#trina dalton
tamtam-go92 · 11 months
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His mother would snap if she found out that Gilbert even had another iron in the oven. Trina Dalton, the girl that helped him and his mother at the bakery since his father had died. Trina was even younger than Breanna, but things clearly weren't one-sided! Trina would even sometimes call Gilbert to go downtown, clubbing.
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squiddoodlebug · 29 days
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1. Trina Schart Hyman 2. Anthony Browne
3. Tom Brannon 4. Brinton Turkle
5. Maida Silverman 6. Joe Lasker
7. Aliki Brandenburg 8. Lynn Munsinger
9. Ann Dalton 10. Evaline Ness
via @aimeehagertyjohnson on IG
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insolitosims · 5 months
Lazurowe Bitowo - początki
Wznawiam publikowanie historii z mojego Lazurowego Bitowa czyli losów rodzin z Bitowa i Lazurowej Promenady. Mam tak dużo materiału, że powoli sama się we wszystkim gubię, więc będę starała się dodawać wpisy turami, a nie rodzinami, tak jak było wcześniej. Mam nadzieję, że będzie to dużo bardziej przejrzyste ;)
Rozpoczynamy od samego początku...
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Rodzina Żakiet, czyli dobrze nam znany Gerwazy oraz jego matka, Dagmara.
Opis Gerwazego oraz jego osobowość zupełnie nie pasują mi do jego aspiracji romansowania: ,,Uroczy gość. Umie cieszyć się życiem i czerpie z niego garściami."
Dla mnie Gerwazy jest zagubionym simem, żyjącym według oczekiwań rodziców. Szuka tej jedynej. Miał romans z wieloma simkami, w tym z Aleksandrą Gwiazdką oraz Florencją Della Rosą. Owocem jednorazowej przygody z Florencją został Syrakuzy. Po długich rozmowach, zarówno Gerwazy, jak i Florencja zgodnie stwierdzili, że zostaną przyjaciółmi, a Syrakuzy będzie miał kontakt z ojcem.
Gerwazemu od samego początku podobała się nowa pracownica jego rodzinnej piekarni, pochodząca z Wyspy Wanmami, Trina Dalton. Ta jednak zupełnie nie była nim zainteresowana, nie zwracała uwagi na zaloty Gerwazego. Irytował ją swoim zachowaniem. Ten był jednak nieustępliwy i po czasie, Trina zgodziła się na randkę, a później kolejną i kolejną...i tak już zostało. Zostali parą!
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Kiedy okazało się, że Trina jest w ciąży, Gerwazy poczuł się przytłoczony i spotkał się z jedną ze swoich byłych kochanek...szybko jednak zdał sobie sprawę ze swoich czynów i zerwał kontakty.
Trina Dalton to bardzo ambitna simka, która wyrwała się z małej wyspy, w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Chciała zostać prawniczką, pomagać innym simom. Udzielała się również w polityce. Jednak jej największą pasją oraz rzeczą, dzięki której stała się znana była seria książek o tematyce prawniczej, których akcja działa się na wyspie, z której pochodziła!
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Niedługo później na świecie pojawił się syn Gerwazego i Triny - Ksawery, który dostał imię po ojcu Gerwazego. Miłośnik zwierząt, mały smakosz i dziedzic piekarniczego imperium!
Dagmara również dość szybko odeszła.
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Jeśli chodzi o Florencję i Syrakuzego, to chłopiec miał bardzo dobry kontakt ze swoim ojcem oraz całą jego rodziną.
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Florencja rozwijała swoją kwiaciarnię, wychowywała syna oraz...związała się ze starym Maksymilianem Korzeniem. Oboje byli samotni i pragnęli bliskości.
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Będąc z Triną, Gerwazy przestał farbować włosy i pogodził się z szybkim siwieniem (tak!). Przy swojej ukochanej mógł być sobą. Cieszył się z tego, co ma. Problemy zaczęły się jednak wraz z dorastaniem Ksawerego, który dowiedział się o przeszłości ojca i jego romansach...
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not-so-pleasant-sim · 2 years
Jacquet Family - Intro
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I love this image. I imagine them celebrating them inheriting the bakery. 
The Jacquets consist of Denise Jacquet and her adult son, Gilbert. Denise is a recent widow, as her husband Yves passed before the story begins. Gilbert inherited Yves’ bakery, and now both plan to keep it running. So we will be focusing mostly on the bakery. 
