freddieslater · 2 years
Ok your Ben/Lol idea is making me wanting to do ships from the TSOTB and I thank you so much! Any suggestions?
Oooh, okay, I have a few ships from TSOTB!! Ben/Lol is obviously one of them, but my absolute favourite is Tracy and Crash. They just had a really special dynamic and the movie definitely confirmed some not-totally-platonic feelings.
I'm also here for Justine/Rebecca? Like, they could just have a nice enemies to best friends arc but I also like the idea of them finding more in each other, you know? Especially if they don't reconnect until after the events of "The Beaker Girls" when Justine has her baby, but she's raising him alone because Sean Godfrey is just kind of the worst (I know they got back together in the show but I'm still on the fence about their relationship), and they initially bonded over both having to take care of their little siblings, so I'm absolutely here for Rebecca helping Justine co-parent little Steve Jr and then them falling in love with each other and it is okay because they're already living together, raising a kid together, etc.
You will also be prying Lol and Wolfie from my cold, dead grasp because Wolfie was most definitely in love with Lol, which was a big reason for his jealousy over Lol constantly abandoning him to spend time with Bouncer instead. Wolfie would absolutely have been Lol's queer awakening as well, like he's never felt the way he does about him with anyone else, not even when he had a bit of a crush on Louise and Tracy.
Once again, pry Crash and Rio away from me, I dare you. I don't hardcore ship these two in an OTP sense like I do with Lol and Wolfie, but I can see them having a few moments of queer panic around each other, trying a relationship but having it not last long-term but remain really good friends because they're young and just really care about each other. Like when they bonded over their dads and got really close, I feel like they just kind of understood each other in that episode better than any of the others in the DG have understood them? So yeah, I see them having one of those relationships where you get together with your only other queer friend because you think it makes sense, but it's just not really meant to be, but you're still the best of friends.
Tracy and Jackie. Beautiful ship. They love each other deeply. Do I really need to say more? Like, I don't even care if they're romantic, platonic, queerplatonic or what, I just love them, okay?
I will admit, I did genuinely ship Tracy and Wilson. They were just really sweet!! They're probably the only canon ship I'm actually on board with.
I know you didn't ask for my reasons for shipping these characters and were only looking for suggestions but I couldn't help myself ksdjhfksj so I hope you enjoyed this little ramble! I now really want to write so many fics about, like, all of these pairings. I hope this was kind of helpful!
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miraculermarinette · 2 years
This isn’t Lila sugar but imagine a AU at season 2 where Lila and marinette are friends and Chloe is a still mari’s rival but she is changing and Lila hates ladybug not knowing Ladybug is actually marinette
...... that'd be interesting to watch to be honest. It would be way better than seeing four girls fight over a bland blonde boy.
Lila, along with Chloe, has a lot of potential to be a well written character but the writers never use it.
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@theshslshipper you've read the rules right? I know I'm not really active here but in order to make anything cannon you need to send asks over!
Since valentine's are coming I'll try to work a bit more but I won't promise anything.
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freddieslater · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Johnny Taylor x Bailey Wharton (The Dumping Ground)
Requested by @theshslshipper
The's game final score is announced on the giant board above the pitch. Brightly-lit green numbers along with a loud horn indicate the home team as the winners. Cheers erupt all across the stadium, a sudden sea of scarves, flags, and banners.
Johnny can admit he's one of them. Some people give him curious looks as he stands well taller than most, clapping and whooping loudly for one player in particular. The stares are probably drawn by his uniform. Not many military men at football matches, he guesses. At least not while still kitted out in full camo.
'YES, BAILEY!' he shouts, and finally draws the attention of the star player of the night.
Bailey's head swivels, eyes widen, searching in disbelief for the voice. When he finally finds him in the stands, his face drops only briefly before it's cracking into a wide grin.
It's a shock to Johnny's system for only a second. It's been over a year since he last saw him, and his sixteen-year-old self briefly forgot that so much has changed. Then his heart is doing somersaults and his stomach is settling into a familiar spiral of longing and relief.
