#to escape the loop she must Let It Happen (and then it turns out it's fine and everyone survives)
herearedragons · 1 month
tag the oc that's most likely to get stuck in a time loop and what kind of time loop it would be
#I feel like Kyana has time loop potential but idk what the exact loop would be#maybe the loop is the entirety of DAO and she keeps getting companions killed/locked into their Bad Endings#and the loop only stops when she manages to get them all to survive the Blight#something something she needs to learn to be a good leader and care about others#unsuccessful loops reset via the archdemon killing her (even if the dark ritual was performed)#Selene gets the classic 'your love interest keeps dying and you try to stop it' time loop#to escape the loop she must Let It Happen (and then it turns out it's fine and everyone survives)#Secret gives me the vibe of someone who knows they're in a time loop but has given up on trying to solve it#she's just going through it. trying everything. keeping herself entertained. trying to stay sane#sometimes she clues Varric in on the looping. sometimes she doesn't#actually maybe her time loop rule is that someone else has to save her from it. nothing she does by herself will work#idk what the exact reset point would be#I'm thinking the Arishok fight maybe. or Meredith#I don't think it would go as far as the Fade#also. after writing Homecoming I did have the thought of a time loop story#with Dorian as the one being trapped and trying to prevent Neil from dying/becoming possessed#maybe in his case he's not really trapped. he can stop anytime he wants but he keeps choosing to go back#the reset point is something Solas-related maybe#herearedragons meta#oc: kyana amell#oc: watcher selene#oc: secret hawke#oc: neilar lavellan#oh. actually. Aqun would be pretty fun to put in a time loop#that runs over some part of DAI and/or Trespasser#Adina is his time loop buddy (the person he usually tells about the loop because she immediately believes him)#idk what his reset/escape condition would be though#maybe in his case it's something purely mechanical#like there's no lesson to be learned it's just a magical anomaly he's trapped on#and on a meta level the 'lesson' is accepting that not everything has a Purpose or a Reason
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xxsycamore · 8 months
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↬ 📜 The Belle Covenant, Clause 69: "A just king ought to give his country as much as he takes. Belle is to oversee his equal sharing, for he must learn to treat his country the way he treats a lover." Emma initiates 69 with each prince. You know, for political reasons.
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Leon x Emma; Chevalier x Emma; Yves x Emma; Nokto x Emma; Licht x Emma; Jin x Emma; Clavis x Emma; Luke x Emma • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: 69 (Sex Position); Oral Sex; Rough Oral Sex; Cunnilingus; Bathroom Sex; Gentle Sex; Rough Sex; Deepthroating; Blow Jobs; Face-Sitting; Multiple Orgasms; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex • wordcount: 2,241 • masterlist
a/n: Welcome to my personal kinktober challenge, Visions of Temptation 2022 - that's right, last year's one. You can find the new one, Visions of Temptation 2023, here. DAY 1: ORAL SEX | SIXTY-NINE
The Belle Covenant, Clause 69:
"A just king ought to give his country as much as he takes. Belle is to oversee his equal sharing, for he must learn to treat his country the way he treats a lover."
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"Now, Prince Leon, let's see if you're more of a taker or a giver…"
Propped up on his elbows on the bed, Leon had just told Emma he's hers to play with. He's so casual as ever, always there for her, ready to give a shoulder where she needs it. From how well they clicked it was bound to happen sooner or later, ending up in the same bed. Seeing Emma turn around and straddle his torso, Leon is pretty sure she's taking him for a ride.
Until she gets all comfortable with his cock in her mouth, retaining this position.
Now, Leon is not the one to idly sit and be pleased by someone without returning the gesture. It just doesn't sit right with him, when all it takes is a swift maneuver and Emma's leaking pussy would be right in front of his face and ready to be ravished.
The vigor with which Leon swirls his skilled tongue inside her depths can only be rivaled by the way hers wraps around the girth of his cock, tracing the delicious vein that protrudes on its side. She switches for teasing the slit of his tip, and Leon groans; the pleasure ricocheting right back to her core in the form of a sultry vibration.
"Suck it harder. Damn it, Emma, just like that… I'm going to cum, Emma. Cum with me."
They're locked in this loop of giving and taking all the way until their mutual peak hits. Hard.
Leon surely is a master of this trade, in addition to guiding her and praising her. She hums in bliss and takes a mental note of his skills, for future reference.
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Chevalier is a tough nut to crack. First, he needs a good reason to cooperate regarding any of the clauses in the list. Why would he care? Second, he needs a good reason to comply specifically with the absurdish idea that Emma poses about 'testing his justness'. So she gets a little creative and a little mischievous, and gives him the necessary push.
In a little game of (big) cat and mouse, Emma jumps from the sofa to the bed before Chevalier can put his claws on her. Backed against the headboard of the bed, she has nowhere to escape, but the book that started it all remains in a secure hold against her chest.
"I'll give you your precious book back if you give me something in return. Or does the mighty future king of Rhodolite not see it fit to give in order to take?"
"The 'mighty future king of Rhodolite' doesn't fancy anyone touching his property with their dirty little hands," He looms in closer, caging Emma's body with his own, knowingly intimidating her, "And he has nothing to negotiate with thieves."
The book is snatched from her hands without much fight, and Emma sinks further down the headboard in defeat. The wise thing to do would be to retreat and rethink her strategy - and definitely not to try and seduce an angry Chevalier by letting out an accidental whine while she's still trapped sprawled beneath him in his lair.
Chevalier remains there, only raising an eyebrow - he shouldn't be too surprised by her open provocations at this point, but it's like he senses something genuine in her supposed act.
"You're hopeless, simpleton."
A sequence of Emma's half-spoken questions and puzzled sounds is merely background noise to the rapidly changing pace of events, as the big cat in front of her lies down and turns on his back. It's not exactly the equivalent of it trustingly showing its belly for rubs.
Emma's slightly trembling legs are gotten a secure hold of, as Chevalier drags her closer and on top of him - almost trying to be gentle but failing - until she's practically straddling his face.
Her pulse quickens rapidly as if she's been granted a throne she is unworthy of.
Just for tonight, she shuts her eyes and accepts the empowering pleasure it entails.
Sucking on her aroused nub until she sees stars, he almost makes her forget the idea behind this ordeal, until she has to remind herself about working for his pleasure too. Chevalier almost doesn't let her - at first, she thinks it's an additional dragging on of things for him, a bother. Once he lets her play with his intimidatingly big cock, though, it proves to be something different. The prideful second prince catches up with her heightened arousal shockingly quickly. His ministrations become sloppier. Such an exchange of pleasure, Emma concludes, is unfamiliar to him. He masks it very well - because by the time she reaches her own orgasm, it feels euphoric. He gave her a lot, and he took a lot, too.
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Yves is almost too pretty right now. Emma laments not having him eat her out in a pose where she can watch his pretty face, his perfect features pressed into her cunt, his cute little nose squished against her clit.
His cupid's bow kissing her glistering, swollen pussy lips.
Yves maneuvers his frame swiftly over her body, just-bathed porcelain skin smelling of expensive oils and silky-to-the-touch caresses ghosting over Emma's equally cared-for body, as they shared intimacies in the bath beforehand. 
Their exchange of pleasure is harmonic; voices joining together in a melody as they moan, aromas entangling in the air and delicate sensations as they roll in the clean, luxurious bedsheets. Yves softly guides Emma's body sideways before laying down the opposite way, muscles relaxing all over, safe for the ones of their sexes which are maddeningly pulsing in a chase towards a mutual peak.
Yves' love would trick you with tasting rigid demand coated with egoism; then reminiscent of a dessert with soft-crème heart, upon a bolder bite you'll discover what having your senses spoiled really feels like.
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From someone with a mouth as big as Nokto's, Emma expects nothing but a big performance to come. She's in for a little more than she bargained for, she finds out as soon as her world turns upside down.
Looking at Emma now, Nokto connects the dots rather quickly as to why she's suddenly feeling coquettish like that - lounging on his couch whenever he's around is one thing, but getting so comfy that she's basically dangling her legs over the backrest, her best bedroom eyes following Nokto upside-down… He wonders if his antics are rubbing off her, or if she's giving him a taste of his own medicine. Hands folded casually on her belly, she finally poses the question that's been hanging heavily in the air, while Nokto dresses himself for another night out. It's now or never.
Emma is suddenly the fox's appetizer when he leans down and buries his face between her legs, the hem of her dress conveniently ridden up on her waist as if to clear his way. 
She's never before given a blowjob upside-down but she likes a challenge. Nokto's crouch is right there in front of her face, so she makes quick work of his belt that he hasn't even fastened all the way earlier during his preparations for going out. It works out surprisingly well, a quick and explosively pleasurable deal sealed with a gush of fluid on their tongues.
Nokto works swiftly when there is gain for him, and surprisingly plays fair, too.
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Like the carnivore he is deep inside, Licht loves taking his pray to his den. His room is mostly veiled in darkness and Emma's eyes are not well-adjusted to it by the time Licht begins ravishing her, but there is no fear in her heart. His tonguing on her heated core is calculated and it's nothing greater than what her body can take - and it comes naturally to her to want to give him something in return.
They're in no hurry, taking turns pleasuring each other, usually one being breathless and halting ministrations because of those of the other party. Emma feels shy being so vocal with a partner that only occasionally grunts every now and then. His giving is silent but evident and abundant, and she feels like putty in his strong hands. Licht takes long sweeps of his tongue on her sex, dragging her whole body back and forth with the impact, not caring that the bobbing of Emma's head turns sloppier. Once he releases his pent-up desire whole in her mouth, he tells her to spit if she wants - and feels his blood rushing forth hotly when she doesn't. In the much-appreciated post-sex cuddles session afterward, Emma catches a glimpse of a smile and dozes off contently.
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Everything Emma learned about Jin's sex life, she learned against her will. Though it would be a lie if she said she wasn't once curious whether the rumors were true.
Her observations so far are that as many women the first prince has taken to bed, he is in the habit of behaving like he hasn't been with one in ages. Paying attention to every naked millimeter of her skin, Jin's hands never stop roaming, pleasuring, loving. He also eats her out as if he hasn't put food in his mouth for decades, she notices - a deep masculine grunt leaving his throat at the first taste of her hot juices on his tongue. He is a big boy who doesn't mind getting dirty, and that might be the best thing about him, as much as Emma refuses to admit. His technique is worked to perfection - the youthfully needy opening act serving just to trick her. It's funny how she attempted to blow him first and then turn it into a hot sixty-nine from there, when in reality he was the one to initiate that. Jin always struck her as the person who likes to sit back in his seat, one hand propping up his chin, one on her head, as he's been serviced. But he is a giver, a damn good giver.
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Emma doesn't know why she had expectations of Clavis doing this straightforwardly and fairly, when he's already a well-known menace outside the bedroom. Being naked and open for his cruel teasings, for the touch of those wicked fingers that aim to irritate and to never satisfy, it drives her crazy. Clavis demands to be the one touching her and not the other way around - after all, there are so many ways to play with a bunny like Emma, why limit themselves to some boring position? Clavis has Emma climaxing twice on his fingers before he finally allows her to return some of the pleasure, guiding his flushed tip past her thoroughly kissed and swollen lips. She then understands - for all Clavis is worth, he's prone to becoming an absolute mess once pleasured. The little delicious gasp falling from his beautiful curved lips soon turns into a hearty moan, laced with desperateness and lust as he pushes Emma's head to urge her to take more of his cock inside her tight, warm throat. His little plan of turning her into a pliant, overstimulated pile of limbs is unsuccessful when he possesses a voice so erotic it sees her hunger awaking once again, head full of thoughts about riding him until sunrise. In addition, Clavis seems to enjoy the rougher manner of Emma seating her dripping cunt directly on his face, leaving him almost no room to breathe. Maybe riling her up was all in favor of receiving her harsh command of "Shut up already and pleasure me properly!"
The chances of coming with the upper hand when bargaining with Clavis are low, but the headaches are always worth it in the end.
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Luke should have been the gentle giant who lets Emma catch a breather even in moments of burning lust. That's how she always imagined him to be with a lover - barely-there touches exchanged between relaxed sighs, lying down in some secluded napping spot that would once again serve its true purpose once every last drop of pleasure is squeezed out of their bodies.
Well. While it does sound good enough to Emma, she wouldn't trade her current position for anything in the world.
Adrenaline rushing all through her body, Emma's heart is about to leap out of her chest with the sheer lasciviousness of how Luke has her right now.
Someone as tall and strong as him, she should've prepared herself to be putty in his hands. To be folded in positions she couldn't paint with her imagination… or, like right now, to be picked up with her ass up and held in the air as Luke shamelessly devours her cunt.
With pleasure rendering her silly, she can't possibly hold back from attempting to suck his cock while in this position, even if its massiveness in its full erect glory intimidated her at first. For the timid, vanilla experience she expected, fucking like animals is the last thing she saw coming from Luke - and she suddenly finds himself at his mercy as he has complete control over her body.
The aftercare is more reminiscent of her initial thoughts, and coming down from her high never felt better. Once you awaken the slumbering monster inside the youngest prince of Rhodolite, you're in for more than you bargained for.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @princess-pray-a @claviscollections @aceuuuuu Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
Rescue part 2
Eris x reader
Warnings: some angst I think
You stare at Eris with wide eyes. He was serious. This was going to happen. And it was going to happen fast.
Rhys slowly nods his head. Contemplating what to do next. “Let's go talk in my office then.” Azriel and Cassian head upstairs, leaving Mor in the living room entryway.
Eris looks at you, his hands still cupping your face. “I’ll be back. I promise.” He lets go and follows Rhysand up the stairs. You stare after him, immediately wanting him to hold you again. Those three days apart killed you.
Feyre was at your side in an instant, looping her arm through yours. “You must be starving. Why don’t we have some breakfast? Mor, would you like to join us?”
You both look at the blonde creeping slowly into the shadows of the dark living room. Mor freezes, looking between the two of you. “Sure.” She answers tentatively. Feyre leads you to the dining room.
Her sister, Elain, and the twin wraiths setting the table. You had always liked Elain. She was a social butterfly at heart and was always kind. She greeted you with a tired smile.
The four of you sit down at the grand table. Mor sits across from you doing her best not to make eye contact with you. You knew what happened between Eris and Mor. You had just started seeing Eris a year before their engagement was announced. You wondered if she remembered you.
You all chatted throughout the meal. Mor avoided conversation with you.
“Thank you again, Feyre. You’ve all been too kind to me. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” Feyre reaches her hand out to grasp yours. “Knowing your safe is enough.” She gives you a kind smile.
Mor scoffs at Feyre’s reply. Your heads snap toward her as Elain watches silently. “Mor?” Feyre tilts her head in confusion. At that, Mor snaps, “She’s not safe! Not with those monsters! You think when Eris is High Lord he'll be better than his father!?” You lean back in your seat, shocked by her outburst.
Before anyone else can say something you cut in, “Can Mor and I have a moment alone?” Feyre gives you a tight nod, rising from the table and Elain follows her.
You meet Mor’s gaze, she's unreadable. “I know Eris has kept parts of his life from people. He's kept what happened to you a secret because he knows it's yours.” You take a deep breath. “Do you remember me? Apart from being around the Autumn royal family.”
Mor stares at you, confused. Then the realization sparkles in her eyes. She sits up straighter, a slight gasp escaping her red lips. “You were there that day.” You nod. “I could feel Eris screaming for help down the bond. Images of blood and where you were. I knew I had to move fast or someone would catch me.”
Tears started to line Mor's eyes. “I patched you up the best I could, but I felt like I didn't do enough.” At this point, your hands were shaking. “Thank you. You did more than enough.” Getting up and rounding the table to Mor’s side you embrace her.