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Damn, the game just started. Remember when I mentioned the wage thing in the Landgraab round? 
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Gilbert did have a crush on Trina. Unfortunately since he did not pay her well, that lost the attraction. For now. 
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Despite losing Trina, the business does gain a rank. 
The rest of the business run was pretty uneventful. However, we did get a shock in the end when Trina arrived to the lot. 
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Gilbert and Trina patched up their relationship and Trina was hired again. This time, she is being paid averagely. 
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I had them head home and rest for a bit. Gilbert wanted to invite his crush Breanna Custer over. 
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Despite being a Romance Sim and Breanna being a Knowledge Sim, the two of them have some chemistry together. 
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They can be cute together, ngl.
That was pretty much it for the Jacquet family. I love the bakery business, since it is pretty simple. It helps that Denise is a great cook and can make most of the goods. 
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Beloved Smother much? 
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meetmetotheriver · 5 years
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northern-angel · 5 years
Picaso Household round 1
Jessica Picaso
Aspiration: Family/Popularity
LTW: Become General
Job: Elite Forces (Military Level 3)
OTH: Nature
ACR Preference: Straight
Matthew Picasso
Aspiration: Popularity/Family
LTW: Become General
Job: Elite Forces (Military Level 3)
OTH: Gaming
ACR Preference: Straight
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Off to work in the dark.
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I had to pick this option.
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And it turns out well.
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Very well. Matthew is promoted to Drill Instructor.
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Jessica brings home Danielle Wade from work and promptly fails the Bechdel test.
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Small world indeed, Danielle, how odd that you should have friends in the same career as you. Or are the fatigues a fashion statement?
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Matthew wants to get his game on.
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Aww Couples quality time!
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Jessica’s One True Hobby is Nature, so she gets started on her container garden.
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She very wisely waters her burgeoning gardening before it gets light the next morning.
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Only Matthew’s at work today.
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Cleaning helps with gardening or something...
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Matthew comes home with another promotion, this time to Junior Officer.
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To celebrate I send him and Jess out to 94 Road to Nowhere. Matthew was straight in the pool.
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Whilst Jessica had lunch.
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That’s right happily married couple, sit at different tables and shout a conversation.
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Those two photos are completley unnnecessary and will just mean more tagging for me, but I love seeing my gyms functioning properly.
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Synchronised bag punching.
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Jess chills out in the hot springs and discusses whether they really do have anti-age transitioning properties with John Burb and a dormie.
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Whilst Matthew takes advantage of the tropical fruit trees on the grounds,
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Back at home Jessica takes a nap in their new hammock.
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Before trying to catch some bugs. Nature Sims are so easy to keep happy, as are Gaming Sims. The other hobbies get somewhat shafted.
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A Cusine Sim Jessica ain’t.
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However the quirkly dressed elven Nature Hobby Master still thinks she’s hot as fuck.
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Matthew enjoys the vastness of the Strangetown sky, he wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
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I let Jessica pamper herself a bit, I do seem to end up giving her a lot of the hard work around the house.
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Matthew is very direct about what he wants.
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And fortunately for him, Jessica was amenable.
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Matthew: My wife has a fantastic arse!
I guess that’s a nice thought for him to have all day at work.
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Matthew gets another chance card, but will it go so well for him this time?
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Alas not. And I’d only just got him those two body skill points.
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Jessica has a good day though, she’s promoted to Drill Instructor.
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And she heads straight out back to tend her garden.
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Matthew’s brought Danielle Wade home, seems she’s had a promotion too. And she find Matthew hilarious.
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Really hilarious!
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Jessica carries on with her skilling.
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Whilst this time it’s Matthew in the hammock.
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I wish there were more ways to gain Charisma.
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Matthew does rehab for the quickest healing broken leg that ever happened.
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And then the couple run laps on their new obstacle course. Jessica was kicking Matthew’s arse, but somehow I didn’t get photos of that. And that is the Picaso’s first round finished.
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simlili · 7 years
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At this point, there’s no shortage of wrinkled, healthy and unoccupied elders in the Legacy house, some of which got a shitload of badges drinking orangeade all their life (among other skills), so they buy a couple of businesses.
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fashionassassin11 · 5 years
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New day, new date night.
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bruised-pixels · 3 years
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Darren decided to go to the park for the inspiration. He met another grill enthusiast father but stopped in his track when he thought he saw a familiar face... it wasn’t her obviously he reasoned to himself but still... maybe it was a sign for him to move on finally...
