#to sign or get a couple words out so I could participate in the conversation.
(Context: I am Level 1 autistic and sometimes experience verbal shutdowns)
Things I appreciate someone doing if I’m upset and cannot talk:
- only asking one question at a time
- asking yes/no or binary questions instead of vague ones (Ex: “do you need space?” instead of “what do you need?”)
- being okay with not receiving an answer at all, and moving on (or rephrasing questions if necessary)
- accepting gesture, sign language, and/or AAC without pointing it out as unusual or joking about it
- offering comfort items or distractions, and allowing me to choose whether or not to use them myself
- treating me with respect and not talking down to me; there is a difference between being gentle and treating me like a child
- not assuming that I will regain speech as soon as I feel better
- letting me joke around and participate in conversations without speaking, even when I look happy and calm
- choosing communal activities that are low-key and don’t rely on verbal speech, such as watching a show, painting, or looking at memes together
- understanding if I need space, and leaving me be if I walk away from a conversation or leave suddenly
- letting me use comfort items and stim, even if it looks weird to you
- understanding that saying words =/= having full speech again; I usually regain echolalia before being able to generate my own sentences
#this is not a vague post this is a thank you#to everyone who has been patient with me when I’ve had a verbal shutdown#because I have time and again been met with incredible kindness and understanding as an adult#from my dnd groups. from close friends. from club members. from classmates.#the vast majority of people have been kind and patient and have let me calm down and communicate in the ways I can at my own pace#like in DND last year when I shut down after a tense fight because I was scared a character was gonna die#I couldn’t talk when we split up the loot after. so the DM read off the loot one by one and had us raise hands to claim it.#no teasing. no pointing it out. just smoothly running with it.#or when I was at my friends house and wound up crying in the middle of a convo and shutting down#and they gave me space to calm down and let me sign/text to talk. gave me a plushie and showed me Pinterest boards for dnd characters#no judgement. no pressure. just hanging out and calming down until I was okay. I was eventually able to tell jokes with sign and text.#or when I was in theatre and my prof saw I wasn’t okay and asked if I needed to go home. and then told me to go home when I couldn’t respond#and the autism club members who didn’t act awkward or rude about me being quiet while they chatted about movies. and patiently waited for me#to sign or get a couple words out so I could participate in the conversation.#or my classmates in the bio lab that night who treated me like normal and compared notes with me and let me type answers to their questions#to everyone who has been patient with me: thank you. I love you. it means more than I can express.
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waitingonher · 5 months
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ALL DA LADIES LUV LEO! — [leo valdez dating headcanons]
author's note: i am ladies. where's my irl leo...wtf.
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you and LEO VALDEZ are the definition of “if you do it, i’ll do it.” (a VERY common phrase in your relationship)
istg this guy is down to do ANYTHING. you wanna play dress-up and do his makeup? go ahead. you wanna participate in some cheesy couple trend? of course! he’d do anything to make you happy <3 (even if it means ruining his dignity) 
leo has so much love for you, and he is NOT afraid to show it. he for sure owns a million different variations of the “i ❤️my girlfriend” tee-shirt. he’s worn them so much that even chiron and mr. d stopped pestering him for not wearing the chb shirt 😭 
y’know that one topic you could talk about for hours on end? yeah, well you’re the topic leo could talk about for hours on end. you always feel bad for the unfortunate new camper who decides to ask “who’s on your shirt?” it always ends in them making an excuse to get out of the conversation. 
some may say he’s obsessed…i just call it the bare minimum!! 🤗
leo absolutely LIVES for your little gossip sessions. he’s not one of those bf’s who will try to give actual advice on how to handle the situation,, he’s the type to fully shit talk the person with you 😭 you guys are literally the “she’s also ugly…” audio and i know for a fact you guys have made a video using it LMFAO
he also has the entire timeline memorized. he could tell you exactly what month, what day, and what time so and so wronged you if you asked 😭 leo’s absolutely invested and will ask for updates every so often. 
considering how leo spends so much of his time in bunker 9, it’s almost your second home at this point. you can’t even begin to count how many times you’ve fallen asleep sitting with him as he’s worked on a project. but leo always carries you to bed! there’s no way he could allow his girlfriend to wake up with a sore neck! 
speaking of bunker 9, leo keeps a bulletin board full of photos with you and all your friends next to his workbench! when working on a particularly hard project, he’ll look over at the photos for some motivation. 
there’s nothing better than successfully convincing leo to come to bed, especially during those cold winter nights. he’s basically a big heater that can walk and talk. and leo’s super duper big on cuddling so it’s even better. why invest in a heater when you have him? 
LMFAO it’s so funny when it’s summer and he’s basically on his knees begging for cuddles 😭 it’s only then that he curses his strangely high body temperature.  
i also think it’s canon that leo’s a good cook…?? so you’re always eating good with him!! he just loves seeing your reaction to his food, especially when it’s your cultural food. leo knows how important it is to you and to know he could provide some semblance of what you grew up with, it makes him beyond happy. 
when you give him hugs from behind while he’s cooking >>> 
he melts every single time.
omg. breakfast in bed with leo. him shirtless wearing an apron that says “kiss the cook” while bringing you a plate with all your favorite breakfast foods <33 
pda king 🙏🙏 he loves pda, but not in the gross, obnoxious way. leo’s obviously smart enough to know when it’s the right time and place. 
he’s also really big on “splitting the pole” LMFAO 😭 if you’re walking down the street and a street sign is in the way he will literally pull you to his side while screaming, “don’t split the pole!” babes…it’s not that serious 🤒
his love languages are words of affirmations and acts of service. there’s nothing better than coming home to cuddle with you as you whisper sweet nothings into his ear after a long day. he really values all your thoughts and opinions, so it means so much to him when you say these things. 
when it comes to you, leo’s so incredibly supportive with everything you do. the minute you even slightly hint about picking up a new hobby, he’s already encouraging you to do it. 
he gets so upset when he gets those “these initials are soulmates” videos and your initials aren’t together 😭 one time you woke up to an entire essay-length text from him explaining why you two are extremely compatible in response to a video that said “these initials aren’t compatible” 
leo’s VERY attentive, especially when it comes to you. at this point, it’s like he knows you better than you know yourself. he always knows what you’re gonna say simply by your reaction. his brain literally goes “oh her right eyebrow raised slightly, i think she likes it!” and he ends up being right too.. 😭
or when he goes shopping without you and he sees something he thinks you’d like, and it ends up being something you’ve been wanting for the past few weeks?? at this point he might be reading your mind…
this also makes him the best gift giver ever! it could’ve been something you barely mentioned before bed, but he made a point to remember it and surprises you with it. 
he also likes to make you little gadgets that you never would’ve even thought of but are so helpful. one day you walk into your bathroom and leo’s sitting there polishing his newest project, and he tells you it’s a towel heater he made for you??? 
leo absolutely loves your family and will do everything in his power to build a close relationship with them. he knows how happy it makes you and he also just genuinely enjoys their company too! ooh and if you have siblings, especially if they’re younger, he just adores them to death…UGH he’s so so good with kids. 
whenever he buys you flowers, he also buys some for your mom too!! and considering his mechanic skills, he loves to work with your dad with his car/whatever needs fixing around the house  😭😭 your parents basically treat him like their own son and leo feels so incredibly lucky to have you guys in his life. 
this guy’s your #1 hype man + your personal tripod. when he’s taking your picture he’s literally screaming compliments behind the camera while suggesting poses for you to do 😭 he’s just so silly like that! and then when you post it, he’s up in the comments like “i took these where’s my credit  🤨🤨” 
you guys are at each other’s cabins so often that no one’s ever fazed when you’re at the door. they’re just like “who’s at the door?” “just y/n again.” 
and his siblings absolutely love you to death. they see how happy you make him and they love you for it. but they’re also strangely protective of you too. when you and leo get into those rare arguments they’re always like “what’d you do this time  🤨?” to him LMAO 
ugh but your younger siblings and his younger siblings all look up to you guys like you’re the pinnacle of love. it’s genuinely so sweet,, they always talk about how they want a relationship like you two when they’re older 
dancing in the refrigerator light but in bunker 9 under his workbench light.
i like to believe that leo always has music playing when he works, so when a good dancing song comes on, he’ll drop whatever he’s doing to dance with you. 
sometimes it’ll be a song where you guys are just silently slow dancing together or it’s a song that has you two jumping up and down going crazy. the duality of his playlist! 
i just KNOW that at some point in your relationship, leo makes you a promise ring gjkdslfsl and i bet the stone has some sort of significance to you guys.
sometimes when you can’t wear it on your finger, you’ll string it onto your chb necklace and he just gets so giddy knowing that you care that much about it 😣
SPEAKING THROUGH MORSE CODE WITH HIM?? specifically when you’re in bed, both are too tired to talk, so you feel him tap “i love you” against your skin and you send the message back. 
can we all collectively agree that leo is like the most perfect boyfriend ever?? 😍😍 thanks!
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kaciidubs · 9 months
Surprise! | Felix x Reader
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❣ In collaboration with @onmykneesforchanlix ❣
❣ Summary: Felix was a cat shifter, living most of his days in his cat form due to unfortunate living circumstances. That is, until you found him one rainy night and his life changed for the better. Years later, he decides that it's time to finally reveal himself to you fully. ❣ ❣ Word Count: 5.5k+ ❣ Warnings: Cat Shifter! Felix, slight Dom! Reader, Pussy Drunk! Felix, smut, slight angst [Felix's life before Reader], fluff, first time as a semi-couple, feminization [Felix wears Reader's clothes], unprotected sex, decryphilia, creampie, begging, praise, desperate/needy love making ❣ ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣ ❣ Additional Tags: Felix is referred to as kitten, Lix, Lixie, fluffy ending ❣ ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣
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Felix’s early life wasn’t much to brag about; growing up in an era where animal shifters were being seen less as a threat and more as an equal was a blessing in disguise, but that didn’t mean he had it easy. There was still discrimination, prejudice, and general unease, and even as a cat shifter he wasn’t free from any of them; losing his part time job due to “staff overflow” and his tenant kicking him and multiple shifter families out of their apartment building due to “remodeling”.
His roommates at the time were able to fall back on family members or other friends, but he was by himself in the city, and he didn’t feel comfortable asking them if they could house him until he got back on his feet. So, he tried getting by on his own until he could find new roommates or someone willing to host shifters.
He was able to stay a few nights at a hostel, applying to any place that had a hiring sign while earning his keep by helping the owner of the hostel - however, he wasn’t able to keep it that way for long. Which is how he found himself surviving in his cat form, easier to maintain throughout the night as he slept in worn out boxes off the side of the road.
Then, one rainy night changed his life for the better - the night he met you.
You, who was walking the dark, rainy streets with a broken umbrella and your face tucked as far into your jacket as it could go.
You, who stopped in your tracks when you saw him sleeping in that small, water damaged cardboard box just outside of an alleyway.
You, who scooped him up and tucked him into the free space of your jacket before taking him back to your apartment with the promise of taking care of him for the night.
Well, what started out as one night turned into two years and counting by your side as your loving little orange cat, and he wouldn’t have had it any other way - save for a few key things. The major one being he had yet to reveal his human form to you while you were home.
He figured that you had a feeling about him not being only a cat, from the way he participated in your morning routines with his own tasks - you doing your hair was him grooming himself, you brushing your teeth was him having a dental treat until you left so he could shift and actually brush his teeth - to the way you still had an unopened 16-count of cat food because he preferred eating the dinner you had over any form of gourmet tuna.
But, you never mentioned anything about it, you never even made a sly passing comment despite the way he’d participate in your one-sided conversations with too many coincidental meows or glares whenever you said something he didn’t agree with.
You even wrote out the alphabet on a sheet of paper so he could “pick his own name”, using his small paws to walk over the letters ‘F’ ‘E’ ‘L’ ‘I’ ‘X’ before rubbing his face against the side of yours with a content purr.
All of these events culminated into this moment now, where he was currently sitting on your bed in his human form freshly showered and naked as the day he was born; the pajama shirt you wore that night laid out in front of him.
Tonight was the night Felix was going to show you the real him, the him he hid from you out of fear that you wouldn’t want to keep him around anymore, fear that he’d go from your kitty ‘Lixie’ to just another alley cat.
His plan was simple, really; dress in your clothes to give him the comfort and confidence he needed and surprise you once you got back from work, apologize for not letting you know the night you brought him home, and hope that the kindness you've shown him for the past two years would continue further.
Orange tail swishing behind him with anticipation, he wasted no time in pulling the pink shirt onto his arms before slipping it over his head, quickly engulfing himself in your warm scent and soft cotton.
Smoothing out the top, his soft brown eyes landed on the piece of clothing he forgot he even took out, his human ears turning red at the sight of your white panties laying bright against the blanket.
He didn’t have any clothes at your place, usually reserving himself the grace of either wandering around nude or donning one of your hoodies and a pair of underwear he’d make sure to wash himself before you got home; and this plan had the added point of him wearing something to cover his exposed lower half.
Hence, the white lace panties with pink bows that he was sliding up his pale legs and tucking himself into, finishing off his look for the night.
Sneaking a peek at himself in the mirror near your closet, he felt a low rumble in his chest - the shirt slightly swamped him and the panties’ waistband sat comfortably below his tail to not cause irritation or annoyance, this couldn’t have worked out more perfectly in his favor.
A soft yawn tumbled from his lips and he glanced at the small digital clock you kept on the nightstand; a little less than an hour and a half until you came home, which meant he had more than enough time for a quick nap before his plan would go into effect.
Stretching his arms to the sky with an even bigger yawn, he allowed himself to curl up against your sheets and close his heavy eyelids - content purrs escaping him with each exhale.
“Lixie! I’m home!”
His ears perked up at your voice and he stretched with a big yawn, slowly rolling himself into a sitting position and tiredly rubbing his eye until his brain finally kicked into gear; you were home. 
A rush of excitement ran through him as he scrambled onto his knees, hands seated in his lap as he stared at the door in anticipation - his heart thumping hard in his chest. 
What were you going to say? Would you still like him as a human? What if he wasn’t pretty enough in his human form? 
His ears drooped as he deflated, small hands now anxiously playing with the hem of the shirt that was supposed to be his comfort. He heard you shuffle around the adjacent room, mentally going through the routine he’d seen you do time and time again; keys in dish, shoes at the door, work bag on the chair in the living room. 
“Lixie? Where are you, kitten?” 
The closer your footsteps grew toward the bedroom door, the more he wished he could shrink in on himself - it wasn't too late to change back, was it? No, no, he wanted you to see him - he wanted to show you the real him.
Where was he? He usually greeted you at the door, meowing loudly at you while rubbing himself at your legs. Maybe he was still asleep, curled up on his favourite place, your pillows? 
You quietly made your way to the bedroom, your hands resting on the handle for a second before opening the door.
 Nothing could’ve prepared you for what happened next.
“Lix-” Your eyes met a familiar warm brown set, but that wasn’t what stopped you in your tracks. 
No, it was the fact that said eyes belonged to a blond man currently sitting in the middle of your bed, dressed in your sleep shirt and nothing else - at least, that’s what you could assume from the sight of his bare thighs. 
Maybe you should have screamed - should have shouted curses and threatened to call the police but all you could do was blink at the man. Opening your mouth to say something, the words get stuck in your throat, making you swallow thickly while your eyes lingered on the man in front of you. 
Felix felt small under your gaze, shy even. He nervously pulled the shirt to cover his legs when he noticed you staring at his bare thighs. 
Maybe this wasn't a good idea, he thought to himself. 
He wanted to say something but couldn’t think of anything - any words or sounds dying before they even reached his throat. His eyes met yours when he looked up, and he noticed a small smile forming on your lips. 
“Lixie?” You questioned quietly.
He felt his ears twitch at the sound of his name, catching the notes of joy adding sunlight to the word; his tail swishing in response. You seemed to like his reaction because you took a small step away from the doorway before rushing toward where he was sitting.
“Oh... my little Lixie! Look at you- I can’t believe it- My cute little kitten is a shifter!” 
Felix felt himself blush at the awe in your tone, his hands tightening against the hem of your shirt.
“Lixie,” you hummed as you ran your fingers through his soft blond hair, “you’re so pretty.” 
Felix’s lips curled up into a smile, and when your fingers found that spot behind his ears - scratching just the way he liked - he couldn’t help but start purring. 
The first word to leave his lips is your name - his voice a bit raspy since he hadn't spoken properly in months.
“Why didn't you show yourself sooner, kitty?” You cooed, tracing your fingertips down the side of his face and stopping at the soft curve of his chin, smiling when he leaned into your hold. 
“I…” He swallowed thickly, nearly shocking himself at how deep his voice was, “I wanted to but... I didn't think you'd like me anymore…” He couldn't help but hold your gaze, addicted to the soft sparkle in your irises as you studied him.
“Why would you think that, hm? You're my Lixie,” you whispered, cupping his face in your hands, your eyes never leaving his, “You’re my pretty kitty…” You gave him a reassuring smile, your thumbs running along his reddened cheeks. 
With the way you looked at him with so much love and care, he couldn’t help but blush - his cheeks dusted in a pretty pink.
“Look at you,” a soft laugh fell from your lips, and he suddenly wondered what it would be like to feel them against his own, “wearing my shirt? Were you trying to turn yourself into a gift for me?” 
A hot flush ran down his back, goosebumps rising on his skin as he remembered what exactly he's wearing. 
“N-Not just your shirt…” He stammered, gaze falling in embarrassment from the guilty admission.
“What do you mean?” You questioned, and instead of answering you, Felix leaned back and lifted up the shirt - not all the way, but just enough to reveal the panties he stole out of your drawer. 
You sucked in a breath at the sight, pink little bows decorating the white lace he was wearing. It was your favourite pair, Felix knew that. 
That's why he chose them. 
They were a bit small for him, but he didn't mind - he just hoped that you were okay with it too.
“Lix…” His name left you in a breathless sigh, a hand falling from his cheek to graze up his thigh, but no further than that. “You really turned yourself into a gift for me, huh?” 
You knew how the lace fit your body, but the sight of the white patterns hugging his slim hips and slightly bulging over his dick had your brain whirring. You didn't miss the soft whimper that fell from his lips, or the way his legs shifted toward your touch.
Felix bit down on his lip when he felt your fingertips ghosting over his inner thigh, barely touching him. He spread his legs a bit, hoping you’d get the hint and touch him - but you didn't, your fingers running up his thigh and stopping before they reached the lace, then down again.
“You know... it really makes me sad you didn’t shift for me sooner.” His eyes widened slightly, bottom lip jutting out in a pout until you continued, “We could’ve had so much fun way sooner than this.” There was a sharp glint in your eye that made him whine, his hands tugging the shirt higher up his stomach.
“I’m... sorry,” he mumbled, trying to hide his face with the shirt until you stopped him. 
“It's okay Lix,” your hands came up to tug on his shirt, “why don’t you take this off for me, hm?” 
He nodded, wasting no time in pulling it over his head and throwing it next to the bed. 
“So pretty,” you whispered, brushing his hair out of his face.
Your fingers grazed against his ears in the process and he moaned, the melodic sound melting into a purr that you practically felt vibrating from his chest. 
“They’re still sensitive even in your human form…” Humming, you caressed your thumb along the base, “Aren’t you just full of surprises?” 
“P-Please,” he whimpered, his hands itching to reach out to you from where they were planted on the bed, “it feels so... good.”
“Feels good, yeah? I can make you feel even better... if you let me.” You moved your hand from his ears to his chest, gently pushing him back to lay on the bed. 
Your fingers brushed over his nipple and he gasped at the sudden rush coursing through his body. 
Eyes flickering down from his eyes to his lips, you leaned in closer with a soft whisper just barely grazing the pink skin, “Kiss me, kitten.”
Felix lifted his head so fast he was shocked he didn’t accidentally headbutt you as your lips met. 
It was different, so different from the way you would kiss the top of his head when he’s curled in your arms in his cat form, yet the softness remained the same. He didn’t think it could get any better until he felt your lips part, and when your thumb and finger pinched his nipple, he gasped and your tongue was ghosting against his own.
He let his tongue run along yours, humming lowly in the back of his throat. His cock was already hard and straining against the lace; the tip leaking pre cum, forming a small wet patch. 
It hurt, but Felix didn’t know how to ask you for more. He tugged on your shirt, wanting you closer.
You couldn’t help but laugh against his lips, pulling back just enough so that your noses remained touching. “Eager little kitten, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, baby.” 
Pecking his lips one last time, you sat up - kneeling just above his lap - and pulled your shirt over your head, tossing it where the pajama shirt laid. 
Felix’s eyes widened - he’d seen you in your underwear before, sure, but taking in your body in his human form had fireworks going off in his head. You looked soft - he knew you was soft - but he needed to feel you with his hands, his mouth, anything you allowed.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, staring at every bit of exposed skin, wetting his dry lips with his tongue. 
You laughed shyly, trying to cover yourself with your hands, “Don’t look at me like that. You've seen me in underwear before - hell, you’ve even seen me naked!" 
Felix felt the blush spreading on his face - it was true, he had seen you naked, too many times to count, but that was when he was in his cat form; sitting on the counter in the bathroom when you took a shower or a bath, never leaving you out of sight.
“I-I know! But-” This time, he allowed his hands to touch your forearms, trailing up the skin to your wrists, then the backs of your hands, “I... I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to see you like this- touch you like this.” He kept his touch strictly on your hands, resting over the bra that kept the sight of his dreams hidden away. “I want... C-Can I see more? Please, I wanna see you.”
“You could've had me like this months ago, kitten.” Your tone was smug, but you still reached behind you to unclasp your bra - not taking it off just yet, “It’s okay, you can touch me.” Your hands reached for his as you guided them to your bra straps. "Help me take this off?" 
Felix swallowed thickly, his hands shaking a bit from how nervous he was. He didn't want to fuck this up. This might be his only chance.
His fingers grazed the straps and he immediately decided he hates the texture - too rough, no wonder why you were always rolling your shoulders once it was off. Eyebrows furrowing at the offensive clothing, he slowly pulled them down the curves of your shoulders and had to physically fight back the moan growing from the way the bra went slack - your breasts threatening to spill from the cups already. 
“Keep going, Lixie, take it all the way off for me.”
Felix pulled it down completely before throwing it aside, his hand itching to touch you. Reaching out hesitantly, he lets a finger run over the soft flesh of your bare breasts; goosebumps spreading over your skin as you send him a reassuring smile and a nod, giving him the okay to continue. 
He doesn’t waste any more time cupping your breasts with his hands, squeezing them carefully.
If he thought kneading his own blankets was heaven, then this was damn near nirvana; your breasts resting in the palms of his hands - or at least, what he could fit - while the rest squished up with each flex of his hands. 
“You-You’re so soft... oh, fuck, you’re so soft.” 
You shivered at the curse falling from his angelic lips - the thought of your kitten, your Lixie, so smitten over what he’d seen time and time again making your core throb. “Softer than that blanket I spent so much money on for you?” You teased, laughing at the pout that overtook his lips. 
“That’s different! You... You feel better than any blanket or any pillow I've ever laid on.”
“You’re so cute, I’m just teasing you.” Taking his hands away from you, you pinned them down on the mattress near his head, leaning over him with a teasing grin.
It took all the strength Felix had to not cum right then and there; your breasts were right in front of his face, giving him the chance to kiss the soft flesh before circling his tongue around one of your nipples.
You moaned at the sudden attack, your hands tightening around his wrists while his mouth toyed with the hardening bud. Without having to be told, he released your tit with a wet pop before latching onto the second, making a sound you couldn’t tell was a moan or a purr. 
“Lixie.” You moaned, and if Felix's eyes weren’t shut you would’ve seen them roll to the back of his head. You barely touched him and he was already at his peak, wondering how it was even possible to feel anything better than this.
He bucked his hips up, moaning loudly at the delicious friction and the waves of pleasure running through his body. His eyes were closed tightly, mouth agape with breathless pants rolling past his lips. 
He was so close, he could almost taste the orgasm on his tongue but he fought against it. He didn't want to cum like this, not yet. 
"Please," he whimpered, not sure what he was even asking for.
“Keep your hands up here, Lixie, okay?” You slowly sat up, trying not to laugh at the needy whine that settled in his throat when your chest no longer surrounded his head. “Keep them up there or else I’ll stop, understand?” 
He nodded senselessly, eyes glossy and chest flushed pink; he nearly forgot how to breathe when he saw your hands go to your jeans, popping the button open and sliding the zipper down. He nearly cried when you shifted off of him, only for you to shush him with a tut of your tongue. 
“Gotta take my pants off first Lixie, I told you I can make you feel even better, and I will.”
You turned away from him, pulling your jeans teasingly slow over the curve of your ass before pulling them off completely - repeating the same process with your underwear. 
Felix couldn't help but stare at your ass, almost drooling at the sight. His hands moved to reach out to touch you but he stopped himself before you could notice, repositioning them next to his head in hopes of going unnoticed.
Leaving your clothes in a puddle by your feet, you quickly climbed your way back onto the bed and over Felix’s lap - not sitting down just yet. “You know, as much as I said you missed out on showing me the real you before, I can’t wait to see what I’ve been missing out on too.” You danced your fingers up his stomach and to his chest teasingly, watching as his hands fisted the sheets underneath him. “I’ll take good care of you, kitten.” 
Felix watched as you lowered yourself so settle in his lap and a sharp moan escaped him,  the warmth of your pussy settling over the thin lace he still had on.
He fought the urge to look down between your bodies, wanting to take a peek but instead looking up at you, trying to grind his hips up against yours. “Please... I- I can’t.. I want,” he stuttered out, “it hurts.”
“Use your words Lixie,” you hummed, a light roll of your hips nearly sending him to the stars, “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you, but you have to use your words, kitten.”
“Please, I want... no, need you to touch me,” he breathed “‘m so hard it hurts." He thrusted his hips up, groaning softly, “Fuck, you feel so good,” eyes fluttering shut with another thrust, he bites back a whimper, “please, I’ll be good for you... just touch me.”
A soft smile graced your lips, “That’s my good kitty.” Lifting yourself onto your knees, you wasted no time in tugging your lace panties down his hips and the swell of his ass, “Such a dirty kitty, making a mess in my panties, huh?” 
All he could do was moan wantonly, his dick finally free from the tight confines as he eagerly kicked them down his legs and off the bed.
You leaned back over him, pressing your lips to his in a slow kiss and letting your thumb run over his slit to collect the pre cum. Felix moaned into the kiss, parting his lips for you to slip your tongue in. Your tongues touch as Felix cupped your face in his hands, not wanting to part not even for oxygen - he doesn't want to even think about the kiss ending, pouring all of his emotions into it as if it were the last thing he could do in his human form.
Your free hand covered one of his own, squeezing it gently as you parted from the kiss. “I’ll let you slide for now,” you whispered, your lips still brushing against his, “but next time I'll have to punish you.” 
Felix felt you shift above him, but before he can register anything, the warmth of your walls are enveloping the head of his dick. "O-Oh! Oh fuck!"
