#to an inauspicious start
1-800-kendall · 5 days
got woken up by errant construction noise at 630, now have the simlish version of country girl shake it for me (crumply gurn sheeky fa vee) stuck in my head. hell world tuesday
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brown-little-robin · 10 months
3 days into the semester and already up til midnight doing homework
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snailmailmp3 · 5 months
the good news: despite my flight being delayed by almost 24 hours i will probably be able to make it to my first and only class today on time
the bad news: this means that i have to go to that class
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mynameisquoi · 1 year
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new year, new update!
tova finished college with a perfectly satisfactory C+, briefly stopped by her dad’s home to sort-of say goodbye, then embarked on her own. a chance meeting with sylvester at a local dive bar leads to a rekindling of some romantic feelings, as well as an opportunity for tova to semi-exploit said romantic feelings in order to get closer to her one true love-- becoming a furry werewolf.
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panvani · 1 year
I wish this translation of Honglou Meng elaborated on cultural references more. I noticed one cultural joke (cuz it's based one the like single Chinese culture thing that Everyone Knows) and it leaves me to wonder how much of the novel involves wordplay that's left unexplained by the translation
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
me this morning:
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me rn:
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metamatar · 1 year
i read some of the introduction by boris fishman (accidentally i thought it would be a general discussion of the novel's background!) in my translation of master and the margarita and i have to say it is a reading that prejudiced me against the book. it characterises the novel as bulgakov's restoration of christian god in light of the blasphemy of soviet anti religious propaganda and unfortunately the latter sounds based to me.
the first chapter has a footnote that goes,
In his Journal of 1925 (the so-called ‘Confiscated Journal’ which turned up in the files of the KGB and was published in 1990), Bulgakov noted: ‘Jesus Christ is presented as a scoundrel and swindler . . . There is no name for this crime.’
then the conversation between Berlioz and the Devil presents attempts up compare christian 'God' with the mythology of the rest of the world as faintly ridiculous and you can guess how that goes over someone who didn't even grow up christian
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calfkill · 5 months
How can I be expected to go to class when it's so cold and I'm so sleepy
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jeevanjali · 6 months
Kharmas 2023:16 दिसंबर से खरमास शुरू,इस दौरान भूलकर भी न करें ये तीन कामKharmas 2023: खरमास 16 दिसंबर शनिवार से शुरू हो चुका है और 14 जनवरी 2024 तक रहेगा। हिंदू धर्म में खरमास के महीने को बहुत अशुभ माना जाता है और इस महीने को पुरूषोत्तम मास भी कहा जाता है
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lowgothree · 1 month
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chapter no. 000!          
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𝗈𝗈𝗈.                 ⠀CONTENT : angst-ish. reader is lowk insecure and paige is lowk not good at reassurance (its for the plot trussst)
𝗈𝗈𝗈. ⠀      WORD COUNT : 637
𝗈𝗈𝗈.   ⠀AUTHORS NOTE : lmk if yall like this or not!
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THERE WAS A TIME WHERE PAIGE KISSING YOU, having you underneath her warm lips, was the best thing that could happen to you. you loved how human it was. how natural it felt for her to be on top of you, her body heat engulfing you. whenever you were together; it was like you entered a little bubble…one where only you and her existed. 
but everything is temporary, (including humanity, apparently) because one november night, she had you pinned against her bed and all you can think about is how much you hate the feeling. you’re alone together now, in the private comfort of her apartment. the blinds were drawn shut but it wouldn’t matter because by now midnight had already rolled in and everyone looking in was most likely sleeping. you had her to yourself, finally –– nothing about the setting was unusual, most of the alone time you and paige had was past 11pm. she only loved you in the dark. 
but it wasn’t enough anymore. 
perhaps you had gotten greedy, finding yourself wanting to hold her hand in less private spaces. you’d been with her for months, six to be exact, and yet it felt pointless. she wouldn’t tell anyone. she said she loved you but she couldn’t tell anyone. and it didn’t help that she was possibly the biggest flirt most likely ever. she pulled away, noticing your lack of usual enthusiasm. 
“is something wrong?” three words that jump started the end of the relationship—if you could even call it that. it was inauspicious at best, nonexistent at worst. that was your greatest fear when it came to the two of you––that there was really nothing there. those three, almost dismissive words, completely shattered you. 
you bite your tongue but it’s futile. when you open your mouth again the words escape before you even realize it, much less stop yourself from saying them. “why did you say that?”
“cause you’re being weird and i wanna know what’s up?” she says in an obvious tone, confused as to why you’d even question her motives for trying to know what’s wrong with her girlfriend. 
“no, not that.” you sigh, realizing your vagueness. “earlier.” 
paige’s confused expression doesn’t lift for even a moment, in fact, it seems to increase. 
