#this the trhow back....
dyketubbo · 2 years
hey. reminder to tag the fucking shipping for the love of god
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fonkeloog · 2 years
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hootsimedes · 1 year
¡My Relationships Dinamics Between the Mercenaries!
¡Hello guys! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ Today i'm coming to show you how I will use the relationships in my drawings and comics.
Little reminder that English is not my matern leguangue, probably I make a lot of mistakes in my writing. I'm sorry if that happen (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Here we go:
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I know it's a fricking confused spaghetti but don't worry, there's two parts for separate.
First Part:
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And The Second Part:
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Well, this part is not much better than the two combined... (It's all Spy fault, nah i'm joking xD)
Well, let me explain some things:
First of all: Medic and Sniper have a crush for each other... ¡And Spy have a crush with Sniper! And Spy and Medic hate each other for reasons, of course, the most important one is Sniper's love xD I'm sorry but two sexy veterans fighting for a inexpert Aussie is just perfect and fun for me (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) (even if Sniper send Spy very badly to the friendzone unintentionally ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
The "like family" one means they see each other like a family member, for example, Sniper and Scout are like big and lil' brother; or Engie and Pyro like father and son. I love the idea of Sniper beign a good figure who Scout admires and respect (even if he doesn't want to admite it) And Pyro sees that parent figure in Engie, who cares a lot for he and of course the team! For me Engie is one of the most responsible merc and always tries to calm down the situation when things get bad... And he's friend with everyone in the team! Except Spy... But then we'll talk about Engie...
The trio of nightmares... Scout, Soldier and Pyro. This three bastards hang out to play tricks to the people. Sometimes, You can see them at 03:00 am trhowing eggs to the BLU Team's windows or letting free a group of mutant bread in the base... You never know what they'll do next... Also, Demo and Sniper are friends. They're more like, friends who met up for a few beers with Engie.
The difference between "Annoying, but still a friend" and "Annoying" is, as this one says, they think it's annoying sometimes, but they can handle that. For example, Medic, who sometimes can't stand Scout's attitude and vice versa, but inside they can't really be mad at each other (especially if he's your older brother's boyfriend(?) Same with Demo and again, Scout, but it's just for the Demo side, Scout considers him as a friend. With Sniper and Spy it's like, Sniper thinks Spy can be very rude, but deep down he knows that's the way Spy communicates. I don't know how to explain this lmao.
The Best Friends! Let's back with Engie! He's the Best Friend of Sniper and Medic, so, sometimes he help this two silly lovebirds to make a move! Like, giving some advices to Medic or telling Sniper about Medic's hints! Idk I like that they share the same best friend. Heavy is Medic's best friend of course, they like spend time talking and our Doctor looves to talk with Heavy about how he feels about Sniper, and the weapons guy just think it's adorable and want to help his pal! So, as Engie, he tried to give to Doctor some advices! Finally, but no less important, we have Soldier and Demoman! They are besties... And maybe, Soldier get little jealous with Demo 'cause he spends time with the enemy Soldier and he doesn't want to lost his bestie... But if he knew the reason for that...
Spy's relationships... Yeah, this will take a long time... Anyway, Spy doesn't have a good relation with his team... Except for Sniper, but that just happened after a discussion with Medic, before that they don't talk to each other and Spy has a very bad vision of the bushman. He respects Heavy and Engie, he believes these are the only two mercs who are still sane, but they aren't friends... Spy doesn't spend time with the team, he thinks all are annoying... And he hates Pyro for reasons I can't explain now (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) and the team thinks Spy is annoying 'cause he's attitude towards them. The relation with Medic is bad for the differents opinions, ideas and estrategy they have... But of course de most important one is Sniper! After Spy found that thing that makes Sniper soo interesting to him, he want to stay with the bushman more time (inviting him to a smoke break, or helping him to cook and giving him some pointers on that!) And, well, Medic start to see these tiny things like "oh, no no, find another yourself, this is taken ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ" and then they start fighting and nobody, even Sniper, understands what's going on xD I'm not a fan of love triangles but Damm the amount of ideas I have with these trhee!! I can't, sorry (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)!!
Scout retains the love interest in Miss Pauling and Soldier (RED) is still in a relationship with Zhanna. This is not important, but I wanted to clarify...