She held you tightly, soft tears falling down both your faces. “I'm going to help. And I'm going to make sure that monster never hurts you or anyone ever again.” You let a little relieved sigh escape your lips, whispering, “Thank you.”
Hours later the males emerge from Rhys’ office. You're sitting in the living room with Mor and the Archeron sisters when they found you. Eris looked tense and worried. Cassian and Azriel were wearing the masks of their respective jobs.
Rhys steps into the room, and everyone's attention turns to him except yours. You're too focused on Eris and sending love and reassurance down the bond. “Beron’s execution will happen in five days. Eris needs a little more time to make arrangements, but Azriel’s spies should be able to start infiltrating court tomorrow.”
Eris finally meets your gaze. Before you can ask Eris speaks up, “You are going to stay here until it's done.” You don't bother to hide your shock.
Eris strides over to you, kneeling in front of you and holding your hands gently in his large, slender ones. “Y/n, I don't want you in danger. Or to witness any of this. Think, my love. What if something goes wrong?
“What if he…what if he knows you're there? And he uses you against me. I can't risk you.” His eyes are pleading with you, begging you to understand. “I understand. But please my love, be careful.” You both stand and he pulls you into a tight hug.
Azriel, Rhys, and Eris talk for a few more minutes. Eris and Azriel head to the front door and you follow. “Eris wait.” He turns to you. “I’ll wait outside.” Azriel says, closing the door behind him.
You pull Eris down to your lips by the front of his shirt. He kisses you back with a ferocity that scares you. It made you feel like this would be your last kiss.
Eris leans his forehead against yours, your breaths mixing. “I love you, y/n.” “I love you too, Eris. Please come back to me, please.” The desperation is clear in your voice. If he died you wouldn’t survive it. “I will. I promise.”
He removes himself from you. Eris gives you one last look before walking out the door.
The days went by far too slow for your liking. Eris had closed off his end of the bond, but you left the slightest opening on your end. Just in case.
The first two days your anxiety was at its worst. Not being able to feel Eris through the bond and the anticipation of Beron’s death had you on edge. Causing you to spend most of your time in the Night Court alone.
On the fourth day Nesta, Mor, and Cassian left for the Autumn Court. You wished them luck on their way out, giving Mor one last hug.
You found Feyre later that night and you sat together in silence as tears ran down your face.
The next morning Rhys left for the Autumn Court. You decided sitting around and waiting was the worst thing to do today. To help calm you down you joined Elain in the garden.
It was late afternoon when you felt it. Power shook the ground so hard you were sure all of Prythian felt it. Elain held onto you for dear life. “Y/n, are you alright?”
Something came through that little opening in the bond. It was so overwhelming you curled up, pulling at the grass. And then it slowed to a small hum of power. It was Eris.
You knew what you felt, what the world felt, was Beron’s power being ripped from him. That he was no longer among the living. You prayed to the Mother his soul was being dragged down to Hell by demons that would make him shake.
But Eris was alive. And that was all that mattered to you.
Picking your head up you looked at Elain, a slight smile dancing on your lips. “I’m okay. I’m okay.” You whispered the last part to yourself. You tilted your head back to the sun, feeling its warmth on your face, knowing you’ll see Eris soon.
After dinner with Feyre and Elain you heard the sound of wings, then feet climbing the smooth stone steps of the house. The three of you shot up from the table to greet the group in the foyer.
Rhys opens the door, entering the home first. Feyre lets out a small cry, throwing herself into her mate's arms. The rest file in, looking tired but relieved. Like a weight has been lifted off all of their shoulders.
Mor gives you a soft smile as Eris walks in behind her. Your gazes meet, tears prick the corners of your eyes. You bound toward each other, pulling each other into a tight embrace.
“You came back.” Eris buries his face in your hair, basking in your scent. “Of course I did. I'd never leave you, my love.”
You pull away, both turning to see the Inner Circle watching you. “I can never thank you enough,” Eris says, “Thank you for your trust and help. I hope our alliance leads to a better world.”
They all nod. Rhys breaks into a wide grin, “I do too Eris.” Eris smiles back at his fellow High Lord. “Well, we will get out of your hair. I'll be in touch in a few days.”
You look to Feyre and Elain, “Thank you.��� The sisters give you kind smiles. Eris leads you out the front door. He pulls you into his side and darkness surrounds you. When it fades away you're standing in your and Eris’ bedroom.
You were home. Ready to take on this challenge with Eris.
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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skybristle · 6 months
Someone somewhere is evil, why, how
Was it maw?? Idk I got bad memory
I will be watching
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I hesitate to call anyone evil because they all just kinda have their own crazy interlocking mental illnesses that drive them to do terrible things to and with eachother. that said. YEAH MAW IS. I could argue Starlight is the main perpetrator becayse maw wouldn't have hurt another iterator without her influence butttt you asked about maw so I will respond.
maw, even for an iterator, has a hell of a God complex going on. immense greed and solitude driving her to maintain the cult of her colony. she was actually a very generous god, if ruthless, but Hella xenophobic to both other iterators whom she considered lowly in comparison to her divine splendor and also anyone trying to immigrate into her colony as it upsets her sense of control.
this is. uhm. kind of a problem since around when she's built is when the great equalizer really hits full force and ancient kind is scrambling for any space avaliable. ash is a clusterfuck ATM, sparks is full, and maw has used her puppet admin to close immigration. and their group is fairly isolated. so. like. yikes ! they start scrambling for space on sparks and keep building on top of her, and at some point have to expand horizontally and extend her structure. sounds cool! except when you consider theyre doing the construction while she's fully awake, the extra processing power is overclocking and overstimulating the shit out of her, all while she's trying to tend to a mega colony. it's fucking hell and she begs ash to do something to get maw to share the burden, anything to make it stop. and. hold on I wrote a broadcast abt this
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so maw basically says "L get fucked" because she refuses to submit to lower gods who can't even control their people. this kind of is the root of all of sparks trauma and hrr eventual actions against her and ash but this is abt maw.
after mass ascension... she kinda has a crisis because. no worshippers! so naturally she creates purposed organisms to inhabit her can. however it eventually goes arwy and they start ripping eachother apart. and maw just finds this cathartic and is like 'oh really? let me show you real carnage' and just keeps bioengineering more insane shit. in her own little bubble ignoring everyone 'below her' for a very long time. hypocritically she also fucking hates sparks soo much for her false seniority and her superior power [from the expansion maw directly caused....] and other things but. that doesn't really matter until later and sparks is terrified of her so they don't interact.
this is a side point but the gladiator campaign happens somewhere around here. Hella busted slugcat in her brutal can who must impress her to escape. they end up 'fightinf' her [trying to survive her boss fight long enough] and they're the one to bite and break her antenna LOL
until.... overseers of pale pink manage to squeeze through her can, and, eventually, Starlight reaches her and speaks of her [and whispers] work to get them off the string. u see maw wouldn't care but both of them are soo vulnerable and just ripe for the taking! and God is she desperate to fufill her complex. they mainly want her help for the ability to bioengineering to break iterator internals, most primarily the arm to free the puppet. so maw makes them kneel and beg for divine aid [or starlight anyways. yes it is as homoerotic as you imagine]. they kind of drive whispers away and just loop into eachothers worst desires. driving starlight deeper into her irrational and desperate impulses and maw deeper into violence and wrath rather than godlike benevolence. maw basically loaded starlights gun and gave her threats to remove herself from her structure credence.
so eventually they turn on whispers, who's fallen out of use to them and is already growing more fearful and growing wise. the final catalyst is them spotting colorburst being sent to ash as an attempt to wake him and invoke his seniority to stop them by whispers.
maw sends the purposed organisms she designed to whispers can and they rip their puppet free. against their will. but they get the chance for one final scream, an emergency broadcast that becomes complete pandemonium for their group...
anddd I'll cut it there. more questions r welcome but this post is getting Hella long
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dreamfyre03 · 4 months
A Dragon's Love
Trigger Warnings: Some violence, injuries, blood
Chapter 8: Tourneys and Unheard Taunts
The day of the tourney came, and the grounds were richly decorated with Targaryen colours and the sigil of the three headed dragon. Daenys sat alone in her tent, truly not up to spending the day watching men attempt to prove their worth through acts of unnecessary violence. After the emotions that ran high from the day before, and Aemond’s worths ringing in her head, she wanted nothing more than to run off and spend the day on Meraxa. She knew it would upset Alicent, who wished for them all to be front and centre, but she couldn’t  face Aemond after what happened yesterday. 
Giving in to her thoughts, she quickly shed her dress her maid worked so hard to put her in, and changed into her riding leathers that were in her belongings brought to her tent. As she was about the slip out of her tent, she was intercepted by her brother Aegon, a smug look on his face. 
“Running off, sister?” He asked as he blocked her path. 
She sighed. “Let me be, brother. I don’t often run from my obligations, but indulge me today, please.” 
He clicked his tongue and put his hand around her shoulder, walking her back into her tent. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. It’s vital that you don’t miss this event.” “Since when are you so enlightened by tourneys? They last for hours, and the heat only makes it worse.” She sighed. 
“I’ve a feeling this tourney will be particularly interesting.” He said knowingly. She could see her brother knew something she didn’t, but her frustrations couldn’t bring her to pester him to find out what it was. She just needed to escape, to get a moment of her own. “Whatever scheme you’ve cooked up, I don’t care. I wish to be alone.” She attempted to push past him and walk out, only to be hauled over Aegon’s shoulder. “Put me down!” She gasped, hitting at his back with her fists. For a drunkard he was surprisingly strong. “If I do, will you change and come with me to our box?” He asked. She groaned and hit him again, and was satisfied by his small hiss of pain. “Come now, you two, mother will be livid if we’re late.” Helaena’s voice came from the entrance of her tent. “Sister, good you can help Daenys back into her dress, and we can be on our way.” Aegon said cheerily, his sister still hanging over his shoulder. “Very well then, come on we must be quick.” She said briskly, thoroughly used to her siblings’ antics by now. Aegon placed her back on her feet and she glared at him, and he gifted her his signature wicked smile, before walking out to wait for them outside. Helaena helped her out of her leathers and was soon lacing up the back of her red and white gown, tailored in the style as an homage to her dragon’s scales and colouring. The fabric was more sheer and lightweight to battle the heat of the day. “Are you alright?” Helaena asked gently. Daenys nodded. “I just- I’m in no mood to endure a tourney, is all.” Helaena nodded understandingly. “When the two hearts are melded as one, the dawn of a new age hails with the sun.” Her sister whispered. Daenys nodded, in no mood to decipher Helaena’s strange riddles, and met Aegon outside her tent, a bored expression on his face until they appeared. He looped each of his harms with Helaena and Daenys, and they walked together to the royal box. “Where is Aemond? He ought to be here, this tourney is in his honour after all.” Helaena wondered aloud.
“He’ll be here, I can guarantee it,” Aegon said in a knowing tone that was beginning to annoy Daenys.  They took their seats and as they passed Rhaenyra and Daemon, along with their younger ones, Lucerys and Joffery, and Daemon’s daughter Rhaena, she noticed the harsh stare from Rhaenyra, and the almost interested gaze of Daemon. She greeted her father, who surprisingly remembered her name, and she went to sit next to Aegon, Helaena on his other side. She tried to ignore the empty seat on the other side of her; Aemond’s seat. Alicent turned around to look at them, and whispered in a tone of irritation, “Where is your brother? It’s about to begin!” Helaena shrugged her shoulders and Daenys shook her head, while Aegon replied, “Worry not, mother, Aemond shall appear front and centre soon enough.” Alicent eyed him suspiciously before turning back around. 
Daenys couldn’t help but notice Jace wasn’t sitting with his siblings, and figured he would in fact be competing, and she found herself silently wishing him good luck, knowing it would be challenging going up against the older, more vicious and experienced men. 
“You look entirely too excited for this, brother. Perhaps you should have entered.” Daenys said. Aegon chuckled, “We both know I’m no great swordsman.”
“I know, but seeing you get knocked off a horse would be satisfaction enough.”She grumbled, her sour mood taking hold. He laughed loudly and drank from his wine, earning a glare from Alicent, and after she turned back around he said teasingly, “I always enjoy when your Targaryen fire comes to the forefront sister. Reminds me ever so often you aren’t all pretty eyes and kind words.” 
She rolled her eyes. As the tourney began, and the Hand stood to address the nobles and common folk present, she saw Aegon lean in to Helaena, and whisper something that made her eyes go wide, then look and Daenys. “What?” She asked, as Aegon joined Helaena in looking at her. “What is it?” She asked, annoyed. “Helaena what did he say?” Daenys demanded. 
Helaena looked back and forth between them, unsure if to speak. “This is fucking ridic-“ She stopped mid-sentence as she received a frown from Alicent. She lowered her voice, asking, “What is it?” As Helaena opened her mouth to speak, the first pairing was announced. “Our first joust, Ser Jason Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, going against the man of the hour, Prince Aemond Targaryen, the Young Dragon!” Daenys’ head whipped forward to see her brother, dressed head to toe in shining black armour, his helmet moulded into a dragon’s head. His long sliver white hair peaked out from under his helmet. He was mounted on a horse of darkest black. He looked regal, and fearsome. Daenys and Alicent turned to look at Aegon, who was grinning at Daenys’ reaction. “You knew about this?” Alicent hissed, looking as though she were resisting the urge to hit her son.
Aegon shrugged, but kept his grin on his face. When Alicent turned around, Daenys whispered, “Aemond despises tourneys. How did you get him to do this?”
“I didn’t get him to do anything sister. You’ll see. Just enjoy the show.” He said, watching as the jousting started. Daenys watched uneasily as her brother quickly unseated Jason Lannister, and the crowd went wild for the Targaryen Prince.
Alicent watched on nervously, picking at her cuticles as she worried for her beloved son’s safety. 
Aemond made his way up the ranks, nearly being unseated by a Lord of House Tarley, and Daenys felt as though her patience and peace of mind were hanging by a thread. He was becoming a crowed favourite, and when Jace entered his first match, against a Lord from House Bracken, Daenys realised what was going on. She prayed her brother and nephew would not have to duel each other. 
But Jace proved himself skilled, and by the time the final joust came, her prayer had gone unanswered.
“Final match! Prince Aemond Targaryen, son of King Viserys and Queen Alicent, the Young Dragon, against Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, son of Ser Laenor Velaryon and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne!” “If he’s the son of Ser Laenor, I’m a Silk Street whore.” Aegon snickered, and Daenys pinched him. 
She saw her brother and Jace exchanging words no one could hear, but whatever they were seemed to aggravate them both. Aemond approached the royal box, extending his lance forward and said loudly for the onlookers to hear, “Would my beautiful sister, Princess Daenys, honour me with her favour?” 
She kept a smile on her face for appearances’ sake and took her favour that she made with Helaena yesterday, red roses and black ribbons, with white jasmine flowers, colours of both her house and her dragon. She leaned forward and slid the favour onto his lance, and said, “I bid you good luck, brother, I trust you shall return my favour safely.” He nodded, and his wicked smile sending heatwaves through her body. He trotted back off his position, and Jace glared at him, before going to ask his mother’s favour.
The joust began, and Aemond landed a harsh blow, which thankfully did not inflict too much damage due to Jace’s shield. Daenys gripped the arm of her chair in anxiety. They charged again, Jace nearly knocking Aemond off his horse, causing the crowed to erupt into murmurs. “Gods above,” Daenys muttered. Aemond quickly secured his position on the horse, and when they went again, he was fully knocked off his horse. Daenys cried out, along with Alicent, and she felt sick to her stomach. She knew he wouldn’t stay down, and was right when she saw him stumble back to his feet and draw his sword. Jace dismounted his horse and drew his, and the two began to fight with their blades. She knew there wasn’t anyone that could best Aemond in one on one combat, his skill with the sword had become a legend in itself. She gasped when his sword nicked Jace’s arm, and she saw red running down it, but he persisted. Aemond sustained another harsh blow, as did Jace, but neither of them would stand down. The fight was clearly becoming personal, as they shouted taunts at each other. 
