#two nations separated by the Atlantic ocean
noctumsolis · 1 year
When I think about American attitudes to parenting there's something that always comes to mind, but I don't know whether it's a real thing. All my life in American films and TV I've heard child characters addressing their dads as "sir" or being told off for not doing so.
Is that really a commonplace thing in American families, or is it just a shorthand way of showing that the character is a shitty dad?
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months
[Morocco World News is Moroccan Media]
29 Jun 23
In December 2020, a month after the end of the ceasefire between Morocco and the Polisario, then-President Donald Trump declared U.S. support for Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara. The recognition contravened the United Nations’ position, which considers Western Sahara a “non-self governing territory,” a euphemism for a colony. In return for U.S. support on Western Sahara, Morocco joined the Abraham Accords, a series of diplomatic deals brokered by Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, that resulted in the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Bahrain, and Morocco normalizing relations with Israel. Since then, Rabat has gone from having covert ties with Tel Aviv to becoming its open ally, and Israel has sold at least 150 drones to Morocco.[...]
Since 2020, the two countries have implemented a long series of economic and military agreements beyond the sale of drones. For the first time, Israeli troops from the elite Golani unit participated in Africa Lion, an 18-country joint military drill in Morocco, which completed on June 18. In 2021 and 2022, respectively, Gantz, Israel’s then-minister of defense, and then-Head of Israel Defense Forces Aviv Kochavi visited Morocco and signed several military deals, including a $500 million contract for the delivery of the Barak MX missile defense system to Rabat. Early this year, one of the Pentagon Discord leaks allegedly revealed that the system was scheduled to arrive in Morocco in mid-2023. Morocco is reportedly also in advanced negotiations to receive Israeli Merkava tanks. Rabat and Tel Aviv are also cooperating at an intelligence level. Morocco has widely been reported (and accused by other countries) as one of the most eager users of the Pegasus spyware developed by the Israeli NSO Group. Meanwhile, economic cooperation is booming. According to U.N. data analyzed by The Intercept, in pre-Abraham 2019, trade between Israel and Morocco was at $70.7 million. In 2022, the figure reached $178.7 million, and Tel Aviv has declared it is targeting $500 million. From 2019 to 2022, exports from Israel to Morocco increased tenfold, from $3.8 million to $38.5 million. Western Sahara plays an important role in the love story between the two countries. In 2021 and 2022, two Israeli companies, Ratio Petroleum and NewMed Energy, obtained from Morocco rights to research and potentially exploit two separate offshore blocks in the Atlantic Ocean just off Western Sahara’s coastline. Moroccan local news also announced Israel’s Selina group would soon open a hotel in Dakhla. For Morocco, foreign investments in what it considers its “southern province” mean external recognition of its claims on the territory.[...] In March last year, WSRW reported the first shipment of phosphate rock from Western Sahara to Israel. Erik Hagen, board member of WSRW, told The Intercept that the cargo was very small, and it is the only one they observed toward Israel. OCP, the Moroccan company extracting and exporting phosphate rock in Morocco and Western Sahara, hasn’t replied to a request for comment about the episode.
1 Jul 23
[Atalayar is Spanish Media]
As part of the US Senate debate on the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2024, a law that supports the Armed Forces, modernises the Air Force and strengthens US national security, Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly proposed integrating the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces (FAR) into military exercises led by the US Central Command (CENTCOM). Part of this law states the need to assess threats in order to reduce those related to Iran's nuclear capabilities: 'It seeks to improve coordination between the United States and regional partners to counter the shared threat from Iran by supporting Morocco's integration into military exercises led by CENTCOM', as reported by media outlets such as Yabiladi and Morocco Latest News.  The operations carried out by this body seek to "improve coordination" between the US giant and "regional partners" in order to counter the threat posed by Iran to the whole. The US Central Command is one of nine unified security commands within the US Department of Defense and is responsible for US interests in 27 nations, operating in the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. [...] Morocco is a permanent partner of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) and an important player in the annual 'African Lion' exercises, in which a large number of African nations cooperate with the United States to promote defence and security against threats such as jihadist terrorism and organised crime. Now, it appears that Morocco may be close to joining the US military command in the Middle East (CENTCOM), and in addition to the scheduled AFRICOM exercises, Morocco may be called upon to participate in exercises organised by the US military in the Middle East region, thanks in part to a proposal by Senator Mark Kelly. [...] With this possible entry into CENTCOM as the second African country after Egypt, Morocco, a great ally of the United States on the African continent, would thus strengthen its military and security cooperation with the US and, by extension, with other allied partners such as Israel. This privileged position gives Morocco the option of having access to an important market for weapons and technology produced by the US and Israel, which further strengthens the Moroccan military.
