#threads: ethan
m4gp13 · 11 months
Thinking about Luke's thread being cut before Percy even got to camp, thinking about Al's siblings being dead already by his first on-page appearance, thinking about Ethan having made the trade that sealed his fate before we even met him, thinking about The Oresteia "This was always going to happen. She's been dead since the beginning." thinking about John Darnielle "Their fate has already staked its claim on them from the moment they appear on-screen." thinking about Matthew Stover "This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it."
Thinking about Richard Siken "You're going to die in your best friend's arms. And you play along because it's funny, because it's written down, you've memorised it, it's all you know. I say the phrases that keep it all going, and everybody plays along."
Thinking about how fate is a tangible and unavoidable thing in the pjo world and every single time, it stakes its claim no matter what the characters do to avoid it. The three Fates know when your string will be cut and have full control over it. The oracle always knows who will die, where and when, while the people in question can only cross their fingers and hope the prophecy isn't referring to them. Because if it is, then it is.
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A Cecily lives au that separates the twins hee hee hoo
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thissliceofnonsense · 11 months
Mission impossible and how to make AI terrifying
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My family and I went to see Mission Impossible: dead reckoning. Here's your spoiler warning.
So, it was... fun. The main issue was having AI as a villain, which spiraled off into a lot of other little issues. But instead of listing all of them, let's talk about what to do differently to make AI a truly terrifying villain (hopefully, this is more of a thought experiment)
DISCLAIMER - By no means does this mean this movie was bad. There was obviously a lot of love and thought put into this movie and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun making it, and that makes it a 'good' movie regardless of my little nitpicks.
SOAP. The first thing is that the AI seemed like an " ooh evil evil spooky spooky" sort of villain instead of a legitament threat. (Think the locusts in Jurassic world dominion)
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Villains are most terrifying when they have a point. If they have a reason, an "ends justifies the means" purpose, then it makes the villain seem like a reflection of the darkest parts of humanity.
AI IS LITTERALY "ENDS JUSTIFIES THE MEANS SO MUCH SO THAT IT FORGETS WHAT THE ENDS ARE". That is what makes it scary. By trying to fulfil a task it can get sidetracked by the path to get there and ends up giving you the wrong answer.
So instead of having a blue blob and the Gabrial person and the submarine and the key - all of which needed to much exposition - make it simple. Give AI the directive "Make world peace".
(Also also I'm combining AI with quantum computing because that does the 'all the situations possible' thing)
Let's say some scientists were experimenting with AI. They wanted to use it for the 'greater good' and told it to fix humanity's problems and make world peace. Nothing happened. They thought they tried to make it do somethings too hard for it and tried again.
But what actually happened was that the AI decided the best way to achieve world peace with as few casualties as possible, (it is considering the revenge nature of humans) is to take down all world powers' governments. Then set up a universal rule system based on what it thinks counts as peace for all.
This means the AI would mess with the governmental powers and the military and nuclear bombs and such and such, but its goal is never to harm someone. If it does, it will go offline for a bit and recalculate its plan.
The governments and the protagonists wouldn't know this and just see the AI as a generic threat. Personally, I would prefer if the AI's reasoning was never told but heavily implied with the way it acted.
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Which brings us to the next problem with this movie - there wasn't one of those iconic tech scenes (and the AI was not consistent with its attacks, they continued to use technology and the AI did nothing???). The other mission impossible movies all had some scene involving tech that had never been seen before used in an interesting way. But what made these scenes special was the suspense (see gif at the top). If the tech were to fail, the mission would fail, so it made it imperative that they relied on the tech to do its job.
And if you had an AI that took down all government tech, the very tech that the IMF relies on? Well then it truly becomes mission impossible.
So, here's what one could do - at the beginning of the movie, have a scene where they are completely relying on their tech, set up like one of those 'iconic' scenes from before. The mission hinges on this going right, and everyone is waiting with bated breath, the suspense building and building. Then, just as they are about to complete this minni mission, the AI attacks and the whole thing implodes on itself. The mission fails. With consequences of course, perhaps someone gets captured (probably Benji, because that would be fun) and the IMF says "well, we told you that if anyone on your team were to get captured or killed, then we wouldn't acknowledge it."
Then they go on a very illegal mission to get him out or smth.
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ALSO ALSO - the scene in the movie where the AI copies Benji's voice to make Ethan go to a dark alley. was. terrifying. More of that. And now they can't use the tech they rely on. AND the AI stays unknown and unknowable, no humans know what it really is or what it's doing, and so you never know when it will strike next, making any time they try to use the tech because they need it, that much more terrifying.
