#antivillain! chloe
maestro04yayyy · 2 months
Spare Antivillain Chloe & Lila hc/interaction?
Uhhhh let's see if I have something!!!!
So I already wrote something about chloe basically adopting lila like she did with sabrina, adrien, alix and felix and chloe speaking italian with her.
Another funny thing is that since bullying makes her kids friends sad she stopped it, but she and chloe start to work togheter to make the most funny pranks in history using schemes that can be even more complicated that some of the plans alya anf marinette made to confess to adrien. Obbiously their favorite victim is marinette but often they do them to kim because he just enjoy them so much that they feel obligated to do it.
Oh also I kinda feel lila might develop i light crush on chloe that later will become platonic love since she will associate chloe as her maternal figure(since in this au her dad isn't here at all and her mother work too much leaving lila basically alone all the time)
Oh and also lila will start to lie less or at least doing her lies way more plausible because now that chloe cares about her, everytime mari or someone else try to argue that what she says isn't true, chloe will just do whatever she can to make the lies real, that why she convinced jacked to buy a kitten and then managed to make lila save it(without telling lila), also sometimes chloe directly interpretate the lies as requests and straight up do them, that's how lila found herself with a life long amount of marsh-mellow(I have no idea how to write this word)
Lastly i was thinking of giving lila a miraculous, but I am not sure.
If I give one to her thought, it would be the butterfly or another oc, Perry the kwami of immagination, it's a platipus and obviously the miraculous is a fedora!!!
Oh also thank you for sending an ask!!! I love them amd they help me concentrate and thinking about a single think and write down what I think insted of just thinking about everything and jump from thing to thing
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campbells-content · 11 months
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Welp, new brainrot reached.
@maestro04yayyy 's antivillain au based on this ask
Alts vv
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No blood vers
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Re: Villain!Butterfly!Chloe as represented by the song ANTIVILLAIN
One thing I wasn’t sure of is who Chloe (represented by green text/Stephanafro’s lines) is speaking to (represented by yellow text/Ivycomb’s lines)
Any ideas?
Honestly I'm getting the vibes of like. A more villainous version of the Forged AU.
Like Chloé doing a 'Ladybug doesn't care about you, she's just using you as tools for her own game' thing.
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nileqt87 · 3 years
Ramblings about Lucifer referencing Bones, “Close your eyes.” and shows influencing each other
That was never just a Bones reference being made and the season finale admitted it.
David Boreanaz played the ironically-named Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series. His character has *so many* parallels with Lucifer (far more than Booth outside of the law enforcement/crime procedural connection).
Angel's spinoff also has noir crime drama aspects mixed with the supernatural starring an immortal protagonist with a dark past and infamously villainous reputation fighting evil as a supernatural private detective in the City of Angels (a city known for its dark underbelly juxtaposed with fame and glamor, broken dreams and chasing eternal youth) and navigating human law (including the LAPD and evil lawyers) while not legally existing.
Angel also fell in love with a blonde human heroine (Buffy Summers) after lifetimes of self-destructive, not-so-heroic behaviors (getting his soul back did *not* make Angel a hero and human Liam was a lecherous drunk with unfulfilled ambitions and father issues) who inspired him to become a better man and make human connections.
AtS made heavy use of sprawling nighttime Downtown L.A. cityscape shots, which Lucifer also shared an abundance of.
During both of their first cases, they failed to save the troubled blonde girl they were trying to help (Tina and Delilah, respectively). They also have a connection inside the LAPD through a blonde cop who also takes their identity secrets pretty badly (Kate Lockley in Angel's case).
Note that Buffy not only screamed (twice, given it repeated during her memory loss in Halloween), but also came after Angel with a crossbow when she thought he'd attacked her mother (it was Darla), so Chloe taking the Devil face reveal (Monster Reveals are iconic old horror imagery) poorly to the point of considering poisoning is par for the course. However, it only took Buffy seven episodes instead of three seasons to get the identity reveal via seeing the horrific second face (arguably also an accident on Angel's part).
They are metaphorically or literally Hell's angels. They also had long stays in Hell or a hell dimension.
Lucifer and Angel are also both Prodigal Sons with long-held grudges against their long-absent fathers (patricide in Liam/Angel(us)'s case) and they're later faced with a situation where they have unexpected, thought-impossible offspring who show up as adults (neither got to raise their miracle child) wanting revenge. Yup, major Connor/Rory parallel there.
Angel is also in a constant struggle with the Powers that Be manipulating his fate and free will (like Lucifer, he's a champion of free will no matter the cost) and making him prophecy's bitch.
