#trying to be Fantano
agnesandhilda · 1 year
I'm annoying about music like it's my job
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megaherbs · 1 year
People are so fucking mean about music opinions on the internet, I don't know what's wrong with everybody. Music is really important to a lot of different humans. Your personal taste is not the definitive word on the world of recorded sound.
Please just unclench, enjoy your favorite artists and try to be nice when you disagree with others.
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gentleoverdrive · 2 years
(216/?) Drop out of life with bong in hand.
Fuck you, Scott Kelly. For close to two decades, I looked upon you and your bandmates as this bastion of integrity among the west coast underground scene. Which heavy music hipster worth their salt has yet to hear Neurosis? ---- Quite literally, they carved a real estate of the hardcore/post-hardcore scene in the Bay Area. They showed that you could play slow, deep and grindy, instead of following the path of Metallica. And for that, Neurosis is still standing, almost forty years since their humble beginnings back in 1985. ---- But domestic violence against women? And children? Specifically, YOUR OWN?! The indie cred can take a fucking hike for all I care. If what's been said is true, then I wish you're able to look within yourself and realize how many fucking lives you ruined. Forget the fans. The many, many fuck-ups you engaged with that affected not only your life, but also those of your families (both of blood and of choice) and brought that ugly side to the fore. --- For now, I write this entry as a way of washing my hands off you. I sincerely hope you get the help you need, and reflect upon the pain you've caused. For the rest of you, see ya' later, alligators!
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A Guide to Black Dresses (Band)
Who are Black Dresses?
Black Dresses is a Canadian musical band, formed by two women, Ada Rook and Devi McCallion, who are both artists on their own.
The band was formed in 2017, following their first ever single - Paper Planes (cover of MIA). 
Devi and Ada started the Black Dresses project when they were friends, however they're currently in a relationship and implied to be married to each other.
They started the Black Dresses project, as a form of venting, and did not expect to blow up in the slightest. However, following the release of their debut album - WASTEISOLATION, they gained attention of the internet. With their unique sound palette, dark and vulnerable content of the lyrics, and general surrounding of enigmatic no-name artists, they started to quickly follow with underground cult following. 
Gaining much praise, getting a score of 9 out of 10 from Anthony Fantano, and especially, becoming viral over the song "IN MY MOUTH".
Unfortunely the band diss-banded after harassment that Devi received from the internet users after they found her online presence and internet footprint. Both Ada and Devi didn't really like the attention they gathered. So in 2020, they stopped making new material. But did in fact release old unreleased stuff all up to 2022.
In 2023 they announced working on their 7th album and making new music. Releasing more singles and uploading little snippets on them working. Confirming that way that they're a band once again.
The musical style
Black Dresses musical style is based on mixing a lot of genres. As an underground artists, Black Dresses are influenced by a lot of lesser known styles and genres coming from the outsider world of music. 
You cannot really explain their sound in simple words, but i'll try. Their genre is often described as "Noise Pop", but they're much more than that.
I'll try to describe their general sound, but i will go into more details following the guide's part about each individual album.
Most of all, Black Dresses are an electronic band, they do use real life instruments, mostly guitars and drums, but it's mostly electronical elements.
Black Dresses mixes elements of Pop, Industrial, Noise, EDM, Rock, and are mostly described as extremely experimental.
To lesser extent they also use hip-hop, ambience, metal, glitch, synth, and screamo.
Their vocals are rather amateur, which shouldn't really scare you, as it just adds to the charm. They're also notable for their usage of screaming vocals.
Themes of Black Dresses 
The main themes of Black Dresses music are:
Mental suffering,
Living with mental ilness - such like depression or severe anxiety,
Coping with trauma - mostly from their childhood, and the sexual abuse they went trough from the hands of adults in their life.
Healing from those experiences, seeing hope in the future.
And environmentalism - raising awareness about the issues of global warming and pollution.
But there's ofcourse many more songs that don't follow these themes. 
Black Dresses often get accused of being "edgy", however you shouldn't perceive them like that. Their music is full of real struggles that both Devi and Ada are going trough. They do NOT romanticize or fetishize the themes of their music, nor they sugarcoat it or exaggerate it. 