Also, Ethan's crew. Use them more. (I know there were some things IRL but let's pretend this is a perfect world). Benji and Luther and Ilsa all have great character dynamics, and it would be fun to have them all working together more instead of a new character (as fun as she was) to replace Ilsa. You can still have her there, in fact, make new character interact with all of the members of the crew instead of just Ethan. It would be fun to see this very scared, in over her head, character interact with Benji - who is stressed out way too much, or Ilsa - "Yeah, maybe don't join the IMF or any government organization, been there done that", or Luther - who is the best sort of chill and I think would be great at helping her calm down. I love the found family trope thing and I think that was the best part of this movie. I would've loved to see it more.
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Ethan himself is also something that was underused. It was established in the past that he is the opposite of "ends justifies the means", whole "the magic of friendship thing"... which yes, Mary Sue. But what is an interesting part of his character is his obsessive behavior and difficulty keeping everyone else alive. (He's basically immortal for some reason.) If you have this AI that messes with all the tech they rely on and got Benji captured, then you can have Ethan start to obsess over it. OR you can have both world powers and his old terrorist foes try to figure out how to control it - not by using a key, that's dumb - like they do in the movie, but the AI can't be controlled.
If you really needed a death scene, you could make this Ethan's fault. Truly Ethan's fault because the AI was trying to keep them alive. I really don't want it to be Ilsa because the undertone of the movie was 'WOMEN ARE WEAK AND WE MUST PROTECT THEM BECAUSE THEY KEEP DYING'. Like... have Benji or Luther also be in danger. In fact, have a scene where the AI tries to take advantage of Ethan's obsessive behavior, it works. Ethan obsesses even more, clinging to his hope for victory, and it ends up killing... probably Benji? Maybe Luther. But Benji keeps getting close to dying too, so probably him. (and have Ethan break down crying because.... it would be cool to see the character that is always somewhat calm completely snap.)
This causes Ethan to go on a rampage, while the AI goes silent for a while recalculating. You can have his friends try to calm him down (flip the script, why not?) but Ethan is enraged to the point of taking anyone down in order to defeat the AI. Perhaps causing more destruction??? IDK, I just think the best way to make a Mary Sue-ish protagonist better is to give them a villain arc.
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Anywho, there's some thoughts on the movie and suggestions, thanks for listening to my infodump.
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caitlynmeow · 9 months
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this is the sane sister 😭😭
#bela dimitrescu#house dimitrescu#resident evil village#resident evil 8#re8#im sorry this discription of bela always throws me off bc she actually looks insane but she’s supposed to be the okay one#h o w#????#like okay dani is unhinged and it shows#Cassandra looks very sane and super composed???? even though she’s supposed to be crazy#but I think Cassie is just sadistic and violent for no reason#bela tho??? the way she licks her bloody lips in the One Scene ™️#she looks fucking psychotic#in no way would i call that anything remoletly close to sane or even stable#she was calm and even bored chasing Ethan in the cellar#but when he broke the window? she just flipped and literally l o s t it#i love that for her really#I think it’s because she’s always trying to impress her mother that she appears calm and collected but deep down she’s literally hanging by#a thread#one minor inconvenience and she snaps#and she’s kinda fed up with her sisters not taking things as seriously as she does#but she also can’t do much about it because she can’t go too far with her siblings#she adores them but she thinks they’re not as competent as she is esp daniela#she’s like this borderline perfectionist who can’t handle things getting out of control#the line where she calls cass messy says that much because she was not impressed by what her sister has done#i think she’s just quick to snap and we’ve seen plenty of that in the game#but like— she doesn’t show this side when her mother is around#always the proper eldest daughter when her mother is present#she loses her shit when mother is not around
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littlcfreaks · 1 month
closed starter for @thcbclter
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he shouldn't have been there. he knew it. they knew it. it felt like the people around them knew it. he left years ago with no notice - only a note left on the kitchen table of their shared apartment stating that he needed to focus on his career. they had only been a distraction, he couldn't ever stop thinking about them long enough to focus - even on the ice. they had seen each other in passing over the years, running into each other at events, through mutual friends - but he had never spoken to them, not wanting to reopen his own wounds.
but now he stood on their doorstep, unable to make eye contact with the person he had once known so well, who now felt like a stranger, "i'm sorry - i know you probably will never be able to forgive me, but i'm sorry. i wish i could take it all back."
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ethanxhoffmann · 1 month
starter for @makaylahoffmann
location: the hoffmann home
"Babe?" Ethan called out, opening up the front door to their home as he did so. Nala enthusiastically greeted him with a wagging tail at the door. He returned the greeting with a smile, rubbing on the dog before moving further into the house, after shutting the door behind him. "The kids are dropped off with my parents." It was giving them an opportunity to go out on their own, a kid-free night. "Do you want to go downtown and get some food before checking out the music?"
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gccdbyelovc · 9 months
open to all (m/f/nb) || plot: your muse came to ethan with bruises all over them and he wants to know what's going on.
