#truth vs lie
happyshippingnoises · 6 months
How about some Oumatsu? I was gonna include the pairing in a postgame/crossover AU that I’m probably never gonna actually write.
Interesting. I have a ton of v3 aus that I never wrote out ngl 😭😭
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I love their dynamic ngl
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en-chi-la-da · 6 months
What are your thoughts on Yuma x Vivia? I seem to be in the minority cause Vivia's mostly shipped with Yakou, but I personally see Yakou as more of a father figure to Vivia. Also amazing art as always.
short answer: they mean da world 2 me 💜
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
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maybe we'll try again next time.
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l-just-want-to-see · 6 months
I could go on forever about Percy and Jason but I’ll just start with their names. Percy’s name was because of the one hero who was happy. Jason’s was so it would appease a goddess that was trying to kill him. Percy’s given hope for life; Jason’s merely allowed to survive.
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0809sysblings · 8 months
Amane is a character that is super easy to misinterpret. If you try to take her at face value, you are not going to get very far. And not cause she's deceitful or lying. But I think it is because she says what she thinks she believes. And, in my opinion, what should be given the most attention is not if she actually believes what she's saying or not, but why she would believe what she's saying. That will give you a lot more insight into her character and a lot more to work with, I think.
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random-xpressions · 2 months
No matter how much you beautify a lie, it still cannot be the truth...
Random Xpressions
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corvidcall · 5 months
reading fellowship of the ring to overcome being a lotr hater for so long (i actually didnt have any complaints about lotr itself so much as, people always got really pushy and rude about how i hadnt seen it and didn't really have any interest in doing so. like babes wait until you hear that ive never seen star wars either, or most of the big tentpole nerd franchises)
anyway. can someone tell me why i started crying when the hobbits met tom bombadil and goldberry. i love them???
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bubblesandpages · 3 months
Every time Yukimura introduces a new bombastic blond boy: oh, you're going to be my new favorite
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magical-mooni · 9 months
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I’m sorry
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screaming--agony · 2 years
Dear Diary,
You contradict yourself so much do you even know what the truth is?
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a-concert-just-for-me · 4 months
Why can’t I lieeeeeeeeeeee
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
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storyteller-ish · 2 years
Something that I find interesting about Kim is how he never outright tells lies, he's very good at getting by on omission of the truth instead of relying on lies. It's almost like through knowing all the tells of a liar along with being around calculating and manipulative people all his life he's learned the best way to get what you want and keep yourself safe isn't through outright lies, but through diverting away from the truth with either a different truth (bringing Korn a snack while searching his office) or with silence (the koi pond scene with Tankhun). It's so easy to get caught in a lie either bc of a tell, forgetting the lies you've told or any other matter out of your control where the truth could come out. Deception via telling the truth and diverting away from truths you don't want to reveal is a much less risky move and he seems to really live by that.
To add to this, it's interesting how he and his father are probably the best at manipulating people but they're complete opposites in how they do it. Korn masterfully tells lie after lie on the spot, convincingly, multiple times even with a gun to his head. Kim doesn't tell a single outright lie (that i can remember) but he’s still able to more or less accomplish his goals. Interestingly Kim's method made it so he got caught in only one "lie" meanwhile Korn's pile of lies landed him in the midst of a hurricane of chaos and even went as far as to fake his death to escape it.
idk where i'm going with this i just find it an interesting detail.
#kinnporsche#kim theerapanyakul#regarding his brothers tankhun is a very honest and blunt person and isn't really in a position where he needs to manipulate people#kinn lies but in a more normal way with a masterful poker face but it can be seen through by people closest to him#(*cough* specifically when the plot deems it necessary *cough*)#but he's not on the 3d chess x games mode puppetmaster level that his dad is on#porsche lies so much. he lies all the time. he lies for no reason. he lies for fun#he's a normal person about lying. how convincing he is varies wildly. he's mostly very bad at it but good enough when he really needs to be#chay is extremely genuine and earnest and doesnt even think to lie#vegas is too impatient to rely on one method or the other#i think he does half and half where he lies and intersperses the truth as he lies#which is a quicker but still effective way to get what he wants#russian roulette babey#and he probably doesn't worry about the possible consequences of getting caught if his lies are found out#this isn't always the case but pete's capable of lying so well that he's able to fool himself lol#he doesn't lie very well under emotional distress but who can blame him#i feel like normally he only lies when pushed and would prefer omission of truth when possible#and that's my evaluation of the central characters and how they approach the truth vs lying LOL#i was literally just gonna talk about tankhun and kinn but then i kept going LOL#m#if kim DOES actually lie at some point. OOPS#lol my point still stands tho. i can remember at least 2 lies from most of the other characters off the top of my head but 0 for kim
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rocketonthemoon · 11 months
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mafaldaknows · 8 months
How and where tf did your anon get the engagement bs?!
Its really getting kinda scary how people treat social media and the internet 🤦‍♀️
Hello, Anon:
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It can be breathtaking sometimes.
There is something about seeing bold declarations stated so confidently on a screen or device that lends an instantaneous credibility to even the most obvious fabrications.
And if enough people spread it around on social media without fact-checking or any other due diligence, it somehow magically BECOMES the truth, at least on the internet, like some kind of collective delusional mass hysteria.
And once that happens, it becomes nearly impossible to compel people to release themselves from the egotistical grip of their own opinions long enough to see the lie.
In order to be responsible consumers and creators of content on social media, we must be mindful of the fact that the truth is immutable, but only with evidence to support it. Only proven facts can be called facts. Claims without proof to support them are merely someone’s opinions.
Thanks for your comment. ☺️❣️
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dragonfly756 · 2 years
Honestly Gustavo fring character of all time, he 's the most component guy in the room, he's a philanthropist, he wears mr Rogers sweaters on his days off and is kind to customer service workers, he's a calculating criminal mastermind who's in this for revenge, he wants to bring out the best in people, he's manipulative and ruthless but won't allow his lackeys to use children as drug sellers, he builds a whole town in tribute to his dead boyfriend, he has killed so many people, his master plan to get Jesse to stay away from Walt was to just give him a better father figure to latch on to and tell him he believes in him.
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