#william collins x oc
profeyandere · 10 months
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Masterlist || Pride and Prejudice Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 3.4k
Pairing: William Collins x Reader
Warning: None uwu
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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A small and lopsided smile delicately and angelically decorated your jovial face, showing something more in you than your usual seriousness or disgust for the company of others at social gatherings or parties of the people closest to you. Your heart, finally feeling happy and euphoric about the scene that was presented before you, did not stop beating against your fragile and warm chest, making you think at times that it was very likely that in a matter of minutes, you could faint due to lack of air or a heart attack. That last assumption was too extreme and exaggerated, and it almost made you laugh because of how imaginative you were and how melodramatic you could be, but it was inevitable to show that side of you that you had so hidden when you saw your dear brother wrapped in the arms of the woman he loved, finally enjoying the first dance they shared as husband and wife. The couple looked at each other with affection, which was obvious from the moment Fitzwilliam asked to woo Elizabeth, but now it was different. You could see with perfect clarity the love that one transmitted to the other with the elegant movements of their joined bodies, whether it was through their joined hands or the clash of their bodies when Darcy wanted to spin his current wife, and you could not stop to see those smiles. Your brother's pale, glued lips showed the happiness that was palpable in his person, perfectly completing his being with a touch that made him look more attractive and special than he already was, while your sister-in-law's bright and teasing smile shamelessly showed how happy and lucky she felt to finally be with the man she had worked so hard not to fall in love with. Watching them both, you knew that it was impossible to control the feelings that developed in those around you because the two of them were a clear sign that no one was capable of fighting what was in their hearts.
You weren't aware of it, and very few would be sure of it, but your eyes sparkled with emotion when you saw the small bubble that had engulfed the newlyweds, even if that detail seemed to be something quite minuscule compared to the perfect scene taking place in the center of the large ballroom, there was a person, a little man in a simple suit who kept his gaze fixed on your person. Before his eyes there was only something more beautiful than the union of the people who were enjoying the dance piece that formally made them a perfect couple, and that 'something' was you. Your face, your brilliant eyes that seemed clearer in the light of the candles and the lamps that decorated the room, and the beautiful light-colored dress that you were wearing at that moment made you look like a queen, a goddess, or an angel fallen from heaven to bless the whole world with your radiant beauty, as natural and graceful as that of a swan finally showing its wings as it takes off for its first flight. Mr. Collins had the happiness of being able to get to know you correctly, going to the house where you lived with your brothers to be able to share several afternoons with you, whether it was playing countless games of chess or the happy checkers with which he always beat you and giving long and leisurely walks in the great gardens of Pemberley, Derbyshire, as you searched for a way to establish a moment of peace and quiet to talk to each other without your younger sister's cheeky smile or your older brother's sharp, cold stare at Mr. Collins.
Those two relatives of yours were looking for a way to torment you once they found you alone in some room of the house. Ever since that conversation so far back in time that you had with Mr. Collins about his possible marriage, or future proposal for a hand, towards one of his cousins, he had given in to your wishes and had taken your advice as if they were orders that he really should follow as if he was a faithful servant of yours; Georgiana often teased you about it because, in her view, no man would have agreed to a woman talking to him that way and most likely would not have paid any attention to you, he was too likely to ignore your advice, but he took it and promptly denied his wish to marry one of his cousins because of the disgust you seemed to have shown at such an idea. You never mentioned or questioned him about why he had listened to you, what it was that had pushed him to ignore society's expectations and listen to you, specifically you of all the people in this world. On the one hand, he had had Lady Catherine, your aunt, behind his back, scandalously encouraging him to marry as soon as possible, and, on the other hand, he had found Mrs. Bennet, his cousin's wife and mother of the newlywed, who was constantly after him insisting that he marry one of her younger daughters, but it wasn't until he found you that he realized that his life did not have to be as two women wanted, no matter how much one wanted. One of them would have offered him so much help and was someone he truly appreciated and admired.
Your sincerity was what he needed to get out of that little hell, and it was what saved his cousin Elizabeth and the other girls from marrying him.
A wave of applause brought the clergyman out of his thoughts, who promptly joined the ovation as he joyfully congratulated the newly married couple who shared a little kiss as a sign of his deepest love and affection. Collins couldn't help but feel a slight pressure on his chest as he watched his cousin enjoy her husband's company, hoping deep inside that he might be as lucky as Elizabeth to woo Darcy and thus, try to show his affection towards you and charm you with his attentions.
"I thought that at some point you would be the one to take the step, Mr. Collins, but I see that you are still proud enough not to go over to talk to the person you are burning with your eyes."
Your voice, remarkably serious that contrasted perfectly with your mocking tone and the mischievous smile that you shamelessly showed, caused his body to begin to tense and become more and more rigid until he was completely stretched out in his position, almost becoming a little taller than you by a couple of centimeters. The cleric's mind began to race a mile a minute, trying to find an ingenious response to your simple words that, being as true as his affection for you, could show you how aware he was of your presence with him and that there was no been surprised.
"My apologies. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
His tone of voice, slightly muffled, caused a soft laugh to escape from you, which quickly dissipated into the air and was barely heard thanks to the festive atmosphere around you, which was made even happier when some relatives and friends from both sides of the couple gathered on the large dance floor to enjoy the music.
"I accept your apology," you murmured, nodding gently in his direction. That statement made the man understand that his assumptions about your discomfort were correct. His face quickly showed a sad face at the thought that he had made you feel bad by looking at you, but you made sure of it in a few seconds and continued speaking to try to calm his afflicted heart. "If you wanted to talk to me, all you had to do was come over. I thought we were close enough that formalities were out of the question."
"Although that's true, I'm afraid to remember that we were in the company of your family and mine," he indicated, briefly lowering his gaze to his hands before placing them behind his back without realizing that your gaze full of surprise was fixed on him. "Furthermore, as a higher-ranking member of society, you should be the one to make me feel blissful in your presence."
You couldn't help it, your eyes moved by themselves, and you rolled them for a moment when you heard him.
"I hope you'll forgive my expression. What nonsense," you said while you shook your head softly, turning your gaze to him quickly with a slightly raised eyebrow. "Since when do you care so much about decency and society when we have shared afternoons in solitude, with no one else us? You have come to my house, as I have to yours, and we have enjoyed the solitude and the company of the other. Why is now different for you, if I may ask?"
Mr. Collins remained silent for several seconds, not knowing exactly what to answer because you were right. Ever since that surprise meeting at the party where he finally met you, he couldn't help but feel attracted to your ingenuity in knowing how to escape from situations in which you didn't feel comfortable, your rebellious attitude towards what society dictated, and the maturity that society had given him allowed him to see the fact that marrying just any woman would not bring him the happiness that every human being deserved. When he saw you, he could only think how lucky he was to be able to enjoy your company in the large garden of your brother's house while you talked about his progress with Lady Catherine and what he was getting with his work within the church, while that you only listened attentively. If you were similar to your brother in anything, apart from the serious face you used to show everyone around you, it was in your ability to listen attentively and carefully to others, soaking up their achievements and feeling proud of them, even advising them if possible.
When the man was ready to answer you, having finally managed to compose himself from your sudden question, he felt a strong pull on his wrist that led him to move towards the small dance floor where a large part of the bride's family was enjoying a party calm music, as well as lively, with the other wedding companions. Your little sister, your adored Georgiana, had arranged for your courageous and agreeable conversation partner to share a little piece with each of his cousins, dancing among them like a dizzy duck that doesn't quite know where to move; You couldn't help but feel bad for William, but the little laugh that escaped your lips wasn't something that went unnoticed by him. Just hearing from you more than your small voice in a clipped, authoritative tone was music to his ears.
"Dear sister, you are too mean," you spoke mockingly, losing sight of your partner.
"What's wrong with wanting your loving and shy boyfriend to share a room with his cousins?" She questioned in the same sarcastic tone, making you roll your eyes when you heard the title that Collins had acquired in your relative's mind. True, you two were pretty close, it was almost scary how well you knew each other, but he never seemed to take that kind of interest in you because if he did, why hadn't he already asked your permission to woo you?
"Georgina, it would be better for everyone if you stopped making such absurd ideas about my relationship with Mr. Collins."
The young little woman Darcy glanced at your perfect profile and how your eyes almost seemed to sparkle. Georgina was not a silly girl with the idea of getting married as soon as she got the chance, being the complete opposite of her sister-in-law's young sisters, but she was observant and quite like you in the more serious aspects of her current life and want to wait long enough to find, in his brother's case, his Elizabeth or, in your case, your Mr. Collins, but her assumptions couldn't be wrong, she refused. For her, in addition to Lizzie and her brother, the unique couple that you and the cleric made was quite pleasant since the male's submission together with your dominance caused the relationship to be quite balanced, in addition to your respective knowledge on various topics that interested the other made your conversations enjoyable and quite fluid, but what most managed to distinguish that possible affection that you had towards the man was in the brightness that your eyes had. Fitzwilliam and you had always been more serious than her because you were older since he had to be the perfect man and you the most educated damsel in the entire region, so you had learned to show only one side of yourselves, a little shell that seemed to crack little by little when Elizabeth and William respectively arrived, and the crack caused your eyes to shine like the brightest stars in the firmament and your hearts to open wide to the new experiences that the sun could bring you. love.
"Like I'm lying," she murmured gracefully, being subtly scolded by you with a little touch of your shoe against hers. "You can't say I'm lying, everyone knows it."
“It's not that simple, Georgina, and I don't think it's very appropriate for you to press the issue any further."
That blunt statement of yours went unnoticed by the young woman, who simply shook her head when she saw how stubborn you were. Many times she did not know who was worse, your brother or you.
Spotting Collins again among the great mess of people on the dance floor, you quickly made your way through several of the guests to reach him and move him away from the crowd, seeing his face completely flushed and slightly sweaty from his obligation not to decline any dance offer that he found with each step he took. You could almost laugh again when you saw how he was breathing but, as you had seen in him, it was not easy for him to have to have several conversations at the same time while having to try not to step on women's feet.
"Let's go outside, you need to give yourself some air," you murmured once you had managed to reach him, gesturing with your hand towards the nearest exit that would take you to the small garden outside the building where the party was taking place, allowing him to then to be able to breathe some fresh air and be able to calm their nerves while it was just the two of you.
Seeing Collins nod in agreement gave you the break you needed because you, like him, needed to get rid of the accumulation of emotions that you had felt throughout the day, even if you had not been the protagonist of that evening; Nor would it surprise you to see your brother looking for an outlet to relax before returning to attend to all the guests who demanded his attention. Your heart began to beat more strongly as the minutes passed, while you were alone again in a comfortable silence, going out to the aforementioned garden, allowing you to observe with intensity some of the small flowers that had been taken care of for the very special occasion that was happening that day and enjoy the warm and soft breeze that enveloped you that summer night. Your breathing was not agitated, but you felt on the verge of a mental collapse as you stopped by Mr. Collins's side when he felt far enough from the building and comfortable enough that he could breathe easy and regain his relaxed, placid countenance.