“to the girl at the shop. when she asked if you had a girlfriend.” you reply simply, annoyed that the situation clearly meant nothing to her when it meant everything to you. at the moment, at least. “you said you weren’t looking for a relationship.”
“well, that’s not exactly a lie.” she’s mostly joking but it’s clear that you didn’t take it that way. your hand, which was running up and down the length of her spine subconsciously, stops abruptly. her words are spoken lightheartedly but they suffocate you.
“i just mean…i’m kinda with you, y’know? so i’m not actively looking.” she doesn’t know why that’s what she chose to say in that moment and those words would prove to haunt her for long after.
“would it kill you to call me your girlfriend?”
she pauses, tensing like she always does whenever you talk labels. her silence is the worst answer. her silence is indifference. she doesn’t care, of course she doesn’t. why would you even expect her to? it was clear she only wanted a good time from you.
so you decided to make this easy for her. by saying what she never ever wanted you to say to her. you sit up, standing from the bed. “i think it’s best if we don’t keep seeing each other.”
she hates how formal you sound. she hates even more how she can’t say anything. she hates how she can’t speak even when you gather your things to leave her. she let you go, too frozen to stop you.
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thelightsandtheroses · 5 months
2. soak up the sun
Let's Get Lost Chapter 2 | Frankie Morales x female reader
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Summary: You and Frankie aren’t together anymore but you’re in a good place. However, spending a week together for your mutual friends’ wedding on a luxury resort might challenge that slightly and realising you’re still in love with your ex is a sure-fire recipe for disaster … Tropes: it was always you, getting back with the ex, beach!Frankie (you know *that* photoshoot) miscommunication, only one bed, good parent Frankie Chapter Warnings: 18+ MDNI, refereneces to past drug addiction, discussions of food, small mentions of various insecurities and body image, passing reference to alcohol, Frankie and the reader are parents to a toddler, past break-ups. Word Count: 2807 Notes: Thank you for the lovely feedback so far - it's meant so much to me and I hope you enjoy this update. I have a lot planned for this fic. The chapter title is from Sheryl Crow's song of the same name.
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There’s nothing quite like a breakfast buffet. Whenever you travel, you can’t help but judge the hotel, judge the entire stay by the quality of the breakfast. If the coffee is good, if the food is fresh and tasty, if it feels welcoming … that’s the magic formula - for you, at least.
After an inauspicious start to your vacation, you’re hoping that the breakfast will be a silver lining, that you can recharge before trying to resolve the room situation.
It was hard to sleep last night. You were so aware of Frankie on the other side of the pillow barrier, so anxious over everything that had gone wrong. You couldn’t play your sleep stories or calming music and your room and bed felt so unfamiliar.
You need to relax.
You need to hold things together for Lia and Clara, because this week is about them and not the messes of your current state of mind or relationship with Frankie.
 Clara is holding Frankie’s hand and happily pulling him ahead as he tries to guide her to the right place.
When you arrive in the veranda, you can see Lia, Benny, Will and Sophie, Wil’s wife, as well as Santiago already occupying a large table. Lia waves you over with a smile.
She immediately pulls you into a hug as you approach and you’re hit with your friend’s comforting presence, her familiar scent of coconut and vanilla. “Finally,” she says, “Now we’re all here.”
You look over to see Frankie giving Santiago a one-armed hug before Santi pays attention to Clara.
“Clara, look at you,” he says, adding in Spanish, “you’re so tall now, huh?” He nods cordially to acknowledge you as you sit next to Sophie. 
“Heard your flight got delayed?” Will asks calmly, his arm casually resting on Sophie’s chair. Sophie’s intelligent and smart and incredibly pretty to boot. You do get on with her, but you can’t help remembering Will and Sophie’s wedding every time you see then. It’s an automatic, almost Pavlovian response that leaves you with a dry throat and sweaty palms. You’re sure she remembers that night too. It was a real lowlight for you and Frankie after all.
  You hope Benny’s wedding will be an improvement.
Surely it can’t be any worse than Will’s?
You break out of your reverie and look over at Will, answering his question, “Yeah, it wasn’t that bad. Only a couple of hours in the end.” You can’t mention the room debacle yet and judging by Frankie’s subtle nod to you, he’s in agreement with you on that. “How’s the coffee?” you ask, the hope palpable in your voice.
“Amazing,” Sophie says, “Really good quality and fresh.” She winks at you, clearly remembering your breakfast litmus test.
Well, that’s something then.
Fifteen minutes later, you’ve almost finished your first cup of coffee, Clara is eating her eggs under her Tio Santi’s careful supervision. It’s funny watching Santi with her; he never struck you as particularly paternal, perhaps because he never seemed to put roots down anywhere, but Clara adores him. She adores all of Frankie’s close friends. Benny is brilliant with her, so’s Will.
