#trolling with purpose
potatoes-tomatoes · 6 months
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hey-hey-j · 2 months
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as promised—Rock zombie!Viva, JD, and Floyd for chapter 13 of the World Tour swap! Not to toot my own horn or anything but I'm amazed at how well these turned out
(★ my Ko-fi)
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bonk-boink · 3 months
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Saw the og of this on pintrest and decided I HAD to redraw it
Edit: I forgot to put my watermark, but this is mine
Og under more
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artistmarchalius · 5 months
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Brushy brushy!
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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Introducing to this jumbled up mess of a family: Lief! Hes actually already made his debut in a comic but he was easy to miss
Hes the stand in for Jades kid from @spjs fic Lost Opportunity which is so good ah, Jade is also their oc and I love her which is why shes here. I'm not gonna spoil anything more tho hehe
Well kind of. I have to explain the guy. I'll put it in the tags for those who wanna read the fic and figure out who Lief is standing in for lol.
Lief doesnt do much in the story up until the 3rd movies storyline, hes kind of just a fun silly guy in the background until then.
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He's around the same age as Poppy, so they were in school together, he hangs out a lot with JD, but when JD isn't around he'll go bug Floyd or Branch. Floyd doesnt mind entertaining him but Branch has trouble since Lief is a massive klutz, so hes afraid he'll break something or hurt himself.
#my art#trolls#trolls oc#n2 au#dreamworks trolls#not the only one au#trolls branch#trolls john dory#trolls poppy#hes been rotating in my head for a fat sec#okay so originally i wasnt going to really add him in#but i realized i didnt know what to do for the 3rd movie plot in some areas#like it needed more substance#and if youre reading the tag youre okay with spoilers cuz this will spoil the fic#but Leif is JDs kid#he stands in for branch in that fic where jd is secretly branchs dad its written so well dude#youll find me in the comments lmao#but ye so i have leif taking tiny diamonds place as a tag along#and he actually has more purpose as part of the perfect family harmony#im not gonna like shoehorn him in in scenes where he wpuldnt fit#lile hes not in the reunion scene between clay and jd cuz hed take it ofer cuz at that point jd would know leif is his kid#which he doesnt for a while#so leif being there would take priority in johns brain so ge couldnt fully focus on the reunion#also i just realized im spelling his name wrong in the tags but whatever#lief leif its all the same rn you know who im talking about#but yeah he also hangs back during scenes like bruces reunion with branch and floyd#and clays reunion with branch and floyd#and theres a character reason for it im not just having him not acknowledge them for no reason#the biggest reason im including this subplot of jd secret child and stuff is because#jd and floyd coming back changes one of the biggest conflicts of the film and i needed to add it back ive reached the tag limit so expln l8r
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
I used to despise Eridan and think he was the absolute worst character (barring Cronus ig) but you have shown me the light and completely turned my opinion around and now I think he is such an endearing little freak <3 I read your whole blog already but if you've got any more thoughts on eri or anyone else then I hope you post them bc I'd love to hear more abt it!
i have sooo many controversial opinions about the dancestors you have noooooo idea
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I don’t really know how to say this in a better way so imma just say it
If you think John Dory is a bad character then respectfully, you have no idea what being an oldest sibling is like.
He didn’t abandon his brothers. He was pushed to a point of having to be responsible for four younger brothers, ranging from baby to teenager, trying to coordinate and pull off good if not perfect shows, trying to help Rosiepuff raise both them and himself while also dealing with trollstice and the troll tree while also struggling with an ever growing *need* to be perfect. It doesn’t matter how much you love your siblings- if you’re stressed enough, you’re going to snap and you’re going to snap at them. And you know what? He probably hated himself for that too. And for the fact that he couldn’t be perfect. Any oldest sibling knows the guilt of not being good enough and presumably tearing down their younger siblings in the process…it’s awful. No fuckin wonder he walked away, bro was what, 17?? 18??? He shouldn’t have had to do that. And he didn’t just abandon his brothers knowing what was gonna happen to Branch. From his perspective, he walked away knowing full well Spruce and Clay could step up, and that Rosiepuff would still be there. He had no way of knowing Branch would end up alone and gray, because if he did, he never would have left.
John Dory is not a bad character. He loves his brothers.
Edit: some people are saying he didn’t come back until he needed something. He came back to an empty troll tree- he thought his brothers were dead. He probably only left for a few months or so! He didn’t abandon them. He had every intention to come back and did. His family was just gone.
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koppaiterocker · 5 months
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jjkyaoi · 1 year
that one episode of merlin where uther gets with a troll in disguise and she like puts a spell on him to make him in love w her pr whatever and merlin finds out and he’s like … to arthur he’s like dude your dads in love with a troll 😭 and arthur’s like my dads not. okay that’s funny i’ll hand it to you that’s rlly good you got me. my dad is not in love w a troll. and then it’s revealed that yes she was a troll and merlin’s again like ur dad was in love with a troll. and arthur’s just like. my dad was in love with a troll :/ . yeah what was that
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aa-draws · 6 months
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Before BroZone, There was BFFL ✨
I redrew the Trollz girls (BFFL) in the style of Trolls now! I grew up with these girlies back in the early 2000s :D
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I remember getting their toys in a McDonalds Happy Meal hehe,,
Here is the speed paint (It starts at Onyx because I forgot to record it after I did Amethyst and Topaz OTL):
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hairupintheair · 4 months
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I know in reality their unique designs were probably to make the main cast stand out from the background Trolls, but you can't convince me the Snack Pack exists for any reason other than Poppy seeing these Trolls that look a bit different from everyone else in the village and immediately saying to herself, "Better make them all my best friends so they never get left out of anything ever!" (This includes Branch of course.)
