#pardon my flail
after-perfect · 6 months
Holy shit, Covers From Away my sudden and new beloved.
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nightingalescall · 4 months
God's Perfect Lamb
Kingdom of Ebreau:
Prologue(you are here)|part 1|part 2
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"OH MY GOD!!!!!"
You screamed as you free fell from the sky. The wind whistled pass you, whipping your hair and slapping your cheeks until they stung. You flailed about, thrashing your arms and legs in the air, desperately hoping to slow your descend into inevitable doom.
This day could not get any weirder. You thought the day when you got transmigrated into this world took first place in that department but fate took that as a challenge and proceeded to completely and utterly prove you wrong. The day you got here, at least you were safely lying in an open field on the outskirts of the city, unlike now where you were falling to your death from the sky.
You had endured a great amount of hardship during your stay in this world. You know all those stories about someone getting transmigrated into a parallel world as a noble or wealthy merchant or maybe even a royal? Well, you didn't get that privilege. You weren't placed into the body of a princess, a duchess, a countess or.....anybody, to be honest. You were just you. Plain old (y/n). So the idea living a life of luxury and comfort was thrown straight out the window at that revelation. You had nothing with you. No money, no property, no status. You had to start from the ground up if you have wanted to survive in this new world.
But that wasn't the biggest problem. By "nothing", that includes having no form of identification. You're not sure if it's just a subject of it never being brought up in those novels or if identification just wasn't a thing in those world, but in this one, it was a serious issue.
Having neither a place to stay nor enough money to buy one, you were forced onto the streets until you had the finances to own one. So it wasn't unexpected when the authorities took notice of you and brought you to their headquarters to give you necessary aid. It was all going well until they found out they had absolutely no record on you in their database. That's when they became hostile and grilled you to no end.
You couldn't just say you were from another universe and you had no information to based any lies on so many of their question were met with a silent stare or a soft "um".
In the end, they decided to label you a person of interest and should be kept under surveillance since they had no dirt on you to convict or pardon any crimes you may have potentially committed (even though you didn't). You were both relieved and surprised at the conclusion they came to since even you, yourself were convinced they were going to throw you in jail.
With no charges pressed on you, you were free to go. But where though? You were still homeless, jobless and penniless. Pitying you, they ended up giving you the help they initially planned on giving. They gave you a job.
And that's how you ended up as their errand girl. Any trivial or simple matters such as relaying messages to guards, sending documents to scribes and then retrieving them, delivering packages to and from the headquarters etc etc. It was an easy job so the low pay wasn't a surprise. It was barely enough for the small house you rented a few blocks away from headquarters. However, you were given food and allowed to eat with the guards at headquarters everyday as long as you remained their errand girl so that saves you the money and worry of getting enough to eat. It was a win-win situation for both parties. You get a job and the guards can always keep on eye on you. Thus, even with little to no money to your name, you settled into your new life in this world.
It's been more than a year since your transmigration and to be honest..... You were sick of this place. Remember the aforementioned win-win situation? Yeah, that was only in the beginning. As time went on and your suspicion has pretty much been cleared up, you were still stuck with doing this minimum wage job (if that was even a concept in this world). Just because you were getting by with this job doesn't mean you were happy with it. You only had enough for daily necessities. It's already been a long time since you've arrived here and you had not once enjoyed any type of indulgence in that time gap. Just work, work, work. Those damned guards keep saying you still need to be under surveillance but you knew well that they were just trying to keep you around to do their bidding. Honestly, what kind of guard lets a potential fugitive into their room to get something for them? You knew they trusted you. That's why they wanted you to stay as their little helper.
So here you are now. In the middle of the night, on your way back to headquarters after helping deliver a package to the biggest temple in the country, the Temple of Sonnet. This world, or at least Ebreau in particular, was a country of strong faith. They are a religious country where every citizen worshiped Calerus. Though his title may vary from person to person, it’s always some form of wealth and gold so most people call him the God of Prosperity.
With religion being such as important part of the kingdom, it wasn't surprising when you found out the temple worked in close relation with the imperial palace. The Royal family of Ebreau collaborated with the Temple of Sonnet in both political and cultural aspect. Organising nationwide celebrations, meeting with diplomats from afar, anything that are related to the affairs of the country, chances are both parties are involved. Basically, you mess with the temple, you mess with the Royal family. So definitely not someplace you like hanging about at, lest you want to accidentally offend someone and get a ticket straight to getting-your-head-chopped-off town.
The cold breeze of the night sent shivers down your spine as it blew into your thin clothing. You rubbed your hands together, desperately trying to warm them up but to no avail. You scurried through the courtyard quickly, making your way back to the entrance of the temple. It was relatively silent, saved for your footsteps and the distant sound of flowing water from a fountain somewhere.
Thankfully, the walk was a short one. Reaching the opened gate of the entrance, you walked past the two statues of Calerus at each side of the gate and out back onto the familiar cobble walkway. You snuck a few glances at the white statues of the god of this kingdom as you passed by.
Even in the dim moonlight, you could see the white marble eyes of the statue staring down at you, its mouth curved downward as both hands were outstretched to the side with white round discs made to look like gold coins pouring out of its hands and onto the base of the statue.
This was how the people of Ebreau depicted their God. Sharp eyes casted downwards, overseeing and observing their every move, his hands overflowing with gold, symbolising his absolute authority over the wealth in the land.
You stood, staring at the statue as you were reminded of the saying of the people.
Calerus, the prosperous.
Calerus, the strategist.
Calerus, the omnipresent.
Calerus, the all knowing.
Calerus, the god of Ebreau.
"All is within his hand. Follow his plan and golden rain shall pour at your journey's end."
You clicked your tongue as you turned away abruptly from the statue and continued on your way back. A look of disdain plastered on your face as you marched off from the temple.
The more you thought about how worshiped Calerus was and how many praises the people sang for him, the more angry you got. You weren't jealous. No, you weren't some narcissist with a god complex who wanted this sort of treatment. Of course not. What you were pissed about was how Ebreauans talk about how everything in life was Calerus' work. His plan, so to speak that allowed you to prosper and succeed. They claim that all challenges are obstacles on a path towards prosperity that Calerus has specifically chosen for someone.
"Everything has a purpose and meaning."
Well, personally, you though it was pretty nonsense.
If this god of theirs was so smart and crafty, if everything truly happened according to his plan then why the heck were you here? Why were you here in this fantasty world? What purpose did He bring you here for? And why has that "purpose" not shown itself even after you've been thrown here for almost 2 years?!?!
In your mind, Calerus is nothing but a liar and a fraud. Where's the prosperity He promised? What did He have planned? Did He even have anything planned??
You were angry and with good reasons. The people you've met here have been telling you that Calerus has something planned for you even if you're not from Ebreau since day one. They assured you that He will look over you, even if you're not a follower. Yet, you've been met with nothing but problems and hardships during your stay here. And worse, you don't see it ever becoming better.
"What a scam."
You mumbled under your breath and scoffed.
You groaned softly as you suddenly felt lightheaded. You legs got weak and you began to wobble, stumbling forward a few steps. You pressed your hand to you head, applying pressure to both of your temples. Nausea seizes your body as you gagged.
The world spun around you and the ground below your feet felt like it disappeared as you lost your footing. You fell forward and braced for impact.
But it never came.
You slowly regain control as the short-lived dizziness subsides. The disorientation passes and you now realised the odd position you're in. You're...Floating? Your face was hovering several inches away from the ground despite your hands not supporting your upper body. And when did the streets of Ebreau get so....White and fluffy? In fact, they looked like cloud-
A deep voice suddenly rumbled in your ears and your head shot up. A man with shoulder length grey hair stood before you, his golden eyes piercing into your soul as he spoke with authority. He donned black robes that exposed only his left arm and part of his chest. Golden streaks also lined themselves along the right sleeves and tails of the robe. He seemed.... Ethereal. Godly even.
You stuttered in fear and disbelief.
“One did not expect to be recognised by thou so quickly. Peculiar for a non believer."
Calerus suddenly lifted his right hand and flicked two of his fingers upwards. That's when you felt a force tugged you up from behind and you hung in midair in front of the god.
"Uwah!" You yelped at the sudden yank. Before you could even recompose yourself, Calerus continued speaking again.
"And to not posses any ounce of humility. Calling one by mine name. Who does thou think thou art?"
You felt a force wrap itself around your neck before squeezing. You gasped and grasped at the invisible force, desperate for it to let go or at least loosen. You choked.
"cough! Stop! P-cough!"
You pleaded as you gasped for air.
"Why would one do that?"
You continued to cough as the force squeezed tighter. You were gonna die. Oh god, you were gonna die. In panic, you blurted out whatever came to mind.
"Because, cough, you still, gasp, owe me!!"
The grip around your neck disappeared and you fell onto the soft ground (if it even was ground). You gasped and coughed. Your lungs greedily sucking in air now that your airways were opened again. That relief was short-lived however as the next moment, you felt a hand grabbed onto your jaw and forced your gaze up.
Calerus stared coldly into your eyes as he spoke.
You panicked. You just said that on a whim. Surely, you weren't actually going to ask for compensation from a god....right? There was no way you were going to pull though with what you just said.
The fire inside Calerus' golden eyes told you to do so otherwise, though. You swallowed before slowly speaking.