You placed your hands on his chest and sank down on him completely, hissing a bit at the stretch. “Fuck kitten, you feel so good,” moaning softly, you wiggled your hips, “feel so full.” 
He fisted the sheets underneath him, throwing his head back, mouth agape in a silent moan. “S-So warm," he gasped as you lifted your hips up and sank down on him again, your walls clenching around him. Suddenly, his hands flew to your hips to stop you from moving, “Please wait, fuck- I'm not gonna last long.” Your eyes met and he sucked in a shaky breath, “Shit, you feel so perfect around me. Better than what I’ve imagined…”
“You”ve thought about fucking me?” Your light giggling made your pussy flutter around him and he nearly sobs at the feeling. “What a naughty little kitten I have - makes me wonder what else goes on in that pretty head of yours.” With your hands settled on his chest, you slowly rocked your hips against his, moaning at the way his dick massaged your insides. “Let me show you what the real thing is really like, are you ready for that, Lixie?”
“Oh god, please show me,” he whined, his grip on your hips tightening slightly. 
Moans spilled from his lips as you moved your hips teasingly slow, your fingertips digging into his skin, leaving behind small crescent marks. 
Overwhelmed from the pleasure, his moans quickly melted into whimpers and pleas. He doesn't hold back, making you smirk, “Let it all out kitten. Am I making you feel good?”
He nodded his head frantically, unable to stop the moans tumbling from his kiss bruised lips. 
“Good boy, such a good boy, Felix.” 
He didn't even have the chance to react to the sound of his full name falling from your lips when you rose slowly before dropping back down. You were riding him, the person he loved so much he thought his heart would never beat the same - he felt tears begin to swell in his eyes as his hands followed your pace.
“Kitten? Hey, are you alright?” Your voice filled with worry as you immediately stilled your hips, your hands reaching up to gently caress his cheeks, “am I hurting you?” Concern grew in the pit of your stomach as you watched a single tear roll down his cheek, reacting quickly to catch it with your thumb. 
Felix shook his head, his gaze avoiding yours.
“Lixie, I need you to answer me - do you need me to stop?” 
His watery eyes snapped to your own as he choked back a sob, “N-No! Don’t- Please- I... I feel so good, I can’t- I love it- I-I love yo-” 
Soft hiccups broke his sentence into rambled parts, and it all suddenly clicked; he was crying from pleasure, crying for you. 
“Oh... My sweet kitten…” You cooed softly, catching more stray tears with a swipe of your thumb before leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose. “I love you too, do you wanna keep going?”
More tears spilled from his eyes at your words and loving actions - you loved him back, he couldn't be happier than he was in this moment. 
His favourite human loves him the way he loves you. 
“Yes please... make love to me... please.” He whispered, hands wiping away the last few tears that were still building in his eyes. He gave you a watery smile, eyes scrunching up and face exuding a brightness you never thought was possible on a person. 
He looked so pretty under you, cheeks tinted pink and eyes looking up at you, so full of trust, so full of love.
Your heart fluttered and you had to stop yourself from smothering him with butterfly kisses around his beautiful face - he still needed you, and you were going to do what you promised you would; take care of your kitten. 
Taking his hands from your hips, you threaded your fingers with his before pinning them at the sides of his head, shifting your position slightly. “Don’t worry about anything else, Lixie - let go of everything and focus on me.” With his nod of approval, you started to ride him once more, the new change in angle letting his dick caress the front of your pussy.
“O-Oh my god,” he moaned, his eyes rolling back as you moved your hips, grinding them down. “‘s so good, please don't stop,” Felix slurred his words, so lost in the pleasure - he was sure he’d died and gone to heaven. 
You picked up the pace and leaned forward, letting your noses touch before connecting your lips in a short, sweet kiss.
“You're so good Lixie,” you panted against his lips, squeezing his hands tighter, “fill me up so well, so perfect, my perfect kitten.” 
He moaned at your words, squeezing his eyes to focus on keeping his orgasm at bay - he couldn’t let it end so soon, he wouldn’t. 
“Are you close, baby?” You mused, keeping the pace of your hips with ease, your lips brushing against his ear. Felix’s cock was hitting your g-spot with every move of your hips now and you could feel your own orgasm slowly approaching. 
“I-I can hold it!! Wanna be a good kitten for you, want you to cum first,” he pouted, thrusting his hips up to meet yours. He freed his hands from your grasp, moving them to hold your hips as he continued to thrust into you. You lightly grazed your teeth against his earlobe, nibbling on it before pressing a kiss to his neck.
“P-Please,” He whined, tilting his head to the side to grant you more access to his skin, “I-I’m gonna- I want you-” He felt like his brain was on overdrive, every nerve ending burning at every point your bodies were connected. His right hand sandwiched between your bodies to where his cock was currently drilling into you, fingers frantically searching for what he knew would help you come before him. 
You panted against his jaw, nipping at the pale skin lightly, “To the left baby, m-move your hand to the left.” 
Obeying your direction, he shifted his wrist and his fingers landed on a soft, slippery nub that made your pussy clench. 
“F-Fuck! There, right there baby!”
His fingers moved experimentally over the nub, circling around it and you moaned in response against his jaw, "You're doing so well kitten, making me feel so good." 
Felix continued to circle his fingers against your clit, drinking in the moans that spilled from your lips. He was determined to make you come first, moving his fingers a bit faster, “Good like this?” 
Nodding hastily, you connected your lips to his neck again and sucked on the skin, the desire to mark him swelling inside of you - you wanted to mark him as yours.
Following the change in tide, you were now the one wantonly moaning against his skin, riding him that much faster and a bit more sloppier. “‘S so good, F-Felix- it’s so good!” 
His heart skipped a beat and he quickened his pace, digging his feet into the mattress to fuck into you faster. “C-Come for me? Please- I need you to come for me, c-come with me-” He was so hard it hurt, his stomach clenching and heaving with each ragged breath - he felt himself tear up as he begged whatever higher power was listening to let you come first, please let you come first.
“F-Fuck Felix, right there!” You moaned out, quivering above him,  “G-Gonna come!”
Your orgasm rapidly approached as you held onto him, his frantic thrusts bouncing your body against his own. His fingers dug into your skin, and he hoped that they were going to leave a bruise - a marker of his desires finally coming true. You bit down on his neck, tongue running soothingly over the marks left on his skin.
It only took a handful of thrusts before you were shaking above him, your moans growing in volume as you wrangled your hand free from his to tangle in his hair. “Lixie! Felix! I'm c- oh god, I'm coming!" 
The grip you had on his dick grew tighter and he groaned, pace faltering as you came around him with a loud cry barely muffled against his neck. 
“T-Tight- S-So tight, I can’t-" He was getting dizzy, both hands now coming to wrap behind your back and hold you as close as he possibly can. “Gonna c-come, wanna f-fill you, please? L-Let me- s-so warm, please, please!”
It took a second for you to register his words, head dizzy from your orgasm, before you nodded frantically, "O-Of course kitten, go ahead - breed me.” You whisper and it's all Felix needed to hear. 
With one more solid thrust he emptied himself inside you with a loud cry, his hips stuttering as he rode out his orgasm. His glazed over eyes found yours and you smiled at each other, noses bumping as you leaned in for a bliss-filled kiss. 
Your lips touched softly in a short peck - soft and sweet and all you both ever needed after an event like that.
“Good kitty,” you giggled, gently scratching your nails against his scalp, feeling the rumble of his purrs vibrate against your chest. “Let’s go get cleaned up, yeah?” 
Felix couldn’t help but whine, not ready to let you go as he squeezed his arms around your sweaty body, “Can... Can we stay like this a little longer? I like holding you...like this.” 
You beamed at the blush taking over his face and nodded, “Of course, Lixie - hold me as long as you want, it’s only fair for bow often I’ve held you.” Tucking your face into the warmth of his neck, you murmured, “From now on, you can hold me as much as you want, my sweet kitten.”
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❣ This one's been in the works for a while, but I'm so honored to have done this collab with my lovely Miu! I hope you enjoyed reading and by all means, leave some nice words for her because she's genuinely an amazing writer! Love you lots @onmykneesforchanlix ❣ ❣ Any type of feedback is appreciated! Whether it be a simple like, reblog, or keyboard smash and the most essay-like comment, feel free to share your thoughts. ❣
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livingdreams97 · 2 months
Eloise Bridgerton - "The Prince" (Part 4)
Eloise Bridgerton x Male reader/oc
Summary: Two people who have never seen each other before, with the same need and desire to be free in different ways. What could come of that when both people meet each other?
Words: 4.581
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Eloise's POV
A couple of hours ago my family arrived at Aubrey Hall and my youngest silings were running around the place like wild animals. My brothers have disappeared and Daphne is with mother, Lady Danbury, Kate and Edwina talking about the season somewhere around the house.
Which left me alone, sitting on an outdoor chair in the mansion's back garden and somewhat bored.
I did not want to participate in the conversation with my sister, mother and others; since the subject does not really interest me. I'd rather be with my brothers, but as soon as we set foot in Aubrey Hall two hours ago they disappeared and have shown no sign of life.
And I'm not going to be running all over the place, like Gregory and Hyacinth were doing.
I just pray that something interesting happens and it can keep me busy at least for a while. Because if this goes on like this, I'll end up cutting myself with the pages of my books and falling apart in the living room floor.
Apparently my prayers are answered, when one of the butlers appears and speaks to me.
XY: Miss Bridgerton, Prince Y/n of Hannover has just arrived and is waiting for you in the hall.- he informed me and I practically jumped out of my seat.
Eloise: That's great. - I comment happily and walking quickly towards the entrance of the mansion.
XY: If you don't need anything else, we'll take the prince's objects to his room assigned by Lady Bridgerton.- he comments when we reach the hall.
Eloise: We don't need anything else, thank you.- I thank him and after a slight bow he takes Y/n's luggage along with another man. -I thought you were never going to get there.- I say amused, crossing my arms and looking at the prince.
Y/n: I had a slight setback.- He informed me without much detail.
Eloise: What kind of setback? - I ask curiously, seeing the amusement in his eyes.
Y/n: One that doesn't concern you.- he answers me with grace and I just look at him badly. -Now, will you grant me the wish to give me a guided tour of the mansion or do I have to ask someone from the service?- he asks amused, raising an eyebrow and looking me straight in the eye.
Eloise: Ask someone from the service.- I answer challengingly, looking for a fun and entertaining reaction from him.
Y/n: I'll do that then.- he assures, leaning over and trying to walk towards the stairs.
Eloise: Where do you think you're going? - I ask amused running towards him and grabbing his arm to stop him.
Y/n: To ask if someone offers to give me a guided tour, since a certain Bridgerton doesn't want to and I don't want to get lost in the place.- he answers humorously and I look at him with narrowed eyes.
Eloise: Idiot.- I muttered hitting his arm. -Now follow me.- I order him and start walking towards the main hall.
I don't turn to see if he's following me or not, but I can hear his hurried footsteps and I smile helplessly, not knowing the reason for said smile.
I don't know when I went from receiving a tour of the mansion to being in the huge back garden playing pall mall, but here I am now.
Daphne: We all know how the pall mall works.- she assures everyone present. - The first to choose the deck and strike first will be our guest Y/n.- she points to me with her hand and I look at her surprised.
Y/n: I guess thanks.- I appreciate it. -Which one does Eloise usually choose?- I asked Benedict in a whisper quickly.
Benedict: Yellow.- he whispers back to me with his hand in front of his mouth so that no one notices.
I nod surreptitiously and walk over to where all the decks are. I look at each deck and once my eyes land on the yellow one, I reach out without hesitation.
As my fingers wrap around the wood, I look up, meeting Eloise's blue gaze. I smile wickedly as I raised the mallet and I see the scowl on her face.
Y/n: Yellow is my favorite color. - I lie with a smile without taking my eyes off Eloise's.
The rest practically fight over the rest of the decks, before we start the game and the fights between the brothers are present.
Benedict: Eloise don't cheat.- he accuses his sister, who is moving her ball subtly and secretly with her foot.
Y/n: So besides being clumsy at dancing, you're a cheater at the game. - I whisper leaning towards her, so that only she can hear me.
Eloise: Shut up.- she growls at me pushing my chest with her hand.
Colin: Observe and learn people.- he says, positioning himself and hitting the ball with his mallet, but it doesn't go through the hoop.
Anthony: Sorry, what were you saying?- he asks his brother with an amused smile.
Kate: Don't you laugh so much.- she tells her husband, causing a bad face in him and laughter in the rest.
Daphne: None of you should laugh.- she assures everyone, preparing to her his ball with the mallet. -Because I plan to win as always.- she says confidently, hitting the ball and getting it through the hoop.
Benedict: Hey, I'm still in the game.- he reminds his sister with an amused smile.
Eloise: And me.- she assures them placing herself in the middle of everyone. -This year I plan to win.- she tells us all with confidence and I can't help but smile at her confidence.
We continue playing for a while longer, until the game ends and I end up winning to the surprise of everyone present. Although there is no surprise on my part, since I am a very good player and I am passionate about sports.
Y/n: And how about your victory Eloise? - I ask her amused while we all have dinner together.
Eloise: Very funny.- she says sarcastically looking at me with narrowed eyes. -But I know you cheated.- she threatens me seriously.
Y/n: And can you explain to me what cheating are you accusing me of? - I ask her amused, taking a sip of my wine.
Elosie: I don't know, yet.- she answered thoughtfully. -But I'm going to find out how you cheated to win and take away my victory.- she asures me and I just smile delighted.
Y/n: I'll be waiting then.- I assure her with a friendly smile.
The rest of dinner is spent talking to Benedict and Colin about minor trivia. We also make sure to taunt Eloise a bit, loud enough for her to hear us so we can tease her a bit.
When dinner is over, I sneak up to Lady Bridgerton and ask to speak to her in private. We entered the main library of the mansion and we both took a seat in the armchairs of the room.
Violet: And tell me my Lord, what is the reason for this conversation? - she asks me with evident interest.
Y/n: I wanted to talk about a serious and more important topic with you.- I answer trying to hide my nervousness.
Violet: Well, you will say.- she nods giving me the floor.
Y/n: As you may have noticed, I've been spending a lot of time with your daughter and it's clear that we've become somewhat close.- I start seeing how she nods with a small smile. -And I don't want to disrespect you or your family at any time.- I say trying to think of how to explain myself.
Violet: And you haven't.- she assures me with a friendly smile.
Y/n: I'm glad to hear that.- I nod with a nervous smile. -That's why I wanted to talk to you first, because you are Eloise's mother and it seemed the most appropriate thing to do in this situation.- I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. -I wanted to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.- I ask directly.
Violet: Oh my god! - she exclaims in surprise, covering her mouth with her hand.
The room remains completely silent for a few moments, where I play with my hands as a sign of nervousness and uncertainty about the response of the woman in front of me.
Y/n: So what do you say? - I ask her a bit uncomfortable by the silence.
Violet: Of course I'll give you my daughter's hand.- she nods energetically. -As long as Eloise agrees to the proposition, I have nothing against it.- she confirms and I can't help but release the air retained inside me.
Y/n: I'm glad to know that your answer is positive. - I smile letting the retained nerves dissipate from my body.
Now I just have to propose to Eloise publicly and organize the wedding. Since thanks to our agreement, I know that Eloise will agree to marry me and there will be no problem with that part.
Violet: And you already have chosen the ring? - She asks me interested, leaning forward in a show of interest.
Y/n: Yes.- I nod, taking the black velvet box out of my pocket. -What do you think?- I ask, opening the box and showing her the object inside.
Violet: Oh my god, it's so precious.- she whispers, taking the small box in her hands and looking at the ring in greater detail.
Y/n: My aunt gave it to me to propose to your daughter.- I comment, seeing the surprise in her eyes.
Violet: Has the queen chosen the ring for my daughter?- she asks surprised.
Y/n: More than that.- I commented with a slight smile. -That ring was one of the first that my uncle, the King, gave to my aunt many years ago. The emerald is my aunt's favorite stone and she thought that the ring had a deep meaning, so it would be the perfect ring for my future wife. - I tell her and I can see a different shine in her eyes.
Violet: And she's right. Rings with meaning are more unique than any recently bought. - she nods, giving me back the box with the ring.
Y/n: So with your permission, tomorrow I'll ask Eloise for her hand. - I nod, putting the velvet box back in my jacket pocket.
Violet: I just hope my daughter says yes, because it would be a pleasure to have you as part of the family.- she tells me and we both get up, ending the conversation.
We left the library, saying goodnight and parting ways. I head towards the bedroom assigned to me and on the way I meet Eloise with her little sister.
In order not to arouse any kind of suspicion, I wish them both a good night and secretly nod to my future fiancée.
I can see her eyes widen slightly as she realizes what my nod means and she gives me a slight nod letting me know she's understood.
Now I just have to think about how to ask for her hand tomorrow and do it in a way so that her family believes that we are really in love. But with how good of an actress Eloise is, I'm sure everyone will believe us right away without any problem.
Eloise's POV
I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? This is simply a trade and there is no reason to be nervous.
I just have to say a simple yes and the rest of my life will be taken care of. I will be completely free and I will stop feeling any kind of pressure to get married or find a husband. It is a simple word that will open all doors for me.
This is a simple transaction, there are no feelings involved and that's why I don't understand the reason for my nerves.
My hands tremble as they caress the soft fabric of my white dress, feeling the softness and delicacy of silk.
Violet: You look beautiful honey.- she whispers looking at my reflection in the mirror over my shoulder.
Eloise: I'm not going out. - I deny energetically.
Violet: And why is that dear? - she asks me interested with a smile on her face.
Eloise: I don't know if I'm ready to get married.- I answer, feeling my heart beat faster.
Violet: Oh dear.- she sighs placing her hands on my arms. -It's the nerves that are speaking.- she assures me caressing my arms with affection.
Eloise: Why would I be nervous? - I ask confused, feeling a certain amount of comfort from her touch.
Violet: Because it's one of the most important days for a woman, darling.- she answers with an understanding look. -The day of my wedding with your father, I was trembling with nerves and anticipation. It is understandable to feel nervous on your wedding day and especially when you love the person you will marry.- she tries to comfort me and I avoid opening my eyes for the last part.
Eloise: How did you know you loved father? - I ask a little scared by her answer.
Violet: I wouldn't know how to explain it.- she sighs with a slight grimace. -What I do know is that every time I thought of him, a smile appeared on my face without even noticing it, my stomach turned when he was near me, my skin quivered every time he touched my hand and every time that I was doing something i liked; immediately I wanted to share it with him.- she tells me and I remain thoughtful.
I think about the times when a smile adorned my face when I thought of Y/n, about how being with him makes me enjoy someone else's company and the long talks we have.
I think about how an essential warmth invades my body when he is near me, when he smiles at me or when he brings me books thinking that I might like them.
I find that every time I read a new book, I think about whether he would like to read it so we can discuss it together.
Finally, I am aware of how in the few times he has touched my hand and kissed it, my body reacts to his touch. I can remember the pleasant tingling that runs through my body at his touch and it is now when I open my eyes in surprise.
Eloise: I love Y/n.- I murmured without really knowing what to do.
I feel my mind go around and around without really knowing how it happened. At what point have I gone from supporting Y/n, accepting his proposal and maintaining a friendly relationship, to loving him.
Violet: Why else would you have agreed to marry him?- she asks with a certain degree of amusement in her tone of voice.
Eloise: I have to talk to Y/n.- I say alarmed.
Violet: You'll see him at the altar in a few minutes and then you can talk to him all you want.- she assures me with a smile.
Eloise: No mom .- I deny turning around and looking around upset. -I need to talk to him now!- I assured him in a hurry trying to dodge her and go looking for him.
Violet: No, no, no.- she denies grabbing my arm and preventing me from leaving the room. -The groom can't see the bride before the wedding.- she immediately denies.
Eloise: You don't understand mom, I have to talk to him.- I beg desperately and a few seconds away from a desperate cry.
Violet: Honey, calm down.- she asks me, caressing my arms again. -Take a deep breath and inhale slowly.- she orders me and I nod trying to regulate my breathing.
Once I am calmer, my mother takes me to the sofa in one of the many rooms in the palace and makes me sit down.
Violet: Are you feeling better?- she asks me and I nod, taking a deep breath once more.
Eloise: Yes.- I murmur directing my gaze to my hands, which are still trembling and apparently my mother notices as she places her hands on mine.
Violet: You don't have to get upset darling, everything will be fine and you don't have to get so nervous.- she assures me. -You're just nervous, just breathe and try to relax.- she tells me and I nod trying to stop my hands from shaking.
We stay in silence for a few minutes, where I manage to calm down enough so that my hands stop shaking.
Some light knocks are heard at the door of the room and Benedict's head appears through it.
Benedict: Everything is ready.- he tells us entering the room. -They are waiting for the bride.- he says with a smile and I take a deep breath.
Violet: Are you ready? - she asks me and I am only able to nod. -Well then, let's get going.- she says getting up from the sofa and helping me to get up too.
I walk to where my brother is, who immediately smiles at me and gives me his arm to intertwine with mine.
With each step I take toward the ceremony room, my heart pounding in my ears and my breathing becoming heavy. I swallow heavily, when my brother stops in front of the closed living room doors and looks at me for approval.
I stay for a few moments watching the big white doors of the room, as soon as they open everything will be real and I'll be walking towards my future husband.
I don't know what to do.
If I go through with the plan and say yes, I'll be marrying the man I love. But he doesn't love me and it doesn't seem fair.
And on the other hand, if I decide to run away and leave the plan behind, everyone will start talking about me and my family again. My family has already suffered a lot with the rumors and above all thanks to me.
Plus it wouldn't be the first time a Bridgerton wedding has been called off and we all know how that ended.
But that is not the worst.
The worst thing is that this time the queen is not only the hostess of the wedding, but she is the aunt of the future husband and that will cause me to be banished from London.
Because what Lady Whistledown wrote about me being a political radical turned her against me and made her have a bad opinion of me. I don't want to imagine the opinion she'll have of me if I leave her heir standing at the altar.
Benedict: Are you okay? - he asks me in a whisper taking me out of my thoughts.
Eloise: I don't know.- I answer honestly.
Benedict: It's not too late, you know right? - he asks me causing me to look at him confused.
Eloise: Late for what? - I ask wanting to understand what my brother tells me.
Benedict: Too late to cancel the wedding.- he answers me with a comforting smile. -Just tell me and we'll run away like no one has ever done before.- he assures me with a small laugh.
I watch him for a few seconds, considering the offer and weighing every possible outcome of my escape. The idea sounds tempting and I'm sure Benedict will defend me and help with everything.
You're POV
I swallow heavily, running my hands through my morning coat and wiping the sweat from my hands. I watch the guests talk to each other in whispers, causing my nervousness to increase and a knot to form in my stomach.
Lady Bridgerton has entered the room almost ten minutes ago, but she has entered alone and no one has entered after her.
She's supposed to be with Eloise, to help her get ready and her presence here assures me that Eloise is ready. But it doesn't show up anywhere, because she is nowhere to be seen.
I look over to where my aunt is sitting for comfort, seeing the impatience and worried look on her face. She seems to notice my look, as she offers me a small smile and a reassuring nod.
But I can't calm down when I feel hundreds of eyes on me and I can hear the murmurs of those present.
My gaze then falls on where the Bridgertons are sitting, muttering and talking a little erratically to each other. That alarms me even more.
What if Eloise regrets the deal and backs out? What if she leaves me standing at the altar?
That would explain the lateness and the stressed look on the face of the Bridgertons family matriarch. Maybe she already knows and is telling the rest of the family.
My breath stops when the doors of the room open and one of my aunt's waiters enters the room.
XY: Miss Eloise Bridgerton by the hands of Mr. Benedict Bridgerton.- he announces and I can feel myself breathing again.
But as soon as I start to breathe, the air gets stuck in my throat and it's because of something else entirely.
My mind goes completely blank as I see Eloise in her wedding dress with her hair up in a high bun. The light that enters through the windows of the room illuminates her dress and she looks like a complete angel.
The train of the dress trails gently across the floor, as does her veil, which rests just in front of the updo on her head and at the beginning of the train of her dress.
I'm not aware of the moment when Eloise has reached my side and Benedict offers me her hand. I'm only aware when my soon-to-be wife's brother clears his throat and the noise snaps me out of my reverie.
Y/n: Sorry.- I whisper embarrassed, feeling the heat flood my cheeks and receiving my fiancée's hand.
Benedict: Take care of her.- he threatens me seriously, before walking away and sitting with the rest of the family.
Priest: We are gathered here to celebrate the union between Prince Y/n of Hannover and Miss Eloise Bridgerton.- he begins to speak, but I only observe Eloise's profile and try to be as discrete as possible. -Love is something... ... ... ....- He speaks but I ignore him, looking only at the woman to my left. -Now I want you to repeat with me, you first prince. With this ring, I take you Eloise Bridgerton as my wife, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- he says and I look at the priest paying attention to him again .
Y/n: With this ring, I take you Eloise Bridgerton as my wife, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- I recite while staring at her eyes, receiving the ring from the priest and placing it on her finger.
Priest: Now your tourn Miss Bridgerton.- he says, offering her the other ring and I can see how she takes it with a trembling hand.
Eloise: With this ring, I take you Y/n from Hannover as my husband, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- she says nervously and shakily placing the ring on my finger.
Priest: With this exchange of rings, this marriage unites and will be consolidated with a kiss.- he says and I look nervously at the woman in front of me. -You can kiss each other.- he tells us.
I take a deep breath, before taking a step forward closing my eyes and leaning down feeling the erratic beating of my heart.
For a moment, my heart stops completely when my lips make contact with hers, and I can feel her breathing stop.
As we break from the kiss, I open my eyes to look at my now wife and see that she's still keeping them closed. I smile at the image and when she opens her eyes, she immediately smiles back at me.
I extend my hand to her, which she immediately entwines with hers and I direct her towards the large backyard where the celebration will take place.
Eloise: I have to talk to you.- she whispers so that only I can hear heron our walk outside.
Y/n: Bad or good? - I ask confused, smiling at the guests.
Eloise: It depends.- she answers me, doing the same action as me.
Y/n: Okay.- I nod almost imperceptibly.
But as soon as we set foot in the garden, people come to greet us and congratulate us on the wedding. Every time we try to get away so we can talk, someone steps up and stops that from happening.
But I take advantage of a moment when everyone is watching the fireworks, to grab Eloise by the hand and pull her behind some tall hedges a bit away from the crowd.
Y/n: What did you wanted to talk about? - I ask her in a whisper, not wanting to speak too loud and be heard.
Eloise: It's about the agreement.- she whispers, looking around making sure there's no one around.
Y/n: What about the agreement? - I ask completely confused.
Eloise: What happens if there is something that alters or changes the agreement? - she answers me with another question.
Y/n: I don't know.- I answer honestly. -I couldn't know if something could alter or change our agreement, if I don't know what it is about.- I clarify and see how she bites her lower lip nervously.
Eloise: Hypothetically speaking.- she clarifies nervously and I nod. -What would happen if one of the two parties ends up falling in love with the other party?- she asks, looking anywhere but at me and my heart races.
