#twisted wonderland au polls
So I know I've got several different AUs already, and I adore all of them! But I've also got many more AU ideas that I've let fall by the wayside/only spoke about to a select few on a Discord server about, and I mainly stopped myself from pursuing them for reasons I don't even remember why.
And then I remembered that this is my blog, I can write whatever content and have as many AUs as I want! So I figured why not see what captures the interest and in what order I need to develop each one c:
I know Demon AU has been touched up on here, but outside of one post during Halloween...I kinda let it slip to the side, so my bad. 😓
In the meantime, though, these are the AUs I remember off the top of my head that I've started coming up with/developing cast/species/class wise. Depending on which order the interest falls, I'll go back and revamp them and start posting them to the blog as they come!
By the way, due to character limit in the poll, the D&D one is a pending concept that might be a bit trickier to work with, but I'm sure I can figure out a fun way to do it! It'll mostly focus on the characters having character classes rather than being different species, though if the different species thing seems like a more fun variation to deal with, I'll cross that bridge when it comes up. UvU
Hollow Knight AU will be similar in how I've been designing the Monster AU boys: they will have bug-like features, but their facial structures and other aspects will remain distinguishable.
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sinofthesloth · 7 months
Soulmate AU with Azul x reader but academic rival. (later on once school s You have the ability to share writing/doodles. You write mainly on your legs back in your world, and your soulmate never wrote back. You thought you didn't have a soulmate back in your world bc he never wrote back. (He couldn't see the ink bc you use black ink mainly. And that blends in with his tentacles.) Once you get to Ramshackle at the end of the night, you doodled little stars on your thigh since you couldn't sleep, only for someone to write in cursive asking what you were doing up so late, and why of all times were you trying to talk to him now. You realized that when he wrote on your leg, it slightly itched. You explained that you couldn't sleep. "Shit kinda hit the fan today." You asked why only now he was responding to your drawings.
"Why are you only now responding to my drawings?"
"First time I had the chance to notice them. Have you always used black ink?"
"Yeah? Why?"
"I wouldn't be able to notice them."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"I will explain it at least a date. Right now, I need to get some sleep. I have school and from how you said today was bad," He circled the 'shit kinda hit the fan today message' "You might need some sleep too. Goodnight."
You finished writing your own goodbye and add a little star. He added a kinda shit drawing of a figure eight fish.
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f-smutt-fitzgerald · 1 year
Not that anyone asked for it, but what would you guys think of a TWST cyberpunk AU where Idia is the main villain?
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Like... Hear me out, in a world where everything is run by technology and everyone has cybernetic enhancements... Idia could absolutely fuck some shit up.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 7 months
Would you guys be okay if I did my own song ideas for the 200 follower event? I'd still be taking requests from you guys, but I just wanna add some of my favorite songs too!
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sbk-zgvlt · 5 months
So that I have something to look forward to tomorrow after my history exam....
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wildnya · 4 months
centaur au poll incoming soon!
Wild is trying to decide what riddle's assigned animal should be and he's narrowed it down to two. vote which one you'd like more on our writing blog once it's posted!
there will be a quick summary of why he's decided on these two choices posted first, then we will post the poll in the reblog. but if y'all got any suggestions before it's up you can pop into our inbox on our WRITING BLOG and give us a quick run down of why you're suggesting that animal.
we would prefer you go through our inbox as it will be easiest for us to keep track of, but if you feel more comfortable giving your thoughts through a DM or in the comments of the post that's alright too! just please, for the love of all things holy, don't put it in the tags or a reblog. it would be a huge pain for us, especially in the tags, to keep track of and we are not going to go through the trouble.
also do not suggest hedgehog, flamingo, or anything that is totally outta left field we don't want to have to look up any animals/mythical creatures that aren't mainstream in media in general. (yes we know Deuce would fit this category but Wild is the main writer for the au and has special admin privileges) (also it's funny)
anyway, look forward to the poll! see you soon my lovelies~
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sky-neverending · 24 days
Carrie AU!!! Carrie is about a girl with a super religious mom who gets bullied relentlessly. She gets her revenge when she learns she has telepathy and basically goes haywire at prom when she gets pigs blood poured on her and then…. kills everyone? basically, girl gets bullied, girl gets revenge.
who out of these twst boys would be a good Carrie?
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Silly Poll
I want to get some good data for this, so if you vote, please reblog ^v^
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miss-atena · 3 months
My brain is soooo full of little TWST aus I could post about or make fics... And I kinda want to revive my AO3...
I'll explain the one that wins (idea for vague plot and small world building), and the others I will post stuff here and there. Maybe. If I remember it. We'll see
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So...a little context behind this poll.
Lately, I've felt like I accidentally pigeonholed myself into trying to control what I write and post when it comes to my longer fics. It's been frustrating finding myself stuck and trying to figure out how to get out of that block, and as a result I've been trying to work on personal projects involving my own OCs with Twisted Wonderland just so I can feel like I've done something productive.
I have ideas for the stories from previous polls. I know what I want to do. But I just...got so stuck on one specific fic I promised to finish writing and post first, and now I'm literally stuck trying to get the words flowing. So I had a thought while trying to answer an ask:
Why not do a little rewrite of the very post here that began the Monster!AU and blossomed it into what could possibly be my most popular AU on this blog? (Seriously, thank you all so much who love the AU, I did not expect it to get as popular as it did ;;v;; )
It won't be a full-on prologue rewrite like I said before (possibly up to when Yuu gets taken to Ramshackle and mini!Yuu goes with Crowley and the other staff for the night, though we shall see where inspiration takes me), but I want to flesh it out more with the worldbuilding I've done so far. I also want to expand upon the fact that while these boys may have some humanoid features, they are--in fact--monsters compared to Yuu. I feel like it'll be a fun challenge, like a "before and after" art challenge people tend to do with old drawings, except with writing!
Let me know what you guys think! Poll will close in a day.
And from now on, I'm going to just...let myself be as creative as I want to be and just post whatever I get inspired to finish rather than trying to plan it out. I want you guys to enjoy the stuff I create just as much as I have fun brainstorming and developing all these ideas you all have sent me ;;v;;
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 15 days
Au smoothie recipe #1
Welp... We have a recipe here :v
Thankfully it's not me cooking real food. Y'all aren't ready for THAT bandwagon. :'D
But I got boooorrrreeeed... And when I got boooorrrreeeed, I do stupid shit.
So I put a poll, a bit hidden, I admit. And got the results :3
It shouldn't have been a surprise that if I combine 3 of my most popular aus, that thing will be picked.
Maybe, in the future, I'll hold a surprise poll from time to time for another Au smoothie. Dw, the previous options that didn't win will be featured too, so you can have another shot at them. :3
Now... For our recipe! We need a bowl, then we put in:
2 cups of my first P5 Au
1 cup of Jumanji Au
5 tablespoons of DR Au.
mandatory quarter bottle of crack(fic genre)
Stirr well and wait for it to grow a bit. Sprinkle in some angst and fluff upon likes of y'all. Then put it in the mixer, add aprox a mental breakdown of your fave punching bag character and wait for the reading speed of your fave ship's new fic on a good day on the fastest option of the mixer. Pour it in a nice glass and add a pretty explanation format straw.
