#to clarify: it's NOT that I think Leona is a bad leader; he is very clearly charismatic and intelligent and perfectly suited to lead
leona in club leadership
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Me: I’m safe after the hitman that was Epel’s Birthday Jacket jumpscared me with the “Leona is a reliable senpai” talk Broomquet Leona: Broomquet Leona: *slowly raises the broom for a bonking*
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why Why WHY
Alright, so. 🤡 We all know that Leona's the captain of the Magical Shift/Spelldrive Club at NRC (moving forward, I will refer to this as "Magift Club", since that's the shortest phrase). What's more is, we actually get quite a bit of information about how he goes around running the club and training its members (although the information is scattered across various vignettes, so it may be difficult to piece it all together if you don't know where to look or don't read certain vignettes). THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF THOUGH, THIS IS A GOLD MINE OF LuONA CHA EARCTERiXATION AND I'M GOINOG TO POP of DFF ABOUT IT
Firstly! In book 2 of the main story, Jack tells us that he was impressed by Leona's amazing play in a Magift game three years ago. This would later become a part of Jack's motivation to attend Night Raven College--so he could become a great athlete, and, perhaps, get to play against or alongside that player that he admired so much. Even when Jack learns that Leona is playing dirty to eliminated Diasomnia from the interdorm tournament, Jack exposes that he believes Leona is capable of securing a victory by playing fairly. Maybe you could call it a freshman's naive beliefs, but Jack knows that Leona is better than this. What book 2 shows us is that Leona is willing to resort to underhanded tactics to come out on top--but he's also very skilled in his own right, both physically and intellectually, and even at his lowest points, he has people who trust him to lead them: people like Jack. But where does this faith and respect come from???????? For that, we'll have to dive into additional materials.
In many vignettes, such as Ace's PE Uniform and Ruggie's Outdoor Wear, we hear from other characters that the Magift Club members train rigorously (usually to the point of exhaustion). Ruggie, a fellow Magift Club member, confesses to his inexperience; he never played Magift before coming to NRC and he's not a born athlete. He seriously considered quitting the club due to their physically demanding practice and training. However, Ruggie credits Leona for the vast improvement he has made, citing that Leona would give him all kinds of assignments to hone his skills. More importantly, doing all of these assignments also taught Ruggie how to endure and persist in the face of adversity. Ruggie could have just lied here and said the training was easy to quickly and artificially inflate the numbers of new recruits he pulls in to please Leona (some of the new recruits would end up dropping out anyway) BUT HE DOESN'T. This leads me to believe that Ruggie is being honest about what it takes to be in Magift Club and is genuinely praising Leona's guidance as a part of why it's beneficial to join. "Leona makes every session worthwhile [...] He makes all the calls during our games, but otherwise lets us do our thing. Which means we can work out our problem spots for ourselves. He's a great captain!"
Epel, the other main cast member in Magift Club, has not yet joined at the time of the flashback in Ruggie's Outdoor Wear vignette. Upon hearing Ruggie's praise of Leona, Epel gets the impression that Leona is an incredible person. Post-joining the club, this impression continues. In his Birthday Jacket vignettes, Epel describes Leona as someone who is quick-witted, fierce-looking, and has a cool personality. He really admires Leona and wants to be like him someday, making him the second first year that has these sort of sentiments. Epel tells stories similar to Ruggie, saying that Leona has helped him out a lot during club and is generally good at looking out for others. He specifically mentions that everyone counts on Leona for his leadership during games and provides individualized advice to help each team member improve (details which supports what Ruggie initially told the freshmen). People outside of Leona’s reign also comment on this, such as Ace in Endless Halloween Night. He remarks that the first thing Leona thought to do was untie Epel; this leads Ace to conclude that Leona, does, in fact, look out for people despite how he usually acts 🤡
Epel also says that he "knows" Leona would help him study if he were on the verge of failing a class. AND YOU KNOW WHAT??????????? Leona actually DOES tutor Ruggie (who initially descibes his grades as being "in the dumpster") and gives advice and materials to him. Now Ruggie's grades are average, but passing. In his Labwear vignettes, Leona doesn't formally teach Epel, but he does make a voice-changing potion to help Epel out (although his own ulterior motive was to avoid Rook, who was the one that originally helped Epel). When Epel and Grim then beg Leona to show them his technique, he refuses and seems annoyed at their requests. In other words, Leona doesn't seem eager to teach others unless it serves a purpose for himself.
Leons is oftentimes pushing others to perform well, and in a way that serves a dual purpose of helping the individual out but also ultimately benefitting him. For example, Leona helps sand Azul’s contracts because he wants to as terminate an agreement he has with Azul. Additionally, he plots in book 2 not only to help his dorm mates be noticed by Magift scouts, but also to prove his own worth as a leader. In yet another instance, Leona shows students outside of his club how to efficiently mine for magestone so they can fulfill their goal and earn a Vargas Badge. This clears them out of the cave so he can nap there. Leona is working smarter, not necessarily harder. Relating this to Magift Club... As Ruggie and Epel have told us, Leona runs his members ragged during practice. As a rich kid and royalty, he’s said to have a natural inclination for being demanding and ordering others around—but there’s always some kind of compensation or reward for following orders well. Ruggie gets many perks from doing Leona’s errands and chores for him, so he willingly follows Leona. For the Magift Club, the intense training causes those unable or unwilling to keep up to quit, leaving behind the go-getters, the tough, and the willful. Not only are these the types of people most likely to do well in actually playing the sport, but they’re also the types of people Leona himself is seeking with play with.
When your players are willing and able to train hard and by themselves (knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are, as well as how to improve), it encourages… independence. It means less work for the captain to do. It means having a group of people who are obedient and obey your every word. It means Leona can get away with napping during club practice. He's working them hard now so they can take care of themselves later and he has to do less. That seems to be the implication in some instances, as Riddle had noted before that, “it has been a while since [he has seen Leona] sincerely apply himself to his club activities.” (That's because Leona has already trained his team to be comfortable train on their own! This is demonstrated in the flashback of his Beastly Garb vignettes, when Leona instructs his club to do cooldown exercises "on their own while he heads off to nap.) And believe me, when he’s “applying himself”, his talent shines through (just as his intelligence does when he wants to employ it). As Epel and Ruggie say in Leona’s Halloween vignette (flashback), 5 people tried to get the disc away from Leona for 30 minutes and still weren’t successful while Leona barely broke a sweat. Part of the reason why Leona is able to afford bossing his team members around is because he can walk the walk. His own abilities, then, also serve as a point of motivation for the rest of the team. They want to be able to perform on the same level as him, want the honor to play with someone like that. We see one prominent example of this in his Dorm Uniform vignettes. In them, Jack is being bullied by Savanaclaw (senpai) mobs because they're annoyed with his athletic abilities and righteous attitude. These mobs also accurse Leona of being unworthy to lead them because "all [he does] is slack off during practice". They quickly learn the true magnitude of Leona's strength when he defends Jack from 30 mobs at once, not only demonstrating that he is fit for the title of captain, but also someone that has earned Jack's respect.
Though the Dorm Uniform vignettes ultimately frame Leona as siding with Jack, there is a lot of strategic thinking and wisdom in the advice he imparts to both parties involved in the quarrel. He argues in favor of the mobs "skirting the rules", which falls in line with his willingness to disregard morality so long as he achieves an end goal (see: his actions against Azul in book 3, and his actions in book 2 against Malleus). In this case, Jack preaching about playing by the rules is getting in the way of their goals (which will resurface in book 2). That's why he gets put in time-out to "think about his actions", and how he sees the world as black and white, evil and good. To Leona, it's not cheating, it's just playing smart and within the rules specifically specified (the mobs still acted within the boundaries set by rules) or what isn't specifically outlawed (they can't lose to Malleus if he can't play to begin with) to get what he wants. To this point, Leona also sees no shame in strategic retreats and surrenders. This is illustrated by him willingly turning himself into STYX when they approach, and passing on temporary leadership to Ruggie while he's gone. Again, he's just working with what he has in the systems that are presented to him, and he expects everyone else to be able to play the same game. While Leona tells Jack off, it's also true that Leona does have some code of honor as it relates to his own interests; he tells the mobs they're acting embarrassing by "punching down" and being jealous of a freshman. This doesn't come from a place of concern for Jack, or from worry about their attitude, but primarily from irritation that he has to clean up after their behavior. As we see in book 2, Leona himself has no issue with playing Magift against freshmen who are new to the sport (Ace, Deuce, etc.) when they've come unannounced into his dormitory. It's Jack who has to intervene there and call Leona out for picking on the small fry. Even Leona warning the mobs for using magic outside of Magift is a ploy to serve his own agenda. It's against school rules to use magic unless instructed; Leona is, therefore, against his students wailing on Jack using magic instead of fists because it could attract undue attention from staff (and thus cause issues for him, as their dorm leader). This is also why Leona wants to take on the Heartslabyul detective group in a game of Magift instead of just fighting them then and there; it's to avoid causing such a ruckus right before the big interdorm tournament. Leona has a problem with people challenging his authority and making unnecessary trouble for him to fix. When it serves his interests, he'll turn, and/or he won't side completely with one party. He can easily see the pros and the cons of both sides. If Jack is black and white, then Leona is all grey.
This is another notable quality of Leona's: he can identify and understand people's strengths and weaknesses, sometimes even better than they do themselves. His own club members can attest to how Leona gives them specific advice to improve their skills. In fact, we get to see one instance of it in Leona's Beastly Garb vignettes. Epel asks Leona for advice on how to better control the disc, since he's been missing passes and dropping them a lot. Leona responds by telling him not to worry about it and then walking off. A lot of people might look at this and say "he's just being lazy and shirking his work again". But later in the vignette, Leona explains his rationale: Epel's strength is his speed. When he's handling a disc as he's flying, that significantly cuts down on that speed and hinders his overall performance. If Epel tries to get better at all these things at once, he'll neglect his actual strength and not be useful to the team. Leona reasons that since making objects float is a fundamental skill for a mage, Epel will naturally practice it more and improve with time, so in the meantime he should dedicate his time in club to what he's already got as an asset.
