#this account is built on the ballet magical girl anime
lucydoodlessometimes · 3 months
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p... princess eater? soul tutu??? what if mytho was a weapon literally. what if princess tutu was soul eater. anime that rewired my brain
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backtogether-rp · 6 years
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Welcome Elle! Congrats you’ve been accepted for the role of Valentina Cruz, send your account in within the next 24 hours. Also, make sure to check everything out here. 
Out of Character Information.
name: Elle age (18+): 20 timezone: EST activity level: Same as previously stated, it goes around 5-6 but it increases when I’m on break from school. 
In-Character Information.
face claim: Eiza Gonzalez full name: Valentina Crystal Cruz age: 26 birthday: December 29th 1993 hometown: Miami, Florida current location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania gender identity: Female orientation: Bisexual ships: Age gaps and super understanding people will be the best for her and her storyline, otherwise, anything wish chemistry is good! anti ships: Forced, No Chemistry. triggers: None occupation: Escort and saleswoman for a lingerie store. siblings: None (would be open to step-siblings) +3 positive traits: Loyal, Supportive, Trustworthy -3 negative traits: Tactless, Gullible, Possessive extra details:
She does work in a sexual place and most of her work life involves it, but I don’t roleplay smut. I don’t mind reading it, mentioning it and fading to black once a smut scene is happening, but I will never roleplay it. This is just me trying to say she’s more than what she does at night.
She gets attached very easily to people outside her job, with friends or parental figures. However, commitment is something she does not master yet, or probably never will.
She kind of has two personalities, even outside of her job. The cute and shy Lena and the outgoing and confident Chanel. She can switch from one to the other depending on how comfortable she feels.
Born on December 29th 1993 to Alejandro Cruz, a physical education teacher at one of Miami’s high schools, and to Esmeralda Garcia, a mother who always juggled with multiple jobs. Valentina did not arrive on a life already set on a silver platter. To her, family time  was resumed to spending a week with her mother and the next one at her father’s small cabin by the beach. She did not have much, a tutu, dancing shoes and a stuffed animal she named Chanel. Yet, she was not unhappy. How could she have been aware of how unfortunate she was to land in a family that was already broken before she even existed? She could not, because she didn’t know better.
Well, maybe she did. Between the age of six and ten, her parents cooperated to afford her dancing classes. From contemporary, to lyrical and passing by ballet, she learned and loved all of it. After she got in a fight with one of the other girls who shared her classes, she was forced to leave the dance school. She was forced to go back to reality, where her mother and father did not meet to pick her up, did not exchange a smile: did not prove that the broken pieces could be fixed. Valentina was naïve, she did not understand that she would never see her parents in the same room again and that her dream of living like any other little girls she danced with would be impossible.
She was not very demanding, did not believe in the miracle of Christmas and only wanted to spend her birthday with her two parents, which, obviously, never happened. In exchange, Esmeralda saved enough money and put the envelope in Lena’s back pack, sending her by taxi to the cabin by the beach. This ritual was repeated on her 12th and 13th birthday, leaving the young teenager two entire months to spend with her father. They would find new activities for his next year as a teacher, they would collect seashells and make necklaces out of it and, most importantly, they would surf. They would ride the waves at day and stare at the starts, being rocked by the calm water, at night. Valentina had a new hobby to keep her mind busy.
As the young woman’s hair started to lighten up under the sun, her talent started to increase. She won one competition after another, she was becoming a legend in the world of surfing. Some called her a prodigy and nothing could be more realistic: Valentina practically never fell, she dominated the most violent waves and collected gold medals at her father’s cabin. Along with talent and victory came the pressure to participate in bigger competitions, in Malibu or in Santa Monica, sometimes in Ibiza or Australia. No matter how much she begged for it, Alejandro could not afford his daughter’s dream. Neither could Esmeralda.