"You....You brought me here. Why? Why separate me from my family? Why separate me from my friends?"
Calerus raised an eyebrow.
"Bring thou here? To punish thee, of course. Thou spoke ill of mine name."
You shook your head.
"No. I meant, bring me to this world. To Ebreau. What reason do you have?"
Calerus fell silent. He seemed to be lost in thought. You waited agonisingly long before he spoke.
"So it is thou. Thou art the otherworldly traveler, yes?"
Otherworldly? Yes. Traveler? No. Kidnapping victim would be more accurate. Though, you simply nod at his question. It was close enough, you suppose.
He released you jaw and backed away. His gaze blank and devoid of emotion as he raised his hand again. You felt a soft tug this time and you were gently helped up onto your feet.
Calerus sighed before saying,"It would indeed seem one has forgotten about thy needs after thou came to mine kingdom."
Your eyes widen in surprise at his confession
"One will give thee the compensation thou deserves."
"Wait, really?" You couldn't hold back your astonishment.
Calerus stayed quiet as you asked and you felt cold sweat rolled down your face, thinking your question may have angered him.
His gaze went down onto the ground for a brief moment before flicking back up to you.
"Yes. However, know that one was not the being that brought thee to this land."
You tilted your head. "You're not?"
"No. One merely accepted thy visit to mine kingdom."
"Then...Who did?" You asked, the words rolling off your tongue slowly
"Mine....Equal. A ruler of another land far from mine."
Your head was spinning from this revelation. Some other god brought you here? Why? And why let you stay under another god's rule? Before you could ask, Calerus had began to speak again.
"One is not enlightened with the reason why thou has been brought here but one admits fault for neglecting thee after accepting thee as one's own. As such..."
Calerus stepped forward, his steps firm and steady. He raised his right hand to his mouth before biting his index finger. A small wound appeared on his skin and you saw golden blood begin to seep out from the opening. He stretched out his right arm as he made his way towards you.
"W-what are you doing?" You fumbled over your words as you backed away in horror, clutching your hands over your chest.
But Calerus was faster.
In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of you, finger pressing on your forehead. You felt the warm liquid dripping down your forehead as your eyes opened wide in fear, terrified at what he was going to do to you.
He began to chant.
"Might of the northern spirit, wisdom of the southern dragon, divinity of the elements of the east and west, hear one."
You wanted to pull away from his hand but be it fear or some other unknown force, you couldn't as you stayed rooted in place, breathing heavily from anxiety. If the god before you noticed your petrified state, he surely paid it no mind as he continued.
"Let the earth know that the power of gold shall have a vessel to call its own. Let the people rejoice for a vassal of Calerus, the Prosperous Lord shall walk among them. May the world celebrate the birth of mine lamb."
His finger left your forehead for a split second before it came back, colliding with your forehead as he flicked his finger against it. A surge of power shot into your head from his fingertip and spread throughout your body. The sheer magnitude of the force made you almost black out as your vision clouded with dark spots. As if you also suddenly got punched, you were propelled backwards, stumbling and struggling to catch yourself.
You felt yourself stepping on air and lost your balance, falling backwards. The ground(clouds?) had disappeared behind you, opening a small hole that let you fall through. You reached out your hand in a desperate attempt to hold onto something but to no avail.
You fell. Down and down until you could see that the "ground" you were standing on was indeed clouds in the sky. The sky. Calerus peeked his head over the edge, observing you as you fell with the same stoic look on his face. Just before he went out of hearing range, you heard him speak.
"One will be in touch."
He disappeared from view.
Now, back to the present, you were falling to your death, screaming and crying as you begged Calerus for mercy. Where's the compensation?! Was everything just now a trick?! Did you get scammed again?!
Tears rolled out of your eyes and flew into the air as you cried in fear, leaving behind trails of water droplets following your descend.
You sobbed as realisation kicked in that nobody was going to save you, as hopelessness consumed you to the point of not being able to think anymore.
The ground got closer and closer as the seconds ticked by. You closed your eyes which were still overflowing with tears, submitting to your faith and praying the impact will immediately kill you so you won't have to suffer in pain.
You groaned as the impact came. Your back collided with the ground and you were....OK? You were in some pain but nothing too bad. In fact, the pain was already passing now.
Slowly, you opened your eyes and blinked away the tears still trapped inside. It was daytime already. How much time has passed? You looked around and saw petals of different hues falling down before landing on the dirt beside you. Above you, a tree with yellow leaves swayed gently, its branches lightly bouncing up and down while its yellow leaves, detached from their place on the branch, fell softly down and landed on your face. It seemed you fell through the tree just now. That would explain the tears on the hem of your sleeves.
Aurum trees?
Propping yourself up into a sitting position, you stared up as you wondered. While not rare or particularly hard to care for, aurum trees are only planted within temples of Ebreau due its yellow leaves. They are the only type of trees in Ebreau that grew leaves of that shade of yellow. A yellow similar to gold while not being being fully golden coloured. The colour yellow symbolises wealth in Ebreau and thus, indirectly their god, Calerus. They are a symbol of the divine hence why aurum trees are only grown in temples.
Then, that raises the question. Why were you at a temple?
You lowered your gaze from the tree and you nearly gasped from the scene in front of you. You were sitting in the middle of a flowerbed that consisted of various types of flowers with different hues for each one. Not far from you, rows of nuns and monks knelt in an orderly matter, faces all shocked and astonished. Some had their hands clasped together while some were covering their, what you assume to be, gaping mouths. Hushed whispers erupted as they stared and observed you. You even made eye contact with some of the nuns and monks in which all turned away immediately with flushed cheeks.
What's going on? Did you intrude on something? Oh no....
Before your thoughts could spiral any further, a tall shadow suddenly loomed over you. Your head snapped upwards as you met eyes with the figure, a man dressed in white robes with golden embellishments around the collar and hem of the sleeves. His eyes were purple, like amethysts. Under the sunlight, his long blonde hair seemed glossy, shiny even as it draped over his shoulders while he towered over you. Despite his intimidating stance, a soft smile was present on his face as the tails of his eyes curved upwards slightly, giving the impression of a kind and good hearted soul.
The man knelt down, his sleeves fluttering gently due to the breeze. That's when you got a better look at his face. He looked familiar...
It wasn't until that soft and silky voice of his poured out of his mouth when you realised who he was.
"Hello, Messiah. We've been expecting your arrival." He placed his hand on his chest and bowed his head at you. "I am Saint Zephyr Venrose. Representing the temple of Sonnet, the esteemed imperial family and the whole of Ebreau, I humbly welcome you." He lifted his head and smiled. Your breath got caught in your throat as he confirmed your suspicions.
Zephyr Venrose. One of the few saints in all of Ebreau and head of the temple of Sonnet. Closely associated with the royals of the kingdom and is a man of power within the boarders of Ebreau. He often gives speeches given his position as head of the biggest temple in the country during festive events. That's where you've heard his voice the couple of times you were passing by or, if you were in a good mood, listening to him talk. You've never been able to get a good look at his face since you were always pushed back by the crowd so you didn't recognise him at first glance. However, now with his face inches away from yours, you could see every last detail of his features and you must admit, you understood why the folks liked him so much.
Zephyr must surely be blessed in his appearance.
You froze in place as you stared in surprise at him, wondering why he was talking to you and processing his words.
Did he just call you Messiah?
Zephyr noticed your silence and your staring. He adverted his eyes as his gaze dropped down towards the ground while he smiled to himself.
You tilted your head to the side in confusion at the sight.
Zephyr coughed lightly before his arms reached towards you. You gasped as he suddenly picked you up bridal style from the flowerbed. Not used to being held like this, you gripped onto his robe for support. Your face contorted in worry and anxiety as you looked at the ground, afraid of being dropped.
Zephyr, of course, took notice of your panic and in response, tightened his grip on you, pulling you closer to him. As you felt his fingers pressing into your skin more tightly, you looked up at him, surprised he realised your concerns so quickly.
He smiled warmly at you as he leaned down, closing the gap between your faces even more. His blonde hair brushing and tickling your face as he whispered into your ear. "Don't be afraid, Miss Messiah. I will never let you fall." His hot breath hit your earlobe and you felt your heart skipped a beat. He pulled away before walking with you in his arms towards the rows of nuns and monks.
"Rejoice, my brothers and sisters for our Savior has come. Our God has delivered us our salvation. May glory be with his name for all eternity."
Zephyr announced loudly and his words were met with echoes of response from the other devotees.
"May he reign supreme!"
Your head felt like it was going to explode with all this information. Was this....Was this the compensation Calerus meant? To be his hands and eyes as you walk along the common folks? To be loved and praised like how he is? To be worshiped? You felt dizzy from being bombarded by this revelation.
You looked back up at Zephyr, hoping he could shed some more light on this predicament you found yourself in. However, you swallowed your words the moment you looked into his purple irises.
Zephyr was known for his gentle and endearing nature. Some say he's the embodiment of kindness. He's the type of person people can't help but be drawn towards due to the sense of security he gives and the tranquil aura he possesses. That was your initial impression of him too.
But looking at him now, you wondered if you were wrong.
With the closeness between you two, you could see the the subtle shade of pink on his cheeks and the flushing redness at the tip of his ears. His breathing fanned your face and you noticed how quick and shallow his breaths were. His fingers went from pressing firmly into your skin to digging themselves into your thighs and waist. Then, if you looked hard enough, you could see him swallowing occasionally.