Uncertain of if he would be dragged off of the pitch, he stays where he is despite wanting to be down there with him right this second. Instead, he claps harder, cheers louder, and smiles wider.
Bailey doesn't care about possible rules. He clambers down from his teammates' grasp and uses his footballer's speed to cross the pitch in seconds. He takes the bleachers practically two at a time, winding his way through the crowd of people all trying to reach for him.
Johnny only has to take two single steps to meet him before Bailey's throwing himself at him. Not even a greeting or a pretence of hatred like they used to play up just for the fun of it once they grew out of their actual loathing of each other.
Now, Bailey grabs his face and kisses him hard. Every single missed call and text is in the kiss. Every night they spent in separate countries. Every terrifying thought of whether or not he's even alive.
For a split second, Johnny only feels pure panic; two years ago, he would never have kissed another bloke in public. Never mind in a stadium where all eyes are on him and the star player of the biggest football match in the country. Not to mention that it's televised.
But with Bailey holding onto him like he thought he was never going to see him again, Johnny can't help but melt into him. He kisses him back. He's aware of the people all around them; he can hear the whispers, the shouts, the gasps, the extra-loud cheers for them.
He doesn't care.
'This is how you choose to tell me you're back?' Bailey breathes, refusing to pull back properly. Instead, he hugs him tightly.
'Thought you'd enjoy the surprise,' Johnny replies with a light chuckle. He closes his eyes, letting himself bury his face in his shoulder for a moment and just inhale the scent of him. It's mostly sweat. 'Was I right?'
Bailey laughs into his shoulder. 'Damn right.'
'Then you'll be thrilled to know that's it,' Johnny says, and finally pulls back to look at Bailey properly. 'My deployment's finished. Honourable discharge.'
Sucking in a sharp breath, Bailey says, 'You're staying this time? For good?'
Johnny nods. His hands slip up to cup Bailey's neck. 'I'm staying.'
Bailey laughs, head tipping back, then he surges in once again and kisses him harder than before, with all of the relief flooding through both of them. His hand grasps the dog tags around Johnny's neck tightly. Never is he letting go again.
Neither is Johnny. To prove it, he detaches from Bailey and sinks down onto one knee. He pulls the ring he's kept secure in his pocket after meeting with Tee first, and looks up at Bailey.
'And since I'm staying, I can finally ask. Will you marry me?'
He wasn't going to do it here. Like this. But it feels like now or never, he doesn't want to waste another second. He's already wasted so much time with the army.
Bailey shakes his head slowly, tongue poking into his cheek as a grin curves his mouth. 'You're a prick, you know that.' Not a question but a statement. 'Obviously, I've gotta say yes now.'
'Well, you don't have t--'
Bailey cuts him off to say, 'Yeah, I do,' then pulls him up into another kiss, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he curls a hand around the ring in Johnny's hand.
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freddieslater · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Rick Barber x Frank Matthews (Tracy Beaker Returns/The Dumping Ground)
Requested by @theshslshipper
Rick tosses and turns on the floor. Part of him is resentful of Tyler for not the first time in his life; did he really have to choose this week to be crashing at Liam and Frank's as well? If he wasn't here, he'd probably be sleeping comfortably on the much softer sofa in the living room.
There's a snort from the bed and he sits upright, shooting Frank a glare. 'Amusing, is it?'
Frank nonchalantly shrugs a shoulder. Of course he has little care; he's tucked up nice and cosy in his big double bed, hand beneath his pillows, duvet wrapped around him. There's another strike of envy, but it's harder to be mad about that when Frank's done him the courtesy of even allowing him to stay with him while he's in town. He could've easily turned him away.
'A bit,' Frank says.
Rick rolls his eyes and drops back onto the floor with a slight thud and groan. He momentarily forgot there wasn't going to be soft cushioning beneath the two flimsy pillows.
'Alright, that's enough.' Rick peeks an eye open to look at Frank, watching him shift in his bed then motions at it. 'Come on. There's enough room.'
'You sure?' he asks, but he's already climbing off of the floor and onto the bed as Frank nods. He wriggles a little bit to get comfortable, then gives another, happier groan. 'Thanks.'