Despite Frankie having less and less contact with his biological family over the years, he’s given Clara the gift of his chosen family. You can’t pretend to understand the bond and brotherhood between Frankie, Will, Santi and Benny - it runs deep. It’s enough to know that they’re his brothers. They’ll always be his brothers.
You take a bite of your own breakfast, daring yourself to relax just a little. Sophie’s right - the coffee is good.
Hope loosens the tight thread around your stomach just a fraction.
“What’s your plan for today then?” Lia asks. ”Just settling in?“
“I think someone wants to go to the beach,” you say, indicating Clara.
“A beach day sounds great. We should all go, before things get hectic.”
“Thanks,” you say in a low voice. “What do you need from me over the next few days? I know I’ve been a shitty bridesmaid recently, so just tell me what you need.”
“Right now? We’re good. I’m just so glad you’re here,” Lia says.
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It’s peaceful. The steady rhythm of waves flowing and withdrawing barely conceal the soft giggles you can hear from Clara with Frankie a few meters away.
Next to you, Lia and Benny are sunbathing. Lia is lounging against him, a glossy magazine in one hand and what you suspect is a frozen strawberry daiquiri in the other hand. The two of them look like models; skin glowing in the sun, colour coordinated swimwear and sunglasses in place. They’re perfect for each other.
It hits you suddenly; you’re surrounded by couples. Even Santi is off flirting with someone by the water.
You scrunch your toes into the golden sand and exhale slowly.
It’s hard to stop your brain thinking about work for the first few days of a holiday; you find your fingers automatically twitching as they want to reach for a phone or laptop to check emails and messages.
They can cope without you. You know that. It’s just your anxiety, just the corporate machine and it shouldn’t matter. What you should be thinking about is your family, is Lia’s wedding, being a good bridesmaid, a good mother, a good friend and co-parent with Frankie.
You think back to your conversation with the hotel staff before coming to the beach. It turns out there is no alternative room for you or Frankie until the final night of your stay. The hotel is fully booked, so unless one of you stays somewhere else then you’re stuck in the same hotel room for most of the week.
It’s not fair on either of you to be somewhere else either - not when you’re both in the wedding party, both Clara’s parents.
It doesn’t feel like you have much of a choice. 
You’re not sure how to tell Frankie about the conversation you’ve just had with the hotel. It isn’t your fault, not technically, but somehow it feels like another in a long list of failures.
You watch your daughter building a sandcastle. She looks so happy; half covered in sand and clapping her hands in delight as Frankie carefully lifts the sandcastle bucket.  You hold your breath for a second in the hope that one particularly shaky looking turret holds out.
She’s having a great time at least. That’s what you really wanted.
You put your book down, standing up to go and join the two of them.
“Hey Clara, mum’s here,” Frankie says, waving you over with a smile. You can’t help but notice the way sand has slightly stuck to his thigh while he’s been building the castle with Clara and how he’s already unbuttoned his shirt by a scandalous three buttons.
“Hi sweetie,” you say, “that is an amazing sandcastle. Did you build that one all by yourself?”
Clara purses her lips, deep in thought. She looks at Frankie and then at you and for a second she nods then shakes her head. “Daddy helped.”
“Only a bit,” he says kindly.
“Yeah, I can tell someone with an engineering background has been involved,” you joke which earns you one of Frankie’s best smiles. It’s one of the dazzling ones that made you fall in love with him the first time.
“Did uh, everything go okay with -” Frankie begins as he stands up, grimacing briefly and covering it immediately.
“We can talk about it later,” you say, smiling unnaturally brightly and quickly looking at Clara and then the others.
Frankie immediately understands your implications - you watch a range of emotions dance across his eyes before he settles with a similarly bright but false smile.
“It’s not a big deal,” he says. “We’ll be fine. It’s just a week, right?”
You smile weakly and nod. There’s always the bathtub, maybe Frankie was right about that.
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You can hear music lightly playing as you and Clara walk back into the hotel room. She’s stifling a yawn, clearly already tired from the day’s events so far. There’s just enough time for you to have a quick shower before you head out for the early family dinner you have planned.
Frankie and you have discussed it in depth and spoken to the hotel babysitting service but you agreed to save that for wedding related events. There’s no reason the two of you can’t work it out between yourselves the rest of the time and ensure at least one of you is with your daughter. Plus, the whole idea’s about giving Clara that family holiday, right?
Frankie’s reading on the bed and looks up at the two of you.
“Hey guys,” he says as Clara immediately bounds towards him.
“Daddy!” she cries, as though they have been separated for weeks not a couple of hours.
He shakes his head, raising an eyebrow at you.
Your only response is a quick shrug. “Do you mind if I have a shower before we head for dinner? I’m thinking if we both use the bathroom before we put Clara to b-well, you know where -”
“Sounds like a plan. I had a shower when I got in, so it’s all yours.”
Frankie places his book face down on the bed and diverts his attention to your daughter.