And last but not least, you couldn't help but notice his eyes that had always been filled with warmth and tenderness seemed....
A prologue/world building chapter for my future yandere stories taking place in this universe. If you spot any mistakes, please do point them out so I can correct them and give everyone the best reading experience! Especially with Calerus' old English(?) part, I'm still not sure when to use thee and when to use thou. I only did some basic research on Google.(T_T)
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nejiverse · 11 months
Tanjiro Kamado
In which Tanjiro comes back from his battle in the swordsmith’s village. Fem! Hashira! Reader
cw: kissing, tanjiro is so so in love
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1.08k words
"Pardon my asking but this is the sixth time you've sighed since we left the village. Is something the matter?", the female Kakushi asked a she tugged on the carriage.
Tanjiro was brought out of his thoughts by the woman's voice and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly at the fact that she was able to count the amount of times he has sighed.
"It's nothing really...Y/n's gonna kill me when she sees all these bandages", he sulked. He tried to make it so he'd come with minimal wounds and bandages but clearly the demons he was fighting had other plans.
"Ah i've heard a lot about Y/n-san but have never gotten the luxury of meeting her", she responded. "I take it you two are close?".
Tanjiro stiffened and let his hands fall onto his lap in tight fists. "Yeah!", he exclaimed, a light shade of pink creeping onto his cheeks uninvited. "S-she's my girlfriend", he stammered.
They only recently put a label on their relationship and Tanjiro was still very flustered when referring to Y/n as his girlfriend. Everyone found it very endearing though.
"Oh wow I would've never guessed", she chuckled.
Tanjiro smiled serenely and before he knew it, his head was filled with thoughts of her. Her voice that spoke affirmations to him, her hands that always cradled his head when he was upset, her face that if he were to begin telling of her angelic features he would never stop.
"No one would. She's way out of my league", he lightly chuckled.
"Ah! I didn't mean it like that! Y/n-san just doesn't strike me as the romantic type".
Tanjiro's laugh grew louder. "She's really good at pretending, that's why".
Like the time he knew she was feeling sick but she constantly denied it saying she was perfectly fine and went on a mission anyway which ended up with Tanjiro carrying her all the way back. Or the other time she pretended she was fine the minute after a battle when really there was a gaping wound in her stomach.
It was her specialty to say the least.
"But even so I like to believe I survived this battle because of this", he held up his wrist which had a ribbon tied around it that was the same pattern as Y/n's kimono.
Tanjiro shook his wrist around in the air comically. "Are you..looking?", he cocked his to the side cutely. He was still blindfolded so he couldn't see.
The Kakushi woman laughed at his antics. "Yes I am".
He put his wrist down and fiddled with the ribbon. "She gave it to me so I wouldn't miss her but I like to believe it's a goodluck charm more than anything".
He couldn't wait to see her again.
After a while— a long while in Tanjiro's opinion— they arrived at the butterfly mansion.
"Thank you for bringing me back", Tanjiro thanked the Kakushi lady as his blindfold was taken off.
"You're very welcome", she bowed...except she was in front of him.
Tanjiro was curious as to who exactly took off his blindfold for him, and before he could even attempt to turn around, he felt a head rest on his shoulder and two arms wrap around his torso.
He could recognise those hands anywhere.
"Welcome back!", she exclaimed.
Tanjiro gasped lightly, feeling tears prick his eyes but but he pursed his quivering lips to stop them from getting any further.
He placed his hand over her own. "I missed you Y/n..", there was sadness laced in his voice, the happy kind. "So much".
Out of nowhere, Tanjiro grabbed the back of his head with his two hands when he felt Y/n hit him on the head. He turned around to her with a frown on his face.
"But you're an idiot! A stupid idiot! You promised to come home unscathed!", she spoke while flailing her hands around. "And you are very much scathed!!".
"But Y/nn! I said I couldn't keep that promise!".
She inspected the bandages on his chest and around his body. "You look like a mummy", she huffed.
Tanjiro chuckled. "But you know what came back unscathed?", he lifted up his wrist to reveal the ribbon that was perfectly in tact.
Y/n's eyes widened as she felt quite flustered. She couldn't believe he actually kept the piece of fabric safe the whole time he was fighting. It made her happy.
"But why?".
"It's just a ribbon".
Tanjiro tilted his head with a hum as if the answer to her question was the most obvious thing ever. "Because you gave it to me Y/n".
As if he couldn’t get her any more worked up, Y/n averted her gaze everywhere but Tanjiro. Suddenly the blue sky that’s always been blue was looking very blue today.
She must get her revenge. Since he got her so flustered, it was her mission to return the favour.
She closed what little distance was between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her lips against his own. Y/n’s eyes were closed but Tanjiro’s were wide open in surprise.
The kiss was long and relentless. She held his body close and used one of her hands to guide Tanjiro’s own to her waist before bringing her hand back around his neck again. He was always very awkward with his hands whenever they kissed.
Tanjiro closed his eyes and savoured the taste and feeling of Y/n’s lips. If words couldn’t suffice, her kiss could. A kiss that said ‘I missed you’, that’s how Tanjiro interpreted it.
Y/n moved her lips from Tanjiro’s to get some air into her lungs but also to get a glimpse of Tanjiro’s flushed face.
He was always so adorable with his half-lidded eyes and pink cheeks whenever they kissed.
Tanjiro hid his face in her shoulder and hugged her tightly around her waist, as if she’d disappear any second now.
She placed a kiss on his head and they both walked back into the butterfly mansion.
“Time for you to rest mister”.
masterlist :)
a/n: tanjiro was absolutely adorable in the last episode I couldn’t help myself
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xjustakay · 5 months
✺ (1/22) ✺ @jegulus-microfic prompt: cry — 1130 words (jegulus dads ft. harry; getting in trouble at school - but he’s got a real good reason, your honor)
Regulus hangs up his phone with a huff, pushing up from his desk chair to head up the hall to the living room. “James?”
“Yes, my love?” James calls back. He turns from folding laundry into piles on the sofa and frowns when he clocks the tension in Regulus’ face. “What could I have possibly done?”
“It’s not you, it’s your son,” Regulus mutters.
“My son?” James’ brows shoot upward. 
“He’s your son when he gets into trouble.”
“I resent that.”
“Resemble it, more like.” Regulus rolls his eyes. “I just got off the phone with Pandora. She got a call from Harry’s school about him being in principal McGonagall’s office because of an altercation with another student.”
James blinks. “They’re five, what does that even look like?”
“Well, we’ll be finding out shortly, because we have to go pick him up. Lily’s got their car and she’s at work.” Regulus shakes his head as he goes to retrieve his coat from the peg inside the front door.
“Hey, hang on.” James grabs him gently by the elbow to get him to look at him. “I’m sure it’s not a big deal.”
“He’s in the principal’s office at five years old, James.”
“That happened a time or a few when I was—” James cuts himself off when one dark eyebrow is arched at him pointedly. “Right, not helping my case. Look, it’s Harry. It’s probably just a big misunderstanding.”
James lifts both hands to grab Regulus by the jaw, towing him in to kiss his forehead a couple quick times. The corner of Regulus’ mouth ticks upward despite himself.
As it turns out, it’s not a misunderstanding.
Instead of looking guilty, Harry looks instantly defiant, arms crossed tight over his chest and chin tilted upward, when Regulus and James join him in the principal’s office.
“Have a seat.” Minerva McGonagall motions across her desk to the open chairs on either side of their son. “Harry, would you care to explain to your fathers why we’re here?”
Harry’s brow furrows as he lets out a huff. “I tackled someone in the sandbox.”
Regulus tilts his head. “Pardon?”
James cuts him a vaguely admonishing look before his focus returns to the child between them, expression softening. “What happened, mate?”
“He made Luna cry, daddy!” Harry whines. “He kept on pulling her hair and calling her Loony.”
Regulus whips toward McGonagall, glaring icily. “And where’s that boy?”
“He’s also been spoken to and picked up by his parents, mister Potter,” She tells him.
“That’s not all, either!” Harry interjects with a dramatic flail of his arms. “I went and told him he was being mean and to say sorry, but he said he was sorry to me ‘cause I have a weird family.”
“Alright, that’s not—” James’ mounting irritation gets cut off when McGonagall lifts a hand to halt him.
“Then he said his mum and dad are talking all the time about how papa’s gonna leave us all someday, and I got really mad so I tackled him and hit him.”
Oh, that’s…
Regulus stares at Harry for a long moment, an unexpected pang in his chest. He didn’t know what to expect coming down to the school, hearing Harry’s story of what had occurred. He certainly had not assumed it had anything to do with him.
Harry is so like James, standing up for those he loves with everything he’s got. Even if it gets him into trouble.
Opening and closing his mouth twice, Regulus catches James’ eye. A small smile curls at his husband’s mouth, an odd cocktail of pride and sadness mixed in his hazel eyes. Regulus suddenly knows the feeling, complex as it is.
“I understand you were upset and looking out for your family, but you know you’re not supposed to hit people, mate,” James tells Harry.
“I know…” Harry mumbles, ducking his chin.
“If someone’s being mean, you tell a teacher, alright?”
