in his eyes are nearly replaced with all black. His teeth clench and his jaw tightens in anger. “So much of my life is controlled. But I refuse to let my grandfather and mother choose the person I will be spending the rest of my life with. I cannot do it. This is why your presence in the capital was immediately required. I did not wish to be persuaded otherwise.” He takes a deep breath in and loudly exhales. He relaxes his shoulders to allow the stress to leave his body. Genuine kindness emanates from his eyes and into your own. “And that is why when I heard you were interested, I jumped at the opportunity. I have never forgotten you. Why find another bride when I already have a fondness for you?”
“Oh, Damian.” Your heart soars at his proclamation. He stands before you in the body of a man, but you can see through the cracks. He is still the little boy who grieved deeply for his pet rabbit. He is still the little boy who deeply craved affection, but could not show he wanted it. He is still the little boy you ached for long after you left the capital as a child. It was a girlhood crush, but the remnants of that fire remain. Your hand grazes his cheek, and he nuzzles into it. It finds its way from his cheek to his ear, and then to the back of his head. His black hair tangles in your fingers and you find yourself transported back in time to when you first met him. His hair feels the same as it did all those years –
“Ahem!” Alice abruptly proclaims. Your hand quickly untangles from his hair at the sound of her disapproval. Although you are to be wed to him soon, Damian was not yet your husband. Physical affection could not be tolerated until then. 
She attempts to glare at you, but you could see her quivering lips. She does her absolute best to hide her smile until she cannot any longer. Her tense lips turn upwards into a smile, and you chuckle at her reaction. Damian’s guardian, the general, remains indifferent except for the tiniest sparkle in his eyes. 
You take a step backwards to place some distance away from Damian. Although you are no longer touching him, he looks at you so intimately that it feels like you are embracing one another. 
“I suppose we must keep our hands to ourselves,” you quip.
“I suppose so,” he muses. You two begin your walk through the garden again. This time though, there is heat between your bodies despite the distance. 
The red carnation Damian bestowed upon you remains in your hands. You twist and twist and twist the flower around. 
Deep love and affection. The symbolism behind the flower makes you blush. Your mind wanders off into a daydream. Your daydream is almost like a vision. You see yourself planting flowers for Damian within this very garden, just like his mother did for his father. The thought makes your heart bloom.
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
If possible could you do the Batkids summoning the Ghost King on a dare?
It starts with Tim because most insane things do. Kon had sent him a link to a trend, asking him to try it the next time Young Justice got together.
He made the mistake of clicking on the link while sitting near his siblings in the gaming room. The audio is also on full blast because he didn't realize his headphones were out of battery.
Thus while waiting for his turn to play Mario Kart, a loud male moan echoes from his speakers. Tim freezes in his seat, staring at his phone in horrified betrayal, as seven heads snap in his direction.
"Ugh, Timmy? Those are videos you should be watching alone" Dick says with half a teasing smirk. "I know you're growing up and are curious about-"
"It's not like that! It's a summoning circle!" Tim yelps, turning the phone around. On his screen, five male teenagers sit in a circle, each holding hands. Moaning. The caption reads, "Summoning the Ghost King! What's your offer?".
"What the hell?" Jason squints as the teenagers in the video burst into laughter. They jeer and taunt each other good naturally, indicating the random moaning was in jest.
"Oh, I know that trend!" Cullen chirps from the floor. He's been hugging the bowl of chips all night, laying down on his stomach to keep it guarded from the others. "Basically, you try to summon the Ghost King by offering something random. Guess he doesn't respond to human sacrifices or the typical stuff, so people have been getting creative. I once saw a group of girls who burned their training bras and offered the King the ashes. The point is to pick the weirdest thing you can think of."
"That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. We have to try it." Steph announces, standing up. She pushes the coffee table out of the way. The rest of their siblings, who weren't as into the speeding game, perked up in interest. "What do we need?"
"Um," Tim scrolls through the comments. "We need four never before lite candles, each placed in the positions of the four directions. We have to sit crossed leg in a circle holding hands and call out to the King with a poem, and at the end, we make our offering."
Harper springs up. "I got some candles! Do they matter if it's scented?"
Tim checks online. "It's not recommended, but it's fine if they are."