You loiter for just a moment before heading to the bathroom; you’ve been looking forward to this shower all day. The hotel bathroom is well appointed to say the least and the fancy, rainfall shower with all the attachments and luxurious smelling shampoo has sung to your sun and sand stressed body.
You start to feel relaxed as you wrap the white fluffy towel around your body and continue your self-care routine. Why not allow yourself some small indulgences while you’re on holiday after all?
It’s then you realise that you forgot your clean clothes. You were wearing your  beach clothes when you walked into the bathroom; your costume  is now hanging up to dry after all, taunting you slightly, and your cover up is sheer and oh, you have made a definite mistake here.
You feel the heat rising as you try and think about what to do.
“Frankie, can you just shut your eyes a minute?” you ask, pursing your lips as wrap the towel tighter around yourself.
“Why?” Frankie calls from the room then you hear him make a slightly embarrassed sound as he clearly figures it out. “I mean, it’s okay. It’s fine. Just uh, just tell me when.”
It’s fine, you think, you used to date after all. He’s seen you so many times in far worse states. For a second you remember how things used to be between you and Frankie. At one point, you wondered if there was a surface in your house you hadn’t been with him on. He seemed to take that as a challenge when you asked him.
You can almost hear the echoing laughter and memories as they sweep over you, a wave of emotion, regret, sadness and then finally a sad tang of bitterness.
You take a deep breath. “Okay, now,” you say and then you open the door.
He has his eyes covered with one hand but he has a wicked smirk and you can’t help but wonder if he is peeking, if he thinks you still look … no, this isn’t healthy.
You shuffle around in the towel to try and discreetly change, almost tripping over one of Clara’s toys on the way.
The clatter makes Frankie straighten slightly.
“False alarm,” you say, voice low as an unspoken tension fills the room.
“Good,” he says, one hand still casually covering those eyes.
You finally pull your trousers up and tug the light white top over your shoulders.
“Okay, it’s safe now.”
“Great.” He looks over at you with a slight smile. “You look good, cielo.” The old nickname slips out and his eyes widen, panic filling his face.
The tension in the room thickens. Somehow it feels like you’re in two realities simultaneously; one where Frankie is still yours and this one –  the one where there’s scores of shared memories, pain and change between the last time he called you cielo.
You can’t even remember the last time he called you that.
It’s not as though you knew it was the last time after all. 
“Thanks,” you reply softly, not sure whether to acknowledge the name or not. “You’re not doing too bad yourself.”
He raises an eyebrow at that, his cheeks fiercely colouring,  then he  stands up from the bed - your bed. “We should go get some dinner, huh, Clara?”
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The early dinner serving is filled with families like your own. You take a sip of your soda and look out at the beach ahead of you. You think you can see Lia, Benny and the others in the distance, still taking full advantage of their time away from it all.
“You could have got a drink,” Frankie says suddenly and quietly. He looks down and away from you as you look over at him.
“I have a soda,” you reply, furrowing your brow.
“I saw you reading the wine list and the cocktails and - it doesn’t bother me.”
“Frankie, it’s fine.”
“I’m just saying, it won’t upset me or anything, or trigger me. I-I’m in a good place, right now.” He looks at you with his deep soulful and hopeful eyes. You believe him, even fighting against that tiny anxious voice in your mind that remembers the past year.
That doesn’t mean you feel particularly comfortable drinking around him right now though.
“I don’t want a drink tonight,” you say finally, “but thanks, Frankie, for saying that.”
He shrugs. “‘S nothing.”
“No, it’s not. It’s - I’m - we’re all really proud of you, you do know that right?”
His cheeks colour slightly. “You shouldn’t have to be,” he says finally, before turning his attention to Clara in a clear signal the conversation is over.
“I was thinking about the itinerary you sent through.”
“You didn’t allow yourself much time for yourself.”
“I’m a bridesmaid, Frankie, any time I’m not with Clara, I should -”
“How many books did you bring with you?”
“That’s beside the point.”
“It really isn’t.” Frankie takes a forkful of his rice. “So, how many?”
“Four.” It had been wilfully naive. A combination of the books you kept hearing Lia and other friends talking about, books you’d wanted to read for so long but had gathered dust on your bedside table, and finally one of them was a stress induced purchase at the airport bookstore for the sheer audacity of your flight being delayed.
“Four books?”
“I  probably won’t finish any of them.”
“Why not? You’re not on your own here with Clara and Lia doesn’t need you for every moment you’re not with our kid. I’m here too, sweetheart, so read your books and do it all. Spend tie with Clara, do the wedding shi-stuff, wasn’t that the whole point of this?”
“What about you?” you ask gently, “You should - you should have the same too. I know things have been tough and trust me, if anyone deserves a vacation -”
“We both do.”
You both watch Clara cheerfully spooning spaghetti and then meet each other’s gaze again.
“I’m glad we’re doing this.”
“Me too.”