'No problem,' Frank says with a smile. 'But if you snore, you're back on the floor. Got it?'
Rick grins. 'Got it.'
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freddieslater · 2 years
ok so this is shslshipper but I’m using a new account cos I can’t get to my old one! Ok so what do you think would happen in Series 10 of TDG? What are your predictions? Sorry if I keep asking so much TDG questions. It’s cos it’s my most favourite show. Also do you watch any anime?
Hey! Good to hear from you, and never worry about asking too many TDG questions, that's physically impossible. I love being able to talk about it with someone. I'm not sure I have many predictions for series 10 at the moment as we don't even have the trailer for the first half of the series. The most I can predict is how Jody's going to leave; I feel there's a chance of her deciding to either move out to go to college, or she's going to move with Luke. I really don't want it to be that she's going to live with her mum or Tyler, because neither of those feels right. I wish I had more theories but I don't have any idea what they're planning until we have the trailer.
And I do watch some animes, not often, but there are a few I've enjoyed. Sword Art Online, Winx Club, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, Totally Spies, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note, Yuri On Ice. I really need to watch more, there are so many on my list that I just haven't gotten around to yet.
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freddieslater · 2 years
Ok so I have another TDG/Heartstopper AU! And this time it’s going to be Bailey/Daryl (the dude who appeared in part two of Kick Off!) Bailey as Nick and Daryl as Charlie, Maybe tyler could be Tao and Jody could be Elle and Faith and Elektra as Tara and Darcy (I ship them two) and maybe Justin could be as Harry (the guy who was racist towards Bailey) and idk who could be Harry..anyways I love fruity pairings of the Tracy beaker franchise!
That's such an interesting one! I completely forgot about Daryl but he is perfect, he definitely seemed to take it pretty personally that Bailey didn't show up for the match, and then concerned when he showed up at the DG again to tell Jody what he knew. I love Bailey as Nick and Daryl as Charlie, it works really well. Since Tao is meant to be Charlie's overprotective bestie (in this case, Daryl's overprotective bestie), I think Tyler could probably work! Of course, the two don't know each other in the show but in this situation, it's good! Jody as Elle is also perfect and I love it. While I obviously love Faith and Elektra as a ship in general, I feel in this situation Tara could maybe be Carmen? And Darcy could be Tee or Lily? I'm not sure if you meant to type Justin as Harry or as Ben? But I feel like he would work well as Harry, and Ben could be Johnny? Potentially? I'm not sure about that one but it's always an option!
The fruit pairings of the TBCU (Tracy Beaker Cinematic Universe) are all wonderful and I love hearing about all these ships and AU's! <3
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freddieslater · 2 years
Ok this may sound a bit weird but…I imagined a TDG/Heartstopper AU! the pairing is Frank/Liam! (Aka the Charlie and Nick of this au) I was thinking that Danny should be Ben, Elektra and Faith could be Darcy and Tara (I sometimes ship Elektra and Faith) and I don’t about Tao and Elle but I would love to hear your opinion on this, Charlie X Nick forever!
So sorry for the delay in replying to this. I love this concept so much. Crossovers are like always my favourite thing to imagine, and you picked two of my favourite things so this is perfect! Heartstopper with Frank/Liam is BEAUTIFUL. Danny as Ben makes perfect sense, as do Elektra and Faith as Darcy and Tara. Since we're doing the older kids from like early TBR/early TDG, I think that Tao (if Frank is Charlie, then his protective bestie) could be Rick? Or Johnny, but I'm feeling Rick more, and if Rick is Tao, then I feel that Carmen could be Elle. I know she's a bit younger than them, but like, just pretend they're a bit closer in age (I mean, they ARE only about three years apart at most so it's really not that much of an issue).
Honestly, you've made me want to think of this for some of the others as well. I'm sure you won't mind me rambling a bit, so let's do this!
