#torn dws
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It seems as if Torn (and apparently Stryker) found one of the cameras I set up. Joys! Now they can interact directly without needing me!
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caelanglang · 11 months
chuuya will go insane seeing dazai cry? zamn would pay to see that lmaoo
hi, i kinda went insane thinking and drawing about this one.
a continuation of the drunk fem!dazai post !
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mini bonus:
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update: now with extra here ~
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Stealing (borrowing?) space-husband's coat
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god i love doctor who
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nobleriver · 1 year
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DOCTOR WHO | Fear Her (2.11)
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
rubbing my dirty little transmasc hands over another doctor who character. you can’t stop me. he said it. amy pond boy mode activate.
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jennycalendar · 5 months
so the thing i am noticing as i continue to watch the river eps is that the problem i have with the melody pond plotline is not necessarily its fantastical improbability/ridiculousness, because doctor who has always been a show about making the fantastically improbable and ridiculous feel charming and wonderful, and also i am soooo biased i love melody pond soooo much That's Amy And Rory's Baby To Me! if anything, the fact that this is a series of absurd coincidences endear me to the notion more. but the thing is, with the information we're given about river pre-reveal, there is absolutely no way that anyone could possibly guess river's true identity.
prefacing that statement -- i did a cursory google search & moffat did seem to intimate in some interviews that he had the river stuff locked and loaded as early as s5! i do think that clocks, because river makes lots of references to killing the doctor, amy and river are absolutely a lot alike from the get-go, and the amelia pond -> river song thing is also a clear hint, but the foreshadowing outside of that is literally nothing, in what seems to be a preventative measure. that is not enough info to figure out that river is melody.
i feel like this is most clearly shown in let's kill hitler -- they handwave mels not being present at the wedding or mentioned in any prior episode, when we absolutely should have met her! honestly, mels should have been a character that we see in the eleventh hour (maybe even someone who either helps out here and there or refuses to), to the point where when amy and rory name melody, we know that it's for mels. we need her to feel like amy and rory's best friend from the moment that we meet amy and rory, rather than being introduced in the River Backstory Episode. mels could turn down traveling with the doctor for some unspecified reason, but she needs to be either someone he knows or someone that we have seen make an effort to make herself invisible. her showing up only when she has Narrative Relevance, when she should have been the clearest hint to who river is, was not a good plan, and it makes me upset, because 1) we miss out on mels, a wonderful and adorable and slightly murderous incarnation of river who i'd have loved to see more of, and 2) mels not being there means figuring out who melody is becomes that much more difficult, which really does support my theory that the focus was on Creating A Shocking Timey-Wimey Moment rather than a long-term investment in river's character :( and that, for me, is a bummer.
at the same time, tho, i'm kinda like -- so much of river's character really is defined by being a Woman Of Mystery! the hints can't come from her, obvs, because i think she would lose so much of what makes her her if she's at any point able to be deciphered by the doctor or the narrative. and i do think it's very on brand for river (who is made of masks) to absolutely shut all of her feelings down when interacting with younger versions of her parents. but we really, really, really needed more time with river. i think that's what i'm getting at. we needed more time with river within the show, very possibly through mels, for this to work effectively.
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axeylotl · 6 months
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ourple amoeba, before and after the horrors
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skinandscales-if · 1 year
Let’s bring in another classic- MC is really drunk (or dragon shifter equivalent) and when the ROs try to help MC says ‘they already have a partner’ while in the relationship stage with ROs +poly if you have any.
I just found this today and finished the demo- absolutely in love with it so far. I am so torn between Atlas and Reese.
Aaa thanks so much ^^! I’m so very glad you liked it, I’ve gotten an influx of new people coming in from who knows where so I hope y’all have been enjoying your time! ❤️
Answered something pretty similar here! But with this specific scenario in mind, check under the cut!
As MC lurches back from Atlas, he’s quick to become frustrated with their recklessness. As they quickly reason through slurred speech though, he’s just confused. Then flustered. Then frustrated again. He settles his hands of their shoulders and helps them sit up, fixing them with a long-suffering roll of his eyes that has a hint of affection in them. A tiny smile works its way onto his face as he helps them up.