“I can’t imagine it’s easy. Maybe I should have got a twin room with Santi.”
“Like he would have let you block his chances with a holiday fling,” you joke.
“That’s why there’s always a bathtub option.”
“Absolutely not. Besides, this is family, right? Benny’s your family, Lia’s as good as mine. And this one,” you indicate Clara. Your daughter who has her dad’s eyes, so many of his features, and yet, so much of yourself too. She’s a blend of the best of you both, you think. “You’re both my family.”
“Same,” he says, looking up at you carefully, “That’s never changed.”
There’s a silence.
“Sweetheart, what do you want to do tomorrow?” you ask Clara, even for her babbling to break the moment.
She takes a deep breath and places her fork down on her plate. Frankie suppresses a giggle at her serious expression. “Well,” she begins.
The two of you raise your eyebrows at each other, the tension broken. The moment’s passed.
You feel muddled on this vacation. There’s something about Frankie looking at you in his vacation clothes, glowing with sobriety and adoring your daughter that makes you feel …. something. Something you’re pretty sure you shouldn’t feel about him.
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whencyclopedia · 14 days
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Dionysos (Roman name: Bacchus, also known as Dionysus) was the ancient Greek god of wine, merriment, and theatre. Being the bad boy of Mt. Olympus, Dionysus was perhaps the most colourful of the Olympian Gods.
Son of Zeus
In Greek mythology, despite being the son of Zeus and Semele (the daughter of Kadmos and Harmonia), Dionysos did not receive the best start in life when his mother died while still pregnant. Hera, wife of Zeus, was jealous of her husband's illicit affair and craftily persuaded Semele to ask Zeus to reveal himself to her in all his godly splendour. This was too much for the mortal and she immediately expired; however, Zeus took the unborn child and reared him in his thigh. Most accounts then attribute the satyrs and nymphs as the carers of Dionysos in his childhood and the wise Silenus as his chief educator on Mt. Nysa, far from Hera's wrath.
Homer describes the god as the 'joy of men', and Hesiod likewise describes him as 'much-cheering'. This is no doubt because Dionysos is credited with giving man the gift of wine. The god gave Ikarios, a noble citizen of Ikaria in Attica, the vine tree. From this, Ikarios made wine which he shared with a group of passing shepherds. However, unaware of the stupefying effects of wine, the shepherds thought they had been poisoned and so swiftly took revenge and killed the unfortunate Ikarios. Notwithstanding this inauspicious start to the wine industry, wine became an extremely popular drink in antiquity. The Greeks usually drank wine diluted with water (one part wine to three parts water), mixed in a large krater vessel. Wine was drunk at banquets, festivals, and private parties, in particular, at a symposium, a kind of informal, male-only drinking session where guests reclined on a couch (kline) and engaged in conversation on topics ranging from gossip to philosophy.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
when i think of my snookums stink stink bookie pookie nut pumpy umpy umpkin baby onyankopon, i think of u/grownuprileyfreeman on reddit 😩 i be drooling a lil bit, im not gon front 🙁🤞🏽
oh baby boo when i tell you i downloaded the app, created an account and took off all the nsfw settings just to witness this real time….. AND WHEN I TELL YOU I GASPED?!!?!? stink stink’s voice is usually a lot deeper but the smoothness of this guy is so up his streeeeeet 😩🫶🏾💖 I just HAD to a lil schum schum to it
Based off of this audio
Triple N — Onyankopon x Fem!Reader
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word count: 1.1k
content: afab!reader, fem!reader, established relationship, making out, slight dom!reader, use of petnames, handjob, male ejaculation
“G’morning baby…”
Turning onto his side, Onyankopon places a soft kiss to your collarbone. An automative action at this point. His eyes are barely opened as you nestle your cheek against the top of his head.
“Morn.” You croak back.
He kisses your skin again before asking: “What time is it?”
You know he has work today. It wasn’t usually his favourite thing in the world but just being able to spend these morning moments with him made it all the better. Slightly perking up, you squint to check the clock on his bedside table.
“Just gone pass six.” You say before resting your neck back down.
“Damn.” He mumbles and you let out a breathy laugh in reply. Onyankopon enjoys the way your laughter shortly vibrated within your chest, allowing him to feel motions, feel you.
“I gotta get up soon…but not yet.”
He lets out a sigh through his nose but he makes no effort to move away from you. Which in practice, means you could feel every part of him, including his poking morning wood against his leg. You slightly pause before asking him about it.
“Ony, you’re hard.”
You can tell the question has thrown him off guard, or at least confused him because for a moment, you feel him still.
“The fuck?” He grumbles. “Babe, it’s first thing in morning. How do you expect me not to be? Also got this sexy ass woman laying up next to me, rubbing on me all night. What else you expect?”
Valid response, but it doesn’t mean the problem was solved. Almost expectantly, your hand starts to wander deeper underneath the duvet.