There you have it! :D
Honestly it took way more than I expected, but here we are :'3
Now let us enjoy this drink!
Alright... Let's start with where we starting like usual! Background! :D
We have your normal twst, except that it isn't normal. Due to the magic being rare amongst your usual, adult, crowd, it's more of a 1 in 10 people actually having magic. This complicates things for mages schools as they need students as well.
The reason I specifically said 'adult crowd', is because blot levels were very, VERY, sensible. To the point overblots are quite easy to achieve. And having do few people actually having magic, it was a given that technology compensated for it.
It's also mostly since, initially, some mages don't make it past 20 if they overBlot. It's not a common case, neither is it extremely rare. It is seen mostly like an incurable, spontaneous, illness. You are guaranteed to die if you overBlot and might also take some other people with you too.
But, since we were talking about magic schools, in order to compensate, the elite schools introduced the term of 'ultimate'. The best of the best at something. It allows for teens with incredible talents, weather they have magic or not, to hone their craft and thus work in the world with their talent. An ultimate was basically like a free entry to any university centered around the talent in question. Those people were hunted down by companies and marked for them endless opportunities in their craft aera.
Once the said ultimate finishes school, they lose that title, but that doesn't mean that their talent is gone too, hence why this hype. It allows for multiple people to gain this title in time. Hence, schools are doing this testing yearly, in case of someone previously known as no ultimate talent to suddenly have one, bcs the one before them left it.
Thus, the title of ultimate was much more wanted and respected than the title of mage.
Since an ultimate was hard to determine, for such thing, powerful magic artefacts of introspection were used. Such artefacts were so rare, most of them were the only exemplary altogether. Those were special due to their ability to peer in someone's mind and memories and able to tell if that person has a draw to something, a hidden talent or more.
The most powerful and well known artefact of this kind was, of course, the dark mirror.
Now, fast forward to our time. We have Lilia's 2nd year orientation. This year, Silver was starting his first year as well. Of course, before the 1st years were even introduced at all, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years all have to be examined for an ultimate change. Clearly there were a few rare cases for such thing and Lilia was not amongst them. He was an exceptional mage, but with no ultimate.
So far, one who did get a title change, was Trey, who gained his 'ultimate baker' title. He was the only one out of our (in game) 3rd year main cast. :3
As for the 2nd(in game) years, they first get assigned their ultimates. And thus they are introduced to how this whole thing works:
The dark mirror looks in one's soul and tells them their talent. But because this is such an intimate soul search, only the one evaluated gets to hear, then they only sign if they had an ultimate, OPTIONALLY specify what exactly, and let the mirror go on the normal way to assign them a dorm.
The only exception is the Ramshackle students, who are magicless, thus they automatically have an ultimate.
Lilia only takes note of a few particular students. First of all, there was this Azul guy, who got in Octavinelle, but didn't sign the register of ultimates, followed by a pair of twins who both signed. There was a hyena boy, put in Savanaclaw, with no ultimate, then the next particular one was the infamous Asim and his buddy, who both signed in the register.
Then, there was one last guy before Silver. Lilia particularly kept an eye on him, because his son was next, thus his attention was lazer focused on the ceremony now.
The guy seemed hesitant. By how he looked at the register for a hot second, Lilia knew that the guy hesitated before marking something off on the register and leaving in a hurry.
Then it came to Silver! And he got an ultimate! Yay! :D
Silver was the ultimate dream analyst and in diasomnia to boot, thus Lilia was extremely happy for his son. Malleus, who attended this year, was also down to congratulate Silver, since he as well had an ultimate: the ultimate librarian. The oddest of talents one would associate with THE Malleus Draconia, but the latter seemed very happy with it.
Lilia did ask Silver what was up with the guy before him. Silver says that he and one of the twins that went first caused a small commotion, but the twin got thrown across the room while the older years were examinated, which made people to believe that the short guy was a freakishly strong mage.
Lilia advises Silver to put up good with the guy and maybe they could be friends and study together. It would be in his benefit after all.
The guy before Silver was none other than Riddle, who was pretty shaken up by what ultimate he was assigned. He was given an ultimate, but the said ultimate was a controversial one, thus he specifically wrote in the registry 'do not mention at any cost', which gave away the idea that it was something private, shameful at best and downright dangerous at worst.
This is why specifying was optional. There could be good talents, titles that can bring opportunities and then there could be titles that put in danger people by their mere name alone.
And Riddle himself would take to the grave his talent.
On his first night in the dorm, the redhead was forced to call his mother, but he lied and told her that he had no ultimate title. It came with a berating session and an abrupt call, but Riddle found it better than the actual truth.
Back to Diasomnia, Lilia had to deal with one lil unexpected surprise: Floyd. Floyd didn't want at all in this dorm. He wanted specifically to be with his twin and Azul, who both were in Octavinelle. Lilia figured that these 2 could've been in any other place, thus it wasn't a bias towards some dorm. And Floyd was cranky and refused to even go to dinner.
In between us, maybe that was the best call Floyd ever did out of his pettiness that night.
Silver reported the next day that Floyd didn't want to talk to him at all. He only glared and puffed, which, frankly, was pretty hard to understand exactly what bothered him.
What Lilia did not expect tho, was that after the first school day, to meet with Azul and Jade. Azul declared loud and proud that he needs to talk with Malleus, which got Lilia surprised, because not even mages with ultimates would speak about such things as if Malleus was their equal. Of course, the latter was polite and Jade was, more or so, silent in this matter.
Upon a small talk towards diasomnia dorm, Lilia finds out that Jade's ultimate was actually private and so was Floyd's. Only Azul knows about those and he also said he won't disclose unless the twins request that of him.
At Diasomnia, watch Malleus be absolutely bewildered. He's doing the shocked Pikachu face for a solid 10 minutes when Lilia told him about Azul wanting to talk to him and the said 2nd year also presenting himself next to his vice, fully ready to have the said talk and addressing to Malleus in a friendly and polite manner, but most importantly, friendly. He was friendly with him. No one on this ever loving earth did this befoe(except Silver) and for Malleus it was mind-blowing.
Meanwhile, Floyd hung only around Jade and only talked with Jade. The latter reprimanded his twin for wearing his dorm uniform sloppily, but it wasn't that important, as Jade assured his brother that Azul's taking care of things.
As for the discussion, Malleus notes that Azul is no Dormhead, nor does he bring fame to his name, thus what is the purpose of this conversation. The latter admits to it, but his purpose is to transfer Floyd into Octavinelle. Azul points out the fact that Floyd was uncooperative and in a foul mood all day. And he warns that it will only get worse as time goes by. So Azul's merely taking this problem off Malleus's shoulders, but if he wants something in exchange, a service or material gain, the latter could arrange to fit the criteria.
And Malleus thinks for a bit. He sees it as such: 'this bold human came to him to discuss a matter of transfer so that Malleus won't have to deal with Floyd's moods. Not only that, but he also offers anything in his capability to compensate for the transfer.'. Clearly, from all of this, Malleus was the one in gain. The Fae saw no problem in Floyd just hanging out outside of the dorm or after classes, but Azul insisted on that transfer and, frankly, why not actually get a gain out of it, since it was so important.