Bones famously got jokes about how Booth is Angel getting his Shanshu (made human), since the character is given constant Angel-isms like references to a dark past having killed people (Booth is also named after a historical murderer, in addition to having been a sniper), both being Catholics full of Catholic guilt (note that the Buffyverse is most accurately polytheistic, though Angel does face off against a take on the antichrist--Angel has constant biblical imagery/themes and not just because of vampire iconography), kicking down doors (just not off their entire frames--LOL), turning on a dime and threatening people up against walls, constant wink-wink references to the Buffyverse (familiar casting, references to the Hyperion Hotel, etc...), etc...
The Lucifer finale used the words "Close your eyes." right before Lucifer is sent to Hell. This is literally the BtVS season 2 finale where Buffy kisses Angel and sends him to hell for a century with a stab to the gut (see the season 5 finale, not to mention Lucifer giving up his life for Chloe's à la I Will Remember You).
Note that D.B. Woodside was on BtVS (playing Robin Wood, whose Slayer mother Nikki Wood was killed by Spike). Aimee Garcia was in both episodes of AtS (Birthday--she's older than she looks!) and Bones. See her also playing a cross-wearing religious girl on Supernatural who was slaughtered in a police precinct by Lilith. Kevin Alejandro was also in an episode of Bones.
Tricia Helfer was in an episode of Supernatural playing a ghost who reenacts the night of her death every year. BtVS also had an episode along those lines, but with Buffy and Angelus possessed (not to mention Phantom Dennis!). Lucifer having Dan as a ghost is yet another thing they all have in common (ditto referencing Ghost, Patrick Swayze and/or Unchained Melody--Vincent Schiavelli a.k.a. Ghost's subway ghost was Jenny's uncle Enyos, whom Angelus killed).
Lucifer name-checked Castiel and Supernatural referenced Lucifer using their Lucifer (crime-fighting angel in L.A. made it a double-reference whammy). Supernatural returned the favor again by having Castiel forced to sing in Enochian. Lucifer's reference to his singing voice was already a zing about Misha Collins having to put on that monotone gravel voice and Enochian being far from melodious.
Russell T Davies was quite heavily inspired by the Buffyverse when he revived Doctor Who and spun off Torchwood, so there are absolute tons of Buffy, Angel and Spike respectively in Rose Tyler, the 9th/10th Doctors, Captain Jack Harkness and Captain John Hart (right down to the actor). School Reunion is the episode where the Buffyverse inspiration is most on the nose, complete with Anthony Stewart Head saying "shooty dog thing" in a school setting and a Mayor/Angel-esque speech about the curse of immortality. The Time War gave the Doctor a huge genocide-level guilt complex. Note that the creator of DC comics' version of Lucifer, Neil Gaiman, has also written for Doctor Who and is also the co-creator of Good Omens (the show is brimming with Doctor Who Easter eggs thanks to David Tennant). A barely-recognizable Tom Ellis played Martha Jones' ex-fiancé Tom Milligan during the Year that Never Was, as well.
A lot of shows take inspiration from the Buffyverse and you've probably seen some of them. It isn't just the copycat vampire romance stories either.
Angel's forerunners in turn were a mix of guilt-stricken, rat-eating Louis de Pointe du Lac (his Jekyll/Hyde-esque alter-ego Angelus is closer to the pre-retcon, fully-evil Lestat de Lioncourt, who got woobified into an antihero rocker not unlike Spike--the entire Fanged Four mirror Anne Rice's character lineup), sword-wielding, immortality trope-influencers Connor/Duncan MacLeod of Highlander fighting for the Prize of humanity (akin to Pinocchio becoming a "real boy"--see also Barnabas Collins of Dark Shadows, though he was before vampires became antihero superheroes, not just sympathetic antivillains) and Nick Knight of Forever Knight (vampire detective).
Additionally, Tom Welling was famously the longest-serving Clark Kent of them all (Smallville) on the old WB (there's that DC comics connection, too), so it's not just a Fox shows thing (though Fox, not just Warner Brothers, did indeed own the Buffyverse). One of the least-known things about Clark is that he also has an immortality problem where he wouldn't age parallel to Lois (they wouldn't be able to have kids either) without a workaround. The Kryptonite line directed at Cain/Pierce by Lucifer was quite on the nose! Lucifer and Smallville sort of crossed over even further in Crisis on Infinite Earths, so Tom is canonically the face of both Clark and Cain in parallel universes of the DC multiverse.
Supernatural had quite recently had their own takes on Cain (played by Timothy Omundson, who also played God Johnson) and the Mark of Cain when Lucifer did it. Dan's killer Le Mec was, of course, Rob Benedict, who was God a.k.a. Chuck Shurley, the ultimate villain of Supernatural. Richard Speight, Jr., who was archangel Gabriel/Loki the Trickster, directed a lot of Lucifer's later episodes in addition to being a prolific Supernatural director.
Supernatural and Lucifer use the exact same font for their titles (Supernatural Knight).
