#triplets of encanto
kafeino · 8 months
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Never posted my Encanto pieces together, so here we go! ☀️
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kinschi · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to them!! 🧡💚💙
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sketchncanto · 1 year
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anime-lover-mooncake · 3 months
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I don't think I've ever shared my Encanto works on this blog yet.
Anyways, Madrigal Triplets!
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mariart901 · 5 months
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Los trilizos jugando ✨✨
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jacarandaaaas · 1 month
I don’t know if this was intentional or not but parallel?
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hectic-hector · 2 months
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Ever notice how skinny Bruno's legs are, especially when compared to his sisters? 🥺
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tekimoroll · 27 days
Happy Mother's Day! ❤️
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Antonio: I was thinking… if Mirabel is the Julieta of our generation, what about the rest of us? Who are we?
Camilo: Ah well, I think I’m probably the Bruno. Before the whole bad reputation thing.
Antonio: What about me?
Camilo: It would be weird for you to be Papa, so you can be one of my rats.
Antonio: YES!
Camilo: I think that makes Dolores Mamí.
Dolores: How dare you? I’m nothing like our mother. What an insulting thing to say!
Camilo, sarcastically: And Mirabel’s nothing like Tía Julieta.
Isabela: What? Surely I’m the Pepa here?
Luisa: Bela does have the same wine aunt vibes.
Isabela: Thank you!
Camilo: Yeah, but Dolores has the same hopeless romantic and book lover thing going.
Mirabel, poking her head into the room: What are you all doing in here? I called you all for dinner twenty minutes ago. It’s getting cold—
Camilo, whispering: See, everyone? This is why Mirabel is Julieta.
Dolores: Yes, we know, Camilo. Nobody disagreed with you on that.
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waitingonavision · 8 months
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💙💛💚 Happy birthday to the Madrigal Triplets! 💙💛💚
Also for Encantober Day 17: Home. Bruno's homecoming + the triplets's togetheness being "home" 🥺
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lala99fb · 2 years
Madrigal triplets besides being my faves they also share birthday 17th of October and that day here in Colombia we celebrate the ethnicity day which is so cool considering that all of the triplets even if they are siblings resemble different features and tone skins what is very Colombian if you ask me lol but is also funny that their birthday coincide with this celebration besides the tragic beginning of the thousand days war date. I don’t know but for me was cute sharing this with the Encanto fandom family 🥺🙈😇 it would be nice if we get some Q&A from Jared and beautiful fan arts from this talented fandom.
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zafirosreverie · 3 months
Julieta & Bruno headcanons
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for @hectic-hector we both know these two are the best!
They're 15 minutes apart
Julieta gave Alma a heart attack because she was born calm, without crying or noise.
But she was the healthiest baby. Bruno was born weaker and smaller than his sisters.
He couldn't sleep alone, he always had to be between his sisters, but over time Pepa became more independent, leaving them alone.
It never bothered Julieta, and even after getting their own rooms and gifts, she would always leave an empty spot next to her on the bed, knowing that Bruno would appear at any time of the night.
While Pepa preferred to play outside and explore, Bruno and Julieta were home children. They would play chess, cards, puzzles, or read together.
They were the ones who could pretend to be each other, which greatly bothered Pepa. They stopped when they realized that it really hurt her not to look like her siblings.
Bruno was Julieta's guinea pig while she learned to cook. He trusted his sister, and no matter how bad the food looked, he would eat it and be honest about the taste.
Because of this, Bruno actually learned to cook and is really good at it, he just prefers to leave the hard work to his sister.
But he doesn't hesitate to take over if Julieta needs to rest.
Bruno was the baby when they played. Always. Sometimes it was hard for him to know when the game ended because Julieta would treat him like a baby anyway.
He's a gentleman and he was since he was little. He would open the door for his sisters or help them cross puddles or give them the hand when they went down the stairs.
Again, with Pepa more interested in exploring and being independent, Bruno stopped doing it with her, but he always did it for Julieta, even as adults, he still retains those instincts and makes sure to be a total gentleman with her.
Pepa complains about this, saying that he was never "good" to her and that it was obvious who his favorite sister was.
Bruno simply agrees and hugs Julieta while he sticks his tongue out at Pepa.
"As if she wasn't your favorite too" (Yes, yes she is. Julieta is the favorite sister of her two siblings, but they still love each other…in their own way)
Julieta just laughs, but she hugs Bruno back while she smiles evilly at Pepa just to annoy her.
"Mamá!! Your children are evil!!" "I don't remember any of them breaking my vases as kids, tho" "I can't believe this family treats me like this, betrayal after betrayal." (Pepa's the drama queen, you can't change my mind)
Bruno was not very good at school, he was better than Pepa, but he still had a hard time understanding many things. Julieta spent afternoons patiently explaining to him what she had understood.
For that reason, Bruno got used to going to her when he had doubts, even after returning to the family.
Julieta's the secret keeper for both her siblings. In a way, she knows them better than Alma (or Félix in Pepa's case) ever will.
When Julieta felt too pressured by the expectations of her mother and the town, she hid in Bruno's room.
He never questioned it, he simply sat with her, listening to her without interrupting and offering hugs from time to time (he didn't know what else to do).