And so, Malleus puts his terms on the table: he wants an engagement in between them. Azul is absolutely taken aback by this, not having any idea what to say. This guy is asking for an engagement of all things. Sure, if it's a business engagement or a temporary service, Azul would've said yes in a heartbeat. But Malleus said it was just an engagement. A plain engagement. Of course, Azul's mind jumped to the base meaning of the term used alone.
So he asks for a few seconds to talk to the twins about it. In truth, in those few seconds, Azul merely looked at the 2 from a distance, the twins unaware the latter came in the same room before Azul already went back.
And he accepts, insisting that he will be a loyal spouse in all there is to be. Seeing this declared dedication, besides signing Azul's um contract, Malleus also binds the 2 of them with the engagement tie, a Fae traditional spell which ties together 2 or more future spouses and tells other Fae off from engaging in any action that might affect the tie, including bringing harm onto one of the tied.
Azul accepts it and as such, tells the latter that tomorrow he will come to officially settle the matters of the transfer. The contract Malleus signed was used only for Floyd's transfer, as such Azul insisted that he must show this first to his dormleader and make the formal proceedings with him as well.
Malleus is just fucking happy. He got himself a friendly guy to stay around with and he also prevented a future problem from taking place, by helping the pair of twins to also be happy. He feels proud of himself, because it's a win-win in his eyes. :3
And Azul pointed, rather as a small talk, that a grotesque at the window was pretty, which Malleus immediately was over the moon since 'YES! SOMEONE FINALLY UNDERSTANDS THE DIFFERENCE!'. His lil mind is doing flips atm for choosing a good engagement partner.
Yeah, Malleus, dear... That's not how things work, but go off I guess. :'D
When the twins heard about the actual deal, they lost their shit. Floyd wanted to barehandedly strangle Malleus, insisting that Azul went too far for this. Jade is the more rational one, saying that they are talking about one of the strongest mages in existence. Malleus thought he gained something through this engagement, but if they play their cards right, they could use the fae for their own gain. After all, if Malleus breaks off the engagement, then it's clearly no big loss for Azul as long as they keep on professional terms at least. Jade tries to see the positive side in all of this, which, frankly, was quite a bit to take in account.
Especially since Malleus, fully set on being an exemplary spouse, complies to any and all proceedings Azul mentions. Not only that, but Malleus's status alone intimidated the 3rd year Octavinelle Dormhead into giving out his position to Azul, as a means of getting on the fae's good side.
Of course, Azul insisted for the engagement to be kept private, for the sole purpose of not influencing his hard work. Malleus didn't want to comply to that, but upon Lilia also insisting on this, he had to throw in the towel on that matter. It wasn't the last of it in Malleus's eyes, but he's going to accept defeat for now.
While that was going on, we also have Riddle siezing his Dormhead position on his first day of school, the fastest leader change in the school history, along with Scarabia enjoying their newly renovated dorm, and later down the line, Kalim becoming a Dormhead, with Jamil as his vice.
Along those, there were a few overBlot cases, but, again, it wasn't something particularly rare. It was an unfortunate reality, but students had to get used to this grimm truth, hence why there were special blot courses, meant to try and prevent mages from overusing their magic. Only 3 overblots this year! A surprisingly small amount!
That was also because of shadows. Some new blot branch, manifested as these monsters of desire that ran wild. Normal magic seems to do nothing against them, Malleus's magic as well, rendered useless, so you either had to get physical, entrap it or run away. It made the blot level to decrease considerably and not pile up that easy anymore.
What was also a notable event, was the rise of the Phanthom thief. One individual who is able to destroy these Phanthoms by summoning strange magical spirits, of course, not without stealing the object the shadows latched onto. Most times it's just jewelry, hence the title of 'Phanthom thief'. Those people want their jewellery back after all. :'3
They do get found, mostly in the lost and found cardboard box Crowley put next to the teachers lounge. So there's usually a pile of people there after the thief sighting.
Now that we have the background, we can finally get a taste of the plot. :'D
We start off with Epel and Ortho. Epel was surprised to see a robot of all people getting taken in the school. Ortho took interest in Epel, after the latter apparently ran into a fight with Vil of all people. Slowly, while waiting for their turns, the 2 clicked together and befriended each other.
Epel was first, getting assigned the title of 'ultimate carver', while Ortho was given 'ultimate programer'. He was very happy since it matched with his big brother's ultimate too!
Both get yeeted in different dorms. Ortho in Ignihyde, while Epel in Poemfiore. Still they managed to exchange numbers and are more than hyped about the possibility of sharing classes together.
They don't share almost any class. And besides, Sebek was in Ortho's class, which Epel didn't like the loud cabbage. Ortho tho, was willing to give the latter a chance at least, since they were deskmates. (Sebek, you have to comply to the friendship attempts for F's sake)
It turns out Sebek's actually a pretty cool guy. As the ultimate bodyguard, he was more than happy to share his training routine with Epel, who immediately was down on trying to train with him. Ortho was content with simply watching from the sidelines and remininding these 2 try-harders to keep themselves hydrated and not collapse on the ground.
As for our pre-established peeps, Lilia was not happy with Malleus's lack of implication in his engagement. At this point he popped rarely to see Azul. The latter would give him fridge notes with the dormleader meetings, but Malleus forgot about them and thus Lilia couldn't say he wasn't warned in advance. So he mostly nags him for forgetting.
There's also our lovely Octa-trio who are thriving. Azul's engagement was forgotten a few times, if it wasn't for Malleus just popping at a convenient time. Azul always wore gloves, so the mark on his hand wasn't seen by anyone except the twins and Malleus, who had the same mark too.
There's also Heartslabyul, who are actually pretty chill. Riddle felt so bad trying to reprimand his dorm members, but when they did go over the line, they would get collared. The line was pretty high, but it could've been much higher if Riddle didn't feel that sense of guilt. Cater did bring it up a few times and Trey also tried to talk with the redhead about this, but it proved futile last year, so this year they didn't try it out yet.
Now, we have to follow a bit Adeuce, Yuu and Grim. Yuu was a magicless and titless student, who was brought as a mistake and unable to return to their world. Thus they were welcomed in Ramshackle to stay and serve their job as a school janitor. Grim also joined them as a 2 parter and things mostly go like in cannon, except that this time, their official school position is 'school assistant' and not prefect.
The difference is that when Ace steals the tart, he meets a not so excited Riddle, who was literally too tired to deal with this bullshit. He collars Ace and tells him that tomorrow he should replace the eaten tart, for the upcoming unbirthday party. The ginger doesn't take it lightly, him understanding that basically he's kicked out of the dorm. So he stomps away, pretty mad about it.
It takes Riddle a bit to realise that Ace actually left the dorm, so he tries to catch up with him and prevent Ace from bothering some other dorm at this ungodly hour.
That's when he runs into some shadows and a blot monster that followed from the mines.
That's also when we find out that Riddle was the said Phanthom thief all along. The fight drains him out completely, thus the redhead had to abandon his initial task of retrieving Ace, which translated as a poorly slept night and a cranky morning. Naturally, Trey and Cater called out the redhead when he was a bit too harsh, but in the end, Riddle did comply and insisted that he'll take some rest before the unbirthday party.
