#rick x frank
freddieslater · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Rick Barber x Frank Matthews (Tracy Beaker Returns/The Dumping Ground)
Requested by @theshslshipper
Rick tosses and turns on the floor. Part of him is resentful of Tyler for not the first time in his life; did he really have to choose this week to be crashing at Liam and Frank's as well? If he wasn't here, he'd probably be sleeping comfortably on the much softer sofa in the living room.
There's a snort from the bed and he sits upright, shooting Frank a glare. 'Amusing, is it?'
Frank nonchalantly shrugs a shoulder. Of course he has little care; he's tucked up nice and cosy in his big double bed, hand beneath his pillows, duvet wrapped around him. There's another strike of envy, but it's harder to be mad about that when Frank's done him the courtesy of even allowing him to stay with him while he's in town. He could've easily turned him away.
'A bit,' Frank says.
Rick rolls his eyes and drops back onto the floor with a slight thud and groan. He momentarily forgot there wasn't going to be soft cushioning beneath the two flimsy pillows.
'Alright, that's enough.' Rick peeks an eye open to look at Frank, watching him shift in his bed then motions at it. 'Come on. There's enough room.'
'You sure?' he asks, but he's already climbing off of the floor and onto the bed as Frank nods. He wriggles a little bit to get comfortable, then gives another, happier groan. 'Thanks.'
'No problem,' Frank says with a smile. 'But if you snore, you're back on the floor. Got it?'
Rick grins. 'Got it.'
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sleepyangelkami · 2 months
smut's fun. have you ever read soul crushing, heart aching, head throbbing comfort that makes your eyes burn out of your head to the point where you just have to crawl into a ball because your inner child feels so safe? haha... yeah smuts fun.
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starsm00n · 4 months
Is he a scary man covered in blood? Or is he my baby girl? Spot the difference
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dreamtofus · 2 months
I just want to thank anyone and everyone who writes fanfic
like wdym this masterpiece is FREE
ps reblog ur fav fics.
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poppitron360 · 29 days
People who read Percy Jackson as innocent children, how confused were you by the “Percabeth in the stables” scene in MOA? I’m curious to know what you understood of it, particularly as it’s meant to be a book targeted for kids and tweens.
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
instead of a completely random girl created out of absolutely nothing u know who piper should've ended up with??? nyssa. a daughter of aphrodite w a daughter of hephaestus???? the symbolism?? both head consealors of their cabins?? the parallels of silena and beckendorf??? and that would've been an opportunity to deepen nyssa's character instead of just being leo's sister??? also piper & leo would've been not only besties but officially family??? the wasted material to possibly work with in writing????
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mydearlybeloathed · 11 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: following their fellow hero’s death, the remaining seven have to face their decade long feud at the grave.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: heroes of olympus x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
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The last thing any of them wanted was to go to the funeral. It wasn’t that they didn’t care; to say that would be the biggest lie any of them would say. No, they didn’t want to show up because the grief they felt was too great. Y/N shouldn’t have died, not when each of them had unsaid words to say to her.
Yet each demigod sucked up their sadness, dressed as nice as they could, and made their way back to Camp Halfblood, where Y/N was to be honored that evening.
It’d been seven years since the Second Giant War, and five years since any of them had met face to face (the exception was Percy and Annabeth, who'd gotten married just before the seven’s falling out). The great heroes of Olympus were nothing but a campfire tale at this point.
Jason was the first to arrive. Silently he stood at her grave, his throat burning with the floodgate of tears he held back. Years ago, when he’d first arrived at Camp Halfblood with no memory of his old life, he found Y/N sitting here with a book.
He’d learned very quickly that it wasn’t smart to disturb her when she was reading…
Under the shade of the big oak tree sat a girl, all alone save for an open book. While the other campers hung out with their siblings and friends, playing varying games and sports, she seemed perfectly content under her tree.
He wasn’t trying to be a creep, but Jason couldn’t help but watch her from afar. He’d seen her in action during last week's capture the flag game. Y/N had scared the shit out of him when she’d come running at him with a sword; Looking back on it, Jason swore he saw death in her eyes.
