#this post is about teaming with grian and/or jimmy
mossfeathers · 8 months
oh btw im hoping and praying for bigb on a larger 3-4 person team this time around pleas eplease please please pleaseeeeee i NEED to see more dynamics with him. hes just a chill guy. let him commit unspeakable crimes with other horrible people.
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sopuu · 1 year
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1 left.
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shaytheantagonist · 2 months
My Roman Empire is how the life series writes itself. Here are some coincidences that I think about frequently:
1. Every person who has ever won a life series (Real Life included) was paired with another winner in Double Life (Grian & Scar, Scott & Pearl, Martyn & Cleo)
2. Several members had patterns in their deaths in Secret Life (All of Grian’s deaths happened while a large portion of the remaining server members were present, all of Scott’s deaths were arranged & he let whoever killed him kill him, all of Etho’s deaths were from Scar killing him, all of Jimmy’s deaths were from mobs of increasing strength (drowned, dragon & warden), all of Mumbo’s deaths were because of poor walking (walked off a ledge, walked into lava, walked into his own fence posts) & all of Martyn’s deaths happened in different dimensions)
3. Jimmy being out first 4 times in a row
4. Grian winning 3rd Life & then being dead last in the VR recreation of 3rd Life
5. Mumbo always having his final death moments after Jimmy’s final death
6. Pearl & Scar winning their seasons after being the underdog the entire season & having it the hardest
7. The first interaction Etho & Joel had in the entire life series was while they were in boats
8. Every time Scott is in the final two, whoever loses dies to a mob they didn’t know was behind them (Ren in Last Life, Scott in Real Life)
9. Jimmy always cursing at least one of his allies to do horribly each season (3rd Life was Scott’s lowest placement ever, 10th. Last Life: both Mumbo & Impulse were in the bottom 4. Double Life: Tango played poorly and was responsible for 2/3 of their deaths. Limited Life, Joel was out third & The Bad Boys died A LOT. Secret Life: Martyn was the first yellow AND the first red despite literally winning the previous season. EVEN REAL LIFE, Jimmy teamed with Grian, Joel, Scar & Impulse, who were the first 4 to be eliminated.)
10. Since Double Life, Pearl has wanted her allies to win the current seasons, she has outlived all of her main allies every season since then (Big B in Limited Life & Mumbo, BDubs & Joel in Secret Life)
11. Joel literally & metaphorically being the reason Lizzie was the first one out instead of Jimmy in Secret Life (Lizzie only died because she was trying to kill Scott to help out with Joel’s assassin task, by the time she tried to kill him & died in the process, Joel had already failed his task & just hadn’t told her yet, so if he had told her that he had failed, she wouldn’t have taken Scott to the end & fallen into the void & Jimmy probably would’ve first out again. Also when they were hosting an early funeral for Jimmy, Joel opened the grave & told Jimmy to “Rise”, I think this was Joel unknowingly breaking the curse.)
12. The fact that Gem’s final death is always her coming 3rd & dying in a 2v1 situation.
13. Joel’s first death in Last Life was fall damage, his first death in Secret Life was also fall damage. The reason Joel ended up on red life in Last Life was because of the Boogeyman curse (both times), in Secret Life, he because red because of being killed by a Boogeyman. In Last Life Joel’s final death was at the hands of Scott, causing him to place 5th, in Secret Life, Joel’s final death was being killed by Scott, causing him to place 5th. I’m leaving out one of Joel’s Last Life deaths, specifically when he died to Mumbo in self defence, but that’s mostly cuz there are more deaths in Last Life than Secret Life
This isn’t even all of them, there are so many more!
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oh-snapperss · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to MCC!
New to watching mcc? Have no idea where to start? Or maybe you already watch mcc, and just want information all in one place?
Well, good news! I'm insane about MCC and made this massive post for no other reason! I plan to keep this updated as I think of other vods/clips and new stuff happens, so if you want to be sure you're reading the most up to date version of the post, click here.
With all that out of the way-
What is MCC?
MCC stands for Minecraft Championships and is an event organized by Noxcrew, who develop and test the games, and Scott Smajor, who makes the teams! The event takes place usually once a month, and 10 teams of 4 people compete to be the top two teams overall by playing eight minigames! The top two teams battle it out at the end by playing Dodgebolt (first to win three rounds takes the crown).
Noxcrew announces the teams and next date of the event on MCC's official twitter and their newsletter via email, although @mcc-updates posts the teams here as well after they're announced.
Some useful links and more information on the event:
mcc.live - Official site that updates live during the event! Team scores are updated live here, and links to all the streaming POV's are included. You can also find information on past MCC's and how an individual performed!
MCC Wiki - Community run wiki for the event! You can find information on any player that's ever been in an MCC, information about how the event works, and information on individual events.
A list of active games in the event, and how each are played can be found here!
Canon VS. Noncanon MCCs
Sometimes, Noxcrew decides to host an MCC that is considered "noncanon". Typically, this means that something about the event is different, and player's coins and stats for that MCC will not go into the overall average of their played events. Some examples of noncanon mccs:
MCC Pride (held once a year, typically raises money for the Trevor Project!
MCC Rising (only players who have never participated in an MCC before may be in it!)
MCC Scuffed (April Fools MCC, the entire event was scuffed on purpose, an incredibly funny overall event)
MCC All Stars (Only players who have won an MCC participate)
With all of that out of the way, some iconic and hilarious clips from across the events!
(note: where I could, I've included the vods that these clips came from!)
