#think about how many galaxies are in this -
stormisblooming · 2 days
🎨 my second riddle…..
Boothill x reader … let’s just say. I’m feeling Lucky!!!!!!!!!!
damn these riddles fun!!!!!!
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Boothill x fem!reader; taking a nap with Boothill!
contains; guys I think Boothill has trauma & fluff fluff fluff
word count; 403
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the fact you’ve managed to get this man relaxed enough in bed to sleep with you beside him is an achievement in itself my congratulations to you
I can’t lie. I don’t think he’d be the most comfortable to sleep with LMFAO
that said… I’m of the opinion he’d enjoy laying hit head on your chest after a long day of gun slingin’, content to drift off to sleep in your arms in hopes having you there will stave off the night terrors long enough to get a good night’s sleep.
Boothill doesn’t often get the chance to take naps, per se, if he does they’re more akin to long blinks in a passably comfortable chair with his feet propped up on the nearest surface — taking a proper nap in a comfortable bed with his girlfriend? absolutely unheard of.
although when it happens once, he finds himself completely hooked. any time you two have a day off he’s pulling you right back into your shared bed in your room on the express, muttering something about how he ‘ain’t finished with you’.
he’s not quite ready to admit just how much he enjoys your company, the closeness of it all and the extra sleep… but you know. deep down, you know the reason he pulls you back into his arms is because it helps him take his mind off of everything for a short while. so, who are you to deny him, hm?
he’s big on tracing his cold metal fingers along your back and your waist until he falls asleep, even if you’re long gone by then — there’s something so intimate and mindless about it that he almost does it unconsciously. if he had many left, he’d call it muscle memory.
Boothill may be a big strong ruff-n-tumble Galaxy Ranger, but at the end of the day he is a man who has seen and been through far too much to say he’s holding it together as well as he is; still, will you hold him for five minutes longer? it’s just five minutes, then you can both get on with your day…
… three hours later, when March 7th comes looking for you, she finds you both zonked like you hadn’t even woken up that morning in the first place. not that she’s going to disturb you, you both look far too peaceful.
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please do not repost
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kentocalls · 9 hours
gojo satoru | supernatural sfw. alien!satoru fluff anyone?
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alien!satoru who steps out of a beam of light and the first sight he’s ever seen on this planet is you. you and a companion, he thinks, are frozen solid. you’ve bend the companions wrist in an odd manner and it seems funny for a greeting — but satoru is here it learn. so he walks over, places a hand on your shoulder and mimics the look on your face, opens his mouth to introduce himself. (you’re scared, frozen. the asshole has been following you since you left the bagel shop, got loud and handsy. you’re proud of yourself for not freezing up and removing his hand from your body with force but then a fucking beam of light appeared and now a gorgeous blue eyed man is looking at you with a crazed face. and speaks gibberish)
alien!satoru who quickly absorbs all your memories, lessons, education, senses, perceptions all of it the second his hand lands on your shoulder. he realizes he was speaking his home language and you —humans, here speak words differently. but before he can correct himself, he realizes the person with you is not your companion and has been a bother to you all morning. he turns his eyes to the asshole and places a heavy hand on his shoulder, “never, ever bother my friend again.” the asshole runs off, satoru shudders at all the memories he’s indirectly inherited. are human beings so weak they don’t protect their minds? he turns to you again, “hello, my name is satoru.” (you blink at satoru, not sure if you’re hallucinating him or not.)
alien!satoru who quickly explains his mission, he’s here to learn everything about your planet, calls it something in gibberish and the smile you give him is polite. its the one you give to solicitors and he frowns. he’s not a solicitor, he’s basically a consultant! he’s here to understand what your species is doing on this side of the galaxy. satoru is committed to collecting all the information possible. (“thank you, satoru. i need to go to work now. umm, take care?” satoru nods, pauses, looks around himself and at the empty crosswalk, “what am I supposed to take care of?”)
alien!satoru who sits on a bench and watches humans walk to and fro. some walk quickly and hurriedly, and some walk slowly. they all come in various shapes and sizes, speak in different ways and he wants to absorb all their memories and information. how are there so many humans? what makes them so different? he ends up walking around and introduces himself to many people. some don’t want to shake his hand, some don’t want to let go of his hand. all of them have a unique story that floods his brain as soon as his skin makes contact. but satoru finds himself looking for you in their memories
alien!satoru who is so …famished? he doesn’t need to eat for years on his home planet, had enough snacks on his ship but right now is oh so on his very last energy stores. he’s hunched over and walking, legs moving to the path you usually take to work and he hopes and prays to find you again. you told him to ‘take care’ and it meant to ‘take care of himself’ and he has found he does not know how to do that here. you are probably a ‘take care’ expert.