Soon enough, however, as both men stumbled struggled to stay on their feet, Aemond finally had Jace on the ground, and her nephew finally yielded. Aemond had won. She breathed a sigh of relief when it was over, and Jace was helped up by his squires, and Aemond clearly snuck in one last taunt, which clearly provoked him, and Aemond, already with his back turned, got knocked on the side of the head with the hilt of the sword, sending him to the ground. Daenys felt her heart drop, and without realising, she scrambled to her feet, without thinking, as Alicent too was running to her son, along with the Hand. Daenys ran, Aegon on her heels, and when they got close, Aegon grabbed her hand and said, “Wait, sister, let them take him back to his tent. Don’t overcrowd them.” She tried to pull out of his grasp, watching as they placed Aemond’s limp body on a stretcher, as the maesters carried him off the grounds. “Let me go to him, let me go,” She fought against Aegon, who kept a surprisingly strong hold on her. “He’s already injured. He needs to be attended too. You don’t need to see him like that.” She didn’t realise tears were running down her face until one of Aegon’s hands reached around her and wiped them gently from her face. When she finally stopped fighting him, he released her, and Helaena had made her way to them. Her face was furrowed with worry, and she took Daenys’s hand reassuringly. She glanced over her shoulder to see Jace being attended to by maesters, his mother had already made her way down to see if he was seriously hurt. She calmed her breathing, and walked with her siblings to her brother’s tent, unsure if to let her worry or her anger take precedent. 
Aemond slowly came back to consciousness, to a throbbing pain in his head, and a stabbing pain on his side. He slowly opened his eye to see his siblings sitting in his tent, Aegon drinking wine, Helaena gazing at seemingly nothing, and Daenys, who sat by his side, her eyebrows furrowed with worry. He groaned as he sat up, and they all snapped to attention at the noise, Daenys breathing a sigh of relief, and Helaena smiling as though she knew he would awake. 
“How do you feel?” Daenys asked quietly as she took his hand. “My head hurts, as does to cut on my side, but fine otherwise.” He replied. 
“Good.” She smacked him upside the head. He groaned again, rubbing the spot. “What on earth would possess you to enter the tourney and act so recklessly? Your mother was utterly distraught, she’s currently arguing with Rhaenyra, demanding that some retribution be given to Jace for going back to attack you after he yielded.” She shouted angrily. “Concerned for your suitor, sister?” He grumbled. 
She growled in frustration. “You are truly something. I stand here, worried for your health, praying that the knock to the head didn’t permanently damage you, and you speak of Jace? Clearly all it has done is make you an utter fool.” 
She stormed out, Helaena following her, not before giving her brother a kind, pitying look. “She’s gone back and forth between being worried out of her mind for you, and wanting to hit you.” Aegon said, putting down the glass and walking over to where Aemond laid. “So I gather.” Aemond replied. “He may have attacked you, but he yielded. You were crowned winner of the tourney, brother.” Aegon said, as if that was supposed to make him feel better.
Aegon, in a surprising moment of perceptiveness, seemed to read his thoughts and said, “She will come around. She won’t stay angry at your forever.” 
Aemond nodded. He knew his brother was right, but he actually began to feel guilty for worrying her, upsetting her like that. But he didn’t regret putting their nephew in his place. Not one bit.
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aespicysstuff · 4 months
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Hwang Yeji x Fem!Reader
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Description: "Hwang Yeji, a old worker for the late company Playtime Co., see herself going back to that hell after almost 10 years later, all this because she received a letter asking for help, asking to be saved."
Saju: Reminding y'all that it's inspired by the first chapter of the game Poppy Playtime, it does have some spoilers of the game, sorry for any typos! I'm sleepy so i won't revise it.
Words: 1.1K
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I had received a letter calling me back there again...to that damn factory. I didn't know what was happening, but even though the message had been brief, the desperation of whoever this person was visible.
So, I packed a backpack, put in a flashlight, some cloths and medications, a machete, walkie talkie, and other things. I saw a paper on the table and grabbed a pen and wrote:
"Hyunjin, if I don't return in 3 days, call the police and tell them the last place I was or maybe still am is the factory... Playtime Co.
Take care, brother, love you.
- Hwang Yeji"
I took a deep breath and left the house, getting into my truck, inputting the location into my GPS, and following the indicated path. Only one thing was on my mind: Why was I going back there?
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Some time later...
"Well...here I am again," Yeji said, feeling her whole body shiver as she remembered some things that had happened in that factory. She didn't know why, but since the day of her 'termination,' she couldn't remember anything; there were very few things she recalled.
One of them was running from something, as if trying to escape from it. There were heavy footsteps; she remembered the noise they made while chasing her. Another thing she remembered was seeing a silhouette dragging her out of the factory and that same silhouette being pulled back in by a long arm.
After that, she woke up in the hospital with her brother by her side. Yeji opened her eyes, which she didn't even realize she had closed, and felt her heart freeze at the sight of something in the factory window...it looked like a silhouette, but it vanished in the blink of an eye.
"This cold must be driving me crazy, let's see what awaits me here." She grabbed her backpack, took the flashlight off the hook, and walked into the building. As she entered, she could see how abandoned the place was, but why? She wondered, walking towards the reception, she saw a green tape and didn't hesitate to grab it and play it.
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"Hello! My name is Leith Pierre, and I'm the head of innovation here at Playtime Co. Toy Factory.
If you're seeing this, then you're trespassing! Yes, we loop this tape when we're closing the factory at the end of the day.
So...intruder, just to warn you, while we take pride mainly in our high-quality toys and excellent care for children, we also take pride in our security.
For example, this facility is filled with hidden motion triggers, which, when activated, will set off the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities, and that's one of the more moderate aspects of our security system, no spoilers!
So, you've received my warning: it's not too late to turn back. I just hope you're sure that whatever you're doing is worth it."
"Damn, this factory was something sinister...still is..." She said, looking around at the bloodstains in the environment and the scattered toys. Yeji jumped over the security turnstile at the entrance and walked down a corridor; she felt watched, as if something were waiting for a small mistake from her to attack. She decided to ignore this feeling and headed towards finding the person or whatever sent the letter.
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Some time had passed; it was hard to tell while inside that place. She didn't know much about these parts since when she worked here, she stayed a few floors below...she never went through these rooms...not that she remembers. At the moment, Yeji had just opened one of the locked doors with her grabpack.
"What the hell is this?" Yeji exclaimed upon seeing the giant version of the Huggy Wuggy doll in all its glory in front of her. A shiver ran down her spine; its plastic eyes seemed to be watching her every move, it was something strange...dark even. Yeji shook her head, trying to forget this sensation, and walked towards the door with the blue hand panel of her grabpack, but when she touched it, a short circuit occurred.
"Damn it!" She grumbled after seeing that the door to the generator room was locked. Turning again to the doll, she looked up and saw a key in its huge hand, "How did that get there..." Her heart sank, and that feeling of being watched returned. She swallowed hard and used her grabpack to retrieve the key, not wasting much time, she unlocked the door and entered as quickly as possible.
Yeji saw that one of the generators was unplugged and had some loose cables, which must have caused this small power outage. "Yeji...Yeji..." The woman moved away from the generator, "Is someone there?!?" The redhead asked, pointing her flashlight to all corners of the room, and she saw something that made her heart skip a beat.
Bright eyes were seen in the shadows, the only thing visible was its silhouette and an almost plastic-like arm, and poof! It vanished like dust. Yeji, still somewhat disturbed by what had happened, quickly fixed the malfunctioning generator and left the room...but things only got worse...Huggy Wuggy was nowhere to be seen.
"What's going on? What happened in this factory..." Yeji questioned herself while still looking at the spot that had been occupied by the giant doll minutes ago, she felt that something was not right and that she would discover something that wouldn't please her.
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Yeji doesn't know how this happened, one moment she was producing a toy to open the door since apparently, this is one of the security measures or whatever, and now she was running between the installation ducts of Playtime Co. trying to escape Huggy Wuggy's clutches. Her breathing was erratic, her chest begged for rest, but she couldn't, not now.
It was possible to hear his heavy footsteps in the ducts, his little grunts, and his breath; Yeji heard everything, turning left at one of these ducts, it was possible to see a descent, like a slide, this was used to send toy shipments, broken or not. She didn't stop and quickly slid down, falling to the ground, and before the doll could grab her, the door automatically closed, which made the woman breathe deeply and relieved.
However, this relief didn't last long; the doll was pushing the door with its strength, and it was possible to see it moving little by little. Yeji got up and began to look around for something to defend herself, and when she looked up, she saw a huge box, she had an idea and hoped it would work because if not, she would be a dead woman.
She reached out her grabpack hand and started pressing the button to pull the box down, but to her despair, it was too heavy, making the action somewhat difficult, "For God's sake, box, just fall already." She said through gritted teeth while watching the door slowly opening, but when the box started to tip over to fall, the door had been forced open, and there he was.
Seeing his prey, he wasted no time and went to attack her, but he was surprised when the box fell on top of him, causing havoc by breaking the platform where he was and taking him to the bottom of that hole...
"My God..." Yeji said after tasting death by her side; she looked to where the boneco had fallen, "Could he have survived that fall?" She wondered, still looking at the spot, but soon snapped out of it when she heard a loud static sound and some random words.
"We" "Pain"
"Blood" "Children"
"Get out" "1006" "Joy"
Screams and cries of people and children could be heard. And they were increasing in volume, which made Yeji crouch on the platform, trying to cover her ears.
"The Time Of...."
Everything fell silent...Yeji felt like she was about to lose it at any moment, there was too much happening at once, so many questions raced through her mind, but the main one was: What is this place? – This place wasn't a normal toy factory, and she was seeing that, what did they do here? What did they create?
A key fell right in front of Yeji, who sighed and picked it up, she turned around and walked along the platform, seeing a door in the hallway, and she saw the flower from the drawing on the letter...could the person who sent her the letter be there?
Without wasting time, she gathered the little energy she had left and ran towards the door, arriving there, she saw things like - "Save me," "Help," "Don't come in here," "Get out of here" – written on the walls...she put the key in the lock and opened the door, finding the view of a room totally different from the entire factory.
She looked back one last time and entered that room without knowing what awaited her. Going down the stairs, she looked at every detail; it seemed like a replica of a house... "Strange..." She murmured as she looked around every corner of that place, she soon came across an open door, and it was possible to see a red light coming from that place, even hesitating Yeji entered there.
"Poppy?..." She exclaimed upon seeing the doll in the box.
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She approached, and this time without fear or hesitation, she opened the box, but regret hit her when she saw the lights flashing and the doll opening its eyes, which made Yeji take a small step back, feeling her body collide with something, it wasn't the wall, it was...a body.
She turned quickly, but didn't have much time to see the person because a red gas appeared, and Yeji suddenly felt tired, before closing her eyes, she could see the "person" removing their mask, and there they were...the bright eyes.
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ineffablyendless · 3 months
Two Graves.
Rated: G
Relationships: Nuala of the Faerie/Dream of the Endless|Morpheus
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, haunted surrealism, non-graphic mentions of blood, implied character death, post-TKO, so there's the acknowledgement of what happens to Morpheus, be warned.
Summary: Nuala dreams, and dances, and the Dreaming cries a dying melody. Then she wakes
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BUNNY, and to one of my absolute best friends on earth @nualaofthefaerie thank you for letting me participate in her birthday event even though I don't draw or anything and also have not participated in the Sandman fandom for the last couple of months. If anyone else is interested in reading about Nuala's birthday event and wants to try your luck writing her, you can peek at Li's post here .
Nuala is, at her core, a very tragic character in the comics, and this more than anything carved her spot in my heart. She is principled, strong, and kind, but what makes her appeal to me more than others is that unrequited, heartbreaking devotion. A girl that has so much to give so willingly, discarded and forgotten, and it makes me so angry. She kept trying, and it wasn't enough. This is a recurring theme in the Sandman. But the love was there, and it deserves to be told. In this fic I wanted to capture that fruitless yearning and her desperation and how she fights. So I hope it comes across well. This fic is less about Sandflower more so it is about Nuala.
Granted, Li had planned sweet things for a sweet girl, but I really wanted to write a ballroom dance scene straight out of The Labyrinth, and the angsty vibes from that particular scene spread through the entire fic and it turned out a lot more melancholic than I originally planned. And, uh, a lot longer too. So...win-win?
You can also read it on Ao3 :)
At the end, he comes for her.
(Just as he'd promised)
It stretches on endlessly. Infinity on the head on a needle.
She remembered being told once, that on their last breath, mortals would recall their life in flashes. Dominoes falling into place. Cluracan had laughed as he told her so, joking to her of their feeble and short lifespans. Should a Fae be allowed similar opportunities, recollection could stretch on long enough to fill another mortal lifetime, and the Fae in question would have tricked and swindled another breath, not unlike Sisyphus.
Alas, it was not meant to be. Fae were without souls, and the last of their breath returns them to nothingness. There is no great Beyond; only a change in form. A loss in consciousness. Not true death.
It sounded like plenty death to her.
At the end, her lover came to her in bits and pieces.
She would begin in empty, wandering halls, hearing his voice in the horizon. She was sure he would be in the library, she thought, if only she could find him. Sometimes she would be carrying some sort of burden; a basket of papyrus scrolls, or a simple stick of dustfeathers. Most times it is only her, and the silent patter of her cold feet on stone floors as she wanders and searches of a faint voice in the wind.
Outside, a storm brews, but it was not yet time for her to leave.
She finds the library eventually, and she chases his cape on the edges of her periphery. The maze of towering bookshelves consumes her, and she twists and loops through it's oaken pathways, up and down and side to side intertwined, like how they used to dance. She would hear his giggles, that taunting melody, and when she trails her fingers longingly down the spine of ancient times they shiver, and she yearns to come home.
Find me, little fairy, she hears him say on the wind, just as he had when she was young, and in love, and light with hope. You be my fox, and I your hare.
The panes creak and rattle from winds that whistle down oculus dome of the Endless Library, and often she must shield herself from the hail of rotten leaves and debris. Not once does she find Lucien. It escapes her mind. When she falters, she hears him chuckle, and she gets back up on her feet.
At the entrance of the ballroom, her aching feet pause.
Much like the rest of the Dreaming Palace, it is empty and silent, save for the storm brewing outside. Yet when she closes her eyes, it is a bustling cotillion, and she is dressed as a lavish queen; the empress of shadow and nightmares, and her King stands in the very middle of the crowd. Waiting for her.
Closer, my diamond. Step down, my jewel.
At times she would stumble on non-existant petticoats, and when she opens her eyes she is once more on the top of the stairwell, and her king bids her to come closer.
Her feet bleeds. Her skin dries. By the banquet, she sees a beautiful woman with haunted eyes full of woe. In the next second, her ghosts and her ankh is forgotten, and Nuala tries stepping down the stairs once more, eyes fully closed. It is not about her. For once, it is about Nuala, and her lover, and she still has time, that wretched all-father. For once, it is about Nuala.
The ballroom is empty, but she feels the crowd pushing and pulling and shoving and laughing, just as they do back in the Faerie, from whence she had been plucked and moved and gifted to a veritable stranger in a land of mysteries and fear. A place that used to be home, but wasn't truly.
Her King awaits, and she reaches for him, grasping desperately. He would hold her, she knows, and he will tell her that everything is alright, and for a moment everything would be. For a moment she would have a home, and her love was not grief. Nuala tries again, and they push her away, like spiteful tides. Again, again, again.