Grian's Iconic 1v3 Dodgebolt (MCC 17)
Jimmy Solidarity's 1v3 Dodgebolt (MCC 28)
Illumina EWW (MCC 15)
Purpled's nearly perfect Parkour Warrior run with Ranboo and Charlie losing their minds in the background (MCC 26)
Purpled's perfect Parkour Warrior Run (MCC 32)
Jojo's insane Sands of Time carry (MCC 31)
"Joel, I want a divorce!" (MCC 10)
"Sapnap I will eat your children!" (MCC 18)
Lord Grian Dreamslayer (MCC 9)
Michael Mcchill's Ace Race breakdown (MCC All Stars)
MCC Iconic Vods/Fan Favorites!
Orange Ocelots MCC 17 - Grian, Falsesymmetry, Petezahutt and SB737
Orange Ocelots MCC 24 - Tubbo, Tommyinnit, Hbomb and Jack Manifold
Blue Bats MCC Scuffed - Smallishbeans, Smajor, Fwhip and Geminitay
Cyan Coyotes MCC 24 - PearlescentMoon, Aimsey, JojoSolos and Hannahxxrose
Blue Bats MCC 9 - Falsesymmetry, Rendog, Hbomb and Fruitberries
If you want some other great channels and streams for MCC, I've listed some below!
All Things MCC is a channel hosted by Seapeekay and always uploads a video after each MCC featuring their picks for the top ten plays of the event! They also do team predictions + the occasional other video on MCC. Super fun, and a great way to catch some clips you may have missed during the event.
MCC Vault posts clips of various perspectives from various events--typically another way to see things you might not get to see otherwise.
If you're a Sands of Time enjoyer, Hbomb94 usually goes live the day after the event and vod reviews at least one POV of Sands of Time from each team. Super entertaining, and a fun way to really get to know the strats for that game.
You may be thinking-wow, these games look really fun! Is there a way for anyone to play them?
The answer is yes-and no. While some of the games are not currently available for download, Noxcrew has a public minecraft server called MCC Island, available for anyone to join and play! As of right now, the available games to play on that server are:
Parkour Warrior (available in singleplayer mode and a fast paced competitive mode)
Sky Battle (eight teams compete instead of ten, and there are maps available that are not played in the main event!)
To Get To The Other Side (three rounds instead of six, uses a mixture of maps from the event and maps that are not played in the event)
Hole in the Wall (be warned--there are traps, different maps, and overall is a harder game on the island. My personal fav:D)
Battle Box (three rounds instead of nine, mixture of maps
Noxcrew has stated they plan on adding more games to the server, and there are events and other things happening too!
IP to join the server: play.mccisland.net
You can find more information and official forums here!
Additionally, you can download Terra Swoop Force and play it on a singleplayer world or put it in a server with your friends! Link for the download and instructions here.
Finally, Grid Runners is an available map on Bedrock edition only--I don't know much about bedrock, only that it is an option. Link to that info here.
I think that's about it for now! I'll update this as I think of things or am asked to add something:) Hopefully this helps a bit, cause I know coming into this stuff with no info can be overwhelming!
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tatertato · 4 months
Can we have a small little list of everyone’s roles/parts in the circus? (My peanut brain is getting a little lost)
cirque de la vie AU powers/roles list!
i did a poll on the gem and pearl post on whether or not i should release a full list, and guess which option won!
the results came out really close, so if you want to wait for the comics to drop, i advise you to simply ✨look away✨
this list is going to be formatted as: Name - Circus Act/Role - Power
some will be on this list without their powers, or with ambiguous descriptions of their powers until i finish their backstory comics because i really do want those ones to be a surprise, so look out for the update!
some of them i am still on the fence about as well, so the comic may not always line up with this list in the future, but i'll do my best to keep it up to date.
with all that out of the way, let's get into it!
martyn - manager/organizer - enhanced hearing
ren - $the funding$ - none he's just rich (some form of smaller nobility)
The Performers
cleo - knife thrower - doesn't have magic, but alive somehow??? (hint: it has something to do with bdubs...)
etho - magician - has magic but hates using it (rumor has it that only bdubs knows what he's hiding)
bdubs - doubles as knife thrower and magician's assistant - something to do with time. no one knows exactly what, but sometimes he disappears for weeks on end. scar usually steps in as the replacement.
jimmy - aerial acrobat - wings/flight
grian - aerial acrobat - same as jimmy, but sometimes scar says his vision is uncanny
scar - ringmaster - jedi mind trick (he can convince anyone of anything depending on how strong their mind is)
lizzie - underwater escape artist - don't tell anyone, but she can definitely breathe underwater. the escapes are still pretty impressive tho
joel - stilts (11 foot joel is canon) - no power, he's just lizzie's supportive husband (more kenergy than jimmy)
gem - happy clown - deer traits, mostly enhanced agility
pearl - sad clown - doesn't like elaborating, but she disappears during full moons...
scott - tightrope walker - read the comic when it comes out lmao
impulse - juggler - power still very much in development, but he can talk to/see/control ghosts to a degree (inspired by the phasmo streams)
skizz - strongman - enhanced healing
tango - fire breather - literally breathes fire. very high internal temperature, good for winters.
The Production Team
mumbo - lighting (it's still the late 1800s-ish so the lighting is very rudimentary- that said, mumbo is a bit of a genius, so the shows still look pretty amazing) - is almost an unlimited source of electricity (he's a little eccentric, makes a big deal about how much of a human he is, which has sparked curiosity, but never enough for anyone to pry into. grian seems to know something.)
bigb- concessions (he sells cookies!) - everything he bakes tastes amazing! (he swears that's his only power, but he has a habit of leaving rooms through doors that weren't there before...)
pearl (again) - sets and props, she decorates the stage!
joel (again) - makes the boxes and tanks for lizzie to escape from
and that is all! i might have some hermits or empires folks make cameos every so often, but this is the main cast!