So when Jason found the angry warrior girl who’d almost skinned him alive trying to get his team's flag looking so peaceful with her nose in a book, he became curious of her.
Annabeth was quick to warn him against going up to her. After he insisted on getting to know her, she grinned and said, “Fine, it’s your death wish.”
It turned out that she was right. 
“Umm, hi. You’re Y/N, right?” Jason asked when he was standing in front of her. She wasn’t quick to look up from her book, an eyebrow raised as she sized him up.
“Yeah,” she said, unenthused. “And you are?”
“Jason Grace.”
“Ah. Son of Zeus. I’ve heard about you,” she said, her eyes drifting back to her book for a moment. “Is there something you need?”
The boy scratched at his neck, trying to look casual and not terribly awkward. “Not really. I just remembered you from the game last Friday. You almost maimed me.”
A small grin pulled at the girl’s face, but still, she seemed eager for him to leave her alone. “That was you? Heh, sorry. I’m a tad bit competitive.”
He was about to compliment her sword skills when the grin fell from her face and she looked back to her book. “Listen, you seem nice, but I’m kinda busy in case you can’t tell. Please leave me alone. Thanks.”
And that was the end of that conversation. The next time he held a conversation with her was after his quest to free Juno. She was certainly more kind when she wasn’t in the middle of reading, that was for sure.
The more he got to know her, the more he appreciated her love of books. On more than one occasion some random fact from a seemingly irrelevant fantasy novel saved their asses. 
Sighing deeply, Jason rested a blue flower that he’d picked earlier on top of her headstone. He sat down in front of it, finally allowing himself to cry over the loss of his dear friend. 
Next was Percy and Annabeth. 
Hand in hand, they approached the site. It was on the edge of camp, on a hillside that looked over the cabins. It was surrounded by trees, and Y/N’s favorite flowers were planted all around. 
Annabeth stopped at the treeline, her eyes landing on the headstone, and the blond boy kneeling next to it with his head in his hands. She’d told herself she wasn’t going to cry, that she’d cried enough, that crying wouldn’t change the fact that she was gone.
But then, the burning in her throat grew all so worse. Her Hand flew to her mouth, and she choked on a sob. Percy turned, her stationary figure tugging him back. Jason’s head snapped up, his eyes widening upon seeing the two standing there.
He wiped at his face, but his bloodshot eyes gave away that he’d been crying too. The silence was thick, mixing with the surrounding humidity, making the air difficult to breathe. 
It’d been some time since they’d crossed paths. “Hey.”
Percy nodded. “Hey.”
Another sob choked Annabeth as she ducked her chin. “Oh, shut up! We’re awful people.”
Jason and Percy turned to her, shocked by her outburst as tears trailed down her cheeks. “What?”
“Every last one of us,” she cried. “She was the only one who tried to keep everyone friends, who could stand to be the voice of reason! And we all... we all abandoned her just because of a stupid argument!”
Before anyone could respond, the wind picked up, blowing their hair all around. Jason looked up, and his throat went dry at the sight of a giant bronze dragon lowering form the sky.
Leo and Piper appeared on its back, both solemn and silent as the dragon landed and they slid to the ground. Piper locked eyes with him, and she nodded without a word. 
Annabeth just turned around, wiping furiously at her face. Meanwhile, Leo stared gaping at the grave, as though he hadn’t really expected it to be there. “She’s...”
“Yeah,” Jason snapped. “Yeah. She’s gone.”
Piper shot him a nasty glare as Leo recoiled into himself. “Back off.”
“Listen, I’m just--”
“You’re just not. Okay? Shut the hell up.”
The daughter of Athena whirled around and pointed form Piper to Jason, silencing them in an instant. “We are not bringing this here, to her grave.”
No one dared to bite back. Percy rubbed circles into her shoulders, hoping it helped.
Next thing any of them knew, another figure appeared, closely followed by another. Frank and Hazel, walking at least seven feet apart from each other in awkward silence. 
Hazel’s eyes made it to the headstone, and she lost all her breath. Her knees started to give out, and Leo was the only one who thought to run to steady her against him. She buried her head in his shoulder, though not a tear fell. Something about the redness in her eyes said she’d run out of tears.