He touches her, and Nuala imagines her tears like glass and quartz. He touches her, but not quite; a phantom sensation, and she knows he is once more out of reach. This is a memory.
But her eyes are closed and storm howls and sings. The window panes drums her a beat. So Nuala cries, and bleeds and dances.
The crowd sways with her, and she falls against them. His phantom touches leads, and he twirls her, and spins her, and dips her. Her arms reach towards the Heavens, and when the music of the storm fails her, her lungs constricts and Nuala screams.
It is agony. Liberty. Longing. Love. Her feet step on the broken glass of smashed window panes and tears, and she can no longer tell between the empty ballroom and her ghosts. Their gazes become suffocating, and she escapes through the side door, into her garden, into the Dreaming.
Everything is dying. She is not so special.
Fiddler's Green is a torn up wasteland, and the watering holes are dried and destitute. The storm cackles, and she looks into the Faces of the Three Who Are One. They rip him apart with their teeth, the Love of her life, and Nuala sobs and begs and falls to her knees.
This time, it is he who reaches for her.
She looks up to see Morpheus-not-Morpheus, the blank fresh nothingness of the eyes she had loved since she had laid her own upon him, what felt like centuries ago.
Nuala clenches her eyes shut, hoping to see the man she loves and for everything to go away and leave her alone, yet still the Furies cackle and the Dreaming trembles in their wake, and her King is bleak and pale as snow.
When he touches her, he is the wrong sort of cold.
"Sweet Nuala," he pleads, and she turns her head from him. If her lover was to change in force and agony, she wants to be right there with him. "Gentle Nuala. Loving Nuala. Please, let me take you home."
She shakes her head, burying her hands desperately in her hair, streaked with debris and dishevelled from the winds. Her feet crack and bleed, and her cheeks stain with tears. Her breath shortens. There is no great Beyond, for a Thing like her. Her home was her Lover, and her Lover was dead.
"My Nuala," the new King whispers. "Won't you look at me, one last time?"
There were many things she could've said. They choke her and burns the back of her throat like nightshade and Ivy, yet still her heart blooms. She is angry. She is helpless. She asks him, "Why?"
"You were loved. I had loved you. My King, I had everything on offer, and had you simply reached out and tried we could have-I could-,"
Her voice breaks and fails her. His eyes, white as bone, soften like crushed velvet.
"My King," she asked. Around them, her dreams fall apart. "Why did you fall?"
He hums. "Would you have loved me if I couldn't?"
"I would have loved you. Nevertheless."
He looks away. "I am sorry." He says, and Nuala believes him.
She had given him everything, and it was buried alongside him. All that was left of her was her Dream of him.
"I'm ready." She finally says. "To wake."
The King steps forward, and he plants on her a sweet kiss. When she reaches for the pendant, when she had made her last wish -one last Dream- she could almost pretend it was everything she ever wanted.
"Thank you," she says. "For coming."
Daniel smiles sadly. "He had promised. You called."
She had.
"This dream is over."
And Nuala wakes.
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—✧Day Two: Body Swap✧—
It's the Hex that went wrong
That's how this happened
One moment Agatha is fighting Wanda, fighting the Scarlet Witch
The next she's waking up in bed next to a toaster oven with an overpowered stone lodged in his forehead
It's a fascinating thing, to wake up and not be in agonizing pain from her back
Of course, her joints had never hurt her quite like Wanda's body does
She's embarrassed by the whimper of pain that escapes, and wonders how Wanda had dealt with such bone deep aching without the use of magic
She'd still trade in a heartbeat -- joint pain over the centuries old scars she was gifted to by her mother
Wanda, for her part, wakes up, and nearly screams when she moves too fast
How in the world was Agatha so nimble and agile when every movement pulled at the skin of her back?
She then realizes that if she's in Agatha's body, Agatha must be in hers
Vision -- her boys -- are trapped in the house with her and they don't even know it
Of course she goes running
Or, she tries to
Seriously how does Agatha manage with her back all fucked up like this?
She eventually makes her way to the house
Only to discover Agatha is... Wow she's a great actress
It seems as if no one remembers the fight that had just been taking place
(Where is S.W.O.R.D. for that matter?)
Wanda just walks right in
Only then does Agatha show her panic
But when Wanda goes to zap Agatha...
"Can't do any magic either, huh, toots?"
Vision refuses to sleep in the same room as either of them
He takes the couch... Meaning Agatha and Wanda are sharing a room
What could go wrong???
When Wanda refuses to share the bed, Agatha rolls her eyes
"What do you want me to do, walk your body over to Ralph's and sleep there?"
Wanda won't let Agatha out of sight with her body -- she doesn't trust her with it
After about a week of tension between everyone in the Maximoff household, time loops for everyone but them
The cycle keeps repeating itself as Wanda and Agatha grow more comfortable in one another's bodies
Finally, sometime around during the fourth month of this bullshit, Wanda finds herself kissing Agatha, straddling the other witch and trapping her beneath her
It's a very odd sensation for them both, because their minds are turned on by one thing, but the bodies they inhabit another
Agatha flips them over, but is careful of her Wanda's back.
"Wow, buttercup, I hadn't realized I was so beautiful."
Wanda is shocked at Agatha's audacity, and Agatha can't help but laugh at her expression
"I also hadn't realized my face could look like that."
"Will you stop that, you're making this weird!" Wanda whines
Agatha kisses her to shut her up
It only escalates from there
The next morning they scramble to hide hickies and bruises without magic
Their relationship continues to deepen over the course of several months
Wanda quietly breaks up with Vision -- she loves him, but the Hex... It has to come down, and he'll go with it
She ignores the fact that Billy and Tommy will go with it as well, ignores how much it causes her heart to rip into two. She doesn't know if she believes Agatha when the other witch promises to help her find a way to bring them back.
Until one night, after Agatha had helped Wanda and Vision tuck the boys in for bed, she slips her arms around Agatha, and whispers I love you
And Agatha, in an extremely rare moment of vulnerability says I love you too, superstar
The world spins the moment the words leave Agatha's mouth
She finds herself back in her own body, collapsed on the grassy area in the town center
When she manages to sit up, she sees Wanda much in the same situation
Vision is anxiously hovering about Wanda, as are the boys
Wanda warily makes eye contact, and sees...
Agatha isn't sure what she sees on her face, in her eyes, but whatever it is, it's enough.
Wanda gently brushes her boys away, and makes her way to Agatha
"Did you mean it?"
"That I'll help you find them again? Or that I love you?"
The Scarlet Witch reaches down with her own hands, her body in her control once more, and helps Agatha up to her feet
"I swear it, Red."
Wanda knows what it's like to live in Agatha's body, as intimately as Agatha knows what it's like to live in Wanda's
It creates a special sort of bond they now share
They take care of the military easily enough, working together
Agatha gives Wanda her privacy when they reach the Maximoff house
At the end of it all, Wanda is no longer standing alone in the middle of the empty lot
A cool hand slips into her own
"Magic can do many things. We'll get your boys back."
Wanda only squeezes her hand in response, but it's enough.
They're enough, together
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oathofpromises · 24 days
His fingers are gentle around the scales, soft when the skin becomes smoother. He doesn't want to intrude, even with the arm around her waist, resting at her stomach.
His breath at her neck, red eyes piercing when they meet her pink.
"My darling I must confess, I've been. . . More inclined to have you closer as of late. Please, might I inquire you rest in bed longer this day?"
With his tail, it journeyed toward her leg, looping around at her ankle after a tap. He intended to keep her here, champion duties aside.
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It had only been a few weeks since the Scions returned from Ultima Thule, and everyone had decided to go their separate ways. After all, the world was safe from immediate danger for now, so they could all work on other things they had pushed to the side for so long. As eager to explore new territories as she was, Stella unexpectedly found herself in yet another danger.
Golbez and his army of archfiends plan to escape from the thirteenth shard and invade the source. It seemed like there was hardly any time to truly rest from anything, and yet here the Au Ra was taking a small break while the others searched for a means to return to the void. 
Of course, Stella had insisted that she remain to help find any clue as to how they might accomplish this, but Y'shtola, being as observed as she always was, demanded that the pink-haired warrior take a moment's rest. Deciding it was better not to argue further, Stella ended up returning to Old Sharlayan, where G'raha was eagerly waiting for her. 
Usually, the two would take some time to find a nice spot outside and enjoy the beautiful sun, but here, the red-haired Miqo'te was cuddling her from behind as he declared his desire to stay in bed a little longer.
Au Ra turned slowly, her hand reaching up to remove some hair from the others' faces. His usual red ponytail was out of its normal braid, and his tail had slowly wrapped around her leg, pulling her body even closer. It was something she had noticed that G'raha tended to do when he wanted her to remain close by, sometimes without the need for words. 
"Raha, you know I have a few days, so of course we can spend some time just laying here," whispered Stella as she leaned in and gently pressed their lips together. She wasn't blind; it was clear that since their return, he had been paying extra close attention to her. At first, she thought maybe it was just from all the danger they had just gotten through, but overtime, it became clear that he seemed scared to let her out of his sight. 
Closing her eyes, she felt the Au Ra memory settle on her battered and fractured body, clutched by G'raha, as the scions desperately attempted to rescue her from the edge of death. Meteion expected her to be right behind him, but her absence led to the gradual depletion of the last remnants of her life in her final battle with Zenos. Tears had fallen down G'raha's face as he held her body so close, begging her to open her eyes. 
They hadn't really had the chance to talk about that, but right now wasn't the right time to mention such things, yet it was clear that G'raha felt immense guilt for what had happened to her. As pink hues met crimson, Au Ra felt a kiss press against her lips.
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"I'm sorry, Raha. I was lost in thought. How have things been going for you and Krile? I know you both are working so hard to restore the students. Not an easy task at all." 
It was best for her to distract herself from the thoughts currently swirling through her mind. To find anything so as not to focus on G'raha's tear-stained face, he screamed for her to come back to him. It was a memory that kept her up at night. The memory of her near-death and the people she would have left behind haunted her.
Of course, she hadn't thought about that in the moment. A part of her felt like she had to put everything on the line. All of the scions, particularly her beloved G'raha, experienced significant heartache due to her need to ensure their safety.
Small hands reached up as she cupped G'raha's face, leaning back in and placing a kiss against his forehead. The two of them had been through so much since the moment they met. He had stolen her heart so effortlessly, and over time she had wanted so badly to remain by his side through it all, but that wasn't a choice they had back then. 
"You're beautiful, Raha," whispered Stella as she cuddled closer against his chest. The beating of his heart was the most beautiful melody she had ever heard. 
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Didn’t you mention in a post of yours a while back that you got an idea for an AU based off of Mimi’s whole slave labor thing? Just wondering if you expanded on it a bit, I think the concept was somewhat interesting.
Ohhhhhh. That one. Good ol’ AU #35.
I have expanded on it, but uh. It’s certainly a concept. This is gonna be a bit long, but I’ll summarize what I have of the plot.
(This is ofc spoilers for the au, but I’m not intending to turn it into a full-fledged fic in the foreseeable future so its ok)
Tw: kidnapping and Mimi being a terrible horrible person. This AU is literally inspired by Mimi enslaving people in game, so, it’s safe to say it gets rather dark. Mimi’s treatment of Dimentio, while mostly undetailed and left out of this summary, is Not Good and potentially disturbing. Be forewarned.
Basically, when Dimentio joins Count Bleck’s team shortly before the canon events of the game begin, Mimi is mesmerized by the mysterious masked man with a flashy, shiny outfit and sparkly, powerful magic. She quickly becomes obsessed with him despite his aloof nature and decides that she has to have him. Not like a boyfriend, no she wants to own him.
So she does what she usually does to get a man, though with a few tweaks in her strategy since he’s magical lad. When Nastasia sends her back to Merlee’s Mansion to defend the Pure Heart, she gets Dimentio to come with her. He does, just like he did for O’Chunks’ fight, but his plans to observe from the sidelines are quickly thwarted when Mimi grabs him by the hand and drags him deeper into the mansion.
Unknowingly he is brought over the threshold of Mimi’s curse upon the building, one that prevents anyone from leaving without her permission (or by breaking the curse by paying off a rubee debt). Dimentio picks up on the magic in the area, but cannot immediately teleport away because the curse warps the dimensional fabric of the area so people cannot escape through normal non-magical means.
This tampering with the dimensional fabric, something he is so familiar with in its natural state, is overwhelming on his magical senses and before he can even straighten out the jumbled mess he’s detecting all around him, Mimi’s already got cursed shackles locked around his wrists and is looping cursed chains around his body. No more magic. As much as Mimi loves his pretty sparkly magic, he will escape if he’s allowed to keep his powers, so that is a sacrifice that she must make.
Of course, Dimentio doesn’t let her continue his easily, but he is just bones and fabric and Mimi is literally made of metal, so he loses pretty miserably.
As the events of the game’s chapter 2 take place, Mimi keeps Dimentio hidden away elsewhere in the mansion. Some of the other captives see him, but dislike him since he doesn’t have to do any work and is Mimi’s favorite.
The closest he gets to freedom is when the heroes pay off their rubee debt (in this AU, the heroes spend MUCH longer traversing Gloam Valley, dealing with the trapped rooms in the front of the mansion, and collecting rubees to pay for information and are at the mansion nearly a week, so by this point Dimentio has been here for about a week and a half).
Mimi has confidently stowed Dimentio out of sight under the desk in the Rubee Savings and Loan room. He’s been effectively silenced and immobilized, and Mimi knows that no one will dare question her even if they do notice him down there. When the heroes come in, they are focused solely on paying off their debt and getting the fuck out of this place (after finding Merlee and the Pure Heart ofc). Mimi’s sudden (literal) explosion when the curse upon the mansion is broken is startling and unnerving enough that on top of everything else, they just leave the room and proceed with their quest. They don’t look around. They don’t go back for the other captives. They just proceed into the basement.
Dimentio hears all of this happen from beneath the desk. He hears them pay off the loan, hears Mimi exclaim that the curse is broken, hears Mimi explode. But the heroes don't know he’s there, and they leave him behind.
Mimi isn’t actually dead, as we all know, and a few minutes later her body pieces itself back together like a stomped-upon Dry Bones. And she. Is. Furious. She doesn’t have the time to reinstate the curse before her other captives escape, so she takes Dimentio, hides him in a trunk in her bedroom, and goes out to get revenge on the heroes. Once again, no one knows where he is (and no one really likes him anyway), so despite knowing that he is somewhere in the mansion, most of the other captives escape without freeing Dimentio.
Again, as we know, the heroes beat Mimi, restore rightful control of the mansion to Merlee, get the Pure Heart, and get out of there (in this AU the basement labrynth takes the majority of the day to get through, as it did when I first played the game smh). As seen in the next in-game cutscene at Castle Bleck, Mimi does not return to the castle immediately upon her defeat. Instead she has some things to take care of first.
The mansion is pretty much empty (the few captives left are skilled at avoiding Mimi so she doesn’t know they’re still there). Even Merlee left the place as soon as the heroes took the Pure Heart from her. So Mimi is free to gather her things before leaving. But she decides to not fully move out. All her clothes won’t fit in her closet at Castle Bleck, and she would have to keep Dimentio hidden at all times if she brought him back there, which would be no fun. So she decides to keep using the mansion in her spare time, which she’ll have a lot of now that she’s not busy fighting heroes for the time being.
She returns to Castle Bleck, flipping directly to her room where she deposits her trunk and goes to report to Nastasia and Count Bleck. Whenever she has free time, she simply takes the trunk back to the mansion until she’s needed. And everything is just swell for her.
Continued here!