“Want me to help you with it?”
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Why?” You frown.
“I’m doing Triple N.”
Without intending to, you feel your forehead crease with a frown.
“Triple N? No Nut November?” The man doesn’t reply. “Seriously Ony, for real?”
The lack of answer was all you needed in order to confirm that Onyankopon was indeed being for real. With a breathy snort, you snuggle into the man’s warmth with a faint smile.
“You’re gonna fail.”
Onyankopon makes a half choked noise.
“Fai— Oh, you have absolutely no faith in me.”
An unsure noise leaves your throat but your hands are soothingly running over the man’s arms. Innocent enough to be inauspicious.
“No, I’m sure you can do No Nut November easily. Your problem is me.”
By now, Onyankopon’s eyes have shot right open. You can tell by the way you can feel him blinking right into the skin of your chest.
“Oh, yeah you right. You know I can’t resist you.” He muses. “Which is even more reason why you gotta heeelp meeee not to looooose.”
Your lack of reply scares Onyankopon because unless you verbally agree to help him, he knows you’re not going to.
As opposed to giving a verbal answer, you instead only move your head down to capture Onyankopon’s lips into a kiss. It’s wet and slow — just like how you usually have it in the mornings. And Onyankopon enjoys it, almost a bit too much, because once you airily brush your hand alongside the upside of his dick, he shudders with a groan into your mouth.
“Baby, you’re making it hard for me.” He whines into the kiss.
“I can’t make it any harder than how much you’re willing to win.”
You don’t let up your actions as your brushing turns to delicate stroking and your throat starts to produce moans. Even Onyankopon, who feels so conflicted about his Triple N sabotage is slowly bucking his hips into the loose shape of your curved hand.
“Babe, please.”
He says, despite keeping your hands locked onto his shaft.
“You really telling me you want me to stop?” You muse.
“It’s No Nut November.” He huffs. “As long as I don’t cum, right?”
You raise your eyebrow in contemplation but don’t question his resolve. You both know you’re not kidding anyone with that excuse but it’s amusing to entertain the fantasy.
“Whatever you say. Just tell me when you’re close so I can stop.”
You quip with a shrug and so you continue to languidly stroke your hand up and down his shaft. And you figure that if he’d been as faithful to the challenge as much as he says he was, then he was going to be a lot more pent up than he’d usually be.
His moans are almond sweet but directed specifically for you. They’re so uniquely him but equally alien to hear.
It was then you realised how rare it was for you to ever take the reins like this.
Onyankopon can’t even speak properly, let alone warn you when to stop. His mouth breathes hot air onto your collarbone because of how good you feel. Your fingers are ever so tailored to the shape of his cock, his tip your Frequent Friend and his veins a Forbidden Lover. You have such a relationship with him that you can only know how to please him properly despite him always being the one pleasing you.
“Baby, you’re close.”
You teasingly whisper the words just above Onyankopon’s cheek, his hands grappling at your warm skin in retaliation. The telltale signs of his impending orgasms are familiar to you now.
Still, he doesn’t tell you to stop, and so you can only take that as a sign to carryon.
“Oh, you’re so sexy like this.” With a grin you kiss just behind his ear. “Cum for me, daddy.”
His fingers are pinching at your skin now, whimpering for you to dare not stop. His slick hard cock so delectably ready to burst, you can’t help but edge him on more. It’s clear that you’ve neglected his goal of abstinence and that he was okay with that.
“Wanna have your cum all over my fingers.”
You finish with a moan of his name and it’s enough to easily push him over the edge, his hips stilling in a buck as he warmly finishes over your closed palm. As you continue to milk him to a halt, you undoubtedly don’t miss the small repeated huffs of ‘love you’ that Onyankopon was staining into your skin.
Once he comes down from his high, the man places a juxtaposing kiss to the temple of your head.
“God, that was hot. How can I not fuck you after that?”
Onyankopon hasn’t even given you a chance to lear your hand of his milky cum. He’s already fondling your body into an accessible position for him to slide himself into. You let him with no qualms but not without a raspy laugh.
“What happened to No Nut November, huh?”
You say with one of your thighs already being elevated from the crease of your knee. The man shrugs as he preps his cock at your entrance.
“I mean, I’ve already failed, right? Now I can go all out.”