“Come on MC, this is frankly very immature.”
Making sure they don’t fall too far back in the opposite direction, Puck steadies MC and hovers there as they speak. At MC’s words, they burst out laughing, a loud explosion coming from them that even they don’t expect. As soon as they’ve settled, wiping tears from their eyes, they get a little closer to MC, smiling at them with radiating affection (and a little bit of pride).
“Oh well now I must know about this partner of yours, MC. Tell me all about them.”
Watching them carefully, Skye steps back as MC refuses their help, a bit confused and hurt for a moment before she breaks out into giggles that she unsuccessfully tries to muffle behind a hand. She shakes her head and wraps a hand around one of MC’s own, leaning up to the bar to peck a kiss onto their cheek. She laughs again and orders them some water to nurse on.
“Yeah-huh, they told me all about you. But they forgot to mention how beautiful you are!”
Snatching himself back rather quickly, Reese watches with wide eyes as MC is quick to rebuttal him, finally settling down as he realizes the low severity of the situation. He stares at them for a long moment, worry slowly turning into low frustration as he rolls his eyes at them. He sits with them instead of pulling them away, ordering some water and lifting an eyebrow towards them.
“I’m gonna make fun of you after you’re sober, you know that right?”
Already rather tense from all the public affairs, ??? is rather agitated when MC refuses to come with her, waiting as they explain themselves and pausing as she takes in the perplexities of the moment. She stares MC down for another couple long minutes, seemingly trying to make up her mind on something, and when she does she’s quick to throw them over her shoulder, moving them from the building altogether.
“That’s enough drinks for tonight, MC. Let’s get you home.”
Both coming up to MC, Atlas and Puck are a bit stunned at first to hear MC arguing back against them. After figuring out what they mean though, Atlas quickly gets frustrated as Puck laughs it off. Before Atlas steps up to tell off MC though, Puck is quick to draw him back, silently gesturing to the sloppy motions MC makes with a giggle. They both watch for a second, enamored by the claims and excuses MC throws before gathering them up and leading the way back home.
“That was so embarrassing.”
“Calm down Atlas, their partners might be listening~”
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
three just karate aikido-dropped three security guards and honestly id like to see some other doctors get into a fist fight occasionally, i wonder how they'd do
#doctor who#dw#im watching classic who#im watching the green death#im watching the third doctor#one woul feign a knee injury and then chop someone in the throat when they came over all worried#two would do silly flappy hands and be generally useless -- that or smack someone over the head with his flute#four would fight so dirty but also so badly -- hairpulling expected#five would espouse being above this and then kneecap someone with a cricket bat#im torn between six or seven as most likely to commit an actual murder based on what ive seen of them#but definitely six would throw an actual hard punch square in someone's face + scratch and claw#while seven of course uses a cane to devastating effect (with a bit of one and four tactics)#eight would be useless in a fight in the movie but far more capable later on BUT i think also least likely to fight someone physically#nine is a bitch-slapper ive decided. she's actually very unhappy with the idea of a proper fight but a humiliating slap yes#ten WOULD fight but would also lose and spit blood while acting like they're winning#eleven also does flappy hands but far more effectively than two and when you're not taking him seriously punches you in the face#twelve i think is most likely to win an honest fight through old-school fisticuffs but on top of that is also a bastard cheater#thirteen ive decided is most likely to have remembered some of three's martial arts but silly style -- gets halfway through a correct move#fucks something up and says *hold on i swear i used to remember this stuff now is it over the hip or shoulder...* before getting knocked ou#fourteen from what we've seen so far holds up their hands going *now wait a second-* and immediately gets knocked out
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Hello? Hello?
Oh goodie! This works! Hello! Greetings! Welcome to my little experiment to help random journeyers!
I have been recommended by a couple of them that they need more enrichment and interaction beyond the facility, and I couldn't agree more!
The "ask box", as I believe it is called, is now open! Please feel free to ask any participant any question your heart desires!