The X-Files (which Supernatural referenced constantly) and Supernatural also had stories about nephilim (see the apocryphal Book of Enoch). Lucifer ultimately had two nephilim (forbidden interspecies offspring of angels and humans), even if not saying so as a known concept. Connor can also be compared to the vampire equivalent of being something like a dhampir, though he's not quite that (mostly-but-not-quite-human offspring of two vampires instead of a human/vampire hybrid--see Blade for an actual dhampir). Supernatural has also covered the even rarer cambion species (human/demon hybrid).
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maestro04yayyy · 11 months
Antivillain au
(Fighting off mental block w/ chloleka)
Juleka, wrapping Chloe's hand with bandages: "So, you just ran in there?"
Chloe: "... you look mad."
Chloe: "I had to do it-"
Juleka: "I'm not mad."
Chloe: "There were kids-"
Juleka: "I know."
Chloe: "I had to-"
Juleka, finishing wrapping Chloe's hand: "No you didn't! You went in there without backup- without a miraculous!"
Juleka, looking away: "You scared me..."
Chloe, whispering: "...Jules..."
Chloe, using her good hand to gently pull Juleka's chin to face her: "I'm sorry I scared you."
Juleka: "Just say you won't do something so stupid again."
Chloe, chuckling: "You know me. Always doing dumb things on purpose."
Juleka: "Chloe."
Chloe: "... I know. I'll try."
Woahhh i like this!!!!!
Also yeah chloleka is the cure to a lot of problems!!!!!
Jokes aside this is really amazing amd honestly coincide perfectly with how i imagine those two in this au!!!!! Good work!!! Oh and I hope your mental block ends soon
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maestro04yayyy · 21 days
Spare antivillain!chloe rage?
This is prerelationship amd prereveal
"The hen ia coming your way chat, be ready, we have hided mr agreste but whatever he did made her very angry" ladybug said over the intercom
"Don't worry milady, i have got this" chat said seriously before looking at tigress, " I will try to talk her out of this but if things go South you are the only one that can overpower her so be ready"
Tigress nodded, swallowing her fears, she had never been able to actually do much agaisnt her, just make her escape with Pound.
That's when they heard the hens voice, it was loud like usual but completely devoid of her usually cherrynes and teasing tone, it was cold, full of hate and it made tigress's skin crawl and her limbs tremple.
Chat runned to her and stopped a few meters away, even he was scared, juleka realized, he had never been before.
"Hey Hen! Fancy seeing you here i-" he tried to joke but is voice was brittle and his tail was lashing around for the nervousness.
"I am not in the mood chat! Tell me where is gabriel! Now" she cut him off, staring at him so intesely that tigress was sure chat would burn alive.
"I am sorry hen, i know you are angry and what he did was wrong, but-"
Wait chat knew what that man did? Juleka tought but the hen interrupted him again before he finished.
"If you aren't telling me then move aside, I don't won't to hurt you chat" at that something softer enetered her voice, but it quickly disappeared from her next words" but I will, if necessary"
Chat gulped and looked at tigress and they both nodded.
"Pound!" She yelled and charged, a good it would be enought hopefully, to make go away or use her power.
Strangely the hen didn't move to dodge, just stared her down, uninpressed and whispered "berserk".
In an instant her blonde hair and blue eyes turned a deep blood red and so did the feathers of the cape, claws grew where her nails once were.
Then tigress punch connected.
And the hen was still there, standing like nothing happened.
Juleka looked up at her as fear filled her heart and dropped to her knees.
The hen stared angryly at her before harshly grapping her hair and thorwing her against the agreste manor.
"Out of my way, useles piece of trsh" she yelled after her as tigress impacted and completely destroyed the manor, amd all she could feel was pain amd despearation.
Tigress was barelly able to stand when chat found her, she was sure every bone of her body was broken and she doesn't want to think about when the traaformation will drop, hopefully ladybug can fix her of the hen doesn't find her first.
"Where is she?" She asked weakly, hoping the answer was: she is far far away.
"I don't know, she said she would search everywhere until she found gabriel, we can pnly hope her transformation drop before she does".
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maestro04yayyy · 8 months
So some times ago i posted here the start for my antivillain au fic, today I continued it a little, i am not sure if I will leave it like this when and if I post it on ao3, actually i think this is where i should stop the first chapter, i think it is a good point but I wanted to do longer chapters and this is kinda short(1268 words).
This aside please if you want read this and comment or give me tips or insult me I don't know
“remember to eat at least four times a day”.
“yes chloe”
“and to drink lot of water”
“yes chloe”
“and if roger says anything stupid to you just call me, i will give him a piece of my mind”
Sabrina smiled sadly, eyes blinking quickly to avoid shedding tears before throwing herself against Chloe to hug tightly her best friends,  “thanks Chloe” she hiccuped sometimes before stating,”I will be very lonely while you are away…”.
Chloe's heart clenched painfully hearing the sadness in her voice and once again cursed herself for not having been able to skip the family trip, but right now Sabrina was the priority.