This discerning eye is not just limited to club members, either. Leona has shown that, time and time again, he can key in on people. It was Leona who recognized Ace's craftiness and how Ace planned to use Leona's presence to his own advantage in Endless Halloween Night. Leona doesn't worry about the potential harm a wayward disc could have caused Riddle because he knows Riddle could easily deflect it with his own magic (in Ace's PE vignette). He alone noticed that Jamil's eyes "always glare" and senses his malicious intent against Kalim (in Jamil's School Uniform vignette). This is WAY before the events of book 4 ever came out too. Then, in book 6, Leona points out that Ruggie knows how keep to the strongest people to make up for his own deficits, how Jack knows how to adhere to a hierarchy, and how even Kalim has strengths in how amicable he is, and the wealth he was born into. He knows when people aren't meeting their full potential too, telling Jamil that he keeps making excuses instead of actually acting.
What makes the whole conversation Leona has with Jamil so great is that a lot of what is said is relatable for the two of them. Leona, too, knows what it's like to be in a situation where others shun his talents in favor of another. That's why he's able to speak so pointedly on the matter. It's that connection that helps to move Jamil and motivate him to finally act on his own to fulfill a support role for Leona that he needs later on. There's a parallel here with how Leona acted in book 2; he tried and tried and tried, and when he failed, he sat down and gave it all up, blaming his team mates and claiming he played along with their game. Leona was a quitter before. But now he's seeing that same behavior in others and he's calling it out, bluntly posing the question of if they're going to continue to wallow or if they're going to pick themselves up and move forward. It's the same lesson that HE had to learn for himself. If you consider that his Dorm Uniform vignettes play out prior to book 2, it becomes even more fitting for his growth since he tells Jack back then: "[...] guys who own up to their mistakes are all right in my book. Keep at it and model that behavior for the rest of Savanaclaw." This is Leona owning up to his own mistakes. He never openly and formally apologizes what his wrongdoings or promised to "be better" (then again, some OB boys just don't), but he's making up for his past behavior by imparting the wisdom he learned with his peers, whether subconsciously (like, out of guilt) or consciously.
This all goes hand-in-hand with the high standards Leona has set for Magift Club. Cater asks him for the details of his club's training (in Leona's Broomquet), to which the birthday boy responds with a story about how a team member didn't have enough stamina for a game, so instead of training them to pass the disc, he purposefully chucked the disc as far as it would go. It's to demonstrate to the club member that was lacking in stamina that this is the distance they need to be able to go, and this is their current disparity. It comes off as perhaps too harsh (and certainly a means to quit the club), but as Leona puts it, he doesn't want nor need cowards with him. His team should be full of people who get frustrated when they cannot meet their goals and will actively think about how to be better, then come back and try again and again. Think of it like how Mulan found smarter ways to tackle the challenges put forth by the army, rather than training the conventional way. That's what Leona expects of his club members, and it's the same mentality that drives himself. Tackling the same problem using creative solutions--it's like a game of chess. qbkhldyuFVYOwovyifS ;fslh ihof Aana dnAn thEN MCaER T SAYS smsethbha TH LIKE "waaaah~ Leona-kun is such a cool leader~" AFSHYJASVYOIFADOS AND THANE THAT FUCKE R LONA ' JUST G oeaS "this is to be expected of every leader, it's the basics" UNM???????? ??? ??? ???? ? BITCH EXCUSE YOU???? ???? ??? ? ? ? ? ? 😭 IW ANS'T EXPEC TING TO BE FUCXKIGFN A ATTACKED LKIKE THIS, CA T MAN
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
Being Childhood Friends to Lovers with...
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notes — Bro I fucking THIRST for this man he can rip me open
— Also I think I’m gonna start this series called “Being Childhood Friends to Lovers with...” because childhood friends to lovers shit is my kind of shit
— We’re debuting this series with Leona 🥳
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He cherishes you a lot even though he might not show it
You’re the first ever person who acknowledges him, first ever person who approached him first and talked to the second son
He thought you were strange at first, because why would you talk to a mere second born when the first is right here with you? So he distances himself and avoided you at first, thinking you have ulterior motives
You got the signs and didn’t pester him after that—which he is glad for—but he find himself secretly looking at you or purposely look for you in the castle whenever you come visit (let’s say you’re a royalty too and your parents’ are good friends)
It was when he saw you sulking and pouting by yourself, he felt bad and maybe, you just wanted to be friends
The servants always prepared your favorite sweets when you come visit but you didn’t want any after realizing that he’s ignoring you
So he took some, went to look for you and threw them at you
“H-Huh?—“ you got startled and quickly looked up, seeing his neutral expression on and looking down on you
“So, your parents bought you that whatever thing you want, and then what?”
The way he remembers your one-sided conversation with him before honestly made you tear up, you didn’t think he was listening
From then on, you were also excited to visit the king’s castle because you get to see him, and you made sure to bring various of things over for him and you to play
There was one time he accidentally overheard some servants of yours “advising” you to stop hanging around with Leona Kingscholar, saying how he isn’t worth your time and shouldn’t be influenced by him
Though he was sure of your loyalty and friendship with him, he still has his doubts, maybe, you secretly dislike him too
He waited for your response, your silence only made him more anxious as time pass by
“...Hey.” He bit the inside of his cheek, awaiting for your answer
“I’m gonna ask my parents to fire you all.”
His eyes were wide as ever, and so were the servants’
“B-But please, Princess/Prince Y/N-“
“I will not tolerate anyone who badmouths my friend, moreover, who do you guys think you are? Telling me who I should be friends with now?”
As much as Leona tries to stop it, his eyes watered, lips quivering at your words
He never told you how he eavesdropped your conversation with those servants, because eventually it’ll lead to how he reacted, and he’s never going to tell you he almost cried
He taught you how to roar once, got super red when he himself haven’t even mastered it yet
Glares at your form rolling on the floor laughing
He is two years older than you, so he got enrolled into Night Raven College first, during the times he was at the dorm you were bored to death
One of the main reasons (probably the only reason) why he’d go back home during breaks is because of you, he could care less about the grand welcome back party—which he was sure the servants were forced to put up—and the fake smiles from relatives, but he had to see you
Is always prepared for the uncalled tackle hug from you but somehow you always manage to knock him off balance, causing the two of you to fall down onto the sandy ground
You rambled and rambled, he listened but solely focused on how your features changed, you definitely grew up, got more attractive, too
Oh fuck
He mentally cursed when he finally realizes how his heart is beating in an unusual pace, feeling his cheeks warm up and how he felt like melting right there and then
Buried his feelings deep down because of his insecurities and acted as normal as he could with you after
You have never seen him panicked so much, got so angry and frustrated before, it happened once, when the topic of arranging a marriage for you and his older brother, Farena, was mentioned
He strongly opposes the idea but reminding him that he is only a second son, hence have no say in this matter was enough to shut him down
You tried to go after Leona who stormed to his room but decided you have more important matters at hand, matters that you need to clarify first
Politely declining the marriage and telling how Farena is a good person, but you have eyes for someone else
Everyone in the room (which consisted of both your parents and Farena) knew who you were talking about, and they were shocked, to say the least
You can clearly see the discomfort in yours and his’ parents faces, but you also can clearly see Farena’s secret wink towards you, telling you he approves
You and Farena never had any romantic feelings for each other anyway, and he was always teasing about you and Leona when you two were little
Knocking on Leona’s room softly then creaking it open, you peek your head inside to see him lying on the bed on his side with his back facing you
He winces and jolted up after you slapped his arm
Snaps and growls at you, rubbing the spot where you attacked earlier
He was all grumpy and upset until you tell him you rejected the marriage
Stares at you for a good ten seconds before sighing, slowly resting his forehead on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you
You two have had naps together, held hands when you were little but have never been this physically close after you two grew up, you two are the best of friends but there are boundaries as friends, so this was new to you, naturally, your cheeks bursted in all shades of red
“I’m glad...” you can hear him mumble, placing a hand on his soft hair and patting it before give it a stroke, calming him down
You teases him so fucking much about being a dorm leader, like- how??? He’s just so lazy and unmotivated to do anything that you’re impressed
Surprisingly takes very good care of you both as a friend and a senior, it was surprising for the Savanaclaw dorm members to see Leona actually giving fucks about someone, a freshman no less, so they got interested in you very quickly
Which resulted in Leona scaring them away because they’re too close for his liking
He always suggests you to take naps and laze around with him though, so it’s no good since you have to get good grades
You’re the one who’s always dragging him to classes (if you’re lucky to get him to move)
You two never bothered to tell anyone that you’re childhood friends, it didn’t seem to have the need to
So everyone thought you two were dating because of how close you are 💀
Definitely got jealous at how you made new friends
He doesn’t mind if you have new friends, it’s natural, it’s only concerning if you don’t have any
But if you’re spending more time with them than with him? Best know that he’d trap you in his room and never let you go out
This won’t stop until you figure out why he’s like this and promise him he’ll stay as number one in your friendship list
You really shouldn’t be but you’re still laughing at how he’s repeating school years to this day
But you’re also kind of glad that he’s still here with you, it’d be boring if he weren’t
Plus, Leona wouldn’t leave you here alone anyway, there’s too many people he can’t trust and he just generally don’t wanna leave you alone
The confession was surprisingly normal and quick, no stutters or nervous twiddles of fingers from him
He kinda just, got tired of you being so physically close and attached to everyone else that he want to call you his and his only
He’s the type that’d suddenly pin you down on his bed while you’re talking about what you and your other friends did that day
Enjoys the deep blush and lip quiver on you as he finally confesses his feelings for you, leaning down onto your ear and whisper huskily about-
His arms quickly wrapped around his stomach and coughs as your strong kick jerked him back, he ended up kneeling on his bed, hunched over as he groans
He thought he invaded your privacy and made you uncomfortable so he quickly look up to check up on you, afraid of the terrified and disgusted look on your face, but what greeted him was a hot, hot face as you refuse to look him in the eye
He stared, and stared, a small blush slowly coming up to his own cheeks before a pillow was thrown at his face
Seeing you so flustered reminded him of the past few days when he debated with himself whether he should go for it or not, he might seem smug for now, but before this cocky smirk appeared he was a nervous wreck
So the two of you kinda just stayed like that in his room, freezing on your spot with dead silence
“A-At least give me an answer...damn it.” A miracle that he stuttered
He watches as you fiddled with your finger, looking down with mumbles he couldn’t make words out from
“I...I like you too.”