alien!satoru who stands out wherever he walks with his long frame and pristine white hair, other worldly blue eyes. he sits near a kofee? cart and sighs. his body is leaking something strange and it makes no sense. he has not done anything strenuous, he can feel his heart beating in his ear and this is no good. the planet felt cooler in the day and no amount of adjusting his breathing is regulating the heat he feels from the dang sun. he rubs at his eyes and no amount of scratching is getting them to dim and shift. he can’t modify himself here? (you spot a very unforgettable mop of hair outside your office window. he’s dressed in a full black outfit and you note how hot it is outside and the guy hasn’t moved into the share. sighing, and praying that you’re not losing your mind, you head out.)
alien!satoru who feels something cool touch his cheek, turns into the sweet relief from the heat, barely opens his eyes and its you! its you! he sits up instantly, wants to do what other humans do to greet each other - pull you into a hug! but he realizes unwanted physical affection is not welcome. he does not want to make you uncomfortable. you open a plastic tube with clear liquid. “you seem to be breathing okay here so this shouldn’t be poisonous.” he scoffs, “i’m the strongest in my cadet class, i can handle any liquid.” but when it cool fluid cascades down his throat he’d happily let himself drown in it. he finishes the entire thing in go. the relief is appreciated even though its fleeting. (you hand him a bunch of napkins and when he looks confused you dab at his forehead and space. he probably should get some electrolytes into his system, before you can finish the thought, you hear his stomach grumble too.)
alien!satoru who follows your orders and stays super, duper close to you when entering your work cafeteria. he’s both amazed and unimpressed with the food selections and payment process. he asks why you sit in the chair and not on the table, the chair is uncomfortable and the table is wider and cooler. he easily accepts ‘social conditioning’ as a response and pokes at the arrangement of items on his plate. he’s selected mostly fruits, the bright colors compelling him, but you know that’s not filling and leave to secure more carbs, protein and fats. (you watch his curiosity with a smile on your face. if he is an alien, he seems to be nice and harmless.)
alien!satoru who states he will sit outside now that he’s regenerated energy and you watch him walk out into the roaring sun and immediately squirm and close his eyes. you’re pulling sunglasses form your pocket and asking satoru to bend down towards you so you can place the contraption on his face. he grins wide and proclaims you the bestest of his human friends. he begins to tell you about his adventures of walking around the city and touching (shaking hands he clarified) everyone who would listen to him. he has zero sense of self preservation you realize. you make him go into the mens bathroom and wash his hands with soap twice and dry them. he spends twenty minutes confused by all the contraptions in the bathroom.)
alien!satoru who access your memories to find your office and gets very friendly coworkers of yours to badge him to your floor. youre talking to a black rectangle when he waves and sits down across from you. he knows you’re on a communicator device and sits patiently, eyes roaming your office. (he tries to sit patiently but gets bored. walks around to where you have binders and binders all related to insurance policies, insurance billing codes and the wonderful exclusions binders. he seems to be glancing over everything quickly.)
alien!satoru who is so very, deeply concerned at how breakable you are. “you can fracture a foot in multiple places? you should never walk. i will bring my warping tool!” but you only hold a finger to your lips and shush him. the rectangle is still speaking to you and satoru inhales all of the information in binders. he has to commit everything to memory, this planet is so very weak! the humans are too brittle. even a sneeze can cause a back to spasm and over stretch. what the hell is a sneeze? satoru searches your memories and realizes that sneezes are unstoppable, once your brain registers the need to it must happen. how is satoru going to protect you from that? (the alien has gone from boredom to intense concern and sadness. you want to talk to him but you’re in the middle of a workers compensation claims trail and the damn lawyer is messing up the approved claim body parts. you are not paying for someone’s knee injury from highschool volleyball, you will pay for the injury to their hand because of a shitty manager and printer.)
alien!satoru who finds the lights still too bright, is relieved when you’re done speaking to the rectangle and turn the lights off. “you could be hurt from so many things, things you can’t even see! you could die!” (well that…that is a very strange concern the alien has.) “…toru that’s…that’s the risk of living here as a human.” he frowns, “my name is satoru, sa-to-ru. toru is currently investigating neptune.” he doubly frowns as he recalls neptune being your favorite planet when you were shorter. “are you… you really came from out there?” your hand is waving at the ceiling and satoru knows you have better eyesight than that. “i came from…” more gibberish. (you figure that’s his original alien language and well, grat, if you’re not losing your mind you’ve somehow befriended? an alien?)
alien!satoru who doesn’t like the fact he can’t regulate or modify his body freely. he’s constrained by elements and wants to study them. when he asks you about this you bring up a topic called chemistry and physics and he needs to meet with professors who teach this now. but he stands too quickly, feels himself dizzy, his eyesight getting fuzzy and your cool hands are there, steadying him. your voice is a whisper, asking him to ‘take it easy’ but satoru hasn’t taken anything yet. why can’t you speak more clearly? and why are you leaving him again? he isn’t done talking. (you tell him you’ll bring him more water and something to change into. your company has some tshirts as swag that satoru should most definitely change into.)