Annabeth felt a burn of anger rise up wihtin her, and with her hands fisted at her sides, she began again in a broken voice, “We can barely look at each other! We... We left her alone, after all she did for us. She died alone.”
Frank let out a shaky breath, his eyes on the ground. “Annabeth... what were we--”
“What were we supposed to do?” she spat back. Her hands were shaking. “Anything. She was a fucking daughter of Eris. The goddess of strife. She was the only one who tried to get everyone to fucking get along!”
Ten years ago, the eight Heroes of Olympus had gathered at Percy and Annabeth’s wedding. Frank and Hazel were newly separated, Piper and Jason too, and no one was really over how Leo didn’t hurry to come back after Calypso revived him.
It was,
“I bet you loved her attention! Was her head enough to make you forget us?”
“I had died!”
“We were tricked into liking each other by Hera!”
“I loved you, Piper!”
“Why couldn’t we make it work? Why?”
“You know why!”
And finally,
“Stop fighting at our damn wedding!”
And in the middle of it all, there was Y/N. She stood between everyone, hands raised warily, as she tried to make everyone apologize. It didn’t work. She always blamed herself too; Eris kids only ever make things worse.
Nobody had had a kind word for another of the eight since then. After a while, Y/N stopped reaching out. She stopped trying to get everyone to meet up. She stopped attempting an intervention. She gave up.
And now she’s dead. Killed by a minotaur.
Percy felt it was payback.
In the thick silence, only broken by Annabeth’s heavy breathing and the occasional sniffle, nobody dared to say a word. 
Until... “I...” Piper sighed. “I spoke to her. A week ago. She... she tried to get me to call Jason. I refused.”
She closed her eyes, embarassed and ashamed, but then Jason looked up, eyes wide. “She called me too. Asked me to talk to you.”
Leo began to tap his chest with one hand and wipe his face with the other. “Me too. She called me to call Jason and Frank.”
“She wanted me to call Hazel.”
“And me to call Frank.”
Every one of them had refused. 
Annabeth just stared at Y/N’s grave, Percy mirroring her, their hands finding each others. “She wanted us to get everyone together, at camp... today. Oh, gods.”
Piper’s eyes widened like saucers. “You don’t think she...” She couldn’t finish.
“I don’t know,” said Percy, eyes unfocused. “I don’t know.”
Hazel shook her head frantically. “She wouldn’t. She was killed by a minotaur!”
Another silence took a hold of them and wouldn’t let go. One by one, each of them haunted by what ifs and worries, one by one they came to sit around the headstone.
Not another tear was shed. Hazel took the blue flowers all around and made anxious little flower crowns, passing them around the circle like some sort of machine, until Leo grabbed her hands and made her stop when everyone had a flower crown, a necklace, and a bracelet to don. 
From across their little circle, Jason looked at Piper, finding her eyes already on him. He shivered, and she pursed her lips. He broke the silence first. “It was Hera... I shouldn’t have felt I had a right to tell you how to feel.”
Piper shook her head. “I shouldn’t have assumed we meant nothing to you.”
“Guys,” Leo blurted, plucking petals off his crown. “I... I should have rushed back to ya’ll the moment I could... but I was scared. I didn’t know if ya’ll would want me back.”
Hazel gaped at him. “Why wouldn’t we want you back, Leo?”
“I don’t know.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “I was the eighth wheel, you know? I didn’t think I mattered to anyone.”
Percy cracked the stick in his hand. “You mattered the world to us... to Y/N.”
Frank nodded. “She was beside herself when you died. I’d never seen anyone so... so...”
“Hopeless,” Hazel finished, locking eyes with him before she quickly looked away. Something in Frank’s chest squeezed.
Leo’s eyes went somewhere behind them all, as if he’d never even played with the idea that he could mean so much to someone. None of them doubted, in that instant, that that was true, and suddenly they wondered for the first time if Leo was as all right as he appeared.
The sun continued its journey across the sky, now hiding behind the trees to offer the group some shade. 
Out of the shadows, literally, came Nico and consequently, Will. Annabeth was the first to notice their new matching wedding bands, putting a light smile on her face. 