She hugged her friend back and started drawing circles in her back to help calm her down, in other circumstances she wouldn't do that in public, especially where her family could see them, but now it wasn't important for her.
“Hey Brina, don't worry, it's just for a month and you can call me anytime, no matter the time or how many times a day” Chloe stated while kissing her friend's forehead, not caring that tears and snots were ruining her clothes.
Sabrina just continued to cry, not letting go of Chloe when Chloe had an idea.
“Hey Brina, why don't you try to hang out with our classmate while I'm gone? i am sure that adrien would be happy to do it if he is free, Alix too and ugh dupain-cheng would immediately throw you some kind of party with the whole class, this way you wont feels as lonely”
That made Sabrina pause a little, enough to stop the tears at least, as she moved her head slightly to look at her friend's face while still resting her chin against Chloe's chest.
“it wouldn't be the same, they aren't like you….” she said that but Chloe could see in her eyes that her friends were still thinking about it.
“Of course they aren't like me, nobody is even near my level of perfection, beauty, confidence and humility,” she said with a smile on her face.
It made Sabrina laugh, initially it was just a smile, then a chuckle but after that she had to use Chloe for support while she bends over laughing.
Chloe gave her a playful shove, “what's so funny? i am only saying the truth”
Sabrina pulled herself together after a good minute, still smiling widely and while clearing her face with her sleeves she simply said,”yes, you are”, and Chloe felt her eyes watering a little.
“CLAUDIA!!! what taking you so long! come here immediately or we are leaving you here!” audrey yelled from the base of the plane, a public one, andre didn't want to use a private jet so near to the next elections, something about complains about the environment or social classes, chloe doesn't really know, she didn't listened to his explanation just like she did not listened to audreys loud and useless complains.
Chloe frowned a little at the name but also rolled her eyes, “if only she could actually do it” she said with a sigh.
she kissed the red head one last time on the forehead, “give it a try Brina, you got nothing to lose” she then added with a soft smile,” i will be back before you say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”
Sabrina tried to repeat the word but fumbled on the second sillabe, she blushed a little but gave Chloe her goodbyes anyway.
Sabrina goes back to her father, who is waiting for her inside the airport while Chloe turns her back and hastily takes a few tissues from her bag to clean herself before Audrey can notice and complain about her getting dirty while she walk inside the plane.
Thankfully that woman didn’t seem to notice or care about Chloe's appearance once she got inside.
so she just get to her seat and put her violin case in its spot and sit, dropping her bag one her legs.
she rest her head against the seat while taking a deep sigh
“ehm…hi chloe” chloe just glances to her side, to the seat next to hers, and just sees the nervous and fidgeting figure of her step-sister or how she likes to call her “the liar”.
“hello” she deadpans
Her very unenthusiastic reply seemed to only increase Zoe's discomfort and nervousness until she went completely silent but kept fidgeting with her hands.
Chloe glared at her and she finally stopped moving.
A few minutes later the plane took off and Chloe was really really glad her parents were on the other side a few seats away, she doesn't think she can stand being near her mother for so long.
if only the liar would stop moving so much…..
“god zoe, why are you so fucking nervous!” she stated, pointing her index finger at her.
That seemed to do the trick since she went completely still. but Chloe just stared at her until she finally opened her mouth to answer.
“You and Sabrina are really close” she blurted out and Chloe had to take a moment to process what she said since she didn’t expect that answer.
she eyed her cautiously but agreed,” yeah we are, ever since we were three”
“oh” was all the damn liar said and Chloe could feel her blood rushing a little faster as she clenched her hands on the armrests of the chair.
she glared at her, “you are avoiding the question” she declared, already frustrated.
This made her look away and Chloe had half a mind to hit her but after a couple of deep breaths she looked back at her and said, “it’s….” She paused and looked away again, her eyes darting everywhere in the plane besides Chloe but finally she continued, still looking away from her and her eyes blinking rapidly, “it’s my father….i..i don’t know if i am ready to see him again….”
Chloe's eyes softened a little at that, “ how is he? Audrey's level of asshole or Andre's level?”
“Andre isn’t so bad” Zoe immediately defended him.
Chloe just rolled her eyes and prompted her to answer the question with a not so gentle elbow to her side.
“hey!” she complained but after seeing chloe’s glare answered the question, “ he isn’t as bad as audrey…..i think, i-i never really saw him very much” Chloe could relate to that but said nothing.
“ He just dropped me off at that boarding school. full of snob, rich brats as soon as he could…... .the only memories of him that i have are those of my childhood but…”
“ There isn't much even there right?” Chloe finished for her.
Zoe just looked up at her, “yes…”
Chloe took a long look at her…..sister and sighed, “you know you don’t have to see him right?”
the wide eyes she gave her made Chloe chuckle a little,” why are you so surprised? this trip is only because ANDRE wants to meet him, you or i can do whatever we want and just avoid him” she said smiling.