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simsllama · 7 years
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Gilbert hired a new employee. I’m still annoyed with the uniform bug...
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simlish-savvy · 7 years
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at the Jacquet household: ~ Gilbert couldn’t decide which of his two townie loves to move in, so he asked both of them to move in (which totally didn’t end badly at all…) ~ he also proceeded to spawn children with them: he had Astrid with Breanna (the brunette) and Xavier with Trina ~ Breanna doesn’t seem particularly sad over Denise’s death
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bondenargentina · 4 years
El mundo llora la muerte de Sean Connery
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La partida del primer agente 007 del mundo del cine no podía ser ignorada por el ambiente artístico, considerando que (con gran éxito) Connery fue uno de los pocos actores que logró separarse de la imagen de James Bond y trabajar con múltiples estrellas del mundo del celuloide.
Además de los productores Michael G. Wilson y Barbara Broccoli, que junto al actual 007 Daniel Craig lamentaron su pesar horas después de que se diera a conocer la mala noticia, el actor escocés fue homenajeado por un sinfín de celebridades alrededor del mundo.
George Lazenby, que interpretó a James Bond por única vez en Al Servicio Secreto de Su Majestad, se expresó en Instagram, recordando también que Connery le dió el visto bueno a su actuación como 007: "Se fue un gran actor, un gran hombre y un talento infravalorado nos ha abandonado. Envío mis condolencias a Lady Micheline y a los hijos y nietos de Sean".
A través de la misma red social se expresó el actor Pierce Brosnan,que a los 11 años de edad quedó fascinado con la actuación de Connery en Goldfinger, sin saber que tres décadas más tarde se convertiría en el intérprete Bond que definiría al personaje en la década del 90 y el nuevo milenio: "Levantas una enorme sombra de esplendor cinematorgáfico que vivirá por siempre. Nos idicaste el camino a todos los que seguimos tus pasos. Cada hombre te miró con admiración y reverencia mientras forjábamos nuestras propias interpretaciones del personaje. El mundo te amó y te extrañará. Dios te bendiga, descansa en paz".
Timothy Dalton, el cuarto 007, le dijo al New York Times que Connery fue “una presencia maravillosa y un gran líder”. Los herederos de Roger Moore, en Twitter, escribieron: "Es una noticia desgarradora enterarnos que Sir Sean Connery ha fallecido. Roger y él mantuvieron una amistad por décadas y Roger siempre aseguró que Sean fue el mejor James Bond de todos. Qepd".
Trina Parks, actriz de Los Diamantes Son Eternos, usó Facebook para despedir al actor: "Mi corazón está triste al enterarme de la partida de Sean Connery. Estuvo en este planeta por 90 años y era exquisito. Actuar con él fue la primera vez que me divertí tanto al golpear a alguien en una película. No nos conocíamos antes de rodar, pero él me trató como si nos conociéramos desde antes". Lana Wood, que interpretó a Plenty O’Toole en la misma película, se expresó en Twitter: "Estoy devastada... su espíritu, su alma, aún está aquí y siempre quedará en mi corazón. Dios te bendiga".
Del mismo modo, otros actores de la familia de James Bond despidieron a quien fuera del agente 007 en la década del 60: Britt Ekland (El Hombre del Revólver de Oro), Robert Carlyle (El Mundo No Basta), John Cleese (El Mundo No Basta, Otro Día Para Morir) y la cantante Shirley Bassey completan la lista. 
Fuera del radar de 007, Arnold Schwarzenegger lo llamó “una leyenda” y Sam Neill, quien apareció junto a él en La Caza Al Octubre Rojo interpretando a Vasili, dijo que "cada día junto a él en el rodaje era una clase de actuación". Catherine Zeta-Jones, su coestrella en La Emboscada, subió una foto junto a él en Instagram, escribiendo: "Adiós, amigo mío. Te amo, Sean Connery, con todo mi corazón. Hasta que nos volvamos a ver, atesoraré cada momento que compartimos juntos".
Argentina no se quedó atrás en el recuerdo: nombres como Cristina Pérez, Daniel Filmus, María José Lubertino, Nacho Viale y Eugenia Tobal son algunos de los nombres más reconocidos del país que despidieron al 007 original. Juana Viale, que este año reemplaza a su abuela Mirtha Legrand en La Noche De Mirtha, también recordó a Connery brevemente en su programa.