And of course, as I mentioned with the case of Spy, most of the relations are not like this for now. I want to make comics or drawings exploring this dynamics (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
The BLU Team has their own relations too! But I not gonna explore that for now... It's a surprise (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Oh, almost forgot to tell this won't afect the requests, at least the ppl who make them want it.
Finally, all relationships are just my vision for my comics and drawings and I don't consider any of these things "Canon" (at least the ones that are not confirmed).
Well that's all for now, wait for more things i'm going to share to you guys!
if you have questions or want to know something specific, you know where to go ;)
Thanks for your time and see you later! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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falseflair · 8 months
RvB Pets yap session
Alright so i've got a few of these down right. so this whole pet assigning thing started with me imagining sarge with a puppy, and naming that puppy warthog. ITS SO FUCKING UCTE urggg "get in the warthog" fucking dog trots over at the sound of his name "no! warthog stay! down boy." and then theres just a whole bit where hes tryna get warthog to back off or sum idk its silly. What breed of dog would this be though? See I was thinking toy poodle because while i feel like he wouldnt choose it, its cute as fuck so who gives a shit right? Bernese Mountain Dog. Think about it, I did. For a good like 10 minutes while leaving my friend on read because i was thinking so fucking hard. So we either have a toy poodle or bernese mountain dog and I cant get over it, the two are the most best guesses ive got. He walks into the shelter, donut or some1 bringing him there for wtv and he sees this tiny ass toy poodle chewing on a blue dog toy and boom, its his tactical toy poodle he has in his manly tactical purse. While bernese is like so insanely silly its great, the dog knocking sarge over in excitement and sarge trying to order him to attack grif but giving up with a nuetral grunt and saying. "maybe tmrw" or smth ITS SO FUCKING ISLLLY but also maybe beagle just trhowing that out theres would be so sfucking silly too OKAY and then after that we move on to donut right? i got this one almost immediately, parrot. no questions needed, parrot. I cant exactly see donut with parrot.
We get to grif right, Lizard. HEar me out, grif with a bearded dragon. not sure why not sure how but holy shit i fucking love it man.
Doc. See this ones a bit hrmmm not sure because it has to satisfy both doc and omalley and i for somereason think; golden retreiver. doc would have tried to suggest smaller dogs, hes likely looking for a dog ok to be like near people and maybe even like be atherapy dog and omalleys like fuck that these dogs r for pussies and then doc gets to golden retreiver and hes like, i mean sure and boom silly.
Simmons, bunny or guinea pig. feels right.
Tucker, like the legend this mother fucker is. has a snake, simmons kkeeps his distance as things have likely happened multiple times on purpose or not. chicks dig snakes. (im chicks(im a whole male))
caboose already had a pet. RIP.
Church honestly not sure with this dude, could also see him having a lizard or cat. confusing fella. OH MY GOD WAIT hedgehod im sorry it has to be done church with a hedgehog i need it.
Washington, cmon guys you see this shit coming. cat. obviously.
Now if lopez to able to have a pet, right? id like to think maybe a small dog, and he wouldnt out right look for it but he'd find it right, it would have 3 legs and probably be struggling a bit to get around and lopez would take him in and make like a little wheelchair thingy for the little dog and then they become best friends.
tex? not sure honestly, maybe she'd think having a pet is dumb? and i think carolina would just like not be into it really.
drgrey. lizard but not like bearded dragon but like maybe leopard gecko? or maybbe switch dr grey and grif? not sure im confused now but alright reptile awesome possum
Locus. Dove. Locus with a dove, hear me out. It was injured and he helped it out and now its his friend.
felix the bitch would have a snake not because they r evil or anything but felix thinks it makes him look badass, and it does.
give me more characters i want to do mor eof this NEOW
KAI TY TO WHOEVER SAID THIS honestly not sure for her hrmmm,, i feel like she'd have a parrot or a turt for some reason not exactly sure why but i do
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tibby-art · 9 months
i hate this sm i went tru your whole tumblr page last night and i literally DREAMT that i scrolled tru a scar doodle and my sleeping brain was like oh wow scar profile doodle, wait that wasnt a profile hes facing front??i scrolled back up and you had just reblogged the drawing explaining that because of scars face shape (specifically his cheeks) you accidentally drew a super hard optical illusion that looked like he was in a front and profile view simulteniously
the explanation even had a little sketch to demonstrate the illusion. then i just woke up. im gonna trhow up.
i stared at this for way too long because i thought this said pro-life
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treetownconfessions · 2 months
bringing back my russsle marine headcannon (im never giving it up.) i thinks , , , ,flippy knnitted(?) russels clothes for that's why they're so torn up . . . becoz since then it's rare he wears anything else.... Trhows Up .