1 Jul 23
27 Jun 23
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fatehbaz · 2 years
I know you deleted the post so feel free to ignore this if you don't want to talk about it, but could you explain why there is more deuterium in the water vapor over the Amazon than you would expect to find if all that moisture came from the sea? I am mystified, I guess I had thought all water had more or less the same proportion of deuterium.
Oh, the post (about Amazonian trees seeding their own rain/weather, and also attracting/directing atmospheric rivers) still exists, I just deleted my most recent reblog of it because I didn’t want its overly-formal data stuff and my purple prose to distract from the other post (with the maps/graphics). But to be very clear, I’m more of a qualitative data person (history, interdisciplinary and holistic stuff, ecology-meets-human-culture kind of thing), so frankly I don’t know much about chemistry, I try never to speak anywhere-near-authoritatively about chemistry, and no one should fully trust my input about technical aspects of chemistry.
But when I originally published that post, it was the culmination of a lot of data and fact-checking (over months of reading generally, and then a few days of specific fact-checking for the post itself), so I’ll stand by it. I know that some of the claims seem almost too cool to be real.
So I want to point out that there are two separate and dramatic different things being referenced in the post: (1) Amazonian fungus and plants seed their own local precipitation. (This is the stuff related to seeding, aerosols, deuterium, etc.) And then (2) the larger Amazonian ecosystem/region attracts and then directs/steers larger oceanic air masses and storm systems across the continent. (This is more easily demonstrable/evident, and includes the stuff related to “rivers in the sky”, the so-called “atmospheric rivers”, and the notion that there is more water in the sky than in the rivers.)
First, the info about “Amazonia directs convective storms ... pushing storms hundreds of kilometers away that create the lightning over Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo ...”. This cycle is well-studied. (Air moves from mid-Atlantic, westward over Amazonia, bends around the arc of the Andes and Upper Amazon, and then pushes storms back southeasterly towards Sao Paulo, etc.) Well established, compared to the newer revelations.
Newer revelations like trees seeding rain; Amazon creating local weather:
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Initially, the first truly major/huge revelation about the seeding of rain comes in 2012, from atmospheric chemists at Max Planck Institute and the Berkeley Lab. The paper: Christopher Pohlker, et al. “Biogenic potassium salt particles as seeds for secondary aerosol in the Amazon.” Science. 31 August 2012. You can read an accessible summary at: DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “Salt seeds clouds in the Amazon rainforest: Researchers track down the sources of condensation nuclei.” Science News (ScienceDaily). 10 September 2012.
Now, this lead author (Pohlker) and their friends have published all kinds of stuff about seeding, potassium, rain, etc., since 2012 that builds on that 2012 paper. (Search, like, “Pohlker Amazon rain”.)
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Specifically, if you were interested in the deuterium aspect, this was the focus of an equally major/revelatory study from 2017. Jonathan S. Wright, Rong Fu, John R. Worden, and Lei Yin. “Rainforest-initiated wet season onset over the southern Amazon.” PNAS: Environmental Sciences. 20 July 2017.
Part of what made this 2017 research so big, putting it in headlines, was that the observations apparently explain why the Amazonian rainy season starts in October, 2 or 3 months earlier than it should be expected to begin, since the co-occurrence of both monsoon winds and ITCZ belt convergence (which basically dictates tropical forest/woodland rainy seasons elsewhere globally) doesn’t occur until December/January. This detail, along with the deuterium stuff, gives further evidence to the Amazonian plants directing/cultivating precipitation at times independently from the sea/ocean. (Hence my statement in the other post about “Amazonia seems to provoke its own rainfall earlier in the season when marine air hasn’t yet brought moisture fro the ocean ... there’s too much deuterium ... to be explained [solely] by this marine air ... the very existence of the forest might actually attract the marine air ...)