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rottenappleheart · 5 years
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My current bookshelves, more or less in the actual order they appear! Deets below the cut. ( I really want to know what people believe about me based on what’s on these shelves...)
Top Left:
Richard Adams: Watership Down
Katherine Addison: The Goblin Emperor x2 (1 copy is signed)
Elizabeth Alder: The King’s Shadow
Svetlana Alexievich: The Unwomanly Face Of War
Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales
Laurie Halse Anderson: Speak
K.A. Applegate: Animorphs: The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, Animorphs: The Andalite Chronicles
Kang Chol-hwan: The Aquariums Of Pyongyang
Margaret Atwood: Cat’s Eye
Lundy Bancroft: Why Does He Do That? Inside The Minds Of Angry And Controlling Men
Brooke Barker: Sad Animal Facts
J.M. Barrie: Peter Pan (illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman)
Peter S. Beagle: Giant Bones, The Last Unicorn x2 (1 copy illustrated by Peter B. Gillis)
Robert Jackson Bennet: City Of Stairs, City Of Blades, City Of Miracles
Allan Bérubé : Coming Out Under Fire: The History Of Gay Men And Women In World War II
Carol Birch: Jamrach’s Menagerie
Isabella Bird: A Lady’s Life In The Rocky Mountains
Pierre Boulle: The Bridge Over The River Kwai
Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles
Paul Brickhill: The Great Escape
Bonus: my grandpa’s mug from the FBI, a picture book of sloth wisdom
Second Left:
Gillian Bradshaw: The Beacon At Alexandria, The Wolf Hunt
Assorted Brontës: The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall, Agnes Grey, Villette, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Shirley, The Professor
Lily Brooks-Dalton: Good Morning, Midnight
Allie Brosch: Hyperbole And A Half
Carol Rifka Brunt: Tell The Wolves I’m Home
Bill Buford: Heat
Lois McMaster Bujold: The Curse Of Chalion, Cordelia’s Honor
Joseph Campbell: The Hero With A Thousand Faces
Novella Carpenter: Farm City
Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange And Mr. Norrell
Susann Cokal: Breath And Bones
C.J. Cherryh: Rider At The Gate, Cloud’s Rider, Rusalka, Chernovog
Bonus: two Willow Tree figures and my ABRA-CA-FUCK-YOU cross-stitch 
Third Left:
C.J. Cherryh: Alternate Realities, Foreigner, Invader, Inheritor, Precursor, Defender, Explorer
Henry Chancellor: Colditz: The Definitive Story
Evan Dahm: Rice Boy
Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling: The Year’s Best Fantasy And Horror (#16)
Tiffany DeBartolo: How To Kill A Rock Star
Gavin DeBecker: The Gift Of Fear
Tom DeHaven: Sunburn Lake
Charles DeLint: Dreams Underfoot
Seth Dickinson: The Traitor Baru Cormorant
Carole Nelson Douglas: Exiles Of The Rynth
Arthur Conan Doyle: The Lost World
Brendan Duffy: House Of Echoes
William Faulkner: The Sound And The Fury, Flags In The Dust, Selected Short Stories
Elizabeth Warnock Fernea: Guests Of The Sheik
M.K. Fisher: How To Cook A Wolf
Fannie Flagg: Fried Green Tomatoes At  The Whistle Stop Cafe
Fourth Left:
James Gurney: Dinotopia
Gillian Flynn: Sharp Objects
Anker Frankoni: Mexican Eskimo
Charles Frazier: Cold Mountain
Nancy Garden: Annie On My Mind
Maeve Gilmore: A World Away
William Goldman: The Princess Bride
Nicola Griffith: Ammonite
Marie Haskell: The Princess Curse
Frank Herbert: Dune
Victor Hugo: Les Miserables
Shirley Jackson: We Have Always Lived In The Castle
Mira Jacob: The Sleepwalker’s Guide To Dancing
Paulette Jiles: Enemy Woman
Susan Kay: Phantom
Brian Jacques: Martin The Warrior, Mossflower, The Outcast Of Redwall, Mariel Of Redwall, Pearls Of Lutra, Salamandastron
Stephen King: Duma Key, Rose Madder, Hearts In Atlantis
Bottom Left:
Stephen King: The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Gunslinger x2, The Drawing Of  The Three, The Waste Lands, Wizard And Glass, Wolves Of The Calla, Song Of Susannah, The Dark Tower, Lisey’s Story
Andrew Lang: The Green-, Olive-, Yellow-, Orange-, Red-, Pink-, and Grey Fairy Books
Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle Books
Jon Krakauer: Into Thin Air
Ursula K. LeGuin: The Left Hand Of Darkness
Madeline L’Engle: A Wind In The Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Gail Carson Levine: Ella Enchanted