“Are you sure chloe?” she asked with such earnest and hopeful eyes that Chloe couldn’t resist the action to pet her head affectionately.
“yes, i am. and even if he shows i will just punch him in his shitty face” she said confidently, making her laugh.
Chloe smiled a little wider at the sounds, she looked just like Adrien a moment ago after all and Chloe would do everything to protect him.
but the moment passed and went away and Chloe spent the rest of the flight listening to music and ignoring The Liar.
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maestro04yayyy · 10 months
By the way that's what I wrote so far, please if someone has any suggestion,advice, tip, criticism or anything just say them!!!!(about anything, from grammar, to writing style to how much of an idiot i am, ANYTHING!!!)
“remember to eat at least four times a day”.
“yes chloe”
“and to drink lot of water”
“yes chloe”
“and if roger says anything stupid to you just call me, i will give him a piece of my mind”
Sabrina smiled sadly, eyes blinking quickly to avoid shedding tears before throwing herself against Chloe to hug tightly her best friends,  “thanks Chloe” she hiccuped sometimes before stating,”I will be very lonely while you are away…”. 
Chloe's heart clenched painfully hearing the sadness in her voice and once again cursed herself for not having been able to skip the family trip, but right now Sabrina was the priority.
She hugged her friend back and started drawing circles in her back to help calm her down, in other circumstances she wouldn't do that in public, especially where her family could see them, but now it wasn't important for her.
“Hey Brina, don't worry, it's just for a month and you can call me anytime, no matter the time or how many times a day” Chloe stated while kissing her friend's forehead, not caring that tears and snots were ruining her clothes.
Sabrina just continued to cry, not letting go of Chloe when Chloe had an idea.
“Hey Brina, why don't you try to hang out with our classmate while I'm gone? i am sure that adrien would be happy to do it if he is free, Alix too and ugh dupain-cheng would immediately throw you some kind of party with the whole class, this way you wont feels as lonely”
That made Sabrina pause a little, enough to stop the tears at least, as she moved her head slightly to look at her friend's face while still resting her chin against Chloe's chest.
“it wouldn't be the same, they aren't like you….” she said that but Chloe could see in her eyes that her friends were still thinking about it.
“Of course they aren't like me, nobody is even near my level of perfection, beauty, confidence and humility,” she said with a smile on her face.
It made Sabrina laugh, initially it was just a smile, then a chuckle but after that she had to use Chloe for support while she bends over laughing.
chloe gave her a playful shove, “what's so funny? i am only saying the truth”
Sabrina pulled herself together after a good minute, still smiling widely and while clearing her face with her sleeves she simply said,”yes, you are”, and Chloe felt her eyes watering a little.
“CLAUDIA!!! what taking you so long! come here immediately or we are leaving you here!” audrey yelled from the base of the plane, a public one, andre didn't want to use a private jet so near to the next elections, something about complains about the environment or social classes, chloe doesn't really know, she didn't listened to his explanation just like she did not listened to audreys loud and useless complains.
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maestro04yayyy · 1 year
So I have got this miraculous au in my mind for i while, and I will probably, maybe, eventually write a fic about it.....i think.
The au is basically a anti-villain chloe fic.
Like she become the villain but she acts like a good person while doing it, kinda like dr doofersmitz(i have no idea how this is written sorry) from phineas and pherb.
And like the start is chloe goes to new York with andre, audrey and zoe because andre wants to meet zoe's father and try to make that a family holiday.
There chloe somehow find the hen miraculous(it's original), it's kwami is called free and rapresents anger, the miraculous itself is like a huge black chain to put around your neck like a necklace
And well free just suggest chloe to vent her anger using him, like transforming and destroy stuff for fun or have petty revenge over audrey or others(like i thought chloe could steal audrey's money from a bank while in new york)
Oh and the miraculous power is called berserker, basically for 5 minutes you became hulk, like the angrier you are the stronger and faster you are, self healing, stuff like that oh and the weapon and a great sword, think about gatsu's sword, so a really great greater sword
Oh and in this au chloe kinda was the mom friend to sabrina, alix, felix and adrien when they were little, because those really have a lot of trauma as kids and even now and she really did her best to help them, and well doing that she kinda repressed her own traumas and emotions. And Free tries to help her espressing those more to others becasue she is really used to hide them from her closest friends.
By the way this takes place after queen banana, so tecnically adrien and chloe aren't friends anymore.
Oh and chloe thinks of alix, felix, adrien and felix as her siblings but doesn't consider zoe her sister yet(she will eventually) and zoe is jelous of them, becasue when you become chloe friends, she basically will kill everyone to protect you, or if you ask.