The paper describes both the difference between oceanic/marine air content and the deuterium content of rainforest-sourced aerosol/precipitation seeding which you asked about, and also how/why the evidence suggests the trees/plants do this during the dry season in a way that actually provokes onset of rainy season. There’s a lot going on the formal peer-reviewed paper, and I don’t know anything, really, about deuterium, I don’t fully grasp the paper, and I definitely am not capable of translating this into accessible language. So there are some more-accessible summaries, like here:
Here’s a segment from the Science mag summary that you might like.
Fu thought it was possible that plants were releasing enough moisture to build low-level clouds over the Amazon. But she needed to explicitly connect the moisture to the tropical forest. So Fu and her colleagues observed water vapor over the Amazon with NASA’s Aura satellite, a spacecraft dedicated to studying the chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere. Moisture that evaporates from the ocean tends to be lighter than water vapor released into the atmosphere by plants. That’s because during evaporation, water molecules containing deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen made of one proton and one neutron, get left behind in the ocean. By contrast, in transpiration, plants simply suck water out of the soil and push it into the air without changing its isotopic composition. Aura found that the early moisture accumulating over the rainforest was high in deuterium -- “too high to be explained by water vapor from the ocean,” Fu says. What’s more, the deuterium content was highest at the end of the Amazon’s dry season, during the “greening” period when photosynthesis was strongest. The tree-induced rain clouds could have other domino effects on the weather. As those clouds release rain, they warm the atmosphere, causing air to rise and triggering circulation. Fu and colleagues believe that this circulation is large enough that it triggers the shift in wind patterns that will bring in more moisture from the ocean, they report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Scientists have studied the connection between trees and rain in the Amazon before. A 2012 study found that plants help “seed” the atmosphere for rain by releasing tiny salt particles. But the new study strongly supports the idea that plants play an important role in triggering the rainy season, says Scott Saleska, an ecologist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, who was not involved with the work. The deuterium provides a clear “fingerprint” for what plants contribute to the process, he says. The findings also address a long-standing debate about the role plants play in weather, says Saleska, suggesting that they are more than just “passive recipients,” and that they instead can play an active role in regulating rainfall. If that’s true in the Amazon, Saleska says, climate scientists will need to take into account practices like deforestation when predicting regional changes in weather patterns. And curbing deforestation will be an important step for people to take in preventing drought. Next, Fu will be studying rainforests in the Congo, to see whether the same process is happening. [Source: sciencemag . org/news/2017/08/trees-amazon-make-their-own-rain].
So basically, the lesson of the deuterium research was: Not only do the plants/trees seed their own clouds/precipitation, but the plants/trees also provoke onset of local/regional rainy season.
Anyway, as for the other thing ...
... about the atmospheric rivers. And how the trees/plants might be responsible for recycling more water via evapotranspiration than the rivers of Amazonia. There are all kinds of graphics, videos, lectures, articles if you use a search engine to look for, like, “more water in sky than river Amazon” or “atmospheric river Amazon”.
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vintageviewmaster · 1 year
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Brand: View-Master Packet Title: Florida Booklet Title: View-Master Presents Florida Booklet Subtitle: The Peninsula State Date: 1955
Note: When reading the booklet descriptions, please remember that these booklets are old (most are 65+ years old) and the information and history presented in them as factual may be inaccurate, outdated, and in some cases, offensive.
Booklet Introduction Description: Ponce de Leon really missed a bet. He landed near St. Augustine one April in 1513 in search of the legendary Fountain of Youth, then sailed away! During the 1940-1950 decade, 600,000 people from other states moved to Florida convinced that they had found what Ponce de Leon had overlooked. Their fountain of youth consists of basking in the Florida sun acquiring that native tan, sailing and fishing in the warm waters that lap the nation's longest coastline, and sleeping under subtropical stars in a night cooled by the trade winds.