C.S. Lewis: Til We Have Faces, Out Of The Silent Planet
Lois Lowry: The Giver
James W. Loewen: Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
George MacDonald: The Light Princess & Other Stories, The Princess And The Goblin, At The Back Of The North Wind
Helen MacDonald: H Is For Hawk
Top Right:
Marie Manilla: The Patron Saint Of Ugly
Yann Martel: Life Of Pi
Gavin Maxwell: Ring Of Bright Water
Bernadette McCaughrean: Peter Pan In Scarlet
Patricia McKillip: The Forgotten Beasts Of Eld
Robin McKinley: The Hero And The Crown, The Blue Sword, Spindle’s End, Rose Daughter
Water M. Miller Jr.: A Canticle For Leibowitz
Herman Melville: Moby Dick x2 (1 copy is abridged and illustrated for children)
China Miéville: The Scar
Rand Miller: Myst: The Book Of Ti’Ana, Myst: The Book Of Atrus, Myst: The Book Of D’Ni
Hayao Miyazaki: Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind, The Art Of Nausicaa, The Art Of Castle In The Sky
Elizabeth Moon: Remnant Population
Lady Murasaki: The Tale Of Genji
Audrey Nieffenegger: The Time-Traveler’s Wife
Bonus: “but you are not weak” embroidery, hand-painted page from H Is For Hawk
Second Right:
Sena Jeter Naslund: Ahab’s Wife: Or, The Star-Gazer
Patrick Ness: The Knife Of Never Letting Go, The Ask And The Answer, Monsters Of Men
Garth Nix: Sabriel
Naomi Novik: Temeraire, Throne Of Jade, Black Powder War, Empire Of Ivory
Ann Patchett: Bel Canto
Mervyn Peake: Gormenghast
Julie Ann Peters: Far From Xanadu
Patrick O’Brian: Master And Commander, Post Captain, HMS Surprise, The Mauritius Command, Desolation Island, The Fortune Of War, The Far Side Of The World
Bonus: pottery my dead friend made, pottery I made, slab of picture jasper, my “Fun Things To Believe In” cross-stitch
Third Right:
Edgar Allen Poe: Stories
Phillip Pullman: The Golden Compass
Lawrence Raab: The Collector Of Cold Weather
Erich Marie Remarque: All Quiet On The Western Front
Mary Renault: The Charioteer x2 (1 first edition)
Alistair Reynolds: Revelation Space, Redemption Ark, Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days
David L. Robbins: War Of The Rats, The End Of War, Last Citadel
Mary Doria Russell: The Sparrow, Doc
Karen Russell: Swamplandia!
Alexander Afanasyev: Russian Fairy Tales
Louis Sachar: Holes
J.D. Salinger: The Catcher In The Rye
Sarah N.B.: It Begins In A Garden
William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
Gene Stratton Porter: A Girl Of The Limberlost
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich
Caitlin Starling: The Luminous Dead
Noelle Stevenson: Nimona
Fourth Right:
Bram Stoker: Dracula x2 (1 illustrated by Becky Cloonan)
Elizabeth Kostova: The Historian
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit, The Fellowship Of The Ring, The Two Towers (x2), The Return Of The King, The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales
Elizabeth Whalen Turner: The Thief, The Queen Of Attolia
Catherynne M. Valente: Deathless, The  Orphan’s Tales: In the Night Garden, The Orphan’s Tales: In The Cities Of Coin And Spice
Sheldon Vanauken: A Severe Mercy
Brian K. Vaughn: Saga (#1)
Tillie Walden: On A Sunbeam
Jen Wang: The Prince And The Dressmaker
Helene Wecker: The Golem And The Jinni
Elizabeth Wein: Code Name Verity
T.H. White: The Once And Future King
Simon Winchester: The Professor And The Madman
Bottom Right:
Gary Trudeau: The Doonesbury Chronicles
Adam Edgerton: Rediscovering Adak
Walt Whitman: Leaves Of Grass
Jane Yolen: Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Daniel Woodrell: Winter’s Bone
Patricia C. Wrede: Dealing With Dragons, Calling On Dragons, Searching For Dragons
Malcolm York: Mervyn Peake: My Eyes Mint Gold
Bonus: assorted DVDs and 1 lonely VHS tape, any manga I didn’t purge, plus some children’s books and self-published comics by high school friends
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meetmetotheriver · 5 years