"This is idiotic! Attempting to make contact with the Ghost King is far too dangerous. I shall take no part in this foolery!" Damian cuts in, face twisted into a- surprisingly- nervous frown. His hands are clasped tightly over each other while his eyes roam the room looking for unseen threats. If Tim didn't know any better, he said the brat was scared.
"Aw Dami, if you don't want to do a summons, we can play the game of life or something. It's okay to be scared of ghosts" Dick says, placing his hand on the kid's shoulder. He was obviously trying to comfort the kid but it has the opposite effect.
"I am not scared of a mere ghost!" Damian hisses. "I am merely stating we should not bother forces well out of our leagues!"
Jason snorts, planting himself on the ground as Harper returns. She had four different color candles, purple, blue, black, and green. After consulting with Cass- a human compass-she placed them facing the east, west, south, and north.
"Why did you make that disgusting noise Todd?" Damian demands narrowing his eyes at the striking man.
"Just admit you're scared of ghosts, brat. No one is going to judge you for it."
"I said I was not scared of a mere ghost. The Ghost King is far more powerful then-"
"Alright, alright. Damian is too much of a scary cat to play, but who else is in?" Steph cuts him off, a knowing glint in her eyes. The youngest flushes angrily before he marches between the green and black candle and sits with his legs crossed. A nasty scowl is playing on his lips, likely not noticing the high-five Jason and Steph share for getting him to join.
Cass gracefully falls right next to Damian, offering the younger boy a small. His scowl lessens just a little. Cullen crawls his way over, pressing the bowl of chips to his hip protectively once he's sitting up. He ended up between the green and the purple candle, offering Cass a smile. Harper lands next to Cullen, cracking her neck as if preparing for a fight.
Dick does an unnecessary flip over the couch to take the place between the purple and blue candles. Next to him, Steph sits, her knee bumping the blue candle slightly. Jason struts over to sit next to Steph right between the blue and black candle. Duke shares the space with him, giving just a slightly nervous chuckle as Tim and Babs push the black and green candle apart a little to squeeze into though Babs remains in her chair.
"Alright, so the person with the candle on their right side has to light it. Do it at the same time. Once that happens, we join hands and do chat about the poem. Says only one person has to say the words, but if you want, I can send the link in the family group chat so we can all say it?" Tim waits to see them consider it, but Cass excited nodding has him copying the link he found on an online forum. A few dings go around the room as everyone checks their phones. "Now we have to decide on a sacrificial offering."
"We should do our most embarrassing secrets," Jason suggests.
"No, no, our fabulous hair!" Dick perks up, flipping said hair in a dramatic flair.
"It has to be something we all share," Tim says, eyeing Duke's short hair.
The other teenager makes an offended noise. "My hair is fabulous!"
"We offer the gay." Cullen cuts in. The rest turn to look at him as he wiggles his fingers. "Ohhhhhh! We're all fruity~! Spooky!"
"Babs isn't," Dick puts in only to see his best friend shake her hand in a so-and-so motion. He gapes at her before throwing his head back and laughing "We really do flock together!"
"So we agree? The gay?" Tim tries to say seriously, but his lips are twitching too much, trying to suppress a smile. There is agreement around the circle. He gives on a single node before passing around the matches Harper had brought. "How are we going to do this, though. Do we just shout, "I'm gay," or are we giving material things?"
"Let's write our gay awakening on a piece of people," Babs suggests grabbing her bag from where it hands on her chair handles. She tucks out a spiral notebook and a few pens. "I read that summoning needs something physical."
Everyone agrees as they pass along the notebook, writing down their awakening. Tim raises a brow at Damian's "Jon Kent" but doesn't call him out for it. After all, Conner Kent goes under his little brother's writing in his own writing.
He does wonder who Danny Fenton is, but knows better than to ask Cass about her life before the manor.
"Okay, let's do this! On the count of three- one-two-three!" Tim calls, watching Damian, Harper, Steph, and Duke simultaneously lite at the candle. They all hold hands, reading off phones that are prompted up by either their legs or kickstands on cases.
"We call upon the Undead King,
The one who bridges the realms,
The one who wields the Ring,
The one who will lead dies and breathes!"
There is a moment of silence where Tim swears he feels a slight shock along his fingertips, but it passes too quickly for him to care. Seeing as he is the ring leader, he calls out to the air. "Oh great King of the Dead, my siblings and I offer you a list of our gay awakening!"