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year
Hi miss amy just a question if U had a ticklee all tied but all you had was feathers and feather dusters how would you tickle them
Oh my sweetheart. You do not want to go down that road~ I think of myself as a loving loving tickler ~ but something about feathers just brings out my most wicked ways ~<33 I suppose it's their elegant shape and deadly potential, along with most ticklees thinking there's nothing to be afraid of other than the bigger tickles that follow this fluffy harmless thing. But all that ticklee bravado gives way to desperation when I'm seeking out the hyper tickle spots with these precision feather strokes. Nothing probes those delightfully oversensitive little strips of skin between and under the toes like a stiff feather quill. Naturally, I'll have you bound overly snug with your toes pulled back and arms taut, I want you to feel every movement of that soft invasive sensation. I'm going to take my friend, let's call her Rachelle, and slip her soft white elegance between each toe ~ back and forth, back and forth. Amazing isn't it? How your attention can be sooo focused on such a slight touch, just grazing a little area of skin normally protected from touch. Incredible how hyper attuned a teeny tiny area of your body can become to my attention because it's always so hidden.
And we're going to compare every reaction between these toes. With fluttering detours to the valley below them, oh my yes. Your toes aren't going anywhere. You can struggle all you like but me and Rachelle are exploring every crevice. Every one. Her long body can elegantly stimulate your skin, and her tip is such an amazing prober. You can't hide those reactions, and there's no escape from the giggles, your spots will be found and tickled. They'll get all my attention. And when you're so good and helplessly giggly melty just from my feather friend, you'll find your arms pulling fruitlessly. Oooh, you know you can't escape, your strength waned long ago, but you just can't help it can ya? You want to break free and I bet you could, just keep trying my sweet pea ~ Pull those arms while I tickle and tease the outline of your underarm. Why, I could tickle your armpit rim alll night and watch you flop and writhe like that. It must be so tickly to watch me lay like this, relaxed and drawing my feather carelessly in a loop~ I know it tickles, I knowwwww ~ because if you could only turn the tables I'd probably be a mess too yes I would ~ ahhh, but here you are, tied and helplessly spread for my whim ~
Coochie coochie coooo ~ yes, that's right, me and Rachelle are going on a deep dive now. Aww, does that itch? The little royal itchy itchy? Your cute regal button can't stand that feather can it? Look at you go~! Buck real good now, you're sooo close to escaping! All you have to do is break free and you can stop this feather, it weighs nothing you could just push it away ooooooh man, sooo close~! I really thought you had it~ ahh wellsies, I suppose I'll just have to tickle your royal zone like this all night now, up and down and up and you guessed it dear, down again ~ keep up those gigglemoans now, I want to get them all out ~ all of them ~ I knoww I know you want more touch huh? I bet you'd like me to take these wiggly fingers and give your royal area so much love huh? Guess what? Not gonna happen ~ no deal banana peel ~ you're in for a loooong evening of feather tickles. Soo gaspy now, so wiggly. Look at thattt so dramatic all from my little feathery friend? Yeah? Aww cutie pie. We're not going anywhere. Because I think this just became a party ~ I have Rachelle's friend Labelle right hereee and she's a saucy little one who's going to make sure your royal chest buttons get their due toooo~<3
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mahou-furbies · 1 year
Closing thoughts on Null Magical Girl
Let’s do something like a plot summary. The main character is a soulless (literally) 24-year-old, who also doesn’t have a brain and uses a lump of nerves on her neck in its place. Her skull is cracked and hollow, and Kyubey lives in it. She travels 800 000 years into the future, where all life has mostly been replaced by Homo Magica, cute and über powerful magical girls who evolved from humans reading stories about relationships, and the last remnants of humanity and “real” magical girls battle against them. She absorbs the powers of Kyubey and the Time Railroad, and travels back where she started, and discovers a looping locked room mystery where she always dies before making it to the next year. She concludes that in order to prevent the Homo Magica from being created, she must stop stories from being created, so she travels back a bit more to kill Gutenberg, however the ghost of her died-before-birth twin sister unkills him. In preparation for a final battle against her sister she time travels all around to gather emotional energy by contracting girls into magical girlhood, and her ultimate power comes from contracting the fertilised egg that would become her and her sister. The egg had one desire, to divide and proliferate, which resulted in the sisters splitting and the world expanding infinitely and, uh, filling with relationships and stories... which creates the Homo Magica species... so we’re in an unwinnable time loop, started by the protagonist. Or something, I was miraculously somehow hanging by for most of the plot but dozed off at the end.
I don’t really have a lot of review to offer, I hope you can read between the lines. This story has practically nothing to do with the Madoka universe, I mean Kyubey is there and it ultimately is about a wish so there’s that, but really this is just one weird scifi twist after another. There’s even more nonsensical stuff that was less related to the plot but just happened, like the main character tries to turn sentient sperm into magical girls and one of her Gutenberg murder attempts is by teleporting the four gas giant planets near the sun, so really the story is even messier. By the end there were passages on what is a soul and going through the exact mechanics on how the final wish worked, but while my eyes looked at the words, my brain had already checked out. So if there was something deeply profound at the end I missed it. I was hoping that the fine folks at the wiki had summarised the story but it appears I’m out of luck.
If I try to look at something that is relatable to a normal human, a significant portion was spent on humankind being into stories about relationships, but I’m kind of allergic to this kind of meta stuff in otaku stories. Like it feels kinda pandering to a nerd audience to write how their love of their waifu light novels (or I guess spicy ao3 fics of your otp for us tumblr denizens) is so powerful that it creates the next evolution of humanity and rifts in the space time continuum. Also you could see something about depression in the protagonist’s struggle to escape the time loop where she always dies at the end, but I’m not giving this that much credit.
Art-wise the style is cute and there is a pretty cool “good twin vs evil twin” illustration so that’s good. I wish the homo magica girls were shown more though since they were described as being super cute!
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I knew the premise of Kyubey living inside the skull of a girl whose magical girl wish was botched, so I was expecting a very bizarre story, but on that front this exceeded my expectations by throwing a new “what the hell is going on” twist every few pages. The concept of a failed magical girl contract is still really interesting so it’d be cool to see it in a story that is actually more about that.
Finally a big thanks to project Mokyuu for translating this thing, if nothing else it was a fascinating read, and short enough that it doesn’t take too much time if you decide to check it out.
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digitalpineapples · 8 months
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It was in the dead of night where I last remembered who I was. Now... I'm stuck, in this eternal loop of child wonder and wild dreams.
It feels so unreal.
It can't be true.
There has to be a way out. Some way to go back to what I once knew and who I was..
[Chapter 1] - POMNI
After I became conscious again, there was this bright array of colors just seemingly bouncing off the walls of everywhere in front of me. It was almost too much to take in. I felt like I was drowning in this satirical sense of nowhere but somewhere- somewhere I couldn't understand. In front of me was these characters. Like I was in a cartoon. They had wacky appearances and looked like kids toys. It was so crazy, had I finally lost my mind.
"WELCOME TO THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS!", exclaimed a voice sounding like an old school television host for a commercial. This is all so much like a TV show. What is this. Where am I? Who am I? Why am I here? Thinking about everything all at once almost had me going bonkers. I stopped to regain what little sense of self I had and tried to force myself to stop winding down the tunnel of endless questions in my head.
"Who- who are you people?", I asked nervously. My teeth were chattering and my eyes were twitching and my hands...
Nevermind that, I need to know where I am.
"Ugh, Caine your silly prop is gonna make us have to redo everything again. This doesn't happen to be a new character....right?", a lanky purple bunny wearing a bright pair of overalls was smiling from ear to ear but he obviously wasn't happy. He sighed and folded his arms. Ah, this must be a dream. That's why everything is so crazy and colorful and a mess.
"No, this is a new person trapped inside the amazing world of the digital circus and now we have the time to help her determine her new identity here since she has lost her own when she came into our world.", Caine was flying and talking while throwing up gestures like he was presenting in front of an audience. But what audience. I collapsed and threw my hands onto my ears and started to lose my thoughts into the overwhelming abyss that was now my mind. Who am I. Who am I. Who am I. Who am I. Who-
"Now, now, before you mentally collapse we need to make you a new personality. Let's start with your name! Let's see! How about the name XDDCC?"
After pulling out a huge slot machine showing letters and pushing the bar down the letters just came up on their own. How did he- OMG this is bad. This is really bad. I must've overdosed or, or worse collapsed somewhere in a coma or something. I think about how this doesn't make sense, and the name doesn't make sense. Then I turned my head to the ringmaster, Caine, now looking at me with even more enthusiasm.
"Um, I-", I try to talk but then I'm cut off my Cain again.
"Right, so let's choose another one!"
He pushes the bar down again and the letters start to move until it stops at...POMNI.
Is that gonna be my new name. Is that who I am now. While I was thinking I looked at the corner of my eye and saw the same purple bunny. He was looking at me with a smile but also narrowed his eyes like he was trying to figure out what I was thinking.
"This POMNI girl doesn't seem to grasp the fact that she can't leave quite yet.", he stated in an almost sarcastic tone.
"H-hey, I- um.", I tried to say something back but I couldn't think of what.
"It's okay, because in this world anything is possible! Except for escaping that is, you all can never escape and neither can I! We're all trapped here so we might as well forget our very existences before and focus on developing our characters for this new world!"
Caine's eyes grew bigger and bigger between the teeth that was his head. I never thought much about his looks till now because of everything going on, but his head was a chatterbox toy. Creepy....
I turn my head again and notice more characters. One looked concerned but like she was trying to keep a positive outlook on things and gave me a awkward smile while rubbing her arm to comfort herself. She looked like a rag doll with red hair and a tattered purple dress on. Her eye, was a button.
What's going on!?!?!?!?
[To be Continued........................]
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indigowallbreaker · 1 year
ingrid hubert 86 on break your heart?
No one has a good time here folks </3
86: “I should never have trusted you.”
(Currently accepting rare ships! Click here for the info post!)
It had been hours since his scouts had delivered the report, but their final words still ran through Hubert’s head in an incessant loop.
“It could be no one else, sir. I’m sorry but the woman we saw was Ingrid Galatea.”
Hubert sat in what had once been his dorm room. Now it belonged to both himself and Ingrid, a mix of their own possessions as well as items they considered theirs. All of it made Hubert seethe now. He had allowed this to happen. Had allowed Ingrid to sleep beside him, had allowed her into his heart-- only for this to occur. The one thing he hadn’t let his paranoia convince him could happen.
The lock turned. Hubert steeled himself and stood from the desk, schooling his features into a stoic expression that did not allow his inner turmoil to show through.
Ingrid entered the room as if it were any other day. She smiled when she saw Hubert and took off her riding gloves. “This is a nice surprise. Usually when I’m done with patrol you’re already getting lunch.” Shutting the door behind her, Ingrid stepped close to kiss Hubert in greeting.
But he put up a hand to stop her. “We need to talk,” he stated.
Visibly perplexed, Ingrid stepped back again. Hubert had been thinking over how to begin this conversation but, now that Ingrid was in front of him, his emotions threatened to take hold. “I know you met with your brother last night.” The words came out sharp. Ingrid’s mouth turned into a firm line, which did nothing to steady Hubert. “What is he doing so close to Garreg Mach? What did you two discuss?”
Ingrid tucked her gloves away in her pocket, eyes on the floorboards. Hubert held enough affection for her to give her a moment to collect her thoughts. If it were anyone else he would have had a spell aimed at their throat by now, demanding they be quicker about it.
“I asked him to meet with me,” Ingrid said at last. “I urged him to pull back our family’s troops, get them away from the front lines. Our people have suffered enough. I thought if he could order Galatea’s troops away from Arianrhod then some Galatean families wouldn’t lose--”
“You told him of Arianrhod?!” Calculations sped through Hubert’s mind-- the speed at which the average Galatean horse could ride, weather conditions to the east of Garreg Mach, how fast he could gather the Strike Force. ”Most of our own soldiers do not yet know of that plan!”
Ingrid held his gaze with determination. “He can move our troops to Gideon territory without arousing much suspicion. He swore he wouldn’t speak of the true reason to anyone.”
Hubert snorted. “You cannot possibly believe that.”
“Of course I do, he’s--”
“Because he’s your brother? The brother you betrayed 5 years ago to fight for the Empire?”
Here Ingrid’s confidence faltered. “I- I know what I’m doing. You just have to trust me.”
“I should never have trusted you,” Hubert found himself saying. The hurt on Ingrid’s face was akin to a stab in Hubert’s chest, but he didn’t flinch. 
“I just... Hubert, I just wanted to protect my family from suffering further.”
“And in doing so, you may have doomed mine to suffer the most.” Hubert moved past Ingrid towards the door. “I must speak to Lady Edelgard and the Professor. Stay out of my sight.”
Ingrid didn’t respond. One hand on the door handle, Hubert-- despite his fury telling him to resist-- looked back. Ingrid’s shoulders were shaking. Her head was bowed but no sound escaped. 
How Hubert wanted to take her hand. How he wanted to let her sob into his neck as she had many times during these five long years of war. How he wanted to reassure her that this would pass and they would face tomorrow together, as always.
But he couldn’t. Gritting his teeth, Hubert pushed out the door and made for the staircase, trying to think of where Lady Edelgard would be at this time and forcing himself to lock away all emotion for now. 
There were more important things to concentrate on. There were strangely less painful things to concentrate on.
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estel-of-the-eyrie · 4 months
Thinking about LOTR and the Rangers of the North again.
Wheremst the ladies!!! Surely there were at least some who wandered with the rest of them, helping to protect the last vestiges of not only Arnor's history but the wholesome good of the Shire? That legacy of just being lost and constantly almost losing but holding onto the small bit of hope they have - however painful the decisions.
Anyway meet Lambetha yall:
“He… Halbarad and Amdir have been brothers in arms for nearly a century.” Lambetha sighed. “They both began their rangerships in the wilds the same autumn under Arador when he was our chieftain still. They were with him that one dusk when he fell."
"What happened?"
The cold winds from the rain-soaked plains picked up to pull at the cloaks around their shoulders, looping around their ankles. Another downpour was on its way.
"Trolls. They had been a threat for the Angle for some time, but during his reign, they had begun to crawl out from the Ettinsmors and threatened our homes. Arador led a foray into their territories to hold them back - both Halbarad and Amdir went with him - but it was a bloodbath."
The ranger shuddered, turning away from the woodland they had just walked through. "Those who weren't killed outright were captured and given a far more ignoble end. When the party was down to single figures, the mission was to escape, as whole as they possibly could."
"How many managed to get back?"
"Three: the pair of them ... and my father. It would have been four, but the Chieftain took a glancing blow just before sunrise. and stayed to give them time to escape"
... so? Wren frowned. How could that have been all that stood between the man's life and death? They must have let it shown on their face, as Lambetha frowned back, tilting her head as she looked Wren over. Whatever she thought of this curious, lost young charge, it couldn't be further from the truth.
"You seem confused by this."
"A little... He went down from one hit? It doesn't make sense to me. Surely with medical attention, he could have been fine."
"My father did not mince his words about the sight of the injury, but his leg would not be saveable."
"From ... one hit?"
"One glancing hit from a troll. I thought you would have known this. Trolls, even as children's stories ... are night impossible to kill without daylight."
"Prosthetics exist? A friend of mine was born with part of her leg missing and is a competitive athlete."
It is the heavy sigh which comes from Lambetha which makes Wren wince backwards. She's crossing a line though she meant it well; the difference of worlds and attitudes over a complex and humane issue would only end with the pair of them coming to a head. Would Lambetha leave her there, as Halbarad might have wanted in his grief, if Wren stepped further afield?
“Even if he had survived such injuries … he would have had to step down and secede in place of his oldest child.” 