Somehow you couldn't help but think about your sister's words and, therefore, your relationship with the cleric to your right. As one of the women belonging to the Darcy family, London, and the whole world hoped that tomorrow you would be engaged to a man of equal or greater social status to your own, not to a mere clergyman who depended on your aunt to take whatever decision regarding his life; Of course, he was faithful to it, you just had to remember how he used to talk about you the first times you shared a snack at her house, but you made him understand that only he could and should decide who he should marry or when to do it. The only thing you were trying to show him was that he shouldn't be after a woman who told him how to make his life, which you achieved after much persistence and after showing him other pleasures that were deprived of him because of your aunt. You could not aspire to marry Collins, but rather a friend of your brother's or some other bourgeois or marquis your aunt approved of, but your heart seemed complete only when your eyes turned to that man who had seemed so strange to you when you met him. You met your mind only thought of a man when the subject of marriage was mentioned by your aunt and only a name escaped from your lips while you dreamed of the day you would get married. There was only one man in your life who could make you happy, and he was in front of you, as clear as it had been to your sister from the beginning.
"Looks like you needed a moment too," Collins mentioned, drawing your attention. "Don't get me wrong, I just want to point out that you seemed a little out of sorts."
"There's something that bothers me, but it's not important," you commented without giving too much information, seeing the question look that Collins had, making you sigh and knowing that at some point you would have to mention it. "Would you risk everything you have if you believe you truly love a person? Just like my brother did for your cousin."
Mr. Collins seemed to think about it for a couple of seconds, at least that's what you supposed when you saw his frown.
"Well, I suppose so," the cleric replied, making you nod gently at his words. "It's complicated, I guess. Is it good to take a risk? It's possible. Up to what point? Don't know."
"I could lose everything for him," you said quickly, surprising him with that sincere statement. "He is not what my aunt would want for me. He is very different from what she would expect, and all she would do is give him a heart attack as she knew, and that fact came true."
Mr. Collins couldn't help but look at you curiously, wanting to know more about that stranger who was your lover, but also afraid of what he had wanted so much to never come true.
"Your brother did it, you can always lean on him."
Your gaze strayed back to him before turning your gaze forward, being able to make out on the horizon the large whitish ball that had appeared a few minutes ago. Everything seemed to be going in your favor, even if your respective doubts and fear were afloat and in some way had shown themselves over the months when you met, but one of the two had to take the step and, as happened before and in several times, it had to be you.
Your delicate hand, which was then intertwined with the other, slowly slid and touched one of his fingers, surprising him with the sudden touch, but which he did not reject. Your hand managed to wrap around his with an elegant movement and, as soon as you knew it, he had wrapped yours with his; With a simple handshake, you both felt how your hearts became one that full moon night, and it was when all your fears seemed to vanish with the breeze of that summer night.
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Organic fnaf masterpost
Notes: Mainly of aus lmao but other types(like mers and lamias) may come in the furture!
Most aus have a lot of Wilry(William x Henry), this is becuase me and my bf like the ship when William isnt a murderer, which he isnt in any of our aus!(hence most bitties not liking Canon(more specific, Danger Zone) William but are totally find with other aus!)
there will be some bitties of other games like Dayshift at Freddy’s, Fnac, Dial town, and more,
There will also be bitties of the Blueycapsules comics- sort of- my boyfriend and i mainly stole the characters because we liked a few so there will be a lot different with a good amount of them! Mostly name and personality changes and ofc changes in how they meet and the fact they meet and interact with other characters and ocs!
We dont support BC or their creators, and since the comic has ended the characters are free game!!
there will be ocs! a good amount of them!
the list will most likely have new names be added, as new new oc’s are fun!
the canon versions are all from the ‘chaos incarnate’ au my boyfriend and i have! (hence the ‘chaos’ part, i just didnt want to spell out ‘chaos incarnate’)
Henry =
Henry - Normal Chaos au!Henry bitty
Emily - Normal Canon Henry bitty
William - Normal Chaos au!William bitty
Afton - Normal Canon William bitty
Michael = 
Michael - Normal Chaos au!Michael bitty
Mikael - Normal Canon Michael bitty
Charlie =
Charlie - Normal Chaos au!Charlie bitty
Charlotte - Normal Canon Charlie bitty
Sammy =
Elizabeth =
Elizabeth - Normal Chaos au!Elizabeth bitty
Lizzy - Normal Canon Elizabeth bitty
Evan =
Evan - Normal Chaos au!Evan bitty
CC - Normal Canon Evan
Clara = 
Klara - Normal Canon Clara bitty
Sarah =
Vanny - Normal Chaos au!Vanny bitty
Vanni - Normal Canon Vanny bitty
Jordon(film Mike)=
Walter(Ness/Matpat from the move)=
Dave =
Jack =
Harry(DSAF Henry)=
Steven =
Peter =
Dee =
BlueyCapsules:(I dont support them but the comic was canceled so they’re mine now!)(some names and info have been changed!)
Baxter Afton(BC Dave)=
Baxter - Normal Chaos au!Baxter bitty
Boss Boseman=
Gabriel Boseman=
Cassidy Boseman=
Jerry Boseman=
Issac(BC Vincent)=
Erik(BC Scott)=
Tyrone(BC Jeremy)=
Hank(BC Micheal)=
Benjamin(BC William)=
Leroy(BC Henry)=
Ronan(BC Fritz)=
Dial town:
Randy Jade=
The Walten Files:
Jack Walten=
Felix Kranken=
Rosemary Walten=
Linda Thompson=
Edward(Ed) Walten=
Molly Walten=
Charles Brooks=
Susan Woodings=
Mike Schmidt=
Jeremy Fritzgerald=
Scott Knight=
Vincent Bishop=
Vendetta Bishop=
Vinny Bishop=
Alex Albrecht=
Chris Newmaker=
Fritz Smith=
Justin Afton=
Justin - Normal Chaos au!Justin bitty
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summary; two wounded souls meet, and heal one another.
versions; WATTPAD, AO3
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NOV 6TH, 2038
AM 10:25:05
AS SOON AS Amelia got out of the car onto the sidewalk, the beads of rain dropped on top of her head and shoulders, slowly soaking her uniform. Rolling down her sleeve over her hand, Mel used it to wipe off the rain drops lingering on her glass-lenses. But instead of wiping them away, she only made her glasses dirtier. Amelia sighed. Taking off her glasses, she turned to Hank's car in which she arrived in, opened the back door and threw the glasses on the backseat. "Contact lenses are not sounding too bad right now." Amelia thought to herself. The truth is, her eyesight wasn't too bad, but her ophthalmologist recommended glasses with a low strength, before it becomes too bad. After all, she spends a lot of time staring into computer screens.
Earlier in the morning, a police report was filled by a man named Todd Williams, in which he claimed that an AX400 android assaulted him and kidnapped his young daughter, Alice. The android, which went by a name 'Kara' was last seen by a cashier in a convenience store. And instead of taking a taxi to the scene, Hank offered Amelia a ride, which she accepted after giving it some thought. The car ride with him and Connor was silent, as she could feel the tension in the air, which almost caused her to be mad at herself for not taking the taxi.
"We've got officers sweeping the neighbourhood, in case anybody saw anything." Turning her head around, Amelia noticed Hank and Collins talking. "Okay. Well, let me know if they turn anything up." Hank replied. "What are you going to do with that?" Nodding his head in Connor's direction, Collins asked. "I've no idea..." Hank muttered in response, before slowly walking closer to the android. "It took the first bus that came along..." Connor suddenly begun to explain, which Mel took as a sign to take out her notepad and pen. Yet before she could even start writing, she was annoyed by the raindrops again, as they kept falling on the paper and soaking it.
"And stayed at the end of the line. It's decision wasn't planned, it was driven by fear." Connor continued. "Android don't feel fear." In response, Hank scoffed. "Deviants do. They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions." Connor pointed out, earning a quick nod from Hank. "Ah well, that still doesn't tell us where it went." Raising his eyebrows, Connor said; "It didn't have a plan and it had nowhere to go. Maybe it didn't go far." He explained. "Maybe." Hank repeated with hesitation.
Amelia continued to try desperately write anything down without the raindrops ruining it, but it was pointless. Annoyed grunt escaped her lips, as she tried to shield the notepad with her own hand from the raindrops. A quick, dry chuckle caused her to stop and look up at the source of the noise. "What's so funny?" Mel furrowed her brows. "Oh no, you do your thing." Hank slightly raised his hands in the air, shaking his head from side to side. "I'm just trying to write down information, but this fucking thing--" Groaning out of frustration, Amelia shoved the small notepad and pen in her pockets.
Suddenly, a hand holding a data pad appeared in front of her. "Maybe this would work better." Offering the pad to her, Hank shrugged his shoulder, as she cautiously reached for it, brows furrowed in confusion. "Jesus Christ, just take the fucking thing." Hank nudged her and she finally took it, responding with a thankful nod.
Eyes focused on the data pad, Mel slowly stumbled towards the automatic door of the convenience store. "Hey, Amelia?" At the call of her name, she stopped in her tracks and turned around, but her gaze was still glued to the shining screen. "Yeah?" When she got no answer from Hank, she looked up at him with a confused stare. "Never-mind. It's nothing." Hank waved his hand in the air, before walking away. Mel bit the inside of her cheek, her gaze not leaving the man's back, as he only got further away. Amelia sighed, shaking off the curious thought. What was he planning on saying? She couldn't help, but wonder.
Walking around the store, Amelia wasn't able to find anything suspicious. That was until the camera in the corner caught her attention, as she stared at it curiously for a while, before turning around on her feet and walking towards the cashier. The man was standing in front of the register, arms crossed over his chest, while he stared out of the big, glass windows. "Sir, can I ask you a few questions--" Amelia politely interrupted the man, earning his attention. But before she could get any answers, the front door opened and stole her attention. Rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand, Collins walked in, his eyes searching the store, before his gaze fell on Mel. "Hank was asking if you could go look for that android of his." Making his way closer to her, Collins explained.
"What? Why me?" She furrowed her eyebrows, causing Collins to shrug his shoulders. "But i'm in the middle of-- Nevermind." A long sigh escaped her lips, as Amelia motioned towards the cashier, that she was planning on interrogating, still standing next to her. "I'll do it for ya, here." Collins reached out for Amelia's data pad and she had no other choice then let him take it. "Why can't you or Hank himself look for him?" The brunette questioned, slowly walking towards the automatic door, yet no answer was given to her.
Rolling her eyes, she walked out of the store, looking in every direction. With her hands swinging at her sides and rain soaking her clothes once again, Amelia walked the long streets, glancing in different alleyways and buildings. She didn't get anything for a while. That was until a small, shining light caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Bingo. Connor was standing on the porch of an abandoned house, trying to look inside the boarded-up windows. Mel had to hold back another long sigh, when she noticed that the only way in was through a rather small hole in the fence.
Crouching down, she tried to grab the edges of the broken fence. What she didn't realized is how sharp the edges were. Amelia ignored the sudden sting of pain in her palm, eyes trained on Connor, who noticed her presence and turned around to face her. Just as Mel opened her mouth to speak, Connor stopped her by raising his finger to his lips. Biting the inside of her cheek, Amelia nodded in response and stayed quiet, carefully making her way towards Connor.
Straightening his posture, the android walked towards the door and twisted the doorknob. Inside, they were met with mess scattered all over the wooden floor and a clearly anxious-looking android standing in the middle of the room. "I'm looking for a AX400." Connor announced sternly, standing in front of the android with blonde hair and strange injury on the left side of his face. "Have you seen it?" Connor asked. "Ralph's seen nobody..." Hands clasped in front of his body, the android replied rather quickly. "Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you." Connor tried to assure Ralph, using a tone that was more soothing. "You brought a human with you. Ralph doesn't like humans." Muttering quietly, Ralph stumbled back. "She's not gonna hurt you either." Amelia stared at the back of Connor's head, still keeping her distance and standing by the open front door.