This is so lame, you two are like middle school kids confessing your love for each other and yet, those simple words made his heart flip like crazy
Now that he’s confirmed your answer, prepare for a wild but sweet kiss from him
It was a little bumpy at first, mostly from you though, because you’re just so used to being “just friends” with him that you don’t know how to act as his lover
He didn’t change much, maybe a little bit sweeter and considerate than before but he’s just the old Leona you know, which you’re glad for, you didn’t want him to change
He’s more protective now since you’re finally his, and he made sure to let everyone know that
Doesn’t really have a say on PDA, he’s fine with or without it, but he would definitely shove his tongue into your mouth right on the spot if someone even dare to look at you in the wrong way
Really likes wrapping an arm around your waist and put his whole weight on you because he’s lazy and tired of walking
Will actually fall on you when you’re in the botanical garden so that you couldn’t get up and is forced to take a nap with him
Play with his hair!! He loves it to death, though he might grumble and say he doesn’t, we all know he’s lying
You have to reassure him that he’ll always be your number one, he’s already suffered enough, if you end up leaving him he doesn’t know how to cope with it
Cuddles, cuddles and cuddles 24/7, he will not let you go
He sometimes just stares at you as you talk or do your own thing and think about how lucky he is to have you, it might not seem possible but literal hearts appeared in his eyes
If you ever catch him staring at you and tease him for it he’ll growl and pounce on you, how dare you make fun of your king like that? Prepare for a punishment my friend ;)
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twonderland · 4 years
are the orders open? I would like to ask for a little imagines of the leaders of the houses reacting to discovering that daring is Crewel's niece
Ooooh shoot 😂 ♥️🖤🤍♥️🖤🤍
Dorm Leaders request
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♥️ You have been partners for some time now, he likes your sense of style and thinks of you like someone elegant and with good taste, also really clever, something that captured his attention. You specially had ability for potion class , memorizing everything really fast and even sometimes exempting some tests for too many extra point you got in practices
♥️ You study together, some of the students in NRC think that you two are so powerful ! It’s even intimidating sometimes ...
♥️ Until one day in potion class Divus got to your place while you where mixing some herbs and weird stuff in the cauldron, it seemed to be that something was not right ...
“OMG (y/n) what did I taught you ? The fly wings go after the gnomes nails, not before !!! Bad puppie ! “
“UUGH UNCLE !! I know it, I just didn’t want it to have such a fluid consistency, I wanted to try - blah blah blah”
Meanwhile you two were discussing Riddle that was, as always, next to you was like “wait wHAT”
♥️ After that incident he was kinda nervous, -how should I approach her now ? How didn’t I noticed ???? OMG I ALWAS CASUAL AROUND HER MEANWHILE HER UNCLE WAS PRESENT- all this thoughts crossed his mind but didn’t say anything. You were no fool and noticed it, also proceed to clarify that yes you were his niece but there was no reason he should treat you differently, after that....he relaxed.... kind of 😂
♥️ Even if he knew that there shouldn’t be any difference in your relationship, he still gets kinda nervous around his teacher, not because you are in fact his niece, but because he wants to have a good impression with Divus
♥️ Fun fact : Divus already knew you two were dating but is pretty chill about it, actually really happy that his niece is dating someone so gentle and well mannered as Riddle ☺️
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🦁 This one right here , he’s a person + lion = wich means he has some really acute senses such as smell and as weird as it sounds he kinda ... felt like your smell was kind of similar to Divus ...
🦁 This kept bugging his mind for some time now until he bluntly asked you “hey herbivore, if you have done something with that old bicolor man it’s better if you tell me now or else you are gonna face the consequences” ... to what you answered really confused that you didn’t have any idea of what was he talking about, and he also was being a jerk
🦁 “WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT??” “well I don’t now herbivore, maybe because hIS SCENT IS ALL OVER YOU !” “Ugh, Leona! How could you say that , he’s my UNCLE “
... 😳
Leona feels rlly stupid rn
🦁 Ashamed and confused, Leona couldn’t even process what was happening “u-uncle?”.
OK LET ME EXPLAIN, have you ever heard of how animals recognize their babies because they have a certain smell that makes them “part or the pack” ? Well, that’s what happened here 😂
🦁 Right after this happened everything made sense, your smell that was similar to Divus’s, your good fashion sense, etc. he apologized while holding you from behind, burying his face in the crook of your neck so you wouldn’t be able to notice the blush on his cheeks
🦁 Lets just say that the atmosphere of the next classes with Divus were strange, Leona is a confident young man, but this situation took him unprepared so he tries to avoid eye contact with his teacher, just give the big cat some days and he will come to his usual self 😂
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🐙 He has knew it all this time 😂
🐙 no, but seriously, since the moment he met you Azul started to investigate your past, likes, abilities, after all you were the only girl in NRC and a possible client, he had the eel brothers on your back ...
🐙 The reason he has never come to talk or ask about it is because he doesn’t see the point in it, not to be rude, but he doesn’t care who your parents or relatives are, Azul likes you no matter what and if you are his profesor niece, then that’s no big deal
“ASHEGRONTTO-SAN is it really necessary for you to sing throughout the WHOLE class ??? BAD PUPPIE , STAY STAY !!!!”
🐙 poor baby just wants to be good bf material and impress your uncle 🥺❤️
🐙 -is it possible to sign a contract with myself so I can become the perfect bf? - he thinks, while you are watching his serious face and somehow you feel like you know what’s he’s thinking “.....Azul, stop” 😐
🐙 You talk with him, making sure he understands that he’s in fact the perfect boyfriend. He feels more confident now that he knows he’s doing just great but that doesn’t stop him to win your uncle’s approval 😂 COME ON HE’S AZUL ! Actually, Divues comes to like him even more after he starts to doing favors such as helping him to care some papers, making sure the ingredients for the potions are in order, etc.
He’s as always really sly 😅
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👑 OK
👑 Now , this is a power couple 😂
👑 SERIOUSLY like, imagine Divus’s niece walking through the corridor in high heels next to Vil FUCKING Schoenheit going to potion class just to excempt like a boss
👑 He ... suspected something when he saw you two interacting, Vil is someone really observant and actually noticed that you have some similar mannerisms to Divus Crewel, such as rising your voice when something is well done, specially potions, your fashion aesthetic, cof cof hair color cof cof Your way of speaking and laughing, your ability in potions in general, etc.
👑 The moment he asked was smooth yet he felt kinda nervous since the very thought of it was possible but nevertheless kinda awkward “darling ... is professor Divus .. a relative of yours ? “ you stoped for a sec, remembering that you never really told him about your blood relation with Divus but also noticing your bf amazing intuition
👑 “Y-yeah, he’s my uncle actually” “....I see” he’s a little bit silent, thinking about why wouldn’t you have told him earlier ? Maybe you still don’t trust him that much... he had a thousand thoughts but before he could get depressed about it you said “He’s my relative, but I never thought it was something really important to mention, after all I’m another student and I can assure you that he has never had preference for me just for being his niece !”
👑 He... actually didn’t thought about that last part, he knows you are someone brilliant and doesn’t need the help of preference of your professor even if he’s your uncle, watching the worry on your eyes he showed you a gentle smile and pated your head “ I could never think of you that way, you are perfect without any help”
👑 I think Vil would be one of the most chill bf if he knew Divus was your uncle, he gets nervous when your professor is present but is good hiding it, outside of that Vil doesn’t change his attitude towards you or Divus
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☀️ This sunshine never noticed it 😂😂😂
☀️ One day he was doing schoolwork with Jamil and his friend told him “ Kalim, have you taught about what will you give to professor Divus for his birthday ? “Mm? Well... not actually, but I can think about something ! Help me Jamil ☺️” “ok, remember that making Divus happy will also make (y/n) happy” he’s not understanding what is his friend saying rn “umm... but why would that make (y/n) happy ? The present will be for the professor” “well I believe that seeing his bf giving a present to his uncle would be a good detail”
☀️ her what now?
☀️”W-WAIT A SECOND JAMIL WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!” “I said that it would be nice if you gave a present to- “ “NOT ABOUT THE PRESENT ! Is Divus (y/n)‘s uncle ?!” ...”I thought you already knew 🤨”
☀️ Jamil has this info since the day you started dating Kalim, of course he had to knew who was romancing his master, looked for info and walla ! Look 👏🏻at 👏🏻that 👏🏻 you are Divus’s niece 😂
☀️ As I said before, it was Divus’s birthday, the day started quite normal, you two attended class when suddenly Kalim went as fast as he could to your place “(y/n) ! I WILL MAKE YOU HAPPYJUST WATCH !” You are like ...
“... uh hu .. what is happeni-“ but before you finished your sentence sunshine boy went as fast as wind again to Divus “PROFESSOR ! Happy Birthday ! I wish you have an amazing day and that this presents please you !” Confusion was clear on the teacher’s face, one second before he could even start to ask the young man what was he talking about a strong rumbling and also the sound of what it could be a stampede could be heard from the classroom
☀️ “THREE ELEPHANTS, FOURTEEN CAMELS AND SOME PEACOCKS !! Oh ! And some dancers !! The perfect present to enlighten a soul isn’t t it ? Gyahahaha ~ ! “
Meanwhile Divus had his mouth agape from the impression while he sees all his presents arriving from a window, you are in the back trying to understand the whole scenario
☀️ long story short, the “presents” dissapeared , Divus was ... happy that his little pup thought about his birthday but was also really shocked, and well, you and your bf had to talk about this .... event. Kalim got the idea but sometimes still wants to impress your uncle
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💀 Chill when he’s alone, anxiety attack when you are present 😂
💀 That was at least the first reactions he had when he met you, it’s just that your are so fancy and gorgeous... actually Idia sometimes finds himself wondering how could he get a bae that’s so WOW
💀 Idia being Idia wich means staying in his room 24/7 gave him LOTS of time to make theories about everything and anything, one of those was you. The investigation begun because he just wanted to know more about his gurl ☺️❤️ but ended pretty chaotic 😂
💀 Imagine walking throughout the corridor and when you walk pass Idia’s door you hear a what it seems to be a high pitch scream followed by other strange “human” noises
💀 YUP he discovered it 😂
💀 The next day he found out you approached him naturally, it was morning and just wanted to give your bf a nice and cute greeting ☺️💖 but when you are just some steps from him, Idia flinched... you thought it was normal since he is easily scared when he’s outside his room, but when it’s you he’s most likely to be relaxed 🤔
💀 It took him all day to ask you about your connection with Divus, it impressed you that he was actually pretty certain that you were his niece he had a whole document with photos and all that proved his point 😂
💀 Overall he listened to you carefully, Idia is a good boyfriend, let’s you speak and say everything you need to explain, you were astonished when he gave you a proud smile when you finished your story, telling you how amazing your bloodline is and that he is really lucky to have such a beautiful and brilliant girlfriend 🖤
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🐉 Mal is also pretty chill about it, being the most relaxed out of all the dorm leaders
🐉 He himself has his family in NRC too, Lilia for example *you are my dad ! ~ Boogi Woogie Woggie* srry 😂
🐉 So he understands the feeling of having around relatives in school, Malleus gets interested in you even more after you bring Divus into the conversation, he admires all his professors since he a good boy ☺️💖
🐉 Also, being Divus’s niece means you have some similar traits to him which is true at some extent, he asks you about your likes for potions and Malleus listens carefully, with a tender smile on his face. He is fascinated by your aura and all the stories you narrate about Divus and you
🐉 Everything went smoothly until the next day after you have talked about your relation with Divus, you were reading a recipe to make a potion in classroom, waiting for Malleus to arrive. He was pretty puntual to all his classes, so it was kind of weird he took his time that day. The minutes passed and you began to worry about what could have happened to your bf, was he alright ? Where was he?