She knew that she didn't have to be perfect with him, that she could make mistakes, do stupid things, scream, jump, just be herself, without fear of being judged.
Bruno loves those moments. He got used to seeing his older sister as a perfect doll, it was nice to be able to see her being human again.
Julieta was the only person Pepa couldn't beat in a fight (the woman is strong, okay? We don't give her enough credit just because she's the calmest of the triplets), which is why Bruno hid behind her every time Pepa intimidated him.
She cooked whatever she was in the mood to make, but it was more common for her to spoil Bruno with food than her sister and mother. But she would never admit it.
When the grandchildren were born, Julieta's daughters immediately chose him as their favorite "mom's sibling".
"It wasn't enough for you to steal my sister, now you are also taking my nieces from me?!" "Pepa, your cloud!"
When his sisters started dating, instead of trying to seem intimidating, he would simply tell the suitors that if they hurt any of them, he would give them a horrible vision (he knows his gift doesn't work like that, but it was his way of protecting Pepa and Juli).
His favorite niece is Mirabel. No questions, no doubts. I'm not even going to argue this point, I'll just say that she was his favorite from the moment she was born (probably because she looked so much like Julieta and in a way he felt like he could repay her for all the love and care she had for him through Mirabel).
The night he disappeared, the only person he had time to write to was Julieta. He didn't tell her where he was going, he just asked her not to hate him and that he promised her he would be okay. He thanked her for everything she had done for him and said he was sorry for not being the best brother to her.
It was the worst pain Julieta had ever felt. It was as if she had lost one of her babies, and she refused to leave her room for weeks, clinging to that letter.
In the end, only Pepa was able to get her out of there, reminding her that she still had her, and that she needed her. The two became closer in those years because of the fear they had of losing each other too.
Julieta hated her mother and sister's unspoken rule not to talk about Bruno. She hated it with all her soul, but she knew that she couldn't do anything about it if she didn't want to make things worse for Mirabel.
She didn't say anything when Pepa went to vent to her and inevitably ended up cursing Bruno, she simply sat next to her and hugged her, even if she didn't agree with what she said.
Still, she couldn't be mad at Bruno. Hurt, sad and desperate maybe, but never really angry.
She could never hate him, she could not curse his name nor could she harbor resentment in her heart for having left her. He was still her brother and even though she didn't know where he was, she still loved him and refused to say a single bad thing about him.
Bruno not only chose the hiding place near the kitchen because of the free food, but because it is the place where Julieta spent the most time, and being with her (even if she didn't know it) calmed him down and made him feel better.
He sometimes wondered if what he did was worth it, as he listened to Julieta break down little by little.
There's no way in the world Julieta left him out of her sight for more than a few minutes when he returned. There was simply no human power that would make her turn away from him, for fear of losing him again if she looked away.
Bruno didn't care, knowing that he had years to make up for hurting her.
Curiously, rebuilding his relationship with her was more difficult than with Pepa and Alma or anyone else.
Perhaps because he had never been as close to them as he was with his older sister, and it broke his heart to realize that the reason the miracle had broken in the first place was not just because of Alma's expectations on the family, but because he himself had broken the strongest bond he had as well.
It took a few months for them to start trusting each other the same way they had. Bruno had to learn to talk to her freely again, without sounding like he was walking on eggshells around her.
And Julieta had to learn to give him space, to trust that he wouldn't leave again and take his word that she hadn't been the reason he left in the first place, that she really had done enough and more for him.
It was a slow process, but they managed to make it work and that was all that mattered to them.
And that's all for now because I could go on and on about these two and we would never leave this post. I just love them so so much!!! (and Pepa too)
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kinschi · 2 years
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sketchncanto · 2 years
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Yet another doodle dumpppp 🌟
Been hoarding these for a while—comfort art YEAAAH
Ight I’m back on hiatus again LOL
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
Hobbies of the Madrigal triplets:
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We have one who does cooking
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We have one who likes dancing
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And we have one who likes to write fan fiction
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vamo-vamo-vamo · 1 month
The Madrigal triplets embody the Fight, Flight and Freeze responses a little too perfectly.
Fight - Pepa
We see her under immense pressure to keep her feelings contained, but she is quick to snap when challenged. We see it whenever Alma calls out her inclement weather. She is quick to lash out at her niece who she clearly loves. There is so much she’s barely containing below the surface that it comes out quickly and aggressively when she gets triggered.
Flight - Bruno
This one seems the most obvious. Instead of taking a stance when he has the vision about Mirabel, he leaves. He flees the situation. It’s implied that the first time in his fifty years of life that he has ever confronted his mother directly was for the sake of his niece. His stairs got higher and his room got further away so he wouldn’t have to deal with the situations going on in the family. When Mirabel finds him in the walls, he is reluctant to leave.
Freeze - Julieta
I used to get frustrated with Julieta’s passivity before I started seeing her through the lens of trauma. Just because she seems to have everything together doesn’t mean she does, and she deserves the same level of understanding as her more turbulent siblings. I think there is evidence to support that Julieta’s trauma response is to freeze. For most of the movie, she stays quiet and in the background whenever her mother criticizes her daughter. She may have gotten conditioned over the years to just stand there and take it to avoid escalating a situation.
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