#they both stand more like kyurem now tho
dinoserious · 4 months
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aaaand summore posture edits (+hexapod reshiram) for funsies
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cheemken · 9 months
So about the Villain Iris AU,
How do you think it’ll continue? Cause we stopped at the moment Diantha and Lance got teleported into the frigate by the Shadow Triad
Also, do we both agree that Iris eventually kills the rest of the champions? Or would that take place during a different battle?
But imagine Iris asks Bianca for a bit of privacy so she can talk to her parents, and Iris goes on about how they must be so confused about why she chose to purify Unova of all the people who brought harm to her. And she explains that people who try to hurt someone above them, someone who had done nothing but help, shouldn’t be given the right to live. That they distributed their fate that was set for them
Their fate was to be her followers and let her lead them towards their purpose. To follow their god to a greater path she had set for them. But instead they chose to tear away from that path she had set down and make their own in a different direction
But Iris knows there’s only one true path they’re meant to follow, and now they face the consequences
ough just Diantha and Lance being so fucking scared of her. She gave them a second chance because she loves them, and it’s their fate for them to be with their daughter, but if they go against Iris’ orders and create a path for themselves then they know the last thing they’ll see is Iris’ glowing eyes behind the icy death of Kyurem’s Glaciate
But yeah that’s all I can think about to continue the AU. You got anything?
Can you imagine how much that'd mess w Lance and Diantha, cause altho they never truly voice how Iris is kinda like their daughter, they treat her like she is, and they promised themselves that they'll raise Iris better than how their own parents raised them, that they'll always be there for her, to support and help her however way they can, they raised her to be a good person. And still, that wasn't enough, their efforts weren't enough, there were cracks they didn't saw, didn't get to fix, didn't get to help her heal, and now she's in front of them, justifying the way she's killing people, how she's going on how she's a god, and it sent a shiver down their spines.
But also can you imagine despite that they still love her😭😭 that they couldn't bring themselves to hate her because she's their daughter, they saw her grow from the rising star of Unova, one of the youngest Champions, to the person she is before she revealed herself as the new boss of Plasma. She's still their child, and they love her so so much that it hurts them that the path she took was the dark road leading to where she is now and just bcndbdj
Imagine Iris seeing the fear in their eyes, the reluctance, then she tries again, more desperate now, "I mean.. you two understand, right..? Mom, dad.. you two should know better." Then she lets out a breathy laugh, "you two should know better! You two should know better, you've been through the same!" Her voice grew in volume, her desperation dripping with each word, "your people hated you too! You let them walk all over you! Aren't you at least proud of me?!" Her face morphed to anger, "I'm breaking the chains! I'm not letting them get away with every bullshit thing without consequences! They made my life absolute hell!" She sighed deeply, then glared at them, suddenly eerily calm, "Why can't I do the same to them?"
And god just hcmdndn Lance and Diantha risking it all and pulling Iris close to them, wrapping their arms around her, and Iris just ncmxnd your honour please Iris not feeling anything tho. She's just standing there, letting Diantha sob on her shoulder, letting Lance pull them impossibly closer. She's just standing there, unsure what to do, unsure what to feel, hearing Diantha's apologies, hearing Lance's promise of another life, another path.
Another path..
There aren't any other paths. Only one. The one fated path each and every single one of them had. No one could deviate from that path. Not even Iris herself could deviate from that path. And what else to do than to accept whatever destiny you might have as you walk along that perilous journey? Isn't that how it's always been? Right?
Lance could feel himself becoming petrified, Diantha almost didn't want to let go of Iris. And Iris, well... Maybe this time's the charm, y'know. Perhaps, when her parents finally see just how horrible the people of Unova are, then they'll finally understand, like how Bianca finally understands, yeah, of course they will. And what better way to show them than to actually make the Unovan people talk just how horrible they treated her, their Champion, their god.
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