For a moment, all the pair did was stand there, staring at the grave, not saying a word, before Nico tugged on Will’s hand and they were gone nearly as soon as they’d appeared. Everyone pretended not to hear how Nico broke the moment he turned his back.
Some time later, Chiron trotted up the hill, greeted each of them, and lade a laurel wreath on Y/N’s headstone.
Grover and Juniper came up soon after, but they too could only stand to look at the grave for so long before they turned back.
The seven remained, as though intending upon a vigil, in silence. Perhaps to honor her. Perhaps because no one knew what to say. One thing was clear, though, if nothing else: they were done fighting.
“I...” Percy spoke up, sniffling. “We...”
Annabeth took his hand. “Do you guys wanna come for dinner one day?”
She was afraid no one would answer, but almost immediatley Piper leaped at a reply. “Where’s your place?”
“Not far,” said Percy. “Still in Long Island.”
he squeezed Annabeth’s hand, shooting her a teasing look. She only grinned back. “And... well, uhm. We never got to tell any of you... thought it was always too soon--”
“What? What is it?” Leo demanded, on the edge of his grassy seat.
Annabeth and Percy locked eyes in a silent gleeful exchange, before Percy said, “We’re parents.”
Not a jaw was still shut.
“Dude,” Piper gasped. “What--Oh my gods.”
Hazel clapped her hands, a smile to bright that Frank buffered a moment. Leo pointed a thumb at the married couple and said, “Oh, you better bet we’re coming for dinner. Gotta meet tiny Jackson-Chase.”
Laughter bubbled up from the circle, and suddenly, the conversation wasn’t so muddled with bitter memories. Plans were made, silent apologizes given, and hope spread around.
It’d been just five hours since they’d first arrived, yet it felt as if a whole decade was occured. The decade they wasted. 
So as each of them stood (Hazel offered Frank her hand, and he gladly took it, towering over her like he always had. Leo and Jason shook hands, before the latter pulled the former into a rib cracking hug. Annabeth wiped at her face, locking eyes with Piper, and threw herself into her arms.) they tried not to dwell in the simmering past. 
It was the least they could do for Y/N, who believed they could forgive, even in her last days.
Which is why, hidden in the trees, shrouded by a cloud of mist, tears streaked down a young woman’s cheeks. Her lip trembling and her heart sang at the sight. Perhaps a child fo Eris didn’t have to ruin everything.
She wanted to run, to jump out of the trees before it was too late, to hug them at long last, but the grip on her shoulder made every attempt send shooting pains up her spine.
“It seems,” said Y/N’s mother. “You were right about them, my sweet.”
Y/N glared up at Eris, taking in a deep breath to calm herself. “Please. You’ve had your fun. Your hypothesis was wrong.”
The disapointment all over Eris’ face only made Y/N’s impatience grow. “I’m... surprised. I thought nothing could bring them together again.”
“You don’t give them enough credit,” said Y/N, a small smile gracing her face as she turned back to the seven. 
“Or,” said Eris, brows raised. “I didn’t give you enough credit. Certainly, as my favorite daughter I thought for sure your death would only drive them further apart...”
Y/N didn’t like the calculated look on her mother’s face, like Eris was wondering what had gone wrong, and she tugged at her hold on her shoulder despite the pain it brought. “Let me go?
“Aren’t you afraid they’ll be hostile when they see you deceived them?”
The daughter shrugged. “A little bit. But after I explain that you forced me into faking my death for the sake of testing them, I’m sure all their anger will find a much better outlet.”
With a scant smile, Eris ruffled her daughter’s hair. “Good. Now run along. They shouldn't grieve any longer than they have to.”
So she did, sprinting into the clearing without much thinking, not even blinking at the unsheathed weapons that followed her swift appearance.
Breathing heavily, Y/N’s eyes scanned over her friends, still blinking away tears, as one by one their guards fell crashing down. She waved a little. “Hi.”
Hazel broke first, her weapon falling to the grass as she bolted at Y/N, nearly taking them both down with the power behind her hug. The rest didn’t take long to follow, wrapping their arms around you in a stuffy yet welcome group embrace.