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benihana-circumcision · 2 months
april snows and jersey earthquakes im starting to think this eclipse is inauspicious
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ninjasmudge · 10 months
What are your thoughts on the two other monkeys? Idk if you ever heard of them, but it's the Red Bottom Ape and Long Armed Gibbon.
i actaually had some pretty lore heavy origin story hcs for those guys a couple of years ago, but i dont think i ever posted them. ill put some of the old art here and paste the lore under a cut cause its LONG (replaced the old swk and maq in the last pic with some more recent ones bc my hcs for them changed so much lmao)
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their lore was well researched i spent days on it but it was a couple years ago lmao, its based on the principals they represent plus which of yin/yang they represent
long armed gibbon- can seize the sun and the moon, distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars
gibbon was born when a seed from a fir tree fell from heaven to earth. it landed on top of an eroded mountian and a tree started growing. after several hundred years, when the tree stretched high enough and was wise enough and the pine cones had gone from dark purple to blue, the trunk split one day at sunrise on a blue misty morning and gibbon walked into the world
red-buttocked horse monkey- who has knowledge of yin and yang, understands human affairs, is adept in its daily life and able to avoid death and lengthen its life
horse was born from a drop of water flung from a trough in heavens stables (part of the reason swk was so pleased to guard the horses when he went)
when she fell to earth she became a river that people often visited and talked around and played in. from this she came to understand human affairs. she also found she could help creatures avoid death or prolong their life by feeding their crops. when she knew enough, she climbed out of the river at sundown and walked into the world
sun wukong, the wise stone monkey- who knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars
stealing from nezha reborn where the myth goes that when nüwe patched the sky, the leftover stone was where swk came from, but im changing it to one of the tiles that was used to create the furnace was dropped, leaving a monkey sized gap where he could later on slot into to keep himself alive in there. the tile was knocked out of the basket by the wind and fell to earth and this was the only one that landed on ffm. you know the story here, he absorbed chi from heaven AND earth which is why hes so powerful
six eared macaque- who has a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things
macaque was born very suddenly when a piece of moon rock broke off and fell to earth on a new moon. the resulting meteor created a huge and sudden flash of light in a forest which created hundreds of stark shadows at once. the shadows condensed and the resulting being wouldnt have lived if it hadnt been a new moon because he needed the next hours of darkness to collect himself into a full being. but before the night was done, a new monkey was born who was able to hear everything in the radius he had collected shadows from, which if youve ever seen a meteor flash, is a long way
somethin interesting abt the things that created them- swks tile was actually heavenly, which is why he represents primarily yang (heaven). his was the only one that was CRAFTED BY heaven. gibbon and horse are both from something that fell from heaven and then the earth changed its form (the tree grew on earth from a heavenly seed, and the drop of water became a river) whereas macaque, representing the yin is fully of earth, the meteor that created him was from heaven but he didnt directly come from the meteor, he came from the shadows it created on earth. his only connection is to the earth
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recentadultburnout · 11 months
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: More language thingy
Swear words and metaphor
*Some words may have more meaning than what I mention.
ไอ้ Ai and อี ee = words to be added in front of other words (a name or swear word), showing contempt or closeness (in a rude way).
Ai is masculine and ee is feminine, but nobody actually cares at this point.
เหี้ย hia or เชี่ย shia = Varanus salvator
These two words are the same. Hia is an original, and shia is a word that is born from distorting the voice in order to reduce vulgarity. It's kind of like referring to an f-word with any other word starting with f. We also used many other words that mean "Varanus salvator" as a sensor version of the "hia" swear word. little crocodile or chicken eater, for example.
They can also be used to empathize by adding to the end one or two times, for example, "super cool" would be "cool hia hia".
Tbh, whenever I read in English and see the word "hia," I always think of this word before a word that means "older brother." And to make it worse, the placement of both of them in the sentence can be exactly the same. Sometimes it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize the writer intended it to be an older brother.
สารเลว saraleo = miscreant, bastard, swinish, vile, caitiff, rascally
If you are 2gether fan, this is the word Tine calls Sarawat.
There are many similar words, such as
rayam-ระยำ-wicked, disgusting, inauspicious
chanrai-จัญไร-vile, unfortunate, ruined, crush
เสือก sueak = to meddle in matters that are not their own; to meddle in other people's affairs
ห่า har = infectious disease (cholera), pestilential disease (plague), and the evil spirit responsible for disease epidemics. 
สัตว์ sus =animal
พ่อง pong=your father
แม่ง maeng =your mother
They are shorten from por(father)/mae(mother) mung(you)
ดอกทอง dok thong=whore
This word sounds like a golden flower, but it's just a coincidence as far as I know.
ส้นตีน son teen=heel=lowest point of your body
ควย kyua=cock
หี hee=vagina
สันดาน san dan=in-born traits
as in bad inborn traits. The "bad" is omitted on the assumption that everyone understands.
ตอแหล tor lear=liar, fake
-->sato (สตอ-Crudia chrysantha Schum)-->strawberry
เปรต pret=The hungry ghost, frequently described as a very tall monster with a needle-sized mouth. = tall(negative meaning) or a bad person
อ้อย oi=suger cane=อ่อย oi=attempt to entice something or someone to be caught (typically used by a woman seducing a man).
For example, a cane truck has overturned here.=Someone here is trying really hard to seduce someone.