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spicywhumper · 3 months
febuwhump 2024: day 27. left for dead + @femslash-february bingo 2024: "I don't need you anymore"
series: untitled // rating: teen and up audiences
cw: implied grooming, homicide
Doyle thinks her boss is a drama queen, of course he named his left hand, pet assassin, “agent Death”.
She won’t tell her, she’s not that stupid. ‘Her Highness’ (yes, really a drama queen) already frowned at her when Doyle was hesitant about recruiting Fessender. Of course, Her Highness was correct and the girl is a great asset. She has a weakness, that Davidson kid, she gave her a mask and dropped her off in a safehouse after making sure that she’ll be fine.
Yeah, Doyle thought she’s a genius, but not the hardened weapon that the organization needs.
When she enters the room, she’s surprised to see that Her Highness doesn’t have agent Death in here. They might be in a mission. The woman isn’t alone, Fessender is beside her. It’s almost weird to see her wearing something that isn’t dress pants, the nerdiest-looking sweater and a KTJaleco on top. It’s weird to see her not clearly nervous, fidgeting or needing to fidget. She looks… wrong in the uniform field agents wear, straight spine and not looking nervous at all.
Fessender nods at her, circles her and locks the door.
The air smells like trap.
She’s a trained soldier, on top of being a nicely accomplished scientist. She’s a spy, she spent the last decade being a double agent. Doyle can taste a trap in the air the same way a shark smells blood in the water.
‘“Take a sit,” she’s told, and she obeys.
“What is this about?” She tries her best to not sound too defiant, too insolent.
“You served this cause well,” there’s something that looks like genuine pride in her eyes. “However, all things come to an end. Even the servic eof the loyal agents. You see, we’re going in a sew era.”
“So you’re discarting your old attack dogs?” She sonnds too bitter, Doyle knows it’s a dangerous way to talk, dangerous wods to say.
“Your loyalty wavered when I asked you to recruit her,” her head gestures towards Fessender. “Like you thought you needed to see the point in recruiting a scientist like yourself.”
“I’m a trained soldeier first, I’m more hardneed In battle than a white coat.”
“Yet, you’re not my best agent,” Doyle holds back he retort. “The Fessenders have a tradition of giving the world the best warrior, it has been going like this for centuries. It’s no different in this generation.”
“Than why not recruit the boy?”
“Because he belonged to his father, she didn’t .”
“You mean she was a more malliable child, easier to be manipulated,” and she doesn’t seem to minf that they’re talking about her in front of her like this.
“No, I mean her loyalty had nowhere to go. I mean she didn’t have a reason to fight. I gave her that.”
“Thanks to me. You can’t trhow me away like that.”
“Doyle, I absolutely can. And I will,” she smirks. Her hand reaches forFessender, landing on the back of her neck. “Your insolence almost costed me my best agent.”
“She’s a sicentis, not a agent.”
“With a reputation you should fear,” Fessender circled her, stopping behind her, she hated it.
“Of being a traitor?” She tried toget up, Fessender hands are qute strong on her shoulder and keeps her seated with no effort. “Unhand me!”
“I considered giving you a lesson, leaving you traumatized so you wouldn’t talk to anyone about the secrets you have,” Doyle flinches when Fessender moves her hands down her arms and grips her wrists, pulls them back and she’s cuffed before she can react. “But maybe you should get a closer encounter with Death.”
She swears she can hear the capitaliation.
Hands grab her shoulder and the next thing she knows, she’s on the ground. Looking up like this, Fessender does look much more intimidating than she has ever expected. Her knowledge is scary, her designs for weapons can be terrifying, but physically? All Doyle saw was a awkward young woman that looked straight out of a pathetic sci-fi book about socially innept scientits.
“I’m aware may agentts find “agent Death” a dramatic thing,” Her Highness says as Fessender drops to a knee on Doyle’s chest, heavy and suffocating. “It’s a neat coincident. All my elite agents are refered by their initials. D. E. F. simply can sound like a word, and someone heard ‘death’. It stuck. Funny how you didn’t notice, since I did send you to recruit her. But anyhow, I don’t need you anymrore. Our glory days are over.”