“But... how?”
She could only look toward the forest, glaringly so. “Turns out I’m my mother’s disappointment.”
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marshall0w0 · 3 months
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icouldmakeapun · 1 year
In honour of the new Nico and Will book
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vampbloodbunny · 1 year
*Nico and Will in a argument*
Will : i have work to do we'll finish this later
Nico , rolling his eyes : fine
[ later that day ]
Chiron , giving one of his speeches before dinner: And don't forget to eat healthy!! An apple a day keeps all doctors away
Nico , still pissed at will: *going to grab an apple*
Will : don't u dare Di Angelo
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rosekiller-addict · 7 months
Jercy au:
okay so imagine after Jason dies, Percy basically sells his soul to Hades (or someone else Hades just made the most since to me) to bring Jason back to life but Hades only gives Percy one year to live after he seals his soul
So then Jason is living but no one really knows why (they probably make up some bs excuse) and Percy doesn't tell anyone what he did
so then basically Jason and Percy get together and its nearing the end of Percy's life
and Percy being Percy he can't stand to tell Jason this right? so Percy thinks the best way to make it so Jason is less hurt by his death is to BREAK UP WITH HIM
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wosieposiecozy · 20 days
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Twitter request 2/3 💪
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seasirengirl · 11 days
jason grace x f!neptune!reader
warning: jason is kinda a bop in this, reader is referred to as a blonde
a/n: wrote this at 4am so it’s probably really stupid, but i was thinking of writing hcs for a part 2? idk would y’all read that?
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growing up at camp jupiter meant being a soldier, a warrior with no life outside of their duties, a disciplined demigod with no mistakes ever made. this mindset messed up a lot of the kids’ mind, awarding them with different mental illnesses that they wouldn’t be experiencing if their lives were just, normal.
normal could mean a lot of things, but jason grace lost the touch of it a long time ago.
what was normal? being a mortal in high school or spending his everyday life in camp jupiter?
none of these options were available to him, because in the middle of his quest to save the queen of the heavens, he felt more confused than ever, his memories slowly coming back, but in little snippets, unnecessary things were being brought back to him, such as a certain scent that reminded him of… he didn’t remember who. he was surely going crazy.
and the blurred face of a girl he saw every time he ever got the chance to fall into hypnos’ domain certainly did not help the situation. maybe he did something so terrible in the past that he didn’t even get the chance of sleeping undisturbed, but what did he do? he didn’t even remember.
the question that bore into the mind of a mere reader would’ve been, 'what did he even remember?’ an oblivion, absolute nothingness.
and his two apparent friends, leo and piper.
while piper seemed to not be much of a friend, she still kept her patience.
jason, being the selfless soul he was, always managed to put everyone else before himself, he was worried that he was breaking piper’s heart by his amnesia, which, by the way, was not his fault either, but who else was there to blame? truthfully, no one.
while the quest was ongoing, he managed to get used to being apart of the trio, managing to fall more and more in love with the mystery that was piper mclean, or so he thought.
piper was absolutely gorgeous, in her own unique way, she was something to be looked at, to be admired and treated with care and love, but the world that they got exposed into, certainly was not up to the standard jason wanted piper to be put at.
she was also a total knockout, pretty, smart and really unique, what more could a guy want?
then why did the ocean breeze randomly flow through his nostrils when jason was not anywhere near an ocean? what about the blonde soft wavy hair he always saw in his dreams, or the laugh he heard during one of those dreams. something about the girl in his dreams made jason’s life way more complicated, he could not get her out of his head, but how could he? it’s like the gods above truly did not want anything to be remotely normal in his life.
was it all just a set-up, was he cursed? or was he simply going insane over a woman he had never met? it had to end.
apparently the blonde from his dreams did not even exist, he described her to a lot of people, but not one person in camp half-blood knew anything, so he gave up.
the argo II had to be built and they had to fight mother earth, gaea, along with quite a lot of giants, girl problems could wait.
while keeping himself busy, he found his sweet escape to be piper, maybe what was between them was real, it wasn’t just venus having “fun” for a bit and making him insane? he still got dreams from time to time, but they didn’t corrupt his whole time.