alien!satoru who looks very young and old all at the same time. he has never felt the need for social contact but not being around you is stifling. it hurts in part of his chest and general well being. he doesn’t feel good. maybe the clear fluid was poisonous. “satoru?” you’re back, you’re back! he makes to stand and somehow you move quicker than him, he feels his legs getting heavy. “change into these, i brought more snacks and water. you’re probably overheated. it’s summer right now, the sun is dangerous.” oh, it makes perfect sense. he starts to undress when you quickly gasp and shuffle to turn around. close the blinds in your office so others can’t see and what’s the need for privacy? everyone looks the same under their garments afterall. (oh my god. he is either a really good actor or an actual alien. what are you going to do? is homeland security going to come after you for harboring an extraterrestrial being? even if they’re nice and handsome and simply want to learn about earth?)
alien!satoru who feels so much better in a tshirt and oversized shorts. the colors are not pleasing but he can feel his lungs breathe freely. you mentioning needing to do more work and prepare for a meeting and satoru promises to behave and only ask questions if they are of dire importance. (he doesn’t like your cellphone, says it’s radiating bad waves. he is really curious about the binders and book, why isn’t data downloaded into your brain directly? he asks very politely and you don’t have the heart to tell him to stop, something about his eyes they’re earnest and pretty.)
alien!satoru who promise to guard your office but when he see’s someone from your memories, debra? stalk into the break room he knows he must defend your lunch tiffin. it’s debra who keeps stealing them afterall. he catches her in the act and she shuffles away with just a glare. satoru feels proud, feels useful. he also spots your main nemesis, the printer! gives it a very fine talking to and it beeps in submission.
when he returns to your office he realizes he didn’t knock and that’s part of proper socialization. you knock before entering anyone’s office, so he turns around but is greeted with a …coworker. he searches your memories and this guy is? adam? “who are you?” satoru hates his voice, won’t shake his hand ever. doesn’t want this man’s memories or stories at all. “who are you?” satoru replies. the man ignores his question, nods at your desk and says your name in such a ugly way. satoru should defend your honor here too. he could break adams foot in many places.
alien!satoru who frowns greatly at your “this is satoru! the overseas consultant!” you’re rushing to get between adam and satoru but satoru does not need defending, heck satoru is ready to be on the offense. adam entered your office, without knocking! but the man now smiles but it’s not kind, “oh, satoru welcome! we hope you enjoy your stay here” lies lies lies, adam is not pleased to receive satoru. adam extends his hand and well, satoru could break that in multiple places. you laugh, a fake laugh and now satoru is frowning at you, “he doesn’t shake hands adam, did you need something?” and satoru zones out the rest of the conversation. its clear you don’t like adam but you’re being ‘nice’ to him. it feels off. satoru closes his eyes and reviews your memories of adam and it’s super duper obvious that adam deserves the most terrible sneeze that results in never ending back pain!
alien!satoru who is all but growling by the time adam leaves and you have to physically stop him from following adam out. when he starts yelling about last years holiday part and adam’s unprofessional conduct you slap a hand over his mouth and mush him into the wall. (it’s a very kabe-don! moment you realize but satoru is not calming down.) satoru does his best to breathe, there’s a uniqueness to how your hand smells and it still feels soft on his face. this close satoru is aware of your touch, your body pressed close to him and oh—maybe humans are different underneath the garments. his hands twitch, he wants to pull you closer? the little pressure he has of your body against him feels nice. anchoring. what if he were to feel the full weight of your body on his? he’s made awfully aware of the fact your lips are a different shade than the rest of your face and what would the sensation of feeling those be like? “ahem—“ fucking debra. you pull away from him quickly and move faster than a gazelle. (satoru has never seen one, nor have you but he assumes the expression is correct.) you slam the door in debras face.
alien!satoru who is satiated with his own communication device once you connect it to wifi. he hears you sigh and knows that is mostly not a good thing. “adam will not fire you, you have 359 open cases and 120 maintenance cases. plus you’re the only one who shiu and toji work with.” (why does he know that? you locked your computer before you left the office but even then he shouldn’t know who shiu is. your conference call was with toji today. “you can read my mind?” satoru scoffs, “download. your mind wasn’t guarded. and neither is this website!” wait—what? “satoru that’s not, you cannot download a website from an ipad into your brain.” )
alien!satoru who diligently follows you out of the office, sticks close to you as he crosses the street, he tries to introduce himself to people, especially the ones that come up to him first but you’re quick to warn them off and shoo them free. this beautiful alien knows everything that you’ve ever experienced, learned or thought. “this is definitely turning into a cinnamon bun kind of day.” before satoru can question you on how you can manipulate material he smells the most divine smell of a bakery. “hot kento lives here!” satoru gasps and you’re immediately in his space again, pulling him close and shushing him. he likes it. you being close, not you shushing him. “we’re going to keep that a secret, yes?” satoru loves secrets! no one makes those with him back home. he nods eagerly and sees hot kento for himself. the glorious bakery man of your literal dreams. but satoru is confused, what is hot about him?
