#turmeric is safe short-term though it may cause intestinal upset
andnowanowl · 5 months
I have been dealing with some hellspawn virus for two months (not Covid, I was tested). Coughing, fever, even vomiting. Pretty much hell for someone with asthma. I would have lapses where it looked like it was getting better and then came back with a vengeance each time. Finally got to the point where I had sharp pain under my arms in my ribs whenever I coughed, so I was desperate to try anything. Over-the-counter meds were not working.
Found an old Ayurvedic remedy that is still used in India: put honey, turmeric, and black pepper into your tea. I used peppermint tea. A day after ingesting this tea three times a day, my sinuses began to drain (didn't even know they were congested). The mucus in my lungs began to thin out. Yesterday the sharp pain in my chest went completely away (hopefully for good); maybe it was caused by pockets of infection. Still have some soreness but I've been coughing like a TB patient for two months, so it's to be expected. Fever is down for now. The tea does cause gas and some mild stomach upset, but I'll gladly take that over coughing my lungs out.
I appear to be (knocks on wood) on the mend, thanks to ingesting this tea three times a day for the past three or four days.
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