#to meet your father? when we are older youll understand what i meant when i said no i dont think life is that simple
felsicveins · 1 year
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Hufflepuff!Muggleborn Extensive Dating A Malfoy Headcanons:
Okay so this got very long very fast but I apologize for nothing.
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So you’re pretty much terrified of getting your Hogwarts letter because you have no idea what magic is but now you’re a wizard???
You go anyway and see a blond little boy at Diagon Alley with his parents and his mother has the same list as your dad does
So maybe you follow the little boy around and pick out the things he does because he seems to know what he’s doing
Then you heard his father hiss “disgusting mud blood” your way and your face kinda falls because you thought maybe you found someone who could help and we’ll never mind
Your dad takes your hand and snaps at Lucius “what kind of example is that for your son? No, I’m not one of your lot but you shouldn’t take it out on my daughter!”
Draco peeks out from behind his fathers robes and looks at the tears in your eyes and maybe he does feel a little bad
You absolutely adore your wand
At the station a few older years can tell you’re new and very Muggle in your tshirt jeans and converse that they sort of adopt you one of them being Cedric
You’re not so scared anymore because it seems like maybe these people aren’t so bad
Some kid named Fred buys you a Chocolate Frog and his twin warns you about their sentience
You meet a few other first years and Hermione Granger whos also a muggle and you sort of lament about all of it. She’s super excited because there’s so much to learn and you start to adopt her perspective
You see the boy from Diagon Alley sneering and bullying other kids and you go up to him with the same fire in your eyes that you dad had and tell the boy off a-al-Muggle
He just laughs and scoffs but you don’t back down which scares him because everyone always backs down
Big brother Cedric comes over and tells Malfoy off for calling you a mudblood again and ushered you back to a compartment of other Hufflepuffs and someone explains to you the house system
“Well that’s kinda stupid,” you decide “why should we be separated based on what a magical hat thinks we might be?”
Cedric grins at you because you remind him of himself and stands clapping when you’re sorted into Hufflepuff
Momma Sprout helps you so much because she knows that her muggle born kiddos need the extra comfort and encouragement
You have Herbology with the Slytherins and that meant Draco Malfoy his name was rattling around your head since the Sorting Ceremony
You end up partners with him. You’re shy and quiet and he’s dismissive and snappy.
“Draco you shouldn’t—“ “Don’t tell me what to do! Filthy little mudblood.” You sit back and watch the Doxy bite him “well get help!” He demands “I thought you didn’t want a mudbloodas help,” you snap. He gives you a hopeless look and you administer the antidote and produce a Bandaid “stupid muggle bandage”
While he’s sulking you handle the Doxy properly and show him how it’s done without being snotty about it. Maybe you smirk at him when you catch him leaning in and watching closely
It’s not friendship but he doesn’t call you mudblood anymore so... there’s that
Cedric nearly has a heart attack when he asks about your first day and you tell him about Draco
You find your footing at Hogwarts and though you’re not the best in class you can still do magic and it’s SO FRICKIN COOL MOM I MADE A FEATHER FLOAT TODAY
You chat with Draco thoughout the year in class well you talk to him he doesn’t say much. “And my mom was so proud when I told her about the Goblin wars and my dad wants to see me leviosa a feather but I told him I can’t do magic outside of school...”
Then there’s a quiet “your parents are proud of you? And interested in all this stuff?”
You look at him, mystified and “...yes? They’re proud of whatever I do,” Draco looks down and continues to sketch the bowtruckle which is almost life like on how accurate it is
You write to your parents immediately asking them to send a letter to Draco and tell them all about his really good drawings in Herbology
It takes a few days but one morning Draco comes up to you in the Great Hall with a parcel
“I think this is yours, your stupid owl gave it to me” he sulks. “It has your name on it,” you point out. “But why would your parents...?” You shrug and go back to talking to your friends and reading your own letter from your mother. Draco huffs and mutters something under his breath and walks away
In Herbology he has a new set of very Muggle graphite pencils and a proper sketchbook and he’s just sketching the Mandrakes on the desk when you come in. He doesn’t say anything and neither do you. He’s less irritable now
It’s second year and you hug your parents and go say hi to your friends before finding a compartment for the long journey. You swap muggle candy for magic candy with your friends
Draco passes your compartment and you wave. He gives a half smile and keeps walking.