The first punch breaks her jaw. So, so easily.
She guesses that neri little sweaters and nervous attittude hides a killing machine better than anything.
Should have been obviuos, shouldn’t it?
It doesn’t matter when the woman on top of her punches her again and again, like she’s trying to punch her brain out of her skull.
She’s just consicous enough, bu the end, to see the pair leaving.
To understand she’s been left to die here.
How stupid it was? She seduced Fasbender more than she recruited her. Even as the young woman started a relationship with the girl she said she has lawys been in love with.
It’s weird to think about it, about how shyawkward Diana had spend days and nights with her. Sahred a bed, and secrets, and was a weak, fragile woman. Just to hide this under it all.
A wolf in sheep’s skin.
That was supposed to be Doyle. The older one, the manipulative one, the “she’s a psycho” oen.
She lost it, whatever game they were playing, did she ever stood a chance?
She thinks she didn’t. And the wolf ate its prey.
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maestro04yayyy · 11 months
Antivillain au
(Hc that Chat and Hen have a prank wars going on when they find eachother not doing crime/hero stuff. Also just so you know I probably wouldn't be writing anything if you didn't post about your au. You gave me the inspiration to get back into writing. -cam)
Chat: *sneaking up on the person in the dirt*
Chloe: *chilling in the dirt out of costume*
Chat: *about to pour cold water on the person but locks eyes with the person*
Chloe: "Hi."
Chat: "Hi."
Chloe: "..."
Chat: "..."
Chloe: "..."
Chat: "I'll go"
Chloe: "Okay."
Oh that's....i.....fuck i am so happy that I actually inspired someone with what my word brain generated that I am at a loss lf words....
Stil yeah chloe would totally use her civilian form to trick chat like that.
And yes they totally have a prank war!!!!!
I was planning on posting her relationship with chat when I will talk about chloe but screw that, I am doing it now.
So THE HEN, actually act like a super fan girl of chat, like during fight she would trhow jokes at him, pun with him and actually complimenting him a lot(and while doing that chloe will release all her hate and anger on ladybug).
That's because he has always been a lot more friendly than ladybug and since he never actually betrayed her like ladybug did(that's chloe perspective obviously), she doesn't she him as guilty, also for some reason chloe find chat very familiar, almost loke she had known him all her life.
Oh also when chloe annunce an heist, and she want the heroes to be there for a good fight, she will tell(after kidnapping alya and make her livestreaming on the ladyblog) place and time and ask if it is good for chat since she noticed he isn't akways present so he must be really busy and she doesn't want to make it worse for him, so she asks chat to reply and if necessary she can change the day of her new crime
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rosenbergamot · 2 months
i think that grian as a tripsitter would do anything and everything he could to fuck with the people hes tripsitting.
like he spawns chickens everywhere and when ppl are like “why are there chickens?” hes like “what? what chickens? oh you must be TRIPPING tripping” he trhows eggs at them and then whistles innocently when they look back.
he pretends to be on the phone with people and goes “woah xisuma just called and he said he made a new server rule that anyone who does drugs is sent to hell forever and if he finds anyone high hes sending them to federal prison btw hes coming over rn ^^”
bro wrestles control of the aux and is like “let me play some calming music :)” and then plays his fucked up version of please hold
straight up sends his friends to his liminal ass waiting room while the drugs start to hit and conveniently “forgets” about them down there
“how much did you take? WOAH THAT MUCH??? oh no its ok. its ok. those are just the drugs that turned me into a watcher. lol no its ok it only hurts an excruciating amount. itll start pretty soon btw and it lasts for eight whole hours so strap in”
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eulchu · 1 year
he came back and he looks even more miserable im gonna trhow up
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gender-mailman · 1 year
oh no adam i think tumblr ate my response when i was like "yes please show me everything about all your ocs and lore and backstory because i wanna research my heart out /gen /pos" OR I JUST CANT FIND IF YOU RSEPONDED HELP FJFDLSJKDL /silly - ramble anon
No yeah, tumblr eated it <:/
I have this very old oc called Uni, she is a onip, onips are creations of a onipotent, onipresent being called Fand, all onips can travel dimentions, they dont have organs but they are all filled with a slime like blood that is purple-black in color and has stars in it, they dont need to eat
They are imortal...kinda, you can kill them but they will come back, they come vack cause of theyre blood kind of being sentient and when the onip die the blood goes to fill the wound up or if they are slice in heaf, drag the two parts togueter