Y/n: Hypothetically speaking? - I ask and she nods. -That maybe the other party has also fallen in love.- I admit feeling the heat on my cheeks from shame.
She opens her eyes wide, directing her gaze to me and staring at me. I try to calm my heart; not wanting to have a heart attack.
Eloise: You...? - she asks me uncertainly, pointing to herself and I nod nervously.
Y/n: And you..? - I ask in the same way, pointing to me and she nods, joining her lips in a straight line.
Eloise: And now what? - she asks, avoiding my gaze and I decide to be brave.
I take two steps towards her, moving closer to her body and gently placing my hand on her chin. I force her head up and look at me, before I say what I've wanted to say for a month.
Y/n: Do you want to see the world with me? - I ask with a small nervous smile.
Eloise: Yes.- she nods with a slight redness on her cheeks after a couple of seconds.
I can't stand her closeness anymore, so I finish bringing my face closer to hers and I put our lips together again.
This time, the kiss is longer and lets us release all the feelings we had stored. My hands are placed on her waist, to be able to bring her closer to me and to be able to hug her by the hip against my body.
While her hands go up my arms and intertwine with each other at the nape of my neck.
We kiss until the air becomes necessary and we put our foreheads together to maintain the closeness between our faces.
Y/n: I love you.- I admit for the first time out loud without taking my eyes off hers.
Eloise: I love you.- she whispers and this time she is the one who brings our lips together in a hungry kiss.
If someone had told me that an agreed marriage proposal would have led me to meet the love of my life, I would never have believed it.
But fate is capricious and you never know where it will turn out.
But looking back from the backyard of my mansion with my wife, where I am playing with our four children and my beautiful wife is reading a book in a chair in the sun, that proposition was the wisest choice of my life.
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gaycragula · 1 year
141 x male reader, where the reader is a child that was rescued by 141 and they meet again later 8n life, when the reader is older and the reader recognized them and just fluff and maybe some tears
Refound Family
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Pairing: Familial 141 with a male child/young adult reader Word Count: 783 Masterlist I'm sorry if this is kinda formatted weird, it was the first time writing something like it and I really wasn't sure where to go with it </3
It had been years since you’d been pulled from the rubble of your parent’s home and practically nursed back to health. Years since you’d been taken in under the group of men after it was found out your parents did not make it. Since you’d spent just under 4 years with them before you were officially adopted. When you kicked and screamed and cried that you didn’t want to go after they’d all said their goodbyes.
When you initially started living with your adoptive family, it took you a while to actually consider them family. There were many nights where you cried to your parents that you wanted to go back to your dads. Your parents always managed to calm you down enough for you to drift off to sleep and you eventually found yourself considering them your parents, loving them as though they were your biological parents.
You were an adult now. You worked a decent job that let you afford a small apartment for yourself in a nice city. Your parents kept in contact with you, making sure you were in a comfortable position. If you were having a rough time, they were there to help. Whether it be with money or with food, they were always happy to help you.
Speaking of food, you were in need of some so you took a trip to one of the grocery stores in town. You were browsing through the microwavable meals in the freezer section when you heard the voice that made memories surface. You shook your head at first, there’s no way he was here, not in a fucking grocery store of all places.
Then you heard the second voice. That heavy Scottish accent was unmistakable and you abandoned the freezer section to find the source of the voices. They were a couple aisles over from you and when you saw them, you were sure you were going to start crying.
You’re sure they wouldn’t recognize you and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. Your palms were suddenly sweaty and it felt about 3 degrees hotter in the store than it had just previously been. You took a deep breath before approaching the men. 
The oldest of the two, Price, gave you a look as you got closer before his eyes drifted to the small metal tags that rested on your chest and a look of recognition passed through his eyes. It had actually been a gift from them to you. A set of your own dog tags so you didn’t feel out. They’d gotten it custom made and gave it to you for your birthday. You rarely took it off.
Their conversation had stopped by the time you stopped next to them. 
“I know you probably don’t remember me,” you started, rubbing your tags between your fingers out of habit. “But I was the kid-” Your words were cut off with a grunt when one of them pulled you into a tight hug. 
“Aye, we remember ya, lad,” Soap whispers, his voice surprisingly full of emotion. It was what sent you over the edge and you started crying as you hugged the Scot back. It had been years and they still recognized you. 
They took you out to lunch so they could catch up with you. You admitted you had issues getting along with your adopted family for a long while and had cried about wanting to stay with them. You found out they’d actually stayed in contact with your adopted parents and were kept updated as you grew up.
They shared your big achievements and birthdays. Price and Soap got to watch your graduation online (Gaz and Ghost were out on a mission and couldn’t make it). They sent you a birthday card every year, simply signed 141. You had no idea it was them.
You’d thought that once you were fully adopted, they stopped participating in your life and here you were, however many years later, finding out it was the opposite. It made you tear back up again and you had to take a deep breath to keep yourself from crying again. It brought you so much joy to see the men you’d considered your dads for the better part of four years.
You don’t know how long you ended up talking to them but by the end of it, Price and Soap had given you their numbers so you could keep in contact with them.  It felt relieving having them back in your life and you’re sure today was not going to be the last time you saw them. You looked forward to your future meetings. Maybe Ghost and Gaz would tag along.
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barcaluvv · 4 months
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GAVI X READER ★ˢᵘᵐᵐᵃʳʸ: ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᵃᶜʳᵒˢˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵉⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ˢⁱˢᵗᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᶠᵃᵐᵒᵘˢ ᶠᵒᵒᵗᵇᵃˡˡ ʸᵒᵘⁿᵍˢᵗᵉʳ,ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵉˡˢᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿ. ᵇᵃˢⁱᶜᵃˡˡʸ ᵍᵃᵛⁱ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ.★ ~ ★ CHAPTER 1! NEXT PART COMING SOON A loud bang woke me up from a deep sleep as I hurried to the bathroom where I usually start my day, as the last two dreams I had this night were running through my mind trying to get ready quickly because this morning I have to take my younger brother Hector to his training. Hector trained for a slightly bigger club, known all over the world, FC Barcelona. He was recently signed to the club and previously participated in a small Spanish club with the other few youngsters. When I got to the stadium, I didn't have any fear because I already knew a couple of his friends who also trained with him. Descending down the stairs, which were covered with all the colors of this club, I heard two very deep voices, without any manners, I eavesdropped on the conversation. I tried to understand their aggressive talking mostly because they sounded pretty serious. Every other word they said was in Spanish, but I managed to understand. "pero ¿por qué jefe? ?" said the boy sitting on the crooked bench by the door, I had the opportunity to peek through the cracked entrance, but I was wondering how come Hector never introduced me to him. The only thing I could see was his broad shoulders that sunk into his muscles from fatigue. When they were about to rush out of that door I quickly looked away, and this was the moment I saw his face, oh my God I said to myself. I started running back to the nearest bathroom in panic, I stood pressed against the iron door, feeling my heartbeat begin to accelerate,trying to gather all my thoughts suddenly I could only gather one and that one was the boy with brown hair, besides the beauty shining in his eyes, I remembered the number 6, the number six is his jersey number. . After a while I ran out of the stadium and quickly waved at Hector, while everyone looked at each other in confusion. When Hector came home i asked him why everyone was looking at me like that, and then he told me something that will change my life forever as the sister of a famous football player who couldn't bear with this. "You know that we have cameras all around our place riight?" Said the curly head who lowered his gaze and made an anxious pout. "Tell me more!" I said to him with a slightly boiling expression on my face. "Paparazzi who followed the team saw you dashing next to the locker room & the only ones around were you two so they immediately thought that you and Gavi have something going on for a while since he was acting pretty strangely according to fans". My eyes widened, my world became quiet and I couldn't believe what I heard, the beats that were coming from all sides of my body were expressed back to my face which showed what it wanted to hear. I can't believe that the guy who I saw for the first time until a while ago is now in a scandal with me. Later that night I missed dinner, after what I experienced I didn't focus on anything other than his sparkling smile that I can only dream of smiling at me. I closed both of my eyes on the thought, which from that moment I couldn't and didn't want to get out of my head. I basically just layed there in a literal zoo running around in my stomach, I couldn't resist, I smiled to myself, and this is what I call a real smile that represents not only love acceptance but also many things that I felt from now on.
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No Strings Attached
(Strumming of a Heart)
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✵ Part 1
Summary: After an overwhelming breakup you decided to set your heart aside and run free. With the constraints of your past relationship behind you, finding the fun in the physical company of others has been your favorite past time and it all started one night you met a lonely Jake Kiszka in a bar. Although you thought you would never see him after that night, a year later you meet him again, only this time you find out he’s a guitar player in a popular band. You can not deny the intense attraction, embarking on a messy situationship that has only one stipulation: absolutely no strings attached.
Pairings: Jake X fem reader
Warnings: as always 18+ no minors, past abusive relationships, angst, drinking, sexual content, friends with benefits, mentions of cheating, I’ll update more as they come along!
Word count: 14k
May 2018
“How about him?” Your friend pointed the neck of the glass beer bottle towards a guy sitting at a table by the bar with a couple of other guys.
“No, he looks like he could be a little clingy” you replied while also sipping on your cocktail. It was your third in the last hour. You knew you were definitely going to need to be intoxicated to get done what you came out to do tonight.
As your wandering eyes searched the dimly lit bar they trailed the expanse of the bar only to fall onto one gentleman sitting seemingly by himself at the end. “Over there” you nodded your head in his direction and your friend followed your gaze.
“Ooh he’s cute, think he’ll bite?”
“There’s only one way to find out” you stood up and tipped back the rest of your quickly diminishing glass.
“Good luck” they called after you as you walked away towards what at the time you had no idea was going to be the biggest regret of your life.
“Hi” you greeted the man at the end of the bar, leaning over on the cold, slightly damp and sticky countertop and crossing your legs.
He looked up at you through tired dazed eyes, he was absolutely plastered, this was perfect. “Hey” he took one look at you then his eyes slipped down into your trap, your chest was on display for him as you leaned in closer to him.
“You here alone?” You were trying hard to act smooth and well versed in the art of picking people up in bars, but in reality your mind was screaming inside.
“For the moment” he replied, flashing you a quick smile.
You smiled back, one thing you’d learned. Anytime a boy smiled at you, smile back and then you had him in the bag.
“You here alone too?” He turned your question back on you, at least he was participating in conversation.
“Does it matter?”
“I suppose not” he gave a low chuckle and tossed back the rest of his beer.
“So, you from Detroit?”
“Just passing through”. That was perfect, if he didn’t live here that meant there was less of a chance to run into him somewhere else.
You straightened back up and he peaked up as well, wondering if you were planning on leaving so soon. That was your cue that he was interested. “Did you maybe want to umm-” you looked around, although you had planned this out you honestly didn’t think you would get this far on your first try.
He smiled even wider this time, leaving some cash next to his empty glass and standing up as well. He took your hand in his and pulled you away. You looked back to your friend who had been watching the whole time in case they needed to jump in and save you at any moment. You flashed a smile and they raised two thumbs to cheer you on.
Your heart was pounding as you let him drag you along through the bar. It was busy for a Tuesday, but not nearly as packed as it usually was on a weekend night.
You weren’t sure where he was taking you, to his car, his place? You weren’t sure you had signed up to be staying the night with him. Then he rounded the corner. A few girls exited the bathroom, making room for the two of you to pass and sharing a giggle with each other.
Was it obvious? Of course it was. Here you were hand in hand slipping into the bathroom of the bar together.
With the two girls gone it was empty now, thank god. He smirked as he held open the door to the last stall waiting for you to either enter or chicken out and ditch him.
You weren’t chickening out though, you wanted to get this over with so you could move on with your life. So you stepped inside and he closed the door, locking it behind him.
As soon as you heard the slight click of the plastic pieces hitting each other you pushed him against the door, locking lips with the stranger.
Your hands fumbled with the top few buttons of his shirt, giving up halfway and moving below the waist to take a shot at his belt buckle.
You felt his lips pull up against yours as he put his hands on your shoulders gently pushing you away. You looked up at him to see why he stopped you and watched as he wiped his bottom lip with the back of his hand.
“Hey, so, what’s your name?”
That’s it? He stopped you for this? You really didn’t want to tell him your name so you looked down and continued unbuckling his obnoxiously large belt buckle.
Once you got the damn thing undone it was smooth sailing to get his pants unbuttoned and the zipper flew down before you had your hand inside the front of his tight jeans groping him over his boxers.
He stifled a moan, propping each elbow up on either side of the stall, tilting his head back against the door.
He was getting hard quickly, and you noticed a strip of bare skin where his collar had fallen away from his neck so you latched your lips there feeling the grumble of his moan vibrate up from his chest through his throat and out past his parted lips.
He seemed to like what you were doing, so you licked a stripe up the side of his neck then sucked gently.
His head snapped back up startling you into taking a step back.
“No marks” he was looking you directly in the eyes this time and you were stunned in place. When you were talking to him at the bar his eyes looked dull and tired, but now there was a fire behind them as he waited for your next move, a fire you ignited.
“Sure, whatever” you mumbled “anything else I should know?”
He let his arms drop down to his sides before reaching over to take one of your hands in his. “Jacob Thomas Kiszka, at your service” he brought your hand forward and kissed the back of it, never breaking his eye contact as he did so.
You sighed, you didn’t want to know his name, not knowing his name would have made it easier to forget tonight, but here he was with his charming drunk ass practically spelling it out for you.
For a moment you debated giving him a fake one, but ended up giving in and telling him your actual name. He let your hand go but placed his against your cheek and pulled you into another kiss, parting your lips with his and fitting his tongue inside.
Your knees started to feel weak, you had to give it to him, he was doing it for you.
He slipped his other hand around your waist and pulled you flush against him so that there was just a little more room for him to turn the two of you around and push you against the door this time. You broke the kiss so you could take a breath and he followed your lead from earlier by moving to peppering kisses against your clavicle.
His hand on your waist slid down and between your legs. You had worn a dress specifically for this purpose, easy access. To help speed him up you lifted the hem and hooked your thumbs on either side of the fabric of your panties, shimmying them down and kicking them all the way off. Once you popped back up he was smiling at you again so you put a stop to that by putting your lips back on his and resuming the making out.
Things were really heating up at this point, you were glad the moment was finally here. You were going to have sex with this man in the bathroom of this bar and then your first time would be over, nothing special, no one worth crying over, just done and done.
You ran through your plan one last time in your head, it was a simple one. Go to bar, find a forgettable guy, get him alone, condoms in the purse… Wait, you left your damn purse at the table with your friend.
“Do you have umm, some protection?”
He paused his exploration of your thighs where he had been getting closer and closer to your center. “Oh, yeah right” he reached around and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket.
“You know you’re not supposed to keep them in your wallet right?”
He pulled out the thin square, flashing it between index and middle fingers, rotating his wrist to inspect it. “Only put it in there yesterday. Looks fine to me?”
Yesterday? You thought, your head running off with the thought before you could slow it down and catch yourself. He put a new condom in his wallet yesterday. Does that mean he was having sex with someone else just a day ago? How many hours has it been since he was with another girl?
You shut yourself up quickly. He was alone in a bar of course he could be having lots of stranger sex in bathrooms. He was honestly outstandingly good looking, especially this up close, taking the plastic to his lips and tearing it open with his teeth. Also what you were not supposed to do but damn was it kind of hot to watch.
He pulled himself off of you and you watched as he dropped his pants and boxers around his ankles, expertly rolling the piece on before giving himself a few preemptive tugs. He placed a hand on the door next to you, leaning in close and resuming that eye contact you hated so much like he was still watching and waiting for you to suddenly change your mind and go running out of the bathroom.
Although you had said hardly anything to this man before you, purposefully played a game with him so you could use him and lose him all in the same night, as he stood there barring holes into your eyes you couldn’t help but feel like he knew you. At least knew your story, because his was the same. Maybe he was using you tonight as well? Just like he’d used some other girl the night before. You didn’t care anymore, you were here and ready and he was cocky yet gentle, not what you had expected when you’d picked him but now there was no turning back.
You bridged the small gap he left between you, grabbing his hips and pulling him back against yours.
He lifted one of your legs and you hooked it around his hip, pressing your back against the door for more support as he positioned himself, gripping your hip and pulling you down onto him as he pushed up at the same time.
You sucked in a deep breath as you got used to the feeling of being filled. It wasn’t a bad feeling, in fact your adrenaline was spiked to an all new high that flooded your head and relaxed all your muscles even though you were in the most awkward position.
He started to move, knocking you against the door in a way you knew anyone just outside was avoiding coming in because they could hear what was going on inside.
“Mmm, no I need to be deeper in you” he groaned into your ear before grabbing your wobbling leg that was still barely holding you up and hoisting it around him like the other.
With your elevated position you were able to grab a hold of the top of the stall walls, throwing one arm across his shoulders and reaching up with the other to grip the wall, using it as leverage to attempt to move yourself, bouncing off of him as he thrust inside spewing a mix of slurs at the pleasure the change in leverage provided.
Although you had explored with yourself plenty of times this was new, this was intoxicating the burning wave inside your body mixing with the liquid courage still coursing through your system.
“Does that feel good? Is this what you wanted?” He was back at your ear, speaking at just an audible level above the sounds you were making. You nodded your head, squeezing your eyes shut as you slipped your hand underneath his shirt and dug your fingernails into the flesh of his shoulder. He’d said no marks but that was sure to leave one.
He groaned, somehow able to move one hand off your waist and still keep you hoisted in position. That hand came to rest across your neck as he tilted your head back to display for him the vast surface of smooth and delicate skin. His hand continued to trail down, following the curves until he was pulling down the collar of your dress, tucking the fabric under your bust and leaning his head down to place wet kisses across the tops of your breast.
“Fuck you feel so good, I don’t want this to be over” he returned his hand to your neck and kissed all along the skin up to your jaw.
You were seeing white spots on your eyelids, a coil in your stomach starting to tighten as he relentlessly continued to thrust up into you. In the moment you didn’t want it to be over either, but it would be, soon.
You snapped and your body felt like hot liquid running against his. You were shuddering from the orgasm he was giving you, tightening your legs around his hips like you might break him in half but you didn’t care.
His movements started to falter, his steady rhythm falling apart as he moaned. “Fuck that’s so good. Are you still cumming? I can feel it. Me too, I-”.
You didn’t expect him to be a talker, but he silenced himself as he moved his hand back down with the other to your hips, pulling you towards him and holding you in place as he finished himself.
You let go of the stall, wincing a little as your arm was sore from the strain. His head slumped against your shoulder as he caught his breath then he gently lowered you back down onto the ground.
Without wasting a minute you retrieved your panties and bent over to slip them back on, pulling at your dress in all places until it was situated back where it belonged and turning around to pull the lock open.
“Woah, wait!” He hurried to pull his pants back up and chase after you. “Will you let me buy you a drink?”
“No thanks” you rejected him but he caught your hand to keep you from escaping so quickly.
“Just one, I promise you don’t even have to sit with me and drink it, just let me get you one?”
You weighed the pros and pros and cons in your head. The pros being you were really thirsty after that. So against your better judgment you agreed and followed him back out to the bar where you had first met him.
He ordered another beer and you a drink, the bartender took one look at the two of you and smirked before leaving to get some glasses.
You looked over at the man you just let fuck you senseless and realized half of his shirt was still unbuttoned and his long hear was tousseled around. He didn’t look tired anymore, more refreshed than when you first saw him, a hint of a smile on his lips as he fished out his wallet again and pulled out more cash. Yeah, if this was how you saw him earlier you would have walked away.
The bartender returned with your drinks and took the money. You took a sip of your drink and just about when you were about to leave him for good a girl came walking up from behind you.
“Jake!” She called out, making you jump a little at her unexpected arrival.
So he goes by Jake. Flashed through your mind. Wait, you didn’t care.
The girl moved past you like it was nothing and joined Jake by his side.
“Oh right, this is my girlfriend” he announced with no hint of guilt or shame. Your jaw dropped as you saw the unknowing girl call the bartender back over. There was no need for him to get her a drink you thought. He could have yours. You took the small red straw out of the glass and tossed the contents across his bare chest.
Now you were walking away from him. Your friend was still waiting at the table where you left them. Having watched the whole scene they grabbed both your things and followed you out the bar.
You were walking away from him now, and you knew right then and there that you never wanted to see Jacob Thomas Kiszka ever again.
Jake’s POV
As the ice cold liquid hit your chest you sobered up for a moment only to catch her storming off, another person jumping up from a table to follow her out the door. So she wasn’t alone?
You couldn’t hold back a smirk from forming across your face as you grabbed some bar napkins to dab at your chest and shirt.
“Who the fuck was that?” Lila asked you, absolutely shocked at what she’d just walked into, unknowing how you had spent the rest of your night leading up to now.
“I don’t even know” you breathed out. The only thing you had left of your encounter was the warm feeling in the bottom of your stomach and her first name. “She was beautiful though wasn’t she?” Now that she was gone you were already reminiscing about how her face looked above you, pink and glowing with a sheen of sweat under the dim lights.
“Yeah, beautiful and fucking crazy” Lila responded as she finally got herself a drink. “You sure do attract them Jake you know that?” She chuckled under her breath as she took a sip from her glass.
It was evident that she wasn’t coming back at this point so you swiveled around in your bar stool to face your friend. “You would know wouldn’t you? Beautiful” you teased her and she pushed your shoulder nearly knocking you off the stool. She realized then how drunk you already were.
“How long have you been here anyways?” Her tone turning serious.
“Not too long, maybe an hour and a half, or longer, time kind of… got away from me”.
“That’s what I was afraid of” she muttered in a way that you might not have heard her correctly so you asked her to repeat herself. Instead she just shrugged her shoulders and kept sipping.
You spent the rest of the night there with her as she commented on how shitty the bar was and how next time she was picking the spot. You nodded your head and agreed with her. You told her you didn’t plan on coming back here but it was a lie, you spent the next three nights back in this stool waiting to see if she would show again.
She never did, and you had to get back to work. After all, you were just passing through.
Three months prior
You wanted to cry some more, letting the tears roll down your face was a lot more satisfying than the dry heaving sobs your body was forcing you through right now.
Your best friend was there for you throughout the whole thing. They were currently leaning over you with half of their body draped over yours as they rubbed soothing circles into your furiously shaking back. “Shh it will be okay. You’re alright. Everything’s going to be alright” they quietly repeated to you over and over again until you finally managed to suck in a deep breath and calm down.
Thank god they always had a relaxing effect on you because you were worried you were about to start hyperventilating.
You had just gone through the worst break up of your life. Your boyfriend of 4 years, known him most your life. The man you thought you’d, no planned on, marrying.
He was out of your life for good and as much as you hated it right now, it had to be for the better.
“Now, tell me what happened”.
They hadn’t heard the full story yet. Every time you started to try and tell them you burst into uncontrollable tears.
You took another deep breath and closed your eyes, picturing for the last time the man you’d called the love of your life and letting it go.
It started on a Sunday afternoon. Liam had told you to get dressed in something nice for the evening. He was taking you out.
Your heart raced as you picked through your worn in closet, nothing you had felt like it was appropriate for what you were sure was coming. He was finally going to propose to you.
You met Liam in highschool, he was two grades ahead of you but you shared some electives that allowed for the chance encounter to meet each other and become friends.
He had a different girlfriend at the time, Jessica. She was the sweetest, president of the student council, homecoming queen, insanely smart, but not as smart as Liam.
He was his year's valedictorian, Jessica finishing right behind him, always second in his shadow when it came to academics. You could tell it bothered her at times. She worked ridiculously hard to get to where she was because he didn’t want anyone sitting up on stage between them when it came to their graduation, whereas it seemed to just come naturally to him.
When their graduation finally came you attended to show your support to your friends, by that point you had become as close to Jessica as you had Liam maybe even closer as sometimes girls just shared a deeper connection. As the ceremony finished up you squeezed through the crowd of people trying to find either of them to congratulate them on their speeches one last time before you left them to celebrate with their families.
Jessica found you first, sneakily grabbing your hand with hers and pulling you out of the crowd over to a quiet corner.
“You did so great, the last minute changes you made to your speech were perfect, everyone loved it!” You squeezed her shoulders as you hugged her.
Once you finished she pulled away and grabbed your hands again, holding them in front of her as she debated how she was going to tell you. “Can I ask you something and you be entirely honest with me? I promise I won’t get mad”.
You smiled nervously, your first response was to tell her of course! Anything!, but you held back a little since she seemed to be a bit anxious. “Sure, I’ll do my best” you landed on that reply, seemed safe.
“Do you have feelings for Liam?” She blurted out, but she wasn’t mad, more like genuinely wanting to know.
You pulled your hands out of hers, rubbing your arm as you tried to figure out what was the best way to continue this conversation. Should you lie to her? That wasn’t really fair considering she was your friend and she was coming to you with this in a very stoic way. Should you laugh her off? Admitting to anyone’s girlfriend that you had feelings for their boyfriend, although you were all close, wasn’t really a laughing matter. You sighed as you knew there was no getting out of this, she clearly wouldn’t have asked you if she didn’t already know the truth. You looked down at the pair of feet underneath you, both clad in sparkly heels for the occasion, and nodded your head yes.
“Ok, thank you for being honest with me” she rubbed her hands over your arms like you had. She really wasn’t mad? “I have to tell you something else now”
You looked back up at her, there was something else on her mind, something you realized she’d been keeping from the both of you.
“I got into Brown”.
“Wait, what?!” Your excitement suddenly came back to you when she told you the shocking news. You had no idea she even applied to other universities other than the one Liam was going to. Well that was probably the point, she hadn’t told anyone had she? “What does Liam think?” You asked to confirm your suspicions.
“He doesn’t know, I’m telling him tonight at dinner. Also I got into a summer program so I’m leaving in a few weeks.”. You could tell she was also a little excited to finally be telling you, but scared about how she was going to break the news to her boyfriend.
“I’m sure he will be so proud of you” you tried to help ease her nerves, tell her it was going to be okay even if they were soon going to be nearly twelve hours away from each other and starting whole new chapters in their lives. You knew how highschool sweetheart relationships lasted through long distance at college, they didn’t. “Maybe you guys can work out a schedule before you leave? He can come visit you in the summers and you will be coming back for the holidays right?”
“No, this is it for us” she shook her head, she had already made up her mind. “I’m leaving him, and I’m leaving him to you”.
“Oh” was the only sound that popped out of your mouth. Her question before made sense now, but the reality of the situation did not. “No, he doesn’t like me like that. How could he when he’s got you? You’re so much better at me in everything” she frowned at the way you put yourself down and compared yourself to her, but you thought it was true.
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Known it for months. We’ve been on rocky shores recently. I knew it would only be a matter of time anyways. He likes you”.
Your stomach did a flip, partly because you felt bad their seemingly perfect relationship had been cracking because of you, but also because you couldn’t believe that she could be right about him liking you back.
“So does this mean today is the last day I’ll see you?” You sniffled a little bit, damned if you were going to cry, but getting worked up nonetheless.