🐉 “Professor Divus” it was his voice, looking up from the book you saw him handling your uncle a giant green gem with a straight face
“I hope our relationship develops placidly and for the good of our beloved (y/n) we could get along well”
The entire class was like 👁 👄 👁
- What on earth just happened ?!- you thought, Divus was struggling to carry the beautiful gem, while Mall some seconds ago was holding it like it was a piece of paper. You didn’t want to embarrass or trouble your bf with more questions since all the class was watching him confused and amazed, making the atmosphere weirder than it already was
🐉 You waited until class was over to ask him what on earth happened, he told you about how dragons give a little piece of their treasures in a form of “alliance” with the beings that they think are trust worthy, and Divus being your relative... well, he wanted to get closer to him
🐉 You thank him and give him a bear hug, he couldn't be any more sweeter 💕
Thanks for your request
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super-predictable98 · 3 years
The Girl From Night Raven (Twisted Wonderland AU)
Chapter 2: The Lady and The Tramps
Warning: strong language
(The Girl From Night Raven Masterlist)
"Hey, Ilse, we saved you a seat," Deuce pulled the chair for her as soon as she walked into class. Ace woke up upon hearing her name, and Cater pulled out his phone to discreetly take a picture.
"Little Starfish! I got you something special," Floyd tapped her shoulder. "Look, I visited home for the weekend and found this, it made me think of you," he handed her a tiny box with a silver necklace and a beautiful seashell pendant.
"Aw, Floyd! This is so beautiful, you didn't have to..."
"No, I wanted to, Starfish! Coral Sea has the most beautiful seashells, for the most beautiful girl in school."
"I'm the only girl in school."
"Oh, then you're the most beautiful girl in the world!"
"I don't even know how to thank you," she held her hair up so he could put it on.
"How about you join me for a milkshake at the Mostro Lounge after school?"
"Yeah, sounds good..."
"Hey, Ilse, are you free this Friday?" Kalim leaned over her desk. "I'm throwing a party and I was wondering if you'd like to come?"
"Um, sure, sounds good, Kal, what time?"
"Six at the Scarabia lounge, I'll be waiting for you."
All week has been like that, boys, boys, and more boys fighting for her attention. Ilse couldn't complain... They were all really sweet and handsome too. She only just started at the NRC, but so far she managed to become close with at least one person from every single dorm.
She played games with Idia sometimes, she joined the Heartslabyul boys for tea, had a little private lesson with the Pomefiore boys on makeup, and even learning guitar from Lilia! Okay, maybe she did approach Lilia to get closer to Malleus, but so far she had no luck and ended up realizing he was a great friend and very good at giving advice.
The week has been amazing, but the moment she dreaded the most finally came:
"Late again, Ms. Gothel?"
"Sorry, Mr. Vargas, I had a little trouble with my..."
"Don't care, just join the others, they're picking teams for magift."
Ilse joined the large group with a frown on her face. Floyd immediately took her in his arms, he did love that she seemed to be the only one not bothered by his constant need for hugs and cuddles.
Of course nothing ever happened between them (yet), but she was a dear friend and treated him better than anyone else on campus.
"Don't mind him, he's just a stupid grumpy lobster," he whispered.
"Yeah, fuck him," Ace nudged her arm.
"Leech," Leona, one of the team leaders called. "The normal one."
"Spade," the wolf-man that caught her attention the other day called.
She didn't know much about him, only that his name was Jack Howl and he was also a freshman, very quiet, disciplined, and had an incredible sense of justice.
"Viper," Leona called.
"Trappola," Jack's thunder-like voice echoed around the field.
"Leech," Leona shook his head and rolled his eyes looking at his options. "The weird one."
The crowd around her got smaller and smaller until she was the only one left. Ilse was pissed, of course out of a bunch of boys she would be the last one chosen.
"I guess you're on my team," Jack offered her a shirt so everyone would know who's in which team.
"Yeah, guess you're stuck with me..."
"You're fucked," Leona laughed.
"Really? What makes you think I'm bad at magift because I'm a girl, kitty?" Ilse folded her arms defiantly.
"I didn't say that because you're a girl, I said that because you're a stupid bitch," he clarified. "Though... That might make Jack like you more, right Fresh-Baby?"
"That's how you treat women? No wonder you're single," Jack scowled.
"Be prepared, to lose," Leona cackled even more hysterically.
Ruggie observed it from afar, it was almost like watching children at a sandbox, the boy pulls the girl's hair to get her attention because he doesn't know any other way to do so. So stupid and childish.
"Come on..." Jack stopped mid-sentence.
"Ilse, yeah, sorry."
"If you want I can stay in the back. Just defending the goal."
"W-why do you say that?"
"You did pick me last... And if I have to throw a wild guess, it's probably because I'm a girl."
"No! No, I would never... Back home, girls are way stronger than guys, that's not why. I actually don't know you, I've seen you around with the others, I just never had the chance to introduce myself. I mean- not that I'm super invested in your life or anything, I don't look for you, I just see you sometimes."
"That's cool," she chuckled, she would've never imagined Jack as the slightly awkward type. Part of her wanted to think that's just how he acted around her, that she made him nervous. "I'm glad to finally meet you."
"Yeah, me too."
Magift was never Ilse's specialty, it was hard to be good at something when you never had the chance to practice with anyone else, but she wasn't a bad player. She consistently pulled her weight around and even though her team lost, they didn't lose by a lot. Maybe PE wasn't such a nightmare after all. Not with Jack around.
"Very good, everyone!" he screamed as the rest of the students stopped to drink some water before heading to the showers. Everyone was already starved, they could barely stand still. "With how well you played today, I don't think you'll be the last one chosen next time, Ilse."
"Thanks, Jack, it wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be, I kinda- liked it."
Her words melted away when her eyes accidentally found Leona, he was drenched in sweat, chugging a bottle of water and letting some of it run down his neck and his chest to cool him down.
Stop looking, why are you looking? Jack is right in front of you and he's way more handsome!
Oh, but that hair, pulled back so lazily, and the way his yellow shirt clung to his lean muscles was hypnotizing. Besides, when he was quiet, he wasn't all that bad...
Noticing he was being observed, Leona looked directly at her, a smirk tugging at his lips when he saw the way she stared, agape and blushing.
He thought about taking his shirt off and put on a little show for her, but she would have to work harder than that and be way nicer to him if that's what she wanted to see.
"Did you lose something, herbivore?" he asked with a deep chuckle, running his fingers through his mane.
"N-no! I was just looking for... Rook!" she called, trying desperately to look anywhere else.
"Oui, Mademoiselle Sucre D'orge," he turned around with a smile.
"Can you and Vil help me get ready for Kalim's party on Friday?"
"Did I hear my name, Tater Tot? Of course we can help you," Vil joined them.
"Right, it will be our pleasure, Poupette," Rook blew her a kiss before picking up a mirror to check his makeup.
"Fucking stupid nicknames," Leona grumbled as he left, shaking his head. He was sure Ilse was looking at him, she was very bad at hiding it too, but if that's the game she wants to play...
"Are you okay?" Kalim asked, noticing how flustered she was.
"Yeah, just thirsty," she looked down.
"Oh! I can help! I can make water for you!"
"Aw, that's okay, Kal, it's almost lunch time, let's go. I wanna hear more about your hometown. What were you saying earlier about the spices?"
"Little Starfish! You came!" Floyd clapped excitedly when Ilse walked into the Mostro Lounge. "I've been waiting for you."
"I'm sorry, I lost track of time, then I had to get ready..."
"Don't worry, my shift just ended anyway, so I can focus on you only, you have my undivided attention," he pulled a chair for her. "I'll get our milkshake, be right back!"
"Ilse Gothel," Azul's voice made her shiver, not in a good way. Truth is she was terrified of him, but she would never admit it to the twins. "What a pleasure to have you at the Mostro Lounge. I've never seen you around here before."
"Y-yeah, Floyd invited me. I've been studying so much, trying to catch up after losing almost two weeks of class," she explained the best way she could.
"I see, I see... If you ever need any help, you can look for me, you know? Not to brag, but I am one of the best students in all NRC, I can assist you with whatever you need."
"Rumour has it that I would have to sign a contract for that," Ilse nearly whispered, scared of his reaction. "Like the mermaid Ariel did with the sea witch."
"Well, everything has a price, doesn't it? Of course my contracts are completely harmless. I offer you whatever you need and take something as collateral. Once you fill all the conditions, you get it back and live happily ever after, just like the mermaid did."
"I imagine these conditions are not as easy to fulfill as you make it seem."
"Ilse! You offend me saying things like that!" Azul gasped. "Is that what you really think of me? That I would make a contract to cheat and take advantage of people?"