All onips have powers! They have 3 powers that all of them have (fly, pass trhow walls and become invisable) and 1 personal power! Uni has the power to control people by possesing them, one of my other characters, Loys, can read peoples minds
I dont have much time cause i need to clean the house! So uh yeah! Ill also try to find the drawings i did of their insides
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s-omething · 5 months
does it hurt less over time or does the wound just keep on opening more and more? im starting to think its either getting worse or i am making it worse. and then yeah i probably am. "i hope you get everything you want and i hope i never hear a thing about it" but i keep looking for it, searching for all the ways you didn't want to be with me, when i was the one who actually left. why does it feel like you had left me a long time ago? why not me? what in me had you so bored? now you do everything i had to beg for, and that you always disliked, with so much joy. it makes me feel like im rotting inside. was i ever this small and disgusting? did i always have these ugly feeling inside me? i dont want to be this person, but i just keep getting more tired and more angry and more hopeless about everything, i kepe wanting the pain and then wanting it gone. i keep not feeling anything and then everything all in one day, all the feelings at once, paralyzing me in bed for hours and then nothing no joy, i get up finally and do whatever daily tasks i can manage to do (not much) and then im tired again, feeling nothing and nothing and its boring but also what else? and what for? nothing is really interesting to feel anymore, ive seen it all, or enough ive felt love, ive felt pain and joy and everything and there's nothing new. i meet someone, and the first thing i think is "ive seen all this before, whats the point?" am i really done? when i think about it, maybe, yes ive loved someone in a way ive never loved before i thought you were what family was meant to be i felt loved in a way i never really beliebed was possible and its all gone it ends, it really ends, doesnt it? you said it wouldn't but i think that was fucking coward to say, and i fucking understand it!!! but it ends, we can't deny it and i guess it feels ugly cause youre still loved, you still have the capacity to try again and have that joy in your life, but i failed so badly i can't even connect with friends anymore, much less lovers, i can't even connect with myself anymore. when i went the lowest this year, i had no one to be there for a hand to hold. no, you werent there either, and yes i hate that you promised you would. the thing is, this time i tried to do different, i tried asking for help without trhowing my shit into people, and the answer i got back was desvastantingly lonely, i dont plan on asking for anyone's help anymore, it was bullshit. i am not blaming anyone for this, but believing it would help feels so stupid. see. i can feel it coming out of my words. angry. like an angry dog, yes. filled with rage it doesn't know where all of it comes from or what to do with it.
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straightjacket111 · 1 year
im not actually okay anymore. for the way u are talking to me now where it seems like ure trying not love me anymore.where im like not ur first love anymore. where u dont say i love yous. where ure not excited to call me or play games with me. everything. i remember u when we called again. u were smilling u were excited u show me ure hugging ur bear and everything else . and now its like ure showing me. nothing. like u js dont want to love me anymore. like idk. if u dont want to love me anymore i js wan u to say it instead me looking like a clown. i gave u everything back was to atleast see that u cared. tht u still love me. i kept and quiet js to see if everythijg js comes from the heart but no why do i have to keep asking for it. why do i have to ask u how my days gg. why is it always me that is asking. and rught now i feel like its useless if i said im overthinking. because idk. idk if u wud care. everything js fucks me right now dk if ure actually excited or not or watsoever. then anotha thing is u kept saying if im seeing a girl or what. there non. u dont even check up on me anymore or ask me how am i doing. or even check my tunblr again u dont. idk wtf am i to u. idk. idk if u js like to keep me ard when my heart is the softest now or js trhow me away when my heart is harderst. i question my self alot because of u. my own worth . my ownself everything. i dk what am i not worth for . am i even gonna be treated like this like being ignore that im there or wud anyone ever appreciate me . i nvr open up anymore to u because it seems like a burden when i think when im overthibking we're gg to start a fight again. or like u js gonna skold me. if u wan me to change then i atleats need ur support not js for u to look at me like dat. like idk. i feel like im lost u know like wilk i even be happy or mot. and all. js fucking tired of this feeling of not enough.