“Better not be!” She pulled you back into a hug, this time being the one to squeeze on you. “I said a few weeks, I’ll be around and I promise I’ll come say bye to you before I go. Alright now I better go find my mom and dad before they freak out about not getting enough pictures of me in my cap and gown”.
Just like that she was gone. You did see her one last time like she had promised, but it was at a going away party that filled her house with all the people she knew. You felt so out of place at that party. All upperclassmen that had just graduated and we’re excited to go off into the world wherever their post graduation goals took them, and you were stuck here with another two years to go.
The rest of the summer you spent a lot of time with Liam. At first it was awkward and kind of sad without Jessica there, but eventually Liam opened up to you and like she said he’d confessed his feelings shortly before moving into the dorms.
Despite your differences your relationship grew steady quickly.
You were over the moon about dating someone in university, spending as much time as you could going the next few towns over to visit him. Highschool fell into the background for you, only doing as much as you needed to get into the same university as him. Then there you were, finally really together.
When he helped you move into your dorm your first fall at university was the first time you told him you loved him. You didn’t expect him to say it back, there was still a lot of ground to be made between the two of you, one of which being sleeping together. Liam told you he loved you back, your heart swelled and you tried to make your move, bringing him into a long passionate kiss. He stopped you before you could pull your shirt off, explaining that he wanted to wait until marriage.
You were kind of bummed out, stuff like that didn’t really matter much to you, but you let it go because more importantly he loved you.
Back to the Sunday afternoon. You settled with a dark blue dress. One that had gold shimmers woven into the fabric of the dress. You thought the lights would catch just right in the pictures you would be taking. Picturing it already him getting down on one knee and you fighting back tears, you were excited.
You were in for a let down though when you pulled up to the restaurant and Liam threw the car in park, leaving you inside to go meet a group of guys at the front door. You left yourself out of the car, bringing your purses strap over your shoulder as you approached the group, confused.
“Come meet my girlfriend!” Liam told them, walking over to you and placing his hand on your lower back to speed you up. What was his deal?
He introduced you to the guys who all agreed they should go back in so you could meet their girlfriends they’d left inside. It became evident very quickly as you followed them into a private party room that this wasn’t a proposal dinner, but a get together with people from his department.
His hand stayed firmly on your back as you walked inside together, continuing to push you around and guide you towards groups of people to be introduced to.
So him asking you to wear something nice wasn’t to look good in pictures you’d be treasuring for years, but to show you off.
You suddenly weren’t hungry any longer, but when a waitress passed by offering drinks you weren’t about to pass that up.
You took a drink after each person he made you meet, standing there and forcing a smile like the pretty quiet thing he always wanted you to be at events like these.
By the time he was done pushing you around you were done with your current drink. He finally let you go and you found another waitress to get another glass then took a seat at the back of the room at an empty table.
You never set your drink down as you watched him circling back around the room, spending more time with a few specific people than others. He looked perfectly far away through the refraction of the glass.
The evening went on like that for a while and a collection of empty glasses were starting to pile up on the table next to you but no one seemed to care. No one except your boyfriend who was making a b-line in your direction.
“That’s enough drinks. I don’t want you embarrassing me”. He said in a hush as he leaned behind you.
Embarrass him? What about how embarrassed I feel? You wanted to tell him how you felt, how you thought after the week leading up to tonight he had left you bread crumbs, telling you how important this weekend was for us and our future. How you thought that meant a glass of champagne and a ring not whatever this event even was, but you knew he wouldn’t want to hear it right now.
“Fine, I’ll just stop drinking this free booze here and drink ours when we get back home” you replied to him, glancing behind you to see him biting the inside of his cheek. He had commented on your drinking on multiple occasions. It’s not like you were a stumbling drunk, you just enjoyed your first few years of college like anyone else and now that you were legal to drink in public you liked to indulge yourself from time to time. Tonight seemed like a night to enjoy yourself, he certainly was.
You could tell he wanted to say something else, scolding you like he did a thousand times when you ‘weren’t acting like you were mature enough to be around him and his friends’, but he bit the inside of his cheek instead of risking making a scene.
“Excuse me, I’ll be in the restroom. Maybe go introduce yourself to a few more people. I don’t want to see you sitting here alone when I get back” he cupped his hand down onto your shoulder and gave it a squeeze before walking out the room.
You sighed and left your empty table to go find the one other girl you barely recognized to latch onto until he got back.
“Hey!” She called to you when she saw you making your way over to her. You pulled your smile back on but as you made your way across the room your knees wobbled and you nearly fell.
Fortunately you caught yourself by grabbing onto a nearby man’s shoulder. Unfortunately he spilled his drink all over your dress.
Fuck! You yelled at yourself inside your head. If Liam sees me like this he’ll be pissed I made him leave the party early to go home and change. You hurried out the room, not even pausing to apologize. You were embarrassed that you had gotten a little too drunk, but more afraid of Liam getting upset. You searched the restaurant for the restrooms, but stopped yourself when you realized you could cross paths with him too easily this way.
Instead you made the decision to go outside knowing you had some napkins and a bottle of water in your car. That and the breeze outside to dry you off and sober you up a little would work.
The parking lot was small but packed full with cars, most likely due to the event going on inside. You didn’t see many others in the actual restaurant but then again you were in a hurry.
Sitting in the passenger's seat you wiped your chest down, pouring the remainder of the water onto a napkin, some spilling out onto the ground between your feet to try and get as much sticky off of you as possible.
The front of your dress was still soaked. Thankfully the dark color helped hide it a little, but knowing Liam he would notice still.
You sighed, you did want to go home, maybe getting him to agree to leave and deal with him being a little pissy in the car ride back would be worth it.
Standing up you pulled at the hem of your dress, putting everything back in its place and gently closing the car door. When you turned to head back inside you saw a sight you were not at all expecting.
Liam was standing outside the restaurant. You wondered if he was looking for you, but his eyes were fixed on someone else and he was smiling from ear to ear. A beautiful girl approached him, placing her hands around his neck and giving a quick kiss on his cheek. He wrapped one arm around her waist, placing his palm against the small of her back just like he so often did with you. She pulled away but he kept his hand on her as he opened the door and led her inside.
What the fuck was that? You thought to yourself. Sure Liam was very impressionable and charmingly friendly towards most people, but something about watching that interaction made your stomach churn. Nothing about it was particularly incriminating, besides some girl’s hands and lips all over your boyfriend, but they seemed to be very familiar with each other and that didn’t sit right with you.
If you had been in a better mood, if this had been the dinner you expected it to be, if you hadn’t been drinking, then you would have brushed it off, but those were just ifs and instead you were fuming.
If you even so much as smiled for too long at another guy Liam would be angry with you, so why did you have to constantly put up with him acting any way he wanted to?
You marched back inside the restaurant and saw that although they had put some space between them, Liam and the girl were standing in a small group. A waitress walked past and Liam stopped her to grab a glass and offered it to the girl. Oh so she can drink but you can’t?
The man whose drink was spilled on you tried to stop and ask if you were ok, but you ignored him. Only concerned with making it to Liam and getting the two of you out of here.
“I need to go, someone spilled a drink on my dress” you arrived and interrupted his conversation to which he slightly rolled his eyes.
“Of course,” he sighed, pinching the area between his brows, “I’m not finished here yet. Why don’t you take the car back to your place and I’ll get a ride back to mine with one of the guys?”
Well, he didn’t sound pissed, just disappointed which unfortunately made you feel a little worse about it.
“You don’t want me to wait at yours? How much longer are you going to be?” You flashed your eyes at the girl next to him who was caught up in talking with the rest of the group.
“We will probably go out for a bit after this, it will be late” he replied. Something didn’t add up to you. He had invited you here, but did he make plans to go out with his friends after you’d arrived or had he planned to ditch you the entire time?
“Alright, we’ll I don’t have classes until the afternoon tomorrow, I’ll bring the car back by in the morning and get mine”. You gave him an awkward half hug, trying not to get the front of your wet dress too close to his nice shirt. “Love you” you gave him in parting.
“I’ll see you in the morning, get home safe”.
You made it home in one piece despite how much you’d had to drink. In fact, you were surprised Liam had let you drive knowing how many cocktails you’d had.
After the second shower of the day to rinse off the remainder of the spill and wash your face free of the extra makeup you’d put on, you changed into some comfy clothes and made your way into the tiny kitchen to find something quick to eat.
Your apartment was much smaller compared to Liam’s. Well you didn’t have the financial support from your parents like he had, relying heavily on your scholarships, student aid, and even a part time job while he took extra classes and had an unpaid internship.
You spent most of your time together over there where there was more space and you wished he would just ask you to move in, but he stuck to his beliefs and was firmly against living together until you were at least engaged. That was another reason why you’d expected him to propose tonight. There had been comments he’d made about ‘when we start living together’ like it was coming sooner than later.
After heating something up you plopped onto your two person couch and clicked on the TV. In addition to being hungry, you were wide awake, so you decided to catch up on some of your cheat shows as you ate.
Three episodes in and you still weren’t tired. You went into your room where you’d left your phone to charge, thinking surely you’d have a text or a missed call from Liam. Once you unplugged the device and the screen illuminated you saw there was nothing.
It was a little over half an hour to midnight. Liam didn’t go out with his friends very often, but when he did, he did tend to stay out into the early hours of the morning.
Your thumb swiped and tapped along the screen until his contact was pulled up and you hit the call button. The phone rang just a couple of times then went to voicemail.
This was so stupid. You had been so excited this afternoon, only to end the evening alone in your apartment without even a text to say good night.
Fuck this. You snatched up your keys and kicked on some shoes before locking your door behind you and getting back in the car. Even if he was going to be out for longer, you’d wait for him, you wanted to be with him.
When you pulled up to the apartment complex you found that there was someone already parked in his spot. You waited for a moment to see if anyone would come out and move it, besides he'd said his friends were giving him a ride back, but no one ever came. Both the car and his apartment windows were dark.
You drove further down to find an open visitor spot then made your way back to the front door, using your spare key to unlock it and go inside.
You entered quietly in case he was indeed already back and sleeping, but it wasn’t quiet inside.
Cries and moans were being carried down the hallway. You were in absolute shock and denial, your first thought being one of his pretentious friends had a girl over, but then you heard her crying out his name.
You flew down the hallway, throwing the door open and flicking on the light to expose them in the act.
Liam was naked, you’d never seen him more than shirtless before, but here he was only a sheet keeping him somewhat decent and he was on top of the girl from the party.
“Who the fuck?!” The girl squealed, knocking Liam off of her and grabbing the sheet to cover her chest.
“Who the FUCK is right!” You were yelling, nothing but rage filling your entire body as Liam jumped out of the bed you had spent so many nights laying in with him trying to keep control. He pulled a pair of shorts on and ran over to guide you away from the door so she could get dressed and you could talk before you did something rash like jump her and scratch her eyes out.
“Baby, baby, come here sit down” he wrapped his hand around your arm and guided you down the hallway. His touch was burning into your skin, you wanted him off of you, didn’t want to hear a damn thing he had to say. You tried to swing your arm away from him but his grip tightened and he practically threw you onto the couch.
He crouched onto the ground in front of you, placing his hands on your thighs and trapping you there.
“I’m so sorry! I had a little too much to drink!” He tried to explain, reaching up to wipe away the tears that were starting to fall and roll down your cheeks.
“You had too much to drink?!” You repeated, your voice cracking out of your tight throat in a way that made it feel sore to even try and speak. “So you had to fuck someone in our bed? What happened to waiting until marriage?! I thought you loved me!” The tears were pouring out of your eyes now like a faucet turned all the way open. You didn’t even attempt to wipe them, there was no way your face was going to be dry again tonight.
“I do love you!” He squeezed your thigh, his fingers digging into the skin in an unsettling way. “You have to realize, it’s different for men”.
Your brows furrowed, what was he trying to imply? You didn’t respond. Only stared at him, thankful you could hardly make out his face through the water works.
“I love you, and I want to marry you, but until then I need some personal time, to get it all out before we commit to each other”.
Oh. So he was allowed to cheat on you to sleep with others but you weren’t. You had to remain his unspoiled prize until he trapped you forever.
Everything wrong with this picture was slapping you in the face. A blinking red light searing your corneas.
You tried to get up, but his hands remained firm on your thighs, his nails starting to dig into the flesh. “Let me go!” You were yelling again, kicking your legs trying to get away but he stood up and hovered over you, squeezing your knees between his legs and placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you still.
“Stop!” He was matching your volume, surely his neighbors were being woken up at this point from all of the commotion.
Panic set in as he held you down onto the couch. He had never gotten this physical with you before, and it was starting to scare you a little bit.
“Hey!” The girl had redressed and was standing in the hallway watching the two of you struggle. “Let her go” she was yelling too, but fortunately she seemed to be on your side.
“Stay out of it and get the fuck out of here” he turned toward her and you took that as your opportunity to shove him to the side as hard as you could and jump up.
You ran for the door and the girl picked up a few books sitting on the bookshelf in the hallway to throw at him and keep him from chasing after either of you.
“Oh my god, thank you” you yelled as you both made a dash for your cars.
“I got you girl, what an ass I hope you dump him!” She replied before ducking into the driver's seat and backing out.
She has been the one parked in his spot, so your car was next to hers. It had been since that afternoon when you came over dressed and ready for what you thought was going to be the best night.
You backed out like a bat out of hell, just trying to get away before he had a chance to come out and chase after you, lure you back inside, lie to you some more.
When you were clear of the apartment complex and a little ways up the road you pulled into a gas station and let your forehead fall onto the steering wheel, sobbing as you tried and failed to calm yourself enough to drive home.
Then it hit you, going home wasn’t the best option, if he came looking for you that’s the first place he’d go.
Instead you fumbled for your phone that you had thrown into the passenger seat when you jumped into your car. Retrieving it you pulled up the contact for your best friend, hoping they would pick up this late.
“Hello?” They answered after a few rings, not sounding very excited to talk to you unlike usual, but also like they were still half way asleep.
When you called out their name through a fit of sobs their voice went from sleepy to concerned.
“Can I come over? I’m sorry, I just really need some help right now” you begged feeling like an absolute mess of a friend.
“Hey, don’t ever be sorry to ask for help. Are you safe to drive over here or do I need to come get you?”
Your tears slowed from inconsolable weeping to a sniffling whimper. It was already easing you to hear them speak so kindly to you. “I can drive, thank you. See you in a bit” you replied and hung up so you could focus on making it there.
You stayed with your friend for the rest of the week and by the weekend they went with you to pick up all of your stuff from Liam’s apartment.
You were so thankful for the patience and support you received from your friend. You were afraid if you’d gone to Liam’s apartment alone then he would have tried to force you to talk again and you didn’t want to talk. It was over between the two of you.
The cheating had been the final straw, and you were constantly nauseous every time you let yourself think about how long he must have been doing it without you even realizing. On top of that you knew there were parts of your relationship you turned a blind eye to. The standards, the image, the way he wanted to control every aspect of it and you had started to feel suffocated even before everything unraveled.
How stupid you felt now, obeying his every wish and command just because he was the first guy to ever love you? Well, that was overrated and you weren’t about to ever let another man possess you.
May 2019
“Hey I’m going to this concert later tonight. My buddy was supposed to come with me but he bailed. Want to take his ticket?” Caleb stopped to ask you.
“What kind of music?” You replied, tucking your arm behind your head to prop it up and look down at him.
“Rock music. They’re a Michigan band that made it big, like doing shows back home. I went through hell getting us good tickets kind of pissed he’s ditching me actually”.
“Yeah, yeah, okay” you finally agreed to go with him and removed your arm so you could place your hand on top of his head and push him back between your legs.
You caught a smile spread across his lips before he went back to work getting you off. It didn't take much longer, unlike him you were focused, throwing your head back against the pillow and riding out your orgasm.
You’d met Caleb through a friend of a friend. Well actually a guy you hooked up with once invited you over again. Although at the time you usually didn’t meet up with a guy twice you’d had a particularly stressful day and some good old fashioned cardio to take your mind off of it sounded like a good idea. Little did you know he wasn’t inviting you over to fuck again but to his party.
You were pissed when you got there. What on Earth had given him the idea you would want to come to his party? Regardless, there was free alcohol so you stayed long enough to stand in a corner and get buzzed.
That was when Caleb approached you. He was extremely talk, tanned skin, dark hair with matching dark eyes. Nothing about him stood out but all the same time he was exactly what you’d needed.
“You look like you want to get out of here?” Was the first thing he said to you.
“Yes please”. You let him drive you back to your apartment. Another unusual for you but what the hell. You had the best mind blowing sex you’d had since, well since the first time.
From that night on you broke a lot of your rules, you let Caleb stick around, stay over some nights, but you had made it explicitly clear to each other that your situation would never turn into a relationship. Because you didn’t have a heart for relationships anymore.
The good thing was you didn’t have to fumble around online to find hook ups anymore. Caleb was there any time you called, always on your command, and eventually you had to admit even when you weren’t rolling around in the sheets you enjoyed his company.
He was a sports management major, whatever the hell that meant. He was smarter than he led on, but he said he’d only ever wanted to be a coach and you found that admirable. He had a vision for himself since he was a kid and he was so close to making that vision come true. You on the other hand had changed your major a few times. Trying out classes and failing at them when you lost interest.
You were a year behind everyone else in school. Only going part time for the duration of your relationship with Liam had set you back further than you had realized at the time.
The only thing you were passionate about was writing, which meant you took as many English classes as possible now and sat yourself down in front of your laptop every afternoon to force yourself to work on something even if the product was just a sentence or two.
Liam never condoned your future as a writer. To him that was a hobby not a career. So your first two half semesters were filled with useless classes you didn’t do well in. You’d started to realize that maybe Liam never expected you to finish college, he only wanted you there to keep an eye on you while he worked on his degree and his future.
Since the break up you had filled your schedule, if not to try and get back on track, but to keep yourself busy so you didn’t have to think about how lonely you were.
You had classes four days a week, not including your study day, and also picked up as many shifts at work as possible. You were burning yourself from both ends but it was paying off.
About 5 months ago you decided you needed a change of pace, or of scenery, honestly anything to keep you going. You sent in dozens of applications to literary arts and creative writing programs all across the country knowing how competitive these programs were. The rejection letters were rolling in, you were soon to give up hope, but finally you got notified you were put on a waitlist for a program in Nashville.
Now all you could do was hope, maybe soon you would be starting fresh in another city, another state for that matter, and maybe you could start to recover.
“Who did you say this band was again?” You questioned as you followed Caleb through the busy crowd. You wondered how many more people were planning on showing up before the building maxed out its occupancy.
“They’re called Greta Van Fleet” he leaned over to speak to you in a way you could hear him over the rowdy crowd and dozens of speakers blaring a random mix of music to keep everyone happy until the live show started. “Want something to drink?” He tipped his thumb over his shoulder towards the back where a long bar was packed.
“Sure” you yelled out so that you didn’t have to lean into him. He took your order and headed to find a spot to squeeze in.
Since it would take him a bit you found a decently comfortable place to stand and pulled out your phone to google the name of the band you were about to see.
The signal was shit with as many people in here all on their phones at the same time. Once the page finally loaded you were shocked at what you read:
Greta Van Fleet, an American rock band from Michigan consisting of Kiszka brothers: Josh, Jake, and Sam, and Danny Wagner.
Kiszka. As much as you tried you could never forget that name. Jacob Thomas Kiszka.
Caleb returned faster than you had expected. You stuffed your phone back into the pocket of your jeans before turning around to take the plastic cup from his hand. Why were drinks at concerts so small, you were going to need a lot more to get drunk and make it through tonight.
You finished the drink as you tried to stay engaged in whatever Caleb was trying to chat you up with. An opener came onstage and eventually Caleb turned his attention away from you to watch them, giving you a chance to slip away back to the bar.
Once two cups were ready you made your way back, only getting half way before the main artist for the night started to take the stage.
Your jaw dropped as you watched them all pile out, the crowd cheering as soon as they made their appearances. Then there he was. Walking out onto the stage with his guitar strapped around his shoulder was exactly who you hoped it wouldn’t be.
He looked different than the night you met him. His hair was longer, his face more defined. There was only shitty lighting in that bar that night, but tonight he was standing about you in the spotlights.
There was no way he could see you in this sizable crowd, and even if his eyes met yours there was no telling he would even recognize you.
They got right to it, instruments roaring to life as the lead singer introduced themselves and thanked everyone for being here. You heard what he was saying, but your eyes were fixed on the guitarist as he smiled and strummed the strings in deeply resonating chords before breaking out into the first song of the night.
Caleb was overly excited, thoroughly enjoying himself as the set list moved along. You gave him a few half smiles and nodded your head to one of the songs to assure him you were having a good time when in reality your mind was spinning and you wanted to turn around and run out the doors. Surely that would cause a scene though, so instead you stood next to him with your hand in your back pocket and the condensation from your thin cup wetting your fingers.
After nearly an hour the last song ended and the band all thanked everyone and waved as they made their way off the stage. A group of people started to back away from the front of the crowd, getting ready to leave so they could beat the line out of the parking lot. That was silly you thought, because bands always played encores.
“Look! Let’s squeeze up front!” Caleb pointed over to a small space right next to the right of the stage.
“I think it might be over” you lied, trying to stay put but he was already hurrying you over before someone else moved in.
“They’ll be back out, they haven’t even played Highway Tune yet” he excitedly remarked when you successfully scored the spot.
Just like you expected, they came running back onto the stage, repositioning themselves and starting their first encore piece, the song you assumed was Highway Tune.
The crowd behind you started cheering as soon as the guitar part blared through the speakers. It was tremendously louder closer to the stage, the sound of the guitar ringing through your ears so that you couldn’t focus on anything else.
They were having fun dancing across the stage, you had to admit, their performance was lively and intense, the stage presence alone nearly outdoing the music itself. Just as the song was coming to a close the guitarist looked out across the crowd, making eye contact with a lot of fans in the front row until his eyes fell on you.
Your heart was pounding with the beat of the drums as you locked sight with him. Does he recognize me or is he just checking me out? You couldn’t tell but his eye’s definitely lingered on you for a moment while the rest of the band started up the final to the encore. He flicked his eyes away but a smile spread across his face as he continued to play, finishing out strong.
“That was interesting” Caleb had noticed the interaction, curious what the point of it was but you pretended like you didn’t know what he was talking about.
“I’m going to go back over to the bar” you notified him before turning to the side and squeezing through the groups who had scrambled forward when the band came back out.
Once you broke free you felt like you could breathe again, finding a seat to take and give your legs a break as you ordered another weak cocktail.
The band was gone for good now, their crew already working at breaking down their equipment. The bar filled up around you but the crowd dramatically thinned out and you were able to spot Caleb talking with another couple.
You turned around and leaned on the bar, pulling out your phone to check the time, realizing you still had your google search pulled up. You swiped through the pictures, almost in disbelief that the men on the screen were the same ones who were just standing up there being real and human. You set your phone face down and took another drink. How in the hell was this even happening right now.
“Hey,” a barely recognizable voice called from just behind you. You tried to ignore him, you did not want to talk to him, but he continued regardless. “You here alone?”
He definitely remembered you, starting up the conversation the exact way you had done with him a year ago.
“Does it matter?” You replied, still facing the bar instead of him but subtly informing him you remembered as well.
“Absolutely not” he deviated from the previous conversation. His voice was deep and scratchy from yelling lyrics along with the singer on stage. He acted like he expected a total replay of the night. Who did he think you were? Easy? Well maybe by this point you were, but just because you knew he was some hotshot rockstar now didn’t mean you were dying to throw yourself at him like a few if the other girls around you’d noticed ogling him the second he walked up.
“Fuck off Jacob” you told him thinking any minute now Caleb would come looking for you and you could suggest leaving. Surely it wouldn’t take much motivating to get him to agree to head back to your apartment and finish what you had started earlier.
“Woah, only my mom calls me Jacob” he snickered. Maybe you needed to remind him how you had left things last time you saw him.
You finally turned around to face him, holding out the cup that was still filled to the brim with ice and a little bit of liquid.
He tossed his hands up, getting the look in your eye as you started him down. “Hey! What’s your deal? I thought we had a great thing last time? Until you freaked out and threw your drink on me”. He pointed at the cup then down to the counter in a way to ask you to set it back down.
“I freaked out?” You scoffed, “I’m sorry but I’m not very turned on by cheaters”.
“Cheater?” His brows furrowed as he repeated what you called him.
You rolled your eyes about to turn back around and ignore him again but he caught your shoulder with his hand to keep you there. He looked slightly pissed that you weren’t showing any interest in him anymore, but also that you were calling him names he thought he didn’t deserve.
“I can admit I’m a lot of things to a lot of different women, but I am not a cheater”.
You scoffed again and he looked like he was getting more pissed off by your attitude. Good, then he’d leave you alone soon. Regardless, you didn’t go around talking shit about people for no reason so you made sure he was clear with why you wanted him to as you put it earlier fuck off.
“Yeah I’m sure the girlfriend you introduced me to after fucking in the bathroom would have thought about you differently. Or did you never tell her?”
“Girlfriend?” He repeated you again, the clueless act was getting annoying but suddenly he started to piece the rest of the night back together. “Girlfriend… Lila? Jesus, how drunk was I that night?” He was talking mostly to himself now, bursting out in laughter by the end of it and running his fingers through his hair. “Umm Lila was my ex-girlfriend. We dated back in highschool, stayed friends, she came to see me while I was back in Detroit for a bit. God, I really introduced her as my girlfriend?” He was chuckling still, finding the whole encounter funny albeit knowing how torn up you had been thinking you’d had sex with someone else’s boyfriend.
It was hard not to continue to feel animosity towards him, even if you were realizing it was only a mistake he’d made while being too intoxicated to know any better. When he slipped his hand against the counter and placed it on top of your arm some of the feelings eased up though.
“So, now that you know I’m not a cheater, like I said, do I turn you on a little?” He was inching closer towards you, trying to keep the conversation intimate, and flashing you a white toothy smile. His thumb was strumming against your forearm just like you had seen him strum on his guitar strings up on the stage. His fingers were calloused, worn in, but that only aided in the formation of goosebumps on the surface.
He seemed to notice your physical reaction, trading his smile for a smirk and moving his hand down to grip yours and pull you away from the bar.
You grabbed your phone and quickly sent a text to Caleb.
Not feeling well, grabbing an Uber. I’ll talk to you later.
If it were anyone else you might have felt a little bad about covering yourself with a text, but that was the nature of your relationship with Caleb. Surely he wouldn’t be too upset by it and you could make it up next time you saw him.
“Don’t tell me we’re going to find a bathroom” you joked with him. Joking was always your way of coping with your chosen lifestyle and this was no different. He had towed you hand in hand towards the stage but over to a door just to the right. A man waiting at the door recognized him as one of the artists and let him through. There was a short hallway followed by a left turn and a longer one filled with doors. Was this backstage?
“Obviously, where else?” He looked back at you with a wicked smile. Please tell me he’s joking too. When he turned back around he stopped at a door in the middle of the hallway. Letting your hand go he opened the door, the lever clicked a little as he pulled down on it and pushed in.