but a few months passed, his and piper’s relationship was going well, they were just days away from going to camp jupiter, while going there to find the rest of the eight demigods from the great prophecy was the goal, maybe he could find her there?
and just like that, thoughts and dreams about the mysterious ocean girl slowly came back.
until the day they finally landed in camp jupiter. pieces of jason’s memory came back to him, but not all of it, but everything seemed to click the second he got the chance to actually look around the (not-so) familiar territory.
his hand intertwined with piper’s, he entered camp jupiter, he noticed annabeth running off to a black haired boy, who he assumed to be percy jackson, since that was the guy everyone seemed to be looking for ever since his arrival.
but right next to percy, stood a girl, but not just any pretty girl, her.
the girl from his imagination.
she quickly noticed jason, running over to him and pulling him into a hug, he noticed slight tears in her eyes that weren’t willing to spill.
jason was stunned, his hand was still holding piper’s, until it wasn’t, he felt it let go.
but jason had your arms around him, which felt better than anyone elses.
“i missed you, jase.” you said quietly, in a tone barely above a whisper.
“i-i’m sorry, i don’t remember.”
“percy told me it was a possibility, i just never thought you’d forget me, after all that we’ve been through. he remembered things about annabeth, did you really forget all about me?” a single stray tear managed to escape your eyes, raised in camp jupiter, crying was not something you were used to, but given the circumstances, what else were you supposed to do? sit around and smile like nothing happened, like you didn’t just realise that the love of your life forgot about you? “no, i’m sorry, it’s not your fault, i can’t blame that on you.” you quickly added, noticing how much pressure you put on the boy you loved.
“jason, what’s going on?” that was the voice of the girl jason came back with, sweet as honey. did he find a replacement? have you commited a sin so unforgivable that the gods had to punish you this way? he held her hand, they came in happily, you weren’t needed.
“i don’t know, look, let’s just go and find annabeth, she’ll know what to do.” jason simply shrugged away from your uncounter, living the girl of his dreams in tears, standing there, empty.
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and it certainly did not help that jason and his newfound girlfriend were on the ship too, so you couldn’t really be miserable all the time.
you had to put in the effort.
that same night, as you were about to go to bed in your cabin, percy came in to check on you and you suddenly got the urge to tell him about all of your emotions and thoughts, since he was a great listener and also probably the only person who could cheer you up.
so you told him, if you couldn’t trust your brother, who could you trust? you told him some details he didn’t already know about your and jason’s complicated relationship and about him and his new girlfriend.
jason’s cabin was the one opposing yours, so he got a bit confused and almost opened the door to your cabin, but he heard your voice, and his name a few times too, so he did something absolutely irresistible, eavesdropping.
“it was complicated for so many years, and when we finally confessed, 3 months later he just disappeared one morning, i count every minute he was a way, and he came back with a new girlfriend, what did i do to venus so horrible? she gave me a hair comb once after a quest, she doesn’t like hate me or something, right? or does that mean my hair is really messy?” you kept on rambling.
“shh, i don’t know about jason, but if he’s willing to break your heart like that, i’m not gonna be okay with it, goodnight, y/n.” percy kissed your forehead.
“night, perce.”
just as percy walked out of the cabin, he saw jason standing by the door.
“hope you heard all that, buddy.” he mumbled.
if jason thought he was going insane months ago, he for sure knows he’s insane by now.
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around a week has passed since that night, jason admired you from far away, getting reminded of why he fell in love with you all those years ago.
it was a quiet evening, some calm and peace, the typical calm before the storm vibes were around.
and it sure ended up being a storm that night for jason grace. he had been thinking about ending things with piper, since remembering things were making him all confused, all of the fake memories were faded too, so their relationship was hanging by a thread, which piper tore that night.
“we need to talk.” piper exclaimed, her tone sounded serious, not the usual cheery and soft.
“is everything okay?” jason asked, knowing that in fact nothing was okay, but he could only use a filler sentence, he didn’t have much of a heart to say anything else.
