#towl 1x01
mintsandapples · 2 months
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first glimpse of michonne in rick's dreams
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rcsitastark · 4 months
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ANDREW LINCOLN as Rick Grimes The Ones Who Live - S01E01
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prettyshon10 · 4 months
- The intro!!!!
- “Created by Scott Gimple & DANAI GURIRA & ANDREW LINCOLN”
- Budget is budgeting
- Hate to see the hand go, but love that it was a desperate and (true to Rick Grimes fashion) feral escape attempt and not because he got bit
- Michonne in the braids and the purple ensemble looking goodt!
- If Pearl dies later Imma be hurt
- Andy as Rick Grimes is BACK like he never left; the man is ACTING (and to everyone denying him his acedemy awards: drop your location—I just wanna talk, I promise…)
- Rick basically saying that letting Michonne go is equivalent to him dying
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- C’mon white knitted dress, long coat and knee high boots! Gagged!
- Rip Okafor; that’s a crazy way to go out
- Ohmygodohmygodohmygod IT’S HER
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- Stopping seconds after they find each other is sick and twisted. GIMME THE NEXT EPISODE NEOW!
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onlyifyoubadd · 2 months
Bringing each other back: Michonne to Carl in twd 4x16 then Rick to Beale in towl 1x06
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Mich thinking rick was dead: twd 7x12 then towl 1x06
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THE MOST AMAZING ONE - Reuniting with your family: twd 1x01 and towl 1x06
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cake-by-thepound · 3 months
Our discussion on TOWL 1x01 is live! We get into the good, the bad, and the utterly heartbreaking of Rick’s journey these last few years, and what’s to come now that Michonne has found him. ♥️🔥🎙️
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thosewildcharms · 2 months
i truly do believe richonne would have found each other in every universe. If the apocalypse didn’t happen they would fall in love and in every variation of space and time they would have found one and other
yeah, you know. as much as i've been joking about how ~five pizzas and a wedding ring~ proved that they'd fall in love in every universe, i do actually think there's support for it. if nothing else certainly there is an element of fate/destiny in how they met, and met again after the prison fell. and if anything, the ones who live leaned into that even further. michonne saying she knew rick was alive, despite all evidence to the contrary because she could "feel" him - and being right about it - is soulmates 101, and as @danaredbeard pointed out in a genius reblog, rick felt a similar connection. and if THAT wasn't enough, there was that time michonne just so happened to gain a new bff on her hero's journey who was a self taught expert in explosives, and said bff just SO HAPPENED to shoot down rick's helicopter that JUST SO HAPPENED to be flying right over them almost immediately after both rick and michonne had finally given up on ever seeing each other again. and not only was rick miraculously unharmed, but instead the missile targeted the person sitting directly next to him who also happened to be the guy who was holding rick hostage in the CRM by threatening michonne's life. like, this doesn't just feel like an invisible string tying them together. it feels like the universe insistently shoving these two people together over and over and over again.
all of that being said, i will say i don't think that if the zombie apocalypse hadn't happened it would have happened as easily as five pizzas and a wedding ring. the rick and michonne we met in twd 1x01 and the flashback in 4x09 respectively were living two very different lives and were very different people and michonne in particular seemed pretty content with her life and partner. these two would not have locked eyes in the middle of a crowded room and fallen in insta!love, given their circumstances at the time. BUT. i always felt watching twd that the universe was like, fuck it, if a zombie apocalypse had to happen to get these two people in front of each other so be it. and now after watching towl, i firmly believe if it wasn't that, something else would have sent these two people careening towards each other under the exact right circumstances. so to that end YEAH. i agree. soulmates.
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mintsandapples · 2 months
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but then i started dreaming of you. and there you were. you and i fell in love in different ways, and it kept me going. and then you were gone, too. i couldn't see your face anymore, just like i couldn't see carl's. i can't live without you. without you, i die.
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thosewildcharms · 3 months
I’m rewatching from the start and forgot how deeply traumatic Rick waking up to the apocalypse was. And when he gets home and cries in the fetal position asking himself “is this real” :(. He went through the worst thing and it’s amazing how finding Michonne builds the other up into the best versions of themselves in spite of that. The way she inspires him to be the best man he wants to be 😌 In light of TWOL heavily leaning into this romantic shit I’m so certain now their souls recognized a kindred spirit as soon as they locked eyes at the prison and it’s why they know how to love each other so right.
anon, this is so beautifully put it made me misty eyed. like, i want to frame this ask. 10/10 no notes!! they are 100% soulmates, and that first meeting at the prison is so intense no matter how you look at it.
this made me think of a separate but related thought though. i was also watching early seasons twd episodes recently and one thing i thought of while watching 1x01 of twd (which, you're absolutely right, is very traumatic) alongside towl is how starkly different it would have been if rick had already been married to michonne at the beginning. we know from twd/towl that she'd have to see proof of his death with her own eyes and she would have stopped at nothing to get to him. would he have still woken up alone? alternatively, what if they had met just a bit sooner? what if rick had been around earlier enough to meet andre? would he still be alive? would rick have had such a rough time on that farm if she had been around? how much of their trauma would have been easier to bear if they had connected sooner? these are all rhetorical questions i already know the answer to lol but it's still interesting to think about what it may have looked like. i really wouldn't change a thing about canon because i think their slow burn is perfect the way it is, but your point about how well they love each other and build each other up makes a part of me wish they had met each other sooner, because they deserved so more time together. but i guess that's what fanfiction is for :)
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