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let’s talk about scott in the life series and his relationship with loyalty.
(obligatory disclaimer: this is referring to c!scott and not cc!scott)
merriam-webster defines “loyal” as “firm in one's allegiance to someone or something”. and that’s what scott is. firm. but the idea he has of loyalty is very interesting in that he finds it transactional.
we know scott is transactional by nature. all three of his SL deaths were deals, spoken or not, and many of his past deaths, like in LiL, were also sacrifices, carefully weighed to give him an upper hand.
he usually allies with people who are competent, probably as a result of teaming with jimmy in TL and getting tenth. in LL, pearl, a capable pvper and fighter. in DL, cleo, who has a reputation for being scary. in SL, geminislay and impulse, who’s come close to winning many times.
scott gives his allies favours and in turn, he expects favours. this is an entirely reasonable expectation except that he notably goes out of his way to give them favours, like risking getting killed to stay on boogey gem’s good side. that way, he maintains the balance of i give you this, you owe me that.
he weaponises the loyalty, which is one of his top strategies (he said so himself in SL), but the benefit that his allies get is his unwavering allegiance, which is why he’s thought of as a good person to team with (along with pearl - but her loyalty is another post, and anyway it’s likely because they consistently place high. strangely enough martyn places high many times but it makes sense that he isn’t seen as a Good Ally seeing how he won LiL).
but we see what happens when someone doesn’t fit his notion of loyalty. in DL, when pearl went off to the nether, scott refused to ally with her, even if it was evident that she was a valuable ally. there was an unspoken alliance between soulmates, and pearl had broken it. it was one of the times where scott’s idea of loyalty was so strong, and so rational (why should you team with someone who took reckless damage?) that it tipped over into irrationality (she’s a good ally as proven in LL and clearly sorry).
(yes, i know he did it for the bit but we’re talking about c!scott here.)
the other time was in LiL, even if not connected to him personally. the roomies’ conversation with gem and scott in SL was very revealing as to scott’s idea of loyalty, and why he persistently has a sort of friendship with cleo since DL.
“i’ve never seen a man drop a pair of sunglasses quicker” is what scott says to grian about the bad boys. to scott, alliances are forever. you put your 100% in, they put their 100% in, and this contract extends before you know you’re soulmates and after one of you has died.
and the reason he always, even subtly, sides with cleo? well, obviously she’s a good player, but also because her ideas of loyalty are the same as scott’s. “you can ask scott about that team’s loyalty.”
cleo’s referring to a past series, since gem’s a newbie and wouldn’t know about it, where someone on the mounders displayed dubious loyalty, cleo sided with scott and, in fact, seems to share an inside joke with. clearly it’s pearl, which shows that cleo has the same ideals of loyalty as cleo: you stick with your day one allies, you put your all in it, and they have to put their all into it. once that alliance’s broken, it’s over. cleo doesn’t quite trust pearl since then.
frankly i can’t think of a conclusion but i think scott’s loyalty could have a whole essay written on it with how much meta things he said in SL.
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taxi-boi · 1 year
limited life is about caring and indifference okay listen to me its about what matters to you if anything does
skizz, both at the begining and even post his 3 deaths, that he should be kind to people because they only have so much time. that you should make sure what little time you have matters
scott killed someone. who happened to be skizz. as soon as he could. before people could start caring. before things started to matter
they rerolled boogie *because* it happened so fast. because there was no suspense. it didnt matter.
bdubs killed skizz as soon as he got boogieman. because he figured, hes already down, just a little more wont hurt. but also because to bdubs, skizz doesnt matter. hes not on his team. why should he care.
martin, in the same exact situation with all the same reasons. does not. hes apathetic to the opinions of the others or the risk it would be, but choses not to because hes sympathetic to skizz's plight.
he kills bigb later. not out of malice but out of necessity. it didnt matter who he just had to and bigb agreed and forgave him
martyn is also very indifferent in regards to alliances. this is the first season without rendog, who he allied with in one way or another every season before. now he doesnt even have that, and despite agreeing to an alliance with with scott (atleast thats how scott interpreted it). martyn still considers himself on his own. even saying as much to bigb and pearl.
joel is very indifferent to others. killing other peoples cows just to do it. wanting to get boogieman for the fun of it. digging straight down even after hearing lava and after jimmy died to it first (he could have just built back up. but he stuck with jimmy even in death)
so is jimmy but a bit to the left. hes egging him on the whole way through but he still cares. he'll hit his old soulmate but will apologize while he runs off
tango didnt care about the appology, still vowing to get back at them alongside etho
etho is indifferent to the other TIES. disconnected. more attached to grian and bdubs. both of whom are either directly hated by the ties like in bdubs case. or grian, member of the bad guys along said enemy of the ties joel and jimmy. (though etho also shows an amount of allegiance to ties, attempting to steal cows from bdubs for ties while hes distracted, though being scared off by cleo before he could)
grian asks why anyone would bother burning down the mansion, after all it was about to be reset anyway.
that is exactly why cleo burnt it down. knowing that by next session it wouldnt matter.
death happens so often this season because they can afford to die. they have time early on.
they can be cruel to each other because they've been through 3 seasons of this already. they know how this goes. and more than ever they know that its going to end. that no matter what they do, there is nothing that they can do
at the end of the day nothing you do will matter. unless you make it matter yourself. do you bother?
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run-on-lightning · 8 months
this post about how miners try to save the canary has been going around my dashboard, and i can't help thinking about how that relates to the life series.
like, think about watcher!grian trying different iterations of the death games hoping that this time canary!jimmy doesn't die first.
grian even teamed up with jimmy to try to fight the canary curse, but grian's own curse of his teammates dying before him was too strong.