Inside was indeed not another bathroom but what looked like a dressing room. You stepped inside, taking in the disheveled state of the room but also admiring all the little bits of clothes and makeup scattered about. There were quite a few chairs pulled up to the mirrors lined in bright LED lights. It looked like the entire band had gotten ready here just before starting the show.
He closed the door behind himself and strutted into the room, much more familiar with its space than you were. “Don’t worry, the others will be out for a while longer. They like to mingle a lot more than I do”.
That made sense, you didn’t remember seeing any of his band mates at the bar from last time. Until his ex showed up he had been seemingly alone. Why though? You thought to yourself, he seemed to have a pretty good life. He was in a successful band, he was attractive enough already without the allure of being a musician, but it surely helped. No you were just trying to kid yourself, he was hot.
“Where the hell did they leave it?” His talking aloud brought you out of your head and back into the room where he was tossing random clothes around looking for something. “Ah! Here she is!” He exclaimed in victory as he found what he was looking for, pulling a tall glass bottle of tequila out of a bag that had been thrown onto the floor in the corner of the room. He unscrewed the cap and took a swig straight from the bottle. You watched him with a small smile and your brows raised.
“What?” He asked when he caught you staring. “You need a glass? We’ve got some around here somewhere”.
You shrugged your shoulders and reached for the bottle. Smiling back he handed it to you, watching this time as you brought it to your lips and took a drink then two before passing it back off. He took another gulp then returned the cap and set it down.
He moved over to you, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling you into a tequila laced kiss. You moved your hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck to bring him closer. His skin was still sticky from sweating under the stage lights but that didn’t bother you one bit.
He pulled away from the kiss too soon, just like before.
“So, there’s a futon over there” you followed the trail of his eyes to a small black couch covered in bags and a feather boa? “Or there’s chairs? The counter top? The floor?” He listed off places in the room he could bend you over and let you have it, not really having a preference of his own.
“I have to choose one?” You replied, stretching your arms out across his shoulders and twisting the ends of his hair between your fingers.
His toothy grin returned and he leaned over to hook his hands around your legs and hoist you up onto his hips. Carrying you over to the counter he swiped his arm across the surface to rid it of all the bottles of hair product and eyeliner pens it previously was a temporary home to and setting you down in their place.
“Here first then we will see where we end up” he grinned as he started working at unbuttoning your jeans and peeling them off your body. You placed your hands on either side of you, lifting your hips to help him with removing the clothing.
He started at his pants, just barely getting the front undone before realizing he’d forgotten something. “Wait let me find my bag” he moved to search the area he last remembered seeing it to no avail, but quickly found it nearby. Inside the distressed leather bag he retrieved a small foil wrapped square. “Don’t keep them in my wallet anymore”.
As he made the small walk back you took the chance to observe his stride. There was a confidence in his step, boarding proud but not necessarily cocky. Like you had noticed when you first saw him tonight his hair was longer and messily laid down his back and across his shoulders. Although it was mostly straight, the pieces at his neck had started to form a loose wavy curl after being soaked in sweat from performing on stage. He had the typical rocker attire, only he’d added his own personal touches to everything he wore from a stylish belt to cutting the hem off the bottom of his shirt so that it hung deliciously just above the navel.
“You know staring is considered rude in most situations”.
He’d caught you, but he didn’t seem to actually mind. Only a hint of embarrassment peaking through his cool and collected front making you wonder how much of what he had shown you so far of his personality was truly himself or just an act.
Once he was within range again you were pulling him back toward you and lifting his shirt at the unraveling hem and up over his head.
“Do you remember last time?” He smirked, sliding his hands up your thighs and dragging you closer to the edge. “Very similar position to this”
“Jake?” You hooked an arm around his neck.
“Hmm?” He hummed as he turned to place kisses against your forearm.
“Shut up and just fuck me already” you sighed, dipping your hand into his pants to see he was already fully hard.
“Of course, I am at your service after all” he chuckled darkly, slipping his pants off and removing the condom from the wrapper before lining himself up and rolling his hips up into you.
He stayed there all the way inside for a moment, sucking in a breath of air as your walls stopped clenching and settled around his size. A moan fell from your lips as he pulled all the way out, taking himself in his hand and teasing your entrance with his tip as he rubbed his thumb against your clit then stuffed himself back inside.
“Sorry, I just had to feel that again” he groaned, placing one hand on the counter, the other guiding your leg up around his hip and he started thrusting.
The pace was already set to a fast one. More than likely he was still riding out his high from getting to play in front of his fans, residual energy needing to be expelled.
“You don’t know how badly I needed this” he was pulling at your leg to bring you closer to him.
There was an understanding with where he was coming from. This week leading up to tonight had been particularly long and stressful. You hadn’t had the time or energy to do much of anything which is why you never really wanted to come out with Caleb in the first place. Apart from this afternoon, you hadn’t seen him in a few days. Tonight you had planned to take out all your frustrations in bed with Caleb, but you were finding yourself increasingly satisfied with where you’d ended up.
You suddenly felt the need to take control, to show him how much you had learned since the first time. “Go sit on the couch” you requested and he followed your command without word.
Taking a seat with an arm stretched across the back, he waited for you to pull your shirt off and come to straddle him.
The mood had shifted when he slid a hand up the length of your back as you slowly settled onto him. He was holding back a moan when he bottomed out with you on top. Part of you guessed if the room was insulated well or not so passersby couldn’t hear what was going on inside. While another part wanted someone to hear you making him feel good.
You moved your hips opposite of his, slowly rocking back and forth, grinding against him for some additional friction while he was already nestled right up against your g spot.
He let his head rest back onto the futon, his lips falling open but his eyes squeezing shut. “You know, I waited for you to come back”. He muttered into the room. This wasn’t exactly striking up a conversation time, so you chose to continue your movements on him, picking up the pace a little. “We were supposed to leave the day after, but I stayed the rest of the weekend. I sat at the same spot at the bar hoping you would visit there again and I’d get to see you”.
That was unexpected, his recollection of the past coming as a shock to you. You stopped, now concerned about what it was you were doing here and realizing neither of you had taken the time to explain your intentions.
“I should tell you something” you began as he pulled his head back up to see why you’d stopped. “I’m not the kind of girl right now who wants to be wined and dined. I don’t want the romance, the feelings, the mess. I want uncomplicated, no strings attached, just fun and hot sex”.
“Fun?” He smirked, “is that not what we’re doing?” His hand trailed down until he found the curve of your ass, giving it a quick and sharp slap.
“No, this is fun” a smile found its way back into your face, “but like, don’t expect anything else. We’re just having a good time”.
He moved his arm off the back of the couch, wrapped it around you, and pulled you down onto your back against the cushion.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give you a good time” he teased and pressed back into you. “Now just tell me what else it is you want. Tell me and I’ll give it to you. Do you want me to finish this quickly, or do you want me to make you beg for it?”
Although the prospect of what he might do to make you beg was alluring, you were pent up and would probably just end up getting frustrated. “Quickly” you chose and his smile returned.
He reached over and grabbed a cushion that had fallen on the floor, asking you to lift your hips as he placed it underneath you. One hand gripped your hip and he brought the other to his mouth, sucking the pad of his thumb before pressing it against your sensitive bundle of nerves. Then he did just as he said he would, thrusting over and over unrelentingly, the sweat starting to return to his forehead and chest until you were both finishing together.
“We’re playing another show here tomorrow night. Will you come back?” He asked as he watched you redress and collect your things.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea” you admit once getting your jeans pulled back on. “I don’t usually go for seconds let alone thirds”.
“Is that’s so?” He scoffed with an amused grin. Maybe he wasn’t used to getting told no so many times in one night.
“Hey, I agreed we’re just having a good time here. What's one more night? And then maybe I won’t see you again for another year if even” he made a good point but something told you the universe had other plans for the two of you. That first night you’d never expected to see him ever again. It was the point of finding him alone in a bar. Yet here the two of you were.
“I’ll think about it” you replied and slipped out the door before he could try and convince you further.
You pulled out your phone and flicked through the apps, finding the black and white square and ordering a car to pick you up. Thankfully since the area was busy tonight there were plenty nearby and you wouldn’t have to wait long.
Not looking up from your phone as you walked down the hallway you were suddenly stopped by a couple of hands pressing against your shoulders.
Embarrassed that you had almost run into someone you quickly started to apologize until realizing you recognized the person as another one of the band members.
He was very tall, clad in another pair of dark wash tight jeans and just a vest. His arms were tanned and toned, the result of his instrument of choice. He was their drummer.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going”.
“That’s alright, but how did you get back here?” He was less concerned with the near collision and more with what exactly you were doing wandering around backstage.
Your face flushed a little thinking that as soon as you admitted how you got back here he would know exactly what went on in the dressing room. “Oh, umm, Jake let me back. I was just leaving though”.
He looked past you directly at the door you had just retreated from, cocking an eyebrow and letting you go with a sigh. “Of course he did. Okay well the exit is to the right” he directed and you thanked him before making your way out.
The next morning came and you started your wake up routine, making a drink, washing your face, getting dressed into something comfy and heading out to the office to check your mail.
The mail run was an addition to the morning checklist when you started applying to programs. It was annoying to you that everything could be done online these days, yet fancy universities still insisted on sending you their rejection letters in the post.
Regardless, you made it a habit to check for the letters never expecting much, until upon checking today you found the one you’d been waiting for.
You could tell from the address on the envelope that this was the letter that would tell you if you got moved off the waitlist or not. Your hopes had not been high due to the many past denials, however, this had been your first step in the right direction and you were eager to see if you actually made this one or not.
Stuffing the stack of magazines and junk mail under your arm you started to tear into the letter as you walked back to your apartment.
You started from the top, reading the introductions that always started the same thanking you for your application to the program, but as you tried to read lower you were caught off guard by someone calling your name.
You peered over the edge of the paper and saw Caleb closing the door on his car and waving you over. That was odd. Caleb didn’t usually come over without messaging you first, but you had ditched him last night so maybe he just wanted to check on you. He was nice like that.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t call you beforehand, I just wanted to see if you’d made it home after leaving last night”. You were right in your assumption, but there seemed to be something else on his mind by the sound of his voice.
You gave him a smile and a nod and returned your eyes to the words before you, trying to find the spot you left off on.
Upon your addition to our waitlist we did a secondary review of your application
“You know about last night,” Caleb started to speak again, so there was something he’d come over to tell you.
Your focus was split, Caleb was speaking but you had to know what the letter said. He didn’t seem to catch on though, continuing his thought even though you were hardly paying attention.
“I had a really good time with you last night. Honestly, I have a really good time with you all of the time. I know that we’ve been keeping it pretty loose between us, but I just wanted to let you know that if you ever felt comfortable with getting a little more serious I actually would kind of like that”. After spilling his confession he waited for you to respond, but you’d just gotten to the most important part.
We would like to extend you an offer to attend our creative writing program this fall.
“Caleb,” you started. You did not want to hurt him, he was the best guy you met in a long time, and if things weren’t the way they were then maybe you would consider his offer. On the other hand you were excited, so ready to drop everything here and take a leap into the future and this program was going to help you do that. Just like the many rejection letters you’d received over the past few months you knew he would get over this. He’d try again with another who was more prepared to be loved the way you knew he was so very capable of. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this with you. I’m moving to Nashville”.
Next chapter>>>
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wyattjohnston · 2 years
out of ten - tyson jost
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note: this is reader insert and was written in ~6 hours inspired by that ^ gif.
word count: 1,015
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You don’t spend much time on Tumblr anymore, definitely not as much as you used to, but sometimes you head on in to catch up on discourse from your favourite shows or to reblog every piece of content you can find of the most recent show you’ve binged.
Once upon a time it had been your go to place to talk about hockey and hockey players—that became less relevant when you met Tyson Jost.
It wasn’t a conscious decision to stop participating in conversations about players, it just became slightly weird to see people talking about how cute they thought Tyson was when you’d woken up in his bed that same morning.
It’s almost a surprise when you see gif sets of him on your dash and you can't help but laugh at the tale of him being caught in Vegas with a fake ID. You save the source link, vaguely remembering him having done the interview and continue scrolling through posts until the browser slows and you’re forced to refresh.
Tyson’s face appears again, and you smile in expectation of another funny tale—that’s not what comes.
Your smile falters at the text on the gif—the host has asked Tyson to rate his love life on a scale of one to ten and Tyson’s answer: Three.
Three and a hearty laugh.
It rips through you worse than you ever could have imagined and you close your laptop to get away from it, only to make the effort to navigate to it on your phone so you can send it to Tyson in a text with no comments accompanying it.
He’s with his trainer, so he won’t see it for a couple more hours, and you know that because he has plans to come over when he’s finished. For dinner, not just a hook-up which should amount to more than a three, you think.
You know it’s been a weird few months since you met—the season ending, Tyson heading north to see his family and even when he returned to Minnesota it had been for summer hockey and off-season training. You’ve been around, though, seeing him multiple times a week since he came back and even being at some Da Beauty League games because he’d asked you to.
But, no, definitely worth a three.
You send the same post to a friend, and you don’t know what you want to get back but you do know that the offer to hide Tyson’s body feels pretty appropriate. It comes right before a FaceTime call comes through and what little amusement you got out of it disappears and is replaced by a blubbered greeting.
Next thing you know, you’re saying, “I couldn’t even get a five” and getting more upset by the second.
Your friend does their best to calm you down, switching between jokes and sympathy and distractions with lightning-fast speed. Despite all the effort they’re going to, you still see the number 3 in every part of your vision like a neon sign.
“I think a three is more insulting than a one,” you mumble into your chest. “A one is a clear sign that he doesn’t actually want me, a three feels like he’s stringing me along.”
“I don’t think he thought that hard about it,” your friend says.
Your chin drives further into your chest as you lower your head and curl even more into yourself. It doesn’t matter how hard he thought about it. As you think more about it, you realise that you wouldn’t have been happy with a number less than seven but would have accepted that you hadn’t even had a conversation about exclusivity. A five.
After listening to your ramblings, and what you think each number means, your friend tries to be kind as they say, “I think you’re thinking too hard about it.”
It does come off a little patronising and you can’t blame them.
You’re startled by the knock at your front door, and, when you minimise the FaceTime, you realise that you’ve missed a few texts from Tyson telling you he was on his way over—apparently your number-by-number run-through had taken longer than you thought.
It’s with a nervous laugh you say goodbye to your friend, a laugh that you try to supress as you open the door because you’re really not happy with it and you don’t want to risk giving that impression. Tyson doesn’t seem to have that worry, because he’s genuinely happy to see you and doesn’t look like anything has happened at all. He even leans in for a kiss and makes a hurt noise when you turn your head.
“How was training?” you ask coldly, stepping aside to let him in. You don’t really want to but you do want to have some sort of conversation about it.
“It was fine?” he says back, entirely uncertain. He stands awkward in the middle of the room, realising that everything is tense. “Is this about what you sent me?”
“A three, Tyson? A three.”
“What else was I supposed to say?” His nervousness manifests in him swinging his arms by his side and you watch them move so that you have something to focus on that isn’t Tyson’s face. “They were throwing things at me; it was supposed to be funny.”
“Funny,” you say sarcastically. “It makes me feel like I’m nothing but an easy fuck, Tyson.”
Your name falls from his lips, so softly you almost don’t hear it. It’s just loud enough that you finally make eye contact and see that he’s pouting.
“You know it’s not just that.”
“Do I? How could I possibly know it’s anything more?”
He covers the ground between you in only a few steps, raising his hands to your cheeks. His thumb brushes under your eye as he says, firmly, “You know.”
“I never want to be called a three ever again.”
His kiss isn’t unexpected, given that your faces are so close, and you let yourself melt into it.
Earnestly, he says, “Tens for the rest of your life.”
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sharkneto · 5 months
now that joining together is coming to a close (which, holy moly, congratulations!!!), were there any ideas or drafts that ultimately had to be cut for whatever reason, things that didn't work out in the flow of your story that you wish you had time to explore further? conversely, were there any major last minute changes you made that surprised you? thanks for your work, as always!
I think the only officially cut thing from JT is this deleted scene from Chapter 23. Other cuts that happened very early on in getting JT ready to start sharing was that there used to be a couple more people in Sarah's lab - a post doc and a second grad student. It was too many people and Megan's role absorbed them both. The fic is better for it. Another cut thing I played with was that, during the Extra Ordinary arc, Rick would have had a talk with Sarah about the book because he read it, becoming the only Lab Member to have read it and finally kind of getting Number. I liked the idea because it let Rick be a bit more of a character, but ultimately didn't add enough and the pacing was so much obviously better to keep the focus tight on Sarah and Five, so I never even wrote any of it. Rick gets to continue hanging out as a quarternary character with the defining character trait of Tall.
As for how things have changed, I've had the basics of the final chapters written for like two and a half years, so I've always known where we were headed. But, the exact Vibe of them and how we got there shifted. It was originally just Extra Ordinary drama - the Sarah Argument was a relatively last-minute addition, but I think it's better for it and better supports the rock-bottom of the rock bottom Five is at.
Another thing that surprised me, just overall in writing it, was how goddamn long it took for Five to be friends with Sarah and Rob. It took like 60k words. Jesus fucking Christ. I just wanted to write them as friends already but Five was Not Ready and I wasn't going to rush it and cheapen the development even if I just wanted to write them all hanging out already.
I think the largest oversight I had (and cannot believe I missed!) was that Five could have taken a class from Sarah. I've been thinking about this series and Number and Sarah for over three years, and this only occurred to me a couple months ago. It's too late to go back and add it in, now, but I might have to write that one of these days as a little bonus. It's just so fun and would have been perfect to slip in in their early days, when they're Friends but before Five is really part of the Walters family. The beats for this chapter would be as follows: Second semester of Five in Sarah's lab, he signs up for one of her classes. He incorrectly assumes that, because it is Sarah's class, it means he doesn't have to go to it and can just work in the lab through her lecture and discussion. When she tracks him down to yell at him about skipping, he is disappointed that he has not found a loophole to the Agreement. He has to go to class. He sits in the back and grudgingly participates when Sarah forces him to, otherwise spends the class texting Sarah his thoughts about what she's teaching but mostly about the other students. He has a good time and does learn some things despite himself.
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valkyrie-night-103 · 1 year
I love the WIP bits you‘ve posted so far! If you’re still doing the wip ask game I‘d be interested in hearing about Too Much Too Soon ✨👀
Hi! Thank you for participating, it means a lot! I intended to get this done a couple hours ago but I kept getting distracted, so I made it a bit longer!
To everyone else, if I haven’t gotten around to your ask, I am working on it!
Too Much Too Soon
After getting signed to New Japan and joining the Bullet Club as The Cleaner, Kenny is riding high. He’s winning matches and chasing titles. He’s a bigger star than he’s ever been, no longer the clueless gaijin following his tag partner like a lost puppy and riding his coattails. He’s sold his soul and succumbed to the machine, and even though he hates the person he’s become, he’s right where he needs to be to make history.
He heads into biggest match of his career with his new best friends at ringside. He won’t lose. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if he does.
They’re approaching the time limit, and Kenny knows he has to end this now. He leaps into a perfect moonsault to the outside. He can feel every single person in the thousands that make up the crowd are all holding their breath. For just a moment, he’s unburdened by the weight of his own expectations. He feels free, elated, weightless and hopeful. He’s not felt like this in so long. He feels golden.
His opponent moves at the last second, and the dread pulls Kenny back to earth. Like an action movie smash cut, there was a burst of pain, followed by darkness, then nothing at all.
The nothing stretches on for an amount of time. Long or short, he’s not sure. It feels long, but maybe it’s many thoughts compressed into a short space. Maybe it’s supposed to be his life flashing before his eyes, maybe he’s already dead. He drifts between pain and darkness and back into nothing.
He gets the news not even 24 hours after he was rushed to the hospital.
Matt and Nick had gone in search of decent cell service so they could keep the company clued in on how he was doing, and maybe to take a shower and grab some coffee while they were at it.
Truthfully, he’d known what was up from the moment the doctor started speaking. When a medical professional opens a conversation with the fact that he’s lucky to be alive and without any symptoms of paralysis, it’s probably not going to be good news. That kind of light at the end of the tunnel almost always turns out to be an oncoming train, a reminder of hope before it’s stolen.
Either way, you’re no less of a pancake when the reality flattens you.
He still asks anyway, and the way she pauses and looks at his chart before looking back up at him tells him everything he needs to know.
It’s a good thing, too, because doesn’t process much of what she’s saying. He feels like he’s underwater, drowning in static noise. Words and phrases make their way through, one by one.
Retirement. Immediate. Support group. Therapy. Stability. Imaging. Mobility. Surgery. Recovery. Supportive adaptations. Referrals.
He’d sacrificed everything, and for what? His body, his humanity, his home. His heart and his soul and everything in between. He gave it all up for the notion of a legacy, and it was for nothing. He never even got a real chance, and now he never would.
Somewhere, he would bet that Kota is laughing. It’s certainly poetic irony, Kenny will give him that.
The doctor steps away for a while. To give him time to process, as she so kindly puts it. His mouth tastes like metal, and his heart feels equally heavy. He feels so hollow, like he’s 99% empty space, his thoughts are electrons and his heart is the nucleus and he’s in pieces, spread like ashes in all his favourite places.
He hears heated conversation in the hall. The voice is strikingly familiar. It takes him way too long to place where he recognises the voice from.
Kenny had never found the strength to remove Kota from his list of emergency contacts. It was something that had really mattered to them, almost like marriage, it was a commitment to care and protect. Though, after all that had happened, he’d never expected Kota to actually honour it.
And as if the universe wishes to answer his questions in a timely fashion, Kota Ibushi bursts through the doors.
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zeldadiarist · 2 years
Zelink Week 2022, Day Six
@zelinkweekofficial is almost finished! Here's a new piece, kindly beta read by @zeldaelmo and @braidymaidy 💖
Day six: Rituals
On the day Zelda - and by extension Link - began her third summer break at school, some weeks before she turned twenty-five, she received an invitation in the mail.
A wedding invitation.
Zelda panicked. Those events weren't her favorite at all - the dress, the heels, buying an adequate gift, and… a companion, when the invite had the dreaded indication, as it was in this case. At least, this time, she would have Link as a plus one.
Link, on the other hand, liked weddings. He found the different rites that exist throughout Hyrule charming, and his sentimental side deeply enjoyed such celebrations of love and union.
The invitation had a catch, though.
“You know who the bride is?” she asked her friend as they both sat on the sofa.
Link looked at the name on the lilac card, and squinted at it, recalling something at the strangely familiar name. “Hilda Lorel… isn’t she the super famous mural artist?”
“I didn’t know you were friends with her,” Link was truly surprised by the information. "Very posh indeed."
Zelda was an outgoing woman, but truly had few friendships beyond the Castle life circle. Karane, one of her colleagues, was one of them. She knew her since university.
“I am on friendly terms with her, but we’re not actually friends.” Zelda swallowed hard. “She’s… one of my exes. It’s a long story and I don't wanna talk about it now.”
To her embarrassment, Link gave her a huge, obnoxiously smug grin. "Ooh, so now you are now asking me to not talk about the past…"
She rolled her eyes, knowing she would never hear the end of it. When Link was petty, he was truly the worst.
"She left me for her ex boyfriend, but our breakup was kinda a… mutual agreement. She still loved him," she revealed. "It wasn't a bad relationship at all. That's all I will say about it."
Her first statement was enough information for him to know that Zelda abstained from talking about that because her pride must have been severely wounded. "Low blow, huh?"
"Very," she nodded slowly. "That doesn't mean we're not going," she pointed out.
She RSVP’d their participation immediately, and by the end of that summer, they were at the venue of the ceremony, a very elegant manor with a view of Lake Hylia.
The bride and groom were the warmest hosts - Link found the groom, Ravio, to be such a nice chap, the decoration was whimsical and charming (perhaps too purple to his liking, but it was their wedding, not his), and the food delicious. Zelda was uncomfortable at the onset, downing a couple of glasses of sparkling wine to attempt relaxing. Talking with Hilda and not feeling either butterflies in her stomach or a stab in her heart made her feel definitely at ease, and could begin slowly enjoying herself.
Still, she was not in the mood for dancing or partying like she was used to. She signed for Link to join her at an empty balcony outside.
“Why are you so down?” he asked, handing her a drink he got for her on the way out. “I can try dancing with you if you want to go there. I’ll try not to embarrass you with my two left feet.”
She chuckled. “Nice try, but it’s not that.” she sat on the stone balcony railing.
He drank a sip of his root beer. “Then what is it?” he wondered, joining her.
“It could have been me marrying her,” she sighed.
“But you didn’t.”
“Yeah, but it’s also this feeling that we’re officially getting old.”
Link nodded. “I get it. It hits different when the bride and groom are your same age.”
“But it’s more than the ‘getting old’ feeling.” He took a deep breath. “I envy them.”
Zelda raised an eyebrow at his words. He had been all the while in a great mood apparently, engaging in conversation and acting upbeat.
”Envy? Please don’t be silly!” she gave him a playful punch on his arm. “Why envy?”
“Because I’ve been realizing… things.” he tapped his fingers on his thigh, looking at the lights of the party unfolding inside.
Zelda looked at him from the corner of her eye. “Are you tipsy?”
“As if you could get drunk with root beer.”
“Right”, she drank her wine. “What things?”
“Something changed in me after the incident in Gerudo Highlands”, he confessed, to her surprise, suddenly all somber. “I don't know if it was the near death experience, my breakup after, the change of pace when coming to be roommates, or something else, but I want all the things I didn’t want before.”
Zelda raised an eyebrow at his silence after that revelation. She had accustomed to his secretiveness. “Like…?” she urged him to complete his idea before taking a sip of her glass.
“Find a partner. Settle down” - he took a deep breath, eyes suddenly watery - “Have a loving family of my own. Be happy. Feel whole.” Can it be with you? he wondered in his head, or is it too much to ask?
“You don't need a partner to be whole, dude.”
“Alright, maybe not,” he corrected himself, “but sure a life is better when you share it with someone, don't you think?”
Zelda swallowed hard, and fought the urge to embarrass herself and blurt a desperate, slurry, and slightly inebriated “Take me, do it all with me, if you wanna have me,” taking something from her clutch bag, handing him her handkerchief awkwardly.
“Thank you.” He patted his eyes even before the tears fell. “Sorry for getting sentimental.” I'm a wreck, I must stop doing this to myself.
“You don’t have to. It’s just who you are, you have always been like that,” she assured him, trying to cover her bare shoulders with the thin shawl she wore over her simple lavender slip dress. “Even if you play the tough guy part with most people.” You're the sweetest man I've ever known.
He looked at her, and took off his suit jacket, placing it gently over her shoulders.
“Thank you,” she murmured, snuggling in the large garment. Gosh, it smells like you, and it’s so warm. Zelda, you love to torture yourself, don’t you? I must stop this insanity somehow, sometime.
“Either you are actually lost in thought or the wine is making you sleepy.” Link’s voice took her out of her head.