Not to mention their music is full of hope for better tomorrow and wanting to improve, giving it all a positive message.
Release guide
2018 - WASTEISOLATION: Their debut album, definitely the darkest in terms of themes. Essential for every fan of the band, the best place to start. Mostly lighter in sound, doesn't incorporate as much noise as following releases.
Really accessible for newcommers.
2018 - HELL IS REAL EP: A 5 five song EP making a bridge between WASTEISOLATION and THANK YOU. It's a bit moodier than the previous project, but also it's a place where Black Dresses started to use more screaming vocals and noise elements.
2019 - THANK YOU: Second album, much more surreal in the sound palette, much noiser and more electronic. Black Dresses at this point got a little less personal in their lyricism.
2019 - DREAMS COME TRUE 2019: A sequel to their first ever project together, DREAMS COME TRUE 2017 which i'll mention later. It follows 3 WASTEISOLATION songs re-made and re-worked. As well as one brand new song.
2019 - LOVE AND AFFECTION FOR STUPID LITTLE BITCHES: Black Dresses (succesful) attempt at poppier sound. Much less crowded instrumentals and simpler, catchier beats. Doesn't belittle their noise elements and screaming ofcourse! 
2020 - Peacefull as Hell: Black Dresses most popular album after WASTEISOLATION, got an extremely positive review from Fantano and semi-blow up on the internet. A fan favourite.
Black Dresses production got more professional. 
The sound is much lighter and goes into the direction of electronic pop rock.
2021 - Forever in Your Heart: Black Dresses heaviest project to date. Ada and Devi at their most industrial and metal. A lot of screaming and noise. Another fan favourite.
2022 - Forget Your Own Face: Their latest album, as for the time of writing this guide. Their most disorganised project (which was intentional), full of distortions and noise and screams. It was a surprise release and is made from re-made unreleased material going as back as 2019. It contains some of fan favourite songs.
Other notable work:
2017 - DREAMS COME TRUE 2017: First ever released collaboration between Ada and Devi, a short 4 song EP.
2017 - LETHAL POISON FOR THE SYSTEM: A 3 song EP in collaboration with 99Jakes and Laura Les - a member of 100 GECS. Includes first single Under Black Dresses name.
2018 - CRUSH: Single, a cover of Tessa Violet.
2020 - 745 Sticky Remix: Black Dresses remix of 100 Gecs song that ended up on the official 100 Gecs remix album.
2023 - Shines: Single, a collaboration between the band Purity Ring and Black Dresses.
Merch and how to support them
Black Dresses ocassionally releases their albums on cassettes, however they were all limited and are currently unavaible. No official CDs or Vinyls were ever made.
You can buy at any time Black Dresses hoodies or T-shirts on https://black-dresses-merch-store.creator-spring.com/
(Ada also sells her merch on that)
You can buy their albums over Black Dresses bandcamp, or support them directly trough Patreon.
You can also contact Devi or Black Dresses trough an e-mail and show your support with words!
 (Please do not send this e-mail to anybody who could harass them) 
That's all, i hope you'll have a wonderful time listening to our gals! :DD
Black Dresses Extended Universe Guide
What's that? You're interested in checking out Ada's and Devi's solo stuff? Well, it might be much more confusing or interesting than you think, in fact, it's a whole rabbit hole. So let me introduce you to, what i like to call, the "Black Dresses Extended Universe" (BDEU or simply BDU). 
BDU is a collective of every side-project, nickname under which one of the girls released music, or any other band that contains either Ada or Devi.
Ada Rook's side of EU
Let's start with Ada Rook, since there's a little bit less going around her.
Ada started releasing her music in 2015, following her first OST for her game (as she's a game dev), and her first EP in 2016 "void memory".
Ada used the nickname "rooksfeather" or simply "rook", however after the release of "Parasite" she started using her full name.
Ada's solo discography follows 8 EPs, 4 Soundtracks, and 6 albums. 7th one on the way 
Her musical style is similar to Black Dresses, but more into industrial and rock side of things. Her older music used much more ambience and was darker, moodier. Her recent style incorporates much more screaming and poppier sound. However, in case similar to Black Dresses, each album have it own distinct sound. 