“Yes, daddy…”
Regulus, lip pinched between his teeth, looks across the desk to find McGonagall’s eyes already on him. A strangely sympathetic look is offered to him from the older woman, but he ignores the twist it causes in his stomach.
Asks instead, “Is Luna alright?”
“I’ve spoken with her, as well, yes. Despite the issue, she said she’d like to finish her day as she usually does,” She confirms.
“Right, well, we’ll get this one home, then.” James claps his hands on his knees then pushes to stand. “So sorry, principal McGonagall.”
“Yeah, me too, sorry, principal McGonagall,” Harry mutters.
Harry shuffles off his chair to follow James on the way out of the office, Regulus grabbing his Spiderman backpack for him. He’s last to the door, which means the ‘mister Potter’ that’s called after them can only be for him. He turns with dark brows lifted, tries not to look too confused when McGonagall’s mouth twitches upward just barely.
“That’s quite the little boy you’ve got standing up for you, there,” She says.
Regulus glances back the other direction at where James and Harry are walking to the school’s main door hand in hand. His own small smile appears, throat tightening before he quietly clears it.
“Yeah, he’s really something,” He murmurs, turning back to the woman. “We’ll work on the hitting bit.”
“That’s good, yes,” She snorts, waving him off.
Regulus catches up to his family, falling into step on Harry’s other side. He makes it a point to ensure that he’s the one who helps Harry into the back of the car when they reach it. Keeps an eye on him pulling his seatbelt across himself on his booster while James settles in the driver’s seat, watching them in the rear view mirror.
Mind still reeling a bit with the turn of events, he can’t help but feel like he’s meant to say something.
“Harry, my darling, you—” Regulus twists his lips to the side as he runs a hand over Harry’s messy hair affectionately. “You know that I’m not really going anywhere, don’t you?”
“Of course, papa.” Harry nods surely. “I know you love us all too much.”
Regulus smiles faintly, nodding in return. “That’s my boy.”
He leans in to leave a kiss against the side of Harry’s head, double checks his seatbelt is secured appropriately, then closes the car door. When he drops into the passenger seat, he finds James looking over at him adoringly, a bright smile on his face. Wordlessly, he leans over the center console to press a lingering kiss to Regulus’ lips.
“Does this mean I can still have dessert after dinner tonight?” Harry asks from the back.
There’s a shared laugh between Regulus and James, two wide smiles pressed together now, before they finally separate to get on their way home.
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writingcold · 7 months
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pardon my flailing, drooling, moaning. 🤤🤤🤤
Picture cred missing - got it from Pinterest
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thebibutterflyao3 · 2 months
Day Twenty-Six - Prompt: Clean. @rosekiller-microfic
March Daily Series - 724 words
TW: Drunken nonsense
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Evan had to admit, Lily Evans was impressive. So impressive that he was considering stealing her from his sister. If only Pandora wasn’t threatening to garrote him in his sleep, he could finally find happiness.
“Be reasonable! If I marry Lily and take her name,” he insisted, patting Lily’s shoulder, “then I will be Evan Evans! We will have an amicable divorce and she can take your name!”
Pandora glared at him over her fourth martini. “Paws off my girlfriend!”
“Hold on, Lily Rosier has a nice ring to it,” Lily mused, her cheeks flushed.
They were potentially five rounds in actually, if he was counting glasses correctly. Evan couldn’t keep track. His mind was adrift in an ocean of whiskey sours.
“See? Lily is on my side!”
Pandora downed the rest of her drink, then hiccuped loudly as she pointed it at Evan. “Pardon me. You do not need to be involved! I can give her my name and you can go hump a log.”
“Hump a log?” Lily giggled.
“Then how do I become Evan Evans? You’re crushing my dreams, Panda!”
“Wait, you call her ‘Panda’ too? I thought that was Regulus’s thing?”
Evan scoffed, “No, no. He says it all sweet and gentle-like. Endearing? Is that it?”
Pandora nodded as she handed him another whiskey from the server. “Yes, endearing. You say it as a prerogative. No, that’s wrong.”
“Pejorative?” Lily guessed.
“That’s the cunt!” Evan cheered, clinking their glasses together. “It’s naughty!”
Pandora snorted martini out of her nose, then yelped at the burn of alcohol in her sinuses. It was shaping up to be a brilliant evening all around. He needed this more than he realised.
“Well, if I’m marrying Pandora for a last name upgrade,” Lily said, holding up a hand to stall his protest, “I think you should do the same for Barty. Poor bloke is carrying around ‘Crouch’ of all names. Seems a bit unfair.”
Evan’s mouth dropped open, but not a single word escaped it. The last thing he’d expected was for Lily to name drop Barty into this conversation. Perhaps, she wasn’t as impressive as he’d first thought.
Pandora choked on an olive and promptly coughed it up in her hand. “What?! Are you drunk?”
Lily glanced between them, then frowned at her empty glass. “Oh, yes. That’s possible.”
“Evan needs a clean slate. He’s staying away from that pickle,” Pandora insisted.
“Prick?” Evan suggested, brows knit together.
“Hard pass.”
Lily burst out laughing and covered her face with her hands. “I cannot breathe! You two are hilarious together.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Pandora teased, kissing her cheek. “Anywaffles, as I was saying.”
“Anywaffles?” Lily choked. She clung to the table’s edge in an attempt to stay on her stool as she swayed.
Pandora rolled her eyes affectionately and patted Lily’s cheek. “My darling, you are too easily amused. To my point, what was my point?”
“Right, him. No Barty. Pick someone else, anyone else.”
Evan stared at his whiskey pensively. He wasn’t ready to concede defeat just yet, but it did feel rather inevitable. Perhaps, Barty knew it as well.
“What if I don’t want anyone else?” he said quietly. It was meant to be an internal thought, but it slipped free.
Pandora stared at him incredulously, then slapped the table. Several glasses clinked together. “He cheated! And lied!”
“That doesn’t mean he’s scum! People can change!”
Before his sister sniped back, Lily leaned over and kissed her. Pandora flailed, then flung herself into Lily’s lap. They both tumbled to the floor of the pub in a heap of loose limbs and giggles.
“Tease!” Pandora said, swatting Lily playfully.
“You’re so sweet! How can I resist?”
Evan watched the couple’s banter wistfully. He’d had nights like this with Barty. Nights when they’d laughed until they couldn’t breathe. Other nights, they’d stay up until dawn talking about everything and nothing.
He propped his chin in his hand and swirled the gold liquid in his glass. Barty made every night they were together feel special. Like he said, he tried with Evan. That was more than anyone else had.
What if he has changed? What if I was right?
Wales. That was the exception that proved the rule.
Or, it was proof that Barty was a better person when they were together. Perhaps, I am too.
Next Part>>>
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nattikay · 1 year
Okay but Jake being embarrassed about Neytiri bragging about being Toruk Makto because he feels unworthy for the reasons you stated is pique Jeytiri. Like she sees the best in him and he wants to do her right despite his flaws 😭
y'know, they don't really go into it much in the main movies themselves, but in the extra material like comics etc. it's shown that Jake actually has a lot of insecurities about his status. He never wanted to be leader, it was just kinda foisted upon him by circumstance, dude's got no clue what he's doing half the time and is just kinda flailing doing his best and hoping things work out.
From Tsu'tey's death scene in the extended edition:
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From The Next Shadow comics (pardon the wild visuals in these ones, Jake's in the middle of a poison-induced fever dream whoop):
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From The High Ground comics:
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Toruk Makto and olo'eyktan were not titles Jake sought out, they're just things he kinda wound up with through crazy circumstances and boy howdy does he feel unworthy of it. He does his best to work with what he's given but struggles a lot.
Buuuuuut yes, lucky for him Neytiri is very proud of her mate. Some people criticize Jeytiri in A1 for being too "shallow" or not "justified" enough narratively but like...for one thing, those two spent three months in near-constant close proximity, that is plenty of alone-together time to fall in love simply by becoming very familiar with each other...and I think one major but oft-overlooked aspect of Jake and Neytiri's relationship is that, in the end, they chose each other.
We of course have them say it to each other in the well-known Tree of Voices scene, and additionally in the deleted scenes we also have this little exchange between Neytiri and Mo'at after Neytiri announces that she and Jake have become mates:
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Neytiri really do be like "yeah he's an idiot but he's my idiot, I chose him and he chose me and gosh dangit I am so proud of him!!"
and y'know what I just think that's really neat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
Donnie is streaming, using a model dressed in cozy clothes. Shelldon is 'sleeping' on a charging pad next to him. Donnie is playing a modded minecraft type game.
Donnie: We do actually have a Minecraft modded server, but I wanted to test out a couple games to see if they're any good.
Donnie is working on a mob trap, not fully paying attention. There is a faint shuffling sound coming through the mic that he can't hear. He does notice some mobs coming towards him though.
Donnie: Now to test how well I set this.. SHRIEK!!!
There is a loud crashing sound with faint laughter. Donnies model is flailing, then it gains an very angry face, and a Loud Hisssss can be heard, followed by more screaming.
Donnie: Get Back Here!!!
The model leaves the screen, and faint sounds of fighting can be heard just barely picked up by the mic. Shelldon wakes up looking confused until he gets a message, and chat is very confused for multiple reasons, but mainly the loud Hiss.
A number of minutes later Donnie reappears.
