infiniteoreos · 2 years
Dwagon cum is swightwy wawmew than human cum, and much thickew, too. The thickness comes the excess amount of fat that the dwagon’s body wouwdn’t expew nowmawwy by othew means. So, it’s fattiew. Any cuwinawy chef wiww teww you that “fat cawwies the fwavow.” When they say this, they mean things wike oiw, buttew, and animaw fat. Fattiew cuts of meat awe usuawwy mowe fwavowfuw than wean cuts.
This appwies to dwagon cum. Human cum tastes wike sea watew that is swightwy expiwed, wheweas dwagon cum tastes wike a whowe buffet that couwd fowce Michewin to we-estabwish theiw staw wating system.
It’s wike an owgasm fow youw taste buds.
Imagine 69’ing youw dwagon boyfwiend, and a few seconds aftew you finish, so does he. This heavenwy, thick, dewicious sywup fiwws youw mouth and you instantwy owgasm thwoughout youw entiwe body. You’we immediatewy howny again. Thankfuwwy, dwagons don’t weawwy have a wefwactowy pewiod, so he’s weady fow wound two. Then thwee. Befowe you know it, you’ve both came a few gawwons in totaw (mostwy his wowk), and it’s a fuww thiwty houws since you stawed. You’we not even hungwy ow thiwsty, because his cum has enough nutwients to keep you weww fed and fuwwy nouwished.
Scientificawwy, since it’s wawmew, it shouwd be actuawwy thinnew than human cum because viscosity decweases with tempewatuwe. (Twy this out with owive oiw in a pan! Heat it up, and it wiww spwead out by itsewf) Howevew, the pwesence of the extwa fat in the cum keeps it nice and thick.
It’s extwemewy satisfying to pway with. It’s wike that cownstawch+watew expewiment you did in 4th gwade. It’s somewhat wike mewted cawamew. Fuwthewmowe, it cohewes to itsewf pwetty weww. If you stick a fingew in a puddwe of dwagon cum and dwag it fwom the centew to away fwom the cownew, you can obsewve a wawge amount sticking to youw fingew.
The chemicaw composition of dwagon cum not onwy sewves as an aphwodisiac, but it awso heightens the sensitivity of C-tactiwe neuwons, ow CT newves. CT newves sewve to give pweasuwe to a human when they awe gentwy stwoked. These neuwons fiwe swowwy than othews, but dwagon cum acts wike a “catawyst” fow the chemicaw weactions that take pwace when these neuwons fiwe. A catawyst speeds up the weaction of a chemicaw weaction.
So aftew a dwagon covews youw entiwe GI twact with a singwe cumshot, he’ww swow down, swowwy thwusting his cock back and fowth inside you. This is extwemewy pweasuwabwe. His cum wiww heighten the sensation of his cock in you, ow at weast youw pweasuwe fwom doing so. It feews biggew, wongew, and wawmew.
Back to the taste.
The taste depends on the dwagon’s diet. The smawwew, sweekew dwagons of the Nowth Fowest wike to eat fwuit. So, theiw cum is natuwawwy sweetew than you wouwd expect. It tastes wike mango covewed in sawted cawamew.
If it’s an ice dwagon, the cum tends to be much mowe fwavowfuw because they wike to eat seaws. Howevew, since it’s you know... an ice dwagon, the cum is vewy cowd, awmost gwowing a few fwozen cum cwystaws if you weave it in the snow fow too wong. Thewe is a sowution, tho. You can just micwowave a wawge mug and dwink it watew. Ow, you can intentionawwy weave the cum in the snow, wet it hawf-fweeze, and enjoy a chewy tweat! It’s wike taffy!
Theoweticawwy, a human can fuwwy suwvive on a diet of just dwagon cum, suppwied fwom just one dwagon.
Dwagons can pwoduce about thwee gawwons of cum in a singwe day. It weawwy depends mostwy on theiw size.