She also released one album with an artist called Deathirl, "DEATH IN REAL LIFE" and it's extremely rare media, not even listed on RYM. However reuploads of it exists.
She have one Alter-ego, called "Crisis Sigil" Under which she's doing extreme grindcore. Crisis Sigil released 2 EPs and 1 Album.
Ada is also a part of 2 other bands beside of Black Dresses,
"rook&nomie" is a collaboration between Ada and ESPer99, they released 2 albums. Their style is much more poppier than anything else that Ada does.
"Angel Electronics" is a fresh new band formed by Ada and Ash Nerve. They're doing power electronic rock, and their sound is more joyful. They released 1 album so far.
Notable Ada Rook releases:
"Shed Blood" by Rook
"Parasite" by Rook,
"2,020 Knives" by Rook,
"UGLY DEATH" by Rook,
"Rookie's Bustle EP" by Rook,
"GOD CUM POLTERGEIST" by Crisis Sigil,
"ULTRA PARADISE" by Angel Electronics,
"Superego Royal Jelly" by rook&nomie
Devi McCallion's side of EU
Wow, we are in for a heck of a ride... Oh well,
Devi started releasing her music since the age of 15, however most of it is probably lost media at this point. She's putting music out on her own label - Blacksquares, Under many different alliases and side projects, i'll talk about each one later.
Devi's style is mostly indie pop, influenced by sub-genres like dream pop, synthpop, ElectroPop and simply underground pop.
Her music is often simplistic and cartoony, but it's hard to explain her signature style in words. 
But it's worth checking out.
Devi rarely releases anything Under her real life name, mostly singles. But she did release 2 albums Under her real name together with Katie Dey, mixing production of both girls. 
Devi used many different nicknames trough her career, such like Dizzy Girl, Devi April McCallion, Vriska Serket, Walking Patriarchy and The Little Fears, however all of these names aren't connected to any specific releases, as far as im aware (Devi's music is a huge Rabbit Hole, full of lost media and rare material).
It's also worth mentioning that she released a compilation of her unreleased material Under the name "Blacksquares", it's titled "LIFE IS HELL (ASMR)".
Okay, so now we are going to talk about each one of her musical projects. We'll start with 4 of the most essential ones, then the more obscure ones, and we'll finish it all with Devi's other bands beside Black Dresses.
1. EAT BABIES? - A name she really doesn't like to be assiocated with, so it's better to treat this project as a fun fact, rather than the core of her career. EAT BABIES? was her first ever project (that we are awere of) Under which she released 2 albums and 2 EPs. It was much more amateur than what she's used to do now. And she doesn't like to associate this project with herself due of the fact she was much different person back then. 
2. Mom - is her second most popular nickname. It was her primary stage name for a long time untill 2015 when she came out with "Girl Rituals".
Mom released 5 albums. And semi-blow up with a song titled "joyfulthought". Mom is a time when Devi really started to work on her pop sound and signature style. 
3. Cats Millionaire - the third most popular Devi project. Cats Millionaire was active from 2011 to 2013. Released 2 albums, 4 EPs and 2 mixtapes. 
Cats Millionaire is characteristic for overall theme of My Little Pony, since Devi used to be a brony. The lyrics and aesthetic are all about MLP. The sound was much more soothing and toned-down than most of Devi's releases.
4. Girls Rituals - Devi's current main allias and her most important project that's still active from 2015 to this day. Under that name Devi released most of her music, and she really perfected and evolved her pop sound with each and every release. Beside of many singles, she released 2 EPs (one with Ada, one with 4lung, however the second one is since deleted because of the 4lung allegations), 1 remix album, 1 instrumental album, and 5 albums. With "Reddishness" being Girls Rituals fan favourite release.
Now, Let's get over every other side project.
10 Chains - only one instrumental album have been released. It's noise/ambience.
Doro Doro Dono/More Bears- Just one single released each for two of these projects,
traptraptrap - 2009. one album released. Despite the name, it's her usual pop stuff.
Triangle Giant - named after one of Devi's bands, only one EP released. ElectroPop.