Oh and thinks of jean, bustier and sarah(I maid at the hotel) like parents
Oh and it will be a chloleka story!!! Becasue well becasue i say so!!!!
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maestro04yayyy · 2 months
Spare HEN and Ladybug interactions?
Lb:take me seriously!!! I am ladybug, me and chat will defeat you one day!
TH*currently laying on the dirt sunbathing*: I am sure you will sweetie, i am sure you will, but if I were you i would look at my left.
Lb:do you think I am stu-*a firework hit the left side of her head, sending her flying*
TH:yes, I do.
Sorry it's short, but those two mostly interact during fights, because here chloe doesn't like ladybug since she took away pollen from her, so she doesn't try to befriend/adopt her like she do with chat and ladybug is trying her hardest to be serious and be the hero so evrytime she sees THE HEN she attack.
Also chloe takes a lot of joy in pranking ladybug like this, so aside than fighting this is what happen mostly, oh wait just thought about something cool:
Lb*yelling angrily*:chat! Stop chatting with her she is a villain!
Chat*flinching and very sad*:b-but-
Lb:no but, now shut up and go away if you can't be a hero, I will be one alone
*chat stand up to go away and trying not to cry but the hen pat his head and make him sit, then but down the case she brought for chat bday and walk toward ladybug*
Th:you are going to fucking apologize to him right now or I will beat the shit out of you so hard, not even single bene pf ypur body won't be broken
Lb*who is so scared that also calmed down and isn't angry anymore and realozing what she said* oh I am so sorry, chaton*hug him*
Th*smack her upside the head anyway*
So that's what happen when ladybug runs out of patience and snap at chat like she does in canon sometimes, chloe just procede to utterly destroy her if chat isn't here(after comforting him) or if chat is here she tries to restrain herself a little.
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maestro04yayyy · 10 months
Antivillain au one shot(this is set the day after chloe kidnapped lila and decided to adopt her too, also this is pre reveal and pre relationship chloleka).
Chloe entered her classroom at her usual time, alone like usual since sabrina started hanhing out with the others while she was in the states.
But insead of going to her seat in the back of the classroom(right behind certain goth and a certain blondie), she headed toward a girl she once despited but that now she only cares for, and put a little paper bag over her desk.
"Per te" (for you)she declared in italian much to lila's surpsise.
"Che cos'è? E da quando parli italiano?"(what is it? And since when do tou speak italian) lila enquires both surpised and suspicious.
Chloe just strugged.
"Giusto quale dolce che ho preparato, ho pensato avessi nostalgia di casa, quindi ho preparato dolci italiani, oh e parlo italiano da almeno 5 anni" (just some sweets i made, i thought you may be homesick, so I made italian sweets, oh and I have spoken italian for at least 5 years)
"Oh....grazie"(oh...thanks) lila said while taking a sweet from the box with nostalgia clear in her eys.
"Non è nulla"(it's nothing) chloe replied before heading toward her desk, already seeing a smiling juleka.
When she arrived tobher desk juleka immediately said " I am happy to see you making more friends"
Chloe was about to answer but her phone chimed and she looked at it.
It was a message from lila: hey chloe, can we hang out sometime? You are right i am kinda homesick and i have no one to talk to in my native language because mom is really busy and I have really scared i would end up forgetting it.
Chloe just replied with a yes.
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maestro04yayyy · 6 months
Antivillain au!
Cw: homophobia and violence(it's not much i think but there is)
Chloe entered the diner.
She has never been here before but chloe bourgeois couldn't be there, but chloe bourgeois couldn't like girls either.
That's why she prepared a "costum".
Free is still laughing at it, saying how it won't fool anyone.
He doesn't know how oblivious parisian can be.
By the way her costume is just what she wears when she wants to relax in her room, which is a chat noir themed hoodie and pantsuit, they are both black with green paws along the sleeves and cat-acalysm is written on the right side of the pants, along the leg and pun master is written on the front of the hoodie.
Oh and the hood has cat hears obviously.
She also has her glasses and her hair are loose.
"Welp now is time to flirt and see if my charm works on girl too"
Chloe now enter the diner and it's kinda empty, there is only a woman at a table and a-
Wait is that juleka!!!!!!
What is she doing here and why is she so pretty in that working uniform.
No chloe stay focused!! You are on a mission and your target is juleka, who she never noticed how tall she was or how red her eyes were like little rubies, shining and her pale-nononono chloe i said stay focused!!!! You have to make sure she doesn't recognize you and stay cool!!! You are going to make that purple haired goddess blush!!!!!
Oh no, she is looking at me!!!! Have i been staring?! I don't know!!! How much have i been in there? Oh god my face is probably all red!!!! And Free cacklying in my pocket isn't helping.
"What can i do for you?" Juleka asks and my god she can talk!!!!!! Chloe never heard her talking!!!! Why her voice has to be so so so chloe doesn't even know how to describe it but it's making her going crazy.