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bidoofenergy · 1 year
in the middle, alone
based on this post by @quaranmine
(825 words)
Grian can never really deny Jimmy and Joel. He goes along with the big things— teaming up or handing over his time or fighting with Pearl and BigB over that fucking frog—and the little things—their matching jackets or their sunglasses or their fucking name—and minimally complains about it the whole time. Their bed situation was a medium thing; it wasn't going to kill him, but gods did it make his days that much worse.
Joel somehow both overheats and has the coldest toes known to man. Jimmy sleeps curled into himself but stretches his wings out, sticking feathers into Grian's mouth. They both kick. They left him the middle. He hates them for it.
At the end of the day, he makes a show of leaving with Pearl and BigB, back to their towers and frogs. Being alone makes you easy to pick off by any of the other roving groups of Reds. BigB throws an arm over his shoulders and Pearl bumps shoulders with him, both comforting him, both making him stumble.
It's only as they pick their way across the lawn, avoiding pressure plates because no one can quite remember where the TNT is, that Grian realizes he might actually be spending the night there. That's not the worst thing in the world. He'd probably get his own bed, away from other people. But something about the thought of sleeping on his own, not on the destroyed roof of the woodland mansion, makes something settle in the pit of his stomach. Makes things feel a little too final.
"We'll take care of you, Grian!" Pearl tells him, with that bright, sharp smile she only wears in the games. BigB rummages through their chests but in the end only turns up with a single piece of wool.
"Sorry, man," he tells Grian and he sounds like he means it.
"Don't worry about it," Grian tells them. "I'll just sneak back through the forest to the mansion and meet you guys in the morning." For a moment the other two hesitate, glancing at each other, and Grian watches them do the same math he just did: no one's in the forest, the TIES and Clockers have both gone home, he definitely has good gear at his base that he could bring them.
"Stay safe." BigB tells him and he sounds like he means it.
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Pearl sings after him, already heading up the ladder.
Grian makes it back to the mansion, perfectly fine except for being damp all over again—why did Joel flood their whole base? He's tired, wrung out from the chaos of the day, and crawls into bed, armor still on. He pulls his sheets up to his chin.
It's too cold. Joel runs so hot and curls in so close that most nights Grian woke up well before he wanted to, drenched in sweat. Grian rips the blankets off the other beds and pulls them over himself. There's no one here to yell at him for it anyway. It's not the warm bulk of two friends, of a set of wings layered over his own.
It's too quiet. Jimmy loves to talk when they go to bed, rambling on about the day or some joke Martyn made or that fucking frog. Joel snores and snuffles into his pillow and is generally just as noisy asleep as he is awake. Now, all Grian can hear is the wind rustling through the wheat.
It's fine. Grian likes sleeping by himself. He hates being in the middle of their ridiculous dog pile—the "Bad Boys Bed Bundle" as Joel had called it, which didn't even make sense. Just this morning, he woke up spitting mad because Jimmy's feathers had found their way into his mouth, again. He's not upset to be sleeping alone for the first time since the games had started. It is not too cold or too quiet or something truly ridiculous like too lonely.
It is perfectly normal for him to be in bed, alone. Two nights ago he threatened to move up to his bread house, he was so annoyed, and Joel had yanked him back down with hands around his chest while Jimmy clung to his middle and apologized and begged in the same breath. He stayed on the rooftop, because he can never really deny them anything, and stared up at the mess of bridges that cut across the sky, Joel and Jimmy still clinging to him.
No one is clinging to him now. No one is on either side of him now. In the morning, he will go meet Pearl and BigB and neither of them will lean on him the way Joel and Jimmy did so easily. He's in the middle of nothing now. He's in the middle, alone. The thought settles in his stomach like a lead weight.
They're dead. They left him in the middle, alone. He hates them for it.
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bookworm-2692 · 1 year
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Life Tracker updated for Episode 7! This one is much quicker than Episode 6 on account of not being on holiday at the time, even though there were two thirds more deaths this time. Previous posts: Session 6, Session 5, Session 4. Also Session 8 (finale) post!
As usual, close ups and commentary below the cut. I’ve also added another graph for the average time of each team, which will also be below the cut.
There was so much carnage! 45 whole deaths in a single session! Not all deaths were awarded time during the session, but Scott’s video advised that it would be added by next session, so I have taken the liberty to add all the time as I see fit, hence why Scott is back to 7.5 hours. I haven’t seen every episode yet (in fact, other than Scott, I’ve only seen those that have perma-died), so I’m not sure if anyone else’s time is a mismatch, but if so I’m happy to explain where I’m getting my time additions and subtractions from!
Now for some close ups.
First, there was enough chaos that I decided to take a close up of Session 6 and 7 together so we can properly appreciate it:
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And a close up of Session 7 by itself:
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So many people lost major time, so it’s interesting to see Scott’s uptick of time at the end - he ended on only 30 minutes less than he would have been if he hadn’t died at all this session. Pearl didn’t die at all, and got the kill credit for Martyn blowing himself up in a trap, so she actually ended the session 30 minutes better than she started it. Grian also did very well for himself - he killed and died so many times, but somehow ended on the exact time he would have been on if he had experienced a peaceful deathless session.
BigB, Cleo, and Martyn all ended the session 1 hour poorer than they started, and Bdubs and Scar ended 1.5 hours below where they would have been. Nosy Neighbours are thus doing super well, with Mean Gills and Clockers not too far behind, in terms of maintaining position from the start of the session.