Yellow Bile - 3 EPs released. Usual pop stuff. One of the EPs are lost media.
Tiny Magnesium - Really obscure stage name for her usual pop sound. 2 short albums released.
Leader Misty - Pokemon themed 2008 project, one instrumental album.
Holographic Rainbow - Only the soundtrack to the discontinued web comic (of the same name) have been released.
Hexi Wing - name she used to release her self-spoken erotic fan-fiction. You're probably not interested in that 👀.
Now, last but not least, Devi's multiple bands before and after Black Dresses.
Dr. Massive and The Headwound Extravaganza - was a 2008 electronic band that released mostly covers of rock songs. Only one album have been released and the band is 100% discontinued right now. Devi was responsible for programming, drums and vocals. There also were
Mike Will Smith - percussion and vocals,
Allan Burke - synthesizer and vocals, 
Jonathan Oscar Cianni - programming, bass,
And Sensitive Bear - bass and vocals.
Unfortunely i couldn't find any info about the band members.
Giant Triangle - A band where Devi used to do vocals from 2008 to 2016, the band had a lot of members that went and go, but it seems their only official release is an 2020 EP. Usual electronic and pop.
The Various Endeavors? - a 2009 band who's appearently still active? They released one synth punk album, and a compilation of unreleased tracks in 2021. John Bevier and Tyler Bruce are in the band along-side Devi.
VCF Freq - A collaboration between Devi and Boy Pussy, they're doing minimal techno. They're Technically still active but their only 2020 EP dissapeared from any streamings. It's thankfully archived on Soulseek.
Anarchy 99 - A collaboration between Devi and So Drove, they're doing electronic pop rock. They're still active from 2020 and actually release new material consistantly. A couple of singles have been released and one album.
Notable Devi  McCallion releases:
'Self-titled" by Mom,
"3" by Mom,
"Fun Fun Fun" by Cats Millionaire,
"Reddishness" by Girls Rituals,
"Im Desperate" by Girls Rituals,
"CRAP SHIT" by Girls Rituals,
"Cow" by Girls Rituals,
"Rockstar Super Heat" by Anarchy 99,
And that's all there is to BDU ;)) have fun Discovering it! ❤️
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meat-wentz · 9 months
hey while we’re at it i’m gonna have to ask y’all to stop treating pop as if it’s a dirty word. most of the time it ends up being very thinly veiled misogyny that discredits the voices and artistry of women by either negating the fact that they do have autonomy and control over their own music (i.e. they’re industry-plants) or forcing them into the same gross little box of “their music is shallow and doesn’t have any meaning.” like oh my god we’ve been trying to have this conversation forever but somehow alt music fans still run with the same old as dirt anthony fantano ass opinions that anything mainstream or outside their genre and comfort zone doesn’t have anything of value to say.
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grox · 8 months
If aomeone says they don't know much about music cauae they just listen to the radio.... Protect them with your life. Do not let the anthony fantano people near them. Do not let the vinyl owners defyle them.. And do not, try to teach them anything, yoursalf
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christianstepmoms · 11 months
Saw that Fantano interviewed Neil Cicierega over the Mouth Sounds trilogy in what has to be the most embarrassing interview I've ever heard. Fantano kept trying to derive, like, deeper intellectual meaning out of the albums with Neil constantly just like, awkwardly and uncomfortably but as politely as humanly possible going "Uhhh no haha :) I just thought it was funny".
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waterparksdrama · 9 months
Wait. Does the Mellon have beef with Parx. What did Awsten do?
not really beef but i think he just realized how annoying awsten was and how bad of an idea it would be if he reviewed fandom honestly bc one day fantano tweeted asking if he should review fandom so then he and awsten had this little joke going on
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but then i think fantano actually listened to fandom, realized he hated it, and also realized how bad of an idea it would be to post that to the mercy of parx's rabid fans so fantano legitimately deleted every trace of trying to review fandom after that LOL
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@waterparchive has a couple of the posts from that time saved here actually - iz
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joesalw · 6 months
do you guys remember she said something about shifting music genres recently in a award speech? like she was just thanking the fans for supporting her throughout all the shifts but everybody got the vibe that she was planning to do that again.