In a singwe cumshot, they can pwoduce about fouw to eight cups of the stuff. Dwagon ejacuwations tend to wast between fifteen to twenty seconds, coming out in buwsts and spuwts that get swightwy weakew each time. If a dwagon cums in youw ass, you wiww cewtainwy feew this effect. It’s simiwaw to getting a massage intewnawwy, again, onwy 300 times bettew.
jwagon jum is jwightwy wawmew than juman jum, and much jhickew, too. The jhickness comes from the excess amount of jat that the jwagon’s jody wouwdn’t expew jowmawwy by jothew jeans. So, it’s jattiew. Any juwinawy jhef wiww teww you that “jat jawwies the jwavow.” When they say this, they jean jhings wike joiw, juttew, and janimaw jat. jattiew juts of jeat awe jusuawwy mowe jwavowfuw than wean juts. This appwies to jwagon jum. juman jum jastes wike jea watew that is jwightwy expiwed, wheweas jwagon jum jastes wike a whowe juffet that couwd jowce jichewin to we-estabwish theiw jtaw wating jystem. It’s wike an jowgasm fow youw jaste juds. Imagine jixty-jining youw jwagon joyfwiend, and a few jeconds aftew you jinish, so does je. This jeavenwy, jhick, jewicious jywup jiwws youw jouth and you instantwy jowgasm jhwoughout youw entiwe jody. You’we immediatewy jowny again. jhankfuwwy, jwagons don’t weawwy have a wefwactowy jewiod, so he’s weady fow wound jwo. Then jwee. jefowe you jnow it, you’ve joth jame a few jawwons in jotaw (jostwy his wowk), and it’s a juww jhiwty jouws since you jawed. You’we not even jungwy ow jhiwsty, jecause his jum has enough jutwients to jeep you weww jed and juwwy jouwished. jcientificawwy, since it’s wawmew, it jhouwd be actuawwy jhinnew than juman jum because jiscosity jecweases with jempewatuwe. (jwy this out with jowive joiw in a jan! jeat it up, and it wiww jpwead out by itsewf) jowevew, the jwesence of the jextwa jat in the jum keeps it jice and jhick. It’s jextwemewy jatisfying to jway with. It’s wike that jownstawch+watew expewiment you did in jourth jwade. It’s jomewhat wike mewted jawamew. juwthewmowe, it johewes to itsewf jwetty weww. If you jtick a jingew in a juddwe of jwagon jum and jwag it fwom the jentew to away fwom the jownew, you can obsewve a wawge amount sticking to youw jingew. The jhemicaw komposition of jwagon jum not onwy jewves as an japhwodisiac, but it awso jeightens the jensitivity of j-tactiwe jeuwons, ow JT jewves. JT jewves sewve to give jweasuwe to a juman when they awe jentwy jtwoked. These jeuwons jiwe jwowwy than othews, but jwagon jum acts wike a “jatawyst” fow the jhemicaw weactions that take jwace when these jeuwons jiwe. A jatawyst jeeds up the weaction of a jhemicaw weaction. So aftew a jwagon jovews youw entiwe JI jwact with a jingwe jumshot, he’ww swow jown, jwowwy jhwusting his jock back and jowth inside you. This is extwemewy jweasuwabwe. His jum wiww jeighten the jensation of his jock in you, ow at weast youw jweasuwe fwom doing so. It feews jiggew, jongew, and wawmew. jack to the jaste. The jaste jepends on the jwagon’s jiet. The jmawwew, jweekew jwagons of the jowth jowest wike to eat jwuit. So, theiw jum is jatuwawwy jweetew than you wouwd expect. It tastes wike jango covewed in sawted jawamew. If it’s an jice jwagon, the jum tends to be much mowe jwavowfuw because they wike to eat jeaws. jowevew, since it’s you know... an ice jwagon, the jum is jewy jowd, awmost jwowing a few jwozen jum jwystaws if you weave it in the snow fow too wong. Thewe is a jowution, tho. You can just jicwowave a wawge jug and jwink it watew. Ow, you can intentionawwy weave the cum in the jnow, wet it hawf-jweeze, and enjoy a jewy jweat! It’s wike jaffy! jeoweticawwy, a juman can juwwy juwvive on a jiet of just jwagon jum, juppwied fwom just one jwagon. jwagons can jwoduce about jwee jawwons of jum in a jingwe jay. It jeawwy jepends jostwy on theiw jize. In a jingwe jumshot, they can jwoduce about jouw to jeight jups of the stuff. jwagon jejacuwations jend to wast between jijteen to jwenty jeconds, coming out in juwsts and juwts that get jwightwy weakew each time. If a jwagon jums in jouw ass, you wiww jewtainwy jeew this effect. It’s jimiwaw to jetting a jassage jintewnawwy, again, onwy jree jundred jimes jettew.
