#they're all mildly sleep-deprived and were finding supplies at a random warehouse
theatricalmage · 2 months
I'd have an idea for a request, but only if you want.
I like to imagine that Varian is pretty dang strong, so one day the others are like "you're not THAT strong" and dare him to play tug-of-war.
Varian is less intimidated and more like "I don't want to hurt you."
Which means of course they play it.
Hugo, Nuru, Yong, Ruddiger and Prometheus are all holding one end of the rope with all their strength, sweating and trembling while Varian is just holding the rope with one hand and looks woried at them.
What do you think?
AAH I love it!!
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Oh I absolutely agree! I like to think before the Light Trial the team stay and help Quirin out on the farm, doing manual labour and the like. You bet at this point they'd try and prove to V that they're stronger now and again dare him into a rebattle, much to his concern and slight amusement.
This is such a cute request, thank you for sending it and for your patience! :'))
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