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handern · 5 years
raising awareness on the ban of abortion is all good but oh my god it’s 2019 can ppl please not reblog all these graphic descriptions of miscarriages, abortion, dead babies, rape and that kind of stuff UNTAGGED
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maestro04yayyy · 11 months
Antivillain au! One shot
Chloe was sitting on the floor of the art club classroom,but she was wearing her 'disguse", she isn't really sure disguise ia the right word since she simply put on her glasses, let loose her hair and wear more comfotable chlotes, but people don't recognize her like this so it is a disguse.
She heard the door opening but didn't look away from her work.
Rose:oh hello Emilie!!! I didn't know you went to this school too!!! Is juleka with you too? What are you doing here???
Chloe smiled still working before answering.
Chloe:no, she isn't, I think she went home immediatelly after school, oh i am finishing my gift for her. Her birthday is soon after all
Rose:awwww you are making her an album of photoes!!! She will love it!!!!
Chloe smilled more: i surely hope so, it is kinda tradition for me to make those stuff for mu friends
She caressed her old camera with an hand
They heard the door opening again and people entering but chloe didn't mind it much.
When alix entered the art club classroom with nath, marc and marinette she didn't expect to see chloe talking so friendly with rose
'Is she wearing glasses' was her first tought and was immediatelly followed by 'I wish i was in rose's place now'
Then she started hearing what chloe was saying and nostalgia and sadness settled in her.
Chloe:yeah, I love photography as kid and took a bunch of them, of me, my friends and stuff that remembered me of them, and every year during their birthday i would give them an album of photes, so they could see and realize how much they have grown during the year and be pround of themself as much as I was pruod of them
Alix remember that, she still has all the album chloe gave her, she even continued to gift her those album after alix broke their friendship....but now they don't have many photoes of her or them toghter, mostly objects that reminf chloe of her.
She still loves to looks at those album when she has a bad day or a good or even just a day.........
'Why the hell have i ruined that?' She thought bitterly but she knew she answer it was because chloe was bad......
But now she isn"t anymore, she here laughing and sgaring story of her childhood with Rose.
So maybe alix can be her friend again!!!
No, no she has left chloe and betrayed her.
She knows chloe is still here for her if she need her and knows too well that chloe will accept her back immediately butnit is eclxactly for that that she can't just go back to her.
Alix isn't worthy of chloe's frendship anymore.
Chloe:ALIX!!!!! AKUMA!!!!!!
and alix looked up, seeing the blurry imagin of a black butterfly.
'Why my vision is blur?' She thought
Then a camera went flying and hit the akuma that entered inside it.
Alix looked who trhow that and saw chloe with her arm outstretched and a purple visor on her face
alix, wishpering;no.......
But then the visor turned bright red and burned away.
Everyone looked at chloe amazed and surprised while rose hugged her.
All that alix could do was stare at the broken camera, she adrien, felix and Sabrina gifted chloe when they were 4.
She had cried when they gave it to her she remember, and now because of her it is broken.
She could feel the tears flowing now and her body trembling while she tried not to sob.
And a moment later a familiar embrace engulfed her.
Alix sobbed:i-i am s-sorry....
Chloe, hugging and caressing alix's back:hey hey, don't worry I am here, nothing is wrong
Alix:but it is, your camera......
Alix gripped chloe's chlotes until her nukkles turned white.
If she let go she will disappear too and nobody will love her again
Chloe:don't worry I can fix it, i am amazing after all
That made alix chuckle a little mid cry
Alix whispering:y-yes you are perfec mom....
Amd then chloe started to slftly sing the lullaby she used to sang for them during all of their childhood and alix knew she didn't had to be scared anymore, chloe was there, she was holding her so nothing could hurt her right now.
(I thought about this little story, i am not sure i wrote it well but ehhh i don't really care i just wanted to write a thought i had some times ago and actually conpleate and organize it, so I wrote it, i hope someone will like it thought!!!! Oh and any tips to improve my writing is well accepted)
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
Another M/F Smut Meme 1C Kaitlynn Rosseveich Tryndamere trhow his head back as she began using her soft breast moaning between words "I'm starting to believe... the need more ingredient... is just a... an excuse..."
"Mmm~ of course not~ it's a very important part of the potion~" Kaitlynn purred, smirking up at Tryndamere as she steadily pumped her tits up and down his shaft, flipping her blonde hair out of her face as she focused on her task. "It's so very important, so I need so much of it~"
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