“Why?” Wren frowned. “If he still had the capacity to lead, to help people strategise plans and make a course of action, what difference would it make if he was partially blind or missing a limb?” 
“Morale, and the hope for our people. We are a legacy of old Arnor and Numenor alike in skills and faith in the world. But we are also quietly fading and the Chieftain has to embody all of these values inwards and outwards if we are to stand any chance in outlasting the war."
"That doesn't seem fair..."
"The world is anything but fair."  Lambeth turned to glance at the ruins of Amon Sûl behind them as the first showers began to drown it. "Yet we face whatever it gives us all the same."
0 notes
punkscowardschampions · 5 months
Sylke pt.4
Jake: [Okay so, we know what the vibe is here until y’all inevitably crash, not at all casual loop of that scene 5ever which nobody is soz about, will you get to the end ever again, who knows? But not tonight clearly, anyway, it makes sense to skip to him showing up at her house at the o’clock they agreed]
Sylvie: [me like I hope you’ve got your TV volume turned down very low or your entire family is gonna know you’re watching what is clearly some kind of smutty scene as well as so many times that it would be ALARMING lmao, soz fam but byeeeee now, here trying to make yourself look hot for this boy without doing too damn much for what is y’all staying in on a school day, even though we all know what’s up]
Jake: [I wholeheartedly imagine his sister or China or both had to kick his ass to get him to even wake up when the alarm was popping off cos a late night was had, I sure hope your phone or whatever you were playing that film on died so it wasn’t still looping haha, so then he had an argument with his sister/China/both being like I’m not going flops and dragged himself out only when it was time for him to walk to hers and yet he still looks the same as always, which is hot if you’re into it, me like I hope you showered sir if y’all are gonna be hooking up on this day]
Sylvie: [just boy things, truly but clearly we are into it and there’s no denying that when we open this door to let you in and are giving you the LOOKIEST LOOK ever because we’re not about to pretend last night didn’t happen here, so we can, gesturing him in the door with all the !! nerves and energy]
Jake: [in a parallel to the other day throw your bag down immediately (cos we know you’ve bought drinks if nothing else) and throw your jacket down on the floor next to it after shrugging out of it, all without breaking the LOOK, because can’t pretend last night didn’t happen when you were so into it and have clearly been thinking about it and her the whole walk here, even if that was your intention]
Sylvie: [‘have you bought me more homework?’ with a smirk, even though we’re also not looking away to look at this bag serious because imagine if you really did just have a little study sesh, whatever does or doesn’t go down, certainly not the vibe, walk through to the lounge, having to take your eyes off him to not trip only before you’re right back there ‘what was your excuse?’ because clearly tomeena have let you have this week off because of Sam but he’s not got that excuse yet]
Jake: [the way he’s smiling so mischievously at her smirk and the way he’s watching her walk through, not at all subtly checking her out the entire time ‘late night’ because he’s that bitch who tells enough truth that it doesn’t seem like he’s lying, we’ve all noticed, sitting deliberately on the sofa where she sat last night judging from the angles etc in that content, he’s gotta ‘I couldn’t sleep’]
Sylvie: [when you’re already LOOKING at him so the LOOk you must do about what he’s said is basically a doubletake, very much grinning back at you with that mischievous energy like you’re children who got away with something because you are, throwing yourself onto the sofa next to him in a way that’s meant to give platonic and casual like don’t mind me but you already want to be that close to him so you are, laying your head in his lap and having your feet up the back of the sofa ‘we can always have an afternoon nap’ poking, but so gently, the bags under his eyes]
Jake: [getting more comfy also deliberately, really wanna be sat right where she was sat, feeling it, giving her as big of a LOOK down at her in his lap as he pulls her into him making sure she’s super comfy too and STROKES her hair with so much !! making a noise of agreement just cos he wants and needs to make a bit of a noise about where she is]
Sylvie: [truly hope you didn’t make a wet patch and this sofa escaped your antics because you were being feral and you wouldn’t have noticed nor cared, thank god for the dogs to blame for such incidents if anyone even notices, here now doing your own little squeak of !! at the everything that is happening, turning it into a happy sigh as you stroke his cheek before taking your hand away, finally]
Jake: [he’s hoping you did and he’s now sat in it, soz fam but we are feral, hence can’t help lowkey pulling her hair about the little squeak she let out because !! taking a deep breath because he feels like he’s already breathing insanely but then being like actually fuck it and breathing on whatever exposed skin of hers is nearest to him rn without having to do a crazy lean down or anything yet]
Sylvie: [the turned on laugh because he remembered and it’s ridiculous how badly you want this and have been thinking about it since last night, propping yourself up so you are, dangerously, more face to face than you being all the way down there and he has more options, hugging into him again from this new position, so you can do your own breathing and !! into his neck and put your arms around his shoulders]
Jake: [shamelessly committing to pulling her fully into a sitting position in his lap so they are the most face to face they can be, holding onto her so tightly and dramatically while he breathes onto her neck and collar bone and in her ear and her face, nbd, just all the places he could possibly want to]
Sylvie: [cannot and will not be keeping the ‘FUCK’ you moan as you settle into his lap from spilling out, near enough into his ear at this point, only putting any distance in how close your faces are together when you want to watch his breathing and match yours to his so you’re doing the in and out thing in the most extra way]
Jake: [likewise will not even try and stifle the noise he makes in response to that moan in any way at all, like, we could call it a GASP but it’s more extra than that truly, there’s some sound with it, moving as if like he’s again just making sure they’re both comfy as she settles in his lap but really we just had to, having the most fun ever blowing her hair over her face and then blowing it away again too, don’t mind us]
Sylvie: [taking your chance to have your hands all up in his hair, doing tugs with your inhales, shaking your head at how adorable he’s being, doing little circles with your hips on your exhales, keeping it slow and steady, unlike your breaths that are getting more out of control lowkey]
Jake: [hitting her with the biggest LOOK because of her hair antics cos we’re so about it, when you think that your lightheadedness and dizziness is because you’re breathing insanely and the effect she has on you and not because of the looming seizure we’re gonna cockblock y’all with on this day whenever we see fit, and you can’t bring yourself to care because you’re so in the moment, saying her name which is actually the 2nd half of it nickname he has given her now they are besties in the most indecent way, basically whispered in her ear, because you’ve never been able to say it before and you’re so !! by everything she’s doing]
Sylvie: [oh lads, soz we gotta do it to yous, not that you know right now so not a care in the world as you’re running your fingers down the side of his neck before your licking the same trail because he used your name/nickname and you are far from okay about it, squeezing your legs around him like you need to hold on, doing the tiniest bite at the base of his throat, not marking him ofc]
Jake: [we simply must, not just as a cockblock but as a bonding moment because peak vulnerability in her actually seeing him like this and not being freaked out like his friends were when they saw the first one or grossed out because he’s definitely gonna piss himself that’s often a thing, but for rn I will let you live boy, do the best moan ever before you grab her face and drag it back to yours, giving her a final LOOK before you go in for a kiss because I’m gonna let y’all have at least this before I ruin it all]
Sylvie: [it’s very valid and needs to happen but you also need to have your first kiss redux because you barely got to respond last time and you have to give it your everything this time as a result, just here putting all your pent up desire from what y’all did last night into this, your hands going under his shirt to feel his skin, to grab at him mindlessly as you’re really blatantly crashing your body against his in this kiss]
Jake: [mhmm, we gotta let you have a makeout sesh with an intensity the likes of which neither of you have felt before and which will only be topped by the post song reveal makeout sesh, it’s the law, so he’s likewise giving it his absolute all, catch him fully just taking off whatever top she’s wearing regardless of the number of layers or not, he simply doesn’t care either way, and bruising her like he said he would with his own grabbing of her wherever is the most movie inspo vibes]
Sylvie: [when you watched that so many times you could replay it moment for moment without even realising you were, moaning his name into his mouth, pulling his lip into yours and sucking on it so insistently as you unhook your bra and let it fall away to the floor]
Jake: [me like, dogs wherever you are, stay away and don’t come in and lick a nip or something, now is not the time sirs, when you pull away to LOOK at her braless because wanna see her and commit this memory but then you realise you can’t hear her properly or breathe properly in a way that isn’t just !! cos you feel v weird, but obvs you also can’t speak properly to tell her any of this because so many seizure symptoms and they are all such fun]
Sylvie: [the beat between letting him LOOK at you and enjoying how that feels and realising he doesn’t feel right and THEN realising that this is about to be a seizure, good thing you have had time to look it up and not feel panicked as all hell making you a hindrance more than a help, slowly getting yourself off and out his lap and smiling at him in that it’s okay way, kind of pointing at the sofa or the floor because he can decide where he wants to be but we don’t want to overwhelm you with options or lots of words right now]
Jake: [thank god they have had that convo of what to do and not and she’s had time to do some research or we’d truly be dropping y’all in at the deep end here, probably get on the floor so you don’t roll off the sofa when you’re mid and convulsing because you could hurt yourself and nobody needs that, also nobody needs you pissing yourself on said sofa either not that it would be your fault but it’d still be a ballache for the fam, don’t mind us, we’ll just be here having a seizure, it’s not fine but it’s fine, casually the longest 2 minutes of both y’all’s lives]
Sylvie: [I think the floor is the safest bet although you can always injure yourself, we’ll be putting all the pillows and soft furnishings under your head to minimise the main risk, very unpleasant for y’all but the NHS website has a whole list of things you can look out for to tell the person what the seizure was like when they come back around so at least you can do that to not feel totally helpless, just waiting until the convulsions stop so you can recovery position this and come at him like hey, how are you feeling now]
Jake: [we stan a helpful queen, your mother and sister would be FUMING if you hurt yourself, though again can’t be helped and nobody’s fault they’re just beside themselves at all times atm, and also he won’t remember a thing about this and just be lying here in confusion because most peeps don’t so it’s good to know some deets as this is the first time he’d really have any cos of keeping it under wraps, again, don’t mind him just reaching for her, it’s FINE, we’re all fine about it]
Sylvie: [moving so you’re kneeled more directly beside his head because you would have been giving him space there but now you can be closer and comfort him, gently patting his head as a welcome back and soothing it’s okay in one ‘don’t rush’]
Jake: [stick your tongue out at her in a playful manner and a ow look at this shit all in one because obvs you bit your tongue how could you not, finding her other hand and holding it even though you feel all weak and like you barely can because gotta say all the things you cannot with this gesture like thanks for being here and not freaking out and taking care of me and not being grossed out and sorry we got cockblocked by this and ILY basically]
Sylvie: [doing a pout like poor you but obviously we are actually sympathetic even if we’re playing it down not to be a drama queen about this, hence kissing our fingers and tapping your bitten tongue to make it better, laying down besides you in a way that allows us to hold your hand as we give it a little SQUEEZE as well as keep our eye on you, tell him how long that one was, even if we’ll save the rundown in our head for later because it won’t do anything for you right this second]
Jake: [doing an adorable lil smile and looking like the child you are, here basically giving heart eyes as he crawls even closer to her cos gotta be the closest you can be, tell her about what you’ve been told about the first one cos your 2nd one literally nobody saw but there were some peeps around for the first, however drunk and unhelpful they were and hence unreliable witnesses to what actually occurred, giving I’m glad you were here this time instead with his tone]
Sylvie: [very much cuddling back into him but letting him decide how y’all are cuddling because don’t want to crowd you until we’re sure you’re ready for that, still, must give him a forehead kiss as we listen to him, comparing the one he just had with what was said about the first ‘I told you sex was a trigger’ softly, half joking but half the tea]
Jake: [stroking her hair again but in the softest way ever as he’s talking because would feel like it’s taking you a thousand years to tell her these few deets because you’re so tired and not really with it ‘I told you lack of sleep was’ but amused and giving her a lil grin about it ‘you know, you’re meant to taste funny but you tasted like [whatever she did which is complimentary]’ cos not a symptom you had clearly]
Sylvie: [rubbing your cheek against the pad of his thumb, smiling at him, only a little sadly because kinda your fault there but also not going to say you regret it because you don’t and you both firmly believe you gotta live your lives so ‘are we camping here or do you want to get upstairs?’ because you can absolutely take that nap now sir but do you need to crash right now or can you get in bed and get comfy is the vibe, kissing his lips briefly for punctuation and as if you’re asking if you still taste of this thing]
Jake: [we all know he doesn’t regret it either and his eyes are saying so as he’s looking at her ‘do you have a bathroom down here?’ cos that’ll be the deciding factor as there’s nothing worse than properly pissing yourself and having to stay in it so you’ll wanna deal with that first before you do anything, not that you have clothes so you’re gonna have to borrow hers or her father’s but still, kissing her back as dramatically as you can which is very soft rn]
Sylvie: [nod, at first into this kiss before you are sitting yourself back up like okay, yeah, let’s do that, searching for your top to put back on because wouldn’t have done that when we had other priorities but pausing ‘do you want me to wait outside whilst you clean yourself up or?’ giving am I getting in the shower with you or at least assisting because realising it could be dangerous but also allowing you the privacy of us just being outside and coming in if you’ve been too long/we hear a thud]
Jake: [doing a lil pout like she did earlier about her putting her top back on cos playful vibes but also genuinely a bit gutted that she is and y’all got cockblocked that hard like that, genuinely considering her question because you know it would be wise to let her help you but you don’t want her to have to be acting like a carer on day 1 and that’s ultimately the urge that wins out so nod like yeah please do wait ‘Can you get me a drink for when I come out?’ cos being thirsty and having a headache are both lovely things for the aftermath]
Sylvie: [‘Promise I’ll take it off again’ cuffing his chin at this pout but we obviously mean that and are not deterred, even if for now it must be soft hours ‘Of course, I should have breakfast actually, I’ll get us a spread’ because you’ve definitely not eaten as you’d be too excited so a good idea and what you can say you’re doing and aren’t purely waiting for him ‘towels are in there’ standing up to show him where this bathroom situ is]
Jake: [pulling at it gently like you’re playfully gonna take her top off right now but using the gesture and her proximity to help you up without making a big thing of needing help, holding onto her for a sec because you both need and want to, just breathing her in for once instead of breathing on her ferally ‘Cool’ quietly but with all the feeling because it’s obvs more than that it’s a thanks and basically an ILY again]
Sylvie: [when you shamelessly would let him so you’re not even flinching, nor baulking at the way he used it to help get up off the floor, we could all use a minute, giving him the hug you’ve been wanting to, the genuine sigh of relief sounding a lot like your happy sigh because same thing and means so much more also, get this shower running for him because other people’s showers can be a law unto themselves, at least it’s probable there is a seat because Thomas injured himself dancing so you are very welcome Jake, turning to leave because now is no time to sexualise him but also gotta let him know you still are by flashing him a LOOK as you ask if there’s anything else he needs]
Jake: [Oh Thomas, love you, babe, soz we’re lowkey doing this fam so dirty health wise, this boy returning the LOOK while he takes off his top when she’s still in the room because didn’t get to before and it’s just saucy enough, not too much but still !! before you bring her back and kiss her again, it’s gotta be soft but nobody minds cos that’s a mood and a moment with the shower running and their emotions this high]
Sylvie: [just having a marvellous time making out with this boy and gently appreciating his toplessness without getting carried away, you love to see it, break apart with your own pouty noise like no, no, you must shower ‘hurry up, I miss you’ as you’re walking out]
Jake: [hurrying up because he misses her too and also he’s too tired to be faffing about and is probably doing a me where he can’t stand there for ages and ages, but it’s okay because we all get the joys of this boy only in a towel, you’re welcome, it’s what y’all deserve after what we’ve just done to you]
Sylvie: [the way we’re going to sneakily get your bottoms and wash and dry them so you can wear them home, just know it and appreciate it; for now we are WATCHING you from the kitchen moment as we’re finishing off whatever breakfast you’ve chucked together, probably fruit stuff because you know he’s that type, come over and hand him his drink, after he’s gotten himself comfy again]
Jake: [As someone who has pissed themselves a lot and knows exactly how he feels I do appreciate it v much actually, but catch him taking a drink and WATCHING her too over his glass because this is so domestic and the continental breakfast vibes are making you think about Paris]
Sylvie: [having the same thought and very much wanting to lay all over him but you have to let him hydrate and you must try to eat something lest you have your own dizzy spell, not cute, the heart eyes are so real though as we put this breakfast on the coffee table like help yourself]
Jake: [fruit is an excellent shout for how thirsty you feel just try not to go ham because an upset stomach is another thing that can happen and that wouldn’t be cute either, gesture for this girl to sit next to you and when she do feed her something, not even trying to be hot about it just being cute and domestic]
Sylvie: [again, a lovely time being had feeding each other, are going to have to kiss you also but we’ll keep it very chill in terms of how extra we could be, you can put on some chill music to match the vibe]
Jake: [the vibes are immaculate and I approve, after you’ve eaten (and smooched) you can go upstairs and lie down in her bed and snuggle that’ll be nice]
Sylvie: [y’all are teenagers so she’ll happily be able to nap with you as it’s clearly the AM and who wants to be up that early anyway; but the casual feral state of your room/bed after your night will have you BLUSHING as you’re leading him in because tidying was not a priority, doing a little sheepish grin at him because you both know]
Jake: [girls we all know his most mischievous smile is back at her own grin and most importantly her blush because rn with how tired this boy do be and the fit we’ve put him through last night feels like a million years ago so it’s lovely to have that reminder that it isn’t and let some of those mems flood back, I love the parallel of him letting his towel drop to the floor much like she did her bra earlier even though he isn’t doing it with !! saucy intent he really is just getting under these covers to snuggle and snooze, I also love that however sleepy he is he is nevertheless sat up in her bed for a minute looking around at her room and appreciating the vibes, trying to take in as many deets as he can]
Sylvie: [doing more smiling and blushing at his booty ‘cos boy's butts are always cute and funny idk why, hence we’re even doing a lil laugh but in a nice way because you’ve never been in this domestic a situation with a boy before and it’s weird but also you love it, whilst he’s looking around your room, rooting through your drawers for a slouchy pair of PJ bottoms or joggers he can put on after your snooze ‘you already knew I was a terrible hostess’ as you’re crouched in front of these drawers, looking at him in your bed, because giving sorry about the mess vibes]
Jake: [when you have been in this domestic a situation before because your gf literally lives with you so this should be weird/you should be feeling all types of ways rn that you’re just not because you also love it ‘cool room though’ with way more feeling than that suggests because whatever vibe she’s got going on he’d be here for it, both in the ways they are similar and the ways they are different, truly, gesturing for her to come and get in this bed with you like it’s the most natural and obvious thing in the world ever despite how naked you are and what a first this is]
Sylvie: [hurrying over to get in this bed with him, again, as if this is something you’ve done with anyone in this context, never mind him, no hesitation in also slipping under these covers, facing him so the ‘thanks’ is so unnecessarily in his grill, smoothing his hair out on your pillow]
Jake: [likewise 0 hesitation in getting really comfy immediately and wrapping his entire body around hers so entirely like he’s wordlessly saying thanks back for everything she did with how !! and cosy this snuggle is, no notes]
Sylvie: [doing the tiniest gasp into his neck, hugging him back and somehow making it tighter like you could be any closer, giving him some really soft kisses over his whole neck/face area like the you’re welcome it is]
Jake: [doing a happy sigh about it all because it’s the only acceptable response ‘thanks for giving me another chance’ because she really did not have to and he knows that, said so quietly into her skin like that’s nbd instead of something you mean with your whole heart]
Sylvie: [‘I understood’ with a microscopic shrug because you don’t want him to move away from you at all but you did, even if it was embarrassing and you were in the !! trenches, he has a girlfriend, you don’t feel as if you can really be offended by him trying to do the right thing there, speaking as quietly as he is, constantly touching him in the softest ways rn ‘and I’m glad I did, you’re alright’ understatement of the century purposefully there]
Jake: [a nod that turns into a soft but not little and very !! neck kiss because he isn’t and doesn’t want to move away either but she does understand him better than anyone rn and that’s just tea ‘I’m glad we’re friends again’ while he’s doing the absolute most kissing her neck obvs]
Sylvie: [just here silently, but not really because you’re breathing is crazy, pulling whatever you have on your bottom half down, shifting closer to him to get out of these clothes so he’s not alone in his nakedness, again, no thought to hesitation here ‘you’re a good friend’ with all the sincerity and !!]