Valentina quit surfing at the age of seventeen. And by that time, something changed within her. She aspired to be the Miami babe everyone adored. She had wanted a simple life for so long, by the cabin, eating the same thing everyday and spreading positivity around by teaching others how to swim, how to surf, how to let fish play a tickle fight. She loved those kids, with supportive parents. She loved those parents, with enough money to afford anything their kids wanted. She loved this life, but Alejandro hurt his knee while trying to teach his students gymnastic and he had to quit his job for a year. She had to come back to reality, again.
So, she was stuck with her mother all the time. She had nothing better to distract her than attracting trouble at school. Her argumentative behavior that made her win every debate and made of her a witty student was now an issue for every professors. She accumulated the warnings, always managed to get away with them by a wink or a smile. She learned that after watching her mother accumulate the unsuccessful one night stands and from listening closely to her personal stories. Valentina started to sleep around, girls or boys, it did not matter.
She started to sneak out of class, she did not think it would matter. She was not allowed to go to prom as her first consequence. She was not allowed to participate in the graduation party, fearing she would cause too much trouble. She would get the boys excited, she would make the girls jealous. There was a rumor following her footsteps, that even teachers would crush on her. Still, Valentina learned not to care. She got it from her mama.
College was next door and it was her chance to escape from the vicious circle built by the matriarch of the family. Valentina seized the opportunity of moving to New York to apply to college, at a dance program. It was not the greatest nor the worst. She used her surfing scholarship to afford the fees, but she was not accepted. Her grades were a roller coaster, her attendance and behavior issues finally became a problem. She ruined her own chances of having her better life by reproducing the life she had always wanted to avoid.
Thankfully, she had more tricks up her sleeve. Behind her mother’s back, she found someone online who was searching for a roommate. A week later, she was out of the family loft and she was getting to know who would quickly become her best friend. Andrew was a young man, a musician full of talent, and a single dad. The only reason why he accepted Liana as a roommate was because she could do magic with her son, Xavier. They got along instantly, and the deal was sealed. In order to help paying the bills, the rent and the grocery, Valentina accepted all kinds of jobs until she settled with a part-time job at a lingerie store and a full-time job as a nanny to rich, boring and busy families. Kids loved her, lonely fathers did too, sometimes even mothers. She could stay the night once and make more money than she would during the entire month. It lit up an idea.
One of those lonely fathers was a business man, a strip club owner. He obviously noticed that Valentina had a certain talent only he would know how to put under the spotlight. “Do you want a job that will make you afford your biggest dreams?” He said, “I would never refuse anything.” She replied. That was how she started working as an exotic dancer to one of New York City’s highest class strip clubs. It was clean, it was safe: it was the best she could do. She loved to dance, they loved to see her strip down to her naturally tan skin. She was twenty one years-old when she reconnected to a whole different form of dancing she would fall in love with like any other.
Lena ignored that this father was divorcing from his wife who found out about their affair. He tried to comfort her, telling her everything was fine and that they would make it through. She was too important in his life to let her slip away, but that was what happened anyways. She was kicked out of his luxurious condo with nowhere to go for the night. When she came back home to her roommate, her only option was to tell the truth and he, too, kicked her out. She received a huge deposit in her bank account not long after those sad events, then an email, and another one and one more… It was him. He was worried. He wanted to help her.
Not too long ago, he told her he was moving away from his ex-wife and closing his strip club to open another one somewhere else. Without hesitation, she packed her bags and followed him. She was even further to the sea that she loved, but she had nothing to complain about. He paid a lovely apartment and she got a job in a similar lingerie store. She started seeing other clients again. Within a few months of adjustment, she was swimming in money.
Valentina hides behind a persona, she calls her Chanel. Chanel rolls her hips when she walks, bats her eyes when she talks. Chanel knows how to get what she wants. Chanel dances for big crowds, or even privately. In exchange of a pair of shoes, a new set of earrings or simply money, she would spend the rest of night with them. Chanel, and Valentina, loved this life. She could be free, dancing out there in the prettiest lingerie. She could be free, leaving every morning and taking the subway back home. She could be free, pleasing strangers, building relationships, pretending to know what love felt like. She could be free, getting closer to the life she had always wanted.
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