A Tyler/Ryan version, with them as Nick and Charlie respectively. Ben would be either Alex or Bailey in this situation because they're both a bit closeted, I'm leaning more towards Alex because he and Ryan had more of the tension between them (Bailey definitely had it with Tyler, though). Tara could be Jody because she would be Tyler's ex-girlfriend in this situation and would definitely be someone for Ryan to worry about in regards to Tyler still having feelings for her, and I'm thinking then that Darcy would probably be Sasha. I'm not totally sure about Tao and Elle, mainly because 1) I'm finding it hard to imagine any of the TDG characters saying the line "as your token straight friend" because not a single one of them are straight and 2) Ryan doesn't really have... friend outside of Tyler and Chloe, and while Chloe could be Tao... I suppose Elle could be Candi-Rose then, actually, couldn't she? They just wouldn't be doing the whole only boys/only girls school thing then.
I think a Jody/Carmen version, featuring them as Charlie and Nick respectively as well, would be interesting too. Gemma is Ben, of course. Sasha is Tao, Jody's witty and sarcastic bestie, who is a little bit in love with Charlie, our Elle in this situation. Now, I know that Tyler SHOULD be Tara because he is Jody's ex, but he has more of Darcy's personality I feel, so Bailey can be our Tara.
A Ben/Lol version, because I'm a sucker for rarepairs. Ben is Nick, Lol is Charlie. Michael would definitely be Ben just because he's kind of the worst, you know? Crash as Tao, aka Lol's straight bestie who is absolutely certain that Ben is Very Straight, and Tracy as Elle. I'm not sure who Tara and Darcy would be because Ben doesn't really have an ex-girlfriend to be Tara, so maybe... Jackie? And Darcy could be Roxie, I don't know. I'm not sure about those two.
If you have any other TSOTB/TBR/TDG crossover ideas for Heartstopper please feel free to send them, I would LOVE to read them!! This was a lot of fun to think about.
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freddieslater · 2 years
Hey, if you are not accepting asks at the moment then it’s fine but I just ask ask you these questions, what your opinion on Kyle from the dumping ground, did you know that May-li might be leaving TDG in series 10? I don’t think if this is true or not. Also I Reblog your post and I hope things turned out good for you.
I'm always accepting asks, I'm just really slow in replying lol
I feel like Kyle is wasted potential. I'm aware that he's only just arrived and obviously the writers still have time to better develop him, but with their history, that's probably not going to happen. I would've loved for him to bring a darker feel to the show, like we used to have in Tracy Beaker Returns. When he and May-Li were having that argument, and he got aggressive for that split second, only for it to turn into absolutely nothing but the same recycled dialogue and storylines we've had before was really disappointing. Let him have anger issues like Crash and Johnny! Let him make some really big mistakes and lash out and actually have there be consequences rather than it be all wrapped up with some nice cozy bow by the end of the episode. God, I just miss when the show wasn't afraid to get deep and serious. I miss when characters actually had development and unique storylines.
It had been confirmed by the cast that May-Li will be leaving the show in the next season, along with Jody, Bird, Candi-Rose and Max. It's been theorised that Scott, Bec, Ruby, Finn and Katy will also be leaving due to a lack of behind-the-scenes photos/videos, but that may just be speculation. It really sucks that so many of them are moving on because the show is definitely not going to be the same and I feel like there's a chance of it going downhill and turning into more of a "kids show" rather than the one we know it as, but it may also give a chance to take a different path and it could end up great again! Either way, I'm at least happy for the actors confirmed to be leaving because I'm sure they'll all go onto greater things that they want to do, as Kia has already begun to do!
(And also thank you for that, I know this was from a little while ago but I appreciate the support so much, especially right now when things still aren't great.)
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miraculermarinette · 2 years
What’s your opinion on Andre getting akumatised, was it a dumb reason or a good reason
It was a very dumb reason. Why is this middle age man obsessed with two teenager's love lives? He got akumatized because Ladybug wouldn't date Chat noir and because Marinette and Chat noir were spotted together which is really dumb.