“Both,” she admitted. “You seem quite thoughtful still.”
“I am,” he nodded, giving her a confident glance. I should act on my feelings, not letting them die and rot inside me. This pointless longing has to stop someday. But not now. I have a duty first.
“You don’t look like a downer anymore at least,” she smiled.
“Yeah, it’s just that my head is clearer now,” he got up, stretched out a little and stared for a moment at the moonlit landscape before turning to her. “Do you want to go home? We can order pizza and make a fancy party for two.”
‘Sure,’ she got up and held to the arm he offered her to take.
As they walked away quietly, both were still trapped in their heads, a resolve slowly becoming clear in their minds and hearts.
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profeyandere · 2 years
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Masterlist || Pride and Prejudice Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 3k
Pairing: William Collins x Reader
Warning: None uwu
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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With a deep sigh, trying to calm the dizziness from the great heat that had anguished you most of the night, you opened the doors of Mr. Bingley's enormous mansion to get some fresh air, feeling a soft blow coming from the outside that made you smile softly; that had been the only sign of happiness that you had shown to the world since the moment you had arrived at the party, having had to endure the mundane talks to which you had been invited and in which you had not participated due to your lack of interest in the topics covered in each of them.
It was true that being a Darcy, they had expected you to have an attitude similar to that of your little sister, appearing more lively and cheerful than William, but they found a version of the male in an equally beautiful but distant woman. You did not enjoy the overwhelming parties where the crowds were assured but preferred the quieter intimate gatherings where you could chat with the people closest to your social circle and with whom you could enjoy more than just gossip about future weddings or the ridicule that certain guests made for how badly they played the piano or for having interrupted certain conversations that were none of their business.
Just remembering how you had to be present during William's conversation with a clergyman and how you had to calm down a young girl because she wasn't allowed to demonstrate her playing on the instrument of her dreams made you think you've had more bad luck in your entire life.
The evening was rewarding, you greeted a couple of guests and quickly settled into the farthest corner of the crowd, but it was Caroline Bingley's testy presence that made you seek refuge with your brother, his friend, and the friendly stranger who introduced herself as Jane Bennet. You found it curious how the gossip of certain guests was so inconsistent with reality because, even though you had heard that the peasant family that had been invited to the party lacked common sense and shame, you found in the young blonde an affable friend who quickly held out his hand to you as a lifeline in case you wanted to run away from certain conversations that were irritating you.
"Miss Darcy, are you all right?"
The slightly gravelly, obviously masculine voice snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to suddenly step away from the balcony entrance and turn around so you could witness the same man you'd found so pedantic.
In front of your eyes was the unmistakable Mr. Collins, the clergyman of the parish that your aunt had kept under her protection and who had given her in exchange for certain favours that he boasted about as if he were the greatest pride in the world. You had barely listened to the man when he began to talk to your older brother because the mere fact that he praised the decoration of the mansion too much and mentioned your surname on several occasions made you understand that he was simply an innate sycophant and that his intention was none other than for you to feel comfortable with his presence while he treated you in such a delicate and pleasant way, even if those acts were not to your liking.
"For God's sake, Mr. Collins, how dare you to speak without first warning of your presence?" You questioned with a slightly higher tone than you had expected, clearing your throat later as you tried to calm the strong beats that your heart had produced due to the great scare that it had caused you. "What do you need? Shouldn't I be talking to my brother or another guest of interest?"
"Sorry for the intrusion. I didn't mean to disturb you," he murmured, lowering his gaze so as not to meet your sharp eyes that were looking at him accusingly. "I intended to go out on the balcony, just like you, and, seeing that you did not move from your position, I wanted to know if you were alright since you did not respond to my calls."
Your stoic, serious and annoyed face suddenly relaxed when you heard him speak.
You were aware that he was not to blame for your bad mood. The heat and the people who almost demanded your presence had caused the vein on your forehead to become noticeable, and you felt more bothered as time passed. That environment was not your favourite, you preferred to stay at home with Georgiana than attend a party, but with the letter that Mr. Bingley had sent you, you did not have the heart to deny him your presence.
"Excuse me in that case," you spoke, bowing slightly to show your respects before returning to your task and placing yourself at the edge of the balcony, resting your forearms on the long rocky structure that marked the limit with the void.
Although you expected to hear how the door closed so that you could wrap yourself in solitude, you were surprised to hear how several steps gradually approached your position, and the figure of the man placed himself next to you. You might not give him a second glance, but you could tell how anxious and hesitant he seemed.
"I don't think I've talked to you before," he mentioned, pulling you out of your thoughts again and making you frown as you imagine where he wanted to take the conversation. "We have introduced ourselves, I do not doubt that, but I have not had the pleasure of having a formal talk with you as I have with his brother, Mr. Darcy."
A snort escaped your lips as you remembered the talk he was mentioning.
"I want to be condescending and tell you that if you want to give me the same practised compliments that you have done to my relative, I suggest that you not waste your breath doing it, because they seem as stupid to me as the person who recites them," you murmured, watching out of the corner of your eye how his face twisted into a grimace of discomfort. "I prefer silence if you wish to content me."
To your surprise, he perfectly understood your order and did not attempt to speak to you again.
Mr. Collins, who was at your side playing with the small wildflower he had picked from the large back garden of the mansion, was confused as he did not understand how it was possible that a young woman of your age, with the great wealth that you possessed, did not like the attention that others provided them. He had seen you enter the house in Netherfield quickly, greeting both Bingley brothers before you plunged into the large crowd of guests who had attended the party, only to find you suddenly chatting with your brother. He had been able to observe that you did not enjoy the company of strangers, and yet he had ignored that innate distaste you possessed to find out if that assumption was true or not.
"I would like to mention, before beginning the perpetual silence that you so desire, that it is a pleasure to meet you in person," he spoke. "Lady Catherine's arduous descriptions do not do justice to reality, I would add."
"Do you think that it has been a pleasure to have known me when I have spoken to you with a certain sarcasm and, allow me to add, dryness?" You questioned, turning your head towards him and arching one of your eyebrows slightly. "I don't need to be flattered, and if you are going to talk to me, refrain from mentioning my dear aunt and repeating more than a parrot that she is a wonderful landlady. I've heard her say those same words too many times, and honestly, I'm beginning to think that she has paid him simply to fawn over her and make her feel important at events she doesn't attend."
Mr. Collins's face showed the purest expression of surprise.
"But, from what I understand, it is favourable for women like you to listen to the sincere words and gallantries of a man, because that makes them feel even more complete and satisfied with themselves," he murmured, avoiding your gaze even though you tried to find his dull grey eyes.
"And haven't you thought for a moment that maybe all a woman wants is to have a nice, honest talk with a man?" you asked, gently tilting your head. "From what I can see in you, despite not having the required or expected physique, you try to mitigate it with an excellent education and a series of compliments that, previously learned and rehearsed ad nauseam, you direct towards women in search of your approval and, judging by the small wildflower in your hand, I can tell that it has served you well."
Collins, at your appointment of the small plant he still had, couldn't help but clear his throat.
"I am planning to propose to a beautiful lady I met recently," he explained. "I have absented myself from my home, the parish house that Lady Catherine entrusted to me, to find my future wife among my cousins."
Those words surprised you and, although it was true that you were more than used to hearing from various acquaintances that many people belonging to the English aristocracy married very close relatives, you always found abhorrent how money had a much stronger power than love itself. You hoped to get married, but you were quite clear that you would be engaged to a man you loved, and whose feelings were reciprocated, or you would be the only spinster in the Darcy family because of your refusal to marry someone from your own family.
"For the money, I suppose," you murmured. "How much money do they have? From what little I have heard about the Bennet family, I can mention that they are not the wealthiest family in the world, but they are not the poorest either."
"Oh no," she denied with a short laugh. "The fact that I have to marry one of my cousins ​​is for a matter that has to do with the house they own and, in addition, the desire of Lady Catherine for me to marry as soon as possible and thus have a family of my own."
"Then it is not your personal wish to be engaged to one of your relatives," you surmised, watching as he shrugged gently. "I would be very grateful if you could explain the situation to me if it is possible."
"My cousin, Mr. Bennet, has a lovely house in Longbourn, and as none of his heirs is male, the house will belong to me as soon as he dies, and neither the mother nor the five daughters will be able to take it from me," he explained succinctly. "If I marry one of them, specifically Elizabeth, I will free them from the anguish they feel about living outside their home in the future, as well as the desire of my employer."
"Elizabeth is the second oldest and surely you are not going to propose to Jane because of the rumours about her getting engaged to Mr. Bingley," you commented, turning to look at the door that separated you from the huge crowd that was still dancing and chatting in huge clusters. "Honestly, I don't recommend proposing to her if you don't want your ego or your pride to be hurt," you advised, glancing at the man next to you who was looking at you with a sorrowful and confused face. "I do not know Miss Bennet, but I can point out that she is not at all interested in you and, if you have a little mercy, she will reject you most naturally and kindly possible so that you do not get hurt by the encounter and that, the mistake you would make, will not be spread by the mouths of other aristocrats."
Slowly, you turned your body to come face to face with the cleric who seemed so embarrassed.
"In that case, if what you say is true, I should retire as soon as possible and return to my home," he murmured. "Although, I could also try it with some of my other cousins."
"The three youngest are not prepared to be any man's wife," you interrupted. "Surely you would treat them with the greatest delicacy in the world, I have no doubt, but they have not yet acquired sufficient maturity and, if they accept your proposal, what will their life be like? Misses Kitty and Lydia are still at that age where it's best not to be around because of their sarcastic and biting comments, plus they seem to be the most childish of the three, and Miss Mary seems the sanest, but it's better to give her a little time to settle down as a woman before making such an offer,” you reported. "I don't know your family, and obviously, I don't mean to insult them if it seems like I do, but you don't have to make these kinds of decisions lightly."
"Your reflection is interesting, and I will keep it in mind for my early future," the cleric flattered, watching how you gently tilted your head forward. "What do you think in this case? I doubt Lady Catherine will like the news that I am not engaged to any woman."
"I can speak well of you to my aunt, I can easily make her forget certain matters if I mention specific topics, so that's why she shouldn't worry," you murmured, gently licking your lips, seeing how Collins' face had the colour again that characterized him.
The man, surprised by the proposal you had made to him, could not help but feel a strong pinch in his chest, at the level of his heart, and the fact that several tingles ran through his belly and settled permanently in it, combining with all his face burned from the blush that had settled on his pale cheeks.
"I'd appreciate it if it's not a cause of any inconvenience," he added quickly, watching how you shrugged and gave a small hint of a smile.
"I don't suppose any," you affirmed. "Now, if you'd be so kind, as to tell me a little about yourself and maybe I can play a little matchmaker and match you upright with someone I know who would be thrilled to marry someone like you, and by the way, avoid mentioning my aunt as much as possible," you corrected quickly, leaning slightly forward to be closer to him. "I need you to be authentic with me, completely honest and genuine."
Mr. Collins, even though he did not expect that little help that you had proposed to him, began to mention several of the pleasant qualities that he possessed, as well as some other flaws that, as a human, he had, focusing on the aspects that his parish house, the amount of money he raised per year and some other extra detail that would help you find his ideal partner.
Neither of you was aware of the amount of time you spent in each other's company, exchanging information about your respective lives and entertaining each other with some little game that occurred to you, returning from time to time to the party to collect drinks or a canapé. The night was cool, the moon seemed to remain in its best position throughout the evening and the set of stars that decorated the sky made your views one of the most beautiful that you had ever been able to imagine, almost ignoring the large number of people who left the party until the sun began to rise again.
"Mr. Collins!" Exclaimed the slightly cracked voice of Mrs. Bennet, who was in front of the entrance of the great mansion with the rest of her family.
Both you and the name directed your gaze downwards, meeting the surprised looks of all the daughters of the family.
"I'm going right now!"
That exclamation, as much as it annoyed you, meant that it was time to say goodbye, at least until you met again at a party, and the thought of the same thing irritated you greatly.
When you turned your body towards the cleric, the only thing you saw in him was disappointment, and you understood perfectly.
"This won't be a goodbye, Mr. Collins, it's just a long see you later," you joked, shrugging your shoulders. "It has been a pleasure spending the evening with you, and if you ever walk near Pemberley please do not hesitate to visit me."
That invitation caused the man's greyish eyes to become bright and, as a gift, he handed you the small wildflower with which he had been playing during the hours that you had been talking.
"I thank you and, in the same way, I will wait impatiently for you in my parsonage in Hunsford."
With a slight bow on the part of both, and after having accepted the violet, you watched how little by little he moved away from you to be able to go towards the door that had joined you in that party, noticing how she turned to look at you one last time. It was then that you gave him your sweetest smile, and he managed to reciprocate in the same way.
His expression, like yours, was genuine, and even as the minutes passed after he said goodbye to you as the wagon that had brought him pulled away from Mr. Bingley's house, your big smile didn't fade, and you hoped it wouldn't soon.
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90363462 · 2 years
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Long-Term Couples: What Kind Of Sex Do You Want To Have This Year?
“I promise to always be by your side. Or under you. Or on top.” — Unknown
Shellie R. Warren
Jan. 03, 2022 06:39PM EST
As we enter a new year, you and your partner are coming off of enjoying a few days off and you’re (hopefully) discussing some of the ways that you want to improve your relationship in the upcoming months, I hope that one of the topics that come up is your sex life. Because while a lot of people seem to treat sex like it’s the icing on the cake of their dynamic, I prefer to see it as an ingredient in the cake. It really can’t be said enough that one of the main things that (usually) set a long-term relationship apart from all of the other connections that people have is the sex — and since that makes sex exceptional, it should be treated as such…wouldn’t you say?
So, keeping this in mind, what kind of sex do you want to have this year? If what immediately comes to your mind is, “What do you mean? I want to have good sex” (duh), then I think you should read this all the way through. Because in order to have good, better or (again hopefully) off-the-charts sex, there are a few different points that should be explored — first.
What Grade Would You Give Your Sex Life Last Year?
Something that I say (and wholeheartedly believe) often is, “The problem with a lot of us is, we’re so used to experiencing an ‘F’ that we think a ‘C’ is an ‘A.’” While I typically apply this to relationships, sex can fit right in with it too. While when we first start having sex with someone new, the focus may be on how good or not-so-good it is, it’s pretty common that once you get into something serious, you don’t put as much thought into how great or not-so-great it might be or what could be done to make things better. You kind of just accept that this is who you’re with and this is the way sex is gonna be.
Listen, if you’re in a long-term dynamic, I’m assuming that you’re trying to be in it for the long haul, right? And if both of you signed up for exclusivity, that means you’re only going to be sleeping with each other. Therefore, you’d better care about if the sex is amazing — or not. That’s why I think it’s crucial that you both put your ego aside and put a grade on your sex life. Based on whatever the “score” is, both of you should explain it. Better to have a couple of minutes of uncomfortableness in hearing what’s up than to sign up for another year of C or below experiences (overall). Right?
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Is Sex a Real Priority for You Both?
A wise person once said something that is oh so very true, across the board — “No one is busy. It just depends what number you are on their priority list.” This is why, when married couples talk to me about how they can’t recall the last time they had sex because of how “busy” they’ve been, while I try to keep from letting them see it, I do end up rolling my eyes. Sex is about intimacy. Sex is a profound form of communication. Orgasms have a ton of holistic benefits (check out “10 Irrefutable Reasons To Have An Orgasm A Day” and “10 Hacks To Help You Climax More Consistently”). So, why is it that you can find time to do any and everything else but participate in some consistent copulation? Again, it’s all about priorities.
And what’s the indication that you prioritize sex? Word on the street is, if you have sex about once a week, you’ve got a pretty “normal” sex life. My take is, if you get that sex is a staple in any romantic relationship and you keep pushing lower on your to-do list, that is revealing more about your connection — or disconnection — with your partner than you might think. Going into the new year, prioritizing sex must be a topic of conversation. Don’t put it off. Do it as soon as you possibly can.
Are You and Your Partner Great “Sex Communicators”?
Speaking of conversations, good sex is all about great communication and communication is about imparting something and interchanging something. You know, there’s a husband I know who brags about how good of a communicator he is. His wife and I find that to be past hilarious because he honestly doesn’t seem to know the difference between a monologue (hearing himself talk) and a dialogue (exchanging ideas with others) and he absolutely sucks at listening. Interestingly enough, this very husband was the inspiration behind the article, “BDE: Please Let The ‘It Needs To Be Huge’ Myth Go” that I wrote last year because, another fascinating about him is, he seems to think that because he’s “packin,’” he’s automatically good in bed. Chile, LOUD and WRONG again.
It really should come as no surprise that a lot of people who are poor communicators outside of the bedroom are also pretty bad at doing it inside of the bedroom too. And just what are some indications of being a poor communicator? Making assumptions. Thinking that your voice is what’s more important. Refusing to compromise. Acting like your opinions should be treated like facts. Being patronizing or condescending. Not respecting what the other person is saying. See how that can make someone be bad in bed?
A man can be entirely in you (yes literally), with your permission, and you can still feel like the two of you are miles apart. Since I believe that sex is an ultimate form of communication and the closer that two people feel on a mental and emotional level, the better their relationship can/should become, definitely discuss how good the two of you are about communicating on a sexual level as far as speaking and being heard about what your wants and needs are. If you need a little help in this department, check out “9 Sex-Related Questions You & Your Partner Should Ask Each Other. Tonight.”. At the very least, it can help to put the two of you on the right track.
How “Risky” Are Things?
I will forever die on the hill that one of the most underrated reasons for why two people decide to call it quits is boredom. And when it comes to sexual boredom, it’s important that couples take more risks. Keeping this in mind, when’s the last time you and your partner checked something off of each other’s sex-themed bucket list,taped a sexual encounter, or went on a sexcation? When’s the last time you had sex outside of your bedroom or bathroom, tried a position that you’ve never done, or attempted a sexual goal that you’ve yet to reach (like maybe how many orgasms you can both have in one night)? A wise person once said that there can’t be rewards without risk. Your sex life can apply to this statement — ten-fold.
How Much Is Sex the “Glue” in the Relationship?
Glue is what holds things together and even the Good Book says that sex makes two people one (which is why people need to be very careful about who they “one themselves to” — Genesis 2:24-25, I Corinthians 6:16-20 — Message). Not only that but oxytocin is a natural hormone that literally makes two people feel closer to one another during physical acts of intimacy and affection. With that said, while I do think that it’s unhealthy to solely rely on sex to keep your relationship afloat, at the same time, I do think that it should be respected as a vital part of what keeps you and yours in a good space.
So, tell me something — how much is sex the “glue” in your relationship? How much do you look forward to it with your partner? How safe and secure within your bond does it make you feel? When it comes to the things that you enjoy the most about your connection, where does sex go on the list? You know, glue is a type of adhesive, one definition of adhesive is tenacious and to be tenacious is to “hold fast,” be “highly retentive” and “not easily pulled asunder.” 
Unfortunately, we live in a culture that has gotten way too flippant and casual about sex. Still, if you look at it past the surface, it can help you and your partner remain unbreakably close. It can be a type of glue that makes your bond unmatched. If you let it.
What Is Your Sex Mission Statement?
A philanthropist by the name of Andrew Carnegie once said, “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” That said, from both a personal and professional perspective, I am all about mission statements because they’re a great way to set goals, remove distractions (and excuses) and stay focused. So…where’s y’all’s sex mission statement at? Straight up. If you want to have a better and more fulfilling sex life in the upcoming year, it’s important that you and your partner get together to jot down a couple of paragraphs about what kind of goals you want to set surrounding your sex life and the mutual commitment that you both will make to achieve said-goals. Then put the statement somewhere where you both can see it on a regular basis.
Research says that you have a 42 percent greater chance of reaching your goals when you write them down. That said, please determine in your mind to go into 2022 with an official sex mission statement. It’s a bona fide way to end this year with a bigger smile on your face than you started it with. I can almost guarantee it!
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How Long Do Women Want Sex To Last? - xoNecole: Women&amp;#39;s Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
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eremiie · 3 years
Fic where y/n has a threesome with Levi and eren😗
can you finish these papers?
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❥ 8k words | nsfw | levi x reader x eren
❥ you have some work to finish but you also have somewhere to be, so what’s the harm in handing it off to eren? only, eren ends up needing help with your work, and both eren and levi decide to help you out.
❥ content: threesome, double penetration (vaginal/anal), choking, lowkey cuckolding but not really, slight praise kink, semi-public sex
❥ note: i actually made one back in december so i will simply give that to you now, enjoy <3
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"eren!" you called for the brunette, watching his body turn around just before he rounded the corner of the complex, a small smile gracing his face at your figure. you ran up to him, his arms wrapping around your small frame before you could topple over him.
"hey, slow down." the fabric of his button up crinkled the stack of papers in your hand in the slightest before you picked yourself up. he took it upon himself to draw you in closer engaging you in a brief hug before letting you go, causing you to smile at the small gesture. "why are you running?"
"oh, i wanted to catch you before you went to the cubicles." you bit your bottom lip, slightly embarrassed at the fact that you in fact we're running around an office complex to catch him. "i needed you to sign off these papers, and then finish up the rest for me, some of them aren't in my field but i was given them anyways." you held up the papers to your chest and dropped them, eren's eyes following. he took in your appearance; you were wearing a blazer one piece, as if it was a skirt and a blazer warped into one in the bright shade of white, the fabric coming down to a little more than above your knee. trailing down your legs you had a medium handbag in your left hand in a black color that matched your heels.
you were so gorgeous, is what he thought to himself. you never failed to dress to impress at your job, and he never failed to miss greeting you in the morning's when you would come into the building, your normal routine was you and him making coffee together, and on the days you were late he'd make yours for you, cold brew with caramel flavored creamer and a teaspoon of sugar every time. he liked you, but he didn't realize it until one day armin pointed it out to him.
you were seated with him at a meeting, and eren couldn't stop staring at you, the only person seeming to realize being armin, the intelligent coworker of yours that you seemed to only see time to time, and mikasa who was very observant in general; especially with eren.
"you like her!" armin squealed at eren after the meeting during your break. mikasa didn't fail to give a disapproving look at eren, during the ordeal.
"you do. but i'm not surprised. you don't even know her. you only like her for her looks, eren." she added on to armin's comment, eren furrowing his eyebrows at his coworker.
"i don't like her, i just think she's nice guys, and i actually have talked to her, multiple times, so i don't just like her for her looks, mikasa." he crossed his arms and mentally waved the two off. "you don't even know if we talk or not, you're in the complex over." his irritation was clear and he was beginning to walk off, mikasa hesitant to follow.
"eren if you like her that's okay! i'm all for it, and if you want a," armin nudged eren's shoulder playfully with a joyful smile. "wingman i can help you out."
eren grimaced at armin and pushed his arm down with a shake of his head. "armin stop, i don't need a wingman, i don't like her, and i don't need you trying to watch who i talk to mikasa." eren's voice raised in the slightest causing mikasa to step forward in front of armin. she looked down at her watch on her wrist and looked back up to eren with a motherly expression. "break is over in five minutes. let's go."
eren muttered something inaudible under his breath but let mikasa push him forward by the small of his back with armin trailing behind so they could leave the small break area.
so yes, he did like you, and only realized and admitted it to himself after that day, yet he would never admit it to his friends. mikasa would constantly be on his ass about every little thing and armin would try to gain intel on the relationship in retrospect. seeing you genuinely made his heart warm, and he was never afraid to be more than touchy with you, yet he didn't know exactly what move to make.
"yeah, i can do that. do you need them by a specific time?" he grabbed the papers from your hand, letting his brush against your dainty fingers for a slight moment, and he loved the way you grinned at him.
"no, no take your time, bring them by whenever. i have something to do anyways so please, take your time." he nodded his head at you.
"no additional information i need to know? nobody specific to give these to or anything?"
you didn't really think about your response, just wanting to get the papers off your chest. "nope, it's all in the papers, do whatever you want or whatever it says, you're the man."
he chuckled and held the papers up to confirm to you that he'll get everything done for you, despite his own workload. "alright, see you later then?"
"yes, of course, i'll see you later, eren, thank you so much!" and you were off as quick as you met up with him, heading over to the elevator, him watching you leave.
eren couldn't stop smiling to himself on his way to his own office, it was on the same floor as yours, yet the two of you weren't walking together. he assumed like you told him, you had something important to do and that's why you left some of your papers off to him, as the two of you were in the same business field in general compared to others like armin, mikasa, who were in the building next door.
finally, eren was sat at his desk skimming through the papers you gave him. he made two piles, one of papers he simply needed to sign off and transmit to someone above him, most likely the line manager, maybe the director or counselor, and another with work you actually left him to complete for you. mostly phone calls, documents to file and appointments to schedule. he sighed to himself and decided to just sign off the papers to pass on quickly, maybe he'd even be able to stop by your office on the way back to let you know he did some of the work and spark up a conversation.
meanwhile, you were making your own way to another office. you knocked on the door a few times, a small smirk on your face already.
"come in." the voice like silk answered and you wasted no time opening the wooden door.
"levi, hello." you hummed with the same grin you gave eren, just earlier. you closed the door behind you and watched levi study you briefly, rolling his chair out from underneath his desk. his eyes glanced from his desk to you and then back to his desk, getting up and grabbing miscellaneous items, going over to place them on a shelf so it was clearer. "always the clean freak." you scoffed stepping closer until you were right in-front of the plain desk, your fingertips brushing the surface that you've been fucked over countless times. you bent down and placed your purse onto the floor beside his desk. "did you miss me?"
levi went back to sitting down, giving you a one over, taking in your appearance as well. if you were to say so yourself, you were proud of your attire as well, it was giving you a confidence boost, and you got compliments when you wore it almost every time, not to say you wore it a lot.
"heichou? why are you ignoring me?" your voice was flirty. he still hadn't spoke a word to you, yet you knew he was fine with you being here, more than fine. you weren't genuinely being a nuisance, you just wanted to rile him up a bit. you and levi were always like this, not many people spoke to him, as a matter of fact you can't recall much people being willingly enough to talk to him. he was more threatening then the manager, erwin. yet your curiosity didn't fail you when you took a shot at him. both you and hange didn't let his sly remarks, or his little choice of words scare you away, or the death glare he'd shoot in your directions make you shy away from him, and maybe he enjoyed that a little bit.
but the difference between you and hange was your relation to him. an amazing friend you were to him, he even willingly gave you his number when you asked. you nor him were one hundred percent positive on how the situation came to be but you could remember (and you were sure he could too) the first time it happened.
after the first time, every once in a while you and levi would participate in sultry endeavors. you had him wrapped around your finger and you might've been the first girl to at that, although he had you wrapped around his too. not to mention the couple times the two of you didn't fail to fuck at work, levi always feeling more guilty than you after. it was a way to relieve stress for the two of you, and even if you wanted to, you doubt levi would allow you to get any closer to him than you were, not that it bothered you. he was like an onion, lots of hard layers to try and cut through, even after being so close with each other. you never asked why either, his feelings seeming to deep to dive in, and a little much for your carefree self to handle.