That's when juleka smirked.
She leaned on the counter to be at eye level with chloe, her copper red eyes boring into her soft blue.
"I would suggest a dessert for such a sweet girl like you"
"I-i-i.." chloe isn't blushing, nope absolutely isn't and she also isn't about to say something stupid or embarassing at all.
And nobody can say the opposite because right when she was about to say exactly what would have made juleka blush and cause HER a gay panic, the woman at the table decided to interrupt them.
(She will thank her later)
"You two should be ashamed of yourself!!!! Sinning so clearly in the kiddle of the day like some-some pervs!!!!"
(Or maybe not)
Chloe could see the woman red with anger still yelling at them but chloe honestly didn't care much about what she said.
She lives with audrey bourgeois after all, words can't do much to her anymore.
But she saw juleka freeze and lose all her confidence turning in the silent mumbling shadow she is in class, her eyes looking down and hugging herself.
And that hurt.
And that made chloe angry.
She smiled and apparently that was enoughy to make the woman shut the fuck up.
Free said to show when I get angry and point it to the source and destroy it.
Time to do it.
Chloe punched as hard as she could the woman in the face.
The sound of flesh being hit was so satisfying, almost as much as the sound of her nose breaking under her fist.
She could also she hear juleka saying something in surpsise but couldn't make out the words, her blood was pumping and her heart was too loud for that.
She woman had flew back hitting the table with her back.
She was still yelling something at her, so chloe took a step toward her to make her shut up again.
Chloe was still smiling.
Then she saw a black butterly and she stoppef smiling.
The akuma flew right at her victim who accepted the deal in a second.
(Who is the sinner now? Making deals with a super villain)
"Well...fuck" chloe ran toward juleka and scooped her up in her arms.
"Sorry princess but messed up and now is time to run" and so she did.
She opened the door with a kick(she always wanted to do that) and runned as fast as she could in the streets of paris, the akuma screaming behind her and juleka moving in her arms.
"Don't move or I am going to fall!!!!"
"Just put me down!!!!"
"Nope i am faster, this is saf-oh god ehat was this!!!!!"
Chloe just avoided a huge pillar of lightfalling from the sky
"Just my luck, she can attack from the distance" chloe grumpled.
Juleka mumbled something
"It's all my fault...."
Again, what????
"How the fuck is this your fault?" Chloe avoided another pillar, at least the akuma is slow, going is getting further and further away.
"If-if i didn't flirt with you she wouldn't have start yelling and she wouldn't have had to defend me...."
"Oh so it was you all along!! You are the one who taught people honophoby and that instilled in me the urge to kill useless idiota" chloe said with the outmost serioussnes.
That made juleka laugh, and god that was the best sound she ever heard.
It was so distracting that she almost hit a signal.....almost luckily.
"S-sorry you are right i am being stupid, i am juleka" she said
Chloe smiled, thank god she run a lot, but where the fuck are the heroes she can't go on for much longer.
"I am...Emelie, yes emelie also tonbe precise i didn't punch her to defend you, i did it just because I wanted to"
"Thank you anyway, it was amazing to see" wait is she blushing? Why? Chloe wasn't doing anything.
She wanted to say something amazing like she was about to do back at the diner but saw chat noir.
"Welp time to say goodbye" chloe winked and throw juleka, chat caught her surprised.
"Heyy what are you doing?!! Wait juleka? Chloe!! Chloe what are you doing!!!"
That might be a problem but chloe honestly didn't care much about it, she turned around, facing the akuma still a lottle behind.
And she started running toward her.
She could hear multiple yelling behind and above her, uhh ladybug was here too.
She avoided pillar after pillar of light, getting closer and closer.
She was still mad at her, she made juleka sad, she chased them around paris and now chloe was hot and sweaty when she just wanted to relax and flirt with a cute gir.
She was destroying that bitch.
She rolled her way out of a pillar of light but it still managed to burn a little her clothes and her hair.
Somewhere her glasses had fallen too and now everything was blurry and unclear but chloe continued to step forward until she was near enought to see the fear in the akuma's features.
Chloe smiled widely, showing her all her theets.
And punched her, she akuma fell to the ground with a scream of pain.
But chloe wasn't done yet, she sat over the akuma and punched and punched and punched, again again and again. Without rest, without mercy, she would have punched until her fists would turn to dust.
Sadly a familiar yoyo wrapped around her right wrist stopping her.
"Chloe, that's enought! She already turned back" ladybug said.
Chloe looked down at her and she was right, a normal woman, face destoried and bloody was on the ground under her.
Chloe stood up, she felt good, her hands hurted but in a good way.
That's when she was tacked in a hug.
It was warm and calming and safe and a lot of other things chloe isn't familiar with but loved anyway.
"You are an idiot chloe, that was dangerous" juleka whispered in her ears.