"NO! I never said that, it just... You make it sound so easy... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."
"Starfish! I didn't know which flavor you liked better so I got chocolate, everyone loves chocolate, right?" Floyd came back with a huge milkshake and two straws, much to her relief. That conversation was already driving her mad.
"Yeah, I love chocolate, thank you," she sighed.
"You look nervous, Starfish, did something happen?" he frowned, brushing some of her curls away from her face.
"No, we were just chatting, I'm fine," she forced a smile before taking the first sip.
"I'll leave the lovebirds alone, I have some business to attend to," Azul nodded, Ilse didn't have the nerve to correct him and say she wasn't, in fact, dating Floyd. "Don't be a stranger, huh?"
"This is delicious," she was finally able to breathe again once he was gone.
"Thank you! I made it myself," Floyd let go of his straw, now covered in bite marks from his sharp teeth. "Seriously, is something making you nervous?" he noticed as she nearly jumped hearing the sound of Azul's cane.
"It's nothing."
"You can tell me, if it's something I can help you with... Are you scared?"
"It's Azul, he freaks me out," Ilse admitted quietly.
"Scared of him? No, you don't have to be. Other people might, but you never have to fear him, he would never hurt anyone so special to me."
"And what makes you think that? He seems ruthless."
"We've been friends since he was a tiny chubby little octopus, he wouldn't."
"Wait what? He was a tiny chubby octopus?"
"Yeah, pretty cute if you ask me. He was so quiet and shy. Other kids made fun of him, because of the way he looked, that's why he tries so hard to keep the appearances today."
"So he's merfolk?" Ilse mused, it was hard to imagine Azul as a fat little kid, but that did make her fear him less.
"We all are, most of the residents too," Floyd pointed out.
"You're merfolk? Really?"
"Yeah, this body is just what I look like on land, I'm way different under water."
"And what do you look like?"
"I get a very long tail, and gills, my skin becomes this beautiful shade of gray-ish green, I can swim super fast with my eel fins."
"You're an eel?"
"Yeah, isn't it cool?"
"Very cool! I'd love to see you as your real self one day."
"I'd love to show you. I can get Azul to make you a potion to breathe underwater, he's an expert at potion making. You can trust him, I don't think there's a single student here in the school who would ever hurt you. We are all so happy to have you here, you're so pretty and nice to everyone, besides no one wants to make you feel uncomfortable and get punished."
"I guess you're right, I just feel really vulnerable being the only girl here. I thought I'd feel powerful and strong, but some people are really intimidating."
"I can protect you, Starfish," Floyd kissed the back of her hand delicately. "People around here are scared of me and my brother too, but we never did anything bad to you, right?"
"Why would they be scared of you? You're so sweet."
"I'm sweet to those who deserve it, but when someone doesn't keep their word or disrespects their contract, we are the ones responsible for taking care of them."
"Oh, I see..." Ilse backed off, slightly terrified that she accidentally became friends with a mafia man. How did Dire Crowley allow such things to happen?
"You did so great today at the magift game, I didn't know you could play," he changed subjects noticing how upset she seemed to be.
"I do a little, sometimes. When I lived in the tower I had to find some hobbies, it was impossible to pass the time when I couldn't leave."
"Why did your mom keep you in there?"
"I don't really know. I guess it's some sort of family tradition or something. She didn't want to allow me to come to the school in the first place, but when my grandma mentioned NRC is filled with rich boys and future kings, she was more than happy to let me come."
"So you're here to look for a husband?" he teased.
"Ew, for the love of the Great Seven, no," she shook her head with a laugh. "That's what my mom thinks, but I'm here to study, make new friends, live new experiences, and hopefully become a great wizard one day and be a teacher."
"A teacher? That sounds amazing, Starfish! You have a talent for that too, you're so charismatic and patient. It's really cute."
"Aw, thank you, you're adorable."
"So, I know you're not looking for a husband, but maybe... I don't know... A boyfriend? Would you consider doing that?" he twisted her curls around his fingers idly.
"I guess, if the time was right, if the person was right. I'm not opposed to it."
"And what's your type?"
"Eel merfolk," Ilse joked.
"Silly Starfish..." Floyd pouted. "Stop teasing me."
"No, but seriously, if I'm gonna date someone, you'd be definitely on my list."
"Of course! You're cute, charming, funny, loving, what's not to like?"
"You're too kind," he blushed a little. "Who else would be on the list, just so I know who I have to kill."
"Floyd! Stop that!"
"I'm just kidding..." he was. Kinda.
After the Heartslabyul boys had to go back to painting the roses, Ilse was about to get back to her dorm, see if Idia wanted to play a little bit to relieve some of that stress, but a familiar voice called as she crossed the courtyard.
"No, Lilia, no, I don't-" another voice whispered.
"There's someone I'd like you to meet," Lilia grinned widely.
"Hey," she swallowed, noticing the second voice belonged precisely to the one she's been trying to talk to ever since her first day. "Malleus, right?"
"Hello, yes, that's my name..." he nearly bowed at her presence. In reality, he's been wanting to talk to her as well, but he was being cautious, he didn't wanna scare her away with his height, or his horns, or his aura. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine," she couldn't help but admire how majestic he was from head to toe.
"I'm... E-excuse me, I didn't mean to startle you, I know they can be quite intimidating," he averted his gaze when he noticed she couldn't look away from his horns.
"No! I'm not intimidated by them, I'm mesmerized, they are beautiful!" Ilse assured which made Lilia bite back a giggle, sharing a look with Sebek, who seemed extremely displeased with such disrespect.
"Do you really think so?" Malleus' eyes widened and he couldn't stop a smile from crossing his face. "Thank you, I do appreciate it."
"Can I touch them?"
"No!" Sebek finally spoke up. "How dare you take such liberties with the Young Master?"
"I didn't know..." she backed off, the last thing she wanted was to offend him in any way.
"Don't mind him, you have my permission," Malleus bent over to allow her easier access. He was so happy to receive any sort of praise and affection, he couldn't care less if that looked silly. "Just be careful, they're sharp."
"Wow, it's fantastic!" she ran her fingers up and down his horns. They were not as smooth as she imagined, the texture was more like bone. "Sorry if that's too personal, but were you born with them?"
"Yes, he's part dragon," Lilia explained.
"DRAGON?" Ilse gasped in excitement, she always dreamed of meeting one that would save her from her tower. "Can you fly? Can you breathe fire?"
"Yes," Malleus puffed out his chest proudly, no one has ever been that excited to talk to him before.
Sebek rolled his eyes, that human was so nosy, she really had no clue of what respect meant.
"How does it feel? Is it really like breathing? Kinda like blowing fire? Or more like spitting it up? Maybe burping?"
"Burping fire?" Mal couldn't help but laugh, she didn't treat him like some sort of sacred entity, he loved the way she felt so free to say anything she wanted. "You are a weird one, Child of Man."
"He can do that too, I taught him," Lilia nudged his arm.
"No, I can't! He's just joking, he doesn't mean it..." his cheeks grew red, that wasn't the best way to woo a lady for sure.
"Can I see?" Ilse giggled.
"One day maybe," he hid his face behind his delicate hands while Sebek held back a strand of insults.
Meanwhile, at the other side of the courtyard, Leona watched the whole interaction through the corner of his eye, ignoring all of Ruggie's comments about the magift tournament and the plans they had for the Savanaclaw team.
"Leona-san! Are you even listening to me?"
"Hey, Ruggie. What do you think Ilse is doing talking to the lizard?"
"I don't know, maybe they are friends? She became friends with almost everyone."
"Friends..." he scoffed. "As if someone like her would ever be friends with that horned bastard."
"Someone like her? I thought you hated her," Ruggie tried not to sound too taunting, scared to get punched in the face.
"I do! I do... It's just- not even she would wanna talk to someone like him."
"Is it possible you don't hate her as much as you thought you did? You know, Farena told me once that love and loathing can be incredibly simi-"
"I don't wanna hear anything Farena has to say!" Leona growled angrily. "Let's go, I'm not watching this anymore. I don't even care. If you wanna live to see another day, keep your mouth shut."
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emiken-070907 · 3 years
A Diffrent Kind Of Story - Buisnesse
After showing her capability of beating the second princess of the Afterglow Savanna in chess to her new acquaintance, they proceed to show them how things are with her and the Octavinelle trio.
A Different Kind of Story Chapter 3
"You have quite some sass, don't you?" the vice of Octavinelle said, very amused.
"I mean, why not. Just because she's royalty doesn't mean she shouldn't know how to take criticism, right?"
'Criticisms'. A kind way of phrasing it. It was obvious that it wasn't a question., yet it got an annoyed huff out of Leona.
"Would you like to continue, Leona-senpai? Or would you like to go back to your dorm and take a nap?" the brunette smiled innocently.
"Shut up, herbivore. Don't tell me what to do. Just continue," he said as he dismissed the girl with a swift hand motion.
The reflection of them began to go hazy again.
The next thing that was seen in the mirror was Yuko and Grim, seated in one of the chairs of Mostro Lounge. The restaurant was filled with many other guests, who chattered without a care in the world. Besides the chattering of the students, quiet and relaxing jazz music could be heard.
Yuko and Grim just finished their dishes and talked about this and that. Grim mostly complained about the other first-years of their little group, with Yuko just listening. The two haven't left yet, since Azul wanted to meet them for something.
"Hello, Koebi-chan~" Yuko looked up to see two mismatched, droopy eyes and a lazy grin.
"Hello, Floyd-chan. How yo-" The seconde-year suddenly lanched her arms around them and squeezed her. They let out a choking sound for suddenly getting the air squeezed out of her lungs.
"F-Floyd, please let me go. I-I can not breath", the younger one choked out. As predicted, she didn't listen. The Ramshackle Prefect, still struggling, tried to free herself while their upperclassmen just laughed. Even Grim complained. That got some heads to turn.
"Floyd, please let her go," a gentle voice said. Floyd let out a quiet. disappointed 'Aww' before, finally, letting go. "Good. Now apologies to Yuko-san."
"But Jade-"
"No buts. We do not squeeze any of our guests. No matter how close we are to them", the calmer twin scolded. The second twin turned around to face Yuko again and apologized before getting sent off to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry, Yuko-san. You know how easily carried away my sister can get."