alien!satoru who is very pleased to shake hot kento’s hand and learn exactly what an outstanding citizen he is. it’s not like the hands he’s shaken today, the way those minds describe you is awful. the way kento perceives you is respectful, calls you earnest exhausted cinnamon bun and vanilla oatmilk latte. satoru thinks these words are wonderful and after having tested them the most delicious compliments! he whispers really close to your ear as you head out of the bakery, “i understand why hot kento is hot.”
alien!satoru who has experienced your living spaces multiple times in his mind but nothing prepares him for the sensory overload. the physicality of being in a space that smells like you, is filled with trinkets you adore and foods you love and soft things is a lot. too much. he sits down from standing. “satoru?” his name on your lips secures his breathing, “you doing okay?” he nods. “of course.” you disappear further away from him, he doesn’t like it, wants to reach out but its all too much. the lights get turned off and you’re coming back, a different outfit and more clothing, “these will fit, they are a softer material. let me show you the layout.” there is no need. satoru knows the exact layout, the exact rules you have for yourself. he will abide by them. is diligent in wiping and picking up after himself. deposits his used garments in the laundry basket and sits on your sofa.
“where are you going to sleep satoru? do you have a ship?”
“i don’t need to sleep not for another year.” he yawns and sinks himself deeper into your couch. glasses removed reveal all the fatigue in his eyes.
“well, on earth, when the sun goes down and the moon comes up, sleep happens. your body is adjusting to this rhythm, so you will need sleep.”
sleep is restorative and would make satoru extremely vulnerable. his ship isn’t going to be back until next year, where is he supposed to rest? “can i stay here?”
alien!satoru who refuses to sleep on the sofa, you find him under your dinning room table, lying on the very hard floor. claims its the hard surface is good for human backs and you have to coach him away from the dust. you promise he can sleep there after you map and clean but satoru reminds you, he’s the strongest. dust cannot defeat him. (and how you bite your tongue because he’s not strong here, not on earth. he doesn’t even realize whatever magical powers he had at home are gone. and oh my god, you’re really going to help him, aren’t you?)
alien!satoru who sleeps for five hours, brain processing all the new memories and experiences and information but keeps looping the moment you were close to him. your eyes are expressive, it’s novel. back home the cadets are trained from a young age to be neutral but curious. a friendly poker face to bid good will but never ever a mirror or the truth. this is satoru’s last chance to promote into a true cataloger, he wants to explore as many planet as possible and meet as many species. earth feels kind, inviting. you are kind and inviting. soft and lovely.
alien!satoru who wakes you up at 6am on the dot, a box of cinnamon buns shoved into your face, “hot kento said yes! i have a job! i can shake peoples hand easily now! i can pay you rent too, but at the end of the month.” satoru will not abandon his mission due to lack of resources, the technology he brought with him doesn’t work, not all his manipulations materialize on earth nor do his requests for assistance work but he can. as much as he’d like to stick next to you he realizes, eventually, he will hurt debra or adam when they make you upset near him. he won’t let you get fired. so he can keep busy in a safe and positive environment, around food so he will be well fed and where the sun cannot harm him. “why is your hair out of place?”
alien!satoru who learns that you do not wake up at 6am on a weekend. he remembers the rules, you like to warm up to the morning, allow yourself thoughtless time of sitting in bed before energizing for the day. it’s not fun to have you at an arms length and not engage. he is patient though, and it’s absolutely worth it when you greet him with a “good morning!” and he is listing your smile as the #1 best thing about earth.