"Yeah for the akuma" chat joked than looked at chloe.
"also I love your outfit, it's purrfect"
Chloe smirked," it's a dress worth of her meow-jesty"
She could hear juleka's groan so close to her, that made her blush but she probably is already red with all the exercise.
Ladybug casted the cure and was surprised to see the woman still had her nose broken.
The woman immediatelly started to tell the geroes how they should punish and juleka for sinning and god she has never seen them so angry, chloe wanted to laugh.
"Do you need a passage on the chloe express to go back to work: she asks.
"I think I will walk but I could use some company if that's ok"
Chloe nodded and they started walking before the heroes stopped them.
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maestro04yayyy · 11 months
Antivillain au
(Hc that Chat and Hen have a prank wars going on when they find eachother not doing crime/hero stuff. Also just so you know I probably wouldn't be writing anything if you didn't post about your au. You gave me the inspiration to get back into writing. -cam)
Chat: *sneaking up on the person in the dirt*
Chloe: *chilling in the dirt out of costume*
Chat: *about to pour cold water on the person but locks eyes with the person*
Chloe: "Hi."
Chat: "Hi."
Chloe: "..."
Chat: "..."
Chloe: "..."
Chat: "I'll go"
Chloe: "Okay."
Oh that's....i.....fuck i am so happy that I actually inspired someone with what my word brain generated that I am at a loss lf words....
Stil yeah chloe would totally use her civilian form to trick chat like that.
And yes they totally have a prank war!!!!!
I was planning on posting her relationship with chat when I will talk about chloe but screw that, I am doing it now.
So THE HEN, actually act like a super fan girl of chat, like during fight she would trhow jokes at him, pun with him and actually complimenting him a lot(and while doing that chloe will release all her hate and anger on ladybug).
That's because he has always been a lot more friendly than ladybug and since he never actually betrayed her like ladybug did(that's chloe perspective obviously), she doesn't she him as guilty, also for some reason chloe find chat very familiar, almost loke she had known him all her life.
Oh also when chloe annunce an heist, and she want the heroes to be there for a good fight, she will tell(after kidnapping alya and make her livestreaming on the ladyblog) place and time and ask if it is good for chat since she noticed he isn't akways present so he must be really busy and she doesn't want to make it worse for him, so she asks chat to reply and if necessary she can change the day of her new crime
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maestro04yayyy · 2 months
I have been thinking again about a scene of my antivillain au, so here it is.
Nadja: it's a pleasure to finally have you in my show ms hen.
The hen: oh ms hen is my mother, you can call me The, and the pleasure is all mine
Nadja: i can call ypu WHAT??
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maestro04yayyy · 10 months
Antivillain au
(Post relationship and all that, the Hen and Tigress texting)
Tigress: Hey why are you out and about?
The Hen: Hey
The Hen: I'm just doin something
The Hen: Won't take long
The Hen: Why
Tigress: Are you planning something this week?
The Hen: I was gonna
The Hen: Is something up?
Tigress: No, it's just cold. Like really really cold. How are you outside? It is still snowing and its almost midnight.
The Hen: It's not that cold
Tigress: I literally have a hoodie and sweat pants on over my suit.
The Hen: I'm almost done
The Hen: Want me to come over?
Tigress: That'd be nice.
(All this dialog just for me to say I think it'd be real cute if Chloe's cape could come off so she could wrap it around Juleka when its cold)
Yeah it's really cute!!!!
But it's ever more cute if both chloe amd juleka cuddle togheter while wrapped in the capestill yeah the cape can came off and yeah chloe often gives it to juleka when it's cold)
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maestro04yayyy · 21 days
Unrelated to anything ever, but spare Capricorn (I think thats their name, just goat nath) and The HEN interaction? (And/or just Nath and Chloe in the antivillain au)
Sooo he and chloe aren't exactly friends but chloe is a friend with marc(I don't think I ever talked about that so let me explain: chloe tried a bunch of stuff to impress audrey, like ballet, drawing, fashion, martial arts, photography and writing, and chloe enjoyed writing and post some of her work online, marc is a fan and since her user bame is like queenbeeisthebest they figure out she is chloe and became friends/pen pals) also chloe is close with both alix and juleka and Rose so that's a lot of member of the art club, so they have to interact a lot and while they don't like each others they both respect each others ability, chloe respect his artist ability and how he cares for marc, while nath respect her for how she act around those she love, but they bicker a lot. That also translate a lot into their hero forms, the hen tease him for having a weaker version of lucky charm all the time and caprikid hate it and tries to prove his power is cool too!! So often caprikid challenge the hen to a duel or another kind of race or trial, so show his power is useful. Obviously the hen wins all the time, kinda imagine guy and kakashi relationship, but the ones in the flashback when guy was a lot weaker than kakashi(and caprikid is smiling a lot less and is fueled by spite).
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