Donnie: Pardon my sudden disappearance, B decided to he wanted to no longer be alive.
Shelldon: Don't worry Dudes, they're both okay, Red stopped them from committing fratricide.
Donnie: B is very lucky I'm not aloud to go all out in real life, but he will face my wrath the next time we play multiplayer together.
The chat never gets their questions about the Hissing answered, and are left to be confused for the rest of the stream.
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
Soooo, just dropping by to say, between your fics and rebageling of cool art, I finally caved and decided to watch Danny Phantom. Figured it'd be a decent background show while I did house stuff and I'd unlock a new section of ao3, no biggie yeah?
Yeah no, I am obsessed. Why?? Is it?? SO GOOD? I am genuinely invested in this cartoon and all of the characters - Danny is a good boi, Tucker is a riot, Sam is Sam no more needed, and Jazz is the best. Not best girl or best sister, just best. And Plasmius/Vlad is such a fun villain?!?! And Val!!! Such angst, so fun! Ooooh, and the stuff with Evil Danny and Clockwork, just watched that yesterday and that really made the brain go brrr!!!
And I love how there's a recurring cast, and they all have like, core themes, but its not the same deal over and over? Like, they actually grow and evolve just like the protag gang? It's so nice, actually seeing potential realized like that.
I dunno exactly what I wanted to say here, my mind is kinda just a ghostly hamster wheel at the moment, and I figured you of all people would appreciate that XD Pardon the flailing in your mailbox, but I am just very enthusiastically late to this party XD Wish me luck at the end of series crash - I'm on ep 35 and both dreading and barelling towards the end X'D
It's fun it's punchy it has consistent themes it doesn't return to the status quo instead it lets the cast and the setting evolve it introduces cool character dynamics it uses the quandary of secret identities well whether it's Danny or Vlad or Val it's full of bad puns it's heartfelt it has a character who specifically and only haunts boxes
Like it was genuinely a good show, especially for its time and target audience, and I stand beside this I'm glad you GET IT.
However, and I'm sorry you have to learn this this way - there is no season 3. If you thought you saw there was a season 3, no there wasn't and no you didn't. There is a single, lost episode called "D-Stabilized" which was, genuinely, meant to be in season 2. Yes you should watch that episode. No there was not anything else from anything resembling a season 3.
Danny Phantom very tragically ended short after 2 seasons right after Reality Trip (+ the lost episode D-Stabilized). Too bad we'll never ever know what other content might exist. You might see rumors about some kind of hypothetical series finale called "Phantom Planet." Just rest assured those are only rumors and they Are Not Real and they Can Not Hurt You.
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
All Bruised Up
Moon Knight : Fic
Steven Grant x Reader
Word Count: 1343
Warnings: throwing some punches and accidentally getting hurt 🙃
Request: “I have a request 😗 I love your writing so much! Can you please write Steven Grant having a girlfriend who is a good fighter and is trying to teach him so he can defend himself when she's not around?” Anon
A/N: You teach Steven a few things about self defense
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The gym was small and outfitted with a fighting ring and heavy hanging sandbags. (Y/N) swung between the ropes, landing on the ground and picking at the tape binding her hands and wrists.
She loved it, punching it out with red knuckles and a sweat stained top. The strained muscles and the clear head – fighting was her therapy.
And now she stood with hands on her hips, chewing the inside of her cheek.
There standing next to the ring was Steven with a terribly sheepish look on his face. There was a ruddy purple bruise growing beneath one eye and a split in his lip.
He waved, “Hey.”
“Again?” She shook her head, “You can’t tell me it was just a little skirmish this time.”
“Some lads were having a go,” he said quietly, “They were going to ruin an afterlife exhibit – nearly used a shabti of Seti to bash a head in.”
(Y/N) went to him, kissing his unbruised cheek and running a few fingers across his lip. “And you didn’t think to call security?”
He shrugged, picking at his fingers, “I thought I could handle it.” He hissed as she prodded his split lip.
She sighed, giving him an endearing look, “I suppose you did save some silly old statue.”
“A shabti’s function happens to be very important to one’s journey in…”
“Steven,” she said, “I ought to teach you a thing or two about defending yourself.” She resecured the tape around her hands, “So I can stop fretting whenever I’m not with you.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, hiding the irony. They hadn’t reached the point in their relationship where she knew about Marc and Jake yet. If she knew two first class fighters were also a part of his body then she wouldn’t be so worried.
He would’ve come out of the museum brawl with worse injuries if Marc hadn’t fronted mid swing.
“I don’t know,” he said, self-conscious, “I’m not one to throw punches.” Except when armored with Khonshu’s snazzy white suit.
“I’ll just give you a few pointers,” (Y/N) smiled, gesturing for him to follow her into the ring, “Come on.”
Steven looked around uncomfortably, making sure they were alone in the gym before struggling through the ropes. He flopped onto the pad and scrambled to his feet, “Right then. What’s the first step?”
He held up his fists, flailing them around as he bounced on his toes.
(Y/N) smiled, approaching him, “First off, make sure you hold your thumb here or you’re going to break it.” She watched his eyes widen, “And keep your fists closer to your face, that way you can protect it from an incoming punch.”
He nodded, “Right, yeah – thanks.” He held his fists eyelevel and crouched in a fighter position.
“Good, now take a swing.”
“Beg your pardon?” he straightened out, lowering his hands.
“Take a swing at me,” she got in her own fighter position, “And don’t lower your fists, it leaves you vulnerable.”
Steven gave a side smile, saving his split lip, “I’m not going to hit you.”
“I know you won’t,” she circled him, “I’ll stop you before you do.”
He stumbled, “Let’s use one of those sandbags ins- WOAH!” He ducked as (Y/N) swung her fist at his head. “What are you doing?”
“Nice reflexes,” she said, “Now get defensive and look for an opportunity to strike.”
“(Y/N), I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t,” she said easily, “Watch my body language.”
He reluctantly lifted his fists, monitoring her arms, “I’m not going to swing.”
She aimed for his shoulder to avoid hurting his face more, and this time she met her mark. “You’re distracted.”
He hissed, grabbing his arm, “Ow! What did you hit me for?”
“You didn’t dodge like before,” she circled him, “Come on, try to hit me.”
“I’m not going to do that.”
He shook his head, “Sorry, love.”
She sighed, “Alright, let me show you a combo move.” She stood beside him, demonstrating the three step move, “Right, left, duck.”
“Right, left, duck,” he repeated under his breath, mirroring her actions. They swung right then left then ducked.
“Good, now faster – take a short breath with each swing.”
They practiced the maneuver a few times until Steven had a pleased smile on his face, “I think I’m doing it.”
“Yeah you are,” she replied proudly, “Now I’ll act as the attacker.” She lifted her tapped and padded hands, “Right, left, duck.”
Steven went slow, matching his fist to the palm of her hand, ducking when she threw her arm above his head. “Again,” she said.
The more they practiced the faster the movements became until the blows to (Y/N)’s palm stung, and Steven could feel her arm clip the top of his head with the speed she threw her attack.
“Okay, let’s move to right, left, dodge. I’m going to aim for your face, and you’ll have to move to the side to miss it.”
Steven nodded, rolling up his sleeves. It was getting stifling hot. “Take your best shot, darling.”
She smiled, breathing heavy and practicing punches with him. He was getting ambitious, perhaps a bit overconfident in how he managed to follow every combo she threw at him. If he was being honest he knew it was muscle memory from Khonshu’s suit.
His curls were falling into his line of vision, bouncing along with his steps, “I’ve got ya right where I want ya.”
(Y/N) clenched her jaw, feeling inclined to knock him down. And with a hungry smile she aimed an unpracticed fist to his stomach. He blocked it with his forearm with a look of mingled shock.
(Y/N) was surprised too, looking between his wrist and his eyes before delivering another attack. Steven threw his arm up to block the next jab, grabbing her other wrist with his hand.
“What are you doing?”
She gawked, “How are you doing that?” She pulled from his grasp, “We haven’t practiced that.”
“Good reflexes, like you said,” he said with a shrug. But he checked internally to see if someone was trying to take control of his limbs.
(Y/N) gave a disbelieving laugh, ready to test the theory with another incoming attack. It was a short lived flurry of limbs, fists aimed for chest, head, and stomach. Steven dodged each of them, only ever redirecting her hands as she pushed him back. The look on his face was hilarious, all wide eyes and spluttered noises.
That was until he finally made an attack in return. His fist made contact with her jaw.
“Oh my god,” he cried, throwing his hands over his mouth.
(Y/N) took a step back, rubbing at the side of her jaw, “Nice punch,” she said rather excitedly.
“God forgive me,” he said, running to her side, “Are you alright?” His hands were latched onto her face, turning it this way and that, “I didn’t mean to do that, honest.”
“I believe you,” she said, a laugh about to touch her lips, “It happens – I wanted you to take a swing – I was asking for it.”
He grimaced, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m telling you it’s alright,” she put her arms around his shoulders, “I’m rather impressed. I had no idea you had a talent.”
He kept his eyes on the spot he hit, “It was just survival instincts. I got lucky.”
“It must’ve been those instincts that saved you at the museum,” she smiled but saw the frown on his face, his eyes trained on her jawline. “Hey,” she said, “You didn’t hurt me, Steven.”