"Stop, stop!" The youngest yells, leaping to his feet. His eyes are wild, scrambling to a far wall like a cornered animal. "No! He's coming!"
"Coming out the closet, like mama, I like boys, I like pecs
Like the arms when they flex!" Stephs suddenly sings, swaying in her seat. Everyone laughs before joining, and Tim wonders if they should have recorded this when suddenly Damian shrieks.
"Damian, who-"
The candles' flames all turn green as a haunting voice echoes through the room. "Your sacrifice has been accepted."
Tim's mouth drops open as the flames rise into the air forming a portal of liquid green. Familiar green. No wonder Daimain had been so scared. That was Lazarus Pit water. This meant this was the real deal, not just a random trend popularized by stupid teenagers.
Leaping Lizards Batman.
"What-what do we do!?" Cullen yelps as a burst of wind rips around the room, throwing everyone back. A laugh that sounds far too much like the Joker is heard through the portal as everyone tries to get into a fighting position with the wind pushing against them.
A head of snow-white hair peaks out and they are greeted by a laughing teenager. "A gay awaking sacrifice list! That's hilarious!"
"Who are you!" Tim hears Jason demand over the howling wings.
Another laugh, but this time, it sounds like clicking ice cubes is a response. "I'm Phantom!"
Tim has a second to see, wide green glowing eyes before the ghost reaches down, snatches their list, and zaps away.
Cass falls to her knees with a look of horror. "They know"
"I told you this was idiotic!" Damian screams, shaking so hard he looks like he will burst into tears in only a few seconds. Dick rushes over to him, pulling the sniffing boy into his arms. "We must never do this again!"
No one knows what to do in the wake of actually succeeding in calling the Ghost King or watching Dmaian cry from fear.
A ringtone plays from Cass's phone, breaking the ill silence. Tim catches a glimpse of "Danny" with two little hearts before his sister grabs the cell and leaps through an open window with what could only be a squeal.
"What the fuck just happened?" Cullen asks, but Tim can only offer him a shrug.
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cursedzucchini · 1 year
DC x DP prompt
So i have seen the Damian and Danny are twins and Danny's fave bat is Red Hood and threw them in blender and this is what I got lmao.
It's basically the same, Damian and Danny are twins, but this time? This time they are tied when it comes to power/standing in the League.
Danny might be a little faster on his feet, but Damian doesn't hesitate in life or death situations, Danny might be a little better at first aid, but Damian obeys their Grandfather's every word. Like overall Danny is tiny bit better than Damian, but it doesn't matter bc he doesn't kill.
Anyway long story short, they both are send on different missions to kill some guys. Damian kills the guy, Danny doesn't. And Danny really tries but he just can't. Danny knows this would be death sentence if he returned, so he runs away. (He can meet jezz and she just goes, ok this guys my new bro, and the fentons just accepting it)
Idk how but somehow the league thinks he's dead, and it somehow works out the same as before, but now Damian has ✨brother Complex✨.
Anyway time skip few years and Damian is in Gotham, Danny is half dead and all that stuff. But something happens (could be the fentons finding out about Phantom, or just some ghost king stuff) and Danny needs to go to Gotham. He already knows Abt the bats and especially Abt red hood.
Now allow me to explain more Abt Danny's weird relationship w red hood. Bc Danny grew up in the environment he did, he really blamed himself for being too weak to kill some random guy. And one day he learns about red hood, who kills (or killed) the people he deems as irredeemable (or just bad, but it could be specifically misinformation like this). And Danny, the literal king of ghosts (like he can appreciate it from the revenge side of thing), a child who was taught murder was okay and sometimes needed, but also not able to kill someone himself, Danny really loves this guy, but also really hates himself for not being able to be like him.
Tbh i think this is more of a background or a story than a prompt itself but i hope it can count. My thought process also went to Bruce and overall his reaction to another kid who also desperately wishes to be like his (most fucked up? Murderous? Idk how to describe this) other kid, even though he (Danny) is more like Bruce (w the whole no killing thing).
Like it just seems like such a beautiful fuckery, like I'd love to read it lol
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alexcors · 4 months
Tumblr media
The flames of the witchcraft torches played with reflections on the ancient walls and the blue-black plumage of the raven. Flying under the stone arch, the bird spread its wings unnaturally wide, stepping onto the gallery floor with human feet.