Even from a few feet further away, she could see the android's expression. He seemed... Scared. And android's don't feel fear. Slowly, Mel raised her hand a bit and hovered it above the holster she kept her gun in. "Are there any other androids here?" Patiently waiting for an answer, Connor stood still with his arms by his sides. "Other androids?" Ralph repeated the question, before replying; "No. Ralph is alone." The android whimpered, his head slightly twitching. "There's blue blood on the fence." The deviant hunter pointed out, which caused Mel to furrow her brows and bring her hand closer to her face. There was a long, but luckily not deep cut. Her blood was leaking out, painting the skin around it red, while at the top of the cut, her blood was mixing with... blue blood?
"I know another android was here." At Connor's words, the other android begun to panic, as Amelia's attention fell back onto the two androids. "Ralph scratched himself coming through. That's Ralph's blood." Ralph explained. Silence fell over the room, only Connor's footsteps creating noise, as he searched the place. Tilting her head to the side, Amelia tried to get a better look at Ralph's injury, but when he caught her staring, his head turned the other way, avoiding eye contact.
"Ralph, am I right? I'm Mel." The brunette attempted to calm the android down. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." Taking a small, slow step closer, she assured him. This time, Ralph didn't take a step further away from her. Amelia couldn't help but think that maybe, if she convinces the android she's no threat to him, he might give out some information. Yet she never got the option to question the android, as she wa interrupted by Connor.
"Is anyone upstairs?" Leaning against the stairs railing, Connor called out to Ralph, who answered with a quick, but shaken; "No." Walking down the small amount of stairs, Connor suddenly stopped, noticing the space underneath the staircase. He crouched in front of the dark, small corner and in the blink of an eye, Ralph charged at him with full speed. Pulling out her gun as an instinct, Amelia pointed the weapon at Ralph, but no matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to get a clear shot. A wave of panic ran through her entire body. "Kara, Alice! Run!" The deviant shouted, struggling to hold back Connor. Two figures appeared from under the stairs and quickly ran towards the back door, escaping.
The grip on Amelia's gun tightened, as she still held it high in the air. "What the hell is going on?" Barging in, Hank called out. "It's here. Call them in." Connor explained, after finally getting out of Ralph's grip. "Shit." Hank muttered, before running out and calling the others to the scene. "Humans." Ralph stuttered, standing still as if he was frozen in time. "I'm coming after it." Running out of the house, Connor announced. And without a single word, Amelia followed.
After getting out the front yard of the abandoned house, Mel followed the android, but to no surprise, he was faster and had a better stamina. Her shoes slammed against the wet sidewalk, as she passed people walking in 'n out of buildings and androids sweeping the streets. All of a sudden, Connor came to a halt, causing Amelia to almost harshly collide with his back. "They're over there!" An officer exclaimed, pointing into an alleyway, where they could catch a glimpse of two figures getting further away.
Almost slipping on the wet ground, Amelia made a fast turn and continued to chase the android, who was dragging the young girl along, but she wasn't quick enough. And neither was Connor. The duo managed to climb up the high fence and get to the other side. The same police officer Mel saw a few seconds ago ran after them, pulled out his gun, pointing it at the android and little girl on the other side of the fence. "Don't shoot! We need it alive!" Connor demanded, causing the officer to lower his weapon with hesitation. Amelia could only watch the android and kid slide down the mud towards the big, flashing sign; 'AUTOMATIC CAR TRACK, VERY HIGH SPEEDS, NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, DANGER, DANGER'.
"Oh, Jesus..." When Hank finally caught up with Connor and Amelia, he leaned down and placed his hands on top of his knees, letting out heavy breaths. "Hey! Where are you goin'?" Grabbing Connor by his shoulder, Hank pulled him down from the fence he was trying to climb. "I can't let them get away!" Still clutching onto the fence, Connor desperately explained. "They won't! They'll never make it to the other side." Hank let out a long sigh, but Connor wasn't convinced just yet. "Don't even think about it." Amelia barked, grabbing him by his other shoulder. "Do not go after 'em, Connor. That's an order!" Hank objected and this time, Connor listened, watching the duo from afar.
Letting out a groan, the brunette leaned against the tall fence and closed her eyes. With her chest rapidly raising up and down, Mel was about to wipe away the mixture of rain and sweat off her face, when she was met with a burning pain coming from the palm of her non-dominant hand. She totally forgot about that..
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joseandrestabarnia · 1 year
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Título: Retrato de Elizabeth Collins
Artista: Jose Backler (Australia alrededor de 1813 - 22 de octubre de 1895)
Otros títulos: Retrato de la Sra. Collins, nee Kite
Retrato de una mujer (Elizabeth Collins)
Lugar donde se realizó la obra: Tenterfield → Nueva Gales del Sur → Australia
Fecha: 1861
Materiales usados: óleo sobre lienzo
Dimensiones: camilla de 77,9 x 63,8 cm; Marco de 89,0 x 77,0 x 7,0 cm: 0 - Entera, 74 x 62 cm, DIMENSIÓN A LA VISTA. Debido al soporte del tablero de respaldo, no se pudieron obtener las dimensiones del tablero duro. Se registraron las dimensiones de la vista.
Fecha de firma: Firmado y fechado esquina izquierda, óleo rojo "J. Backler./ 1861.".
Crédito: Donación de la Sra. JC Williams y el Sr. OC Tunks 1990
Información e imagen de la web de la Art Gallery NSW.
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madmen-ao3feed · 2 years
Quick Oneshots/Crossovers - Part 22
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z5Gayt
by CreativeLiterature
A collection of oneshots and/or crossovers which jump right into it.
Each chapter name mentions which fandoms it contains.
Words: 5529, Chapters: 15/15, Language: English
Series: Part 22 of Quick Oneshots/Crossovers
Fandoms: Real Person Fiction, 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), Mean Girls (2004), Mad Men, Freaky Friday (2003), The Other Boleyn Girl - Philippa Gregory, The OC (TV), The Sims (Video Games), Gilmore Girls, Friends (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Devil Wears Prada (2006), The Nanny, New Girl (TV 2011), Before Sunrise (1995), Aladdin (1992), Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Me Before You (2016), X-Men - All Media Types, Me Before You - Jojo Moyes
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Kat Stratford, Walter Stratford, Regina George, Jason (Mean Girls), Karen Smith (Mean Girls), Don Draper, Tess Coleman (Freaky Friday), Elizabeth Boleyn, George Boleyn, Anne Boleyn, Mary Boleyn, Thomas Boleyn, Henry Cavill, Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk, Hailey Nichol, Paris Hilton, Lorelai Gilmore, Emily Gilmore, Richard Gilmore, Thor (Marvel), Lorelai "Trix" Gilmore, Rachel Green, Amy Green, Joey Tribbiani, Miranda Priestly, Emily Charlton, Andrea Sachs, Fran Fine, Genie (Disney), Jessica Day (New Girl), Jesse (Before Sunrise), Original Characters, Catherine de Bourgh, William Collins (Pride and Prejudice), Jean Grey, Logan (X-Men), Louisa Clark, William "Will" Traynor
Additional Tags: Screenplay/Script Format
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z5Gayt
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ao3feed-janeausten · 2 years
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asmrtist-brainrot · 3 years
Redacted Masterlist
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Fluff - 💕
Angst - 💔
Spicy - 💦
Dark Themes - 🖤
Art - ✏️
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Multi/All Characters | Other
How I Think They Look
How I Think the Listeners Look
Redacted Characters + 5 Senses: [Part 1][Part 2]
Spicy Snippet [💦]
Magical Race Biology HCs
Redacted OC Bio Template
My OC: Delanie Hadlock the Vamp
Lasko the Fifth Wheel /j [✏️]
Party Stalling - (Shaw Pack Wedding Party) [💕?]
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Those of Aria
 📍 Avior 📍
Midnight Storm [💕]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. Starlight [✏️]
🍭 Caelum 🍭
Kissy, Kissy [💕]
🤘🏼 Gavin 🤘🏼
Imperium AU: Even Here [💕🖤💦]
Imperium AU: Eyes [🖤]
Gavin, My Beloved [💕]
My Hands Are Meant to Hold You in Them [🖤💕]
Kissy, Kissy [💕]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. FL [✏️]
General Soft Yandere HCs [🖤]
Zombie Apocalypse HCs ft. Damien, Huxley & Lasko
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin Yandere HCs [🖤]
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin reacting to their Yan! Selves
Gavin Being a Simp HCs [💕]
Poly Gavin + Vega HCs [💕]
Poly Gavin + Vega - Canon Events [🖤]
😈 Vega 😈
Real Types of Monsters ft. Echo [🖤]
Poly Gavin + Vega HCs [💕]
Poly Gavin + Vega - Canon Events [🖤]
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D. A. M. N.
🔥 Damien 🔥
Imperium AU: Hearth [🖤💕]
My Hands Are Meant to Hold You in Them [🖤💕]
Kissy, Kissy [💕]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. FL [✏️]
Childhood Friends HCs + Angel [💕]
General Poly D. A. M. N. Yandere HCs [🖤]
Poly D. A. M. N. Reverse Comfort HCs [💕]
Zombie Apocalypse HCs ft. Gavin, Huxley & Lasko
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin Yandere HCs [🖤]
Poly D. A. M. N. + Winged FL HCs [💕]
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin reacting to their Yan! Selves
🍀 Huxley 🍀
Imperium AU: Eyes [🖤]
My Hands Are Meant to Hold You in Them [🖤💕]
Kissy, Kissy [💕]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. FL [✏️]
General Poly D. A. M. N. Yandere HCs [🖤]
Poly D. A. M. N. Reverse Comfort HCs [💕]
Zombie Apocalypse HCs ft. Damien, Gavin & Lasko
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin Yandere HCs [🖤]
Poly D. A. M. N. + Winged FL HCs [💕]
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin reacting to their Yan! Selves
Flustered ft. FL [✏️]
🌪️ Lasko 🌪️
Imperium AU: Breathless [🖤]
My Hands Are Meant to Hold You in Them [🖤💕]
Kissy, Kissy [💕]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. FL [✏️]
General Poly D. A. M. N. Yandere HCs [🖤]
Poly D. A. M. N. Reverse Comfort HCs [💕]
Zombie Apocalypse HCs ft. Damien, Gavin & Huxley
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin Yandere HCs [🖤]
Poly D. A. M. N. + Winged FL HCs [💕]
Poly D. A. M. N. + Gavin reacting to their Yan! Selves
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Eyes on the Sidelines
💫 Geordi 💫
Geordi Being a Simp HCs [💕]
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From the Office
🖥️ Aaron 🖥️
General Poly HCs ft. Elliot & Oliver [💕]
☕ Oliver ☕
Being Nervous around Mentor [💕]
General Poly HCs ft. Aaron & Elliot [💕]
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Shaw’s Pack
🐺 David Shaw 🐺
Meeting the Parents [💔💕]
Poly Inversion Reunion ft. Darlin’, Angel & Sam [💔💕]
Social Media HCs [💕]
Multi-Piece ft. Angel [✏️]
Petting HC ft. Angel [✏️]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. Angel [✏️]
General Soft Yandere HCs [🖤]
General Poly Yandere HCs ft. Asher & Milo [🖤]
Poly HCs ft. Asher & Milo [💕]
David X Darlin’ HCs [💔💕]
Streamer S/O - TikTok HCs [💕]
🌙 Asher 🌙
Social Media HCs [💕]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. Baabe [✏️]
General Poly Yandere HCs ft. David & Milo [🖤]
Poly HCs ft. David & Milo [💕]
FINAL Asher Design [✏️]
🍂 Milo 🍂
Social Media HCs [💕]
Taking care of sick S/O HCs [💕]
Instagram Influencer Couple HCs [💕]
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. Aggro [✏️]
With a Sometimes Nonverbal S/O [💕]
General Poly Yandere HCs ft. David & Asher [🖤]
Poly HCs ft. David & Asher [💕]
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Solaire Clan
🕯️ Frederick 🕯️
Beware, Beware [🖤]
Freddy Being Possessive over Bright HC
👑 William Solaire 👑
Vinyl Dances [💕]
💉 Sam Collins 💉
Poly Inversion Reunion ft. Darlin’, Angel & Sam [💔💕]
General Soft Yandere HCs [🖤]
Small Quirks [💕]
🍷 Vincent Solaire 🍷
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs ft. Lovely [✏️]
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The Fanged and Feral
⛓️ Adam ⛓️
BPM [💕💦]
Poly Relationship w/ Quinn [💕]
🔪 Quinn 🔪
Poly Relationship w/ Adam [💕]
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The Walkers
🗡️ Blake 🗡️
Out of Reach [💔]
“Sad” Boi [✏️]
💭 Elliot 💭
Clothing/Style/Appearance HCs [✏️]
He’s Sus [✏️]
General Poly HCs ft. Aaron & Oliver [💕]
Elliot Simp HCs [💕]
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75 notes · View notes
hawaii5-0gurl · 3 years
A Marine and A Seal: Part 2
Paring: Steve McGarrett X Reader (Eventually)
Characters: Reader, Daniel Green (OC), Nick Collins (OC), John Sparks (OC), Duke Lukela, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly, Danny Williams, Steve McGarrett, Reader’s Parents
Word Count: 3703
Warnings: Angst, Language, hint of flirting, Minor Misunderstanding 
A/n: this is part 2 of ?? I haven’t finished writing it just yet. So I don’t have an exact number yet.