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freddieslater · 2 years
I actually remember looking at one of the TDG cast’s story on Instagram that Charlie was meant to have a LGBT storyline but they didn’t do it, this was like last year or 2 btw
Oh, that's really interesting! I wasn't aware of that. Though, I do totally see how it could have worked, I mean Charlie had major sapphic vibes, especiallyin that episode where she met the girl who came over to the care home for like... plumbing or something? I don't remember WHY she was there, but I do remember seeing some extreme chemistry between the two of them, and I genuinely thought at the time that they were going to use it as a coming out storyline for Charlie but then nothing cameof it and she got her storyline with Alex instead. It would have been really cool if they had given Charlie that chance! Shame it didn't happen.
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miraculermarinette · 2 years
What do you think would happen if Felix and Adrien wasn’t related at all,
If Felix and Adrien weren't related, I doubt that Felix would even exist in canon if he wasn't revealed to be one of Marinette’s classmates. Felix was only introduced to make Adrien look good and his relation to Adrien was used as an excuse for his existence.
Also, if Felix wasn't Adrien’s cousin, he wouldn't be in Gabriel Agreste which would make the episode way more boring than it already is.
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miraculermarinette · 2 years
Hey, I posted something in my tumblr, I won’t say what’s it about because it may be a trigger, you know what I may say it, a fan took their own life because they were getting harassed by people for liking Lila,
Yeah, I saw that. I don't think I should comment on this much since this is a very sensitive topic but I just wanted to say that cyberbullying anyone, especially over a cartoon character is just stupid and we should treat eachother with respect. You never know what someone else is going through and you are just going to make it worse for them by judging them for something as stupid as a cartoon character.
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miraculermarinette · 2 years
I am actually beginning to like adrien since he did use to be my favourite character and hate him at the same time, and no I won’t count this as adrien sugar, I will still respect your opinion on him, anyways I Stan Chloe
Ok, it's your opinion. And there's nothing wrong with liking Adrien as long as you acknowledge his flaws. I respect your opinion. 
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freddieslater · 2 years
I got a question, who do you ship Mike with, it can be Queer or MLW, i do ship him with Sid (from series 4 of TSOTB) as a never met ship, and with Peter Umbleby as a crack ship, do you have any care worker pairings?
Hm, I haven't thought much about Mike in terms of shipping, to be honest. I can totally see why you ship him and Sid! And Umbleby is Definitely a crack ship but it's an interesting thought; would he have been able to turn around him around on shutting down the DG had they gotten involved romantically? Oh my god, and does Mrs Umbleby Not Exist in this au or is it a secret affair or does she know but she's fine with it?
For Mike, specifically, I remember thinking that he and Duke could've had something going on in TSOTB. As a child, I thought he and Jenny were going to get together, and I'm not sure if I necessarily ship them but I wouldn't have been mad either? I actually think it would've made me way happier had he and Jenny reunited in the Graybridge episodes instead of bringing in Fiona, a character we had never heard of before. It would've just felt so much nice to have that storyline of being reuntied and falling in love with a person from their past that slipped away from them with a character we Knew had been in his past. So, yeah, actually, I quite like the idea of him and Jenny.
As for the other careworkers!
For Jenny, like I said, I like the whole idea of her and Mike having his storyline with Fiona. But I also thought about her and Cam a few times? I don't know where it came from, but it crossed my mind at one point and I just think it could've been nice. However, I have great love for Cam and her new wife, so Jenny and Mike can stay.
Nathan. My sweet boy. I don't even think I actually Can ship him with anyone, I mean, apparently his actor was genuinely 17 when he came into TSOTB, though I'm pretty sure he was actually 19, which still Blows my mind. But that also makes him Way younger than the other careworkers and at least three-four years older than most of the older residents, excluding Bouncer, Adele, and Amer who I Think were all 16. On a sidenote, is it not Crazy that he was like 19 when he worked there and Tracy was like 15?? That feels so Weird, like how did he get this job, he was practically one of the kids!! But yeah, so as for shipping, there really isn't Anything for him, which hurts me because I adore him.
Shelley... I think I actually also shipped her and Jenny despite the fact that they Never Met either.
And again, for Duke, it was Mike.
I never really get Sid much thought since I tend to skip his season (sorry! I am simply not good with Change asdfhs), so I can vibe with him and Mike! Damn, Mike is getting All of them.