Jake: [helping her get out of these clothes because you just wanna but also you don’t want her to have to move too much from the insanely close proximity that y’all are in cos you only wanna get closer if anything, catch him just running his hands over her body the way he did not get to do earlier, gently because you still feel weak and tired and all the things, but very intentionally]
Sylvie: [‘look at me again’ almost a question with how much it’s not a demand right now because we want to repeat the moment you were having before your seizure even if it is purely this moment and this moment alone, getting your top off over your head too so he can, love that you’re even more naked than you were, it’s giving progression, putting your hands on his shoulders, where you pushed him before in the kitchen, just reliving every moment you’ve had thus far and being so !! but soft]
Jake: [we love to see it, once again the vibes are immaculate well done lads, LOOKING at her with even more !! than earlier because you weren’t fully in the moment then with that seizure about to happen and you so are now, however tired, hence you gotta rub your face right after from how hard you were STARING at her unblinkingly for what feels like forever, running his hands over her body again with even more !! for this extra nakedness cos didn’t get to touch her boobs earlier and that’s a tragedy, finally PULLING her into him so they are even more tangled up than before, kissing her on the mouth with SUCH intensity even though it’s soft and romantic not like feral and frenzied, literally missing at one point cos of the sleepiness so he’s kissing her face and being the most]
Sylvie: [giving him just as much attention, truly giving how we were watching that scene with the way we refuse to look away, constantly inching closer to whatever part of him we’re looking at now, testing with our hands and then an individual finger and then just our nails, trying to make him feel how his looks and touches are making us feel, mirroring but only in vibe not in what you’re doing if that makes sense, the way this kiss is EVERYTHING and we’re so readily coming at his face with the same makeout energy like he meant to do it, just out here licking your face so indecently but the heart eyes energy of it all is still so real]
Jake: [it makes total sense and we’re all here for it, hence I’m gonna be nice and let y’all have a makeout sesh for a minute here that then turns into him kissing her everywhere on her body he can reach with how pressed together theirs are, before his eyes keep closing, despite how extra we wanna be with all our heart eyes and LOOKS whenever there’s the slightly pause for breath or anything, and he literally yawns so neither of y’all can ignore it, hard as he’s been trying to]
Sylvie: [stroking his face as he’s yawning, pulling him closer to you again and gesturing for him to get comfortable and just snaking your body around his when he does, finding one of his hands under the covers and bringing it to your mouth clasped in your own hand to kiss like a promise of more later, resting your head on his shoulder to look at him ‘night, Jake’ like it isn’t the morning because we don’t care what time it is, it feels like an endless continuation from your feralness from actual last night and you’re both finally crashing properly]
Jake: [getting so comfy and making his hold of her an even tighter one, tight like he’s relieved he can be that !! because he’s been feeling so weak up to now and this is more like his usual self, pulling her head from his shoulder to his chest like he did on the sofa, stroking her hair again as he kisses it, on her ear so he can say it back to her into it like a sleepy but hot af whisper, calling her her nickname again obvs because all the feeling]
Sylvie: [not you sleepily drawing an ‘S’ over the pec your head isn’t on over and over, lowkey hypnotising yourself to sleep with the repetition and the comforting feel of his chest going up and down beneath you, doing a happy sigh once again because you really like this nickname and I feel like it isn’t one anyone else calls you particularly so it feels like it is just for y’all which is why you like it so much]
Jake: [lowkey hypnotising this boy to sleep as well, we know because it’s a nice feeling and a simple enough letter that he can decode what you’re doing and is ofc into it, saying something that would sound like sleepy nonsense but is actually you telling yourself to remember an idea of a lyric that you just this second had, trying to make sure you don’t forget it when you wake up, and will make sense to her later when she hears said song like omg OH and yeah I 10000% agree with you about the nickname btw it’s so them vibes because the french of it all that there’s no reason why it needs to have been anyone else’s go to at any point, go to sleep though sir, you need it] 
Sylvie: [we will let y’all fall to sleep and stop waffling but sorry y’all are really cute and there’s nothing to be done about that, shipping it so wholeheartedly]
Jake: [so do I, don’t mind me, in as deep as them, but yeah get some zzz because there’s no reason you can’t sleep for hours and hours uninterrupted and he’ll feel so much better for it]
Sylvie: [will be kind and say you wake up before anyone gets home because I want to and that’s still giving hours and hours, always love that moment when you wake up and have the split second of not remembering something and then this boy is here in your bed, cuddled into you so hard and it’s like OH, practically making a noise so akin to that OH as this hits you as you’re rubbing your eyes and doing a satisfied yawn ‘cos that was clearly a fire nap]
Jake: [I agree, clearly Meena had a full day of busy author things to be getting on with so there’s no reason for her to be back early but we gotta give them some time before he needs to be home instead of having to just wake up and run, he’ll likewise have the same moment of wtf and where am I but smiling so big when the realisation hits and he’s woken up by her, quiet as she was, because of how close they still are ‘I thought I dreamt it’ as the first thing you say because every moment has been such immaculate vibes]
Sylvie: [doing an apologetic but ultimately buzzing so not really that sorry grin back at him for waking him up, biting your bottom lip as you pinch his cheek with the bants of making sure he isn’t but there’s some !! behind it because pinching yourself was mentioned last night and we both remember that ‘morning’ with the same cheeky energy]
Jake: [we do all remember so pinching her side with even more !! because I’m sure he had an arm around her waist or whatever in a way that felt casual in contrast to how much that’s not, LOOKING at her as if y’all weren’t asleep a sec ago with how intense and suddenly focused it is]
Sylvie: [holding either side of his face and pressing your forehead against his chin when you make a NOISE about how he’s now holding you around your waist and LOOKING at you because you can’t handle any of it]
Jake: [when you’ve gotta make a NOISE of your own about hers because you’re likewise not at all fine or casual about any of this, really trying to PULL her entire body into yours as if you could get any closer so really you’re just leaving more bruises like you said you would, letting her know how much better you feel with how !! you’re capable of being now]
Sylvie: [LOOKING up at him, firmly yet with the softness from before pressing your fingers into his cheeks, feeling how sharp his cheekbones and then jawline are like your eyes are deceiving you ‘you look good’ casual words said so uncasually because the double meaning of how much better he looks compared to earlier as well as how into him we are right now, pushing into his hands in approval, wanting more]
Jake: [‘I feel better’ it’s obvious and casual words of your own but you gotta say it in a tone that conveys both how much you do and how much is down to her because that nap was fire and we all know the reasons why, pushing his body into hers with the same energy]
Sylvie: [‘you feel fucking incredible’ as a gasp essentially because y’all are so close and you can feel everything and you’re so about it, having to kiss him to stop yourself saying anything else/making any more noises THAT blatant, pushing his hands up from your waist to your chest insistently]
Jake: [soft hours are over sis so he will be kissing her back hard like the makeout sesh they were having earlier before we rudely interrupted them and touching her chest with 0 hesitation but with all the !! he did not earlier, doing a lil moan into her mouth about it]
Sylvie: [pinching him again in the most feral way you can, aka paying attention to his nips right now because you need to be as !! but you can’t do anything to leave a mark atm so this is a safe bet as well as as unhinged as you want to be with this boy, panting softly in contrast to how hard everything else is]
Jake: [catch him biting her tongue in response, obvs nowhere near as he did his, soft in contrast to how hard the kisses are, as if he isn’t allowed to leave a mark either but wants them to be matching, going even harder with how he’s touching her boobs rn, really doing the most but we’ve always gotta do more so kissing his way down to them until he’s eventually there having left a trail of frankly unhinged kisses and licks along the way, doing all the kissing and sucking and licking once he is like it’s his job]
Sylvie: [the disbelief turned pure pleasure that plays out as your eyes widen and then roll in your head at this tongue bite, such a strangely muffled moan about it which also gets you because sounds not dissimilar to when you had to gag yourself about it before, letting your hands follow the trail he is leaving, touching yourself where he has touched you, like you’re making reminders, tangling your fingers in his hair, pushing his head against your body, as if he’s thinking of leaving]
Jake: [we all know he’s thinking of and being reminded of the same things and is equally feral about it hence continuing to do the absolute most, here knowing we’re leaving all the marks known to man and we couldn’t be happier about it, just when it feels like he’s gonna do this all day though, moving down, giving the same treatment to her stomach and her hips for again what feels like forever but eventually pausing to LOOK up at her because gotta ask her permission to go there and do that even though last night she said she couldn’t wait for him to taste her and we’re likewise remembering that vividly, you know she hasn’t done this before, so gotta check she irl does wanna]
Sylvie: [LOOKING back at him, propping yourself up on your elbows so you really can, looking at all the marks he’s made on you and thrusting yourself almost into him like SO close to his mouth it’s like you are teasing him on purpose but it was just your genuine reaction to the sight ‘can I… take a picture of you, even just a before and after, you look like [the man from the film]’ and we want to memorise this and obsess over it just as much as that scene, frankly]
Jake: [when he was so shady about Libi always having her camera out and we all just know he isn’t letting China take content of him either unless it’s literally like him performing and band content he can post, but as Taylor would say it hits different cos it’s her and he’s so readily agreeing to this and his ‘yeah’ is not at all casual]
Sylvie: [mhmmmmm, the way we are not usually this girl either and I imagine your socials are pretty scant for a girl even if not as hard as his are because boys are like it as a rule practically and he has his personal vendetta too; but you simply gotta to a degree you don’t even understand but it is a must ‘and I want you to record it, how it sounds when you make me yours’ because all remember he said you gotta be his and we intend to be]
Jake: [I love it for you lads, I truly do, iconic of y’all, nobody talk to me about the way he LOOKS at her when she says that because he remembers too but the way it hits hearing her use the words irl is EVERYTHING, here moaning her nickname fully as he starts to do this, kissing her thighs first and doing the absolute most like he did everywhere else, me here like, when was the last time you did any of this for your gf Jake? Because it completely gives something he’d do at the start before they’ve had sex and aren’t trying to rush into it but then not something he’d do once they are, soz but it’s true and I had to say it]
Sylvie: [NODDING like he needs the confirmation that you’re serious and you mean it when it’s so blatant in your !! energy that is filling this room right now in the anticipation for everything to come ‘I think your name might always make me wet now, it’s a problem’ as a confession that comes tumbling out of your lips in response to your own name being moaned, because you absolutely were his incessantly last night and we all know it; meanwhile my boo says someone had to say it and she’s so real lmao]
Jake: [this boy going for it like he’s gotta check to see if what she said is true and how wet she is and thus how big of a ‘problem’ it is and that’s the only way, letting her take as many pics as she wants to as though he’s that bitch before reaching for her phone to put it right by his head and press record because god knows where his is rn and we’re not stopping to find that]
Sylvie: [almost smashing your head into your headboard with the force you have to throw it back to make the most noise about this, balling up your fists in the sheets ‘they were soaked’ which feels like no exaggeration with how hard and long y’all were going so we mean it ‘do I taste like [whatever he said you did post-seizure]?’ not said for the benefit of this recording but it’s all going to be here along with how indecent everything he’s doing sounds]
Jake: [when you hear her almost crack her skull but you’re not stopping for that either, soz gal, he’ll check you’re okay after I promise but rn we’re too !! tell her about the state of you cos whatever set up you had and wherever you were you were also cumming all over everything, whether that’s tissues you can tell her you used like a full box of or whatever the vibe was, we know what I’m saying and it’s that he was as extra, also telling her she tastes like an elevated version of whatever he said earlier, somehow, because duh even better]
Sylvie: [‘the way you could feed me every single one’ shaking our head and doing the hottest lol because an unhinged thing to say and mean with your whole chest, which is apparent in how desperately we’re grinding against your tongue about it, whining full 🥺 because the nicest thing you’ve ever heard and you can’t cope]
Jake: [do your own hot lol about it which will kill her because you’re not pausing any of your antics, instead getting your fingers involved too because gotta do the most in response to those sorts of reactions and give her more]
Sylvie: [doing an OMG gasp and giggle like that tickled but you’re also beyond obsessed with how it felt and he knows it from the way you are again using his hair to keep him where he is ‘I’ve never gone this far, been touched like this by someone else’ it was obvious and he knew but you’re still saying it if only to showcase how hard it is to speak]
Jake: [laugh again at how she’s holding you hostage by your hair like oh you but really you just wanna give her that feeling again ‘Is it okay?’ said not like you need permission/are checking that she is but like you want her to tell you how good it is, because of course you do]
Sylvie: [try your hardest to tell him how good this is without overthinking it, the only thing making you pause is the way you have to catch your breath from the way you are panting at this point ‘like my body was made for this and anything and everything else is a waste of time?’ letting go of your grip on his hair like you expect a response because you do wanna know how he feels too]
Jake: [‘for me’ because you couldn’t agree more sis, you feel like you could do this forever and that has nothing to do with getting your energy back after this fire nap, doing the most like you’ve really gotta make the point she’s yours and like you weren’t already doing what you both thought was the most before, surprising yourself a lil bit with how slay you’re being because we all know damn well you weren’t when you did this before, soz but it’s again too true]
Sylvie: [‘yours’ for the confirmation no one needed that you are there and you feel it, running your hands the entire length of your body for emphasis like all of me because you are slaying this for us and you are getting all the confirmation]
Jake: [you likewise don’t need to say ‘mine’ back like y’all are stuck in another loop but you are and you do, catch him pinching her inner thigh so hard rn because they both can’t believe this is happening and it is so slay]
Sylvie: [we love a loop and it’s going to be getting closer and closer the closer we get, volleying these words off each other with the !! that is growing with every second ‘is that what it feels like?’ as an interruption at the sharp shock and how it’s got you THINKING about when you eventually go all the way with this boy]
Jake: [my boo says that’s so y’all’s vibe and she’s so right for that, he clearly isn’t a bitch who usually repeats himself but you better believe he’s out here doing that in every possible indecent tone he can, in answer to her question ‘it feels like this’ and giving her the most !! lovebite, really going to town with it because you know she will love that and so do you and you’re just letting her know how much you wanna have sex with her as if that wasn’t blatant]
Sylvie: [got to love making a boy chattier than he ever is, with all the positive feedback, how could you not both get lost in this moment like you truly are the only people who exist and there’s 0 chance of anyone interrupting when you’re teens so that is never true, no fucks given, out here doing the UNHOLIEST noise about the lovebite and saying his name as indecently as you ever have]
Jake: [you’re both welcome we’ve been rude and cockblocky enough that we aren’t hitting you with a very real parental interruption because at this age that is so possible and Meena would have no reason to knock not even knowing this boy is here, I’m sure everyone’s notp has been walked in by Jake’s mum and/or sister and it was mortifying, but we don’t need to think about that when we can think about him pulling all the stops to make her keep making the unholiest noises ever]
Sylvie: [it’s bound to happen but not today, you are owed this uninterrupted glory for the baptism of fire we put y’all through, soz not soz, have to be here asking him ‘when?’]