For reference so you know who to ask things to, I had them pose for a little picture below! Their names are Tash (16), Edde (??), Cole (20), Stryker (19), Torn (??), and Mino (23)
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Have fun!!!
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theladyjojogrant · 7 months
so, uh…is there a place where a sad little Whovian in the U.S. can watch Tales of the TARDIS yet? 🥺
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sole-inquisitor · 7 months
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if there's one thing about ki'ara she will kiss women <3
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sukugo · 11 months
do you have a favorite headcanon, from yourself or that you picked up from someone else, of either knives or vash
hmmm don't think i could say i have a favourite, bc there's so much good stuff (plus im relatively new to them and still Exploring the kv world so haven't had as much time to establish them), BUT there is one thing that im really so so so very into and it's the idea of knives and vash only being capable of having sex with each other
i already mentioned it in this post, which pretty much says most of it really
but yeah i LOVE the idea of their bodies being incompatible with human bodies and rejecting them (in the case of flower genitalia, a closed bud that never blooms and opens, and in the case of a more regular genitalia situation, an unresponsive dick/hole, no erection, no lubrication, no gape. just the tightness of an unwiling opening. just the burn of desperate need against skin rubbed raw)
and along with the lack of bodily response, we have touches and gropes being discomforting, grating, painful at times, and always feeling so, so wrong, like their entire body is on edge, wrongness crawling all over their skin.
it's not that glaring of an issue for nai, who would not have sex with humans (more accurately: anyone who's not vash). but in vash's case, who lives among humans, i'd find it definitely is.
although, the thing is, their bodies dont even work for themselves. not being able to have sex is one thing, but they can't masturbate either, bc their bodies need the other's to react, they don't respond to their own prods and touches and pleas. no amount of personal desire can make their bodies react, not unless the other is there. (which would negate the above comment: it is an issue for nai too, who can't properly physically manifest his desire for vash) (i dont think a nai sexually repressed for 150 yrs could lead to good things...)
and well, it's all bc essentially, they are one. two halves of a whole, made from each other and needing each other to complete each other. they exist as one and no matter how much time they spend apart, how much they clash, the truth of the fact is carved into the makeup of their bodies.
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talentforlying · 7 months
i can't remember the details, but at some point i decided that aliens and alien politics is absolutely where constantine draws the line on plausible otherworldly bullshit. he flatly refuses to consider what all the fuck is Out There and if he sees proof of something coming from Out There, he'll rationalize it as being some kind of demonic entity, demigod, or tulpa.
yes he loved star trek as a kid, no that doesn't mean he's willing to risk a non-exorcisable fourth doctor-esque bubble wrap caterpillar monster slugging down the street at him!! no fucking thank you!! yes he has met members of the justice league, doesn't mean he wants to think too hard about what they're protecting humanity from, and all the implications that follow!! he ALREADY gets sucked into potentially world-ending events he doesn't want to be anywhere near because he gets curious and starts poking around, he's not adding potentially world-ending events from space to the list!! this gif is his exact reaction!! space is Too Much for him fuck you and fuck off!! unless he has to deal with it or fight it in some way, in which case do NOT leave him unattended thank you very much!!
( he says as he's taking the very first opportunity he gets to run out there and explore, because he's obsessed with learning and acquiring knowledge that's been previously forbidden to humanity and he will pursue it, even if it means kubrick-staring out the door of the TARDIS for half an hour. )
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geronimomo-spd · 11 months
still obsessed with Dodo (updated version) oh you want me to play a song at gun point?? absololy! Steven give it your all this is great! speaking of gun point, i can shoot a gun too! hold on im aiming where? ok yes not there good point, anyway look at me!! i can shoot! ...no? oh thank god [passes out], no that was nothing i can tottaly shoot that gun! oh we would die if we don't play these games? ok sure i guess, haha Steven don't fall-NOOOOOOO STEVEN- oh you are ok good. they have a machine that is evil? yes yes i will tare it to peices :) no i will wander off just watch me, oh this is the most advanced computer in the world? ok, can i go to where the hip kids are instead? i love you Doctor thanks for keeping me alive, ok bye
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