“what’s going on with you and y/n? i know you two dated, but i see the way you act around each other, you’re not over it, neither of you, and whatever this is going on with us is simply not satisfying neither me or you, so, are you cool with staying friends?” piper stated casually, without much worry on her face.
“i’m sorry pipes, it wasn’t fair to you.” jason tried apologising, but got interrupted.
“it’s fine, but she loves you, i can tell, go talk to her before it’s too late.” that was it, the awakening point, jason immediately stormed into her cabin.
“i fucked up, i’m really in love with you.” he exclaimed, and boy, did that sentence change everything.
it did.
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wannabemurdock · 2 years
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I want to attempt kinktober without placing too hard expectations on myself so hopefully I’ll post everyday but if not, that’s okay!
I will be posting 31 p*rn links for 31 days each with a little prompt.
If you have any requests send them through.
find all my other work here
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Day 1: Matt Murdock + pussy worship
Day 2: Rick Grimes + handcuffs
Day 3: Bucky Barnes + soft sex
Day 4: Daryl Dixon + overstimulation
Day 5: Frank Castle + housewife kink
Day 6: Charlie Weasley + bathroom sex
Day 7: Loki Laufeyson (Odinson) + bondage
Day 8: Sirius Black + face riding
Day 9: Kate Bishop + tit worship
Day 10: Negan Smith + thigh riding
Day 11: George Weasley + caught masturbating
Day 12: Wanda Maximoff + bondage
Day 13: Daryl Dixon + face sitting
Day 14: Natasha Romanoff + phone sex
Day 15: Fred Weasley + begging
Day 16: Eddie Munson + exhibitionism
Day 17: Daryl Dixon + cockwarming
Day 18: Natasha Romanoff + bl00d kink
Day 19: Steve Rogers + rough sex
Day 20: Daryl Dixon + bathtub sex
Day 21: Daryl Dixon & Rick Grimes + threesome
Day 22: Charlie Weasley + throat fucking
Day 23: Matt Murdock + office sex
Day 24: Foggy Nelson + lingerie
Day 25: Bucky Barnes + knife kink
Day 26: Sirius Black + mirror hand job
Day 27: Maggie Rhee & Rosita Espinosa + threesome
Day 28: Peter Parker + fingering
Day 29: Natasha Romanoff + praise kink
Day 30: Foggy Nelson + cockwarming
Day 31: Charlie Weasley + edging
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criesinliess · 1 month
━APRIL 2024; susan's recs
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no one knows @foli-vora
battered and broken @lady-phasma
breathe @ellemj
why didn’t you tell me @oharababe
across for comfort @↑
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bright eyes pt3; pt4 @caxde
drabble @↑
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orders @fantasylandloser
hear me @foli-vora
the bump in the night @reveluving
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one year with luke castellan — october 14 with silena beauregard; january 14 with mr. d @tangledinlove
the line between thieves and healers; even at our worst, we know we'll still be okay @fawnindawn
the search for glory @sunsburns
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sleep clothes @fandomlit
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catch @revasserium
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mr. beauty and brains @user2772636
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nothing in the world belongs to me @thebearer
take the upper hand @wtfsteveharrington
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pretty boy @atlabeth
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theodore nott and the fortress of trust issues @obsessedwithceleste
lessons in love @↑
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poppitron360 · 17 days
Things I have said out loud while listening to the PJO/HOO audiobooks… In public…
“Okay, they’re splitting up the party… are they gonna kiss? Are they gonna kiss? Pls tell me they kiss.”
“Accept yourself! Love yourself! Accept yourself!”
“Reyna, Honey, one thing Heathers taught me is that Drain Cleaner is always an option.”
“Stop making me like Frank. Stop it. He too cute, but he’s gonna rival goldenchild sweetheat Leo, I know he is. I swear to the Gods-“
“Get her beautiful name out of your slimy mouth. Nobody talks shit about my girl.”
“Wait- did she just die?”
“Aww, baby boy…”
“Babes, why are you afraid of homophobes? You can summon armies of the dead. The homophobes should be afraid of you.”
“Oh no. Oh no. I’ve read the spoilers. I know what happens. Oh no.“
“Jesus fucking crRIST GET THERAPY-“
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