Still, Riddle's mood wasn't better all day. Everything was just piling up, including Adeuce and their shenanigans along the magicless student with no title and that lil monster of theirs. Still, to show some hospitality and settle the matters straight, Riddle forgives Ace, demands for the maroon tart to be put in the kitchen fridge and eaten after the party and indulges for Yuu and Grim to participate as well.
Trey and Cater fill in our braincell club about the fact that Riddle gives easy into his emotions, but he doesn't mean harm at all. You just have to get used to the more important rules and you are good to go.
Of course, chaos wasn't yet over. When the magishift tournament gets announced, ofc like in cannon, Crowley is out for cheese so our gang investigates these misterious accidents.
On another side, Ortho is very happy since his brother finally allowed him to get in the magishift team this year. Epel and Sebek do congratulate their buddy, knowing that Ortho, at least, was very hyped about magishift. Not enough to actually join the club, but the thrill of the tournament was the primary factor after all.
Although, Sebek really wanted to bring in question the fact that this robot boy had pretty darn powerful weapons at a finger's disposal. Sebek really doubted that wasn't a factor in Idia's skepticism on the matter.
The 3 were also in the Ignihyde lounge, since it was the quietest place and little to none was there a chance they would get interrupted by someone.
Still, they get cut off by Idia himself, who was pretty serious. The latter didn't even try to be gentle about it, he cut it straight to the case: Ortho was denied of being in the magishift line-up. This, of course, got Ortho enraged. Like what do you mean you allow him and then immediately take it back?! Bro... Settle on the matter already!
Idia tho, insists that, as his big brother, he couldn't let Ortho on the line-up on a good consciousness. This raises some questions from Epel and Sebek, since they did hear Idia declare things before to Ortho and usually he stated 'as your dormhead', meaning that this was not an official thing.
After Idia does leave, Epel brings it up the said phrase change. Ortho also seems to finally pick it up and wonder about it. He says that usually Idia reminds him that he's the oldest, mostly when he's trying to tell 'I'm worried for you and you are my responsibility', thus downplaying the actual severity of the situation as just him overreacting. It was a big red flag for the 3 once they trace down the fact that Idia must've had some important reason for his refusal. A reason concerning Ortho's safety first and foremost.
Thus, they also start investigating! :D
They run into our braincell club, who were there to question Ortho and Sebek, since these 2 were promising first years on the line-ups, further proving that Idia didn't change the line-up yet or was a spontaneous decision caused by smth.
Riddle's also there, saying that he, himself, was staged for such an accident, but Trey took the fall. So they want to prevent other students from getting into similar accidents.
Except that it seems that the accident was meant to happen now, as Ortho's senzors go hairwire, causing the latter to immediately 'drop dead'. It's a technique the latter explains is for safety reasons, when controlling magic tries to get a hold of his body. Something tried to control his body and the system's magic detectors went off. Thus Ortho adapted and went limp, specifically to confuse whoever tried to get a hold of his body.
We get to see Ruggie (courtesy of Sebek's loud yelling) and the hyena boy tries to play it cool.
Except that Riddle catches his hand mid act, revealing that Ruggie stole Adeuce, Epel and Sebek's pens already and wanted to take the redhead's and Cater's too. Of course, being held down, Ruggie had to give them away and Riddle collared him as well, trying to take him to his dorm and hold a proper questioning there.
Ruggie tho, uses the first second Riddle shows any vulnerability/distraction to yank himself off and run, collar on still. Riddle was too tired to keep up the pace and Sebek with Epel were helping Ortho back up. But fear not! Ace's the ultimate lucky student, so surely they could have a chance. Right?
Wrong. :'D
But they had a collar on Ruggie! Surely that could count for smth!
Apparently not, since the very next day, Ruggie has no collar and everything is going fine for him. He was avoiding the 2 investigation groups tho, which made it especially hard when other savanaclaw students were suddenly hit by that pack solidarity.
Although, Riddle was fuming. Like man had literally 0 tolerance now. He saw Ruggie, off he was to find an excuse to bend the guy in half. He saw the hyena and immediately he saw red. So the others usually holded him from actually starting a nasty fight.
Ortho tho, does some actual pin-pointing and violates some privacy laws, but he gets Ruggie's latest transactions, on Leona's card, ofc. A few were made at the Monstro Lounge, which was a bit sus. So Ortho decides to look further into it, especially since he knew well that Azul had some soft eyes for Idia, thus here comes the baby brother perk of softening Azul's guard enough to allow Ortho to have a small 'study session' with Azul. The payment, ofc, was made too.
The 3 find out that Azul has no ultimate and he admits that having an ultimate seems a bit grounding for some. There was that expectation put on the ultimates. At the same time, an ultimate title was something Azul wished he had. He wished he would be apart of the school elites: the mages with an ultimate to boot. Alas, he declares that he's well off for himself and his main priority is his flourishing business. :3c
But, of course, there's a perfectly convenient commotion outside, which gets Azul to leave Ortho alone for a bit. In response, Ortho manages to hack through the safe password and look through the golden contracts. He finds Leona's contract pretty easy since it was fresh atm. He does photograph it and puts it back, making sure Azul won't suspect anything.
So post that, Ortho shows Epel and Sebek the said contract, which was for a magic enchanting potion. The 3 want to show this to the other investigation team, but it seems like both had in mind to meet up, because the braincell club find them and requested of Sebek to send to Malleus a warning.
Apparently the braincell club meet with Jack, who helped them piece together the whole scheme regarding the accidents. And now Riddle was devising a plan to counter this.
Ortho, Epel and Sebek bring up the potion contract. Riddle assures them that he'll get that taken care of. The exchange was meant to be on the tournament morning, so there was a small window where the potion is at Ruggie and thus, the prime time to take it. Azul would have his contract fulfilled and thus there couldn't be handed a replacement.
The big day comes and finally, our shortie gang all are all meeting each other. Riddle came in later, showing that he did get the potion. The how was irrelevant in the redhead's words.
Still, there's a bigass sandstorm, which does manage to hit the decoy diasomnia team. Leona and Savanaclaw still cheer for their supposed 'win', so our group had to burst their bubble. :'3
Cue overBlot fight! :D
Post that shit, things mostly wrap up like in cannon, with the mention that Ortho got his place in the magishift team, despite Idia forbidding him at first. :3
Post that, finally the realisation sinks in everyone's heads. Leona overBlotted. And survived! No one died that day and everyone started to look at the lion Beastman as some alive legend. No one thought it was remotely possible to be snapped out of overBlot and survive, but here he was, in flesh and bones.
So, at the end of the day, Leona didn't win any tournament, but he got a title of 'the first'. He was the first ever recorded person to overBlot and survive it.
But, this wasn't a long lived hot topic.
Because, right after the tournament, a body was discovered in the Savanaclaw lounge. It was drowned in the pool and students were freaking out since 'wtf is this?!'. Azul, naturally, was spooked, since that student was from his dorm and he looked yesterday all over for him since he was on inventory duty today. The student was one with no ultimate, just with magic, so Azul didn't see why they would have anything remotely to envy at first glance. Still, he gets his way to be mainly involved in the investigation as the Dormhead of the deceased.
That seemed to strike a fear in everyone for a bit. Still, Riddle tried to concentrate with his studies.