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devilbunzz · 1 year
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fugo one sided beef with mista is hilarious to me
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maskyartist · 5 months
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Clay getting stuck in his own head and thinking he's just hallucinating his brothers and Viva when they come to save him. I could see him even cowering away from them when he is finally freed from his prison, because he's so, so convinced that if he tries to touch one of them, his hand will pass through them like a ghost and he'll be thrown back into the reality of still being trapped and dying all alone in that bottle again.
“♫ Just let me take you to a~ ♫”
“♫ Better place~ ♫”
With one, final, harmonized note, the Diamond containers are filled with one final, bright light before they shatter, leaving each brother freed of their cages. Including the one trapped inside for months, who slowly makes his way to the floor.
Clay is transparent, white and cold, his body drained of talent as he hits the ground. Quickly, he’s surrounded by his brothers, panicked and frantic, and Viva, who holds his face with wide, teary eyes.
“Mr. Clay! I did it! I found your brothers, we can bring you home!” She cries, squeezing his cold cheeks before slipping her hands to one of his paws. “Please! Wake up!”
“Please, Clay…” Floyd pleads, attached to his left side next to Bruce, teary eyed and trying desperately not to let them spill. “I haven’t even gotten to hear you say hello…”
“You know you’re stronger then this, Clay, we all know you are.” Bruce mutters, a quiet anguish on his face.
“I-I built the bunker, Clay! Remember? The doodles?” Branch admits in desperation, reaching for his brother’s side with tears of his own barely held back. “There’s a reading corner, just for you. Plenty of books…”
John Dory has his spot next to Branch, taking his brother’s face in his hands, brows furrowed and mouth wobbly. “Clay…Clay, I’m so sorry. I forced you to be someone you weren’t for so long…” He whispers, gently running a thumb across his brother’s fuzzy cheek. “Please… You have to wake up. I need to make this right. You’re my little brother…I love you…”
And yet, all they’re met with…is silence.
Soul crushing, heart breaking-
“Mm…when’d you get sappy…John Dory?”
“You’re okay…! HE’S OKAY!”
As the brothers rush for their missing link, as Viva holds tight to Clay’s empty paw, as Poppy stands next to her boyfriend with tears of her own and a smile on her face, Clay blearily blinks away sleep and exhaustion as he stares up at the blurry faces of his brothers, his Queen…
A hiccup escapes him, before shaky arms cover his eyes. He can’t hear the joyous, slightly worried sounds of his name. Reassurance that they’re here, that his family is here again, that he wont be alone anymore.
If this is another dream, then please…
Please don’t wake him up ever again.
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
hey guys! thanks for all your hard work translating everything 💓 i was wondering if you know whether are the guys are single or not just asking for a friend
So the single ones are, according to an interview from May 2023, Bojan, Jan and Jure, while Kris and Nace seem to be taken! Here's their funny replies :D Article by Metropolitan.si
In an interview with Metropolitan.si, the band members recently answered a question about how their better halves have taken the news that they will now be spending a lot of time abroad. Jan Peteh replied, "My cat cried a lot. (laughs) We've been squeezing a lot lately, he has yet to accept that fact." Bojan Cvjetićanin left us in the dark or just revealed that he is single: "My imaginary better half reacted quite negatively to the fact that I can't take her with me, but I tried to convince her that she doesn't need a plane ticket anyway, or an extra bed, or anything at all, but she just kind of won't give up, which is the reason why me and my imaginary partner are going our separate ways now." Kris Guštin revealed that he is in a relationship: "My better half loves to travel, so she is happy for me and we love to travel together. I think she will come to watch at least the dress rehearsal, if nothing else. The question is if we will even get tickets." The band member Nace Jordan also has a girlfriend: "My better half will almost certainly be in Liverpool, so I'm looking forward to being there together." Jure Maček is also single: "My better half are the guys here, so they'll always be with me." (smiles) Girls! Looks like three out of five are still single! 🔥
-Translation by jokeroutsubs. DO NOT REPOST
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kamuucab · 3 months
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@hostilemuppet I imagine Ha'Penny operates on loony tunes logic
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thatrandomartistjavi · 7 months
Cheshire as a character is so misunderstood by the masses and it makes me so mad
Like is he a piece of shit? Yes, but he’s a piece of shit to people who deserved to be shit on
Not someone like Alice.
No, people in Wonderland aren’t mentally ill just because he said they were all mad there. 1. He has a very skewed view of what mad is cause the reason why HES mad is cause he acts like a cat instead of a dog
Even though he’s a cat. So yeah his conditioning has been teaching that if you don’t act like how we expect you, you’re weird and 💫crazy💫. So to me, it’s not exactly reliable. And 2. Mad was also used as a way to say that something or someone was ridiculous. Kinda like how we use the word insane nowadays. So what do you think is more plausible
That everyone in an entire land is mentally ill even tho most of its residents don’t show signs of mental illness OR that they’re being described as yet again, being ridiculous. Like how most of the book has been doing up until now
No, Cheshire didn’t purposely get Alice in trouble(she was barely in trouble anyways, they just made her the person to decide what to do with him). Nowhere in that chapter was there ever a time where Cheshire pointed fingers to Alice in anyway.
He also doesn’t hate Alice. They are friends. Please stop writing him as hating her. It makes no sense
You guys just want to villainize the cat for no reason other than the fact that you don’t like cats. Don’t adapt AIW if you don’t like cats
That is all
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