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s-b-party · 2 days
HSR’s Guns & Roses: Analysis of Boothill & Argenti
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****Possible spoilers ahead, esp. Boothill’s & Argenti’s lore****
With Boothill out now, I’ve been very intrigued by the Boothill & Argenti duo which I’ve noticed so many details that are similar but also different about them, some of which many people may have already noticed but I still would like to analyze them since it’s been a hot minute since my last lore thread
The main aspects of these 2 characters that I want to talk about are their gameplay, characteristics, and lore/backstories
When we look at their gameplay, some details stand out; for example, both have the same element (physical) but opposite paths when it comes to their DPS roles (Boothill is Hunt which specializes in single target fights & Argenti is Erudition which specializes in dealing dmg to multiple enemies)
Their weapons are also opposites of each other where guns are ranged & the lance is typically used in close combat
This is more of a coincidence which I tweeted about recently but I still think it’s funny that their best-in-slot relics can be found in the same cavern of corrosion
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Next we’ll look at their characteristics by which I mean their personalities & designs; off the bat we can see that Boothill has a more gruff personality & if he weren’t censored by his synesthesia beacon, he would be the sole reason for bumping HSR to a higher audience rating; this man probably would not hold back on the expletives 😂)
Meanwhile Argenti is shown to be very kind with his words, often using compliments & praises; typically he speaks with levelheadedness & grace, just like how we imagine a knight would speak
If we think about it, Boothill & Argenti are both very flamboyant characters but in different fonts; just look at their demo trailers as references since they both move like dancers (Argenti looks like he’s in a graceful ballroom dance while he’s fighting the swarm disaster; Boothill straight up MOONWALKS while dodging bullets from the IPC, we literally went from Marilyn Monroe to Michael Jackson 😂)
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What accentuates their flamboyance even more is the way they both have spotlights on them at various points of their demo videos
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Bonus shot of Boothill being so extra (read: fabulous) while fighting:
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They also have very flamboyant designs which makes them stand out (as Boothill explains, they’re both clad in silver which definitely is one of the first things you would notice when looking at them); I don't know how much value silver has in this universe but it is considered a precious metal & valuable to us due to its many uses which is thanks to its malleable nature
Another thing to point out is that Argenti is based off the Latin word for silver argentum; fun fact, the Latin translation is the reason why the symbol for silver on the periodic table is Ag :3
I feel like their color palettes are a bit similar (silver, red, black) but they also have varying degrees for shared colors, specifically red & black; from a visual standpoint, this goes very well because Argenti having more red helps to emphasize his association to roses & Boothill having more black helps to emphasize his identity as “death” (well, for the IPC at least)
Moving onto their lore, although Argenti doesn’t have lines about Boothill, we do get lines about Argenti from Boothill himself; based on Boothill’s voicelines, we can assume that he holds some respect for Argenti as someone to whom he can relate
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Their backstories are quite similar when we take a closer look at them
For example, they both have experiences where they lost their homes & the people important to them (damn, HYV really said you’re gonna suffer 💀)
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Their respective factions are both noted to be groups of solitary people
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Interestingly the factions have different reputations according to the data bank where the Knights of Beauty are looked down upon & the Galaxy Rangers are seen as heroes which may be a bit different from what we’re used to since knights normally have a positive connotation as people who hold chivalry as one of their most important values
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Their goals are similar in the way that they both are looking for a specific person or entity: Boothill is looking for Oswaldo Schneider (who is responsible for the loss of his family & home; we might possibly meet him soon since we ended off 2.2 with the cliffhanger where Boothill confronts Aventurine to ask him where Oswaldo is) & Argenti is looking for Idrila the Beauty
They also have their critical turning points in their respective Character Story Part 3 portions
Boothill’s portion talks about his transformation into a cyborg & his adoption of the name “Boothill” which he explains is what they called gunslingers who ended up dead; it is a clear representation of his old self having died along with his loved ones & his home when the IPC destroyed everything
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Argenti’s portion talks about his journey as a new Knight of Beauty & the obstacles he faced after having met the knight that was mentioned in his Part 2; here we see his transformation into a Knight of Beauty & his dedication to the path he walks
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Before I had mentioned silver being an important part of their designs; here I think is where we see the importance of silver the best (since silver is a malleable material, it can change its meaning for both characters based on their situations)
To reiterate, becoming a cyborg by replacing his body w/ silver represents Boothill saying goodbye to his old self who knew of happier times & his loved ones; for Argenti, the silver that he wears is a sign of his devotion to Idrila the Beauty
What ties their differences so well in my eyes is that silver acts as a symbol of Boothill’s & Argenti’s resolve to accomplish their goals (silver may be malleable but it still can be strong metal & it’s even better since Argenti does talk about his will/faith being unbreakable)
I truly love their dynamic as complementary foils & I really hope that we’ll be able to see more interactions between them in the future since we just only have Boothill’s voicelines about Argenti but considering their goals, it probably won’t happen, at least not any time soon
Let me just say that I only cooked this idea up after listening to Boothill’s demo trailer on repeat…..a normal amount, I’m so normal about him 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Thank the YEEHAW man :3
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chyarui · 12 days
What happens when padawan quin miraculously comes back from a shadow mission gone wrong…
More quinobi, now with a side of angst!!
And look, I adore quinlans locks, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the plot (I will not ask for forgiveness)
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although most of his beautiful hair clasps are gone, at least obi was able to hold onto one for him (what he thought was likely the last piece of quin he had left) 💔
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ariel-s-awesome · 1 year
Love the idea of Wander secretly not liking Peepers and that's why Wander tends to ignore him.
He can deal with Hater. He can deal with any aimless soul.
Yet Wander sees his worst in Peepers and it scares him. Not in a being scared of Peepers way (...mostly), but in an existential dread way.