Except that, because of the said death, the teachers also had a load of bullshit to take in account, so Riddle found himself on detention overlooking duty.
And it so happened that one detention, he had to supervise Epel, Ortho and Lilia cleaning the basement. It seemed like Crowley always said that the detention punishment wasn't at the latitude of the teachers, but the all universal ✨basement cleaning✨. So really, Riddle knew by now that it didn't matter how grave the mistake was, the punishment was the same.
The 4 end up passing some time and clean a bit, until Ortho stumbles upon a box of goodies. Inside there were old comics, photos, letters and other trinkets. You can imagine these 4 had a blast when they read the sappy romance letters from a girl. The old comics were still well kept, so they also gave them a quick read, even if the pages were yellowed from the time and dust gathered on them.
The photos tho, showed a boy from Ignihyde, quite young, smiling happily. They couldn't really say that the guy resembled anyone they knew, but in a few photos he had a kitten, just as big as his palm. There were also some photos with a girl too, or with other boys that were his colleagues. Pretty standard things.
Riddle did wonder what does such a personal box have to be in a school basement? The answer comes at the bottom of the box, where there's another box, but this time it was a board game, titled 'Jumanji'. Being excited over the game, the group unknowingly ditched the cleaning and got a table to set it up and play.
Cue choosing characters. Ortho got first, while Riddle had to pick the very last character left. Lilia did bring up that the redhead looked uneasy, even seemed like he dreaded to play a character meant to be a thief, but Epel just says that it might be because it's a thief and it only adds up to the pile of 'rulebreaker' characters Riddle despises.
Cue the game actually being fucking cursed. :'D
So the 4 now got their characters's species and powers. Lilia was probably the chillest one. Ortho tho, was absolutely bewildered, since, unlike the rest, when he woke up from the knockout, all of his robot pieces were on the floor. The rest do question that tho. :v
It turns out Ortho was a human. But he was meant to be dead if it wasn't for his big brother making an armour meant to keep him alive and allow him to enjoy life like any other person. Ortho keeps his big brother in high-regards for this, so to see that he was fully healed and in top shape, is a miracle. He never thought he would catch a day where he could wear normal clothes and actually feel the fabric itself on his body. He was SO thrilled about it.
Epel and Riddle tho, were in the unhappy corner. Epel bcs 'I'm not a fucking macho strong fish :(' and Riddle bcs 'I literally changed species, I'm so screwed'.
The 4 tho, still have to play the game and finish it. :v
If you know my jumanji oneshot, it goes almost like in there, with the mention that there wasn't a parent-teacher meet, rather a meeting with parents regarding the overBlot and the death of the Octavinelle student.
Azul wasn't at all pleased with the verdict given, regarding the murder. The students were more focused now on the shortie gang and their game adventures and the adults were buying Crowley's statements because they didn't know any other detail.
The Verdict in question? The student commited suicide. Now, Azul was ruled out of the equation, because he was his Dormhead and it wasn't exam period, nor did that particular student made any deal. They seemed happy with their paycheck and pretty carefree from other students's Intel. Still, look where they are now. The friend group of the deceased was getting questioned and Azul found himself going in between those questionings, to try and prolong the investigation.
Malleus, again, was more than passive, so Azul couldn't count on him. Floyd was pretty shaken up by the jumanji adventure, or at least the things he saw going on in the lounge and Jade was helping with the damage control, even if everything was magically fixed at the end.
He instead counts on Idia, the ultimate robotics engineer, to help him out, by trying to see on the cameras any trace of the victim. Azul gave the dates and managed to narrow it down to a specific interval. After that, the cameras cut off due to the implemented 'sleep hour', to make the electricity bill cheaper. Again, a decision done by crow man, which Azul found to be damning at best.
Idia also opens up a bit and tells Azul about this jumanji game and how Ortho gave him nearly a heart attack. He was so caught off-guard by this sudden reality-bending magic and how it healed Ortho in an instant and also added some height too. Rosehearts was a dragon, Epel a siren, Vanrogue a vampire. And all with '3 lives' as stated by the younger Shroud. Idia found it wierd, but after that parent meeting, the game was, apparently 'finished'. Before Azul could ask about the game, Idia says that Ortho and his buddies destroyed it, because it was 'something that shouldn't be used by anyone'.
Azul also takes note of it.
Meanwhile, back to our shortie gang, it had to go back to getting used to the changes made by the game. Trein was a nice man and helped them out, even if sometimes these mfs would get annoying with questions about those old photos and letters. :'3
Still, now that they grew closer, the group also observed how reserved Riddle was. He would dissappear at certain times and no one knew where he was. Trey said that this happened even last year, so it wasn't something unusual. He just goes deadbeat for an hour or so, then he's back like nothing happened.
The new nurse was also Riddle's father, who explained that, at the moment, the home life is a bit rocky so he understands if his son needs some space alone. After all, he came to NRC as a nurse to put some distance in between him and his wife, now future ex due to the upcoming divorce.
So in desire to show their support, Epel, Ortho and Lilia try to hang-out more with Riddle. Help him out and overall trying to 'keep his mind off the home life' for a while.
Riddle finds this absolutely troublesome. :v
It is through this insistence and the absolute shitshows these 3 caused when they followed him in the middle of the night, that the redhead has to come clean and say 'hey, it's not about my home life, it's about the shadows roaming around.'. He was stressed because the shadows were in an all-time height, always 3 or 4 roaming per night. Riddle was overwhelmed by those. He was the ultimate thief, a talent that helped him manifest a persona and be able to fight the shadows.
Epel and Ortho are so hyped by the idea that their buddy over here was THE phantom thief. Like, please, they want a slice of that action too. Lilia seems to be the more rational one and says that maybe, since everything's overwhelming, Riddle should tell exactly what he needs. They could help him. What are friends for, after all?
They also tell this to Trein, because he was also the one who basically has them under a protective wing of sorts. The latter vows to keep the secret and so, he may sometimes indulge Riddle falling asleep in his class. :'3
Up until the exam period, shadows roam around so much that it runs poor Riddle dry. It doesn't help that, because of their involvement in this and the dire situations it puts them in, the rest of the squad also unlocks personas. Imagine their hype when they also get badass costumes and weapons too. Although the hype is a bit salty when they realise only Riddle could have multiple personas. Thus he was deemed the leader of the thief operations.
Watch Trein get even more grey hairs due to these mfs. :'3
BUT! Exams also come around. Riddle did indulge to have Sebek and Silver to join their small study group for the exams. The 2 weren't much of a bother. Jack also joined down the line, when he said that Adeuce weren't that keen on learning and Yuu was way too busy trying to study and also teach Grim.
They get noice scores. Ortho even scores a 99, second highest after Riddle, so he rubs it in Epel's face. :'D
But, this also starts the chain of anemones. From Epel's Intel, Jack went with Yuu to Octavinelle to address the anemone problem. Riddle tho, insists that he doesn't want to get involved with Azul's shady shit at all, especially the anemones.
Cue the braincell club doing sum shit, Azul overblotting and even more shadows roaming around post that.