TIES had an awful time this session, with Impulse and Tango both losing a net 2 hours, and Etho and Skizz losing a net 2.5 hours - and obviously Skizz entirely died.
Joel possibly had the worst time, losing a net 3.5 hours this session - though it didn’t help that 5 of his 7 deaths were all caused by the one person. Technically Jimmy didn’t do too badly, given he only lost a net 1.5 hours... but given that he was out of the series only an hour into the session, and also the first out entirely... it really didn’t go well for him either
I also find it interesting the sheer number of vertical lines this graph, the ones representing a death immediately followed by a kill or vice versa. I would love to figure out a way to show only one line at a time on the graph, so we can more easily see someone’s journey, but I haven’t had time to look into it yet.
Now onto the graph of the average times per team.
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This one is super interesting to me, especially TIES’s line - they had the lowest average life right from the start, but somehow by Session 4, through Session 5, and for most of Session 6, they were the team with the highest average time, and then it quite literally went downhill from there. The only thing saving them from being last now is the fact that the Bad Boys are down to only a single living player, and even then Grian is doing far better than most of TIES.
It’s also interesting to me how Mean Gills had a significant time uptick at the end of both Session 6 and Session 7 (the first due to Martyn and the second due to Scott). Scott’s time was so high that it kept Mean Gills’ average time as yellow for all of Session 6 despite Martyn being red for most of it... and Martyn then got enough kills to keep it there. Mean Gills is also the only team in the entire graph to anywhere gain such consistent significant time.
These averages also coincide with the comments I made above about the time offset difference for each player from the start to end of the session. Mean Gills are doing well, but they’ve been doing well for so long that I’m sure most players are aware that they need to be a target. Nosy Neighbours are also doing well but I feel like they’ve flown under the radar, and are not a significant target right now.
Here is a close up of this graph with Sessions 1-4:
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And the close up for Session 5-7:
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And the Session 7 only close up:
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I kept the dead players in the teams’ averages, since I think it is a better reflection of the teams’ strength as a whole, but I also created a version that excluded dead players. In those screenshots you can really see Bad Boys’ and TIES’ time jumping up at a death, instead of falling as it did here.
Here are the alternate averages graph:
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And close ups:
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This makes Bad Boys look a lot better, because Grian does have a lot of time... but he is also alone. And there is definitely strength in numbers. Two players at an hour and a half each can fend off an attacker more easily than a single player at three hours can... unless nerves and panic get to them, as we definitely saw this session.
Wow and I almost forgot to include the raw data for this session!
The first hour of the session:
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The second hour of the session:
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There is just so much death! Look at all the box outlines!! I could barely fit this data on two screens on the zoom I was on, and I did not want to zoom out further.
I also obviously have data for the averages, but it was too far away from the column with the times on it that I wasn’t sure if it would still be useful on its own? Let me know if you want to see it!
This has once again been fascinating to see, and I cannot wait to see how Session 8 will go. Will it be the last session? Will they go until everyone is dead? Will they somehow have enough people with enough time to get to Session 9? Will Mean Gills be the final two and get to play fun relaxing games like Scott was suggesting? 
Only time will tell.
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the-somwthing · 16 days
I already made a post a while back about how good I think Joel and Scott would be as a team but like chances of winning aside I really want to see them become close allies because of their differing opinions of sacrifice.
Scott’s the Sacrifice Guy, we all know this, practically any chance he gets he sacrifices himself for his allies. Joel’s different. He values survival. When he wanted to sacrifice himself for Jimmy, he tried to wait until the last possible moment, tried to make sure they both lived as long as possible, which is of course why he failed. Whenever anyone offered to let him kill them he would turn down those offers because he wants them to live. He only killed Grian in a panic after a while of Grian screaming at Joel to kill him. He never asks anything sacrificial of his allies and is quick to deny such offers because he wants them to live.
So if you stuck the two of them together? I would pay to see that. Scott trying to sacrifice his life for Joel as he does all his allies, only for Joel to say no and ask him to live. Honestly, Scott would probably be annoyed. His sacrifices are very strategic. I think maybe he could convince Joel to kill him, but it depends on how dire things are. Joel much prefers preserving life over sacrificing it.
And I’m saying all of this with the idea that they are close and true allies, putting their past behind them. What if their past is still in their minds? A chance for Joel to finally get back at Scott for killing him all those times, yet he refuses? What if Scott offers himself as sacrifice specifically to make up for their past? And what if Joel still refuses? And then of course the option of Joel very excitedly taking the chance to kill Scott LOL
I feel it’s most likely for Scott to convince Joel the sacrifice is a good idea, next most likely scenario would be Joel successfully dodging that conversation (basically just turning down the offer and moving on before Scott can convince him), least likely option is Joel convincing Scott not to sacrifice himself but I would love to see that. Scott’s big way of playing the game be challenged by the menace of the server himself, out of love. A world in which Scott could be convinced not to die… just to have him around.
Of course there’s many ways an alliance between these two could work. They could have a weird dynamic rather than a normal team one. They might not ever be in a situation where one would sacrifice for the other. But when LimL was going on and I saw Joel and Jimmy team up I had thoughts in my head about Joel trying to sacrifice himself for Jimmy and they ENDED UP SOMEWHAT COMING TRUE so I CAN BELIEVE. Also when SL came out I secretly hoped for Scott and Joel rivalry crumbs and ENDED UP GETTING A LOT. So I’ve been PRETTY LUCKY with my wishes that I doubted would happen. Just knocked on wood btw.
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mcybree · 6 months
On 3l!Jimmy and guilt and FH and various tangential things: a post that got out of hand and morphed into something completely different by the end. Enjoy?