งิ้ว ngiw=bombax anceps (thorn-covered tree)
In the story, when sinners go to hell, the adulterer must climb this tree naked.
Mark from Love Mechanics asks on Facebook how hurtful it would be to climb a ngiw tree after having sex with Vee, implying that he is at least interested in someone who is not single.
Gold fish=short memory
Tiger=flirtatious person who is good at getting who they want (typically a guy)
A tiger with faded stripes=old tiger=someone who used to be flirtatious but is no longer. 
Dog can be alot of things depent on the context but usually a bad things.
"Dog with a rotten head" means someone nobody wants to get close to or interact with.
If someone looks just like a dog, that means their current state is bad. Too drunk = like a dog. Crying too much = like a dog.
Giving someone dog food means making someone, usually your friends, a dog. Used when you complain about your love life to someone, ask them for advice and they tell you to leave your current partner since the partner is being awful to you, you say so! Then you turn around and reconcile with your partner. So now your friend is a bad guy whom your partner won't want you to associate with anymore because they incite you to be at odd witn your partner.
Temple's dog = low status, usually used for a low-status man who likes a high-status woman who would be called ดอกฟ้า(dokfha) which translates directly to "sky flower." Use something like, "You are a temple's dog yet want to pluck a sky flower, you should know your place!"
A dog that serves someone means someone who only cares about serving their boss (who is a bad person) and nothing else, like morals or other people. A lackey
Bird(quite a new slang) = Can't get what you want, typically means someone you want as a lover.
Phonix = immortal bird = repeatedly failing to get what you want *We do use phonix as a poetic expression too, not just for this meaning.
Buffalo = idiot/fool. 
You can say A is putting horns on B when A is cheating on B; this means A makes B an idiot for believing in A.
When you fail your exam, you might say that these days you eat grass instead of rice (like a buffalo).
There is a saying that goes like this: "One who remembers when they get hurt (and leaves or does something to not get hurt again) is a human; one who is willing to endure it is a buffalo." If you put up with something you shouldn't, you are a buffalo.
weak/easy to win against
rhinoceros=Someone who tries to steal someone else's lover or just acts inappropriately in general according to the traditional feminine standard. Originally, it was only used to call women, but it is no longer the case.
barking deer=gay man
It was originally used by trans women to refer to cis women. can be seen as rude, but like many other words, many people don't actually take offense if it is used playfully. These two words, "barking deer" and "gibbon," are usually used together.
The reason why a character does not always know information stated in the subtitle
Gender of someone
The Thai language, for the most part, is gender-neutral. The she or he in the English subtitle usually has to be chosen by the translator.
Who/what the speaker is talking to/about
Many times, sentence structures in spoken language won't require a subject or object. I guess when that gets translated, it looks weird, so the translator has to pick something to add in. In a lot of situations where I am not sure how to address my interlocutor, I can simply avoid doing it, but when I'm writing in English like this, I have to pick something, right?
There are no tenses in Thai the way there are in English. We have words for determining whether something happened in the past, present, or future, but you can say something without using any of those and it will be just fine.
When someone asks if someone has eaten rice(ข้าว-khao) yet, the word rice usually means meal/food and not strictly rice. The word rice can mean food in general a lot of the time.
Polite words
There are a lot of words that mean the exact same thing but have a different degree of politeness. You may already have noticed it with the way there are so many words that mean you or I. You may also notice it when you watch alot of any Thai series. Like, how when a character says "eat" in the subtitle, there are some varied sounds, such as daek(แดก-rude), kin(กิน-common), than(ทาน-a bit more polite-shorten from rapprathan), rapprathan(รับประทาน-polite).
Meaning of polysyllabic words
Some polysyllabic words, when each syllable is separated, still have a meaning, but their meaning may not be consistent with the meaning of that polysyllabic word. So even when you recognize the meaning of each syllable, the meaning of the polysyllabic word you deduce from it may not be correct. I mean, if we look deeper, we should be able to make it make sense, but yeah.
For example, the word "witch" in Thai is mae mod(แม่มด). Mae means mother or something you can used to indicate that a word it is in refers to a woman and Mod means ant when it's a separate word, but when combined, they mean witch. Or for the word whose meaning is more similar to the words used to create it, the word khun nhu(คุณหนู), which means "young master/mistress." used for address the child of the boss, when sperate khun is a prefix to show politeness or respect, and nhu means mice or a word used for calling children. You can see that while some of the single-syllabic words are arguably related to the meaning of the polysyllabic word, some aint so much.
I hope this explanation doesn't make you more confused.😅 But if it is, do tell me. I will try to do better.
Thai alphabet
Our letters are named after words they used to spell. Like, both letters ญ and ย sound the same(yor), but the word woman (หญิง-ying) uses letter ญ and the word giant (ยักษ์-yak) uses letter ย, so letter ญ is named yor ying and letter ย is named yor yak.
Think of it like if A's full name is "A apple".
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