Again, no one died from the overBlot, which was another miracle. Students were stunted about this. :v
Also we get Malleus barging in because he felt the engagement mark and, unfortunately, in all of his panic he forgot he could've actually teleported. The only time this guy doesn't use his magic for trivial things is the only time it actually proves to be important. :'3
In all this chaos, Floyd's transfer contract gets destroyed. Which meant, by the terms, that Floyd would have to transfer to Diasomnia, as he couldn't stay in Octavinelle anymore. Ofc, the latter instead transfers to Heartslabyul, thus abusing of a loophole in the contract. Riddle was taken aback by this sudden addition, but he indulged it, since Floyd stood almost 24/7 in Octavinelle to help Azul recover from his overBlot.
Also we have Malleus trying to be a better fiancé and actually take care of Azul. Finally Lilia punted sum sense in his thick af skull. :'3
The next day, in Octavinelle, a body is discovered. Malleus discovers it when he went to fetch sum food for Azul. Clearly, at that, Azul ditched the bed and immediately was on to investigate before crow man or anyone else would come and tamper with it.
It was a Scarabia student and he was clearly murdered. Azul had a bad feeling about it, so he calls in Idia, saying to come here and check the lounge's cameras.
Again, during this 'sleep hour' the cameras were off, which was wierd, since Azul swore that the lounge cameras were independent of the school ones. He asked Idia to run a few diagnostics on the cameras, but nothing was out of the ordinary, besides the fact that those were manually set to turn off at the 'sleeping hour'.
Malleus doesn't understand all this, so he demands of Azul to tell him why is Idia involved, why there was a literal murder in the lounge and why was Azul all over this? Leona only did the formalities and complied when that student died in his dorm. Why does Azul keep on making things so difficult for police and staff to proceed with a conclusion?
Azul says that something is fishy. That the verdicts are wrong. Crowley is padding up this thing to make it seem like some depressed students just ending it all. Indeed, the Verdict was the very same as in the case of the first victim, which was enough for Azul to link those 2 together.
Malleus was just not understanding anything. Idia had a vague idea, but both were in the dark about wtf is Azul onto. Like this dude has no chill when he clearly needs to rest. :'v
Meanwhile, for Riddle, things were awkward. Now, don't get him wrong, things were pretty messy around now. Still, the main reason for his awkwardness was that he both got to dating Floyd of all people, but the divorce case will commence during the winter holiday, so he'll be obligated to attend and his mother will see what happened to him.
Ortho is all like: 'if you want, we can hack in the legal files and add homicide on your mother's'. Ah yes, the easy way out :3
This time, Lilia sees the winter holiday as fit to have Malleus deal with his romance problems. He has to work with this guy, bcs Sebek can and will unintentionally rizz people, while Silver has that dad approval™ in getting a date.
But Malleus? Malleus would be the whole package, IF he wasn't so incapable of picking social cues. Someone has to educate him and by heavens Lilia would be that person.
So while trying to work on this, they hear that Azul is still looking into the murder case, which brought him and the twins in Scarabia. So seeing it as a perfect setting, Lilia yeets Malleus in there and hopes that maybe Kalim's friendly and outgoing personality will rub onto Malleus a bit.
Malleus comes back 3 days later and explains that an overBlot occurred and the next morning, some poemfiore student was found dead, stabbed by the fountain head. So Azul again jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon. :'D
But what Azul finds, this time, is something odd... More exactly the blood placement. It looked too artificially put. So he deems it fit to ask Jade about it.
Now it turns out, Jade is the ultimate evidence analyst, thus he could determine things such as counterfeits or unnatural marks on things. And indeed, just as Azul predicted, the blood was fake. It was placed there to induce people in error.
Error, which Azul has to note it down meticulously. Upon further investigation, the poemfiore student fit the same criteria as the other 2 before them: a mage with no ultimate. Jade and Floyd do priquire some curiosity, but for now, Azul insists on one thing: keep this overBlot under wraps. Under no circumstances does this need to get public.
And here is where Malleus and Idia come into play. Malleus, bcs he wants to prove that he's a caring fiancé. Idia because Azul promised him a month of 80% discount at the lounge. :'3
One would be foolish to breach Malleus's wish of keeping this under the wraps. And Idia was the best man when it comes to actually keeping the media quiet about this. Azul thought that he had a foolproof plan, thinking that only the scarabia students and Yuu are involved.
He was fucking wrong.
The second that winter holiday ended, outrageous news about the murder were out and about. Everyone and their grandma knew of what happened. They didn't know of the overblot, but they knew of the murder that occurred, or as told by Crowley: 'another student falling on an unfortunate path'.
As for Riddle? He's praying, alright? Lilia and Ortho were the ones who filled him and Epel on the real deal.
So it strikes him as very freaky that he saw the exact same guy on the street, back in the queendom of roses. They meet by coincidence and with some small talk, Riddle found out that the student in question was expelled overnight. He just woke up one day and he was expelled.
So with a bit of digging on ortho's side, our lil thieves group find some info about the past murder victims and even 'visit' them(aka, spying from afar to check if the guy is alive).
Lilia also compiles the news statements and articles from Malleus, who got a copy from Azul's conspiracy board. And they figure that something is wrong. Something is striking way too familiar to their Jumanji session.
So they also share this with Trein. That's when the old man admits that he found the game in the library archive from NRC. He didn't know why it was there, but at that time, the ghosts said that it was unregistered and he was let to keep it for himself. Trein also adds that at that time, it was another headmaster. Crowley came after them, so there was little hope that crow man could be actually useful in recalling shit.
But woe! VDC be upon thy!
Ortho is struggling to have his brother give a proper speech. He is very much contemplating if he should straight up drag his brother in like a kidnapping attempt or bribe him out. Either way it ends up futile because Idia has to pull through a presentation and q&a section.
The others really wanted to help, but Epel was forced by Vil in the VDC group even before the auditions were announced. Lilia and Ortho also were planning to audition, but the latter didn't really have many hopes regarding it, admitting that maybe Vil was a bit freaked out when he saw this cutesy twinkish looking boy punch a hole through a brick wall. He still has a few loose ends when it comes to his super strength. :'3
So they admittedly leave the matter of Idia to Trein and Riddle. Why Trein too? Because Trein was Idia's homewroom teacher and by seven did this man promise he won't retire until he sees this boyflop execute a coherent sentence in front of a crowd. Making Leona graduate is far easier than this. :'3
Also because Riddle is chosen to be in charge of the festivities this year. Hooray! They choose the local fire-breathing semi-kleptomaniac! :D
The odd thing is that Azul is much more nosey this time. At first he excused it as him checking in on Floyd. But Riddle could see that he aimed for something else. Mainly, the documents regarding the festival activities. While all the dormheads had a schedule and basic knowledge of the program, Riddle, as the head organiser, had access to much more information. Information which Azul wanted.
And it wasn't like he could use Floyd as an excuse. Neither Malleus worked. Riddle was a dragon now. So Malleus, as a draconic Fae, is less superior when it comes to respect in the Fae traditionalism. So he must respect the alleged 'territory' of Riddle(his dorm). He only mingles when he feels like his territory(dorm and Azul) is threatened.
But due to his 'bold moves', Malleus is concerned for Azul's wellbeing. It all comes to a great halt when the octavinelle dormhead is apart of an accident on the still in work sets.