Yuko just waved it off, saying that it was nothing. And if considered how bad Floyd's mood can get, it was. Jade, as always, smiled politely.
"Anyways. I was sent here to show you the way to Azul. I suppose you two have some kind of business to discuss."
"Ah. Thank you, Jade. Are you coming, Grim?" Still angry about what happened, the feline jumped onto the prefect's arm so they can get going.
By now, Jade, Yuko and Grim were standing in front of Azul's office's door. Jade then knocked on the door, asking for entry. From the other side of the door was a 'come in' audible. Jade opened the door for Yuko and Grim to enter, then closing it again so they could talk in private.
"Hello, Yuko. I'm glad to see you here again." The dorm leader got up from her office chair to greet her guests.
"I'm also delighted. Especially since we can talk without any... unusual circumstances," Yuko said as the two of them, awkwardly, shook hands. Azul quickly cleared her throat before offering Yuko a seat. They took the offer and gently placed their companion on their lap.
"So. What did you want to talk about?"
The other took a seat as well, opposite of Yuko. "Don't worry. I don't want to make a deal with you if that's what you thought. I already learned that I can't fool you to sign one." The dorm manager took one of the snacks that were on the little table in the office.
"So you admit that all of your deals are a scam? Or am I misinterpreted that?" The younger one also took one of the snacks as a dessert.
"I never said that. But sometimes, if my clients are foolish enough, or other reasons, I may bend the contract in my favour."
"So all of this 'being professional' is also nothing but talk if things like that happen here."
That certainly struck a nerve in Azul. Now the fun can begin.
"So your saying I can't be professional? Hah, you have a silver tongue, I give you that," the octopus said amused, as she took a bite from the snack in her hand.
"Never said that. I learn more and more about this school."
"Such as?"
Bingo. "Why would I tell you? It certainly would be good fuel for our little talk, but there is also plenty of other stuff to talk about."
A little 'tsk' escaped Azul's lips. "So that's where this is going. Is there at least anything of value that you 'learned'?"
"What do you consider of being 'of value'? Maybe then we'll get somewhere."
Azul put her hand under her chin in thought. "Well, some secrets or things of that sort would be of use, I suppose." Yuko, who was petting Grim (already asleep again), reached for another treat, curious where this is heading.
"You are a scammy one, aren't you? Even though, I expected nothing else if I'm honest. To refresh your memory, I am very close to the headmistress and other dorm leaders, right?"
"My, my, you're right. So I suspect there are something I could use for... 'businesses'. What would you like for that kind of information?"
Yuko hummed in the thought. "Well, I do require some money for the interior of my dorm. It would also be of use if you'd have some favours to pay back. So how about this." They pulled out a piece of paper, wrote a sum of madol and slid it towards Azul. "I offer you some information. In return, you give me money and some favours. How does that sound?"
The businesswoman eyed to piece of paper, considering the deal. "Are the twins also involved in the 'favours' I'd own you? And how many are we even talking about?"
That got Yuko thinking. Azul was mostly the brain of the group, while the tweels did all of the hard work. It would allow more options if they're in the deal. "Mmh, since you three are often together, it would be best if they are involved in our little deal. About the favours, how about 4?"
"I actually couldn't care less if these two play a role here. It would mostly affect me anyway," the other thought out loud. "But only 2 favours."
"3 favours."
"Deal" The head of Octavinelle snaped once, and a golden contract appeared out of thin air. She then laid the piece of parchment on the table, in front of Yuko, waiting for it to be signed. "Just sign here the matter is sealed."
And Yuko happily obeyed. Azul smiled contented after it was signed gracefully.
"Then this is finished. I'll hand one of the twins the things you want to know." Yuko got up, taking Grim in their arms before bowing. "It was nice to make business with you. Until next time," she said as they left the room.
"Little question", Riddle chirped head in hands. "Did you just promised Azul to tell secrets from others? Others who have an actual influence on the student body? Just for some money and three favours?!"
Yuko chuckled slightly, Azul glaring at him, clearly offended. He knew what others thought of his schemes, but he still liked to play the victim.
"Let's just say it would've been of use for her to clarify what kind of secrets."
Riddle looked up, who did not expect this kind of answer.
"In other words; You scammed the scammer."
"Haha, you could say that. In the end, I just gave information that wouldn't be of great use. Yet, she was not able to say that I cheated since I just promised her some secrets, but not what kind of secrets," the girl revealed with a small, devilish grin.
"Moving on to Scarabia, shall we?"
[A/n: Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, English is not my first language!]
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twdormleaderswap · 4 years
The Switch (A Short Story)
     Within the Alchemy Room, a single student was preparing a new drug for Crewel's latest assignment. As they turned to grab another ingredient, they unconsciously knocked over one of the other bottles on the table. When the student came back to the cauldron, they didn't notice the spilled bottle. Regardless, they continue to experiment and add new ingredients. Once they added the final component, there was an explosion, and the student was sent to the ground momentarily. When they got up, they took the explosion as a sign to stop for the day. They cleaned up everything and quickly left the room. Little did they know that the failed drug the student tried to make became a spell.
     The following day, everything seemed fine. The students were attending classes, no one was saying anything about an explosion, and Alchemy classes were fine. That is until the dorm leaders were abruptly pulled out of classes to meet in the headmaster in his office.
"What is going on, headmaster?" Riddle asked.
"Yeah, what is going on? This is a real pain." Leona yawned. Headmaster Dire Crowley looked up at the prefects.
"There was an incident yesterday with alchemy. A student was making a drug for Professor Crewel's class, and the process of making the drug turned into a spell."
"But how does that concern us?" Vil asked, trying not to give an attitude. Crowley stood up from his chair.
"If you would please follow me, I'll show you." Crowley begins to walk out the door. The prefects look at each other in confusion before following the headmaster. They travel through the hallways to reach the Mirror Chamber. Crowley stepped up to the Magic Mirror. "Mirror of Darkness, tell us what has happened." The face of the mirror appears in the glass.
"A change has occurred. You are not where you belong."
"What do you mean by 'we're not where we belong?'" Kalim asked curiously, not fully understanding the situation or the mirror's words.
"You are not in the dorms where you belong. You are to go to your new dorms at once." The dorm leaders' mouths were ajar. Riddle was outraged.
"That's impossible! You were the one to place us in the dorms we're currently in. Now you're saying we belong elsewhere?!"
"The shapes of your souls have shifted."
"I see now," Azul smiled, "this incident yesterday was a spell that changed the 'shapes of our souls' somehow. Because of that, we are to go to different dorms."
"That is correct," Crowley confirmed.
"What I don't understand," Kalim interrupted, "was why we were the only ones affected."
"It's simple," Malleus answered, "we're the dorm leaders. We were chosen for having powerful magic. The spell seems to have only affected those with superior magical abilities." Crowley nodded.
"That seems to be the case." He turns back to the mirror. "Mirror of Darkness, please tell the dorm leaders their new assignments." The Magic Mirror responds to Crowley's request and lists the new housing assignments. Everyone began to panic.
"UNACCEPTABLE!" Vil shouted. "I will NOT be going THERE!
"You think you have it bad," Idia cut in "I have to go to-"
"What am I going to do about the Mostro Lounge?" Azul interrupted. "It's Octavinelle property."
"What about Heartslabyul?! There's no way he can run it properly!"
"I can't imagine how you're going to break up the constant fights," Leona said as he looked over at the new dorm leader of Savanaclaw.
"Oh SHUT UP! I don't want to hear it!"
"What's the big deal? This sounds like a lot of fun!" Kalim smiles.
"You do realize the severity of the situation we're in, right?" Malleus looked at the younger dorm leader. "The situation you will now be in."
"Sure I do."
"Everyone, please. Calm yourselves." Crowley broke everyone up. "Tomorrow, we will hold an announcement ceremony for your new dorms," Crowley tells them that they are to come to the Mirror Chamber early and wear their ceremony robes a new way, much to Riddle and Vil's dismay. "Tonight, you must pack your personal belongings and get ready to move dorms after classes tomorrow."
"Yes, Headmaster."
     The prefects return to classes after their quick meeting. That night, they begin to pack their things and get ready to move. All of the students received an announcement about a last-minute assembly. Afternoon classes were canceled so that the assembly could be held. On the day of the assembly, the students wore their Ceremonial Robes to morning classes. Once it was time for the ceremony, all of the students gathered in the Mirror Chamber. Once they entered the room, what was most noticeable was the fact that Idia was there in person and that Malleus Draconia was there when he wasn't even at the Opening Ceremony. Another thing that was noticed was the way the dorm leaders wore their Ceremonial Robes. They only wore the outer robe, but their dorm uniforms were noticeably seen underneath.
"Welcome, students of Night Raven College. I apologize for the sudden assembly, but there has been an incident two days ago regarding an accident with alchemy. A spell was accidentally cast and there has been a change of dorm assignments." The students looked at each other and began to whisper to each other. "Because of that, there will be a change in dorm leaders." The students began to talk out of confusion.
"A change in dorm leaders?"
"What does that mean?"
"Are new students becoming dorm leaders?" Crowley gathered everyone's attention again.
"To clarify, there will be a switch in dorm leaders. Boys, please step forward." The dorm leaders stepped toward the audience. They proceeded to remove their outer robes to reveal their current dorm uniforms. "The new Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul, Leona Kingscholar!" With magic, Leona's uniform changed from rough leather to gentle cloth with a flowing cape.
"This is such a pain." Ace and Deuce were SHOCKED to see this outcome, Cater was trying not to pull out his phone to snap a picture that moment, and Trey was surprised to see Leona as the new dorm leader when someone like Azul or Malleus would be more fitting. With Leona's reputation, it was safe to say that lots of Heartslabyul students were relieved to have a laid back dorm leader, but some were concerned. Meanwhile, Jack was keeping Ruggie from laughing out loud.
"The new Dorm Leader of Savanaclaw, Vil Schoenheit!" Vil's long Pomefiore robes transformed into a leather jacket with a fang necklace.
"I can't believe this...To think I'd ever go to those Drylands" Vil mumbled to himself. Rook was very intrigued by this new arrangement, and Epel was both appalled and incredibly jealous of Vil suddenly being placed in Savanaclaw. Amongst the protests of Savanaclaw tenants, Ruggie finally got to laugh out loud while Jack worried about his old neighbor.