“You like him!” Your friends exclaim. “What? No! I don’t!” You turn very red. “He’s just a friend!!” No one is convinced
This year you have potions with Draco and you’re freaking out inside because you don’t know what you’re doing and Snape seems to have it out for you and you’re just a mess.
Draco volunteers to be your partner “to show this mudblood a little decorum and how things are properly done.” He scoffs
You look down, embarrassed but as soon as Draco is next to you, you hear a quiet apology.
You understand the charade he has to put on but you wished he didn’t and you really wish he’d stop calling you mudblood it was rather annoying
He helps you through potions like you helped him through Herbology. This year you have Herbology with the Ravenclaws and he has it with the Gryffindors. He totally whines to you all the time about Harry
Once he’s complaining and accidentally puts in the wrong ingredient and the entire thing threatens to explode. Before you know it, you’re on the ground under Draco who pulled you and the remnants of the potion is shielded from you because Dracos robes are draped over you
Snape scolds you for being stupid and you start to protest but Draco confesses that it was him mistake, not yours. Snape just eyes the pair of you and walks off.
“Thank you,” you stammer out. He rolls his eyes but there’s a soft smile on his face.
Boy does Draco flip out when he hears about the Chamber of Secrets because you’re in potential danger and he would willingly sacrifice Granger to keep you safe
He mentions that to you in Potions one day and you gap at him. “Draco killing anyone for any reason isn’t right.” You scold. There’s a cold look in his eyes and a fire in yours. “But... thank you... for worrying about me,”
Your friends still pester you because they can obviously see you like Draco and maybe you do... but you know he doesn’t like you so you’ll just ignore your feelings
Third year comes and your heart skips a beat when you see Draco because he grew a lot over the summer and his hair is no longer ridiculously slicked back and oh Merlin you’re in trouble
Unbeknownst to you Dracos heart flutters when he sees you and has to fight the urge to wave or say hi to you in front of his father.
This year you have History of Magic together
He sits down next to you without a second thought. You smile and say hi and ask about his summer and then he returns the question. Your muggle summer and his magic summer are both a bit lost on the other
“Didn’t you wear glasses?” He asks one day. “Oh, my mom let me get contacts,” “contacts?” “Um... like plasticy little doodads that go in my eyes and help me see?” He just stares and you laugh. “Too Muggle?” You ask. “Too Muggle,” he replies.
Now it’s a sort of game. Youll come in with something Muggle—Pens, notebooks, lined paper, Muggle books, a watch—and Draco decides whether it’s “too Muggle” or not for him. He quite likes pens and lined paper but you can keep your Muggle books
You tell your parents again and Draco gets a package filled with green notebooks and black pens and a pencil pouch with a snake on it.
You hear about the Buckbeak incident and you rush off to find Draco. He’s in the infirmary snapping at Pomfrey but softens when he sees you
“She’s just trying to help,” you scold softly. “Are you alright?” “Doesn’t hurts much anymore but it’s numb so...”
Pomfrey wants to keep him a few hours to make sure that his body is reacting to the medicine correctly and you stay with him.
“You know I’ve been thinking,” you start. “That’s scary,” he mutters. You hit him playfully and notice that he flinches so hard you note it and continue “I’ve been thinking that it really doesn’t make sense for you to call me a mudblood,” “and why not?” He snaps. “Well, I mean... I’m technically all muggle. If anyone was really a mudblood wouldn’t it be halfbloods? With a muggle and wizard parent?”
He doesn’t have an answer to that. So he sulks quietly. “Why doesn’t it bother you that I call you that?” He asks quietly. You shrug. “Sometimes I wonder if I really belong here. Your adamant hatred for me is comforting. Like I’m doing something right enough to make you upset about it.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that either. He didn’t know that you were insecure about being a wizard. Of course, you belonged here you were wonderful with magic and your hexes were remarkable.
“I don’t hate you,” he mumbled. “Sure you’re annoying with your cheery disposition and your... Converse trainers... but I don’t hate you.” You laugh and he thinks it’s a wonderful sound
“Well, I don’t hate you either,” you smile back. You don’t think it’s something but it’s definitely not nothing
You hear about what happens between he and Hermione and you’re furious because he’s better than that and you can’t believe he would still call her a mudblood
You refuse to talk to him for a few days. Which is hard because he tries to make small talk with you.