Well, in TSOTB, at least. TBR and TDG are a whole other story.
Because he and Gina were platonic besties and that is the way it should be. I simply adore Gina. I think that, on a friendship level, she would have gotten along Really well with Jenny. But I'm not sure about romance. There really isn't much option for the careworkers, is there? They don't exacly seem to have friends outside of their coworkers and there's usually only two at a time.
I will always ship May-Li with Alice, her beautiful wife. Before that storyline cropped up, I will admit I thought she was going to get with Mike but I can see how that they are simply Work Soulmates, and I love that for them. I also just discovered through googling the actors that May-Li's actress is only a year older than Nathan?? Which is. Okay, I can handle that. BUT IMAGINE IF MAY-LI HAD STARTED OUT AT STOWEY HOUSE AT THE SAME TIME AS NATHAN, BOTH 19 BUT COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Oh, the friendship that would've been, especially because Nathan gives me Big queer vibes.
Scott is... a disaster, I love him, but I fully cannot ship him with anyone. There is literally no one. He's younger than all of the other careworkers except for May-Li. Well, his actor is 28 while all of the others are like 37-40s. So, it's not a Huge gap, but like... no. He's good on his own for now unless they introduce another younger careworker. And there are like none of the parents that I can see him with, really.
I just forgot about Tracy and Seth, my bad, because they were in fact both careworkers in TBR. However, shipping with Tracy always leads me back to the people she was in care with. Like Ben. And Crash. And Lol. And Justine.
Hold on, I just checked how old the actor who played Seth is and he is 36. Nathan's actor is 37. SETH AND NATHAN. Okay, THAT I can vibe with. They have a similar chaotic energy, Seth was in a band and Nathan loved going to gigs for the kind of music that Seth played. That's just one thing, but yeah, those two.
Hold on, I need to just include all of the careworkers ages to help myself out because I am Lost.
So, Mike's actor is now 57. We take off 19 years to take us all the back to 2002, when TSOTB first aired, meaning he was 38 in the first season. Which feels wrong because he looked Extremely young, but we move on. Mike was 38 in TSOTB.
Jenny's actress is 45 now, so we once again take off 19 years and get 26 for the first season of TSOTB. Which is totally fine, because when she and Mike would reunite in TDG, she would be 42 and Mike would be 54.
Shelley's actress is now 49, so we take off 18 instead of 19 since she wasn't in the first season, making her 31 when we first meet her.
Nathan's actor is 37, so he was Apparently 19 in his first season (which was also season 2), though google keeps telling me the actor was 17 which is a touch confusing, but oh well.
Duke's actor is also 57, so he was also 38 in the first season.
Sid's actor is 54, and his first season was 4, so taking off 17 years this time, he was 37 when we first saw him.
Gina's actress was 57 when she passed in 2020, and we first met her in 2010, so she would've been 47 in the first season of TBR. (At this point, Mike would've been 46.) And since this was also Tracy's first season as a careworker, she would've been 21.
Seth the social worker’s actor is currently 37, he came into it in season 2, making him 27 and Tracy 22.
May-Li's actress is 38, we first met her in 2014 when she was 31.
And Scott, our lovely recent addition, his actor is 28 right now and we've only had him for like two years, so he was 27 when we first met him.
And simply to make sure we have everyone, Elaine’s actress is 49, making her 30 in TSOTB. 
And I think that is all of the careworkers! Not that you asked for their ages, but I was just trying to work it out in my head. Not sure why I laid it all out like I was going to get told off for not showing my work on these maths sums.
So yeah! The careworkers are Surprisingly hard to ship, but there are a few that I do enjoy the idea of!
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freddieslater · 2 years
Is it bad that I want to rewrite TBR and TDG from all seasons and especially how long the characters stay for cos I don’t really like how many underrated characters leave without any goodbye episodes
Not at all! You should! I highly encourage it, it is incredibly therapeutic to rewrite your least favourite parts and to give your favourite characters the ending they deserve. (Plus, we need more TBR/TDG fics, especially on ao3, so if you rewrite even one scene of it, please post it there!)
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