Idk it may be nothing really, it could have been just to say thank you, but I really think that there's a possibility she would try to do rock or punk in the near future. people have been talking a little bit about that since the 1989 rock performance, but it looked like that happened just because she was trying to impress harry? "i don't have to pretend i like acid rock" kinda thing idk.
anyway I always thought that rock thing was so bad cause she's so NOT talented for that, like she can't do what olivia does. they're really different in their influences and abilities. to be honest I think that because olivia doesn't try to be far-fetched (like taylor sometimes does, which swifties mistake for good lyricism or genius) people don't really give her that much credit but she's even better than taylor. like she doesn't try to be a "spirit meets the bones/tarnished but so grand" kind of songwriter but she's so witty and funny like alex turner a little bit. like to me that sounds smarter than dropping "difficult" words that don't really make up a good and innovative point in the end. like what's the point in being close to the dictionary to write songs that say all the things that have been said before? idk she's so corny and cliche.
all that just to say that I think she might turn to rock and I think she could do that just so she could prove a point to the world and mostly herself that she could do what olivia does because she feels threatened AF. swifties don't understand why she would even feel that way but it is obvious that she does!!? that woman has done a lot of harm to olivia, every single time the girl releases any song a bunch of people start looking for other songs that are minimally similar and making jokes about it. I think it might affect her that olivia is praised by the critics (has always been, look at fantano or pitchfork) and has so much potential. It's weird because she's THE taylor swift right now but she HAS taken deliberate actions and calculated inactions to harm her.
I think that if she do turn to rock it'll be soooooo bad and I honestly hope for that. she doesn't have olivia's vocal range, singing style and natural appreciation for the genre.
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tellevangeline · 3 months
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(Photo of me and my husband by @mettieostrowski on insta)
Caroline Polachek as a Sociological Phenomena and why it’s Important to Gatekeep Twinks.
So there I was (picture unrelated) waiting for the train at 10:30 PM on a Sunday so I can go take some extra estradiol from a generous friend at a gay bar, full incognito, wearing a fucking hoodie, I’m so tired I spent all day working on the flier for my new absurdist drag bingo because I and everyone I know are walking parodies of bushwick transexuals.
Train is taking forever so I have some time to kill, and I decide (d? Should I care about continuity? I am not a writer, I’m an author.)
Anyway I decided to put the recent Caroline Polachek album on, which is big for me because I have been a bit of a Caroline Polachek denier. I listened to Chairlift very casually when I was a teenager but I was far from die hard and since then I’ve kind of just thought of her as an unfortunate but all too common case of a talented musician being so aggressively HAIM-Pilled that it’s practically deafening. I say this as a dyke with love for all dykes❤️
Also the “new queen of artpop” claims coming from the exact type of 5’8 naturally dirty blonde he/they’s I’ve made it my life goal to disagree with at all times are really not helping her case for me.
Because here’s my thing. I’m a Kate Bush ride or die, surprising I know. I have I’ve always been a coward tattooed below my collarbones like the only 1% I’ll ever be a part of is her Spotify listeners.
But here’s the tea, if you’re not ready and willing to hee haw like a fucking donkey on a song that’s probably about some form of domestic abuse you just aren’t the new queen of artpop. I do make the rules and to be honest the only people in pop music right now not named lady fucking gaga who has the panache, the gaul, the unwavering commitment to pull stunts and shenanigans on that level are Ethel Cain and Lingua Ignota, especially since FKA Twigs decided she wanted to live a happy and fulfilling life (and good for her, thank you for all the good times queen)
And Caroline is simply not there, she’s too squeaky clean and widely appealing to go to those absurd and ugly places that make a Bjork.
Now my personal cocomelon/surrogate father figure Anthony Fantano the Internet’s Busiest Music Nerd did love her album, and I usually agree with his takes (mbdtf is mid you just love it because it was baby’s first concept album and you have a deep yearning to return to a time in your life where you first realized music could be art) BUT WHILE I AGREE WITH MANY OF HIS TAKES (sorry) my one glaring exception is that he never takes how cunt something is into consideration while evaluating a piece of music, and by that I do mean that he said gaga peaked at fame monster and 212 is the only good azealia banks song. He doesn’t have the tools to engage with music in a fag like manor, so when we’re dealing with music for gays, I don’t trust him.