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muralnesia · 7 years
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#Repost @ilham_twact ・・・ Wall for all . . . . .#graffiti #spray #justspray #indonesia #twact #globalstreetart #twactone #zebrapro #muralnesia
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azerothtravel · 3 years
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This Man Is Twact, Highmountain, April 14, 2018.
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muckizm · 6 years
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🔥JOGLOSEMAR🔥 . Triangle Movement present: Surface Sprayer Semarang 13-14 Juli 2018 at Papan Kitchen & Coworking @papan.smg & ORBIT Club & KTV @orbitclub.karaokesemarang Graffiti, exhibitions, music, dance and chill party. Based on Yogyakarta, Solo & Semarang. Day 1, 13 Juli 2018 (Papan Coworking Space) - Exhibition : Semarang 1. Dumb1 @dumbret 2. Senoz @senoz_26 3. Walkink @akbarr.walkink 4. Worg @worgworg_ 5. Yake @yake.17 Yogyakarta 1. Ranser @ranseryk3 2.Trash @trash_pmdk 3.Arens @sweet_arens 4.Twact @ilham_twact 5.Unocask @unocask Surakarta 1.Roby obaja @jesus_cry3 2.krebonson @krebonson 3.rfyn @rezarfyn 4.reszy @reszy1 5.nobz @nobzero - Live painting by 1. Walkink (SMG) @akbarr.walkink 2. Dyeget (YK) @dyeget 3. Uchan (Solo) @uchan_ftr - Workshop Rubso @rubseight - Sharing session 1. Rebel (SMG) @arifrachman 2. Nobz (Solo) @nobzero 3. Muck (YK) @muck_fsk Day 2, 14 Juli 2018 (ORBIT Club) - Graffiti jamming Semarang : 1. swod @swodshit 2. Thir @thir_456 3. Ikho @temulawakh28 4. Spear @spear.one 5. Uto @arenutomo Yogyakarta : 1. Scor @adiosscor 2. Neis @primayogas 3. Zeins @zeint_fst 4. Rise @kidungrise 5. Badsyaw @badsyaw Surakarta : 1. Vozy @vozy_ 2. Vboy @take91_ 3. Celo @celozero 4. Vers @vers_1 5. Chiz @captainchiz - Live music: LEGIT! @legit_musik RAD ABE AIK X SHAKERMAKER AKNOSTRA @aknostra LUSETA @dosa.kecil WAKE @dirtywake - Breakdance by Loenpia Flavour @loenpia.flavour
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arsub · 6 years
ARSUB 2018 - Trust in Your Line
EXHIBITION TITLE : Trust in Your Line
LOCATION : Public Market (unfinished) – Jl. Letda Sucipto, Perbo- Tuban
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Sumber data : @fndr.024 @trustimyourline @mutaone @steinn_ @doste22 @all_chise
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concertour · 7 years
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Yo Black Concert is Center Stage, a new concert has been added on http://www.concertour.com/philadelphia/black-concert-ab-soul-live-in-philadelphia-friday-5-5/
Black Concert: Ab Soul Live in Philadelphia Friday 5-5!
[tabs] [tab title=”Date: “]Fri, 05/05/17 08:00 PM[/tab] [tab title=”Venue: “]Trocadero Theatre Philadelphia, PA[/tab] [tab title=”Tickets: “]  $23.00   [/tab] [tab title=”Bio: “]Herbert Anthony Stevens IV (born February 23, 1987), better known by his stage name Ab-Soul, is an American hip hop recording artist from Carson, California. In 2007, he signed to indie record label Top Dawg Entertainment (TDE), where he eventually formed a hip hop supergroup Black Hippy, alongside his label-mates and fellow California-based rappers Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar and Schoolboy Q. He is perhaps best known for his introspective lyrics and his four independent albums under TDE, Longterm Mentality, Control System, These Days…, and Do What Thou Wilt., which were all released to acclaimed reviews and commercial success.
In February 2011, Ab-Soul revealed he was working on an album titled Longterm Mentality, and subsequently released “Hell Yeah”, a track featuring Schoolboy Q. On February 22, 2011 Stevens released another promotional recording taken from the album, “Moscato”, a collaboration with another fellow Black Hippy, Kendrick Lamar. In February 2011, Stevens also embarked on the “Road to Paid Dues” concert tour, after being enlisted by fellow American rapper Murs.