"the nicknames not working either?" you strode over and slowly placed yourself in his lap, making sure there were no signs of rejection or anything that would indicate he wasn't in the mood. your legs now were swung over either side of him and your head was leveled with his. "can i?" small fingers brushed up the side of his face, and he involuntarily stiffened in the slightest, even after so many sessions.
he locked his eyes with you and let you lean in to connect both of your lips, a sweet taste of his earlier tea still on his tongue, and only then did he finally place his hands on your lower back, bringing you forward and letting your hips meet his fervently. you tasted of coffee and it blended in perfectly with the herbal taste of his mouth that you swallowed up. moving your hands from his face to his neck, your arms hung over the back of the chair. you pulled back to catch your breath.
"so you're just playing hard to get today?" you smirked, placing your hands over levi's own hands. "do you want to make this quick? i'm not really busy today but how about you?"
finally, levi spoke to you for the first time that evening; "just a meeting with erwin near the end of the work day, in a couple hours."
"you couldn't go a couple hours if we wanted to." your playful remark didn't go unnoticed, and neither did the way he pinched your sides harshly, a yelp coming from your mouth as he picked you up and sat you on his desk.
"only because your shitty ass would be passed out after a few rounds." his eyes gleamed slightly at your charming expression after his joke that made you laugh. you threw your hands back around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss, happy with the way he kissed you more excitingly this time. your tongues and lips danced in a hungry manner and he could feel the happiness radiating off of you. after all it has been a while since you last got to have time with the man.
you trailed your kisses downwards, letting them meet his sharp jawline and then even further until you pecked his adam's apple, it bobbing under your warm lips, and then further once again until they were met with his collarbone. his hand flew to your hair as you continued your administrations, biting and sucking at the thin skin surrounding his collarbone, him holding back his groans, although you could imagine his expression; eyebrows pinched together and his mouth hanging open in the slightest.
deciding to help him out a bit, his suit jacket was thrown off his shoulders onto his chair earning a hard glare from you and you quickly unbuttoned the rest of his white button up until his chest was revealed, giving you the opportunity to run your fingers around it. "hm, pretty."
his smell was distinctive, his signature cologne which you remember asking him the name for but you couldn't recall. it was a french name, something along the lines of 'de chanel', but your mind was becoming foggy and you didn't have time to remember the name at the moment.
"slow down." levi's muttered. "take off that thing." a look of amusement crossd your face, your upper lip perking up and your eyebrows raising. you slowly began to unbutton your buttons one after the other, fully aware you didn't have a bra on underneath your selected outfit; of course not for any particular reason. you just thought it looked simply better without it.
"what? the blazer dress?" and levi held his stern look with you, clearly he could care less about what the piece was called, and he helped you unbutton the remaining buttons letting it fall from your front and rest on your shoulders. he admired your figure, letting his hands ghost over you soft breasts before running his hand down your abdomen and resting them on your hips. his fingers dipped under the band of your underwear, the material nothing special, probably a cotton blend, then he let the pads of his index fingers rub against your hips before pulling them down and folding them to place on his chair. you rolled your eyes. "was folding them really necessary?"
"be lucky i'm even about to bend you over this desk and not making you clean up the mess you're gonna make."
you held your hands up in mock defense, eyelids raising in fake surprise at his comeback, but soon after your eyelids rose in real shock at the feeling of one of his fingers entering you, slowly becoming two. doing it yourself never hit as much as his fingers felt, they fit so effortlessly and made you feel squeamish. you lifted your head up in the slightest to watch him pump the digits in and out your cunt slowly, and clearly on purpose.
you laid back down completely groaning in response at the way his fingers seemed to itch at every right spot inside of you, yet it wasn't enough when you knew that you could have more, that you were going to get more out of him. you lifted your legs up as far back as you could without scooting your upper body off of the desk. you were laying the opposite way the desk was turned so your head hung off slightly, but you didn't mind with the sensation surrounding you.
"fuck, can you go faster maybe?"
"be patient, brat." levi spit back at you quickly, causing you to roll your eyes, but he didn't take that as an answer, curling his slender fingers up until they hit a soft spot, you sucking in a breath. you spread your legs a little more and began to grind down on levi's hands as much as possible to try and create more friction between the two of you, specifically for your own pleasure. you wondered if he was enjoying watching you sprawled out on his desk like this.
of course he was.
you didn't even realize how much he was enjoying it until you opened your eyes to watch the way his bottom lip was trapped between his teeth, and the way his freehand was palming at his self. he was watching you such a lewd expression that you would never catch any other time, and it only grew when you fluttered your eyes at him and let out another moan to draw him in more. in fact, he was so caught up in the moment that his brain was on autopilot, whenever someone knocked on his door his response was always for them to 'come in', and that's how the next moment played out; his brain moving on its own while his fingers were working inside of you.
"sir?" a low voice startled you, but not so much levi as he was so caught up in the moment.
"come in." he said, just like he said to you when you first walked in, but he realized his mistake soon after, yet it was too late. "wait,"
the door was already opening, and heavy footsteps entered the office. "sir, i have pap-"
green eyes locked with yours first thing, and the way your face was contorted in pure pleasure and how your eyes were framed on his sent shivers as well as shock down his spine. surprisingly, you weren't as embarrassed as you thought you were supposed to be because it was him, although you were in an awkward position and levi was clearly flustered and angered at the same time.
"eren..." you mumbled, he appeared upside down from the way your head was looking off the desk, eren in front of you but a distance away.
eren stood there an unreadable expression on his face, but you could see anger through his movements, translated through the way he gripped the papers in his hand a little harder than usual, the paper folding under his hands. or maybe by the way his left eyebrows would twitch, hm, or maybe the slight glare that you couldn't tell who it was directed at.
levi on the other hands anger was way more evident, his face red from either the activity at hand or at how flustered he was. his fingers were stilled in you but they were still curved and rested against your g-spot a little harshly while his other hand stabilized him on the table. "jaeger,"
"i had some papers to drop by." he slightly cut levi off, which wasn't usual... why wasn't he leaving as soon as he witnessed what was going on? as a matter of fact, you were slightly worried on why you were the calmest one in the room although it was you who was upside down on with your tits hanging out and a finger between your lips.
"get out." levi hissed, nails digging into his palm as his fist sat on his desk, beside your phone. but that wasn't the only thing painful, not to mention his dick straining against his dress pants.
eren attempted swallowinh down his slight irritation and frustration, instead letting his gaze flicker down back to your body. he struggled with watching your chest heave up and down, clearly aching for this to be over so levi could keep going. the way the white fabric of your dress was draped across your shoulders yet revealing of everything in between, and the faint scent of sex lingered in the room. your finger playing with your lip and your legs spread open for... levi, was simply a sight.
he wished that was him.
he couldn't be mad at his line manager, he was the one who dictated how well he was doing to the actual boss, he was the head of the branch that you and eren were under.
"why are you still standing there brat? get out." levi's eyes were dark yet he refused to make eye contact with eren, who huffed in a breath and turned towards the door.
he thought for a minute.
"i'll tell."
you and levi's eyes slightly widened, you raising your eyebrow at his sudden demeanor. his voice was a bit lower and he was still facing the door, a bit spacey if you asked yourself.
"let me join."
you snickered in amusement. of course you'd be the one taking the biggest toll but if you were being honest it didn't bother you that much. you liked the thrill and anticipation of the possibility of being caught, and eren was cute, always a sweetheart to you and looking out for you and your work. he was the reason you could divide your work load. why not reward him? in all honesty, if he were to make a move on you independently you probably wouldn't have been one to say no. levi on the other hand...
"i'll tell erwin that you're in here fucking a staff member." this was light for eren, he really wanted to yell at levi for being the one to have you a mess under him, and wanted to be angry at you because you were allowing it to happen, his jealousy was definitely getting the best of him, and he was sure levi would probably beat his ass later for even making the proposition. he felt like a little kid, and felt even worse for the subtle blackmail. it felt stupid to even be asking for such a request, i mean he would never really tell, he just wanted to get a feel of you, feel you around him any which way.
"eren." levi's head lowered further. "i'm going to kill you."
eren's lips creeped up into a small smile. he took that as acceptance and he closed the door, this time locking it for levi and walking forward towards the desk. his smile was slightly reciprocated by you, feeling excitement rush through your body. sure you've been with a lot of people and were slightly know for being an overly friendly person, but a threesome? never.
despite levi's stiff form, still still fingers, and the annoyance seeping off of him eren wasted no time unbuckling his belt in front of your face. the hem of his black button up falling out of his pants as they dropped to the floor, his boxers going along with them.
"doesn't really matter to me if i can feel her pretty lips around my mouth."
oh, how bold of him.
you clenched. yup, yes you did, and you were sure levi felt it, your walls fluttering around his fingers at eren's choice of words. he was hung right in your face and you strained your neck a little bit to push back on the table so you could get a better position for him. he looked down at you still seemingly irritated but a little excited. he caressed his fingers under your jaw, his thumb pulling down on your bottom lip.
"can you open up for me, please?"
your smile was evident now. levi wasn't very vocal during sex as far as you knew, so the exchange and opposition in personalities was a new experience for you. levi began to move his fingers again as you hummed in response  and opened your mouth for eren. he slipped his dick into your mouth flawlessly and the angle helped your throat open up much more, not that you had trouble with that anyways.
eren's groans were so pretty, the feeling of your mouth circling him was heaven sent and he had to support himself with the table while he settled in your heat. "fuck," he moaned out while trying to reach the back of your throat only for a split second before letting you do your thing.
"you're gonna have to shut the fuck up. i'm not getting caught because of your shitty ass." levi's pumps were slower now, and you continued your grinding to get him to speed up while trying to cater to eren who was too in bliss to even care about levi's remark.
"mm," was eren's response and it made you laugh around him sending small vibrations up his cock, causing him to gasp and his hand to fly back up to your jaw, massaging your chin unconsciously. you were having slight trouble breathing and all you could see from your angle was the floor and the inside of eren's thighs, his skin a pretty tan, but in all you decided to close your eyes to enhance your pleasure and eren's.
levi began to quicken his pace in a rough manner, adding a third finger and continuing his administration's, using his freehand to fumble with his own pants and belt until they collapsed from around his waist while he abused the sweet spot inside of you. more moans continued to spill from you and eren began his own pace inside your mouth simultaneously while levi pushed to make you cum.
eren's free hand snaked from your jawline to your throat and he essentially used it as leverage while he slipped in and out your mouth, almost slipping out completely then pushing as far as he could every time. spit dribbled down the side of your face from your position and his assault and you silently prayed it didn't get in your eye. "this shit feels so good," eren groaned, his eyes closed as he basked in the pleasure you were giving him, using you as he pleased. "this is what i was missing out on? this is what he got to do?" he rambled on and levi glared at him while his words barely processed in your head as you focused on trying to breathe.
"shut up, you're gonna turn me off." levi continued to go faster and you could feel the warm sensation building up in your lower stomach, your legs aching from their position, continuously open as far as they can go so you could feel his nimble fingers inside you as deep as possible. you knew your legs would be cramped and feel like jelly later.
a whimper elicited from you while eren used your throat, and eren laughed at levi, yet he couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.
your legs were beginning to shake and you used your free hand to rub your clit but levi's hand grabbed your wrist before you could help yourself to an orgasm. "no. you really think i'd let you get off that fast?" you whined but it was slightly covered by the gags eliciting from your throat as eren got rougher, hand closing in around your neck and you could feel his fingertips tightening around it. he also seemed to relish in the feeling of your throat bulging the deeper he went, causing a mantra of curses to leave his own throat.
once you calmed down a little on levi's end he continued to go faster again, this time your wrist to your side pinned by his hand. he was doing it on purpose, hitting that sacred spot inside of you repeatedly while watching your actions to determine whether or not you were close, by the way your legs would push further out, or the way you would arch your back, or even the feeling of you tightening around him in anticipation for something bigger, then he would pull out and relished in the whine that would leave your mouth every time.
"ev... ah..." his name sounded so distorted coming from your mouth when you had eren filling your mouth up.
"he can't hear you like that, sweetheart." eren taunts, pulling out and and rubbing the head of his dick against your swollen lips. "what is it?"
"i can't, i need to cum." you pleaded, raising your head up so that you could see levi's fingers inside of you preparing to get you close to your high for the umpteenth time. eren stared in admiration at you and at your begging expression.
"tch, help him finish first so i can fuck you." levi was relaxing now that he was in too deep, and you could tell. he seemed to be enjoying putting you right on the edge, or maybe he was punishing you for eren's arrival, but that was in no way your fault. you sighed impatiently and laid your head back down so eren could slip back in.
"you want me to make this quick for you?" eren's hand was on your cheek now with a look you'd give to a crying newborn baby, almost as if he was in awe, maybe pity, or maybe he was patronizing you. you weren't used to being so submissive to one, let alone two people, so you were surprised at how rapidly your responded, a fast nod to the head. "'m gonna use that pretty throat of yours for a few more minutes, alright?" another hum in response to eren and you closed your eyes again in anticipation, deciding to ignore the spit and lewd noises while levi added a fourth finger but went pretty slow.
eren pushed into your throat again and stayed as deep as possible for a couple seconds. "shit," he furrowed his eyebrows before pulling out and then repeating the process. "i'm close, i'm so fucking close." you helped push eren over the edge by attempting to swirl your tongue around his dick and hollowing your cheeks. the last time he pulled out you chased him, your lips puckering around his head and sucking. he went in once more and you licked up a specific vein that lined the side of his cock and then he spilled in your mouth. "oh, fuck, fuck!"
you sat up as he pulled back and propped yourself up on your elbows, forcing yourself to swallow his seed, as you were at work and didn't want too much of a mess to clean up. plus levi would've probably killed you, already seeming upset. although, levi kept to his word, he clicked his tongue and pumped his fingers in and out of you hard and fast again to build that pressure back up, letting go of your wrist to rub at your clit and not forgetting the spot that made your eyes rolls back and your stomach curdle until you yourself were coming as well with a too loud moan, that you prayed the others in the building didn't hear. "levi!" you called out, his name leaving your lips flawlessly causing his lips to part with a sigh and your juices coating his fingers. he pulled his fingers out from you and your and eren were both mesmerized by the amount of slick that gave his fingers a shine.
although the site in front of him was beautiful, eren was jealous that that wasn't his name coming from your lips like that.
and levi was irritated he was still untouched.
"my turn." levi grumbled, as you sat up your chest heaving up and down. you were sure you looked a mess, dry saliva and cum all over your face, and your throat left dry and abused, not to mention you didn't even want to know what your hair looked like. you lifted yourself off the counter and threw the dress blazer that was under you onto the floor, and swore you saw levi twitch, probably contemplating whether or not to ruin the moment by folding it or something.
"awe, heichou was being patient. that's a first." you joked, and eren came around and sat up onto levi's desk in your previous spot letting you lean back onto him while he was trying to catch his own breath after such an intense orgasm. he was slightly confused by the nickname but it gave him the impression that this has clearly been going on for a long time. "so what do you want me to do, boss?"
with another click of his tongue levi opted to show you instead of tell you. you turned around as levi lined himself up while you stood facing eren for support as he sat in front of you stroking himself and deciding to just watch for now, still surprised he was even getting to have an experience with you.
"then i'm gonna fuck you." you gasped as you felt levi rub against your folds and then enter you bottoming out at once. he's been inside you so many times yet every time still felt somewhat new and refreshing. he fit so perfectly inside of you like a glove and you loved the way it felt every time. you sighed in relief when you felt him buried to the hilt and eren's hand tightened around himself at the noises coming from you. he was studying your expressions well, knowing that he'd embed in his mind the noises and faces you were making for later.
eren brought his hands up to your face and pulled you in for a kiss to swallow up your sounds. "you know you did so good?" he praised you using his thumbs to rub your ears before kissing down to your neck. "that's the best head i've gotten in a while."
your mouth dropped open and you let out the quietest "eren," as he pulled you closer and levi fucked you harder; he wanted to hear 'levi' not 'eren'. eren relished in this though and sucked at your neck, sandwiching you between the two boys, you using eren to hold onto, and levi drilling you.
"yeah, i like when you say my name like that." you couldn't help but notice how expressive he was, and you loved it. his lips formed those words against your skin and you grasped onto his black button up to hold yourself up some more. eren let go of your face now having a free hand to go back to stroking himself. he watched as your eyes fluttered and struggled to stay open, and levi loved the way instead of your eyes, your cunt fluttered around him. his grip on your hips was strong and his fingertips were going to leave some type of imprint in your skin. the sound of skin slapping against each other was so apparent and a turn on for eren.
"hey," eren let go of himself and connected your lips once more before leaning in towards your ear. "you think you can take two people?" his voice was low, almost like a whisper but loud enough that levi heard it too, causing him to stutter in his movements at the thought and you to have a mini double take as well.
"oh fuck," you sighed resting your elbows on eren's knees while your chin rested against his shirt and you opened your eyes to look up at him.
"if you can't let me know, no pressure." his smile was warm, too much like the same grin he gave you earlier when you handed him those papers. one of his hands pat the top of your head before raking the rest through your locks and then tugging on your ponytail slightly. "i'm just curious to know how much you can take. you've been such a slut today... i didn't know you were like this." your head was jerked to look more up at him causing a strain on your neck and you let out a small mewl in response.
levi looked up at you trying to determine what your response meant while eren caressed your jaw again, something he seemed to really enjoy. it made it feel more intimate for him and gave him the slightest hope that he could have a little more of you another time.
"how?" you mumbled against him. eren's hands cascaded down your back until his ring finger prodded at your hole causing it to clench slightly making him chuckle.
"well i'll be here," and then his hand groped your ass before bringing it back up and kissing you once more. "and he'll be there."
"i... i can try?" your audible response was more of a question and it was mainly the result of the way eren stared down at you. gosh were his eyes absolutely gorgeous, the closer you were to him the better they were to look at even through the blur of your eyes from the sensations around you. emerald green rimmed by a jade with flecks of the ocean littering his eyes. as a matter of fact his whole face was gorgeous, his brown hair swept back into a half assed bun with strands of hair sticking to his forehead was still attractive to you somehow even though it looked like he didn't try at all.
"hm, sir?" eren looked up, his 'sir' coming off as more mockingly and levi's infamous glare wasn't afraid to look at eren again. "it's what she wants."
"are you sure this isn't for your own fucking fantasy?" you assumed levi's comment was a joke but his tone was too serious to tell, so eren brushed it off as well as you. "come here." levi pulled out and hesitantly sat back in his own chair. "get on top of me." you obliged and crawled into his lap, lining the two of you up again and having him bury into you all the way again.
"you don't have... anything, right? to help her?" eren asked reluctantly but he wanted to assure no harm would be done to you. levi shook his head and gave eren a look that screamed 'why would i carry lube at work?' yet it was a stupid look considering he was in the process of fucking his coworker at work as well.
eren came up behind you rubbing your shoulders and neck chastely, speaking again in a low tone; "we're gonna take this slow." he turned your head towards him as you leaned more against levi so eren could get a better angle and kissed you softly before collecting precum from his tip and smearing it on your entrance then letting his spit beside it before slipping one finger into you. you tensed up in the slightest and pulled away from eren's lips. eren could feel the added pressure from you and pouted. "you have to relax or this won't work." you were sure his response was trying to be reassuring but it came off as more angry.
"okay," you relaxed your body and levi pulled you closer to him not even recognizing the fact that he pecked you a kiss instead. "someone's jealous." you joked as eren slipped a second finger beside the first, levi tensing up himself at the strange feeling of eren's fingers being felt through the thin tissue that separated your two holes. you stiffened yourself in the slightest at being pushed to your limit. levi grumbled something inaudible and peered down at the site, slightly intrigued but doing a good job at hiding the fact.
"can i add a third one?" eren asked after you were more calm. he spit again so it wasn't dry. you hesitated for a minute before nodding your head and anticipating the new stretch. you weren't gonna lie, it slightly burned but it was a good burn, a sexual pain. eren slipped in his third finger even slower than the first two and marveled at the way you were taking up so much, rubbing your back encouragingly and pecking various upper body parts to keep you calm while levi himself was struggling with the added pressure, just holding you in his lap and trying not to thrust into you.
slowly eren pumped his fingers and he ached for it to be his dick instead. maybe another time he'd be able to get you by yourself and get to fuck you properly, he could only hope.
"i think i can do another one." your tone was shy as you cradled against levi's chest, quite flustered.
"oh? okay." eren responded before repeating his process of spitting and adding another finger slowly so you could adjust. one thing eren and levi could agree on was how well you were doing. his fingers pumped inside you again and you groaned at the newfound feeling, lip quivering and eyes getting teary. this time, without much hesitance after you adjusted again eren removed his fingers and placed his tip at your entrance turning you to face him. "you're so fucking good," eren brought your lips to his again before he slid into you slowly, swallowing all your gasps and he could've sworn he could've heard one elicit from levi at the pressure that was building up. he didn't begin to move until you gave him the okay and he spit hastily once more and began moving slowly, levi's pace much faster.
you felt overwhelmed but in a good way, the thrill was running through your body and your adrenaline was pumping, cheeks warm and body hot, and you could feel tears pricking at your eyes. "this... feels so fucking... good!" you struggled to get you words out but they heard you. in response eren grabbed your breast, rolling your nipple in between his warm fingers and placing his forehead against the top of your head.
"yeah, it does, this is amazing, ____, you're amazing, fuck." you could've sworn that was the first time eren had said your name all night and you loved the way it rolled off of his tongue so well, it made your heart flutter how he said it so passionately and rich while he fucked you.
levi still was adamant on not making much noise but you could tell he was feeling it too by the way his grip on your lower back was impeccably tight, and the soft curses under his breath. normally you'd be asking the other party to go faster but you didn't want to push yourself too much and relished in the pleasure given currently. you were gonna come soon anyways with an added push later.
"you're taking us so well, shit," eren cursed eyes squeezed so tightly he was seeing stars in his vision while he palmed at your breast, seemingly for his own leverage not really your own, and you probably would've laughed at this if you weren't so in the moment yourself.
"eren, levi," you panted bouncing down onto both of them hoping your efforts were working with them. "please, i'm gonna come,"
ugh, there names again went straight to both of their heads, especially eren, his hand snaking up to your neck from your boob and  choking you slightly before going to your jaw and slipping his thumb into your mouth, holding it open. "are you asking permission?" eren asked while levi followed in eren's footsteps unconsciously and this time actually choked you, his hand wrapping around your neck and bringing you closer to him, yet his eyes were closed.
"i..." you couldn't even respond to eren's question, too much going on and quicker than you could even process or realize you came squeezing both of them tight, but levi could feel it straight on and stopped for a second in efforts not to come yet. he would never admit it but the feeling was perfectly strange in the weirdest way. as long as levi's lower stomach didn't rub against your clit the oversensitivity didn't bother you too much.
"you what? speak up." eren patronized you knowing you couldn't speak well with his thumb in your mouth or a hand around your throat, nevertheless filled both ways with two dicks.
levi loosened his grip and you sucked in as much air as possible and whined. "please, can i come?"
yes, you definitely needed someone like eren in your sex life.
he took his hand out your mouth and used his wet thumb to rub circles around your clit until that same pressure built up earlier and toppled you over the edge, you coming for the third time that day, holding in your screams as you twitched on both of their dicks squeezing them tight. "lev-, ere-," you breathed heavy and collapsed on levi again while both of them quickened their pace, eren coming first for the second time and spilling into you causing levi to let out a loud groan and reciprocate.
levi pushed forwards causing you to fall back into eren who took you into his arms and turned you around so no cum got on levi's desk. while he caught his breath he used the arm that wasn't holding you up to spread your left cheek and watch you push out both of their fluid, eren biting his lip and sighing. "you did really good." he murmured in your ear while levi fixed himself up right away. talk about post-sex guilt, or maybe that was his cleanly side acting up.
usually after sex the two of you would get dressed together and you would help him clean his office but this was too much, you were tired and needed to help yourself.
levi clearly felt disgusted with himself, and you found it amusing even through your haze. "i have some cleaning to do, get your shit together and get out." was the nicest way for him put it. you didn't take this as rude considering you knew levi personally, and as did eren yet he still was slightly offended. levi pulled out a box off tissues from the shelf which he placed them on and handed it to you. "get yourself a little cleaned up with these, get your clothes on, and you too jaeger."
you rolled your eyes yet you and eren obliged while levi febreezed the room before getting started on his cleaning.
"good thing i don't have calls today. we're on break now so i'm making myself another cup of coffee to get through this last hour." you spoke mainly to yourself but still the two heard as you placed your phone back into your purse which you picked up after spraying yourself (and eren) with perfume and fixing yourself up, face cleaned up and all.
"we don't talk about this, ever. this isn't happening again, and if i even hear you utter a word about it, it's gonna be your neck, brats." levi muttered while wiping off his desk profusely. "get out." he huffed, wanting to take a hot shower, then again all three of you couldn't wait to get home and do just that.
                                  ✽ ✽ ✽
"so..." eren sipped from his coffee as did you, him deciding to follow you during the last ten minutes of your break.
"so? don't make this awkward, eren." you half joked with a small smile. "levi said not to talk about it!" you repeated levi's words mockingly, of course you cared less what levi thought.
"i just feel like this makes us closer." he chirped at your playful tone. "we should hang out or something sometime and i wanna know you and... everything." eren seemed bolder with his words after your adventure.
"you blackmailing me and levi into having sex with you counts as us getting closer?" it seemed as if eren became a little more sullen with another one of his infamous irritated looks, causing you to chuckle. "i'm just joking, eren. you have my number if you need it."
eren's eyes lit up and he smiled with a small huff of accomplishment. "alright cool..." his gaze darted towards the clock in the corner of the room. "breaks over so i'll see you, _____." there was your name again.
he began to walk off desperately wanting to leave you with a hug or a kiss but he was back into his awkward complex, nevertheless he did not know what terms the two of you stood on after that.
"did you ever finish those papers?" you asked curiously looking towards eren before he could round the corner. eren gave you an apologetic look shaking his head until his brain sparked. he smirked and looked back at you with those same aqua eyes.
"i finished in something else instead." and you swore you saw his eyes darken before he turned that stupid sharp corner and disappeared for good.
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imthatchishiyasimp · 3 years
I'm freaking out this is my first post, like the first one shot I post and write about AIB and Chishiya.
I really hope you all like it, please please please tell me what you think about it and whatever you want to tell me.
It's long (4444 words), I know, but I hate small things because I get upset. It's very close to the story and it doesn't have lot's of changes, I wanted to try first to write about something I know. In the future I will write more original and new stuff. Also, I wanted to get used to the universe and to the characters first.
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The sign flashes all around the city. I slowly walk towards the Toei Sendagaya block apartment, focused on the cube in my hands. Due to having no electricity, I’ve gotten used to pick random things from stores to entertain myself.
It’s still shocking to feel the city so silent and calm, and at the same time it feels terrifying. One would think that being that people die every day, the streets would be forgiving. You can’t even lower your guard now. Even since the first day, I’ve liked walking around the streets, checking out shops and random apartments. I kinda feel powerful, but it’s something that deep inside I know it’s just fake and limited. And I’m not giving up, but at least I’m going to enjoy now that I can, until ‘they’ decide that I’m not needed around anymore.
