#this is also where i think merlin’s (and gwen’s!!!) honesty really hits home for arthur
vi-visected · 1 year
projecting on arthur pendragon time!!
i’ve had a lot of conversations with people about my father over the years and it’s resulted in me heavily relating to arthur in the relationship that he has with uther. arthur is constantly trying to prove himself to uther by aiming for goals that he can’t see. his father has set these markers in arbitrary places and told arthur he needs to meet them to earn his respect but won’t tell arthur where they are in even the vaguest sense. and then in these moments arthur is exhausted from trying to hit a bar that is constantly and continuously moving out of his reach, when he’s begging for leeway or for guidance, uther gives him a backhanded compliment or a “you know i’ve always cared about you” and fuck him but it’s enough to keep arthur aiming and throwing over and over again. and it’s not just the goals that he hides from arthur, it’s the rewards too. uther talks of his son in the third person and away from where arthur might hear. he uses him as a measuring point to morgana (and vice versa). he tells anyone and everyone what his son is worth EXCEPT arthur. uther sometimes acts as if arthur should just intrinsically know that he has his love and care, that he should just be able to sense it or something. he treats arthur coldly and makes him earn his love only to never ever show it to him.
arthur pendragon spends his whole life wanting someone to just love him to his face.
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twoohugs · 5 years
BBC Merlin 1x10 The Moment of Truth
[Click here for a full list of my BBC Merlin commentary]
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Merlin definitely takes after his mother. This is brave, but completely stupid and NOT A Good Idea, but she still does it anyway because nobody’s gonna stop the bad guy but somebody has to stop the bad guy. That’s the mindset Merlin has every time there’s trouble isn’t it
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I love the dynamics between them two in this scene. They both obviously care about each other, and are not thrilled to be separated, and there is a bit of vulnerable sentimentality there, so Arthur tries to diffuse the tension by banter. These two usually show affection by teasing, but in the end they know they have to say these words out loud to show they really do care so they allow themselves to be serious and sentimental and I just-
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Gwen: how the hell did you survive all these years, what were you honestly planning to do to help you’re helpless yourself, you’re lucky we’re coming with you, Merlin you human disaster
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Thank heavens for Arthur’s quick reflexes can you imagine how miserable Merlin would be if he so much as slices off a hair off Arthur’s head
Oh and also Merlin is so happy to see Arthur because 1. let’s face it even though they just parted a day ago that’s the longest time they’ve been apart for a while now I think (they probably see each other literally everyday) and 2. as much as Merlin calls Arthur a prat and disrespects him I think he also values him very, very highly. So to have Arthur, of all people, help him and fight by his side would be a wonderful thing to him. So this “Arthur!” is partly “Arthur’s here! I missed you!” and partly “Arthur’s here! We’ve got a chance!”
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my name is Arthur Pendragon and I’m allergic to feelings
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Wait.. wait, is this what sparked Arthur’s farming dream?? A simple, happy life with Merlin?? I just realized??
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when your friend thinks women are weak but you can’t get properly angry at him for being sexist because he’s still being a kind, protective, self-sacrificing idiot but at the same time you’re so done with this macho shit because you know you’re right
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This scene hit very close to home for me. I used to wonder what Arthur could do if he was really brought back in present times, then I see this and I realize he would have prospered as a leader no matter what time period. Because even nowadays we need leaders like this.
(I’m from Hong Kong, and, well, I think I really needed this talk as motivation and encouragement. For those of you who don’t know what’s happening, how it concerns you, and how you can help, I’ve made a post about it here.)
Anyway, back to Merlin…
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In season one there are so many scenes and dialogues that makes you think they were gonna do magic reveal soon. Like, “in this episode” soon. or at least in this season.
I feel like Merlin, if left lone without Gaius and Hunith continuously telling him to keep his secret, would’ve told Arthur about his magic. I mean, Merlin is so pure and kind, his first instinct would probably be honesty. At this point in series one, Arthur hadn’t said all these things about magic only being evil. So at this point, Merlin probably doesn’t think Arthur hates magic. I mean, he helped save Mordred not long ago! So Merlin knows Arthur doesn’t share Uther’s opinion.  As you see here, Merlin considers Arthur a friend and I think while he is afraid of Arthur’s reaction he also believes deep down that he is a good person who would accept him for who he is.  But well, the adults worry too much and have trust issues so we don’t get magic reveal.
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damnnnnn that’s the badass powerful sorcerer I know!
The thing i love about this is how simple it is for him here. I mean, the situation is pretty easy to fix for his magic, and it’s so chaotic nobody was looking at him. Most other time Merlin uses magic to fix a situation it is either something so severe he’s not confident he can fix it, or he is in danger of being seen. Yet here, he is confident that his magic is enough, and he is not afraid of being discovered. I love seeing Merlin believing in himself! He’s the person most worthy of saying “nah it’s easy for me” in the whole show yet this kind of moments where he acknowledges his own power is so rare.
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I… never understood these moments in TV shows or movies. Is it because I’ve never been in a situation like this? (and I hope I never will) Like, why is it impossible for you to push him out of danger’s way without getting shot yourself?? Right in the chest, even??
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How to talk to Merlin: Dos and Don’ts
I mean, I think I understand why Merlin felt like he didn’t fit in. If Will didn’t redeem himself at the end of the episode (and died) I would’ve hated him, I think. Just for making Merlin feel bad. My heart broke when Merlin parroted “I’m just his servant” like nooooooo you can’t believe that!!!! I’m so glad the other characters reassured him (unknowingly in the girls’ case but still)
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