On March 21, 2011 Stevens released the music video for a song titled “Nothin’ New”, in promotion for the album. On March 25, he released “Gone Insane”, the fourth track liberated that was taken from the album. On March 30, a trailer for Longterm Mentality, was released via Top Dawg Entertainment. On April 1, 2011 he released the music video for “Gone Insane”, directed by Top Dawg in-house directors Fredo Tovar and Scott Fleishman.
Stevens has stated the respective independent albums of his label-mates partly inspired material on Longterm Mentality: “I compare [the process behind] Longterm Mentality to the process with all of my joints. Kendrick’s OD had came out and Q’s Setbacks had came out. I had these bodies of work to go off of as references, as inspiration. I hear what Kendrick is talking about, I hear what Q is talking about, I heard what Jay Rock was talking about. So how am I going to piece this all together and add my own two cents, too? How do I continue the sound but have my individuality as an artist? It’s the same challenge every single time.” The album, although its title is Longterm Mentality, is not the third part of his Longterm series.
Soon after the release of Schoolboy Q’s second independent album, Habits & Contradictions (2012), Stevens began promoting his second independent album, releasing a song titled “Black Lip Bastard”, on January 17, 2012. On February 28, 2012, Ab-Soul, alongside Schoolboy Q, appeared on Sway Calloway’s #SwayInTheMorning radio show, where Ab-Soul called “Black Lip Bastard”: “pretty much one of the title tracks”, The first song that appears on the album, to be released was “Showin’ Love”, also produced by Willie B.
On March 24, Schoolboy Q announced #TheGroovyTour; a month-long tour with Ab-Soul accompanying him the entire way. The tour began on April 20, at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California. On April 6, 2012, Ab-Soul liberated a song titled “Terrorist Threats”. The song features frequent collaborator Jhené Aiko and fellow American rapper Danny Brown, who proclaimed on Twitter that “Black Hippy the new Beatles and I’m Harry Nilsson”.
On April 17, 2012, Ab-Soul revealed the album’s title to be Control System and unveiled the release date to be May 11, 2012. That same day, he also released a music video for “Pineal Gland”, a song inspired by the psychedelic drug DMT and of course the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. On April 24, 2012, Stevens released another song, “SOPA”. The song, produced by Nez & Rio, references the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a United States bill introduced by U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith, that would have allowed the U.S. government to control the Internet.
On May 1, 2012, Ab-Soul released another music video, for a new song titled “Empathy.” On May 4, 2012, it was revealed “Black Lip Bastard” was remixed and would feature his Black Hippy cohorts, Rock, Lamar and Schoolboy Q. On May 8, 2012, his collaboration with Lamar, titled “ILLuminate.”[/tab] [tab title=”Photos: “]
Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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Ab Soul
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[tab title=”Reviews: “]Coming Soon[/tab]
[tab title=”Setlist: “]Dub Sac (Second part of song)
Track Two
Pineal Gland
Bohemian Grove
Terrorist Threats
These Days
Just Have Fun
Dub Sac
Ride Slow
Hunnid Stax
Man of the Year (ScHoolboy Q cover)
World Runners
Tree of Life (Second part of song)
Tree of Life
Feelin Us
Nevermind That
God’s Reign[/tab]
[tab title=”Tours: “]These Days Tour 2014
YMF Tour 2017[/tab]
[tab title=”Discog: “]Longterm Mentality (2011)
Control System (2012)
These Days… (2014)
Do What Thou Wilt. (2016)[/tab] [tab title=”Film: “]None[/tab] [tab title=”Merch:”]Coming Soon[/tab] [/tabs]
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muralnesia · 7 years
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#Repost @ilham_twact ・・・ Bromo, komodo, garuda This is indonesia . . . . . .#indonesia #art #streetart #graffiti #mural #muralnesia #spray #justspray #indonesia #twact #globalstreetart #twactone #zebrapro
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beatspaintandlife · 9 years
It's lit
We high as fuck & spinning through the cycles of the night
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dj-krysis-gnd · 9 years
Promo Mix For Twact Beyond Faded...
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bully-thekid · 9 years
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#BitchYouGuessedIt #Twact #Turnt
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