#to be Good At English Grammar but idc anymore
merrysithmas · 1 year
no, i cant spell. NO i wont try
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seargantblue · 7 years
hey i just stumbled across ur blog its cute! i got no life so i just kept scrolling and scrolling and got interested in ur life a lil :) u still seeing that guy u were so crazy about? and whats he like? if so what has being with him done to all ur confusion abt gender/sexuality? what do u like abt him? im sorry if im being annoying im just so bored u dont have to answer
omg this message is so cute thx 4 being interested in my life!! its not annoying at all + i decide to put that information abt me online so its rly ok! my answer got really long and im a lil tired (and not good with english grammar) so sorry 4 any mistakes lel
im actually in a relationship with the guy rn and i swear its one of the few good things that happened to me in 2016 !! i mean it took some time for us to actually get together bc at first he didnt want to ‘put a label on it’ but apparently im an “all or nothing” kind of person and thank god he realized it!! its still kinda weird and very very new for me to be in an actual relationship and i sometimes forget that he is my boyfriend so ??? but im very excited and very very happy and even the smallest things he does still make my heart go !!!!! the gender issue I once had doesnt really exist anymore, I feel more comfortable in my body than ever and enjoy being ‘girly’. Im wearing dresses and skirts quite often now and started to wear the thight fitting tshirts again, instead of only the really loose ones (: the sex thing is still a lil bit tricky: he doesnt really care abt sex which is fucking fantastic, bc I used to think that maybe Im gonna end alone bc Im ace (btw I dont really consider myself ace anymore bc y should I label myself ?? Im okay with telling ppl I dont like sex, but maybe I will one day so idc abt what label to give my sexuality and honestly : its none of other ppls business who I fuck ((or not)) ). I did find out that I can get sexually aroused if I really like the person im with but Im still not sure if I really want to have sex and/or if I would enjoy it. maybe we gonna fuck one day, or maybe not but idc bc its not that important to both of us (i hope). I dont really wanna be too personal or nsfw here but lets just say that my body does react stronger to him touching/kissing me than I thought so yeah thats thatumm what to say about him… hes kinda the stoic person and thinks that everything has to be rational and objective which I think is very stupid bc Im a really subjective person who prefers to just do things instead of planning ahead. also he is very smart (but likes to think he’s smarter than everybody which sucks tbh) and he explains a lot of things to me which is nice bc im a sucker for people explaining the world and stuff to me. i feel very comfortable and safe around him and I think that I make him feel safe too. he questions everything and wants to be 100% sure he makes the ‘right’ decision before doing it, so i actually feel kinda special that he likes me. He also has this thing with wanting to bring out the best in people (according to his vision of ‘good’ and ‘best people’) and that does get kinda annoying bc I dont like the idea of him just wanting to change me ??? But apparently he sees way more potential in me than I do and thats a nice feeling tbh. aaah what I like about him is actually a lot, he is absurd handsome and can literally wear anything he wants ???? sometimes I get self conscious abt how good he looks and that Im not in his league or smth like that although I know how stupid that sounds.. anyway, hes kinda made of edges and has this thin, sharp smile with pointy teeth and hes very tall and fit and I like to call him weasel bc when he proofes me wrong he smirkes all mischievous and sometimes he gets giddy and hyper so it rly fits lol. I like how his voice gets all soft and warm when Im sad or something happened and he tries to cheer me up and I like how fucking much he cares abt other ppl - so much it must hurt himself bc he puts other ppls feelings over his and just cares too much. he is actually a very soft person but probably doesnt want everybody to see it bc he is a man™  I also love how good he is at reading ppl (especially me) bc im terrible at doing the whole feeling thing and voicing what I want so that helps a lot bc often I dont even have to say anything he just knows its spoopy. + im kinda obsessed with biting/biting people, not even in a sexual way just in a ‘i wanna bite u (bc im drunk)’ way and he does that too so thats !!! very good thank you universe for doing all this sorcery I still dont understand how this all worked out but im very happy and i appreciate every single thing in my life that led to today. its all magic but we somehow fit together quite well and I love him so please 2017 me dont fuck that up
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