chef123bottom · 2 months
another perfect breakfast
i need to write a mid-term paper right now but this post was URGENT. in order to maintain my sanity today i needed to make a scrumptious, well-rounded breakfast. i started by boiling water for my coffee, then throwing 2 turkey sausage patties in pan xD Then i had to decide whether i wanted scrambled or fried eggs...the answer is almost always fried egg. i looked in my fridge and saw that we have red onion and goat cheese, which i thought would be good on toast with the egg.
while i let the toast grill on the pan for a minute (it adds a certain crunch that toasters just can't achieve), i thinly sliced the red onion and let it sit in some lemon juice and salt for a couple minutes for a 'quick pickle.' (i know nothing about pickling) i had also found some strawberries hiding in the fridge, so i sliced some of those up too. mhmm i forgot people eat fruit for breakfast, what a great idea.
so anyways, nothing too crazy about this breakfast — the flavors were simple but dignified and, as usual, my coffee was strong and delicious (s/o to Kate's Blend from Porto Rico Coffee Roasters). sometimes you just need a delightful breakfast as a little encouragement for a good day.
ok ttyl,
bottomchef <3
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