This leads to the meeting between Azul and Mr Rosehearts, who won the custody in the divorce case. The man insisted for Azul to stay in the infirmary for a bit, due to the nasty wound at the legs. And Malleus, skeptical at best, had to allow it. So Floyd and Jade often come by to fill Azul in on things around.
Mr Rosehearts does recognise Floyd as his son's boyfriend, but doesn't dab too much into it. He only passively mentioned that Riddle was racking his brain on how to make Idia attend a presentation.
Azul perks at that and asks Floyd to nudge Riddle so that Azul will take care of Idia. If he does that, Riddle would become indebted to him and thus Azul will get access to the extra documents from the festival.
But what Riddle figures instead is that HE should set up Idia on a date, as to convince him out. And what better candidate than 2 smitten Malleus Draconia and Azul Ashengrotto.
So the auditions finish! Ortho and Lilia don't pass. For Ortho, he wasn't that bummed, while Lilia considered that his performance was satisfactory enough. :'3
Epel was out with the VDC camp and, naturally it makes the Shadow fighting job harder. Add to it the stress of the up and coming festival.
When that shit comes tho... We have an overblot. :'3
And after that, Grim goes hairwire, starting a bit of chaos in ramshackle. Add salt to the wound, Ortho comes to the thief group with the news that Grim is wanted by STIX. He is still gripping onto the secret that he is an executive of STIX, but within the group, it's more of a glass closet than anything at this point. The others didn't question how Ortho had access to classified information, so he isn't elaborating :'3
So it turns in a big chase for Grim. There's the ramshackle ultimates, who needed Grim in order to participate to other magic-oriented events(also bcs Grim is their friend), Azul, who figured Grim has something to do with this conspiracy thing going on, the phantom thieves, who wanted to stop this mess, the other dormheads that were appointed by crow man and the Shroud brothers, who got very clear orders to capture Grim or call for backup if this is too hard.
So 5 different motives for 5 different 'groups', but ultimately it ends up with the same target: the rampaging Grim.
Ortho is the one who catches Grim, but not without a hefty fight. So it comes down to a decision: either give Grim to the phantom thieves or hand him to STIX. He ends up with the first one, presenting Riddle with the situation. They need to keep Grim somewhere where the others won't even think to search at. So he suggests the Ignihyde dorm, due to how little is frequented by anyone outside the dorm.
That way, Ortho feels like he's shooting 2 birds with 1 stone.
Except that he doesn't, because after the whole culture festival is wrapped up, charons break in. And Ortho is absolutely done and over with all this bullshit. :'3
So what's going on? Well Riddle tags along Epel, Rook and Yuu towards STIX, leaving Lilia and Trein to cover up for them at school. We get the reveal that the Shroud Bros are in charge of STIX until their parents come back from a very important trip. Ortho bagged his brother to let him handle the guests and while Idia wouldn't want to greet Rook of all people, it was either that or deal with the wants of the 4 NRC problematic kids, so pick your poison, Idia. :'3
1 round of rock paper scissors later and Ortho ends up with the NRC problematic kids. He just mentally prepares for the bigass nag Riddle would give him later. :'3
One thing that was painfully clear for Ortho tho, was that the 'subjects' were very curious about his situation. They knew him as a robot before, so to see him... well... a human... It was mind blowing. Ortho briefly explains that it was a mishap and while he originally was a human on hi-tech life support, now he's healthy and better than ever in terms of physical condition.
But a good point is brought up: Ortho was seen dying during his play in Jumanji. Vil saw him and the others recall that his 'playmates' also experienced those things. They weren't necessarily very private moments unfortunately. For some reason, Azul was all in on this subject, Which Ortho recalled that his big brother mentioned about the Octomer's recent conspiracy theories.
Ortho responds that it was most likely a field curse put on them. He didn't really have the opportunity to test things out, but he figured that as long as he got wounded during a 'level' on the school ground, he would immediately heal the next one. That comes from a small accident, when he went out with Epel and accidentally burnt his finger. It didn't heal upon entering a new level, so Ortho had to bandage it. He may be 'indestructible' in his character description, but that doesn't mean he cannot get scars from burns. He found that out the hard way.
That seems to priquire more of Azul's interest, but he refrains from asking about it.
Idia comes to the rescue tho. Calling mostly Ortho to discuss with him over the data that was done and also to announce that in 12 hours maximum, everyone would be back to NRC with no scratch or trouble if they just wait patiently.
Not even 15 minutes after the short discussion and he'll breaks loose in the form of the ravenous Grim and the Tartarus ghosts acting up again.
Idia does check up with the other surveillance staff and finds out the trouble: an overblot occurred outside. It was a very natural thing, for the phantoms at the upper levels to get a bit agitated when an overblot occurs. What was not alright, was that the ravenous Grim made a nice lil bit of damage to the cooling system of the Tartarus. And by that I mean he completely shredded the main unit in charge of keeping the cooling system active.
Now, in all of this chaos, not being able to find Ortho, Idia is overwhelmed. Everything is chaotic and he has to stop Grim from breaking into Tartarus, which in turn ends up with the Shadows and blots dragging in Idia and cue overblot.
All in all, out of this whole mess, 3 things are happening: 1. Idia finds the truth behind the phantom thieves post his overblot. 2. Azul gains more information on his case and starts to hatch a plan.
Returning to NRC, Ortho does tell his gang that he will have to stay back with Idia and clean up the mess. Also get one hell of a nag from their parents. :'3
Ortho also pleads with Idia to not share his secret with anyone. Sure, STIX knows, but it was a miracle the NRC problematic kiddos don't and Ortho would rather have it that way.
Their parents also weren't very happy with the mess they returned to. But... All in all, Idia had to undergo a few checkups and Ortho had to also go through them too, mostly to make sure none of their sons are actually hurt.
Back at NRC, Azul clears up his conspiracy board. The twins and Malleus think that, maybe, Azul is done with all this conspiracy shit.
By the time Idia returns, the conspiracy board was rebooted. New info, old info, all jumbled up and in some kind of order that makes sense only to Azul.
Turns out, the overblot registered wasn't at NRC, but still, a diasomnia student was found dead. Azul didn't miss the investigation, although people did tell him that the ultimates in this field and professionals should be let to do this. Azul was skeptical, because this is exactly what happened before and the verdict was still the same.
Idia wants to actually break it down to Azul: this was bullshit. He had no ultimate that would give him any right to mingle in this very sensitive business. No one knows what Azul's even aiming at, nor does Idia care, just lay down for f's sake and calm down. Everyone went through enough already.
Azul tho, counters, saying that his motive concerning this investigation is well built. This school, like most mages schools, is notorious for overblots and how casualties happen during that time. But now there were no casualties. The overblot victim was saved. Yet people still die. So Azul wants to get to the bottom of this to prevent any chance of it happening to him or his close ones. And by the pattern he has, he fears that in diasomnia, an overblots would occur, then a heartslabyul student will bite the dust.
And Floyd was a heartslabyul student as of present.
Naturally, this alarms both Malleus and Idia. There was a pattern, just how the STIX data implied. Idia was pretty on edge, since if that was true, then he was a victim of an induced overblot. While Malleus was worried for his dorm's sake. Already 1 student was killed, by Azul's evidence, he couldn't handle having someone also overblot.