One day in class he slips you a folded piece of parchment and you open it. Begrudgingly. “Im sorry, I was an arse. I shouldn’t have called her that.” You take your pen and scribble quickly “you’re apologizing to the wrong person.” And slide it back to him
Draco did apologize to Hermione before he apologized to you and he’s frustrated because he thinks you’ll think he’s lying if he said he already did
Then Hermione finds you in the hall that day and asks if you put Draco up to apologizing to her and you admit yes you did. And she tells you that he apologized a few days ago. Your heart soars and you hug a confused Hermione before running off to find Draco
He’s in the corner of the library, not reading, but drawing. You accidentally sneak up behind him and see that you’re the sketch on his paper.
“I don’t think my hair is quite that long,” you whisper softly and the boy about jumps out of his skin. You apologize quickly and he quickly covers his sketch book, red faced.
“I um. That wasn’t you.” He stammers turning a darker shade of red. You laugh. “Yes it was!” You reach for his sketchbook but he hugs it to his chest. “Oh come on Draco? What am I gonna do? Laugh?” “You’re laughing right now.” He points out. “And it’s not that good anyway...”
You roll your eyes and sit next to him. You offer to pose for him so that he could take his time to draw you. “Well I’m not busy now,” you grin and he sulks a moment before nodding.
You watch his hands work and sift through the pencils as he props the paper up on his knees and instructs you to look somewhere and not to move.
It’s odd, being drawn. You close your eyes and hum softly knowing he was studying you the way he might a bowtruckle or mandrake and it feels weird. A good weird.
He refuses to let you see the drawing even though you persist. You pout and drop the matter, just glad to have a friend in him.
You begin meeting in the library on a weekly basis, partly so he can draw you partly because you’re both struggling in History of Magic and need more study time
Cedric is not happy about any of this and goes very “protective big brother” on you. You tell him off and huff.
You start going to his quidditch matches and maybe he almost runs into a goal post because you smiled and waved at him and he forgot to pay attention
The summer comes and you wave goodbye knowing as soon as he’s around your father you’re going to lose your fried.
But he surprises you and hands you his sketchbook on the train home then quickly runs away to his father and you just stare at it and him and he’s gone, all you see is two heads of silver blond hair receding in the distance
Your parents usher you into the car and it’s maybe two hours before you get to look at the sketchbook
When you do open it you see a sketch of a bowtruckle and “Steve” written one his careful script underneath. You had forgotten that you named the bowtruckle Steve that day in class
The next few sketches are from Herbology. And little notes about class that day, a lot of them are about you. Then there’s a break in Herbology drawings and there’s a drawing of his mother almost perfectly. Then of a family portrait of the three of them. A few vases of flowers. Then you see your face. And again. And again. It’s you. Smiling, laughing, concentrating on a book, raising an eyebrow at him, gnawing in your lip, asleep in class, then the library drawings that are much more detailed.
Then you’re crying and you want to call him and thank him but you CANT BECAUSE HE DOESNT HAVE A PHONE STUPID WIZARD FAMILY
But you do have an owl. You have no idea what to write. So you go with “thank you” and then send it.
You get a letter a few months later and it’s from Draco. He’s asking if you want to go to the Quidditch World Cup with him. “I know you’re Muggle and don’t like Quidditch much but...”
So you’re going with Draco and it’s weird because he’s on your doorstep with his mother and it is just a clash of worlds. You stammer goodbyes to your parents and you’re quickly ushered into the limo of a car next to Draco. You notice he’s changed his hair again and he looks quite dashing in his blazer. You get a little self conscious about your jeans and sweater.
Narcissa is a doll. She asks you about your summer and time as Hogwarts and keeps polite conversation and you thaw a little.
Though you have no idea what’s going on Draco is very excited about the game and is cheering and you can’t help but smile and maybe you take pictures with a Polaroid camera and he just rolls his eyes and you get a picture of him rolling his eyes
Fourth year comes and he is ushered away from you by his friends before he can say hi.
The kids from the other schools show up and you’re convinced that he like Fleur and he thinks you like Cedric and it’s just a mess
He’s back to being irritable and you’re slipping into depression not just because of him but everything is really weighing on you
You’re alone in the Astronomy Tower, your feet dangling off the edge. You had no intention to jump, but it was sort of thrilling. 