Feedback is always welcome. The Good and the Bad. It actually helps me as a newbie writer.(Yes I consider myself a newbie...)
Tumblr Masterlist  Series Masterlist
Want to be tagged in my future fics? Tag yourself Here
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After getting back to base, you and Rolland were taken to the hospital. You made sure they took care of him first before they even looked at you. You were in your room waiting to hear what was going on with Rolland, when you had an unexpected visitor.
The knock on the door got your attention. You looked up from your computer to see Green standing in the doorway of your hospital room.
“What do you need Daniel?”
“Umm… I just came to check on you and let you know that Rolland is out of surgery. He’s going to make a full recovery.”
“Thanks for the update, and I’m fine. I have had a lot worse than this trust me.” When he hung around you could tell there was something on his mind. “Anything else?”
“Yeah, I wanted to apologize.” He all of a sudden became shy, he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. “I was a complete ass to you when I found out you were leading the team. I was more worried about the fact that you were a woman than how overqualified you are. Then I ended up getting you shot. I am more than sorry about that. You were an amazing leader, one of the best I have seen. You were going to sacrifice yourself to save the rest of us, hell you almost did.” You held your hand up to get him to stop talking.
“Listen, you’re not the only one who doesn’t like having a female leader. I have dealt with worse Marines trying to get me kicked out of missions. When I came into the Marines, I busted my ass night and day to be one of the best, while most men did only the required work.” You just shrugged. “Thank you, but if you ever have someone out in the field that is not willing to do even half of the things I did today, then they should really reconsider a career change. You don’t enlist in any branch just for the hell of it, we do it to help, save and protect people. If that means giving up my own life to save another, I’m going to do it.”
Before either of you could speak again, your commander came walking in.
“Major, it’s good to have you back.” You tried to sit straighter, but your commander waved you off.
“It’s good to be back Sir, even if I am a little banged up.”
“I know you wanted to talk to me about taking a leave of absents. I have to be in D.C. tomorrow so I figured it would be easier to come and talk to you before leaving.”
“Yes sir, I did. I need to take some time off to think about things. The marines have been my entire life at this point, and I am starting to think that it might be time to consider other things.”
“You want to be discharged?” You had completely forgot about Green.
“Not exactly. I was thinking maybe Reserves for now. I haven’t exactly made up my mind.” You sent a look over to him, hopefully he would shut up.
“Well, I will grant your Leave, but we are going to have a more private talk.” He looked over to Green who was looking down at the floor. “But if this is something that you really want to do, I’m sure we can figure it out.”
“Thank you, sir.”
After he left the room, there was this awkward tension. Green hadn’t looked up; you were just sitting there trying to figure out why he cared so much.
He left without saying another word.
“Are you really going to leave?”
“I’m not completely leaving, if I’m needed, I will be back. I have spent the last eighteen years in the Marines, I don’t know anything else. You never know I might absolutely hate being a civilian and want to come back immediately when my leave is over. This is something I need to do.”
You were released from the hospital after two days. You went home and started packing your bags. You had planned most of your trip while you were in the hospital. You just needed to confirm the dates with your hotel. When it came time to leave, Sparks and Collins wanted to drive you to the airport. They weren’t happy with your decision, but they understood why you had to do it. Green on the other hand had been avoiding you for the last week. Every time you tried to talk to him, he said he was busy, even when he wasn’t.
About a week and a half later, you had to do one last meeting before you could leave. This meant you had to be in your Dress Greens, and you would have to go to the airport in them. You hated the idea of that, but you can’t change it. After the meeting you grabbed you bags and carried them to Collins’s truck. Just as you were about to load up someone came up behind you guys.
“Room for one more?” Green was standing there, you turned around to see him.
“I don’t know, you sure you can handle me leaving like and adult now?”
“Yes. I’m sorry I was acting like a child.”
“Alright, load up.”
The ride to the airport wasn’t too bad. You were just going to miss these idiots. You started wondering if you were making the right decision, but quickly shot that down. You were, this is something you were doing for you. If you didn’t do it then you might regret it later.
Once you got to the airport, Collins parked in the lot, all of you got out and you hugged them goodbye. You went to grab your bags, but Green grabbed for them first. You looked at him confused.
“We’re going to walk you in, come on let’s go.” He said as he threw one of the bags to both Collins and Sparks.
“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you guys have to get back.”
“No, we have the rest of the day off.” Sparks gave you a big smile.
You walked into the airport, checked your bags and got your ticket. All of you walked over to TSA, you stopped and looked at all of them.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye.” You gave them a small smile.
“No, it’s see you later. You’re not going to get away from us that easily. Even if you decide to leave.” Collins was the first to hug you.
“Yeah, no matter what you do we will always be there for you.” Sparks following behind Collins.
Green walked up to you and just pulled you into a hug.
“Let me know when you get there safely. I mean let us know when you get there.” You let out a small chuckle.
“Definitely, I will do that.” You let go of him, looking to all of them. “Stay safe boys. If I find out something happens to any of you, I will personally come back just to kick all of your asses.”
“Yes Ma’am.” They all said in unison, they gave you a salute.
You turned away and walked through security. They stayed there until you were completely out of sight. You had a 10-hour flight ahead of you. you were simply happy that you had nobody sitting next to you.
You had decided to go to Hawaii to visit your parents. They had retired to Hawaii about 5 years ago. You had lived there when you were in your teens. It was your favorite place that you had been moved too. You even made some friends there, that you still keep in contact now.
You haven’t seen them in a long time. Even though they only retired 5 years ago, it has been many more since you have seen them. You have been busy doing missions, training recruits, etc. You weren’t even able to go to their retirement party because you were overseas. You have tried to stay in contact with them, but those phone calls were few and far between.
Now you were sitting outside of their house. You didn’t tell them you were coming, you wanted it to be a surprise. You just wished that you could have changed out of your dress greens. You stepped out of your rental truck, adjusted your uniform before closing the door. As you were walking up to the front door you saw the curtains move, as if someone were watching you. Once you got to the door you rang the doorbell, you slightly turned away from it to look around their neighborhood.
The door opened behind you, as you turned back around you kept your head down slightly.
“Please don’t tell me something happened to Y/n.” Shit…
“I knew I should have changed.” You looked up to see your mother with tears in her eyes.
“Oh, you ass.” She immediately wrapped you in a hug. She ended up hitting you in the back while she was crying on your shoulder. “You sacred the shit out of me!”
“I’m sorry mom. I didn’t really think about it.” You looked up to see your father coming up behind you mother.
“Pipsqueak?” you mother let you go; you were in your father’s arms almost instantly.
“What are you doing here? Not that we aren’t happy to see you, I figured you would be training or saving the world.” He let you go to pull you over to have a seat. You mother sat down next to you while your father sat in his chair off to the side of you.
“I decided to take leave for the first time, instead of being forced to take it.” You took your cover off and placed it in your lap. “Actually, I have been thinking of transferring to the reserves. I want to see what the world has to offer, outside of combat boots and fatigues.”
“Woah! Are you serious? Y/n, the Marines has been what you wanted to do ever since you were little. Are you sure you want to do this?” Your father sat forward in his seat to look directly in your eyes.
“I know it has. It’s just after my last mission, I started thinking about life and all the things I wanted out of it. I absolutely love the Marines and I wouldn’t trade my experiences for anything in the world. It’s just in this moment I just need to figure things out for me.”
“So, are you going to move to Hawaii?”
“I think so. This was one of my favorite places to be growing up. I even called Kono and Chin to see what they were up too. I’m going to meet them after I came to see you guys, at ‘Iolani Palace. I figured while I was there, I would pick up an application for HPD.”
You could see that your mother didn’t like the idea of you going from one high risk job to another. She just wanted you to be safe.
“Are you sure HPD is where you want to go? If you are trying to get away from all of that, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“It’s a lot less risk than the Marines mom. Plus, it’s something that I can learn fast and adding my military background it’s one of the few jobs I would be good at.” You turned to her giving her had a reassuring squeeze.
You stayed with your parents for a few hours before you needed to leave. Once again you didn’t have time to change before going to see Kono and Chin like you had hoped. Your mother barely let you out the door, she made you promise to come back for dinner and to bring Chin and Kono if you could.
You walked into the Palace; you didn’t really know where to go. You saw a few officers and civilians around. You walked up to the officer behind the desk to ask where to go.
“Excuse me.” You quickly looked at his name plate. “Sgt. Lukela, I’m looking for Officer Chin Ho Kelly. He didn’t give me many instructions on where to go.” He looked up and was instantly taken back. He stood up before speaking.
“Yes, he is a part of the Five-0 task force. They are on the second floor, there are signs that lead you to them. I could call and have her here in a few minutes, or I could escort you there.” He looked at you with a nervous smile.
“No that’s okay Sir. I’m sure I can find it.” You were about to leave but turned back. “Are you alright?”
“Yes Ma’am, just wasn’t expecting to see a Marine in here today.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to make you nervous. I just didn’t have time to change out of my uniform.” You gave him a quick goodbye before heading up the stairs.
