#time to send more love to the devs methinks
andveryginger · 5 years
Pardon my fangirling...
But glimpsing at spoilers for the Corellia flashpoint, I came across the following spoiler and have been absolutely flailing since:
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Playing through on Imp side, one of the bosses you encounter is Master Jakir Halcyon. Those of you familiar with the EU might recognize the surname. It’s the given name of Valin Halcyon, whom we know better as Hal Horn, the father of Corran Horn.
This from a holo Hal recorded for Corran, in Stackpole’s I, Jedi (courtesy Wookiepedia ‘cause I’m lazy and don’t wanna dig out the book):
"The Halcyon family is well known among the Corellian Jedi. We were well respected and many were the tributes to Nejaa Halcyon upon his death. You can find no record of them now, of course. What the Empire did not destroy, Rostek did destroy or hid away—he won't even tell me where the records are, but I cannot believe he would have allowed all traces of his friend to perish. The Halcyons were strong in the Force but not flashy or given to public displays of power. A word here, an act there, allowing people to choose between good or evil at their own speed and peril was more our way."
I love it when we get a little snippet of the EU breathed back to life... if, of course, he’s any relation. And let’s hope he’s already had his kids, or survives the encounter with the Imps. Or maybe his brother survives...
I just wanna go hug the BWA crew right now.
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