The train of her thin, almost transparent outfit rolled down two steps below, under the feet of the quietly grumbling owner of the castle.
— Cover yourself, — Damian hissed, raising his wings threateningly. — I don't need guards staring at you.
— Do I really hear jealousy in your voice?
— Tt. I don't share my property. And you're on that list.
Anyone else would have found his tone intimidating, even dangerous, but Raven just rolled her eyes and stepped out the door of the luxurious chambers. Her bare feet immediately sank into the softness of carpets and animal skins, carrying their owner to the burning fireplace. The orange light made her outfit almost invisible, highlighting every seductive curve.
Grabbing an unfinished book from the shelf, Raven deftly climbed onto the arm of a huge armchair, hid her feet under the cushion on the seat and immersed herself in reading.
Maleficent glared at his familiar and silently walked to the window. From the top of his tower, he could see for miles around, including the capital of his father's kingdom. Damn Gotham. For some inexplicable reason, the city irritated and attracted at the same time: belonging to people, from the old catacombs to the highest spires, but still storing ancient magic in its own shadows. And it was all the more annoying that Damian didn't have a place there.
The son of a fairy lady and a mortal ruler who had not ceased to be ashamed of this kinship for twenty years, Maleficent wanted revenge. He had planned everything, was ready to revel in his triumph and the look of despair on his parent's face, when Bruce from the Wayne house of course ruined everything.
— Floras, Fawn, and Maryweather, — Damian growled softly.
— A trio of fairies from the swamps? — Raven was instantly distracted from her reading.
— Three reasons for my irritation. And the only explanation for the king's behavior.
Maleficent simply couldn't find any others. Cursing his father's pitiful mortal daughter, he expected screams of horror, pain, and pleas for mercy, but saw only confusion and incomprehension in his eyes. Not the kind of emotions Damian wanted to enjoy after all these years.
—Or maybe the king doesn't care about all his children, — the dark fairy concluded, turning away from the window, catching the calm violet gaze of his familiar.
Raven gave him a soft smile, returned the book to its place, and was almost immediately at his side. The scent of lavender and cinnamon immediately filled his nose, erasing the dusty smells of the city along with painful thoughts.
— We have sixteen years to check it out. And, whether the king wants to or not, he is doomed to think about you for the entire duration of the announced term.
— Too long,— Maleficent snorted. — And too merciful. He didn't deserve this!
—But you deserve,— the familiar came close, barely touching him through his clothes. The tenderness in her touch and voice cooled his anger. — And when His Majesty has exhausted all available means to save the princess, he will come to you." And you'll get everything you've wanted for so long.
— Maybe, — Damian breathed.
Take a classic fairy tale and reshape the characters for DC? With pleasure! 😁😁😁 So Damian is the male version of Maleficent, Raven is actually a raven, three fairies are three brothers, in blue (Dick), red (Jason) and green (Tim), Bruce, as always, is a so-so dad, Selina as the queen and Helena Aurora Wayne herself. It's going to be fun! And in the case of DamiRae, it is very, very hot.The full version will be for Valentine's Day 💌💘
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wesavegotham · 1 year
I could make an even longer post including panels to explain all the reasons why I don't agree with the people I've seen online who act like the recent stories of Tim saving Bruce at the end of Batman #135 and Damian saving Bruce at the end of Batman vs Robin are very similar and treating Tim and Damian equally good, but that would probably end up being too long. So here is the slightly less long version to explain what fundamentally sets them apart:
Tim is simply allowed to be good and heroic with no drawbacks. And Damian is not.
There was no argument before Bruce vanished that Tim saving him is an apology for. Bruce didn't get lost because of a mistake Tim made. Tim's way of travelling through the multiverse didn't require him to do anything bad to get it and his travels don't have any negative consequences for him or the places he goes to. Tim didn't only manage to save Bruce after asking for help from a bunch of other characters he met during his journey through the multiverse.
He is simply allowed to be Batman's shining saviour.
Now that alone isn't a problem. The problem is that the other character currently wearing the Robin mantle gets treated very differently.
If Damian was the one trying to save Bruce in the same arc I'm pretty sure some of the things I've listed above, if not all of them, would have been done. Because making Damian at fault for the problem he is trying to solve, punishing him repeatedly for messing up and not letting him solve the problem simply through the power of his own abilities is a pretty persistent pattern in Damian's stories.
