#this also just makes me think of like. one or any of them cming to visit
sometimes i wonder about the people ted left behind in the us. i mean, the way he is, the little we do see of his coaching from then, i have no doubt he had a great impact on his players and staff there, too; that they loved him, too. but like, we never see ted still connected to any of them. i understand why like, on a doylist level--narratively it would just clutter things to have this whole other cast, and beard is already there showing his previous important connections, but like. i dunno. i just wonder.
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xottzot · 7 years
2017-5(MAY)-21-Sunday (lots of damned rain and very COLD).
2017-5(MAY)-21-Sunday (lots of damned rain and very COLD).
I woke up around 2am on Sunday and had to feed Sam & Max their dog kibble. - The forecast (almost always pathetic) had stated very heavy rain. And when I looked on teh wether radar (also not that great) it showed so much cming in that surely soe of it would hit here angost the great swarths of fronts washing over the Western Ausrtalia coast.
And a soon as I was awake, Sam & Max needed to get outside. So I went with them as always because they need cosntant watching. They have taken to digging holes in their despair now of Fliss not being here. And also performing their ablutions all around the entire backyard everywhere. I have to corral them by keeping an eye upon them and verbally guiding them NOT to go in places. Fliss used to do this as well.
But Sam & Max have BOTH become very growley all the time, even Sam is growling at me for no reason. Max hears him and suddenly is wont to get vicious. -- I have to keep well away for them when they are like that and it is fast becoming almost constant because they are so much in despair of Fliss not being with them. - Sam keeps hearing Max growling and thinks that's how he should be too. But Sam is not vicious in any way, unless its against intruders.
They are NOT allowed to go ANYWHERE anymore. They simply cannot be trusted. They have been like that since Fliss tore their hearts and souls out after several times she vanished an left us for considerable periods of time. But when she would return, they were joyous and would spring back. This time we have been abandoned and destroyed to be totally alone more than anyone could possibly imagine.
We came back inside this hovel and I immediately went to bed because I had been bodily shivering uncontrollably. In bed I was still shivering and gasping. After many hours I managed to get back to sleep only to wake up les than two hours later.
This time it was raining and was still raining. It had been rainng very heavily. The entire yard was huge puddle and running. But Sam & Max had to go outside. So they went. And got wet. And I had to towel the water off of them before they could return into the hovel. And BOTH dogs growled a lot. They NEVER used to growl at being toweled dry. But now they're even growling at me doing that. - I have to towel them dry otherwse they will stay wet and get even colder than they are and get sick and die. - Try to tell me we are not in hell.
They since been out for their ablutions several times and I've had to keep watch over them. Thankfully, but only because I try to plan it as best I can because the damnend clouds are being so unpredictable and it's actually raining rain, not the usual falling-out-of-the-sky-with-a-promise-to-be-rain-one-day kinda rain that usually is what this hellhole gets.
And it's been getting very COLD. - Even the generally useless West Australian newspaper online reported about the heavy rain in other more affluent places where it fell and it being COLD.
Later, there's been aboriginals from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD(s) roaming about the streets. Currently as I write this paragraph there's one standing next to the road and yelling very loudly right across the road back into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD(s). - This is common practice.
As has the many comings and goings in cars and slamming of car doors going on and on and on in the aboriginal ghetto area.
All those car doors constantly slamming upsets Sam & Max tremendously and they rush about ready to attack now. They are constantly being kept on edge by all that. - Nobody knows what it's like.
They've gone out for a group wander this morning. Then returned in drips and drabs soon afterwards. And after that has began the constant comings and leavings only to repeat the process over and over....
Then it was the turn of cars doing the same thing.......
They go out into all rain wearing not protective wet weather clothing, but thick woolen black clothing that of course gets wet. - In the past they've had countless umbrellas (given or stolen), but the umbrellas only last a very short time becaue of the treatment they are given by the criminal aboriginals until they are literally falling apart. The remains usually gets thrown onto the roads or into somebody elses yard. - This is standard behaviour for them. It's where even an umbrella is considered by them as a simple 'toy' to be smashed up and thrown onto the road or wherever. They have had so MANY umbrellas......it's so easy when they're stolen.... or they are given for free to them......
Whenever I have stated they are 'feral'...I truly mean that. And it's not for any whimsical fashion at all so don't try to delude yourelf that these are 'nice' feral aboriginals as the media is increasingly trying to convince everyone of and are 'harmless'.
It's miserable how the media has overused the entire language and disempowered words of their actual meanings. (and inane advetising blurbs are also very much to blame) - And now people just read over words and just accept things being described when in fact they should be wondering what the hell is going on.
One thing I constantly see in a local newpaper chain was that they were trying to be trendy and 'cool' by having something inane stated as if it was a proper sentence that had meaning. It didn't. It looked like some young idiot had been put in charge. - And that's one of the things that's supposed to 'appeal' to young kids now, to grab their attention by being just like them, illiterate and uttering inanities. - Is that what it takes to 'grab' their attention, to be as stupid as they are? And is that what it takes to not make them criminal, by just acepting they are criminal and everyone else has to suffer because of it all? - I certainly seems to be that way, to just keep breeding new criminals all about and if you dare to compain...then you are deemed to be 'not cool' with them and their everchanging criminal ethos.
The next big wave of ant-illegal drugs advertising has still yet to hit the media....
Well,...the aboriginals who NEVER EVER GO TO ANY SCHOOL are having their future world crafted for them at other peoples exense, to suit them when they 'graduate'....so they can fit in....that's if they've haven't aleady stolen, smashed, set fire to, or destroyed everything beforehand........meanwhile the local school has a very high wire fence to keep them out....for the 'safety' of other students.......
I wonder hwo long before there will be a deman to have those kids in school, and for wage to be paid back to the 'adults' who send them, paid in booze and drugs and......
And the blurb for the school sattes:---"The school community provides a safe and supportive environment so that students experience success, have a strong sense of worth and are self-motivated and have the ability to cope with change."
Those last three things are so totally out of reality and mindset for the criminal aboriginals and their feral mini-me's running amok, as to be totally alien and unreachable and the school is exploited and robbed instead.
"a safe and supportive environment" is what this entire subur used to be until they took it over and have been given the upper hand. - Imagine what they could do with an entire state of Australia? (and YES, that was one thing that was actually being mooted by one of the ach-angel aboriginal activists) -- Imagine.....no more having ghetto streets in neighborhoods, because then you coudl have an entire ghetto state of Australia...and they'd be doing cross-border raids non-stop guarenteed........but that's all fantasy....so far.
Oh, and another paragraph from that schools webpage blurb that sounds ever-hopeful but never does anything for the criminals that roam these streets is:-----"In partnership with the parents and the community we provide opportunities for the students to attain their full potential academically, socially, emotionally and physically so as to become life long learners, confident, responsible and happy individuals, capable of contributing to society."
Pop another wagyl on the barbie will ya?
I have a trumpet musical instrument here of Fliss's. If that was give to them, they'd smash it straight away, throw it around in the streets, and all after using it to just mindlessly blow and make noise into it day and night at all hours to torment innocent people with.
Sam & Max have ben outside duig a break in the wet weather. And because they are so stressed with Fliss not being here, BOTH Sam & Max were growling and becoming savage and were leading up to attacking me when I went to let them back inside this hovel before the next huge wave of clouds with rain was going to roll over.
P. Sunday-21-May-2017---I love you Fliss and want to be with you. And now at this very moment, Sm & Max are both getting savage and are liable to attack.........
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