"The new Dorm Leader of Octavinelle, Idia Shroud." Idia's cyberpunk uniform changed to a black suit, rather messily worn.
"I don't think I can do this..." Idia sighed. Not only is he moving dorms, Azul told him that he'd now have to manage Mostro Lounge. Floyd was snickering in the background and so was Jade. Guess they have their work cut out for them from now on. As for Ortho, he was sad to see his brother go, but he saw this as a good thing for Idia. He always wanted his brother to get out of his room and socialize, so this works perfectly.
"The new dorm Leader of Scarabia, Malleus Draconia!" Malleus closed his eyes as his military dorm uniform transformed into the Scarabia uniform. Malleus didn't say anything, but others did.
"Did he just say THE Malleus Draconia is going to be our dorm leader?"
"This is scary?"
"I want Kalim back." Jamil didn't even know what this assembly was about. Why didn't that idiot tell him that they were suddenly switching dorm leaders?! Meanwhile, Sebek had the same reaction as Jamil. Silver and Lilia were oddly calm about the situation.
"The new Dorm Leader of Pomefiore, Riddle Rosehearts!" Riddle's white and red uniform was switched for the Pomefiore robes. He wore Vil's stiletto heels though.
"I promise to uphold Vil's expectations to the best of my abilities." Rook smiled, finding the new dorm leader quite interesting. Epel was a little worried since Riddle is a strict dorm leader when it comes to rules. Not to mention, his automatic punishment is his unique magic. Well, at least Riddle won't treat him like a doll. This time, Ace couldn't hold back his laughter as Deuce was trying to tell him to stop. Trey breathed a sigh of relief, relieved to know Riddle will be alright in Pomefiore. It could have been worse.
"The new Dorm Leader of Ignihyde, Azul Ashengrotto!" Azul's classy suit was switched out for one that was much more digital inspired.
"It will be a pleasure to work with you all."
"Azul Ashengrotto? The leader-er, previous leader of Octavinelle?"
"I hear he makes unfair contracts with other students."
"Those who don't fulfill their end of the bargain are sentenced to servitude until graduation." Idia was a little relieved once he found out Azul would be leading Ignihyde. He knows Azul is very intelligent and can manage his dorm. He'll learn how to work with technology quickly. Ortho smiled, excited at the thought of having a new friend who isn't always locked away in their room working on projects. Meanwhile, Floyd hoped that Azul wouldn't become a huge nerd as Jade smiled at the situation.
"Finally, the new Dorm Leader of Diasomnia, Kalim Al-Asim!" Kalim smiled and spun around as his Scarabia robes were transformed into his own version of the Diasomnia uniform.
"I'm Kalim Al-Asim. I'll be in your care! Er, I guess, you'll be in my care! I hope we can all get along!" Nobody from Diasomnia physically reacted, but they were rather disappointed. Kalim's fun party reputation doesn't impress them at all. Meanwhile, Jamil is scared out of his life. Kalim is going to Diasomnia, the dorm of powerful mages. He worried if Kalim was going to be ok and hoped that no one would hurt him since Jamil won't be there to protect him. Lilia smiled at the thought of someone so fun joining Diasomnia since everyone is a stick in the mud. Sebek did not trust Kalim to lead Diasomnia as Malleus did, and Silver had no care about the new arrangement.
     Crowley proceeded to say how he will try his best to find the student who caused this and punish them accordingly. The staff will work together to find a way to reverse the spell. Until the situation has been resolved, the dorm leaders shall continue their positions in their new homes. The dorm leaders put their outer robes back on as Crowley magically summons the belongings of the dorm prefects. He orders everyone to follow their new leaders to the Hall of Mirrors. Things were going to be very interesting from now on.
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twstdreams · 4 years
Hi hi I simply love The senerio with Leona in it lions Chase it was cute may I request one with Malleus please ^^
Here you go! I took some liberties with the reader’s personality, so they won’t exactly fit everyone, but I hope it’s an enjoyable read!
Malleus Draconia with a crush on a reader who sees him as an older brother figure:
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You noticed the lingering gaze of a Diasomnia student as you strolled towards the dorm. Most students were hesitant to approach the powerful dorm leader, and frankly, at first, your relationship was nowhere near as close as it was now. It was only a combination of ignorance and bravery, and perhaps a little stupidity or poor risk management, that the two of you had such a close relationship.
When you first met, you hadn’t been so oblivious to not notice Malleus’ powerful aura, but given the distinctive student body, he was only one of many surprises. Lilia seemed more approachable at first glance, but there was something more foreboding beneath the surface. Octavinelle students always seemed to say the right words but you couldn’t seem to shake a sinister feeling when you were around them. To be blunt, you weren’t even sure if the Heartslabyul dorm leader was sane. Malleus had potent strength but did not seem to have any outright hatred or madness. 
Admittedly, the first time you had asked Malleus to join you was an impulsive decision slightly spurred by panic. After seeing Sebek getting electrocuted for forgetting to invite Malleus, you sputtered out an offer without much thought. 
“Oh! Um, would you like to come too?” You figured Malleus would decline, but you’d be spared any suffering since you went through the formality of inviting him. At worst, Malleus would chide you for encroaching on his busy schedule. At any rate, nothing could top receiving a flaming ball of fire to the face, so you took your chances.
To your utter surprise, Malleus actually said yes. Your jaw nearly hung open from shock until you remembered that etiquette and basic social interactions deemed that you should respond. And that is how you found yourself walking through the Diasomnia gardens with Malleus after your very first conversation. The memory brings a smile to your face now, but at the time you were pretty nervous.
Currently, you were heading towards the Diasomnia dorm to have tea with Malleus. With your favourite snacks in hand, you walked with a bounce in your step. When you opened the door, you spotted Malleus reading over some papers. He looked like the picture of an ideal responsible student, which off-put some but made him more endearing to you.
In lieu of a greeting, you placed a plate of the treats you had brought for him to eat. His attention shifted to you as he put away the papers in favour of trying the snack. You began to pour tea for the both of you.
“You’re like the ideal big brother to me,” you commented nonchalantly while taking a seat. You were always rather impressed by his skills, safely surpassing yours, but it was the time he set aside for you that warmed your heart.
“A big brother?” Malleus repeated with a tone of disdain.
“Yeah? You know, like, an older sibling that’s a guy,” you fumbled with your words as his reaction filled you with uncertainty. Did fae not have siblings? Did he think you had insulted him? You continued in hopes of fixing this mess, “Siblings have the same parents or at least one parent in common, and, uh, well they’re usually pretty close and they …”
The words died in your throat as Malleus’ icy gaze pierced straight through you. You were on the verge of suppressing a shiver. Sometimes Malleus didn’t quite understand your behaviour or some random human convention, but this was different. 
“I am not human,” he asserted, “Nor do we share any blood.” You chose your next words carefully. Suddenly you had landed in bumpy waters with a tempestuous storm brewing.
Choose to:
A) Clarify what you meant
B) Drop the topic
A) Clarify what you meant
“It’s just,” you inhaled deeply and summoned all the courage you could, “I didn’t mean it literally. The point is to illustrate how close we are. More than casual friends.” 
There’s a beat of silence. You’re doing your best to bravely face the situation but a part of you wants the floor to swallow you whole. Were you wrong? No, you couldn’t be. Malleus wouldn’t spend all this time with you if he didn’t care at least a little. Right?
“But still platonic?” he inquired, and there was an edge to his tone that told you he still wasn’t pleased. 
“Generally, yes,” you paused as you felt a change in the air, magic threatening to spark, then hastily added, “But! I mean, feelings aren’t linear. They, they’re evolving and changing. So, in the future, who knows?” You closed your eyes and tried to collect yourself. How had the situation turned so awkward and precarious so quickly?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything bad by it,” you say to the teacup, but you know Malleus hasn’t moved. You practically felt his glare as all your emotions spilled from your lips, “Even if it’s a bit presumptuous, I …”
You can’t do it. What were you even trying to say? No, you knew, but now you were second-guessing everything. Honestly, at this point, you felt like a complete mess. Maybe you should have just waited until you weren’t a bundle of nerves.
“You what?” He phrased it as a question, but his voice indicated it was a demand. 
“I … Well, I care about you,” you squeaked, face set aflame. You didn’t think your face could get any hotter even if Malleus did decide to set you on fire. This whole thing probably looked so dumb to the fae. You were never going to bring up siblings again.
“Humans are quick to make declarations of love and care,” he remarked but you felt some of the tension lift as his tone mellowed out.
“Yes, I suppose so,” you agreed, careful not to break the fragile peace. Malleus sipped his tea while his eyes bore into your soul. You weren’t sure if it was a signal to continue, so you added, “Though being in love and loving someone are not the same, they are both forms of love.”
“And? What would you categorize your confession as?” he asked casually as if he hadn’t requested for you to bare your heart to him. You gulped, hesitant given you had just narrowly avoided a disaster.
“I don’t know, love is a strong and confusing feeling,” you murmured while choosing to avert your gaze to the teacup before you. Maybe if you stared at the tea long enough, it would reveal the right thing to say.
“I look forward to your conclusion.” Expectant green eyes met your wide ones. This felt like some god awful trick. He continued, “Though I suppose you, who is so similar to a fumbling child, will take some time to decide.”
You gritted your teeth and silently nodded. It felt like some devious trick question with no right answer. What was Malleus expecting? Were you suppose to confess you were madly in love with him like some protagonist out of a fairy tale? Did he expect some reverent answer about his status and how you’d never dream of dating a powerful descendant of the king? Perhaps spout something brutally honest like Silver? Something cunning like Lilia? Dutiful to a fault like Sebek?
You had no clue as dread settled in your heart. Though his current unbristled appearance gave no hint, you knew this was serious. You had no idea your relationship with Malleus was so tumultuous and unstable until now. A simple misstep had landed you in so much trouble, you can still feel waves of his magic linger. You’d always known Malleus was powerful, both in magic and his position, but this was the first time it’d been a threat to you.
The discussion was about types of love, but it was fear that was welling up in your heart.
B) Drop the topic
“Sorry! It was a bad example, forget about it,” you replied, trying to keep any nervous ticks under control. The tension in the room told you Malleus had forgotten nothing. You made feeble attempts of bringing up other topics but all responses were lacklustre. Soon enough, the tea was cool and you excused yourself with Malleus making no actions to stop you.