And then last night I saw a Drag Queen named The Illustrious Pearl perform welcome to my island as a showgirl vampire wearing rhinestoned knee pads and frankly if Caroline is good enough for her she’s certainly good enough for me.
And I’m gonna be really vulnerable here, I really enjoyed the album. Like, there’s about as much art in it’s pop as cranberry in a gay bar vodka cran but it’s damn good pop and the art adds a nice little aftertaste.
I believe is definetely my favorite, those Rhythm Nation/Mortal Kombat ass synth hits always make me convulse (America Has A Problem is my favorite track off Renaissance) (it took me a whole 2 minutes to spell renaissance right) but I also like welcome to my island a lot and I at least liked everything else except for Billions which sounds like a song that was rejected from The Sensual World because Kate would never release a song that non-violent.
But it was cute. I have a meeting with a literal church upstate that is trying to book me for their pride drag show tomorrow and one of them just texted me “Brainstorming with the Holy Spirit is so exciting and so fruitful ✝️💜✝️) and I believe those synth hits on I Believe will carry me through my challenges tomorrow. Love Down.
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gerardpilled · 10 months
This might be weird or random but since you talk a little about music I’m just wondering what people mean when they say certain music is “basic”? Like ts? I ask people but they never answer. Also the thing about Ghost, was it a personal opinion or genuine criticism? I try to actively listen to bands and artists and i feel like everyone just has a different idea but I don’t get when people say something is bad or good in music especially when it does what it intends to do? Or at least I think it is what they intend to do? Sorry to throw this on you I’ve been asking around and I did google this stuff but i couldn’t find anything unbiased and I know you didn’t sign up for this but I have no one to ask (everyone is a fan of something)
i think this is a discussion about art that has been happening since art was first publicized and especially commercialized. I definitely do not have the answer to everything but if you want my personal opinion - I do think there is a difference between liking music and that music being technically 'good'.
To answer your first question, i personally consider "basic" music to be music that is easy to listen to. It's not breaking any conventional standards to song structure and it's radio friendly. It's marketable. Whether that is because the beat is dance-friendly or because the themes of the song are PG and uncontroversial. I love mcr but they definitely fall into radio friendly music that is very easy music to listen to if you generally like stuff with a rock sound. Compare them to acts that inspired them like the Misfits or the bouncing souls and you'll understand why mcr was able to play on MTV and the formers have become legends in a skillset sense.
I think when a lot of people say music is bad it can be very subjective but there are specific things you can point to. Sometimes production is bad and the music ends up sounding hollow or fake. Sometimes the lyrics are immature and don't follow poetic rules they're founded on. Sometimes music can end up sounding too derivative in an attempt to copy a formula that works (see: Greta Van Fleet and Led Zeppelin).
Now, I don't think music being fundamentally bad means you can't enjoy it. I like music from artists I think are not talented when it comes to technical skill. Sometimes you just like to not think about the content you're consuming and I think that's fine
I think especially recently there has been a push to not have guilty pleasure art and if you like something that makes it good. If i were to be dramatic, i would say that is an anti-intellectualism approach and can lead to the general decline in the amount of effort big companies put into the stuff shoveled out to the public. Because imo that's where the issue lies. Small artists have always consistently put out work they've put their soul into, but companies will put the lowest energy and money possible into making music for the masses. I think you can be critical about the art you consume and continue to enjoy it.
If you're not really sure what i'm talking about, I recommend starting to take in more journalism about music. I personally love reading pitchfork reviews and the bad ones especially really give you insight on the talking points for what can go wrong with music. Also I know people hate him but I do enjoy an Anthony Fantano video. I'll watch videos from him for music i've never heard of. He is also good at pointing out specifics so even when i don't personally agree with him, you kinda gain an understanding as to how other people might see it.
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Ronnie Radke dressing as Anthony Fantano for Halloween 2023
Ronnie posted on his Twitter on Oct 30th two shots of himself dressed as youtuber-critic Anthony Fantano. He has had several beefs with Fantano in the past months since the critic published a slanderous, disrespectful video about the new released song "Watch The World Burn".
