#time fo rme to have a really late shower
yuzuuu4 · 6 months
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reki redraw 2023 edition
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usopp-writes · 4 years
For my lovely @one-piece-26 (be warned, there’s a lot of fluff and sappiness in this)
It wasn’t unusual for Marco to be hovering in his room, working, but lately, he’s been in there more than usual. Just as much as before he and Thatch finally got together as a couple. Over the past years they’ve been a thing, Marco usual came outside, when knowing - how was still a mysetery - that Thatch was taking a break or done for the day.
“Did Marco and Thatch have a bad argument?” Haruta mused and eyed the cook, who was seemingly happily joking around with Vista and Ace. Thatch hadn’t seem upset or down, so it didn’t really seem like it. However, what reason did Marco have to work this much and avoid spending time with his beloved?
Izo lifted his gaze from the book he was currently reading and eyed Thatch too. “I don’t think so, Haruta. If I were to guess, I would say that they are now pass the being in love state and is truly loving each other. They are content in their relationship and therefor Marco doesn’t have the same need to be with Thatch all the time and it seems that our dear cook doesn’t feel upset about it. It’s like things are just going back to what they used to be, with a few changes.”
Haruta nodded thougtfully. It did make more sense than the two having a heated argument, because then they both would be steaming somewhere. They’d seen it happen, but no matter what, Marco and Thatch worked it out. That was probably why everyone was certain that the two would be together forever. A soft smile grazed Haruta’s lips, before he sat down next to Izo. “They truly derserve the happiness. Both working so hard to give us safety, happiness and love.”
Smiling, Izo went back to his book. It was true. Both Marco and Thatch had always done their best to assure the safety and happiness of their family, even give more love than you would expect from such notorious pirates. If you didn’t know better and Marco wasn’t displaying his mark, then you might think they were just normal sailors. However, all knew how dangerous and furious the two could get and that wasn’t something they wanted to expirience on their own being.
Time passed and a few days later, they docked at an island. Every one knew what to do and so they didn’t even notie Marco leaving the ship before usual. They were so used to the routine that they weren’t even thinking about it.
Hours passed and the crew was relaxing and enjoying themselves. They had docked at an island in their terrotory and was warmly welcomed by the people in town. No one noticed the absence of the Phoenix, too occupied with their own thing.
Marco used this distraction to his advantage. He had a plan, one he’d been forming for the past two weeks. It had pleased him to know which island they were headed to and he smiled happily, as he saw that a special spot was still as bautiful and amazing as the first time he was brought here. Nostaligia filled his heart with pure happiness.
Still smiling, he went to his next step. It took him all day to make everything perfect. Once he was satisifed, he nodded to himself and headed back home. Thatch was of course in town, drinking and enjoying the free time. Marco took a quick shower, put on clean clothes, before joining his family.
The next morning, he smiled softly at his lover, who was smiling back at him. Neither had too much to drink and they had headed back earlier, so they could use the absence of the family to enjoy each other. Still smiling, Thatch leane din for a morning kiss. A routine they’d built up, when they woke up together.
“I have planned a romatic day for us, if you don’t mind, yoi.” Marco tried hard to fight of the nervousness in his heart, smiling softly at his love. He tried his best to plan something for them now and then, but in reality it was Thatch spoiling him the most and Marco couldn’t help but feel like he was the luckiest man on eart and also guilty for not doing more.
“Oh? That sounds intriguing. I’m looking forward to it now.” Thatch smiled brightly, eager to see what his lover had planned. Whenever Marco planned something, it was mind blowing and left Thatch with a feeling of being in a dream. Marco was a perfectionist, though he tried his best to not fret over little wrong detail. Still, it was clearly shown in the planning he did and Thatch loved it.
Marco smiled secretly and gave Thatch a soft kiss, before the two got up and had breakfast. The ship was silent, the pirates still sleeping or having a bad hangover. Only some were not hangover or alseep, but they didn’t bother the couple, knowing how Marco and Thatch used every single time as this to be alone.