He had that sheepish look on his face again, “Maybe I’ll just never leave your side and then you can protect me instead of teaching me all this silly stuff.”
“Self defense isn’t silly stuff.”
She smiled, “Alright. Let’s go home hotshot.” She started to peel off the tape around her hands, “We’ll look like quite the pair, all bruised up.”
“I do believe this calls for tea, ice, and cuddles.”
Tag List:
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jeannereames · 5 months
How do you anticipate Alexandros’s and Hephaistion’s respective ways of dealing with each other in their “moments” to change over the course of your series? I think you pretty clearly established in your books that Hephaistion has to learn to carefully navigate Alexandros’s outbursts and spontaneous tendencies.
On the flip side, I wonder how Alexandros learns how to deal when Hep is angry or upset. Do you think it being more so along the lines of him expecting Hep to suck it up and deal, basically? Or would he take a different route? I just find the way you portrayed their dynamic in the series very intriguing and nuanced, and I'm curious to see how it might evolve as the characters age.
What an interesting question! And I’m delighted that you thought their interaction properly nuanced. One of my own personal criteria for judging a book is the presence of layered and complex characters, so I struggle to put them on the page in my own work. (Also, sorry for the delay.)
Among the key elements of the first two books is how much the characters change. It covers seven critical years as they turn from boys into young men. Hence the whole “coming-of-age” thing. Ha.
Because they’re teenagers, they’re inclined to drama, especially in the first book where little things can set them off—but it happens early in book II as well. Hephaistion flails and causes a scene just because Alexandros is busy so often and he, Hephaistion, is insecure. His behavior is silly (and Alexandros calls him on it), but the emotions that drive it are very real. That’s always the struggle, when writing teens. They just haven’t lived long enough for much perspective, so everything’s a crisis. Emotions are BIG, driven by wildly pumping hormones and all those extra neurons in the front of the cerebrum. Yet the author must take seriously whatever tempest in a teapot has them riled up, in order to portray it fairly (for them), even while keeping a bit of distance to signal to the reader that yes, it really is overblown.
By the duology’s end, Alexandros has just turned 20 and Hephaistion 22½; they’ve been friends seven years, and lovers for five. By now, they have history. Yet both are emotional people, even if they display it differently. Hephaistion might seem phlegmatic but is far from it. Erigyios is phlegmatic. Hephaistion is a churning volcano under a calm surface. Alexandros, by contrast, wears his heart on his sleeve. So, they’ll continue to kick up dusk occasionally with each other, but increasingly for real reasons, not manufactured ones driven by insecurity.
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Take their fracture over the fact Alexandros didn’t tell Hephaistion about Amyntor’s illness. They learn, thereby, that some things can be forgiven only by a choice. Hephaistion’s flouncing over Alexandros “ignoring” him at the beginning of book 2 should be seen in stark contrast to the very real rage he feels when he learns Alexandros concealed his father’s cancer. Yes, Alexandros did so because Amyntor asked, and yes, Alexandros convinced himself it was out of fear for Hephaistion’s safety. But he does finally recognize, and admit to himself, that wasn’t the real reason. He did a truly selfish thing by keeping Hephaistion with him. Hephaistion’s reaction in each instance is meant to bookend the novel. In the first case, he storms back home. In the second, despite his fury, he doesn’t leave Alexandros. And Alexandros accepts Philip’s pardon not just because he knows he’d better, but also because Hephaistion needs to go back. It’s a maturing moment for Alexandros to fully recognize how much he hurt his friend. He can’t fix it. He can only beg for forgiveness. Hephaistion won’t get back those final months with Amyntor. He can only choose to forgive.
So, the sequence is (to my mind) incredibly important to how they’re learning to be Real with each other. And it lays out how they’ll continue to interact going forward.
Alexandros will still screw up sometimes, in part because he’s king and was raised to assume people will subject themselves to him, as well as because his successes convince him the gods are on his side. But it was always Hephaistion’s refusal to kowtow that made him attractive to Alexandros. Ergo, he must make room for that in their relationship. It’s what makes Hephaistion unique.
In book one, after their physical fight over a different dust-up, Alexandros thinks to himself that the fact Hephaistion was willing to hit a prince had earned him the right to hold one. Alexandros must allow for Hephaistion’s autonomy, which means he must apologize (honestly) now and then. It’s what keeps him human, and grounded. And why Hephaistion continues to enjoy such absolute trust. He expects Alexandros to acknowledge when he screws up, and so Alexandros can trust that Hephaistion will always tell him the truth. Because Hephaistion loves him that much.
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overwatchfics · 1 year
hello! can i request genji nsfw hcs ?
Genji NSFW HCs
A/N: I'm not duper great with male smut so heads up. It used to be restricted on my rules but I'm giving it a try. (Also I'm having SUCH a hard time imagining Genji naked and I'm cracking up so pardon if this isn't good I'm just laughing my ass off thinking mercy gave him a fully weaponed robo-schnitzel please excuse me my 5 year old potty mouth is coming out lmfao)
Talk about a real smooth talker Genji is pretty damn good at it.
You're pretty convinced he talked your pants off in the first place
Genji is very big into foreplay, and in particular loves to give oral.
He feels that his face is once if the few parts of him that has the capability to actually feel you
So Genji will glady put hit tongue to use, in a way that has you twitching everytime he runs across your clit.
He'll only add his fingers if you ask, he's insecure about using them since they can't feel anything and he fears it will take you away from the experience.
Oh how wrong he was.
I hope you have crutches Anon because you're not going to be able to walk to walk the next day.
With vibration to use you'll be flailing helplessly on the bed, clothing the sheets or his head riding him like no tomorrow
Speaking of riding, Genji's favorite position is cowgirl
This way you can lean over him and plant your hands on his chest, this makes him melt, he'll lean up and hold you there with him.
He's very big into body worship and praise
Leaves kisses all over your body and if you do the same you can here whirring of the machinery in his body (like the purring of a cat)
Aside from that I feel that Genji is pretty vanilla, but he's such a wholesome robot boy.
Blackwatch Genji though? Whole other story I'll get to that another day.
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livesincerely · 11 months
take a shot (but how’s your aim?) ch. 8 - interlude: recalibrating
Also on Ao3. Chapter seven here.
“And you’re sure you’re okay with this?” Jack asks for what feels like the hundredth time, the shadows cast by the setting sun emphasizing the worried furrow between his brows. “You jus’ say the word and I’ll tell Racer to kick rocks—“
“Jack,” Maggie sighs, stopping him before he can get worked up again. “It’s fine. I’m sure it’ll all be fine.”
As if sensing her nerves, Jack wraps a protective arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer as they continue making their way downtown. “If he tries anything stupid, if he steps a toe outta line, I swear I’ll—“
“You said he wanted to apologize,” Maggie reminds him.
“That's what he said,” he confirms with a frown.
“Then I’m sure it will be fine,” Maggie says, trying for optimism despite the flutter in her stomach. “Where did you say that we’re meeting him?”
“You know Irving Hall?” Jack asks. “Ms. Medda, the lady that owns it, lets me use it sometimes. Figured it was a little more private than Jacobi’s or the Square. She said it’s fine as long as we’re out by 8.” A sudden scowl. “Racer better not be late or I’m gonna—“
“Can we talk about something else, please?” Maggie blurts, and Jack falls abruptly silent. “How was your day?”
Jack’s eyes turn stormy. “It was fine.”
“Have things gotten any better?” she presses tentatively. “Or are they still giving you a hard time?”
An unhappy shrug. “Could've been better. Could’ve been worse.”
“Well, maybe this is a sign that things are starting to improve,” she suggests. “At least one of your friends is making an effort to fix things, right?”
“Yeah,” Jack mutters. He doesn’t look the least bit convinced, which doesn’t exactly instill her with confidence. “Right.”
All too soon, they arrive outside the theater. Maggie can’t help another swell of anxiety, smoothing her hands over the pleats of her skirt.
Jack’s keen gaze catches her fidgeting: his expression softens and he lets out a long breath, a warm hand landing high on her back.
“Hey,” he says gently. “It’s all gonna be okay. I know he ain’t made a great first impression—god knows he deserves a few smacks upside the head—but Racetrack ain’t a bad sort. Me an’ him… we’re havin’ our own issues that ain’t got nothin’ ta do wit’cha.”
“You keep saying that,” Maggie notices. “And I know I shouldn’t care so much about what one person thinks of me, but he’s one of your closest friends, Jack. One of your brothers. I don’t want him to hate me.”
“Racetrack don’t hate you,” Jack says, and on this point, at least, he seems sure. “He ain’t hardly even met you. Don’t let him make ya nervous.”
“I just don’t know what to expect,” Maggie admits. “I only really know him through what you’ve told me, and you’ve been so angry with him—“
“Like I said, we got our own issues to sort out,” Jack assures her wryly. “I’m mad at him, he’s pissed at me, an’ that ain’t lookin’ like it’s gonna change any time soon. But, even when he’s bein’ a—pardon my French—a complete asshole, Racer ain’t never been mean. You shouldn’t’ve gotten dragged into the middle of our shit: I know it, an’ he knows it too. It’s all gonna be fine.”
Maggie takes a steadying breath. “It’s all going to be fine,” she repeats.