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In the mean time he had beef with a less clever but more rude critic too, BradTaste, and later, when Epitaph Records copystriked Brad's slanderous, mud throwing videos, because they were breaking the convention of the "fair use", Fantano took Brad's defense and both were trying to accuse Ronnie of the copystrike. They had no open beef this time, but they were pointing out each-other on social media, until Ronnie came up with this brilliant mockery, which turned out to be a real Ronnie-style funny action.
Ronnie even made two fake video edits with fake comments and description in order to entertain his fans. The tweets went viral and caused arguments until weeks long after.
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Ronnie, because of preparing for the new release he plans, wiped off his socisl sites not long after halloween, so this tweet has no track anymore.
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gyutarling · 5 months
it's mic the snare! he has a quirkier style than fantano but his vids series of deep discog dive really helps with introducing new artists. i get to know more about bowie, radiohead, bjork, prince, kate bush, king gizzard, and more through it + i love to learn trivia things (you don't know how useful it could be in your life) and yes, i realized that and i know the origins, but do you also know that radiohead's name origin comes from a talking heads song??
INTERSTELLAR FR FR w movie! i also like star wars, but i just don't like disney's star wars though :[ adding insomnia to my watchlist and i haven't gotten to watch dead poet society even though i had a massive academia phase when i was trying to find my current style lol *eyes*
will check him out!! im wanna learn more funky facts abt my fav musicians so this is perfect hehe (also yes i did know that!!! i love talking heads sm omg)
IM SOOO SAD THAT THEY DISNEYFIED STAR WARS 😭😭 although tbh im more of a star trek person myself even tho i do love love LOVE star wars, so luckily disney hasnt touched star trek (at least not that ik of)
and u should defo watch dps!!! i love it soooo much! the recent movie that came out, the holdovers, has a similar vibe so i defo recommend that too if u end up liking dps!!
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pocket-mobster · 2 years
some of you need to listen to godspeed you black emperor—not because i think it's some moral failing that you haven't but purely because it's insanely good music that's just outside the Collective Gen Z Musical Comfort Zone(TM).
now i know 20-minute instrumental songs are very much not in rn (yeah i know but please stay with me here), but their most important albums, F# A# Infinity and Lift Yr. Skinny Fists, are all made up of much shorter movements, and the ones that approach or exceed 10 minutes really do earn their length. i'm saying this as someone who basically refused to listen to anything instrumental and rarely listened to anything over 5 or 6 minutes.
i know it ultimately won't resonate with everyone, but i'm only making this post because i truly believe more people would appreciate their brand of atmospheric, emotionally intense, anti-capitalist music, and i'm worried a lot of those people are intimidated by the runtimes and the band's affiliation with fantano-watchers.
click either one of those links (they're free yt uploads) and just leave it on in the background for 5 minutes. if you don't like one after that time, try the other for 5 minutes, and if you don't like either, that's fine. but please trust me for at least the collective 10 minutes it'll take to give those albums a decent shot.
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eradicatetehnormal · 7 months
Common Anthony Fantano L
I like Fanfare, even more than I liked My Agenda. I will say though, that I understand the critique that it's too safe. They're going off the 2000's musical trend that I've heard Rina Sawayama and to some extent, Olivia Rodrigo go into. I think that's fine. I definitely don't agree that Dorian is trying to make their sound more appealing to the masses. I mean, just look at the songs released as singles. Freak Mode, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Anon. Those aren't songs that have any real place alongside the Doja Cats and Paul Russels.
I also think the 2000's audio aesthetic helps add to the themes of fame and *idolization*. I feel like it was meant to provoke the imagery of the celebrity culture of the time.
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grox · 8 months
I agree with the horrific way death grips is being treated by the community of tiktok brains but how is any of this anthony fantanos fault? to me it feels like the opposite. he was one guy talking about how esoteric and pretentious Death Grips is. actual question by the way I'm not trying to start anything
He simply, spread the word about death grips and in doing so greatly accellerated the garnering of white boys who think they're cool, who spread it to white boys who think they're funny, and so on and so forth
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