Like in Batman vs Robin, a recent story some people try to argue gave Damian a "Robin saves Batman" story equally as nice as the one Tim just got.
Let me break down what Damian's role in that story actually is:
He opens the tomb of Nezha because of his recklessness, Mother Soul only had to arrange for the key to fall into his hands (thus causing all the following terrible events)
He gets possessed by Nezha
He tries and fails to kill his father multiple times, not because Damian is successful in fighting back against Nezha's possession, but because Bruce is simply shown to be superior to him in every way
Bruce dons the helmet of fate and frees everyone possessed by Nezha from his influence, including Damian
Damian begs Bruce for forgiveness
Damian and Talia try to defeat Mother Soul but she simply jumps into an abyss
Damian tries to stop Nezha from killing Bruce, but Nezha then just tries to shoot Damian instead and Bruce jumps in front of the blast, causing him to die
Black Alice and Pigsy manage to revive Bruce, but he's still in a very bad condition
Damian flies them all out of there and crashlands the plane into the Hall of Justice
Damian tries to explain to the heroes what is going on, but everyone turns to (a barely conscious) Batman and they only start listening to Damian once Bruce tells them to do so
Damian comes up with a very vague plan that...I guess one of the two teams had success? The other part of the plan failed and had some unintended consequences though, like Nezha taking full control of Bruce's body, which turned Bruce into nothing more than a husk for Nezha.
Damian remains at the Hall of Justice while the other heroes leave to execute his plan
He gets attacked by King Fire Bull and is completely useless the entire fight even after gaining temporary powers (seriously, it's stated in the book that his heat vision does nothing against a magic being like King Fire Bull)
He yells at King Fire Bull that if he learned anything these past few days it's that you will never be better than your father
The freed magic users defeat King Fire Bull
Nezha in Batman's body returns to the Hall of Justice without the rest of Batman's team, but Damian doesn't become suspicious of him
Damian wakes up captured by Nezha
He manages to escape but Nezha chases him
Monkey Prince explains to Damian the longer Nezha stays in Batman's body the stronger he will get, so they have to get him out of Batman and into his old body fast to banish him, but Nezha is the only thing keeping Bruce's body from dying. If they want to save the world Damian has to kill his father
Damian calls the rest of the batfamily for help to capture Nezha/Batman
After the batfamily wears him down first Monkey Prince uses his cloning ability on Damian to make 20+ (?) clones of Damian that wear Nezha down even further
Zatanna, Enchantress and Pigsy arrive to shackle Nezha and transfer his soul back into his original body on Damian's orders, leaving Bruce dead
Damian then asks Enchantress to transfer his life to Bruce to revive him, arguing that the world needs Batman far more than it needs him. She replies that his sacrifice wouldn't be enough to bring Bruce back, shocking Damian. Zatanna says countless people would need to give parts of themselves to revive Bruce.
Damian asks the entirety of Gotham to give a part of themselves to revive Batman, reminding them of all the times Batman has saved them and to shout "we are Batman" to transfer a part of their lifeforce into Bruce
Bruce comes back to life and they hug
The concluding sentence tells us that this story serves as a lesson to the world that there is no more formidable team than Batman and Robin
Even though we never saw them truly working  together as Batman and Robin at any point of the story and the only lesson I took from this is that Mark Waid really wants you to know that Bruce is the greatest and that Damian will never be as good as his dad. How uplifting.
But hey, they hugged in the end, surely that makes up for all of it, right?😑
Who needs Damian to not be at fault for yet another disaster? For Bruce to say something nice about him that goes beyond "well, he's my son, so I guess I have some love for him even though I can only describe him with bad attributes"? To simply see Damian filling the role Robin is supposed to serve in a story?
Or why let Damian enjoy the privilege that all other male Robins enjoyed? Which was to be Robin without sharing the mantle and getting to be Batman's main crime fighting partner?
Why do that when you can just use Tim for these things instead, right?🙂
And I want to make it clear that it's not just because "the characters are just like that". The characters are fictional, they have no free will.
A writer could simply let Damian have a story where he's not at fault for the problems he faces, where his own abilities allow him to solve the problem and he doesn't have to make shitty decisions because he's been forced into dilemmas other character simply don't get subjected to.
They just constantly choose not to.
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