Draco flips the fluff out and nearly drags you from the edge. 
“What the hell are you thinking!?” He exclaims. You gape at him because it’s probably the first thing he said to you in a week. He’s just so scared that he was actually going to lose you that he pulls you close and doesn’t let you go. You start crying and everything just comes out in a word dump. Your brother is getting worse and stronger and it’s not good for you and he keeps putting you down and calling you a freak and that “no one is going to love me because I’m a freak and mom and dad think I’m fine because my grades are still fine but Draco I can’t... I’m slipping and... and I feel like I lost you and you were the only one who really believed in me and...” You’re just sobbing.
And he listens. He holds you and listens. 
“You haven’t lost me,” He whispers softly. “But you like Fleur... and I can’t ever be her... she’s just so perfect and powerful and...” You sniffle, hugging your knees looking at your beat up Converse. 
“She’s my cousin,” He almost laughs but doesn’t because of the look on your face. “And what about you and Cedric?” He raises an eyebrow and you blanch. “He’s like a big brother to me, gross,” You shove his arm and you’re both laughing. 
“There’s only one Hufflepuff out there for me,” He takes your hand and hello butterflies and blushing. “And there’s only one Slytherin for me,” You lay your head on his shoulder and watch the stars. 
You two start dating and Merlin his friends are livid because how dare he date a muggle hufflepuff? But then they watch him with you and it’s hard to deny that Draco is truly happy for once and they don’t want to take that from him
Your friends exchange bet money. 
Weekends filled with more games of “Too Muggle” and trips to Hogsmeade and Draco explaining wizard culture and you try to explain muggle culture but he just does not understand washing machines. You introduce him to muggle music and is thrilled that he loves ABBA. 
He makes everything hurt less. And it’s nice to feel wanted. 
Then Voldemort returns and everything changes and you weren’t ready for it. Draco gets cold and distant again and you try and try to get through to him but he doesn’t let you in. 
You end up screaming at him one night and walk out. He finds you curled up outside the Slytherin portrait, weeping not minutes later and carries you back inside to his dorm and apologizes and hold you and admits that he’s scared and he doesn’t want to lose you or see you get hurt
You both make an effort to find the sunshine in the proverbial dark times that linger through the next year. It means you become a but more calloused and jaded and he becomes a bit more optimistic and grateful. 
Pansy Parkinson doesn’t exist. It’s just you with Polyjuice potion to keep you safe from Draco’s aunt and Voldemort. It’s an easy charade to keep up. There are still quite nights when you’re yourself with Draco and he reminds you how much he adores the real you with his words and touch
If there’s one thing you don’t do, is break a Hufflepuff and that’s what Harry did after his sectumsempra and holy hell do you lose your cool.
Draco’s mother has to step in before you’re expelled for what you did to Harry
You nurse Draco back to health afterwards and never let Harry forget what he did, nor do you let anyone else forget it when they call him the chosen one
And Merlin does Draco love you for it
Draco can’t kill Dumbledore because your words are still in his head from second year “It’s not right to kill someone for any reason” and he just can’t disappoint you like that
You’re still kind. You’re kind to Luna when she’s locked up at the Malfoy Manor. You’re kind to the house-elves that attend to you. You’re kind, and value fairness and hardwork, but you will not put up with bullshit any longer. 
You and Draco stand with Hogwarts when the battle boils down to it. You give Draco your wand when he loses his to Harry.
When you go back eighth year, you advocate for the removal of the House System and write a very convincing argument against it. It takes about ten years, but the system is disbanded after one too many close calls and ruined lives
You also start a Support Group at Hogwarts for those suffering from mental illnesses and for those who have suffered abuse at home. 
You and Draco get married at the Manor. You wear your Converse. 
Want to read a more in depth Hufflepuff!Reader x Draco? Find it Here!!!
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522  @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-j @jiggllyy @honeymarvel @darcypottah @atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289 @boredashaeck @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread @atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco @the–queen-of-hell @langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing​ @tulippings​ @thestressedprincess​ @sunflowerxsadnessw​ @caps-wilsonn​ @fattycooter​ @angelotakunerd08​ @thisisahugemistake​ @fanficsigottaread​ @gweaslvy​ @okaydraco​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @ughjjloveme​ @honeymarvel​  @gaysludge​ @cleopatera​ @ray-of-sunrise​ @artist-bby​ @shadowsingeraxolotl​ @peters-legos​ @quillsareforwriting​ @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo​ @wollymalfoy​ @lilpieceoftoast @paper-cats​ @floweryjh​ @sdicapriox​
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4ragon · 3 years
here's a thing to think about, make an au with ace attorney characters of your favorite non ace attorney game. even if it's silly. especially if it's silly!