After breakfast, Marco asked Thatch to help him prepare a picnic basket with lunch and dinner for the two of them. The light that lit up in Thatch’s eyes, were enough to make Marco’s heart flip in happiness. It was so nice to see that such simple things made his lover shine with pure happiness.
It didn’t take them much time to prepare lunch and dinner. Thatch even manage to sneak a snack for the afternoon into the basket, his own little surprise for Marco. 
“I think you remember this place, yoi.” Marco smiled, as he brought Thatch to the little clearing in the forest, where he’d been most of the day the day before. Seeing Thatch’s eyes widening lightly and a pure and childish glee come over the cook. An odd noise - a mixture between a joyful screech, happy sob and squeaking - left Thatch’s lips, before he started to run.
Marco laughed heartily, seeing his boyfriend act like a little child. It was so nice to see him like this and Marco just went to the tree and placed the basket down. A few minutes passed and Thatch returned, pulling Marco close and kissed him passionately. “You remembered.” He smiled.
“How could I forget. Sunflowers are your favorite flowers and we had our very first official date right here in this sunflower field, yoi.” He put a hand on Thatch’s cheek, smiling brightly to him, a smile only reserved for Thatch. “I love you, yoi.”
Thatch smiled and kissed Marco again. “And I love you.” He took Marco’s hand. “Come.” He started to walk and Marco tangled their fingers together, as he followed Thatch into the sunflower field. For a while they just walked around and took in the silence of nature and beauty.
They got back to the tree and started on their lunch. Somehow it tasted better when they both were alone and had made it together. Thatch loved it and for now, he forgot he was an infamous pirate. That they both were infamous pirates. It was just them. Thatch and Marco. Two men loving each other and spending time with each other.
The afternoon went by with talking, teasing and some cuddling. When it was time for a snack - Thatch insisted - Marco couldn’t help but laugh softly. “I’m not even surprised. You’re amazing, yoi.” He kissed his cheek softly. “Thank you, yoi.” Thatch had made pineapple cupcakes the day before, as he wanted to spoil Marco. “You’re welcome, my love.”
Afternoon turned to evening and they ejoyed dinner, while the day slowly ended. Marco tried to hide the fact that he was slowly getting nervous as the evning progressed. Thatch noticed, when Marco kept staring at the horizon, which was slowly turning into a flaming inferno as the sun was setting.
“Marco?” He spoke softly, though still Marco’s jolted a little, before giving Thatch a shyly grin, making Thatch raise his brows in confusion. “What’s wrong? You seem a little nervous. Afraid someone is spying on us?”
Marco laughed slightly, before turning his attention fully to Thatch. “Wait here for a moment, okay? I’ll be right back, yoi.” He quickly kissed his cheek and then left the confused cook behind. It didn’t take more than a few minutes, before Marco returned, a nice and small bouquet of sunflowers in his hand. As Thatch looked closer, he noticed a single red rose in it too.
Looking a little nervous, Marco walked up to Thatch and genly placed the bouquet in his arms. “I’ve loved you for a long time, even before I realized it, you had captured my heart. You were an annoying rookie, but there was still something about you that I was drawn to. Your beautiful eyes and your cheerful personality kept filling my heart with ease. All I hoped for was to be at your side and for the past three years you��ve been. Through good and bad times. I know you’re the one fo rme, yoi.”
Thatch’s heart started to race and a faint blush adored his cheeks. Marco normally didn’t talk about his love for him like this. He had wrote poems and some letters, but never really said waht he just did. It was then Marco got on one knee and Thatch’s eyes widened lightly, as he realized where this was going.
“Thatch, will you marry me, yoi?” Marco had taken out a ring, a silver and simple ring. For a brief second Thatch’s froze in surprise, but then he smiled, tears glinting in his eyes. “Yes.” He choked out and accepted Marco putting the ring on his finger, before being pulled into a deep and passionate kiss.
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