Looking at Peepers feels so raw. So Wander just hopes that if Hater becomes a good guy, Peepers will happily follow.
And there will be no need to pay attention to Peepers in the meantime.
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Guys how the hell am I supposed to explain to other people why I love the Antenna Galaxies so fucking much without the “this too is yuri” meme
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heloflor · 1 year
You know, considering that new untitled Peach game is a bit like Luigi’s Mansion with how it puts a Mario character in a new environment with new game mechanics, I’m kinda hoping Peach gets her own original villain the same way Luigi was given King Boo.
Hell, with Super Mario RPG coming back, which has many original characters, and with the characters from the Peach teaser being something other than Toads, it seems Nintendo might be willing to dip their toes into original characters again. So what’s better to start making new characters than by giving Peach her own bad guy ! Also the new Mario Bros game has some new characters as well from the looks of it, so again, it’s possible !
And don’t get me wrong, Bowser is absolutely iconic and I do enjoy the irony of Peach battling against him. But with this game not being a platformer, and again taking into consideration Luigi’s Mansion, it would be a fun change of pace for Peach to have a new villain in her own series (god I hope this game becomes a series of several games!!!). Plus, it seems Peach will be more and more playable in mainline games, meaning more Bowser beat-up from her anyways.
And yes, part of me wants that new villain to be a female character as it's been forever since Mario games has had one and I am very much aware of how people would go crazy over it for the shipping.
(Also going back to Bowser, it’s more of a “me” thing but I always found it slightly weird to see Bowser attack Peach, since he’s supposed to be in love with her (Paper Mario games prove it well) and in all the games she gets captured, there are no indications he ever raises a hand on her. Hell in Odyssey he’s very gentle when putting Tiara on Peach’s head. Also Peach is never particularly afraid of him despite how horrible he can be, which implies he doesn’t physically hurt her.
Fun fact : this is why I headcanon Super Princess Peach as taking place very soon after Super Paper Mario, since the two of them would have just spent weeks working together and getting along. So it would work for Bowser to lose his shit upon getting rejected yet again “despite doing everything right” and thus be willing to fight her. As for 3d World, there’s three other people Bowser can focus on to avoid hurting her)
#Super Mario#Princess Peach#Untitled Princess Peach game#Flor talks#you know; about the possibility of Peach not getting captured anymore in future games; I don't know how to feel about it#and funnily enough; it has nothing to do with Peach herself but instead with Bowser#the gist of it is that Bowser is a shitty person with a pretty big soft side#and outside of being a dad; the other thing showing that soft side is his love for Peach; granted the mainline games barely ever show it#but the RPGs do; and as messed up as it is; it's also kinda cute !#and basically if Bowser stops kidnapping Peach; not only does it show less that he likes her in a sense as it reduces how obsessed he is#but most importantly it means Bowser will need new reasons to be a villain; reasons that might turn him into an irredeemable piece of shit#and that's what I'm afraid of; I like Bowser as that absolute douche with a soft spot who's willing to work with Mario if needed#I think the best way Nintendo could go about this would be to find a balance to the kidnappings#have all the big Mario 3d games be about Bowser kidnapping Peach along with a few of the mainline games#meanwhile have the other half of the mainline games feature Peach as playable + give her her own game series#(I mean reminder that in the 5 main 3d games; Luigi is only playable in the Galaxy ones#and for the first one takes finishing the game to unlock; so having Peach sometimes be the hero sometimes the damsel could work)#(the main issue with her being the damsel is that we never get to play as her; causing her to be seen as a bland character by many#but if we do play as her sometimes + she gets her own games; her being the damsel will be less of an issue)#(another way to fix the issue could also to go the early Paper Mario route and have her actually do things while captured)
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invinciblerodent · 5 months
we're missing Liam Kosta in this club viciously tonight friends
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theramblingvoid · 2 years
I'm sorry I can't deal with this I'm just going to need everyone to
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Do you ever just take a minute and. Do you ever just need to take a minute to. Do you ever just take a minute
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astrxealis · 2 years
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benevolentslut · 1 year
there's that specific brand of villain that's like - you're only a villain because you gave into your deepest fears and allowed them to control you, and now you've gone way too far to ever be truly redeemed.
like, they are beyond a shadow of a doubt a villain and should be seen as such, but there's still a certain tragedy to it, y'know? that tragedy of like "damn, you would've been a decent person if you'd just had some therapy, but now look at you"
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heartful-cake · 1 month
thinking of peach's inexplicable power to generate or find 1-up mushrooms in mario galaxy. like how much energy does that take? is this even usually possible for an inhabitant within the mushroom world? like mario and co. generate 1-up mushrooms by doing enough trick shots and comboing enemies, but i don't think peach usually is surrounded by enemies when she's captured, which means she has to generate them herself right? unless she keeps finding them on bowser's airships or wherever she's being held? is this an extension of her white magic? it definitely fits with her personality and other skill sets, but i'm just so curious how her sending mario 1-up mushrooms logically works out...