Jake: [‘When you’re ready’ like he’s just being a caring and supportive no pressure kinda lad but we’re saying that too indecently and exactly like we want her to say how ready she is now/beg him to do it because again, of course]
Sylvie: [‘make me ready for you’ giving back the exact same energy because now it’s a game of who will end up breaking first casually and we’re as about this as we have been everything else]
Jake: [yet again so y’all’s vibes, catch him literally trying to kill her with how extra he’s being in response to that, no notes]
Sylvie: [when you raise your head again to smirk at him like I win because you can’t actually lose in this scenario but you’re only able to MOAN whilst LOOKING directly at him and that kills you so hard]
Jake: [this just turning into a staring contest while they both MOAN and he continues to put his all into making her cum is too real, living your best lives lads]
Sylvie: [your eyes only moving from his to LOOK at this phone just as meaningfully because now you’re imagining how all of this has sounded and that it’ll sound even more feral when you start to cum for him momentarily and you’re so about it you can’t even verbalise, your mouth is just open like !!]
Jake: [truly wishing for his phone (who is he and when has he ever) so that he could take a million pics of her rn like this because dare not use hers in case he accidentally stopped the recording which would be too devastating to risk, tell her how much she sounds like the gal from the film though because she’ll love that as much as you did when she said you looked like the dude] 
Sylvie: [THE biggest smile ever because you do, even if you have to immediately pull the pillow he was sleeping on over your face because you’re too close to be having those big feelings, shaking your head like I cannot]
Jake: [his ‘look at me’ being said the second she pulls that pillow over her face because you just gotta, evil of you but we wouldn’t have it any other way, the way his voice sounds making it clear she has no choice about this]
Sylvie: [when all you can see are her 🥺 eyes peeping over this pillow because we’re afraid of how hard we’re going to lose it but also DYING to show you if it’s anything like last night was for you, which it will be]
Jake: [doing the hottest ever 😏 at her because she did that for you and you know you could make her do anything atm, rewarding her with an even more indecent lovebite because it starts out so slow and soft but then is so !!]
Sylvie: [pushing the pillow down and hugging it to our chest like we gotta literally brace ourselves here ‘fuck you’ at this smirk but it’s said like a fuck me, absolutely, before the lovebite just has us out here being blatant with it ‘fuck me’]
Jake: [doing the hottest lol at her fuck you before the fuck me has you back doing the most because taking it as the instruction it is duh, out here not even pausing for breath or anything so breathing absolutely insanely as per]
Sylvie: [reaching out to clutch his face to yours, saying his name like you’re trying to find him and you can’t ‘I need you’ never been truer, putting your legs around him to pull him closer]
Jake: [shamelessly kissing her so that she knows what she tastes like 1. And 2. So that then he can start over the whole kissing down her entire body shenanigans, doing the most at every step of the way until he’s right back where he was, love that we’re really acting like we have all day here to do this because it cannot be overstated how long he’s taking for the makeout sesh and to kiss her everywhere and how indecently, like sir you do have a home to go to]
Sylvie: [will be kissing your tongue the extra way we could not earlier but have wanted to ever since ‘how mean of me’ like your poor injured tongue, I did not even stop to think, doing a hot lol because we all know there is nothing else he’d rather be doing, as is apparent when he cannot resist kissing you all over again ‘stay’ like he doesn’t have a home to go to and he can ‘until we pass out again’]
Jake: [saying ‘here’ in a way that’s not coherent because of how deep inside her his tongue is like yes I shall, right here forever and always it’s fine, no notes, just here being as feral at eating her out as he ever has]
Sylvie: [‘I’m your-’ going to say home but being cut off by the biggest orgasm you have ever had, which is, only fittingly, repeating and building into multiples you wouldn’t even be able to count right now if you tried]
Jake: [both of y’all shooketh by that in the best way because he’s never seen or caused anything like it and she’s never felt anything like it, you’ve earnt collapsing on this bed beside her as she tries to recover remotely, both of you take several moments to process this, we’ve left the recording running still and I love that]
Sylvie: [just here breathing like you’ve ran a marathon, feeling like you could die but in this moment you’d be okay with it because happy doesn’t cover the literal euphoria, finding his hand and giving it the weakest SQUEEZE but a SQUEEZE nonetheless because holy shit]
Jake: [his breathing definitely as insane 100% hence we’re letting this recording run to catch it for a bit longer before turning it off, using his free hand to push her hair off her flushed and sweaty face, blowing it too like he did earlier ‘Do you want some water?’ because she got some for him before and he’s more than willing to return the favour]
Sylvie: [closing your eyes as he tickles your face with these softer antics, smiling, putting out your other hand ‘pass me my phone?’ because you need to take your after photos of him, first and foremost]
Jake: [do pass her that phone, yet more evidence of how here for it you are that you’re not even playfighting her or anything about it]
Sylvie: [telling him how long you were recording when your eyes can properly register the screen, giving you are shook by how long he kept that up as well as how the hell did I manage to last that long ‘no wonder you did that to me’ like how could I not lose it in a way I never have before, taking pictures of him, the heart eyes in the way we’re getting every angle humanly possible rn]
Jake: [shamelessly giving her heart eyes back because he’s in too deep and he can’t not, love that she’ll capture his shook expression too when she tells him how long they were at that]
Sylvie: [nodding like I know, casually, very shakily and slowly, straddling him like you need to for the shot and not just because you want to ‘no pressure or anything, but I’m going to need you to do that every day now’ like lol not living without it thank you]
Jake: [when you were gonna do a hot lol or say something sassy but in no world is he not the most turned on he’s ever been + naked so her straddling him just causes the most indecent GASP of all time ‘no pressure, but I’m going to need you to do something for me right now’]
Sylvie: [taking his dick in your hands, doing your own gasp at the way it is throbbing, shuddering as you slide him between your legs, being so wet you can easily create a smooth rhythm by rocking your hips back and forth slowly, hissing through your teeth as you let him enter you, only as far as his tongue could ‘how does that feel?’ after you’ve once again hit record]
Jake: [just doing the MOST unholy sound you’ve ever made in response because it feels so good that it’s all you can do, once again no notes, out here being super dramatic as per usual]
Sylvie: [trying to maintain the most torturously slow rhythm ever but the way this feels for you is already making you feral again too, leaning down to suck and kiss and bite at his chest, basically only his nips because you know you’re going to get carried away and you can’t mark his skin]
Jake: [likewise trying to keep up with the pace she’s set and also not put more of yourself inside her each time you thrust in and out than she did but you’re feeling as feral and definitely going to get carried away too, so absolutely pushing the full length into her when she is being !! with his nips, soz but he cannot help it]
Sylvie: [the way you will feel the sharp intake of breath we do on your skin followed by the shuddering exhale and spluttering, wet moan as you fully penetrate us ‘you have it, you have my virginity’ as if you actually can’t believe it, pressing your forehead into his chest as you ride this feeling out with a groan straining behind your bitten lips ‘Jake, take it more’ just in case he was under any illusion you wanted to stop this]
Jake: [when you genuinely did not mean to and you were gonna try your hardest to go back to just the tip after that one slip up truly but then her mentioning her virginity has you losing your mind because realising that you can’t just and then she’s also telling you she didn’t want you to, so letting yourself do this instead of holding back]
Sylvie: [kind of in disbelief that this is happening but in the best possible way, like this is all a dream again, hence pinching yourself as you unfold again, sitting up straighter so he can see you pinching your own nips about it ‘it feels better’ like you gotta let him know how good this feels]
Jake: [we’re all in shock and awe rn, this boy especially, because y’all are out here not using no protection or nothing, being so reckless like you’re in a committed relationship and old, LOOKING at her as he WATCHES her do that ‘I don’t care if it’s a trigger’ because likewise, would risk having another fit rn or a million of them if it means they can keep doing this]
Sylvie: [the way you’re both giving no thoughts just vibes so hard, iconic tbh, gotta do what you gotta do, which right now is touching on our body where he is inside us because again, can’t believe it is happening and that this is all possible ‘that’s you’ as the most !! statement]
Jake: [it’s fine we all know Alison would come through with a morning after pill if you needed it and via Mags if you didn’t wanna say it was for you, whether or not she’s actually had sex herself or not by this point, you’re welcome for that lads cos not a thought in your heads about it, he’s just here going in deeper inside her ofc]
Sylvie: [y’all are truly welcome for the freakout you don’t need to have later because there isn’t a remote chance of you stopping now and that couldn’t be clearer in how we’re laying on top of him instead of straddling sitting up 1. So we can kiss him about this but 2. So we are closer and you’re deeper inside us still]
Jake: [oh good have a lovely makeout sesh while you go at this so you don’t say anything too extra because I’m saving the first ILY for when they run away to Paris and not a moment before so shh bitch, the way this is gonna get you so close to cumming because you are deeper and y’all are closer and kissing, they’re definitely not stopping]
Sylvie: [my boo says you shut your mouth sir and she is so right, as she is for saying you’re both going to cum so fast because no one was prepared for this, hence ‘I want your cum’ is as true as it is encouragement because he doesn’t need to hold on for our sake here]
Jake: [mhmm, and rn he’s gotta because he’s literally 14 years old he doesn’t have the self control to not, even Ronan did it and he didn’t even like Carly like that so, when the feelings are CLEARLY this high and she’s saying what’s probably the hottest thing anyone’s ever said to you, then yeah, you’re gonna cum so hard that you’re once again shook by it]
Sylvie: [nobody move, nobody is able, just here collapsed on top of him, dead, once again, trying to get your breathing back under control, only moving a literal finger to draw another ‘S’ on his skin, wherever is easiest to reach]
Jake: [soz I love it because if he’d had the opportunity he would’ve got really in his head about making her first time ‘special’ because he’s been that bitch and China is that sentimental girlie and y’all are not the notp and it doesn’t need to be that, so just try vaguely to recover/wait it out to see if sex is a trigger and you are gonna have another fit, which thankfully you aren’t, while you basically hold onto her for dear life]
Sylvie: [it would be really awkward if you ‘gave’ him another seizure but thankfully all triggers are only possible and it isn’t a guaranteed or idk what you would do lol, raising your head on one side to look at him for the first time since you both lost yourself in that moment, like are you okay/was that okay, just praying you’re still on the same page and it’s not about to go south]
Jake: [I like to think he’s looking at her with the exact same are you okay/was that okay questions in his eyes because it was her first time and he cares, like literally at the same moment he’s about to ask her when he sees that she’s asking him too with a look, so smiling like oh what we like] 
Sylvie: [smiling back until it’s a grin ‘we just had sex’ like can you actually believe that because what a wild ride you two have been on to get here]
Jake: [‘I didn’t hurt you’ not as a question but as a statement because he didn’t and he said he didn’t want to and wouldn’t again, even though it would be more physical if he had rn and you were mainly talking emotionally then]
Sylvie: [‘next time’ before kissing the tip of his nose ‘cos you’re playing with him, finally rolling off top of him and laying beside him again, covering you both up with your duvet so you don’t get cold now the sweat y’all are covered in is cooling off ‘I didn’t know who I would do that with’ because the kind of thing you start to think about at this sort of age and then she was in her it’s never happening moment because of the diagnosis]
Jake: [doing a hot lol like oh you, grabbing her again and snuggling her once she’s got the covers over you both like she needs the extra warmth and you don’t just want to ‘I didn’t know we would yet’ because whatever ego you have you didn’t come here expecting that she’d do it all today even though you wanted to]
Sylvie: [‘why wait?’ spoken into the crook of his arm as you snuggle down because you can’t think of a reason, not now, ‘I mean-’ doing your tiny shrug that doesn’t displace you again because you know you should care he has a girlfriend but you’d be lying if you said you cared enough to let it effect this]
Jake: [you likewise can’t think of a reason and you’re not gonna force yourself to try, not now, repeating the ‘nothing’s stopping us’ that you said before like it’s y’all’s catchphrase because lowkey it is]
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