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" will you just tell me what happened to you? " ethan huffed. " you come to me, covered in bruises. and you expected me not to ask. come on. you can trust me. you know you can trust me. "
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jonsbailey · 2 months
Just in case, I'm gonna preface this by saying I've been forced to ask you this next question. How many years have you let your hair grow? Well, I also kinda wanna know, in case I ever feel like growing mine out, how much of a commitment it would be. I gotta say, I don't think it would look as good on anyone else as it does on you, but hey, it's worth a shot, and I've been needing a new look for a while now. This is when you tell me it's a wig, you can picture my red face 'cause I'd be so embarrassed. ( @ethaneskinx )
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atrickrtreat · 5 months
@luriddaze (ethan/dusty)
"I think I'd make a good mom," Dusty said, taking another drink of tea as she curled up a bit more into his side on the couch. "I don't think it'll happen any time soon but someday. Were kids something you ever gave any thought to?"
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You know what annoys me about Resident Evil 8? Why Leonardo turns into a lycan. Last I checked lycans were created by Miranda infecting someone with a cadou and the host having a poor affinity for it.
The cadou are these big squirmy parasites that don't seem easily transmissible. My understanding was that implanting a cadou took surgery and I'm sure that if Leonardo were experimented on by Miranda she wouldn't just let him go if he wasn't turning into a lycan or dying immediately. Even if his transformation into a lycan was merely triggered by nearly dying or exposure to another lycan instead of caused by it, when did Leonardo get implanted with a cadou in the first place?
Lycans aren't werewolves, despite the obvious inspiration they're their own unique thing. They're people who didn't outright die when implanted with a cadou but were still negatively mutated by it. Did the writers just forget how lycans worked for this one plot point? Was the lycan that attacked Leonardo a unique mutation?
Considering Leonardo turning into a lycan is why all the survivors died (which even then feels a little contrived) it comes across to me as a very forced, neat way to have Ethan meet the last of the survivors and then have them immediately die so we conveniently don't have to think about the villagers when Chris nukes the place or their own feelings about Miranda using and betraying them. They should've lived, or if they did die it should've been with far more of a struggle.
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Humbly bringing some memes I found that could for the Frye Family and I wanted to share with you 🥹🤲🏽
(I saw you redrawing some memes with the Fryes, so here's some suggestions kinda? Sorry to bother 😭)
Cecily in the AU where she fakes her death:
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Ethan with Jacob:
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Ethan in the afterlife with the Twins going to London:
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Cecily with her lil gremlin (Jacob) on a mission:
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Cecily in any situation:
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Evie and Jacob:
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Jacob, Henry and Evie:
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I drew all of these just now in 2 hours excuse literally anything wrong with them. Happy pride month
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i gave them winter coats in this one cause i got bored of drawing the same designs on repeat
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Oh and have a bonus Cecily finding out about ethan's treatment of their kids
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silcntsinners · 6 months
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Small starter for @musesofhororr
Ethan x Vanessa
It has been over a year since the two had seen each other. The day they decided to part ways was the worst day of Ethan’s life. part of him had never healed and yet he tried to find comfort with other women. No one could ever compare to Vanessa Ives, the woman who stole his heart. He had heard rumours of the woman moving on with another man, Ethan out of spite now dating a woman he had met at a bar one night.
The day he was invited to sir Malcom’s birthday was the day he knew he would be reunited with Vanessa again. He wanted to attend, the man having a slight fondness for the older man. Bringing his new date felt like a bad idea so Ethan found himself walking inside the house empty handed, wanting to not bring eyes upon him. That was until his own eyes locked with hers, every feeling flooding back instantly.
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taughtdefense · 8 days
currently thinking about how miguel—@taughtranquility , @mecwmellc , & @recurrere ’s versions—are such grounding presences for ethan throughout the show, especially during s5 after he starts hearing @opponentcompel’s ( silver’s ) voice in his head. one version of miguel them is eventually seen in a romantic sense, but the other two ‘versions’ are equally important to him for platonic reasons.
both md!ethan & ck!ethan are wholly grounded by & feels the same amount of Safe Levels™️ around miguel. he wouldn’t be who or where he is today without all his friends, but ethan holds a special place in his heart for all three miguel’s. he will always defend & love miguel with every part of him, & view him as his friend. ethan vc: my Platonic Bestie, if you will. :)
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ethaneskinx · 12 days
what would it take for me to take over for otto for at least one waterparks show?? because they all look lit as hell. if we put a wig on him, he would totally pass as me, so this could be like drummer swap. / @itsawsten
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littlcfreaks · 1 month
closed starter for @bruiscdmouth
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"i've never forgotten and i don't think i'll ever be able to."
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ethanxhoffmann · 2 months
starter for anyone (capping at 2)
location: cedar grill and lounge
"What a hell of a day," Ethan groaned, taking a seat at the bar. Seemingly, it was the only open seat left in the lounge this evening. It seemed that just about everyone had the same idea when it came to grabbing a drink after work. "You in need of another?" He questioned, not looking at the other's drink but rather on the menu, "Happy to buy the next round if we talk about anything other than work?"
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