#fwaffy rambles#im on my “peach kind of actually saves mario as much as he saves her” agenda again#and those 1-up mushrooms in galaxy really prove just how much she cares about him!!!#but seriously where does she get 1-ups in space...#i'd understand more if it was bowser's castle where he probably has an established base full of supplies and stuff...#but he's only just “conquered” space by the time he kidnaps peach#and i simply don't think bowser stocks up on enough power ups for peach to send five 1-ups each time she manages to send a letter#nor does he seem like he has many troops on his air ships for this title#so getting them through trickshots seems to be out of the question#i guess she could get them through starbits and the lumalee shop? but that seems unlikely as well#so that must mean she home cooks them herself right? with whatever healing aligned powers that she has?#gahhh... tbh thinking about how much she cares about mario in order to make so many life giving mushrooms in galaxy makes me tear up a bit#like she must put so so so so much magical energy into generating these 1-ups and making sure her letter reaches mario.....#and even if it's not her making the 1-ups she still must put in so much effort into finding them which in turn puts herself at risk#and it's all out of warm loving concern for her friend... sobs... to alleviate his struggles wherever she can....#she doesn't even want him to worry about her because she says in the letter that she's alright bc she knows he's coming to rescue her....#she just hopes her gift comes in handy..... as if it isn't a big deal that she just gave mario the power to defy death five times 😭#she is just so thoughtful and sweet :(#truly a 1-up girl that could win anyone's heart with the heart she's giving tbh.....#anyways i'm getting too sappy over this minute detail in galaxy. good night!
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sploon-fic-fan · 2 months
can we make jack to the future a copypasta
Hey guys! Very excited about today’s video. A huge thanks to Lenovo for giving me their amazing brand-new phone, the Phab 2 Pro: The world’s first phone with Tango*. Which kinda feels like a piece from the future just dropped right here in the present. And that’s exactly why I decided to make a very special time-travel episode of jackask.
Question 1: “Do you believe in the possibility of time-travel?” I literally just said that this is the time-travel episode of jackask. Please try to keep up. punches ground beef
Question 2: “If you could go back in time, what’s one thing you’d change about your childhood?” Well, I would probably confront my middle school bully and tell him I grew up to be a big YouTube star. Of course, then he’d be all like, “what’s a YouTube?” You know what, that question sucks, next question.
Question 3: “Would you travel to the past of the future?” Listen up, HoOLiGanLLaMA, I’m about to blow your mind. takes bite of burger Mm, that’s good meat. So I’m taking my Phab 2 Pro with me to travel through space and time in my own personalized, home-built time machine. Purple, red… Oh yeah, green one, that’s good, I think that’s good… Lemme measure with my phone real quick. Okay, measuring the dimensions with Tango’s AR measurement tools to make sure everything lines up. Looks good. OPEN! throws chair against tree Let’s go! Just so you know, time travel is not instant. So while we’re waiting, how about I just answer some of your questions?
“How do I tell my parents that I’m goth?” What you can do is travel to the future where, uh, you outgrow your goth phase. Boom, problem solved.
“How many stars are in our galaxy?” Good question. To find out, we’re gonna go all the way back to 1590 to ask the man himself, Galileo. screams Galileo: If only we could see the heavens instead of relying on our mind’s eye. Jack: Whoa, shut up for a sec. I think I can help you guys out. Galileo’s Associate: ¡El diablo! J: No, it’s actually called ‘augmented reality,’ it lets me see a fully scaled model of the solar system. The sun, the Big Dipper, the Little Skipper, the Unicorn, the Unicran, some other ones… Oh, really quick, do you guys know how many stars are in our galaxy? You know what, I’ll just look it up. Thanks anyway, bye! G: He was a bit of a jerk, wasn’t he?
“What is your favorite video game?” Not really a fan of the new ones, I don’t really have the fingers for ‘em, so let’s go all the way back to 1972 to play the first video game.
J: Hey guys! What are we working on?
Guy with Glasses and Mustache: Well, I don’t mean to brag, but we’ve created something revolutionary. You see, this rectangular paddle hits this round circular ball, and then that ball travels across this empty black space where it meets up with… another paddle! Haha!
J: That’s really tight, guys, and you’ll be happy to hear that you helped pave the way for AR games. Check this out
Woman with Glasses: What is it?
J: It’s the future. So, you’re trying to hit this target.
WG: Where are the cords?
J: No cords. Here, look.
WG: Honey, we should get one of these!
“What do you think it will be like in the year 2150?” Ugh, finally! A good question! Let’s go to the future where people can finally wrap their minds around this crazy technology! It’s time to go Jack to the future! record scratch Get it? Uh, Jack to the future, it’s-it’s a pun on a famous movie, uh, where Simba loses his dad, um, wait… yeah, that’s right, yeah.