You followed the signs just like he had told you, you came to a couple of glass doors. You saw someone inside, but you could instantly tell it wasn’t Chin. This guy was shorter and had blonde hair. He looked up from a table to see you, he started walking over to you. You opened the door and walk in.
“Can I help you?” You could see him look you up and down.
“I am looking for Officers Kelly and Kalakaua. I’m supposed to meet them here somewhere.” You gestured around.
“There are in their offices. I’ll get them.” He turned away to go to the offices.
“Thank you…”
“Danny.” He said turning back with a smile.
“Thank you, Danny. I’m Y/n.”
He walked into an office in the left, you saw Chin’s head pop up with a large grin on his face. Danny moved to another office, while Chin got up from his desk to come out. Kono did the same, she even ran around Danny to get to you faster. She came running to you and pulling you into a hug. Chin came and hugged you both. Danny came up behind them.
“Y/n, I have missed you!” Kono practically yelled in your ear.
“It’s good to have you back here.” Chin joined in on the hug.
“Guys, umm I’m still not fully healed yet.”
They quickly let go of you, you grabbed your shoulder. You massaged the spot for a few seconds, before looking up at them.
“Sorry.” They said simultaneously.
“Are you alright?” Danny chimed in.
“I’m good, just recovering from being shot twice.” You said with a blank face, just to see his reaction. He looked shocked to say the least. You laughed a little. “I was in Afghanistan not too long ago; a few things didn’t go as planned. The important thing is that we made it out alive and we completed our mission.”
“Oh, well I hope you heal quickly. Also thank you for your service.”
“Thank you, and it’s my honor to serve.”
“Maybe we will see you around here again before you have to leave.”
“That could be fun, but I’m hoping to be around for a while.”
“Awesome. I have to get back to work before Steve comes back, but it was nice to meet you Y/n.”
“You too Danny.” He walked away and you looked back to Chin and Kono. “So, how have you guys been?”
“We are good, but we want to hear about you. How long are you here for?”
“Well, I’m here for two weeks then I go to D.C. for a little while. Then I’m back for good-ish.”
“What does that mean? Are you leaving the marines?” they had confused looks on their faces.
“Not exactly.”
You explained your plan to them. Telling them nothing is set in stone. You were going to see how the two weeks go first before making a final decision. At this point after seeing them and your parents your mind was made up. You were going to transfer to the reserves, that way if you were really needed you could still help.
You talked to them for a while. You had gotten Chin and Kono to agree to come to dinner. You made them promise not to bring up your last mission. You didn’t tell your mother the full story because you knew she would be upset. Your father knew but he knows better than to tell her what happens out in the field. Even though on some level you knew your mother knew, she was a Marine and she knows what can happen.
Just as you were leaving you asked Chin about where you could get an application for HPD. He walked you back down to the main desk and asked the officer you talked to earlier for one. After getting it, you quickly filled it out and turned it back in. Chin had to go back to work, you said goodbye to him. As you were walking out of the Palace, you weren’t paying attention and accidently bumped into someone.
“I am so sorry! Are you okay?” You took a step back and looked up at the person.
“No, it was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention.” He looked down at you, pausing for a moment before extending his hand. “I’m Steve.”
“I’m Y/n.” You shook his hand. The two of you held on a little too long, before you broke the trance. “Umm, I’ glad you’re okay but I do have to get going.”
You let go if his hand and started moving around him. He just watched you walk away. You turned back to see him staring at you. He gave you a wave, you waved back, before proceeding to your truck.
You went to your hotel, checked in before going to your room. You sent a text to your boys to let them know that you made it to Hawaii in one piece. They all got back to you saying have a good time and stay safe. You made sure to hang up your uniform before taking a long-awaited shower. You just stood there washing away the day, you finally had a chance to really relax. After your shower you got dressed in jeans, a tank top and a flannel to top it all off. You grabbed your gun and placed it in its holster, you never went anywhere without it. Then you grabbed your backpack and your keys before heading out the door to your parents’ house.
When you pulled up in front of their house, you could see Kono’s car pulling up behind you. Chin was also with her; they got out of her car and came over to you.
“You ready for this?” Chin questioned when he was you fidgeting.
“Yeah, it’s just weird being here and not in some foreign country fighting for something.”
“It’s going to take some getting used to. I think its weirder to see you in normal clothes. I think I have only ever seen you in a uniform.” Kono and Chin let out a small laugh.
“I know.” You put your arm around Kono. “I am loving it; I feel so free.” You moved your arms around just to emphasize how free you felt.
“Are you guys just going to stand outside all night? Or are you going to come in and have dinner with us?” Your father called from the doorway.
“We are coming Dad.” You looked to your friends. “We better go before he locks that door.” You quickly moved towards the door with Kono and Chin close behind.
You stayed there for a few hours. Your father was asking for stories. Of course, you left certain details out, for your mother sanity. You asked Chin and Kono about Five-0. They told you all about it. Then they talked about the people they work with, their boss Steve McGarrett and how he was a Navy Seal. Then they talked about Danny who transferred here from New York to be closer to his daughter Grace. You told your parents that you had put in your application for HPD. Your father was excited for you. Once again, you could see your mothers head drop at the thought.
You spent a few more hours there talking and having a good time. When it started getting to late Chin Kono and yourself said your goodbyes. When you left the house, you walked them to Kono’s car.
“Well, that was fun.” You smiled at them.
“Yeah, it was. We should get together again before you go to D.C.” Chin said as he gave you a hug.
“We could invite Danny and Steve. Since you are trying to get a job at HPD, you will be seeing them every once in a while.” Kono gave you a long hug.
“Sure, that sounds good.” After that you said your goodbyes and left.
Once you arrived at your hotel, you put your gun in the drawer of the nightstand. Then proceed to get ready for bed. You change into a pair of shorts, leaving the tank top on. You grabbed your laptop and climbed into bed. You started looking for apartments and houses. You may have made your decision, but you still have a lot of things to consider and things to do.
You have found a few apartments and houses that you are willing to go see. At this point you were leaning more towards the apartments; just in case you are called back to duty. One of the few pluses of being in the Marines is that you traveled so much, which means you don’t have a lot of things. So, if you have to pack up and leave it is going to be easy for you.
After a few hours, you finally decided it was time to stop and try to get some sleep. You have a lot to do in the next few days. You turned off your laptop and set it on the bedside table. After making sure your alarms were set and your phone was plugged in, you laid down and slowly fell asleep.
@Ohana (Everything) Tags:
@camillyb   @wanniiieeee  @gurkiloni​  @fanfictionaddiction99​
Series Tags:
@shipatheart @dannjulie
Steve McGarrett Tags:
@hails-halstead​ @healojane  @summer-children​ @multiplecelebritycrushesat16
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I am now only accepting requests if submitted to my ask box.  
I am willing to push the limits in just about anything but I will not write about anything that has to do with bodily fluid/ excrement as a kink (no scat play, no golden showers etc)  and absolutely no Pedophilia.
If you want smut, I need you to tell me what kinks are a no no for you.
If you ask me to write for a character that is underage, there will be no smut unless they are aged up.  (My big one is Teen Wolf, as you see there is no real smut for the in cannon times but I will definitely write smut for the characters)
If it’s on my Masterlist I will most likely write for it - some of these state that  there are characters I won’t work with however. I also have a list of Characters below that I will for sure write for if you wanna ask about a specific fandom or character feel free to :)  
Unless otherwise stated, I will work under female reader requests. You want gender neutral or male!reader please clarify that- I can also do cannon ships but those don’t seem as popular here.
If you want an OC - I am going to need details (name, nicknames, general personality, hair length, eye color, etc) this can be sent in more than one ask if you are Anon or if you request from your own Tumblr, we can chat
What kind of ending do you want?
Please give me a little bit to work with - if it’s something like “Stiles x Reader, friends to lovers trope” this can be interpreted in lot of ways… try something like “Stiles x reader, Friends to lovers  where the two have been friends since they were children and after seeing her at homecoming, Stiles manages to confess his feelings- happy ending”  If you don’t know what you want, feel free to send that too but I will take full creative license. with it.
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Book Series: 
ACOTAR (Sarah J. Maas)
Grishaverse (Leigh Bardugo)
 Dark Hunter Series (Sherrilyn Kenyon)
House of Night (P.C. Cast)
Twilight (Stephanie Meyer)
Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
Criminal Minds
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Dr. Spencer Reid
Jennifer “JJ” Jareau
Luke Alvez
William LaMontagne Jr.
Dylan O’Brien Characters
Caleb Holloway
Mitch Rapp
Sam taylor
Stiles Stilinski
Stuart Twombly
Thomas (Maze Runner) 
Game of Thrones
Daenerys Targeryan
Dario Naharis
Robb Stark
Harry Potter
Bellatrix Lestrange
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Newt Sacamander
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Tom Riddle
Weasley Boys
The Last Kingdom 
Young Ragnar
Law & Order: SVU
Chester Lake
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr.
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Rafael Barba
Mike Dodds
John Munch
Marvel & DC
Harley Quinn
Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold
Nyssa Al Ghula/ Nyssa Raatko
Oliver Queen
Roy Harper
Thea Queen
Steve Trevor
Wonder Woman
Maze Runner
Francesco de’Pazzi
Giuliano de’Medici
Lorenzo de’Medici
Peaky Blinders
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
John Shelby
Michael Gray
Thomas Shelby
Charlie Bradbury
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jordan Parrish
Lydia Martin
Theo Raeken
Vampire Diaries (Including The Originals and Legacies)
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Landon Kirby
Niklaus Mikaelson
Stevan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Bishop Heahmund
Halfdan the Black
Ivar the Boneless
King Harald Finehari
Ubbe Thomas
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pumpkin-stars · 3 years
WIP tag game
Thank you for the tag @astroboots​! 🧡🧡
rules: list the names of docs in your wip folder + open your inbox to let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I have so many one-sentence/paragraph wips so i’ve only included the ones that i’ve made decent progress on (and there’s still so many of them oh god) also doc name/fic title are different so for an extra look into my brain i’ve included both (when i actually have a title at least) :)
[bar wench] - Pero x Fem!Reader. multichapter, co-written with my love @yours-truly-r  💕 Pero accidentally catches feelings for a whore in the village he and William settle in for the winter. Also features a bit of William/OC!
Star Crossed [pride and poejudice] - Regency!Poe x Fem!Reader (with finnrey, dinluke and also kylux for some reason??) multichapter. As the doc name suggests, it’s got Austen vibes, Hux is essentially just Mr Collins. I just wanted Oscar-as-Laurent-but-make-it-Poe and so i’m writing it 😁
With the Shifting Sands [obi wan(ts a friend)] - Obi x GN!Reader, multichapter. After years on Tatooine, Obi’s peaceful existence is interrupted by a run in with some Jawas. There’s Hutts, Tuskens, bounty hunters, and some made up slang because i can do what i want when i invent an entire planet.
[show him the way] - Din x Fem!Reader x Armourer. Din is hopeless when it comes to oral sex, but his Alor is trained in many arts 😉 not to be confused with:
[ins and outs] - Din x Fem!Reader. That breeding kink fic every Din writer pens eventually.
[pike is a dilf] - Marcus Pike x Fem!Reader. Pike takes his daughter to her little league match and you fight off the neighbourhood soccer moms when they get a little handsy with your man.