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fagderolo · 3 years
dont get me wrong i love you but does that mean i have to meet your father when we are older youll understand what i meant when i said no i dont think life is quite that simple
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perkwunos · 4 years
when you walk away you dont hear me say please oh baby dont go simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight its hard to let it go your giving me too many things lately youre all that i kneed you smiled at me and said dont get me wrong i love you but does that mean i have to meet you're father when we are older youll understand what i meant when i said no i dont think life is quite that simple when you walk away you dont hear me say please oh baby don't go simple and clean is the
Kingdom Hearts had a pretty solid soundtrack... Dearly Beloved is a vibe
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pink-caterina · 4 years
The Cost of a Legacy (3)
Summary: He sees her and she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, everything perfect. Well except the fact that they’re growing up during the revolutionary war. Their love will hit many hurtles and what the future has in store may not be what they planned. 
Pairing: John Laurens x Reader
Words: 1,576
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Still 1771
“John Laurens what did we talk about! You need to focus on your education, not some girl.” His mother scolded him at the dinner table. “She’s not just some girl mom, she's actually agreed for me to start courting her.” He said in a matter of fact way, his father stiffened “And Mr. Gavalanch agreed to this courting? Even after you gave him my resignation?”
“Well I didn’t actually ask Gavalanch but (y/n)-” A snort from across the table, “Of course you didn’t ask cause Gavalanch thinks were trash and would never let you court his pristine daughter.” Henry Jr laughed at his older brother, “Shut up Henry.” He didn’t understand his brothers cruelness. “John, first of all, she is too young to begin courting, secondly you are going to school.” He huffed “Mother she is leaving for Switzerland for who knows how long, I’m going to go.”
“John I said you will n-” His father interrupted “Eleanor let the boy go, he’s right who knows when the girl will be back.” John let out a sigh of relief, at least someone was on his side. “Henry-” His mother ready to argue.
“John if we let you go to Manhattan Friday when you come back you will be fully focused on your schoolwork, those are my conditions.” He eagerly nodded “Thank you, father thank you! And yes my studies will be the most important thing after this, thank you!” He side hugged his father leaving his food half-eaten on the table and ran up to his room to pack.
“Henry sometimes I think you give that boy to much freedom.” Eleanor shook her head, Henry only shrugging continuing his meal.
“Me to mom, me too.” Henry Jr. commented.
Friday Manhattan
“John you’re here earlier then I thought” (Y/n) opened the door letting an excited John in. “Well, we’ve got 45 hours before you leave, not counting the 7 hours each night for sleep.” He dropped his bag and hugged her tightly, “You really have this whole weekend planned don’t you?” She laughed “Yes I meant it you’re all mine for the weekend, you promised.”
“Did I? I don’t remember that.” She joked “Oh you’ll remember in a moment” He began poking at her sides while he still had her captive in his arms “Ahh John!” She laughed trying to get out of his grip, “Do you remember now” He yelled over her laughter still poking her. “Well isn’t this a sight to see.” The loud voice made them pull apart immediately John looking up to Gavalanch.
“3 feet Laurens, you know that. Now what are you doing here on a Friday, I thought you did weekends” He questioned looking for an answer from  either of them. “(Y/n) told me you were sending her off to an all-girls school in Switzerland so I decided to spend her last 3 days with her.” He explained, (y/n) nodded. “Yeah daddy you know how the girls threw me that soiree.”
“Okay, but you’ll be back by curfew.”
“Of course daddy, we’ll go soon. John let me just go up and grab my coat.” He nodded and watched her escalate the stairs to her room. “Son am I correct to assume you were the one who gave my daughter that necklace?” Shit, he did not want to have this talk right now. “Yes sir, just like the one you gave your wife all those years ago.” No point in hiding anything now, she was leaving. “My girl loves to tell that story doesn’t she?”