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Soon after Denise has closed her bedroom door, things escalate. A little too quickly for Trina's taste. "Whoa there, whoa. Hold your horses, cowboy!" Gilbert is taken aback. "Oh... I'm sorry. I, um... I thought we were on the same page here." "Yeah, but geez, haven't you ever heard of foreplay?" Oh, so she wants the smooth talk. Yeah, Gilbert knows how to play that game. "My fair lady Trina, you are speaking to the local expert on the subject, if I do say so myself. And you are worthy of nothing less." "Oh, Gilbert, it's beautiful! Red roses are my favourite!" Trina takes the rose and inhales deeply. Gilbert smiles to himself. Red roses are all women's favourite, if Florence is to be believed. "Not half as beautiful as you are, my love." "Where did you even get this?" "Delarosa Flowers, naturally." "No, I mean, right now?" "That, my dear, is my little secret."
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katatty · 6 years
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“I’m so glad you decided to keep working for us, Shannon!”
“No worries! Someone’s got to keep an eye on you, right?”
“Uh, sure.”
Shannon is long-time crush/employee Trina Dalton, but I didn’t feel like she was iconic enough to re-name, hahaha. She the one employee they were able to keep on since she hadn’t fallen for Gilbert’s charms/crap.
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creativinn · 4 years
Shepparton artist features in new First Nations online art exhibition
The display showcases each artist cultural influences and celebrates the wide variety of their works and processes.
Mr Firebrace created a mammoth-sized piece for the exhibition in a bid to reveal how something so small could have an enormous impact on the world.
“Essentially the whole gist of the work essentially talks about when we walk through country we take in the vast nature of what we see but this artwork challenges us to look more closely at the little things nature encompases,” Mr Firebrace said.
“From a leaf, to the ground, even barks itself - if you take a deeper look you will find there is a smaller world within.
“My work takes on the notion, that we as people have a large impact on our environment and how it can be easily destroyed by the touch of our fingers, our feet and machines without us realising what it embodies,” he said.
The 1.4m by 1.5m acrylic work was compiled on a piece of linen and is named Paperbark.
“It goes on to talk about how the small mynute things are literally the building blocks of life and we can walk past it and not realise the function it has in the world,” Mr Firebrace said.
“We build highways and roads to go places faster, but we don’t realise that it is on top or above the land that use to be walked.
“And if we go too fast, we can tend to miss out on the minutiae little things.
“I made it so big because I wanted to reverse the role and make the little things really consume the viewer in a physical sense."
The idea for the work stemmed from Mr Firebrace taking the opportunity to enjoy the extra time he had at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As well as being an artist I work as an educational officer for the Catholic Schools Office of Sandhurst, so I have worked a lot from home lately,” Mr Firebrace said.
Other artists featured in the exhibition include Janet Bromley, Lorraine Brigdale, Robyn Davis, Samantha James, Natasha Carter, Trina Dalton-Oogjes, Kerri Douglas and Dianne Turner.
The virtual exhibition takes places at the Bendigo Visitor Centre’s Living Arts Space and is called Sharing Process.
Visitor services manager Jemma Docherty said the Greater Bendigo region had a thriving community of First Nations artists.
“We’re really proud to be hosting this exhibition, which is a beautiful showcase of some of our best local artists,” Ms Docherty said.
“All artworks in the exhibition will be available for purchase through the Uniquely Bendigo website.
“Many local artists and creatives have been heavily impacted by COVID-19 so purchasing an artwork is a wonderful way to show your support.”
Three online workshops will also accompany the gallery of works and will be available through the Explore Bendigo website just in time for school holidays.
People will be able to make their own ochre and mineral paints, learn traditional coil weaving and learn to weave with recycled materials.
The exhibition is now open online and will open for face to face visits when COVID-19 restrictions allow.
● To visit the exhibition or to take part in the workshops, visit www.bendigoregion.com.au/explore-bendigo/living-arts-space
This content was originally published here.
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