I read a good Jimmy analysis post a while back on how important Jimmy’s pride is to him, and how he’ll back himself up when no one else will, often to his own detriment. And this is such a key part of his character, right. Jimmy doesn’t often withdraw or get all nervous and shy when bad shit happens to him, he gets louder and angry and all riled up about it. He projects his insecurities outwards and then picks battles over anything he perceives as an insult.
So it is strange how that seems to be… almost missing in third life. In that series specifically, he withdraws more often than not, he fears making independent decisions, and he makes concessions he typically would rather make a stupid hill to die on than consider:
Joel and Martyn tell Jimmy they feel lied to, and Jimmy is quick to ask how he can make it up to them, agreeing to give them cows for free. Jimmy is threatened by Grian and Scar into giving up his diamond chestplate and he folds easily, then goes home to tell Scott he just “wasn’t thinking.” Jimmy gets blown up by Grian’s tnt trap and says the walls around the flower valley need to go up, he says he’s never leaving his house again, and after it’s all settled he’s afraid to even walk home without Scott.
Honestly the only time he ever picks a fight in true Jimmy fashion is in Episode 1 with Martyn over some stupid sign placement, and then with the red army negotiations when he burned the banner— but that, notably, wasn’t a personal pride thing! It was a very Jimmy way to go about it, but he got defensive because he thought they were going to hurt Scott, and spitting in their faces was the best way he knew how to protect him (as this is how Jimmy typically protects himself).
He’s just very tame, overall. Defanged. He doesn’t stand up for himself like he usually does.
And yknow. If I had to take just. A personal guess as to why that is. I think the difference primarily stems from 3l!Jimmy’s tendency to take on personal blame for things that aren’t even his fault. A Jimmy character feeling bad about the things he’s done isn’t new, he often does do regrettable things, but what sets 3l!Jimmy apart is that he excessively self blames for what are often unsubstantiated reasons.
Grian’s tnt trap triple kill (emphasis on Grian’s) is the most dramatic example. After Jimmy accidentally activates it, he repeatedly stresses just how bad he feels about it, and apologizes to skizz directly, telling him he feels like he’s “ruined everything.” Jimmy blames himself entirely for this incident, to the point where it allows for him and Scott to team up with desert duo, who DIRECTLY SET UP the trap and OUTRIGHT TOOK CREDIT FOR the kills, in the next episode without even a mention of caution or bitterness. This is irrational; if Jimmy were to ask any given person if they genuinely think the deaths were ENTIRELY his fault, I don’t think anybody would seriously say that it was.
Except for Scott. Scott would say it is, and that’s the issue. He did say it, actually, first implying it (“Jimmy I told you that we needed to shoot it from a distance!”) but then outright telling him (“You killed two people!”)*. Scott later backpedals a bit, telling Jimmy that it was Grian and Scar who gave him the loaded gun, and it wasn’t him that brought it. While nice, that sentiment was seemingly too little too late.
* (both of these are said in the scene at about 25:33, ep4 of Scott’s pov in case anyones curious. assuming my timestamps from a year ago are correct if theyre not lmk. I also have rough timestamps for like everything else referenced in here in one big document so if anyone needs them feel free to ask)
This is all to say: I think Jimmy’s self blaming tendencies and, by extension, his unusual lack of self confidence this season are a result of his relationship with Scott. While the TNT trap incident was the catalyst for those feelings being brought so front and center, I believe that Scott created an environment which normalized Jimmy taking on personal blame for things aren’t his fault beforehand, or at the very least disproportionate amounts of it (so when he legitimately fucks up and makes a disastrous mistake, it’s the only thing he thinks to do). Primarily because Scott, himself, blames Jimmy for a lot of things, but also because Jimmy doesn’t understand the motivations behind a lot of how Scott treats him, and has to retroactively fill in the blanks with what makes sense. Full transparency: I am staking this ladder claim on both his undying admiration for Scott seen throughout the entire series that would require a thought process like this to support, and one (1) interaction between him and Martyn in episode 1. However, I’d still argue it’s a significant interaction.
MARTYN: I just seen you get slapped around, like what’s- what’s going on?
JIMMY: I just- Y’know- just. well we’re living opposite each other…
MARTYN: Are you happy living with Scott?
JIMMY: WE’RE LIVING— We’re living opposite each other! And he builds fantastic. And mine just looks like- I’m just not a builder, y’know? Just not a builder.
And. Personally. To me. Answering “What’s going on?” with “I’m just not a builder” in regards to Scott pushing him around implies that Jimmy made a connection between him being a bad builder and Scott’s reaction. In reality, Scott “slapped him around” because Jimmy showed up too early for a deal that he didn’t know about. But Jimmy doesn’t accept that as the reason, and instead traces it back to a personal fault, something he will go on to make a habit of until he dies in the desert.
After all, it becomes very easy to explain away various mishaps and misfortunes as “oh I’m just not a builder” or “oh I must not have been thinking,” when Scott’s favorite activity is implying Jimmy is incompetent and can’t be trusted to do anything on his own. (Some fun scott quotes being “why do I let you do things” “as long as we dont let jimmy do anything we’ll be fine,” and most directly, “see that’s why I said, ‘I dont trust Jimmy with anything’ because he’s incompetent”)
And it’s funny, right? Because Jimmy isn’t one to just let people put him down like that. When other people in other series tell Jimmy that his house is ugly, Jimmy will defend it with pride and stand up for it twice as much to compensate. But when Scott calls his house ugly, he tells Scott to stay put while he quickly runs to try and fix it, and then hurries back to ask if it’s better. Because he admires Scott, he never stops admiring him, he’s always expressing that (“you’re good at everything” “you’re full of good ideas, aren’t you?” “how are you such a good builder?”). And he doesn’t get defensive when Scott says these things, not in the same way— He tries to, but it comes across more desperate than anything (“say something good about me!”) because he places Scott on such a high pedestal and yearns for that approval. Scott is different.