Proxy Server [robots vs vampires] - Nathan Bateman x AFAB!Reader x Max Phillips. Your two bosses hate each other, always want to one-up the other. You uh... come between them... 😉
Seeking Passage [ezra is oblivious] - Part of Space Cowboys. Ezra’s ‘introduction’ to the star wars timeline. goes along the lines of ‘what do you mean there was a rebellion? the empire’s fallen? alrighty then, let’s celebrate.’
Then there’s another.... 10 (20?) half-conceived ideas including (but not limited to) Max Lord, Oberyn, more Poe, and a Llewyn Davis thing that I thought of ten minutes ago despite not having seen the movie yet 😊
Tagging with absolutely no pressure: @yours-truly-r​  (as though i don’t already know most of them), and @iconicc​​  @hotchsbabygirl​​  @scandinavian-punk​​  (cause drifting from a fandom doesn’t mean i’m not still curious) and @joanofarkansass  (i’m sure you did this recently? tell me again!) 🧡🧡
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profeyandere · 2 years
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Masterlist || Pride and Prejudice Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 3k
Pairing: William Collins x Reader
Warning: None uwu
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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With a deep sigh, trying to calm the dizziness from the great heat that had anguished you most of the night, you opened the doors of Mr. Bingley's enormous mansion to get some fresh air, feeling a soft blow coming from the outside that made you smile softly; that had been the only sign of happiness that you had shown to the world since the moment you had arrived at the party, having had to endure the mundane talks to which you had been invited and in which you had not participated due to your lack of interest in the topics covered in each of them.
It was true that being a Darcy, they had expected you to have an attitude similar to that of your little sister, appearing more lively and cheerful than William, but they found a version of the male in an equally beautiful but distant woman. You did not enjoy the overwhelming parties where the crowds were assured but preferred the quieter intimate gatherings where you could chat with the people closest to your social circle and with whom you could enjoy more than just gossip about future weddings or the ridicule that certain guests made for how badly they played the piano or for having interrupted certain conversations that were none of their business.
Just remembering how you had to be present during William's conversation with a clergyman and how you had to calm down a young girl because she wasn't allowed to demonstrate her playing on the instrument of her dreams made you think you've had more bad luck in your entire life.
The evening was rewarding, you greeted a couple of guests and quickly settled into the farthest corner of the crowd, but it was Caroline Bingley's testy presence that made you seek refuge with your brother, his friend, and the friendly stranger who introduced herself as Jane Bennet. You found it curious how the gossip of certain guests was so inconsistent with reality because, even though you had heard that the peasant family that had been invited to the party lacked common sense and shame, you found in the young blonde an affable friend who quickly held out his hand to you as a lifeline in case you wanted to run away from certain conversations that were irritating you.
"Miss Darcy, are you all right?"
The slightly gravelly, obviously masculine voice snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to suddenly step away from the balcony entrance and turn around so you could witness the same man you'd found so pedantic.
In front of your eyes was the unmistakable Mr. Collins, the clergyman of the parish that your aunt had kept under her protection and who had given her in exchange for certain favours that he boasted about as if he were the greatest pride in the world. You had barely listened to the man when he began to talk to your older brother because the mere fact that he praised the decoration of the mansion too much and mentioned your surname on several occasions made you understand that he was simply an innate sycophant and that his intention was none other than for you to feel comfortable with his presence while he treated you in such a delicate and pleasant way, even if those acts were not to your liking.
"For God's sake, Mr. Collins, how dare you to speak without first warning of your presence?" You questioned with a slightly higher tone than you had expected, clearing your throat later as you tried to calm the strong beats that your heart had produced due to the great scare that it had caused you. "What do you need? Shouldn't I be talking to my brother or another guest of interest?"
"Sorry for the intrusion. I didn't mean to disturb you," he murmured, lowering his gaze so as not to meet your sharp eyes that were looking at him accusingly. "I intended to go out on the balcony, just like you, and, seeing that you did not move from your position, I wanted to know if you were alright since you did not respond to my calls."
Your stoic, serious and annoyed face suddenly relaxed when you heard him speak.
You were aware that he was not to blame for your bad mood. The heat and the people who almost demanded your presence had caused the vein on your forehead to become noticeable, and you felt more bothered as time passed. That environment was not your favourite, you preferred to stay at home with Georgiana than attend a party, but with the letter that Mr. Bingley had sent you, you did not have the heart to deny him your presence.
"Excuse me in that case," you spoke, bowing slightly to show your respects before returning to your task and placing yourself at the edge of the balcony, resting your forearms on the long rocky structure that marked the limit with the void.
Although you expected to hear how the door closed so that you could wrap yourself in solitude, you were surprised to hear how several steps gradually approached your position, and the figure of the man placed himself next to you. You might not give him a second glance, but you could tell how anxious and hesitant he seemed.
"I don't think I've talked to you before," he mentioned, pulling you out of your thoughts again and making you frown as you imagine where he wanted to take the conversation. "We have introduced ourselves, I do not doubt that, but I have not had the pleasure of having a formal talk with you as I have with his brother, Mr. Darcy."
A snort escaped your lips as you remembered the talk he was mentioning.
"I want to be condescending and tell you that if you want to give me the same practised compliments that you have done to my relative, I suggest that you not waste your breath doing it, because they seem as stupid to me as the person who recites them," you murmured, watching out of the corner of your eye how his face twisted into a grimace of discomfort. "I prefer silence if you wish to content me."
To your surprise, he perfectly understood your order and did not attempt to speak to you again.
Mr. Collins, who was at your side playing with the small wildflower he had picked from the large back garden of the mansion, was confused as he did not understand how it was possible that a young woman of your age, with the great wealth that you possessed, did not like the attention that others provided them. He had seen you enter the house in Netherfield quickly, greeting both Bingley brothers before you plunged into the large crowd of guests who had attended the party, only to find you suddenly chatting with your brother. He had been able to observe that you did not enjoy the company of strangers, and yet he had ignored that innate distaste you possessed to find out if that assumption was true or not.
"I would like to mention, before beginning the perpetual silence that you so desire, that it is a pleasure to meet you in person," he spoke. "Lady Catherine's arduous descriptions do not do justice to reality, I would add."
"Do you think that it has been a pleasure to have known me when I have spoken to you with a certain sarcasm and, allow me to add, dryness?" You questioned, turning your head towards him and arching one of your eyebrows slightly. "I don't need to be flattered, and if you are going to talk to me, refrain from mentioning my dear aunt and repeating more than a parrot that she is a wonderful landlady. I've heard her say those same words too many times, and honestly, I'm beginning to think that she has paid him simply to fawn over her and make her feel important at events she doesn't attend."
Mr. Collins's face showed the purest expression of surprise.
"But, from what I understand, it is favourable for women like you to listen to the sincere words and gallantries of a man, because that makes them feel even more complete and satisfied with themselves," he murmured, avoiding your gaze even though you tried to find his dull grey eyes.
"And haven't you thought for a moment that maybe all a woman wants is to have a nice, honest talk with a man?" you asked, gently tilting your head. "From what I can see in you, despite not having the required or expected physique, you try to mitigate it with an excellent education and a series of compliments that, previously learned and rehearsed ad nauseam, you direct towards women in search of your approval and, judging by the small wildflower in your hand, I can tell that it has served you well."
Collins, at your appointment of the small plant he still had, couldn't help but clear his throat.
"I am planning to propose to a beautiful lady I met recently," he explained. "I have absented myself from my home, the parish house that Lady Catherine entrusted to me, to find my future wife among my cousins."
Those words surprised you and, although it was true that you were more than used to hearing from various acquaintances that many people belonging to the English aristocracy married very close relatives, you always found abhorrent how money had a much stronger power than love itself. You hoped to get married, but you were quite clear that you would be engaged to a man you loved, and whose feelings were reciprocated, or you would be the only spinster in the Darcy family because of your refusal to marry someone from your own family.
"For the money, I suppose," you murmured. "How much money do they have? From what little I have heard about the Bennet family, I can mention that they are not the wealthiest family in the world, but they are not the poorest either."
"Oh no," she denied with a short laugh. "The fact that I have to marry one of my cousins ​​is for a matter that has to do with the house they own and, in addition, the desire of Lady Catherine for me to marry as soon as possible and thus have a family of my own."
"Then it is not your personal wish to be engaged to one of your relatives," you surmised, watching as he shrugged gently. "I would be very grateful if you could explain the situation to me if it is possible."
"My cousin, Mr. Bennet, has a lovely house in Longbourn, and as none of his heirs is male, the house will belong to me as soon as he dies, and neither the mother nor the five daughters will be able to take it from me," he explained succinctly. "If I marry one of them, specifically Elizabeth, I will free them from the anguish they feel about living outside their home in the future, as well as the desire of my employer."
"Elizabeth is the second oldest and surely you are not going to propose to Jane because of the rumours about her getting engaged to Mr. Bingley," you commented, turning to look at the door that separated you from the huge crowd that was still dancing and chatting in huge clusters. "Honestly, I don't recommend proposing to her if you don't want your ego or your pride to be hurt," you advised, glancing at the man next to you who was looking at you with a sorrowful and confused face. "I do not know Miss Bennet, but I can point out that she is not at all interested in you and, if you have a little mercy, she will reject you most naturally and kindly possible so that you do not get hurt by the encounter and that, the mistake you would make, will not be spread by the mouths of other aristocrats."
Slowly, you turned your body to come face to face with the cleric who seemed so embarrassed.
"In that case, if what you say is true, I should retire as soon as possible and return to my home," he murmured. "Although, I could also try it with some of my other cousins."
"The three youngest are not prepared to be any man's wife," you interrupted. "Surely you would treat them with the greatest delicacy in the world, I have no doubt, but they have not yet acquired sufficient maturity and, if they accept your proposal, what will their life be like? Misses Kitty and Lydia are still at that age where it's best not to be around because of their sarcastic and biting comments, plus they seem to be the most childish of the three, and Miss Mary seems the sanest, but it's better to give her a little time to settle down as a woman before making such an offer,” you reported. "I don't know your family, and obviously, I don't mean to insult them if it seems like I do, but you don't have to make these kinds of decisions lightly."
"Your reflection is interesting, and I will keep it in mind for my early future," the cleric flattered, watching how you gently tilted your head forward. "What do you think in this case? I doubt Lady Catherine will like the news that I am not engaged to any woman."
"I can speak well of you to my aunt, I can easily make her forget certain matters if I mention specific topics, so that's why she shouldn't worry," you murmured, gently licking your lips, seeing how Collins' face had the colour again that characterized him.
The man, surprised by the proposal you had made to him, could not help but feel a strong pinch in his chest, at the level of his heart, and the fact that several tingles ran through his belly and settled permanently in it, combining with all his face burned from the blush that had settled on his pale cheeks.
"I'd appreciate it if it's not a cause of any inconvenience," he added quickly, watching how you shrugged and gave a small hint of a smile.
"I don't suppose any," you affirmed. "Now, if you'd be so kind, as to tell me a little about yourself and maybe I can play a little matchmaker and match you upright with someone I know who would be thrilled to marry someone like you, and by the way, avoid mentioning my aunt as much as possible," you corrected quickly, leaning slightly forward to be closer to him. "I need you to be authentic with me, completely honest and genuine."
Mr. Collins, even though he did not expect that little help that you had proposed to him, began to mention several of the pleasant qualities that he possessed, as well as some other flaws that, as a human, he had, focusing on the aspects that his parish house, the amount of money he raised per year and some other extra detail that would help you find his ideal partner.