“I can practically see it taking place in front of me.” He heard (y/n) tell it a thousand times and he wouldn’t mind listening to it another thousand times because every time she told it her eyes lit up with such wonder. “So am I to assume that the necklace has the same meaning as mine did?” Here it was the burning question, what Gavalanch warned him about all those years ago.  
“Yes sir, it does.” He stayed stoned face, trying not to show the fear he had for the older man. “Son let me tell you something, she’s going away for a long time. By the time you see her again, if you get a chance, she’ll be a full-grown woman who can’t even remember how to pronounce your name. Not to mention she’ll be in high-end society for that time, with men better educated than you or your father. Don’t take it personal son but I warned you. She is a treasure and will marry a man deserving of her.” (Y/n) ran down the stair with her coat zipped “What are you guys talking about?” She looked at John who quickly changed his facial expression from shocked to excited.
“Nothing princess just how Johnny here is going to take you to the docks on Sunday since I have a meeting that day, right son?” He patted Johns’s shoulder “Yes, Mr. Gavalanch”
“Oh! Daddy why can’t you come too?” She whined, “Princess I have a very important meeting but don’t worry Ill meet you in Switzerland 2 weeks from now.” She nodded hugging her father before moving to loop her arms with John. “Show my daughter a good weekend son, and make your final goodbye good.” He whispered to John before leading them out the door and closing it.
“Daddy seemed to like you today.”She commented as they left her property. “Yea, he did” John replied still stuck in his thoughts.
“So what’s the first thing on our list?”
“Your quiet.” They ended up having a picnic in the woods but it didn’t take a genius to realize something was bothering John. She ran her finger through Johns’s hair, his head in her lap, a new form of intimacy they developed the past hour. She wondered when she would next get to do this with him, a month, 6 months, a year?
“What?” He looked up at her, he knew he was being quiet but he couldn’t shake what Gavalanch had said to him, was she really going to be gone for that long? Would she even care for him in 5 yea- “John did my father say something to you?”
He gulped, of course she could tell something was bothering him, sometimes he wondered if she could read his mind. He sat up pulling himself from her grasp, he pulled her hands into his, “Do you still want this? Your life is going to change so fast and I don’t want you to be burdened at the thought of me. Youll be so far meeting new people, friends… New men.”
“Let me finish- I want this, I want you, all of you for the rest of my life. And I know right now you feel the same but in 5 years? My feeling for you can’t change because everywhere I go all there is, is you. But you’ll be in a whole other country meeting new men. Smarter, richer, stronger men. Love, what I’m trying to say is I don’t want to keep you chained, so if you want to be freed just say the word.” (Y/n) was speechless, where had all his confidence gone, had her father really made John feel so small. “John I don’t care how far apart we are in this huge world, I want you. I don’t care what my father said to you, I choose you. You are what I want for the rest of my life too.” He smiled connecting their foreheads.
“Just know that if you ever want to be set free, Ill grant it to you, okay.” He whispered looking deep into her eyes. “I can assure you I will never ask you that.”
“3 days went by pretty quick, don’t ya think?” (Y/n) laughed as they walked hand in hand to the boarding dock. “I savored every moment of it John, thank you.” They stood in silence neither knowing what to say to make this moment less depressing, she turned to look at the huge boat behind her.
“You know I’ve never traveled on my own? Daddy’s always with me, its a little nerve-racking going on my own.” She confessed, “Well what’s to stop me from joining you on that boat then? Id hate for you to go alone so I could come with you.” She laughed at him, “Oh John I wish you could, honestly.” “I could you know I have enough to buy a ticket for the boat and I still have my weekend clothes in my bag.” He gestured to his old satchel hanging off his arm. “John-”
“No for real I could come and accompany you in Switzerland, wouldn’t it be nice to know someone there? And I could get a job to provide for myself, for us and we can be together there.” He stopped when he saw (y/n) eyes brimming with tears “John you have to stay, for your family.” She chocked out, she truly wanted nothing more than to agree to his crazy plan, but 16? Too young to give up his life, his shot to become something great. “They don’t need me, my love you need me. I need you.”
“I need you to stay here John.” He sighed reaching down to wipe her glassy eyes. “VIa Albarelle 106 in Geneva right?” She smiled “Yes write every chance you get John.”
“I’ll be waiting for you, my love.” She smiled planting a small peck on his cheek, before turning and boarding the ship.
Part 3, edited
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tipsy-nostalgic · 7 years
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