#trust charlie slimecicle to make a heartbreaking character
mads-is-tired · 1 year
Ranboo saving Charlie while he was streaming is the direct reason Charlie died I'm not okay
Ranboo said in their stream today that there were two choices that he actively made without the audience's input. One was choosing the security code on his own, and choosing to save Charlie from the brainwashing. Obviously using the wrong code stuffed it all up (which released the wire monster) but they said that because of the time it took to pull Charlie out, by the time they reached the doors the showfall media employees were locking them. Which eventually leads to both Ranboo and Charlie's deaths, and almost mirrors the final choice of episode three, choosing to live but be under showfall's control forever, or to die, only it hadn't been realised yet. 
also SNEEG!!! The poor guy tried to get out and get help again but never made it, and died alone (because of Ranboo’s choice, ouch). While showfall probably wouldn't have allowed it but a storyline where he did make it out would be insanely cool. 
Another thing, while the theory that showfall kidnapped Charlie as a kid and raised him to be their entertainer is very cool and has a lot of potential, I don't think that's the way the story would go. Showfall was(is??) going to use Ranboo until he no longer had any use to them, like all of the other actors, combined with sneeg's death suggests that raising a child and creating a whole personality and audience for slimecicle would be overly complex when they could just take people who have already done the work for them. The slimecicle channel is canon to the genloss universe now, and they likely would have had Charlie continue to stream to keep up appearances like he's not missing. Also, when ranboo finds all the streamers he recognises Charlie by name, suggesting they knew each other before showfall got to them, because iirc the name Charlie is never used in episode 1 or 2. And there is surely enough history between the two for Ranboo to want to save him, but recognises that he can't save everyone. That or he just felt bad for ripping the man's guts out. 
Anyway, I have Too Many Thoughts about Generation Loss and desperately want to know if Charlie and Sneeg are dead dead or if they'll be coming back for more generations because they were both so good in this series.
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fizzyorange-v2 · 1 year
any thoughts on pd ep 33, comprehensible or not?
also sorry anon this got way out of hand
Oh man where would i even START. I think what’s really getting me is the heartbreak. What’s still haunting me is that very last line William says, “I really wanted to have a brother.” Like fuck. FUCK!! Fuck Charlie Slimecicle for always giving his characters the most excruciating of sibling relationships and fuck Bizly for playing David so goddamn well.
William got himself into this mess by following his brain, by thinking that the logical thing to do to save the most people and make sure everyone got out of this alive was to just let David take his samples and make sure no one else got hurt in the process. But it’s so clear in episode 33 that despite his better judgement, despite knowing LOGICALLY he shouldn’t trust David, shouldn’t believe him… he does. Because he wants to believe his brother might not be so bad, that he might finally have a brother at all, that there was one thing that came out of deadwood that wasn’t sick.
I keep going back to that scene in David’s private room, where he gives William what is ostensibly his first drink, plays the role of big brother so well, asks him questions to which William spills everything because how could he not? After years of feeling like and believing the older brother he always considered better than him hated him, disliked him, thought him (rightfully in his mind) a freak, how could he refuse this olive branch?
So William tells him everything, and David tells him to come home safe. David tells him he’ll protect him if he needs, that he can come to him for help. When William goes to awkwardly leave, David pulls him in for a hug.
And the worst part of all? I don’t think David is necessarily lying. Or faking. Not fully, at least. I think David is finally interested in William now, in his own twisted way. I think he’s stopped seeing him as some weirdo little brother who disappeared to go be some self righteous hero, and instead started seeing him as… an equal-ish. Someone more on his level. Someone who does see the world for what it is, and is willing to do what it takes to make those hard calls. He was using William, absolutely. Manipulating him for his own ends, without a doubt. But I think he meant it when he told William to make sure he made it back safe. I think he was also welcoming to the idea of them getting closer, maybe becoming brothers for real.
That’s why I think David was so confused when William came bursting into his penthouse with Vyncent. I don’t think he understood one bit why William was so upset. Other than the news that one of the vigilantes had died, nothing else in his mind had changed. It appears he didn’t even know she did, his people just knew to cover his tracks without needing to be told. He wasn’t keeping it a secret from William, his true lie was in telling William the serum was harmless in the first place. And I think he’s going to stay confused, and I think he’s going to feel betrayed and I know any chances of them ever really being brothers died with Cantrip.
And it breaks my heart for William because he wanted to believe so hard. He was going to split those samples, y’know? He told Vyncent “the board made him do it”. He told David about Ashe. About his fears around Mal. About how he’s afraid being able to drink and feel and live again might all go away. He wanted to have an older brother he could trust so bad. And now one of their only friends is dead, and William killed her, and no amount of logic or rationalisations or leaps of faiths in the world is going to fix that.
William’s haunting speech to David at the end… fuck man. All that rage, all that guilt, all that self hatred William has projected back and forced down the throat, nose, ears of the brother that doesn’t but should. Turning the tool he learnt and used under David’s command back on him.
My thoughts? I think William was doomed the moment he tried to win an argument in that operation room with the older brother he always considered smarter better and more successful than him in every way. There’s nothing more impressionable in the world than a younger brother.
But I also think William might finally stop digging himself deeper, at least for now. How heavily Cantrip’s death weighs on him, Dakota’s reactions, Mal making another appearance, what David and his parents are going to be like after all this… it is all still up in the air.
Fuck man. Ultimately, I still can’t get over that very last line. “I really wanted to have a brother.” Because that’s what it was all about, really. Not being pro hero or anti hero, not a villainous descent nor a sudden morality change… just William hoping his older brother could finally love him.
But David just proved his theory right: that everything that comes from Deadwood is sick and twisted and wrong. Nothing good has ever come from that place. Certainly not David… and certainly not himself, either.
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gaysneeg · 3 years
please tell
and i am well aware but that will not stop me
oh god. I have a slight feeling that with quackity making an enemy with techno and dream his life might be at a slight risk. Putting that with the fact that he’s honestly been very reckless with his plans, he’s not exactly safe right now.
So I have a feeling that since yesterday we got charlie saying he wasn’t gonna let quackity turn to dust, quackity might die. perhaps. It might just be paranoia because I know how slimecicle is and how heartbreaking he could make that for his character but. you know. Writing wise it would be smart too. Take a very unaware and “innocent” character who apparently hasn’t had a friend before lose said friend and be forced into an emotional dilemma.
can you tell I do not trust the dsmp to give us a mostly happy character. especially quackity and slimecicle. I do not trust them at all.
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