So Malleus suggests that Azul should get in contact with Rosehearts quick, seeing how this morbid pattern points towards him. Idia tho, brings this news to Ortho to pass on.
There was a criteria that Azul discovered in this wired string of events: a mage with ultimate overblots, then the next day, a mage from the next dorm with no ultimate is found dead and the cycle is repeated. This year it seems to have started with savanaclaw and it will end with heartslabyul by Azul's calculations.
Lilia also shares with the group the fact that his magic has started to weaken. He was old, so he figured it was time to retire. His persona could hold him oh so long, but even he had to admit defeat at one point.
And while our thieves group and Trein do console Lilia on the matter, nobody was as devastated as Malleus. With the new information at hand, the Fae prince thought Lilia was likely to overblot and boy has his senses went in all mf directions. He tried to scramble for any excuse to keep Lilia here, to keep the dorm morale high.
As a goodbye gift, the Jumanji group decide to give Lilia the board game. It was ripped off its magic, but it would be a nice memory that Lilia could hold onto.
This prompts Malleus to also think of a farewell gift, when he sees the board game and Lilia explains that it was a gift from his buddies. He brings this problem to Azul, mentioning the board game passively.
And that makes Azul finally click in things. He found out from Idia about the allegedly alive victims he was looking into. And now, with Jumanji put in perspective, Azul realised just what big piece he missed in his puzzle.
So he calls in Rosehearts. He wants all the details about the game from Riddle. He insisted that it was of utmost importance. And while Azul was known to be a 2 faced scammer, Floyd advised Riddle to just tell him what he wants to hear. No one really bothers with his nuts investigation anymore. :'3
So Riddle endorses in this saga and gives to Azul the rundown of what happened. And that seems to make Azul pleased enough. He's more than excited to finally get somewhere and point things towards a result.
While that happens, Lilia is having a farewell party prepared. Everyone chimes in a bit to help and keep the mood up. And when that one comes, well...
It's a rave, alright... U-Ub
During the party, Jade and Floyd are sitting aside more. When confronted about it by Riddle, the 2 admit that they have no idea what Azul's planning. He was very hurried today especially. Something about 'catching the mastermind'.
But, their lil party moment is busted when Malleus comes in, proudly here to present his gift towards Lilia. And by how his magic was used around, naturally the students knew where this was going.
The other dormheads and our thieves team do try to stop Malleus before it was too late. Heck... Even personas were up on the table.
Their saving graces come in the form of one Azul Ashengrotto, who came in here all disheveled, demanding for everyone to stop, especially Malleus. He does stun down Malleus by using the engagement mark. Aka, stabbing his hand to also induce a shock to the latter.
Azul reveals that the overblot is staged. That whatever they will do, Malleus is set to overblot weather he overuses his magic or not. So right now, he's on a tight chronometer.
What Azul reveals to the whole crowd goes as follows: the overblots in NRC were all staged. Someone was staging them and stacking them up for a long time, using them as means to murder unsuspecting students and blame it on the overblot. It was effective, until Leona became the first overblot with no casualties. Then the little monotony was broken. The only odd thing was the lack of news coverage or how the families of the deceased didn't chime in. Then he was brought forth the Jumanji game. And by putting pieces head to head and looking through some records, Azul figured who was in charge of this manslaughter.
But before he could actually reveal who did it, he is stabbed from behind. The attacker was a random student, fully under the control of some kind of mania, who immediately seemed to come to his senses and not being able to discern anything. He was just as horrified as the rest of the crowd. The twins rush to Azul's aid. Idia summoned some bandages and also came to the aid.
Malleus? Oh Malleus was furious. You mean to tell him someone attempted to push him to overblot, tried to use him to harm innocent people, then is covering their trails by some hypnotized student harming his fiancé? He may not know who that someone is, but sure as hell is he dumping his initial plan off the window.
So we do get an overblot. But instead of dream adventures, we have a hugeass dragon rampaging in search for the criminal. There were people whom Malleus (triggering his sanity back) protects them. The rest are on their own I guess. :\
That's when we find out 2 things about Floyd:
1. He's the ultimate attendant.
2. That tittle was given to him because he is Riddle's velvet room attendant, thus he could use the glossary to summon personas that Riddle discovered up until now.
Cue very epic ass battle. :3
During that chaos, Azul does try to grip on his last bit of consciousness to tell Jade that the one behind all this is Crowley. He doesn't know why, but he knows that Crowley needs to be caught.
So after knocking some sense in Malleus, Sebek and Silver manage to catch Crowley and present him before Malleus. At Lilia's insistence, the Fae prince doesn't immediately smite him down and indulges to give crow man a few seconds to find a good enough excuse for not getting smited this very second. And of Malleus wasn't going to thunder up his ass, surely the rest of the school body will.
And, surprisingly, Crowley accuses Riddle first. He was the one who messed the order by not overblotting. If he did it, then he would have by now completed his plan and Azul would've been too late. He used the Jumanji game as a tester and our group were the fortunate guinea pigs that survived. He used despair induced students to gather up further victims to test on his rituals ripped from the game's mystical energy.
His plan? Revive Malenoir.
Yes... It's that moment of 'Luke, I'm your father.', which makes it a shock for Malleus. Really the new revelation added so much hatred to Lilia that he did the kill, not Malleus. He straight up decapitated the guy. And his attitude towards the screaming mob was to 'tough up' and give to forgetting this events.
With this, Lilia decides to properly finish the school, not trusting literally anyone to take care of his sons right. He may be old, but he's a vampire with a badass persona. He'll manage. :3
Despite the anticlimactic turn, Idia gets ahold of the blot stone before Grim. He will give it to STIX for study, but alas, with no more Crowley, a new headmaster is going to be elected.
So that would be a happy ending. :3
Azul still ain't getting an ultimate tho x3
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au-yuukiemcee · 1 month
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kimberlyscout · 1 year
Okay this is probably more of a silly question, but I actually have been wanting to ask this question for a a little bit, both for headcannon reasons, and just out of sheer curiosity. Also feel free to state your thoughts in comments/ reblogs.
(I also hope I don’t regret doing this)
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thatwildnya · 4 months
Riddle Centaur Poll Results Are Here!
We are happy to (finally) announce the final decision for Riddle's centaur form! A sincere thank you to all who voted and gave their thoughts!
So without further adu, the creature assigned to Riddle as his second half is...
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og griffin image from rawpixel
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It was pretty close, but I'm glad the results turned out as they did! I was leaning towards making him a griffin and this makes me happy. I know I won't regret making him a feline bird in the future, this is a nice load off my back!
Again, thank you to everyone who participated! I will get working on some content for the AU as thanks!
nya: i did not put nearly as much effort in this one as the other edits. brain too tired from nasty on and off rainy weather in the past month. also feel free to use all 3 of my crappy edits y'all don't have to credit me just don't say they're yours and correct anyone that makes the mistake of saying you made them. also lemme now if someone does try to steal them that's not cash money at all.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 9 months
So I wanted to write for the self aware au for both genshin and twisted wonderland but I wanna make sure you guys would like to read them! It would be both normal and yandere, and I can put my own spin on things so its not just a copy and paste of others fics!
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sbk-zgvlt · 5 months
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