The tall complex shines between the bushes and buildings, its lights on every floor lighted on. I place myself a few meters hidden behind the stairs leading to the central lobby. From there, I sit and watch people climb the stairs. A couple of them look pretty scared and lost, showing signs of this being their first game. The rest all look shaken up but used to this. When it looks like no one else will come, I get up and get to the crowd around the phones.
There’s thirteen people waiting and all of them look at me while I pick the phone from the table. When the facial recognition is finished I can see that there’s only a few seconds left for the game to start. Almost didn’t make it. Would have been stupid to die because I was daydreaming.
‘Move aside’ I say to Chishiya, elbowing him after not having a response. He looks at me annoyed and slips off his earphones. He finally moves to let me place my back at the wall and get my hair in a bun.
It’s so easy to point out who the newcomers are and the ones that are sick of playing. You can also name who’s going to be willing to put themselves first and who’s going to scary run the whole game.
I start rolling the sleeves of my sweatshirt up when a boy with a cap starts talking to some guys. They look lost, but not new to this. Might be the first week here. I eye them from my spot, not saying a thing but listening to the whole exchange.
“Excuse me, do you know what this is?” He asks a black haired boy. Honestly, he looks a mess, like he has just gotten up from bed and hasn't changed in a few days. “I ended up here and I have no idea what’s going on”.
“It’s a game” He answers. At the same time, the blonde man next to him, probably his friend, tells him to stop it. I chuckle and cover it up with a cough, earning myself a glare from both Chishiya and Aguni. I might be prone to get in trouble with people and they won’t be happy if I screw a game up. Better be quiet.
The blonde guy whispers to his friend and I try to pick something up from the conversation. Not get close to the new ones and something else.
The card flashes on our phones, telling us the kind of game and the level of difficulty. I was so curious about the card when I got to my first game, I didn’t know what it meant and what I was supposed to do with it. I’m a bit ashamed to admit that I admire the cleverness behind the rules and the method of the games. It’s the work of both a psycho and a genius.
A sporty girl starts to stretch just after the card shows, so she must know what it means. She’s calm and collected and I bet she’s willing to put all of us on the killing zone before she goes down. We could be friends, I think.
I hear a sigh next to me and I catch a glimpse of Chishiya rolling his eyes. He doesn’t exactly hate physical games, but they sometimes mean having to run or climb and he’s not a fan of working out. And, even though he won’t admit it, he doesn’t like having his white hoodie dirty. Not going to judge, I don’t love spades games either, but I will choose them over the hearts ones a million times.
I get down to tie my shoes tighter just in case. I would hate tripping like the clown I really am in front of all these people. Some guy in a hat starts explaining to the two friends from before what it means a spades game. Club games are hard if there are more newcomers than experienced people. I mean, if it's a game where team work means everything, you bet you prefer working with someone who knows the way around the games. Diamond ones are a bit weird: being clever will get you through them, but sometimes the answer is so straightforward that you get lost looking for the catch. Heart games are the worst. They will kill you even if you survive, and pray that you don’t get to play with a friend or someone you know.
I turn around to face Chishiya, grinning like a mad girl. He doesn’t even flinch when he stops me from talking. “No, I’m not racing you to the top.”
“But…” I sigh and watch as everyone starts running to the stairs like lost puppies. “You are so mean”. I punch him in the shoulder and cross my arms, walking towards the lift. No need running seven floors up and wasting energy if I’m not even going to be able to brag about having won a race.
Chishiya follows closely behind, probably guessing I’m going to try and leave him there.
We get inside the lift and silently wait until we get to the seventh floor. It’s been a long time since I used one, not everyday you get to play in a building apartment. Feels nice, and like we’re back to normal.
Once we get to the top, we both choose a position that lets us have a good look at the whole complex. He goes to one wing while I leave for the other one. No point leaving a flank unseen. I take my cube out and restart it, keeping an eye on the people looking around scattered through the floors. I don’t get why someone would choose saying in the lower ground when a tagger is supposed to chase you through the whole building. Dude, that’s the most critical place to start.
“Hey, don’t get distracted with those games of yours.”
“Don’t be mean, Chishiya. You know I’m paying attention.” Anyway, once I finish the cube, I keep it in my pocket and rest my arms on the banister.
Aguni and his new friend get to the seventh floor and both of us wave towards him. Like always, he completely ignores us and keeps walking towards another high point.
“That’s nasty” Chishiya says and I nod along. Aguni is always so serious during games, it’s boring.
“I place my bet on those two guys and the sporty girl surviving”. I firmly say. They look like they will make it, but not without having a rough time.
He has the audacity to snort and laugh at me and I look at him surprised. “You’re joking. Everyone looks like they’re about to die, as usual. Just look at them, they don’t know shit about what to do”.
“Were you this calm in your first games? Don’t be mean, they are trying their best. No one wants to die.”
“But, where you that stupid?” He says while pointing to a couple of girls on the second floor who are touching their phones desperately. “I’m not saying you gotta be a genius from the start, but if you don’t collect yourself quickly, you are already dead.”
“Well, my majesty, not all of us are like you, and some people need a little more time, and a little more help.”
Chishiya looks at me and, as if I had imagined, a caring and sorry look crosses his eyes. He probably remembers the first time he saw me get through the games and how I completely lost it once. It wasn’t easy.
He nudges my arm with his elbow and I look at him.
“Hey” He says with a soft voice.
“Don’t die this time.”
“Wasn't planning to.”
As if we all had planned it, the whole complex goes silent, trying to locate this said tagger. A trumpet goes off and everyone looks scared, ready to bolt to wherever they can.
The sound of the lift’s doors can be heard from our position, so the tagger is probably on the sixth or fifth floor.
Not a penny drop can be heard. Not a breath.
Some people start walking and try to open doors. The rest are all watching closely until something happens.
And it does.
Gunshots run through the dense air that surrounds us. I try to see where they come from and I finally catch sight of the tagger. Probably a man, judging for the height, with a horse head and a really mean gun. He’s on the sixth floor, just in front of the stairs.
I point at him and nudge Chishiya, but I already know that he has seen him.
There’s now thirteen of us.
And then shots are fired again and we can see the two friends and the one with the hat running down the stairs, away from the tagger.
“Told you, they are gonna get killed.” Chishiya says with a smirk.
“Oh shut up, this is not a TV show we are talking about. And I have faith in them”.
They split up on the third floor, the hat man keeps going down while the other two try to hide in the hallway. Not long after, on the ground floor that the tagger chases and shots the first one and finds another man freaking out. I don’t know if it’s better that he died because he went off the game zone instead of being shot by the tagger. Anyway, he’s also dead. And that makes three dead players.
Eleven participants left.
“See, they are smart. At least the cute one”. I say smiling.
Chishiya looks at me and raises an eyebrow, silently questioning just what I said.
“What? It’s not like I’m lying; he is cute, and smart.” I laugh and wink at him, cutting eye contact with him. If we are going to have an awkward moment, please don’t be while we are playing for our lives.
The killing spree of the tagger continues with the pretty and lost two girls. They sure are on their first game, because they look so freaking scared and unprepared. I mean, who would have come with heels and handbags. I scoff and shake my head watching how one of them falls dead and the other one wastes an incredible opportunity of getting away while the tagger reloads. Well, not all of us are strong enough to leave our friend and not panic at the same time. Shame she has to die, anyway.
So now we are nine players still alive.
Looks like everything’s gone silent again, until shouts break the silence and we all look for the source. It’s the cute guy and I laugh when I understand what he’s saying.
“Everyone! The tagger is currently at the second level of the central area! The tagger has bad vision because of his mask! Let’s inform each other of the tagger’s location and search for the safezone together!”
“Oh my god, did he seriously turn a spades game into a club’s one?” I laugh again and Chishiya scoffs under his hood. “I want to be best friends with him”.
“Don’t be stupid.” Chishiya says. We move a bit to see where they are going now that they are all running. “It’s a good idea, not going to lie, but no one will answer him.”
He mutters something else, but I don’t really catch it. I think I saw the tagger doubt his step when he heard the guy shouting, but he definitely looks annoyed when the sporty girl shouts back.
“The tagger is moving from the fourth level of the central area! Anyone nearby, run!”
I celebrate and raise my hands, clapping and laughing in Chishiya’s face. He looks surprised and tells me to shut it.
The girl runs from the tagger and finds an elderly woman in the hallway. With the tagger on their back, they are probably going to get killed. I grip the banister and hold my breath. She seems friendly and clever, I’m internally rooting for her.
Suddenly she jumps off the balcony and starts climbing the pipes up to the next floor. The other woman dies behind her, and the tagger tries to catch the girl but fails.
“She’s pretty good.” Chishiya mutters. “You just wish you could do that. It’s called envy”.
“As if you could do that too. You are just as weak as me.”
“Hey! Don’t throw me in the same casket!”
Already? We should start moving.
I look at Chishiya under my hair and he frowns at something. I follow his gaze and see the tagger looking at the cap boy from an upside floor. What’s shocking it’s him starting to shoot from there. He has been killing just people he casually finds while walking around, not shooting from that distance.
The boy goes down, but looks unharmed. The two friends are on the same floor and get to him, running away from the door he was trying to open.
Not bothering to ask Chishiya if he got that, I start jumping on the place and keep my phone in my pockets. He slides off the hood and shoves me towards the stairs.
“Shall we, ma’am?”
From the corner of my eye I catch Aguni intercepting the boys and I make a face. It doesn’t always go well when he does that, he tends to let them die in order to have his way. The sporty girl stops to talk to them and she starts jumping from floor to floor.
“Do you think someone’s going to get it too?” I ask out loud. Chishiya shrugs and keeps on walking. I tsk and stay behind him when we get to the hallway. I turn around and watch my back, even though I heard a fight somewhere near. Probably Aguni, who are we kidding.
Just when we are arriving at the safezone apartment, the cute boy appears from the other side.
“Cute boy! I’m glad you realized it!” I happily say without thinking. I mouth a silent sorry when he looks at me a bit perplexed. Chishiya elbows me, hard, and I whine a bit. That’s mean.
He picks the doorknob first, but doesn’t open it. The three of us are watching closely, and honestly I’m a bit nervous about the time. I don’t like risking it as much as Chishiya.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” he asks.
The boy answers a couple of seconds after, lost in his thoughts “Why did the tagger chase us? He could have just waited here.”
He is onto something. Now, I’m not liking this at all.
“Seems like there’s something else we don’t know.” Chishiya says, keeping his calm exterior. He’s going to use this poor boy in case he has any doubt of a risk. “However,” he adds, taking his phone out “if you don’t open it…”
There are three minutes left.
Sweat starts running down my back, making me shiver and hold my breath while I watch the boy start turning the doorknob. All our phones beep announcing the time left until we all die with the bomb.
Slowly, he opens the door with caution. We all walk inside, in silence and with darkness surrounding us. It 's empty. No furniture, neither personal objects nor some leftovers of someone’s life. A few steps in we notice a door at the end of the room and we all walk towards it.
It’s not until we are too far inside that another tagger walks out behind the door.
“Look out!” the boy screams and pushes us out of the shot range.
Gunshots fly around the apartment and I duck behind the bathroom door. Chishiya uses the taser and the tagger goes down, but recovers quickly and starts shooting again. I scream when a bullet gazes at my arm. It fucking hurts, but at least the bullet didn’t got me completely.
I can hear the apartment door being shut and the other door at the end closing too. They must have gotten through them. I hope they aren’t harmed.
I wait, trying not to make any sound in case the tagger comes to finish me off. I search through the room, but nothing seems lethal enough to use like a weapon. I hate bringing weapons to games, I don’t really want to kill anyone if I can help it.
Gunshots are fired and I cover myself up, even though they are not directed towards me. Fighting blade weapons? I’m okay with that. Fighting people? Not against it. But, I have nothing towards a gun. I mean, it can take me from a long distance! No point.
“Everyone! The safezone is in apartment 406! It’s impossible to clear the game alone! We need two people to do this!”
Are you kidding? This is so mean. What if you were the only survivor? Not fair, not at all.
Well, it seems like I should get moving and try to do something useful in this game. I haven’t done shit, now that I think about it.
Slowly, I open the door just in time to see the tagger shoot the door and break the safelock. I take small steps following it, ready to throw myself to placate it. Just when the gun is going up I jump and kick the tagger in the knee, managing to bring it to the floor.
I hear a scream coming from the tagger and a lady cursing from behind the mask. She starts shooting and I scream trying to cover myself without being hit. The guy bolts and tries to help me get her off the gun, but she keeps fighting like a mad person.
We both go down before she gets us with the bullets and I catch a glimpse of Chishiya at the door, trying to help but having to cover himself because of the lost shots.
The phones all inform us of the ten seconds remaining at the same time that the sporty girl jumps through the glass of the balcony. The tagger kicks me and gets the gun pointing at my face and I panic just a bit before I push back. The other guy tries to help me, but with no help.
“Hey!” Chishiya shouts.
I’m on the floor fighting the tagger with the gun under my chin, trying to get it off my face, but I see him throwing the taser to the girl and she quickly gets the tagger down.
I let out a sigh before I heard the time almost coming to an end. My eyes search for him and we lock our gazes. I can feel the breath we are both holding and the silent words running through our minds. My fingers clench and I swallow, accepting death like a forgotten friend, saying goodbye with a blink.
But, just like that, with a blink, it all finishes. The buttons are pressed on the last second and we all hear the beeps from our phones.
In that same moment, the tagger gets the mask off and we can see an old lady crying looking at us. The collar in her neck starts beeping faster and faster and I scramble to get away from her. Chishiya grabs both my arms and I scream at the touch in the bullet gaze from before, but he doesn’t let go and gets me away at the same time that the collar explodes, killing the lady.
My whole back is covered in blood and I roughly grab Chishiya’s hoodie. I don’t want to look at her and see what we did, even though it was unintended. She was also playing, and she died because we won.
Chishiya and I are left in the room with the dead tagger, and he grips my hand and makes me let go of him. He starts checking the pockets of the lady and gets something out, but I don’t register exactly what.
I get out of the apartment to breathe. I hate this part where we really think about what went down here. Lots of people died, and we got a few days to live just to have to risk it again in the next game. Could have we saved someone? Not really, I know that. But it doesn’t make it easier anyway.
“I’m Arisu.” Someone says beside me. I turn and the cute boy is there, watching me from a distance. “I wanted to thank you, for risking yourself back there. We are alive thanks to all of you.” He sticks out his hand to me and waits.
I’m speechless. No one has thanked me like this in any game. I didn’t really do a thing, but he’s thanking me. I should be the one doing it, he cooperated with the other girl and they stopped the bomb. We could have died there.
I let out a small laugh and shake his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Arisu. And thanks to you, you did the dirty work inside the room.”
I look back inside and watch Chishiya stick the paper in his hoodie and walk towards us.
“I look forward to meeting you somewhere else, hopefully not dead in a game. Be careful and enjoy the warm water in the ocean now that we are all alone in the city.”
With a wink, I walk out of the apartment building with Chishiya not too far behind. I think he heard me talking to Arisu, but he doesn’t comment on it.
We walk, and we walk, and we walk. Neither of us likes to go back to the Beach in the cars, so we always take a stroll through the streets, enjoying the silence and the stars shining above us.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
“Mmh?” I look at him questioning and he nods to my bleeding arm. “Oh, yes, like a bitch. But I’ll have to wait until we get there.”
He tsks and grabs my arm, leading us to a pharmacy around the corner. I don’t say anything, knowing he will shut me up and will only be a waste of time. We get inside and he starts looking for some disinfectant and bandages.
He knows his stuff. I was surprised at first to discover he knows his way around the medical grounds; and I’m glad he does. It doesn't hurt having someone nearby capable of dealing with nasty wounds.
He silently works and I watch him closely. He’s handsome. And he knows it, that’s why he smirks feeling my gaze on his face. I trace his features taking my time. His eyes are the most scary thing I’ve ever met. They hold so much knowledge and feelings. I always feel like he could take me apart just with his eyes. He mostly covers his emotions, so even though you search for micro expressions, you will come empty handed almost always.
I bring my free hand up and run my fingers through his hair. I love it, it’s so smooth and soft. And the fact that he always wears white to match his hair makes me smile like an idiot.
Chishiya clears his throat and starts covering up the wound. My hand drops and rests in his arm, basking in the heat he’s making.
Once he’s done, he brings down my sleeves and looks me in the eye, silently checking if I’m okay. I nod and take his hand, quickly gripping and, just as fast, letting go. I can hear him sigh behind me, and he follows behind.
“You know, I’m glad I met you here, but I would have prefered meeting you in the real world.”
“Because I know I will be safer here with you, but I also know the probability of us having a happy ending is minimal while we are here.”
“You are not wrong.” A couple of minutes goes by until he adds: “But that doesn’t mean you can’t try and make the most of it while you are alive. It will hurt more, but at this point, who cares?”
I let out a breathy laugh and turn around to hug him. Hard. He stops and lets me hug him, finally giving in and hugging me back. I hide my face in his neck, breathing deep and closing my eyes. I can feel his pulse and his chin coming down on my head, his hand running through my back.
“You are an idiot.”
“And you are mean. Deal with it.”
I swear I can feel his lips kissing the top of my head, but it’s so fast I can’t be sure. He starts walking again and I run to catch him before I lose him.
We may have a complicated relationship, if you can call it that. We are there for each other, not sure of what to do, what to give, what to take. But we do not give up. I’m just glad I’m not alone, and thankful that I have someone looking out for me.
I smile all the way to the Beach.
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arvandus · 3 years
So hopefully I got in on time! Btw, I’ve been absolutely loving your HC’s, the stutter one was friggin adorable! I love soft Dabi, there’s not much of him out there in stories 😢
Anyway! I was wondering if you could do HC’s with Dabi for someone who may be deaf or just hard of hearing? Ifff your comfortable, I would love to see what he would do for a male s/o (or platonic friend/league member, etc, whichever you choose!) If you don’t want to do this it’s completely fine and you can switch it to ambiguous/female (I don’t know if you have ever done men before haha!)
Hello! I’m so flattered for this ask because you’re trusting me to portray something that’s personal to you and outside of my own experience. I can absolutely do this with a Male Reader (my first one!).
I’m not sure what type or level of hearing loss you had in mind, so I did my best with this and went with an acquired hearing loss that’s moderate-to-severe. Also, I wrote Reader as someone who wears hearing aids. I hope that’s all right, since that’s typically the case for those with more severe hearing loss (otherwise communication is really difficult to do, since I don’t suspect Dabi would know sign language). Also, I got a couple of cute ideas that I really wanted to fit into this that follow more of a friends-to-lovers sort of vibe rather than established relationship. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Headcanons for Dabi x M!Reader who’s Deaf/Hard of Hearing (HOH)
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1240
💙 When you first join the LOV, Dabi will be skeptical at first, as he is with all things. How could someone with a hearing loss really be of any value to the league? He can’t help but wonder what skills you’re bringing to the table to that convinced Shigaraki to allow you to join.
💙 Dabi doesn’t interact with you right away... he prefers to observe. Part of it is that he doesn’t care for attachments, even amongst his comrades. Another is that he doesn’t expect you to last very long in the League. If he does interact, it’ll be through snarky quips and insults. After all, he loves getting under other people’s skin... it makes him feel like has an advantage.
💙 So, it goes without saying that Dabi will be a hard nut to crack at first. He’ll definitely have some crappy preconceived notions about people with hearing loss that he’ll get to face as he’s forced to get to know you.
💙 For example, he learns super fast that your hearing has little to do with your intelligence. You’re fucking smart and more than capable of handling yourself, much to his surprise. You quickly become an important member of the team, and even Dabi can’t really argue your value. It only makes his interest in you grow, his skepticism giving way to curiosity.
💙 Another thing he learns about you... you value your independence and hate when others coddle or dote on you due to your hearing loss. The first time Toga had tried to treat you as something fragile (granted she was trying to be nice), you’d quickly put her in her place. Dabi couldn’t help but grin at that exchange...
💙 The great thing about Dabi sitting back and observing everyone else most of the time is that he gets to learn by proxy how to interact with you.
💙 Don’t mumble or talk too fast. Don’t look away when talking to you. Talk more clearly, and slower, but for God’s sake, don’t treat you like you’re dumb. You’re hard of hearing, not stupid.
💙 Even with all of that taken into consideration though, he’ll notice that while you seem to do fine in one-on-one exchanges in quiet environment, you’ll withdraw more in group gatherings. Is the chattering of multiple voices too much? Is the noise overwhelming? Even he can’t always tolerate the prattling of the social butterflies of the group, so he wouldn’t blame you if it got under your skin too.
💙 His interest will finally be piqued when he watches you retreat during a rather boisterously loud game night amongst the League. He’ll follow quietly behind you, watching as you pass your own room in favor of the stairwell leading up to the rooftop.
💙 You don’t notice he’s followed you until he sits next to you. Your eyes betray your surprised at his presence.
💙 “What are you doing here?” you demand.
💙 He’ll give you a grin and a cock of his head. “You didn’t seem like you were havin’ much fun back there. Got anything to do with these?” he’ll tap your hearing aid playfully.
💙 You huff at him. “If you want me to hear you better, you’ll need to sit on my other side. My hearing aid battery died.”
💙 “You don’t have a backup?” he asks as he adjusts his position.
💙 You shake your head.
💙 “Doesn’t sound too bad.” He’ll tease. “I wish I could turn off my ears, especially when Toga laughs.”
💙 You give him a glare at his insensitive comment. “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
💙 He raises an eyebrow at you and think for a moment, before looking back out over the cityscape. “Why don’tcha tell me about it then.”
💙 You give him a skeptical look but he waits silently for you to continue. His smirk is gone as his sharp eyes glance back at you. He's serious.
💙 You’ll finally open up to him, explaining how hard it can be sometimes. How noisy environments can make your hearing aids nearly useless when the noise is too much, when everyone is talking at once. How frustrating it is to not be able to follow a conversation let alone participate, and how it can sometimes make people assume things about you. At best, they’ll assume you can hear fine with your hearing aids and therefore assume you’re being aloof or don’t want to interact. At worst, they’ll think your slow or stupid, and look at you with pity.
💙 Dabi will listen, but he won’t offer much up except sarcastic remarks about the others in an attempt to make you feel better. After all, sympathy isn’t his strong suit. But you’ll find yourself feeling better by the end, just grateful to be able to vent to someone.
💙 When you smile at him and tell him thanks for listening, it’ll take him by surprise. Not because of your reaction – he expected that, at least. What’ll surprise him is his reaction to it – a strange sense of satisfaction will wash over him, filling him with an unfamiliar warmth. He realizes - a moment too late, before he can bring down his barriers - that he likes seeing you smile, especially when it’s at him.
💙 You’ll feel slightly closer after that, finding more opportunities to hang out on the quiet rooftop and chat.
💙 He’ll surprise you on your next visit with a brand-new pack of hearing aid batteries. You’ll give him a suspicious look, asking where he got them and how he knew what kind to get you, but he’ll give you a wicked grin and brush off your question with an evasive comment.
💙 It won’t take long for you to start developing a crush on him, and against your better judgment, you find yourself staring at him a lot more and finding ways to be around him more. Hanging out at the bar, going on missions together, sitting next to him during the LOV discussions… you try to brush it off as ‘becoming friends,’ but deep down you know better.
💙 It doesn’t take long for Dabi to take notice and begin to suspect that maybe… just maybe… all of your secret glances and increased attention aren’t strictly platonic.
💙 What a wonderful turn of events. He wasn’t sure if you were interested in men, but now he’s 99% sure you are... or at the very least, interested in him.
💙 It leaves his skin feeling hotter than usual, his heart pounding in his chest with excitement. He wonders if you know... or even suspect... that he watches you too in mutual attraction.
💙 He’ll start testing the waters, just to make sure, of course. Hit you with a few flirty nicknames to see how you react. As soon as he sees you fluster and flounder in obvious embarrassment, he’ll know he’s got you, and it makes your exchanges only that much more entertaining.
💙 The more he learns about you, the more interested he becomes. He’ll start to do research on ways to support you with your hearing loss. It’ll be purely out of curiosity, of course... it’s not like he’s gonna go out of his way or anything. But he ends up finding himself down the rabbit hole of hearing aid supports, and learns about Bluetooth capabilities, FM systems, infrared systems... ways to send targeted noise – like speech for instance – straight to your hearing aids, bypassing any pesky background noise.
💙 It won’t take long for him to get an idea – two birds with one stone, so to speak...
💙 You’ll be on the rooftop together, when he says, “I gotta surprise for ya.”
💙 He pulls out a box that’s labelled ‘Dynamic FM System.’
💙 If you try to reach for it though, he’ll hold it out of your reach. “ah ah ah... we gotta find the right place to try it out.”
💙 He’ll lead you downstairs and you’ll think he’s heading to the common space where the others are, but instead he takes you outside of the hideout, leading you down the street.
💙 “Where are we going?”
💙 “You’ll see.”
💙 The two of you will end up outside of a bar. Not just any bar, though… the line of patrons is already a huge hint of what you’ll find inside.
💙 “Wait isn’t this….?” You’ll start.
💙 Dabi will only smirk at you though, before he grabs your hand and leads you in.
💙 Inside will be loud. So loud you have to turn down the volume on your hearing aids, and too loud for you to hear anything of value. But as you look around, your suspicions are confirmed - instead of the usual opposite sexes pairing up like you find at most bars, this one is different. Men are pairing up with men, women are pairing up with women. Your heart is beating like a drum in your chest, your pulse racing with excitement. Of all the places for Dabi to bring you…
💙 You keep close to Dabi, holding onto his arm. He loves that, loves that you’re looking to him for protection. And protect you he does, his eyes threatening violence to anyone who stares too long at you.
💙 He’ll sit you down at the bar with him in the center of the noise while drunken gay couples flirt over their drinks and a group of girls laugh in the corner. He’ll say something to the bartender, and a minute later, two fresh drinks are place before the two of you.
💙 He won’t try to talk to you yet as he opens the box and begins taking out all of the pieces. He’ll plug in the small, cylinder-like component into your hearing aid - the receiver. He’ll be completely up in your space when he does it too, grinning at you with his ocean blue eyes. In his hand he holds the transmitter that contains a button with a microphone on it.
💙 Once everything is hooked up properly, he’ll speak into the mic, his finger on the button.
💙 “Hey there.” He says. His voice comes through crystal clear.
💙 “Hey.” You smile.
💙 Once Dabi knows you can hear him, his devilish grin will widen and he’ll lean casually against the bar counter as he stares at you, his eyes drinking you in. “Have I ever told you how hot you are?”
💙 That’s when it finally clicks… Dabi is actually interested in you. And he’s taken you out on a date.
💙 BONUS: If the bar scene ends up being too much for you, he’ll be more than happy to spend the rest of your date on your favorite rooftop spot with some take-out. 10/10 will kiss you by the end of the date.
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