#to everyone who has been patient with me when I’ve had a verbal shutdown
(Context: I am Level 1 autistic and sometimes experience verbal shutdowns)
Things I appreciate someone doing if I’m upset and cannot talk:
- only asking one question at a time
- asking yes/no or binary questions instead of vague ones (Ex: “do you need space?” instead of “what do you need?”)
- being okay with not receiving an answer at all, and moving on (or rephrasing questions if necessary)
- accepting gesture, sign language, and/or AAC without pointing it out as unusual or joking about it
- offering comfort items or distractions, and allowing me to choose whether or not to use them myself
- treating me with respect and not talking down to me; there is a difference between being gentle and treating me like a child
- not assuming that I will regain speech as soon as I feel better
- letting me joke around and participate in conversations without speaking, even when I look happy and calm
- choosing communal activities that are low-key and don’t rely on verbal speech, such as watching a show, painting, or looking at memes together
- understanding if I need space, and leaving me be if I walk away from a conversation or leave suddenly
- letting me use comfort items and stim, even if it looks weird to you
- understanding that saying words =/= having full speech again; I usually regain echolalia before being able to generate my own sentences
#this is not a vague post this is a thank you#to everyone who has been patient with me when I’ve had a verbal shutdown#because I have time and again been met with incredible kindness and understanding as an adult#from my dnd groups. from close friends. from club members. from classmates.#the vast majority of people have been kind and patient and have let me calm down and communicate in the ways I can at my own pace#like in DND last year when I shut down after a tense fight because I was scared a character was gonna die#I couldn’t talk when we split up the loot after. so the DM read off the loot one by one and had us raise hands to claim it.#no teasing. no pointing it out. just smoothly running with it.#or when I was at my friends house and wound up crying in the middle of a convo and shutting down#and they gave me space to calm down and let me sign/text to talk. gave me a plushie and showed me Pinterest boards for dnd characters#no judgement. no pressure. just hanging out and calming down until I was okay. I was eventually able to tell jokes with sign and text.#or when I was in theatre and my prof saw I wasn’t okay and asked if I needed to go home. and then told me to go home when I couldn’t respond#and the autism club members who didn’t act awkward or rude about me being quiet while they chatted about movies. and patiently waited for me#to sign or get a couple words out so I could participate in the conversation.#or my classmates in the bio lab that night who treated me like normal and compared notes with me and let me type answers to their questions#to everyone who has been patient with me: thank you. I love you. it means more than I can express.
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