J: Oh my gosh, you must be my great great grandson!
Jacksfilms Look-Alike with White Hair: Get out of my home.
J: Let’s grab a picture of the handsome boy, huh?
No. J: Just gotta add a dragon, and boom! It’s pretty cool, right, little dragon popping up and everything. You body language says ‘yes’.
J: Not a little?
JLAWH: Nuh-uh.
J: Not even a little?
J: Yeah, no, I-I’m busy too, I gotta get back to my time machine. It was really cool catching up, hehe! Call me! Or, you kn- aw, it doesn’t work like that. Uh, call me anyway, man.
All in all, that was a pretty good trip. Oh, and Lenovo, thanks for the free phone, not giving it back, hehe. runs into lighting equipment Not paying for that! Not paying for that! Not my problem!
#Hey guys! Very excited about today’s video. A huge thanks to Lenovo for giving me their amazing brand-new phone#the Phab 2 Pro: The world’s first phone with Tango*. Which kinda feels like a piece from the future just dropped right here in the present.#what’s one thing you’d change about your childhood?” Well#I would probably confront my middle school bully and tell him I grew up to be a big YouTube star. Of course#then he’d be all like#“what’s a YouTube?” You know what#that question sucks#next question. Question 3: “Would you travel to the past of the future?” Listen up#HoOLiGanLLaMA#I’m about to blow your mind. takes bite of burger Mm#that’s good meat. So I’m taking my Phab 2 Pro with me to travel through space and time in my own personalized#home-built time machine. Purple#red… Oh yeah#green one#that’s good#I think that’s good… Lemme measure with my phone real quick. Okay#measuring the dimensions with Tango’s AR measurement tools to make sure everything lines up. Looks good. OPEN! throws chair against tree Le#time travel is not instant. So while we’re waiting#how about I just answer some of your questions? “How do I tell my parents that I’m goth?” What you can do is travel to the future where#uh#you outgrow your goth phase. Boom#problem solved. “How many stars are in our galaxy?” Good question. To find out#we’re gonna go all the way back to 1590 to ask the man himself#Galileo. screams Galileo: If only we could see the heavens instead of relying on our mind’s eye. Jack: Whoa#shut up for a sec. I think I can help you guys out. Galileo’s Associate: ¡El diablo! J: No#it’s actually called ‘augmented reality#’ it lets me see a fully scaled model of the solar system. The sun#the Big Dipper#the Little Skipper#the Unicorn
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girlscience · 3 months
Mad that I don't have easy access to a printer because I want to make silly little collages for Bright and Murphy
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fionnaskyborn · 4 months
in light of recent events: still feeling kinda "huh." about the fact that they canonized what was most likely a formatting error on bungie's part that occurred when the info sheets for noble team were being published as part of the promo campaign way back in the day. as of 2022, it's just. canon now. huh. alright.
#not a negative post at all‚ just feeling... uncharacteristically indifferent about it‚ given how much i care about NT as a whole and its#individual members (sans jun lmao that guy's lost all my good graces)#speaking of NT one day i'm gonna have to write an essay about emile and how the united nations space command wants total control over /how/#they want to cleanse the galaxy of anyone who would oppose them as emperors of mankind. think about it. you'd think that emile's hostility#towards the insurrectionists would work in their favor - after all‚ who in their right mind would decline a killing machine that is hellben#on killing your opposition? but the unsc /deliberately sidelines/ emile‚ deeming him ''too brutal'' for their standards. they want to#cleanse covertly‚ in silence. emile‚ as a byproduct of the cycle of war perpetuated by an imperialist ueg‚ does not serve their image of#a peaceful and just government they're trying to uphold to the civilian world (the ueg‚ despite being a civilian government‚ has#historically let the military complex (aka the united nations space command) make some of the most important decisions in the history of#mankind and politics - surely this is an idea that could not backfire in any way whatsoever and surely the military industrial complex will#not make decisions that will serve to perpetuate war and keep itself in business instead of ones that would benefit mankind at large)#he is brutal‚ relentless‚ and something that cannot be censored‚ cannot be /controlled/. so they sidelined him. it's not a matter of#brutality of one as opposed to the other (like so many are keen on pointing out) but rather about desperately trying to leash a creation#that a) emerged as a direct result of the conflict you're trying to perpetuate‚ b) taints your reputation and '''goodwill''' and c) is the#living‚ unfiltered embodiment of your desire to destroy and annihilate independent human colonies#well. looks like i ended up writing an essay after all. LMAO#logs#probably gonna put these tags in a separate post i think my observations are sound enough for me to unbind them rather than keep them as a#random tangent i went on
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surohsopsisofclouds · 5 months
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