“Atta girl,” Jack says, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Chin up, ya hear? And, hey, if things end up goin’ south, I’ll shave off his eyebrows while he sleeps,” he offers, a spark of humor tugging at the corner of his mouth. “So you can keep that in your back pocket, too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she says, returning his grin with a smile of her own.
“We can head inside while we wait for him,” Jack says, inclining his head towards the theater. “It’s jus’ in here.”
He reaches for the handle of an unobtrusive metal door, but right as he opens it he walks into the path of someone coming through from the other side. There’s a kerfuffle of fumbling footsteps and flailing limbs, then they both reach out to steady the other as one.
“Dave!” Jack exclaims, eyes wide.
“Jack!” the other person says, just as surprised. It takes Maggie a moment to place him: it’s David—Jack’s David—the one he’s been so worried about recently.
The two of them stand there, staring at each other, locked in their pseudo-embrace, for a moment longer. Then all at once they surge apart.
“What are you doing here?” Jack asks, and the change that’s come over him is as all-encompassing as the break of dawn. It’s not the frustration from earlier, or even the easy comfort of just beforehand; his attention catches and flares like fresh kindling, intensely focused and flame-bright. “I ain’t seen ya all day.”
David hoists his bag higher on his shoulder, shuffling another step backwards. He seems far less enthused at seeing Jack than Jack does at seeing him. “Oh, well, you know,” he murmurs. “Just needed a place to think.”
His gaze lands on Maggie and his expression seems to stick for a moment, like a rusted crank that won’t quite turn smoothly. When he smiles at her, his eyes are weary.
“Oh,” he says softly. “Hi, Maggie. Sorry, I didn’t see you there at first. How are you?”
“I’m well, thank you,” Maggie answers, not quite sure what to make of him. Even without the familiarity Jack has with him, she can tell at a glance that he’s not at his best: there’s a heaviness in his posture, a dullness to his pallor that speaks of several sleepless nights, and the haphazard way his curly hair falls over his forehead reminds her of her own hair when she’s at her most frazzled. “How are you, David? Or do you prefer Davey?
He winces, mouth curling into a grimace.
“Oh, David’s fine,” he says. “And I’ve been good, thank you.”
Jack gives a pointed scoff, the noise unexpectedly harsh amongst the polite small talk. David’s frown deepens almost imperceptibly and Maggie can feel something similar settling across her own features, her eyes darting back and forth between them.
“Jack mentioned you’d been under some stress, recently,” she says carefully, trying to navigate the obvious tension that’s fallen over their odd little trio. “I hope things start to take a turn for the better soon, if they haven’t already.”
David’s expression turns even more brittle around the edges. “That’s kind of you to say,” he responds after a moment. “But I’ll be fine, regardless.”
He glances between her and Jack in much the same way that she’d been considering the two of them. He seems to come to some sort of conclusion—fresh understanding swells over him like a crashing tide.
“Ah,” he says simply. “I won’t hold you up any longer. Have a nice evening.”
“Whoa, hey! What’s the rush?” Jack asks, lurching forward on unsteady feet, a hint of panic behind his eyes. “You don’t gotta run off.”
“I need to get home,” David says, a touch curtly. “And I’m sure the two of you have plans you’d like to get back to.”
“But, Dave—“
“But, what, Jack?”
Jack’s mouth works soundlessly for a moment, hurt bleeding across his features like an open wound. David doesn’t meet his eyes, staring past him towards the main road, his shoulders hunched like he’s bracing for an argument.
Maggie’s wondering exactly how to de-escalate the situation, what, exactly, she’s de-escalating, and if she even can, when a voice from behind her drawls, “Well, ain’t this a party.”
“Race,” David says, relief evident in every inch of his body.
“Racetrack,” Jack acknowledges much more cooly.
“Jack,” the boy, Racetrack, greets. “Maggie,” he continues, tipping his cap in her direction.
“What are you doin’ here?” He asks David, giving him a scrutinizing once over. Maggie’s not sure what he sees, but his stare turns to Jack for a brief, accusing second, and he steps closer to David’s side, as if to put a barrier between them. Judging by the way Jack’s expression sours, he’s noticed the same. “You don’t gotta be here for this.”
“I was just leaving,” David says quickly, then seems to process Racetrack’s words. “What do you mean…?” His eyes flit from Racetrack to Jack to Maggie in short succession. “Oh. Then I should definitely get out of your way. It was nice speaking with you, Maggie.”
“Wait,” Jack interjects before he can make his exit, and there’s a depth of feeling in his voice that makes her heart lurch in her chest. “Will I… I’ll see ya in the morning?”
David hesitates, then gives a brisk nod. He gives Jack a wide berth as he walks away, but one of his arms trails behind him as he goes—like he doesn’t know what to do with the empty space at his side, even as he creates it.
Jack’s stares after his retreating form for several long seconds, his hands curling into fists that he shoves roughly into his pockets. Racetrack lets out a long exhale, almost a sigh, as it all plays out. Maggie turns towards him automatically at the sound, and their eyes lock behind Jack’s back.
Racetrack’s gaze is piercing but not unkind: a little exasperated, a little rueful, and far too knowing. Biting her lip, Maggie looks away.
“Jack,” Racetrack eventually calls out, and Jack startles at the sound, clearly lost in his own thoughts. “Maybe we should, uh… get back to business?”
Jack is not ready to get back to business. “He looks like hell, Race. I thought you were lookin’ out for him?”
“I am lookin’ out for him,” Racetrack defends, in the sandpaper tones of someone who’s very tired of repeating themselves. “I ain’t a miracle worker, cowboy.”
“Yeah, tell me somethin’ I don’t know,'' Jack retorts, and Maggie’s always known him to be the protective sort, but the feeling seems to hone the edge of his words particularly sharply in this instance. “He looks like he’s ‘bout ta keel over any second!”
Racetrack bristles visibly at his tone, but to her surprise, he doesn’t lash back.
“Jack,” he says instead, sounding like he’s reaching for the deepest reserves of his patience, and it occurs to Maggie that they’ve already had this argument—several times over, it seems. “I ain’t here to hash it out with you over Davey.”
Jack stares at him, uncomprehending. Maggie shifts her weight, feeling increasingly out of place, and some part of her almost wants to laugh at the irony of the situation, given that they are, ostensibly, only here on her behalf. The motion draws Jack’s attention and his eyes snap to hers, remembering her presence. The fight seeps out of him like a candle that’s been snuffed out.
“Right,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair. “We should, uh… head inside, I guess.”
“Actually,” Racetrack says, holding up a hand. “Maybe you could give me and Miss Margaret some privacy for this one?”
“Uh huh,” Jack huffs, looking thoroughly unimpressed. “How ‘bout, no.”
“It’s okay, Jack,” Maggie interrupts before they can continue squabbling. She finds herself suddenly exhausted with this whole ordeal, more than ready to get things over and done with. “I don’t mind.”
Jack studies her expression. “You sure?”
She gives him a tight smile. Of all the things she’s unsure about in this moment, this is perhaps the least of them. “I’m sure.”
“I’ll be right outside,” he says.
Racetrack holds the door to the theater open for her, which gives her a second to collect her thoughts. The inside of the building is larger than she expected—unfinished brick walls and high, vaulted ceilings—and almost entirely empty, save for a few tall, rectangular structures covered in drop cloths leaning up against the far side of the room. Maybe set pieces, she wonders idly, but she’s not familiar enough with the workings of a theater to do much more than guess.
Racetrack seems a touch more familiar with the space—he knows where to find the cord for the overhead lights, at least—but his eyes are just as curious as her own as he takes in the covered pieces.
However, he doesn’t give them much more than a passing glance: he rolls his shoulders back and turns to face her, solemn and determined.
“I’m sure Jack told ya already,” he says, sweeping his flat cap off his head and tucking it into the waist of his pants, “but I asked to meet wit’cha because I wanted ta say sorry for bein’ so rude to ya, when Jack first introduced ya to everyone. I don’t got a good reason for why—they’s all jus’ excuses, if I’m bein’ honest, an’ it’s not even really my story ta share—but even if I had the best reason in the world, I’d still owe you an apology. Because you didn’t even do anythin’ wrong, I was jus’ bein’ nasty to ya ‘cause you were there to be nasty to. An’ that ain’t right. So, I’m real sorry ‘bout it.”
Maggie blinks, overwhelmed by the barrage.
“That’s it.” Racetrack tacks on awkwardly, something undeniably nervous creeping into his posture. “Uh, I can try sayin’ it again if I went too fast the first time, Albie’s always tellin’ me ta slow down—“
“No, you don’t have to—“ Maggie takes a breath, some of her own nerves fading away in the face of his own. She offers him a small, but honest smile. “I accept your apology.”
“You don’t gotta,” he tells her seriously. “I was an ass—sorry, ‘cuse me—a jerk, an’ it’s okay if you’re still mad. You prob’ly should be, I’d deserve it.”
“I’m not mad,” Maggie tells him. “I never was. Jack already explained that you were upset about something else, I was just… there. But I do appreciate you apologizing.”
Racetrack stares at her.
“…I kinda feel like you’re letting me off the hook too easy,” he says, looking perplexed. “You sure you ain’t mad? Nothin’ I can do ta make it up to ya?”
“Well, there is, maybe, one thing,” Maggie says. “I don’t mean to insert myself, but whatever’s going on between you and Jack and…” She pauses. “…and David, can you please try to fix it?”