Neither of you was aware of the amount of time you spent in each other's company, exchanging information about your respective lives and entertaining each other with some little game that occurred to you, returning from time to time to the party to collect drinks or a canapé. The night was cool, the moon seemed to remain in its best position throughout the evening and the set of stars that decorated the sky made your views one of the most beautiful that you had ever been able to imagine, almost ignoring the large number of people who left the party until the sun began to rise again.
"Mr. Collins!" Exclaimed the slightly cracked voice of Mrs. Bennet, who was in front of the entrance of the great mansion with the rest of her family.
Both you and the name directed your gaze downwards, meeting the surprised looks of all the daughters of the family.
"I'm going right now!"
That exclamation, as much as it annoyed you, meant that it was time to say goodbye, at least until you met again at a party, and the thought of the same thing irritated you greatly.
When you turned your body towards the cleric, the only thing you saw in him was disappointment, and you understood perfectly.
"This won't be a goodbye, Mr. Collins, it's just a long see you later," you joked, shrugging your shoulders. "It has been a pleasure spending the evening with you, and if you ever walk near Pemberley please do not hesitate to visit me."
That invitation caused the man's greyish eyes to become bright and, as a gift, he handed you the small wildflower with which he had been playing during the hours that you had been talking.
"I thank you and, in the same way, I will wait impatiently for you in my parsonage in Hunsford."
With a slight bow on the part of both, and after having accepted the violet, you watched how little by little he moved away from you to be able to go towards the door that had joined you in that party, noticing how she turned to look at you one last time. It was then that you gave him your sweetest smile, and he managed to reciprocate in the same way.
His expression, like yours, was genuine, and even as the minutes passed after he said goodbye to you as the wagon that had brought him pulled away from Mr. Bingley's house, your big smile didn't fade, and you hoped it wouldn't soon.
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youngsamanda · 4 years
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under the cut is a bunch of plots and wanted opposites ! if you are interested at all please give this a like , hit me up here , or over at discord at emotional support cowboy#2758 ! 
wanted opposites 
gugu mbatha-raw
lily collins
alexa demie
anna diop
devery jacobs
adele haenel
oliver jackson cohen
joel kinnaman
jesse williams
adam brody
blair redford
tyler posey
chance perdomo
moulin rouge! (2001)
jack and rose titanic style
chloe and max from life is strange
katniss and peeta from the hunger games
sam x ellie from jurassic park style
daniel and grace from ready or not
whatever the plot is to a star is born because i love sadness
something like lily and loren from the addicted series
gay ww2 soldiers
buddy x darling from baby driver basically a modern bonnie and clyde
the second bullet
also this + this
euphoria/skins style (mumu)
zombie apocalypse (mumu)
the 100 but it’s all ocs (mumu)
scream movies/tv show and one of us is playing the killer (mumu)
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Courtney’s Crisis Writing Challenge
So yeah as I’m sure all of you are aware of by now I’m having a crisis
and I figured what better way to deal with an emotional crisis than to do a writing challenge and read all the wonderful thing’s y’all can write to distract myself from my ever-growing list of responsibilities
maybe i should change it to Courtney’s Procrastination and Existential Worry Writing Challenge instead
This is a whole-ass mega writing challenge, going across ALL the people I’ve ever written for and all the people I lowkey want to write for/kinda have a current obsession/love for atm
I’ll give a full comprehensive list below the rules 
But yeah this is going to have an English Literature theme bc I’m a nerd like that and have been reading too many books lately, again, to distract myself
So the prompts are split into three categories - “The Heartbreakingly Beautiful”, “The Hilariously Relateable” and “Fuck I’m Drowning In Fluff”
yeah the categories are just what went through my mind when I read the things these authors wrote
The Rules
1) You don’t have to be following me but it would be nice because I’m lonely and want friends plz
2) If your piece of writing is over 500 words, please use the ‘read more’ feature
3) Reblog this post to get the word out (and tag anyone who may be interested!)
4) It’s going to be one person per prompt but if needed I can add more prompts
5) Smut is fine but please leave warnings as appropriate (THOUGH NO UNDERAGE CHARACTER SMUT THANKS)
6) On the back of that one, no inappropriate pairings pleaseeeeee
7) Also please make sure you leave appropriate warnings at the beginnings of fics if any sensitive subjects are brought up (e.g. mental health etc)
8) Ships and OC’s are welcome
9) Tag me in your writing! - on any of my blogs or all three if you’re keen whoooo
10) Use the hashtag #CourtsCrisisWC
11) If you want to enter send me an ask with the prompt you want and the pairing you’ll be writing it with - again the ask can be sent to either of my writing blogs
12) The deadline for this is 15th December (this can be extended if y’all need it)
Okay so imma split this section into parts real quick
Main Blog
1) Pretty much anyone from the MCU is welcome - with the exception of Tony Stark and Clint Barton
2) Tom Holland & Harrison Osterfield and HOCO cast and the Holland boys (NOT PADDY) 
3) Any of Les Amis
4) The characters from Peaky Blinders as well
5) Poly ships (e.g. Steve x Reader x Bucky or Tom x Reader x Harrison)
Side Blog
1) Ben Hardy (+ Warren Worthington)
2) Joe Mazzello (+ Eugene Sledge, Gardner Langway, Pat Murray, Dr Tim Murphy)
3) Gwilym Lee (+ Charlie Nelson)
4) (BoRhap!)Queen members (Freddie only platonically)
5) Roger x Reader x Ben
6) Joe x Reader x Ben
7) The Hargreeves Children (older!Five only)
8) Richard Madden (+ David Budd, Robb Stark, Prince Kit)
9) Taron Egerton (+ Eggsy)
10) Rocketman!Bernie Taupin and Ray Williams
11) Smosh Members
12) Jake Gyllenhaal (+ all his various characters)
13) Chris Evans (+ Ari Levinson, Frank Adler)
Just For Funsies (i.e. current obsessions I don’t officially write for but lowkey want to)
1) Ashton Irwin
2) Calum Hood
3) Sebastian Stan (+ Chris Beck)
tbh y’all can just send me a person and I’ll let you know if I’m cool with you writing for them but judging by this list I think you can rest fairly assured that I’m going to be okay with whoever you want to write for
The Heartbreakingly Beautiful
“I have measured out my life in coffee spoons” - The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot // the most beautiful and wonderful poem ever written don’t fight me on this // ( @writingsoftheloser w/ BLANK)
“I am so busy keeping my head above water that I scarcely know who I am, much less who anyone else is” - The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
“Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do you start missing everybody” - The Catcher In The Rye by J.D Salinger ( @takenbyheartstrings w/ Peter Parker)
“I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you” - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë ( @bensakindofmagic w/ Ben Hardy)
"The universe is bigger than anything that can fit into your mind." - Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira ( @petersfreckles w/ Peter Parker)
“You never forget the face of the person that is your last hope” - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins ( @tom-holland-stuff w/ BLANK)
“Hope may be the thing that pulls you forward (may be the thing that keeps you going) but that it’s painful and dangerous and risky it’s making a dare to the world and when has the world ever let us win a dare?” - The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
“We can't fight another person's battle, no matter how much we want to.” - Holding Up The Universe by Jenifer Niven
“I'm sure I never used to be so sensitive. I think it is due to this nervous condition.” - The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
“Sometimes, I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there's no room for the present at all.” - Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
The Hilariously and Painfully Relatable
“As far as I'm concerned, I came out of the womb spouting cynicism and wishing for rain.” - Solitaire by Alice Oseman
“Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.” - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good." - East of Eden by John Steinbeck ( @queen-paladin w/ Joe/Eugene/Charlie/Les Amis boy)
"We cross our bridges as we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and the presumption that once our eyes watered." - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard ( @lilulo-12 w/ Bucky)
"It's just that…I just think that some things are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic. It's the universe's way of providing contrast, you know? There have to be a few holes in the road. It's how life is." - The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen ( @sataninsatin w/ Detective Loki)
“It was books that made me feel that I was not completely alone” - The Night Circus by Erin Mogenstern
“Was there some kind of rule against drop kicking arseholes in the face? Probably. They always had rules against things that needed to be done” - Made You Up by Francesca Zappia
“I would challenge you to a battle of wits but I see you are unarmed” - Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare ( @icantspellanything w/ Poe Dameron)
“Some people are born with an ear for music, some people are born with a talent for drawing, some people...have a built-in radar that tells them where a comma needs to go in a sentence.” - Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland
“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.” I Am The Messenger by Marcus Zusak
Fuck I’m Drowning In Fluff 
“You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you” - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin ( @mavalenovaninagavi w/ Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker)
“I love her, and that’s the beginning and end of everything” - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Flitzgerald ( @angiefangirlworld-2 w/ Ben Hardy)
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë ( @fichoe21 w/ Bucky)
"The curves of your lips rewrite history." - Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde ( @sarahp879 w/ Bucky)
"[BLANK] was right. [They] never looked nice. [They] looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something." - Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell ( @writing-of-a-british-bitch w/ Eggsy/Warren)
“Here’s my secret. It’s quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eye.” - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Love is worth everything. Everything.” - Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon
“I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace,  against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.” - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens ( @natdoesthings w/ Jake Gyllenhaal)
“I just want you to know that you’re very special and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has” - The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chebowsky ( @d-is-for-delightfull w/ Enjolras)
“Don’t you understand? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!” - Peter Pan by J.M Barrie
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Ship Fics Masterlist Part I
All Masterlists
Note: Some of these, notably on AO3 are super old, so don’t judge me too hard haha.
If it says 18+ it means 18+. Please respect adult writers who wish to keep children and teens away from their adult content.
Eddie Munson x Cassie Ward (OC) (Stranger Things)
Not My Idea of Fun - She’s not sure why she agreed to come to this stupid party, it’s really not her scene. Luckily for Cassie, her neighbour, Eddie always seems to be around to play the knight in shining armour when she needs him too. 
Fred Weasley x Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Page 558 -  Hermione admires the twin’s fireworks and has an odd sort of conversation with Fred that makes her think.
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor (Wonder Woman)
Hospital Beds -  Steve is alive and while they're both surprised neither of them care. They have more time now.
Point to Prove -  Steve Trevor has many doubts while recovering under the care of Diana. So many doubts. Stupid doubts that he shouldn't have.
Musings over Ice-Cream -  Steve Trevor muses about what Diana is and means because of ice-cream.
Closer -  Boats do get quite cold in British waters.
Roxy Morton x Eggsy Unwin (Kingsmen) 
Good Girl - Rated: E. 18+. Do not read if you’re under 18 or I will find you and lecture you.  Roxy has gotten pretty good at hiding how much it effects her when he praises her, calls her a good girl. Until she slips up.
Dummy -  Roxy hopes Daisy likes her, she thinks the little girl is pretty great. Eggsy thinks they’re both pretty great.
Little Talks -  “What’re your parents like?” 
Once, Twice, Three Times An Agent -  All he cares about is Roxy and making sure that she's alive and okay. That she's more than okay. But he’s terrified that she won’t be.
Hugh Collins x Dorothy ‘Dot’ Williams (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries)
Stray -  “I didn’t realise you approved of boxing, Dot.” She has him sit down at the table, it’s obvious no one has looked at the cuts all over his face and if anyone is going to do it it’ll be her. “I don’t…but I don’t mind watching you.”
Keyleth x Vax’ildan (Critical Role)
The Sun In My Afternoon Sky -  Vax contemplates his feelings for Keyleth, his internal struggles, his wants, his desires, and most of all her.