This is how, despite all odds, it gets to him. And it changes how Jimmy perceives himself. Scott doesn’t trust Jimmy not to fuck up any given task, so Jimmy doesn’t trust himself in later episodes, especially post-Dogwarts explosion. The cake scene, while admittedly a very cute moment (so I do hate to cite this here but it’s a good example), works because Scott left a cake in Jimmy’s room without saying anything, and knew that the first thing Jimmy would do is get scared and come get him. Because that is the first thing 3l!Jimmy thinks to do when he’s scared! And it’s entirely unsurprising how it got that way! In the very first episode, Scott tells Jimmy that if it wasn’t for Scott finding him in the beginning, he would’ve been the first to die. It’s generally a joke to point to fh and go “Jimmy is like Scott’s pet lol, Jimmy is like a lost puppy without Scott” but there really is some truth in that, and I find that to be somewhat haunting considering Jimmy takes so much pride in his independence usually. Jimmy’s hesitance towards making independent decisions can also be traced back to Scott finding Jimmy’s independent decisions inherently frustrating but that’s already part of the FH dissection essay I have in my drafts and this post is long enough already. There’s also a whole other discussion to be had about how Scott’s say is the final say no matter what and Jimmy knows that which further deincentivizes independent decision making (REPEATEDLY POINTS TO “I’ll try and sweet talk him, but if he starts hitting me, what can I do?”) but that is also for the essay
I dont know where I was going with this. I think I made my point in the third paragraph but I feel lots of things about these characters and have lots to say so as I kept writing I got more and more emotional and now I think I’ve driven my little block people shaped autism car into a brick wall. I think I’m going to go throw up and then let the earth reclaim me. yeaj that sounds good
TL;DR: girl I dont even know
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cassberry · 1 year
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(Some links if you want to watch 3rd Life or Last Life first! EDIT: And here is Limited Life! )
Welcome one and all to the life series soulmate AU season! I seem to have got into the habit of making a new one of these whenever the new season is literally just around the corner. And I use them as an excuse each time to re-watch the life series and to ramble about it lmao
Now thankfully the core mechanic this season of soulmates made collating this guide 1000% easier then 3rd or Last Life. With a few exceptions, soulmates tended to stay side-by-side the whole session. Now don't get me wrong although some perspectives can be interchangeable, they are all a great watch! I have just put the POV I believe to show more of whats happening on the server or an incredibly important moment.
WARNING: Once again an incredibly long read more where I expound at length why I chose these specific POV's lol enjoy!
Grian - I'm keeping with tradition and recommending Grian first because in all honesty his first episode is a fantastic watch. Between the reveal of who his soulmate is and various shenanigans, this episode was so much fun.
Cleo or Scott - Cleo and Scott probably see most of the server trying to find their soulmates so either of these POV's are fantastic.
Pearl - Pearl bounces between groups for quite a bit of this session, so she's great to get a good look at multiple dynamics. However, its the last 5 or so minutes of her episode that really set in motion some of the leading conflicts of the season that you don't want to miss.
Etho - Just a fun episode honestly! His soulmate reveal with Joel is so freaking funny and I called it my 3rd Life post that when Etho and Joel team up, they just become little gremlins lmao I think they spend half the episode giggling.
Impulse - The Real Housewives of the Mid-Century Modern Home is a totally true and totally real show that happened during Impulse and Bdubs episodes this week. They are happily married and will prove that fact by breaking up every other couple on the server.
Scar - With a combination of swindling and major arson, Scar really does do it all this session.
Scott - The interpersonal drama this season is amazing and Scott being right in the middle of it makes this POV a great watch.
Tango - Absolutely not related to another POV this session, but making the Ranch out of wood was probably not a good idea in the long run.
Big B - The drama between Big B and Ren this session is so juicy. Between secret soulmates, Scott testing their relationship and [SPOILERS] becoming the first reds on the server, I don't know how they survived as long as they did.
Jimmy - Along with his soulmate, Jimmy and Tango welcome a beautiful baby boy into the world this week and probably cause the most chaos I've ever seen in the life series.
Martyn - Man, he is really bad at maths.
Pearl - Being the lone wolf (heh) of the season, her POV is great to get an outside view on events.
Joel - I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at the beginning of an episode before. Also fishing rods are to OP, mojang needs to nerf them before they claim even more lives lol 
Cleo - So much happens this episode, its ridiculous. But Cleo has a good blend of chaos and calm.
Ren - The most elaborate plot to kill others never seems to be as good as just a weapon in the end. 
Martyn - As Martyn is inviting everyone to a pool party, he probably sees most of the server, so he is great perspective to see what everyone is up to.
BONUS: watch Scar’s POV around 26:10 for the ultimate badass moment.
Scar - Scar goes through it this week. I really can’t say much more without major spoilers but oh boy, this is an exciting POV.
Etho - The boat boys have wayyyy to much fun being red this session.
Jimmy - At this point I think there is someone out there has a personal grudge against him lol also if you want to see a fandom go nuts over a Ferris Bueller quote, watch the end of Tango's video.
Big B - Just a good solid episode and the ending is actually tragic.
Pearl - The most essential POV of the season. Heartbreak! Betrayal! Just general badassery! It's all here and its all amazing!
Bdubs - Gives a good overview of the Red Alliance and the chaos that happens when a group of people have nothing left to do but hunt others down.
Cleo - Watching her and Martyn try and outrun the reds is so incredibly stressful. Watching her turn red is so incredibly satisfying.