Racetrack’s expression turns blank.
Hurriedly, she continues, “Not that I’m saying it’s your fault, or anyone’s fault in particular, or even that it’s up to you to fix it. But whatever it is that’s wrong, Jack’s been really, really bothered by it. He’s been beating himself up over not being able to help, over making things worse and being useless, so maybe you could… reach out? Extend an olive branch? Call a truce? Anything that’ll start to patch things back up between you all.”
“…Not askin’ for much, are ya?” Racetrack mutters under his breath, reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose. “I… Listen. I’ll be honest, things are… complicated, to say the least. I’m not even sure if things can be fixed—at least, not in the way that Jack thinks they can be fixed. There’s a lot of hurt goin’ around, an’ most of it ain’t even mine. So, I can’t promise nothin’. But I guess… I could stand to let up on him some,” he agrees with a sigh. Then, nonsensically, he adds, “It ain’t his fault, really, even though absolutely it is.”
“Thank you,” Maggie says, deciding not to probe further. “I know it’s probably none of my business.”
Racetrack snorts.
“You’re the last person that should be thanking me,” he says, with a grim sort of smile. “But I’ll do my best.”
“That’s all I ask.”
Racetrack leans back on his heels, his gaze making its way around the room again, and his eyes land on one of the tarped-over pieces.
“Beatin’ himself up, you said?” he wonders, stepping closer to it. He lifts hand as if to uncover it, but he only reaches for a corner of the sheet, twisting it around between his fingers. “I shoulda figured.”
“What do you mean?” Maggie asks, not following.
“You know,” Racetrack says, unhelpfully. “Jack and his paintings.”
“His… paintings?”
“All these?” Race says, gesturing around, looking a little confused that he has to explain. “These are all Jack’s. He paints the backdrops for the shows here.”
“Jack paints?” Maggie asks, surprised.
“You didn’t know?” Race questions. “Yeah, he’s into all kinds of artsy stuff—drawing, painting—and he’s real good at it.”
“I knew he could draw,” Maggie says, feeling the strange need to defend her limited knowledge. “I mean, I've seen his comics in the paper. That’s how we met.”
Racetrack waves a dismissive hand. “No, yeah, he does the weekly comic ‘cause it’s good money and ‘cause he likes ta rub Joe’s nose innit, but he’d paint for Medda for free, jus’ ‘cause he loves it so much. Oh, don’t worry, Ms. Medda’s a good lady, she keeps things square, don’t take advantage or nothin’,” Racetrack hurries to assure her, misreading the expression that’s settled across her face. “I jus’ meant, this is the kind art he really loves.”
“He’s never mentioned,” Maggie murmurs, taking in the assortment of covered canvases with new eyes. “I had no idea.”
“Yeah, that sounds like Jack,” Racetrack says, rolling his eyes. “He and Ms. Medda got some kinda deal—she gives him the supplies and the space to work and he gets to use whatever ain’t needed for the theater for his own projects. Judgin’ by all the stuff that’s lyin’ around, he’s been at it a lot, recently. Says it helps him think. Don’t take it personal, he gets kind weird about it. None of even knew about it until after the strike an’ he don’t hardly show ‘em to anybody except—“ he coughs, fumbling for words, then continues, “—uh, except when, uh, Ms. Medda wants to check on his progress. For the shows, I mean.”
But that wasn’t what he was going to say. And they both know it.
“Oh,” Maggie says softly. And to think that she’d been so nervous about this meeting in the days leading up to it. How silly she’d been. “I see.”
“Aw, hell,” Racetrack groans. “I didn’t— I wasn’t gonna say anythin’. Really, I wasn’t! But…” He gives a helpless sort of shrug. “You saw ‘em yourself. You saw how they were. You don’t even need’ta say anythin’.”
Maggie closes her eyes.
“…No,” she agrees after a moment. “I suppose you don’t.”
“Please don’t tell him,” Racetrack begs. “Jack, I mean. He doesn’t know, and he’s definitely not gonna take it well if you storm outside and tell him.”
Then it’s Maggie’s turn to stare.
“What do you mean, he doesn’t know?” she demands, hands on her hips. “How on Earth can he not know?”
Racetrack winces. “He… hasn’t noticed, yet.”
Maggie takes a deep breath. Then she takes another, deeper breath.
“So, he hasn’t been stringing me along maliciously, is what you’re saying?”
“No!” Racetrack assures her, and it sounds like the truth even though it looks like he’d rather be literally anywhere else but here, explaining this to her. Maggie feels about the same. “No, I think he really does care about’cha. It’s jus’ that…”
“He cares about him, more,” she finishes for him.
“Yeah,” Racetrack says. Then, “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Maggie sighs. “So, the two of them…?”
“Yes and no.”
“Well, is it yes or is it no?”
“It’s complicated,” Racetrack says. “Ta be honest with ya, you’ve been most of the complication.”
Okay then.
“That’s certainly one way of putting it,” she says faintly. “God, what a mess.”
“Tell me about it,” Racetrack mutters, and they share a weary, companionable look.
“I won’t tell him,” Maggie finally decides. “Not tonight, anyway. I need some time to figure out what I want to say, how best to end things… I cannot believe I’m going to have to break it to my own boyfriend that he’s in love with someone else.”
“…Sorry,” Racetrack offers once again. He does not, Maggie notices, offer to help, but given how the two of them have been fighting—why they’ve been fighting—she really can’t blame him. “But, uh… what are you gonna do in the meantime?”
There are a lot of ways she could answer: flippant, hysterical, furious, despondent.
She thinks of the kiss Jack pressed to her hairline, of the way his hands settle over her shoulders or high on her back but never around her waist, of how she’d been the one to ask him out all those weeks ago.
Then she thinks of the dark blue yarn she’d picked up the other day, the fingerless gloves that are nearly finished, just waiting for her to pick up her knitting needles when she gets home.
She smiles sadly, and her response is more honest than she’d intended, though perhaps not as straightforward as he’d like. It’s all she can muster up at this point. “Seems I’ve got some stitches that’ll need to be ripped out.”
Special shout out to @the-broadsword-and-the-book , @livininmyhead , @claireverlasting and @sapphosboy for beta/test reading part of this chapter for me! I so, so appreciate your help with this 🙌🏼
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
More Incorrect Quotes from FNAF!
Andrew, having just lost his glasses: “KILL THE BUG!” Cassidy: “...Brother. Dearest brother beloved. That is a gecko.”
William: “...Elizabeth just threw a tantrum about a chair.”
William: “I just won Elizabeth Tantrum Bingo.”
Evan: “Gender roles are naught but a social ideal you fools bound to mortal flesh continue to worship and consequentially fuel. I’ve long since severed ties to such petty and trivial restrictions.”
Elizabeth: “...Is that why you’re wearing one of my tutus?”
Evan: “An oversimplification of the truth behind my actions. But yes.”
Elizabeth: “How do you do these kinds of things so easily?”
Michael: “I’m fearless.”
William: “I saw you run from bees yesterday when I was trying to exterminate the hive in our front yard. You flailed around and tripped over a fire hydrant. It was both hysterical and pathetically sad to watch.”
Michael: “...I’m MOSTLY fearless.”
((if the missing kids were reincarnated into the present era as close childhood friends)):
Gabriel: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?  
Jeremy: >:O language  
Susie: Yeah watch your fucking language  
Cassidy: 'The fuck word'.  
Charlie: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time  
Susie: Oh my god she censored it  
Cassidy: Say fuck, Charlie.  
Susie: Do it, Charlie. Say fuck.
Michael: “I am a creation of God to be feared.”
Michael: “I put the ‘sexy’ in my dyslexia, and nothing is hetero about me- not even my chromia.”
Gregory to Vanessa out of genuine curiosity: “Oye, Michael, what happens if you press the breaks and the acceleration in the car at the same time?”
Freddy: “What- that’s extremely risky, please don't d-!”
Vanessa, jokingly: “The car takes a screenshot, I suppose.”
Freddy: “...Let me call your therapist again.”
Gregory: "Yes, provided they had not been brutally slaughtered in a pool of their own mangled body like the last ones had been."
Freddy: "...I'm sorry- what?"
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panther-os · 1 year
I am absolutely feral over this episode of tbb /pos
Spoilers and spoilery gifs below
The point of shipping for me is NEVER for my otp to become canon but if it does its So Fucking Awesome and it looks more and more like that's what's happening. I have eleven different snippets I need to break up into gif-able bits but here's the blorbos first and last interactions this episode:
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pardon the crunchiness my editing stuff was being a butt
but just. THEM [happy screaming and flailing]
(also if anyone's curious the point of shipping for me is exploring dynamics between two or more characters and i rarely have otps but i wrote the first tech/phee work on ao3 like a few hours after episode 1 came out so)
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redstringraven · 1 year
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crying, sobbing, flailing my hands and arms all over the place because @shellsweet's anniversary print arrived minutes after i got home from work!! ;__; it's so beautiful. thank you so much for offering these!! oh m yGODDDDD.
please pardon the crystals and cauldron i used to weigh it down for the pic fdjklsd. i CAN'T wait to get a frame for it and hang it up tomorrow!! (and also thank you so much the jenn for gifting it to me, i am: literally so happy right now i can't freaking stop staring at it i am--)
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