You’d Make a Terrible Rogue - Keyleth sneaks (badly) into Vax’s room at night when she’s cold.
Female Sole Survivor (Nora) x Nate (Fallout 4)
Greek Fire -  She couldn't breathe without them...
Female Shepard x Joker (Mass Effect)
Tumblr Prompts: Evelyn Shepard/Joker - Just a collection of prompts. 
The First Time She Said His Name -  She'd never called him by his real name before...not in all the years he knew her...not before her death...
Selene Shepard x Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
Pheromones - Selene’s a little confused about something Javik says to her, she naturally asks her Turian boyfriend about it.
Kassandra x Brasidas (Assassin’s Creed: Odyseey)
Beyond Reason or Doubt - Rated: T. Blood was thicker than water, people often told her, and she would protect her family, she would rebuild it and reclaim it. She would tear down every cultist that stood in her way, that threatened the family she was putting back together again. She would kill for them. She would die for them, but a certain Spartan spy had shown her that family did not have to come from blood, that love...love was stronger than any blood bond she had.
I Don’t Care Where I Go When I Die - Rated: T.  “Do you ever wonder where you will go…” Brasidas is contemplative, head leaned back, face turned towards the ceiling of his home, the one she has invaded each night since her return to Sparta despite her mother’s questioning, despite the looks from Alexios and the furrow of Nikoloas’ brow.
Naia Brosca x Varric Tethras (Dragon Age)
What’s the Hero of Fereldan like you doing in a place like this? - Rated: T.  Naia Brosca does not expect to meet the Viscount of Kirkwall in a dingy little tavern like the Hanged Man. She doesn't expect to have her sorrows soothed or have a free therapy session from him either. But, her life had always been anything but ordinary.
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Complementary (Collins x OC) Chapter 12: Cheerio
Summary: The inevitable is happening. It's finally time to return to the war.
Tagging: @you-are-the-first-dream
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   Cora had refused to come – something about the crowds and the waving of handkerchiefs. It was like Genevieve wanted to go either, but for the unbearable goodbye and not the handkerchiefs.
 Although she would not come with them, Cora waved them off by the front door; she looked identical to when Jack and Genevieve first arrived. She had the same hairstyle, the same apron, the same flour smattered on her clothes and cheeks. The only difference was the smile. It did not reach her eyes. There was no sparkle or authenticity behind it.
 Jack watched her through the rear window of the cab, waving the whole time. It wouldn’t stop, the tremor in his hand and the only way to hide it was waving. He sat back down properly after the cab rounded the corner, his hands clenched in his lap. Genevieve’s hand slid into his and the tremor ceased with a gentle squeeze.
 The pair had yet to exchange details about where they were positioned. In fact they hadn’t spoken about going back at all. When Jack received his summons, he left the kitchen and spent a good hour in his room. Genevieve hadn’t thought to bring it up. They both knew what was going to happen, why keep bringing it up?
 As the cab pulled up to the curb, Genevieve left the cab first, waiting for Jack to pay, and then they walked through the packed station. Both lugging their suitcases, they managed to sort out their tickets and get on the platform with some time to spare.
 Ten minutes. They had ten minutes until the train left.
 “Can…” Jack paused before taking Genevieve by the hand and tugging her to the side, out of view of anyone in the vicinity. Once hidden away, he fumbled in his pockets before retrieving a slip of paper and a pencil.
 “Can I write to you?” He asked quietly.
 Breathing a sigh of relief, Jack struggled with the lack of a solid surface to support his scribbling.
 “Is that alright?” He held up the paper and screwed up his face to distinguish the markings. Genevieve stifled a grin as he held the paper right in front of his eyes, the buzzing lamp of the station illuminating it from behind. Noticing her lips biting back a smirk, Jack’s cheeks flared red.
 “Promise you’ll write to me?” He pressed the paper into Genevieve’s hand and held it between his own, “Please.”
 “I promise,” Genevieve nodded earnestly, already drafting up a version in her head.
 Jack smiled - a small, still self-conscious smile. His two dimples appeared in the corners of his mouth as he gave her the paper and pencil. Genevieve squeezed his hand as she took them. Feeling tears spiking in his eyes, Jack pulled her into a hug and hid them in her shoulder.
 Genevieve felt choked up as she held him close, “We said no tears.”
 “I’m usually a man of my word,” Jack sniffed, “Sorry.”
 “I think your integrity won’t take much of a hit from this,” Genevieve adjusted her arms as they clung to each other and restrained their emotions. They pulled away, a pregnant silence falling between them as they studied the features of their friend in fear that they would forget.
 “I don’t know what to say,” Genevieve laughed in spite of herself.
 Jack picked up his suitcase as he took her hand, “I do: Thank you for saving me, Genevieve Hastings.”
 Genevieve squeezed his hands, desperately trying not to cry, “You’re most welcome, Jack Collins. Thank you for saving me.”
 “It was my pleasure,” Jack’s head turned as he heard the clamour of soldiers being pushed towards the train. It was time. He forced a smile, wanting to repair the illusion that he was fine.
 “Cheerio?” Genevieve said incredulously.
 “Yeah, it’s not goodbye, it’s not see you soon, it’s cheerio,” Jack explained with a less-forced smile.
 “Pip-pip, old sport,” Genevieve imitated a pompous elitist but her comedy couldn't stop a tear sliding down her cheek. She brushed it away briskly.
 “So long, my chum.” Jack paused as Genevieve let out a wheeze – the same as it was on the Moonstone. This was it, his chance to do it. They were so close and he might never see her again. But his body wasn’t moving. He screamed at himself in his head to do something.
 A conductor’s whistle blew shrilly and it was too late.
 “Good luck with the pie!” He dropped her hand and ran for the train, slipping past the conductor and into the carriage. There was a seat by the window miraculously. Tossing his case into the seat, he pressed himself against the window, scanning the crowds for Genevieve.
 There she was, right next to the window, still holding back her tears with a smile. Tugging the top panel open, Jack stuck his arm through the gap and saw Genevieve take his hand. The train started to move and Jack felt it try to pull him away from her grip. In a few metres, she would run out of platform to stand on.
 It was a sand timer, running out dangerously fast. There was time for one more thing - one final gesture. Genevieve lifted his hand to her cool lips and pressed a kiss against his knuckles before releasing it.
 Jack strained to see her. She stayed the whole time at the edge of the platform, the head of the swarm’s of people left behind, still waving and holding back her tears. Her lips moved and he made out the word “cheerio”. The train chugged around the corner and Genevieve disappeared in the smoke spewed by the funnel.
 Taking his hand out of the window, Jack rubbed the feeling back into it. His thumb massaged the spot Genevieve had kissed; regret flooded in his stomach. With his elbows in the table, he gripped his hair and hid his face from everyone as he finally began to cry.
      The faint droning of cows in the fields sounded far away to Genevieve, her boots rubbing her feet as they squelched through the mud. She was holding the frayed piece of paper; it was turning to pulp in her hands from the sweat and holding it the whole journey to her current location.
   The farmhouse came into view, the thatched roof alight in the setting sun. The paint on the gate was flaking off, the turquoise flecked with the brown wood. It groaned loudly as Genevieve pushed it open. She’d have to oil that later.
  Genevieve closed her eyes and focused on remembering Jack’s face. So far, she was doing well at picturing him in her mind but in the future that may not be so easy. Still, the memory of his smile calmed her slightly and she advanced on the front door. Her knuckles didn’t register the knocking against the frame.
   In all her maternal glory, Lilly Bradford (nee Hastings) opened the door with a bowl perched on her hip, prepared for her parents return. Her eyes widened as she took in the vision of her dishelved sister.
   “Hello, Lilly,” Genevieve said weakly. Lilly dropped her mixing bowl, angel delight and glass splattering over both their clothes.
   “Good thing that’s not my nephew,” Genevieve joked weakly, “Though I guess he’s too big to carry now, right?”
   Lilly crushed the air out of Genevieve with a hug. Genevieve tensed a little before placing her arms lightly around her sister’s shoulders. Lilly latched onto her, sobbing into her shoulder.
   “We weren’t sure when you were coming back! We saw the papers and then you sent a letter without a return address! Where were you?” She blubbered almost incomprehensibly.
   “Staying with a friend. I needed some space before I came back.” Genevieve gestured to the inside of the house and tried to go in but Lilly pushed her back with her shrill reply:
   “You needed space!” Fortunately, an interruption in the form of a mop of brown hair and a paisley shirt came through.
   “Aunty Gem!” James sprinted through the angel delight and collided with Genevieve’s legs.
   “Hey, tinker,” She hoisted James into the air, pretending to struggle with his weight before tossing him up and catching him on her hip – so no,  he wasn’t too big to carry.
   “I swallowed my tooth!” He said proudly to his aunt.
   Faking intrigue, Genevieve nodded, “Oh, very nice.” James wriggled out of her arms and pulled her through the broken glass and spoiled pudding into the kitchen. It was completely cluttered with crayons, dirty dishes and ration coupons.
   “Mum and Dad are out, they left me in charge,” Lilly explained their absence.
   Genevieve nodded, listening for any other occupants of the house, “Where’s William?”
   “He’s out with them.”
   “Good. I don’t need any distractions right now,” Genevieve stuck her hands under the faucet, creating foamy bubbles between her fingers.
   “What are you doing?” Lilly stood beside her. Apparently, cleaning up the smashed bowl and pink foam wasn’t a priority.
   “Uh, I need your help, you were always better at this than me,” Genevieve dismissed the question, “I have to run an errand.”
   “Why, you just got back? What do you want to make?”
   “An apple pie.”
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annawoodhull · 5 years
Potential/Definite Upcoming Fic List
(Jonsa fam! Don’t worry! I’m still all about The Queen and Her Wildling. I should have something up this week.)
I just wanted to post a list of fic pairing ideas and see which of you guys would be interested in seeing:
Current Fics:
The Queen and Her Wildling - a Jonsa post season 8 fix it fic, Game of Thrones
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The Devil You Know - Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge The Devil Wears Prada crossover fic - (believe it or not but I am working on this!!!)
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Upcoming Fics:
One and Only - Abigail Williams (Hannah New OC) x Benjamin Tallmadge, Turn fandom, sequel to When We Were Young
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Angel of Music - Cecila Renaud (Sierra Burgess OC) x John Andre, a post Turn AU fic
The Other Targaryen Girl - Rosalie “Rose” Targaryen (Hannah New OC) x Jon Snow, Game of Thrones
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Potential Fics:
Counting Paths - The Man In The High Castle Fic - (Lili Reinhart OC x Joe Blake; (Crystal Reed OC x Theo James OC) - I’ve made a video for this I’d anyone’s interested!
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Reaching for the Stars - “Eleanor Guthrie” x Clara Oswald fic - basically lots of time and space travel with tons of femslash
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Over the Sea to Skye - Turn Outlander AU fic - Benjamin Tallamadge x OC
Untitled Harry Potter fic - Lily Collins OC (Harry’s long lost twin sister), Sophie Skelton as young Lily Evans, Ben Barnes as young Siris Black, Andrew Garfield as young Remus Lupin, and Aaron Taylor Johnson as young James Potter
Untitled Marvel Fic Series - Sarah Michelle Gellar OC (Stephanie Howard), Captain Marvel, Avengers, etc. Descriptiom to be updated
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