Grian - After he kicks the bucket due to... reasons, he sticks around in ghost form for a bit. Also his credits honestly makes me a little emotional.
In Summary...
And that's it! This season was incredibly short due to the shared life mechanic, however it was no less amazing than the others. Can I just say the fan content that came out of this season has just blown me away. It's just all so damn good.
Also I had someone ask why I do it this way rather than just recommending specific POV's to watch all the way through. It's really because I believe the best way to watch a Life season is to binge all the POV's of one session at once, completely break down over the sheer amount of content and then move onto the next week lmao just like as if it was live!
But really, there is something magical about watching multiple perspectives of the same event one after another that just gives the life series its charm. You see everything there is to see and then your anticipation for the next session is super high which just makes the experience so much more exciting. Anyway I hope this helps you on your Double Life adventure!
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my secret life smp ramblings to my friends now here
so as you can see i’m very normal about the life smp, i like it a very normal amount and i am definitely not emotionally attached to it
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I’ve outsmarted you all. I am schedulling this YESTERDAY (in relation to when you should be seeing it)
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Anyway this is the last life promo image. Team rancher are standing next to each other and I’m not sure how they managed that but they are. I guess it’s only a 1 in, like, 16 chance. I don’t know who originally posted this either! But! If you do let me know and I shall update that…
[ID: all sixteen players of the last life series, standing in 3 lines and looking up at the viewer. The composition almost feels like a school photo. From left to right, the rows are: back row; Ren, Impulse, Etho, Joel, Bdubs; middle row; Grian, BigB, Martyn, Scar, Pearl, Skizz; front row; Jimmy, Tango, Lizzie, Scott, Cleo. They’re all in their neutral skins with the exception of Bdubs and Scar, who are in their season 8 skins, and Ren, who’s added his MCC crown to his normal skin. Tango is holding an axe, either wood or netherite, and I don’t know what to feel about that because he’s the only one holding anything. They appear to be in an oak forest biome. End ID]
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charkie-ee · 2 months
💚💛❤️ Third Life Series in 2024 (happy 3 years of third life!!) 💚💛❤️
“This series went from being like ‘it’s hardcore with a gimmick!’ to ‘it’s like battle dome in here!’”
so because it has been 3 years since our beloved traffic series has started, i figured a good way to celebrate would be going back and watch 3rd life from the winners pov.
this post will basically contain notes from the 1st episode that my brain has entirely/somewhat forgotten.
if you have not watched 3rd life FULLY this is will contain spoilers! i feel like thats a given, but i'll put it here anyway.
(i was thinking about making this post just for funsies but then i checked the date and realized that it was actually 3rd life’s 3 year anniversary TODAY. fjdkjfkdjd I SO PLANNED THIS. TOTALLY!)
ONE MORE QUICK THING!!: did i forget anything? reply, or put it into the tags if theres something I missed!!
EPISODE ONE: Grian plays Minecraft… With a TWIST
. this is the first series Grian’s officially played using the proximity chat mod.
. mentioned briefly at 2:55, this is Grian’s first hardcore series he’s ever played in.
. the first person grian meets up with is BigB!
. Grian only sees RenDog once in his first episode.
. Grian was originally going to base somewhere in the flower forest (closer to where Scott and Jimmy eventually live) before basing with Scar in the desert. However, once he started building, Grian immediately disliked it, and called it the ugliest thing he’s ever built.
. Grian gives his flint and steel to Scar, which he uses to burn down Etho's dark oak tree.
. Grian hides two villagers, and originally wants to show them to Etho. However, Impulse, and Bdubs, follow, and the word gets out shortly after. *
. Scar and Grian were going to team up BEFORE Scar was killed. Scar first brings up having a monopoly on sand around the 12 minute mark.
. (not really notes but) Scar takes his shirt off for the first time at 15 minutes exactly. (i can’t believe im writing this smh)
. * Grian is invited to go back to the village after venturing to the sand biome with Scar, and trades his villagers. (he trades them for 3 diamonds, a dark oak sapling, a lava bucket, a juke box and disc, a bed, and some other lint)
. Grian explodes Scar at the 21:25 minute mark. There were 6 witnesses to his 'prank'. Impulse, Etho, Cleo, Bdubs, Tango, and Martyn. (my favorite thing about this is that Ren puts in the chat "Enchanting would have helped with that")
. Grian pledges his 1st life to Scar(didn't really forget that part, but i did forget that Grian loses his first life near the end of the series
. Pizza is first seen at the 25 minute mark exactly! (i think Pizza spawned in during a cut in Grian’s video. because i am only watching his pov, i do not know where Pizza originally cane from, this is the best estimate.)
. Grian abandons his first base in the flower forest at 26:15. This hole-in-the wall base didn’t last an episode.
. Grian and Scar originally wanted to have a monopoly over sand AND dark oak, and successfully chopped down the ‘only’ forest they saw. However, there was another not too far away from their base which ultimately ruined that monopoly. That being said, if the second dark oak forest had not been there, they might’ve had a chance at monopolizing dark oak saplings.
I will be doing more posts like this for all of the episodes of Grian’s pov. that being said, if i miss something that was said/a scene in a different pov, i will not include that in this post.
for now, i hope you’ve enjoyed this little forgotten-info post, and i encourage you to watch the series for yourself!
I remember watching 3rd life for the first time when the episodes were still coming out, and i’ve loved the series ever since. It was, and still is a comfort series i watch when going through tough times. I’ve met lots of people, and made lots of friends through this series, and although i don’t post a lot about it on my blog, i’m grateful to have found a community who feels the same.
thanks for reading!
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