Your subsequent interactions felt off. Naturally, Malleus was busy with both his studies and duties as dorm leader, but every conversation seemed laced with an unpleasantness you weren’t sure how to handle. A slight contempt that had never been directed to you before. 
The ground beneath you no longer felt steady and each step was filled with trepidation. You tossed and turned at night, unsure what to do and why everything had ended up like this. You swayed between worry and annoyance. Wasn’t he being petty? Or were you inconsiderate? You had missed something but your eyes couldn’t find the unknown piece.
You hesitated to act, but one day Lilia had approached you with a smile baring too many teeth and left you with an ominous warning.
“Be careful,” he whispered with eyes that lit up in amusement as panic wormed its way into your soul.
One day, while passing papers a teacher had asked you to deliver to Malleus, you cautiously asked, “I haven’t done anything to make you angry, right?”
“Of course I’m not angry. I’m not,” he insisted. 
Oh no.
No no no no no.
Dismay practically flowed through your veins as the sentence left his mouth. He was definitely upset and you had no clue how to fix this. 
Was your relationship with Malleus always this fragile? Everyone was always wondering how you’d manage to befriend the dorm leader, but now you knew it wasn’t befriending him that was hard, it was maintaining this relationship. Part of you was upset, you had come to care about Malleus a great deal, but frustration bubbled up too. Why couldn’t he just tell you why he was mad? For all the comments about how you were like a baby or a child, he provided no guidance or clues.
This felt like a losing game and you weren’t sure you wanted to play anymore.
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poisonepel · 5 years
Halloween at Night Raven! ♡ Savanaclaw
【Halloween at Night Raven! Special ☆ Savanaclaw Booth】
[Prologue] [Heartslabyul] [Octavinelle] [Scarabia] [Pomefiore] [Ignihyde] [Diasomnia]
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You decide to carve pumpkins.
As you made your way towards Savanaclaw’s Pumpkin Carving booth, you were very amused to see how cheesy and basic it all looked.
The booth consisted of three wooden tables, each set with some pumpkins and carving tools. Taped to the side of the middle table was a white banner with “Fun Pumpkin Carve with Savana!” written in messy black paint. Squished beneath Savana, the second half claw was scribbled in blue marker. One poorly drawn jack o’ lantern sat at the corner of the banner.
Your mind went back to Headmaster Crowley’s speech at the assembly, when he had said he was very impressed with each dorm’s contribution to the party, and you wondered whether or not Savanaclaw was included in that. This certainly didn’t look up to par with anything.
Also, you were the only visitor here. Three members of the dorm’s members were in charge of this booth—the dorm leader Leona, Ruggie, and Jack—and they were the only other people here, idly chatting at one of the tables together while cheesy Halloween songs played from a radio laying next to them. But the second they noticed you, they immediately leapt to attention.
“Oh, (Y/n)! Are you here to carve pumpkins?” Ruggie called.
“Why else would I be here?” you called back. “...Has no one else come by yet?”
Now you were really starting to reconsider. Maybe you would’ve had much more fun at Diasomnia’s haunted house booth instead... They always had the most popular booth.
But, you knew these three very well, and you didn’t mind spending some time with them. Plus, if not for you, they would’ve been here alone the whole night. So you took a seat at the table next to Leona, deciding you wouldn’t mind spending your Halloween very casually with three of your favorite people.
“Well, I doubt anyone else is gonna show up, so... I guess we can start,” Leona said, placing a fat pumpkin in front of you. “Have fun carving or whatever.”
“‘Or whatever,’” Ruggie echoed, his voice tinged with annoyance. “Why’d you even pick this dumb kids activity anyway? Nobody wants to do it. I bet (Y/n)’s only here ‘cause they felt bad for us. Huh, (Y/n)?”
“...I-I was actually looking forward to this,” you admitted.
“Uh, Howl’s the one who thought of this, not me,” Leona clarified, brushing over you. “So if you’ve got any complaints, direct them all to him.”
Jack scowled. “We only went with this ‘cause your lame ass couldn’t think of anything better.”
“Well neither could Ruggie’s.”
You let out a small smile at the trio’s bickering, knowing that this was a very common occurrence between them. “Carving pumpkins isn’t so bad,” you insisted. “It’s a Halloween staple!”
“Well, you do you..” Jack shoved a few carving tools in front of you, as well as some paper templates in case you wanted to use those. Ruggie, for some reason, also began sawing the top off his own pumpkin, despite the blatant distaste for this activity he’d expressed just a second ago.
“Originally we were gonna have a contest,” Ruggie informed you as he worked. “Whoever carved the best pumpkin would get to take a picture with that scarecrow over there holding their pumpkin.” He pointed over to a corner, where there was a scarecrow dressed in a ragged Savanaclaw uniform, sitting atop a pile of hay. You didn’t say it out loud, but the set-up looked hideous. “And there’s also some candy in that cauldron next to it for the winner to take, too. I picked that out. It’s the good candy.”
It really looked like these three had run to the party store last-minute and just bought all the generic Halloween decorations they could find. They even had those plastic skeletal goblets set on the table, filled with some kind of fruit drink, which they would periodically drink out of. There was no theme - just, cheap plastic Halloween decor.
“Anyway, I guess to make the night interesting, we’ll just have a contest between the four of us,” Ruggie went on. “But really it’s just between me and (Y/n) ‘cause I doubt the other two will even try.”
Jack immediately got offended. “Lay off, Bucchi. You’re just mad ‘cause I’m better than you at everything else.” Then, feeling spitefully motivated, he grabbed a paper template and began tacking it to his own pumpkin, one that he was certain would look better than Ruggie’s no matter how hard Ruggie tried.
But Ruggie only stuck his nose up. “See, Howl, you’re not even doing it right—you’re supposed to scoop out all the seeds before you tack—”
“Can you mind your damn business?”
Ruggie ignored him. “And Leona—”
Leona had been busying himself drawing on another pumpkin, a messy lion monster face in Sharpie, and was just finishing coloring in a ragged scar going through its eye. “Done.”
“You didn’t even carve it! That was the whole point of this!”
“Shut up, my pumpkin is a masterpiece.” Leona hissed, before stretching back, feeling very exhausted with all the work he had put into that 2-minute drawing.
Jack’s grin reappeared on his face. “What were you expecting from the dorm leader, Bucchi? You should be surprised he even bothered to try.”
“He can’t participate in the contest if he didn’t even carve it,” Ruggie insisted, crossing his arms. “Drawing talent isn’t the same as carving talent.”
“You call that drawing talent?!”
“...Rude,” Leona huffed. “You know I’d be more motivated if there was a better incentive. Like...” His eyes trailed around the area, before they landed on (Y/n). Then he smirked. “Hey, let’s change the rules a bit. Instead of candy, the winner gets... a kiss from (Y/n).”
“...What.” You froze. Your brows creased. Then you hesitated. “...What if I win?”
“Then you can make all of us do whatever you want.”
You took a longer pause. “...For how long?”
“Uhhh,” Leona looked up, thinking for a second. “A day?”
“Wait, I didn’t agree to that—” Ruggie cut in. “I don’t like that look in (Y/n)’s eyes. Also, I don’t even want some stupid kiss anyway.”
“Yeah, what the hell?” Jack agreed. “I wanted the candy.”
“Fine, you guys can have whatever you want if you win. But I’ll get a kiss.”
“If you want a kiss from me, you’ll have to get a kiss from everyone,” you clarified. “The winner gets to pick the punishment, but it has to be the same for everybody.”
“...I don’t want a kiss from Howl.”
“Really? Howl’s been wanting one from you, though,” Ruggie grinned.
The tips of Jack’s ears immediately went red. But he didn’t spare a moment in dipping his hand inside the center bowl, which was filled with pumpkin guts, and flung a handful directly at Ruggie’s face.
“...! Howl!” Ruggie cried, alarmed, as if Jack had come onto him unprompted. He retaliated by snatching up Jack’s pumpkin and chucking it at the ground—which was not something you were expecting at all. Your mouth was agape when gourd bits splattered everywhere, staining the area with stringy, gooey, orange slime.
Jack, however, couldn’t have cared less about the pumpkin.
“Pretty sure you just got disqualified for that,” he said, knowing Ruggie was literally the only one passionate about this contest.
Leona simpered. Now neither of them were able to participate; with Jack’s pumpkin destroyed and Ruggie disqualified, Leona had less competition, which meant a better chance to win. He didn’t even have to do any work to get them out. So he was very pleased.
“Between you and me now, babe,” he winked at you, still with that lazy smirk on his face. “And I’m changing my reward. If I win, all three of you have to be my slaves for a day.”
“...‘Cause that’s nothing new,” Ruggie muttered, rolling his eyes.
“I’ll win for you, Ruggie,” you assured him.
“Please,” Ruggie replied. “I don’t care what you do to me; I just want Leona to suffer.”
So, determined, you shot Leona a glance, who looked equally as motivated to win this contest. And then you began.
It took about an hour and a half for you to complete your pumpkin monster. By the time you were done, you were smiling very triumphantly—until something dawned on you.
“...Wait, who’s even judging the contest?”
“...Well, when we thought of this...” Ruggie started, “we thought more people would show up, so us three weren’t supposed to participate... but I guess we can do a vote? Me and Howl.”
“...!” Leona let out a low hiss, knowing fully well neither of them would ever vote for him.
And so, the winner was you.
You smiled gleefully when you got to pose with that hideous DIY scarecrow the three of them had built, holding your pumpkin monster proudly at the camera. Your photo printed on a Halloween-framed film that read, “Have a SPOOK-tacular Halloween!” with cartoon bats and ghosts on it.
According to Ruggie, Leona was the one who picked the film out when they’d gone to the party store last week. Knowing that, you cherished the photo; you thought it was cute how hard they all worked to put this together—even though it wasn’t phenomenal.
But, the Savanaclaw boys didn’t care much for the photo with the scarecrow—those three were much more eager to hear your terms for your “reward.” 
“Oh, the three of you will just have to accompany me on one of my busy errand days,” you told them, “and help me with anything I need help with.”
That didn’t seem so bad.
Key word: seem.
[Halloween at Night Raven! Masterlist]
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