Florida Facts and Figures When Ponce de Leon landed on the Florida coast it was Easter Sunday which in Spanish is Pascua florida, hence "Florida". The State Flower is the Orange Blossom; the State Bird is the Mocking-bird; the Tree is the Cabbage or Sabal Palm; the Song is "The Swanee River" by Stephen Foster; and the Motto is the same as that found on all U. S. coins, "In God We Trust." Almost twice as many vacationers and winter guests visit the state of Florida as live there. The income from the 5 million tourists, $930 million is the state's largest single source of income. A combination of all year sunshine and plentiful rainfall has resulted in Florida's world leadership in oranges. Over half the nation's and a quarter of the world's supply of oranges are grown in the state. Most of the nation's winter vegetables come from Florida truck gardens, and in south Florida tropical fruits are grown - avocado, mango, guava, papaya, litchi fruit, and coconuts. Hotel-keeping must be the state's leading industry, but it also leads the nation in cigar making, sponge harvesting and phosphate mining. The largest cigar factory in the world is in Jacksonville. Every spring, baseball comes to Florida. Twelve of the sixteen major league teams plus 77 minor league teams hold spring training here.
The State and Its People Florida has an area of 58,560 square miles and is 21st in size among the states. It has the longest coastline, 2,077 miles. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, the Florida Straits on the south separates it from Cuba; the Gulf of Mexico washes its western shores; and Alabama and Georgia lie north. Only Delaware and Louisiana lie lower than Florida whose average elevation is 100 feet. The highest point in the state is 325 feet at Iron Mountain upon which is built the famous Bok Singing Tower. The southern tip of the state is Everglade country where the land is so low that it appears as small hummocks or patches of grass growing out of swampy water. Everglades National Park is located here. The 1950 population of Florida was 2,711,305, ranking twentieth among the states. It is the fastest growing state east of the Rockies having increased its popular 46.1% from 1940 to 1950. Famous Floridians include: Osceola, the great Seminole Indian war chief who was never defeated but finally tricked into imprisonment; John Gorrie, of Apalachicola, inventor of mechanical refrigeration; Marjorie Kinnar Rawlings, whose Pulitzer prize novel, The Yearling” dealt with the Florida backwoods; and Joseph W. "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell, commander of the China-Burma-India Theater of War.
Highlights of History After discovering Florida, Ponce de Leon landed two shiploads of colonists at Charlotte Harbor in 1521, but constant clashes with the Indians resulted in his death and the abandonment of the colony. Tales of fabulous cities of gold (which were not to spring up until the 20th century) lured other Spanish explorers. Hernando de Soto landed in the Tampa area in 1539 to begin a four year march. Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Captain General of the Spanish treasure fleets, came to Florida in 1565 to found St. Augustine and a line of posts from Tampa Bay to Port Royal, South Carolina. After the British captured Havana, Cuba, in 1763, Spain agreed to trade Florida for the Cuban capital. But after the American Revolution, the British were squeezed in by the new United States and Spanish strongholds to the south. They ceded Florida to Spain from whom the United States bought it in 1819 for $5 million. With the creation of the Florida Territory in 1822 came Indian trouble. The Seven-Year Seminole Wars ending in 1842 cost the lives of 1,500 American soldiers but brought eventual peace paving the way for statehood which was granted on March 3, 1845.
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This terrible scene of the 20th of April none of us can ever forget. I have written it under the influence of violent emotion. Since then I have revised the recital; I have read it to Conseil and to the Canadian. They found it exact as to facts, but insufficient as to effect. To paint such pictures, one must have the pen of the most illustrious of our poets, the author of The Toilers of the Deep.
I have said that Captain Nemo wept while watching the waves; his grief was great. It was the second companion he had lost since our arrival on board, and what a death! That friend, crushed, stifled, bruised by the dreadful arms of a poulp, pounded by his iron jaws, would not rest with his comrades in the peaceful coral cemetery! In the midst of the struggle, it was the despairing cry uttered by the unfortunate man that had torn my heart. The poor Frenchman, forgetting his conventional language, had taken to his own mother tongue, to utter a last appeal! Amongst the crew of the Nautilus, associated with the body and soul of the Captain, recoiling like him from all contact with men, I had a fellow-countryman. Did he alone represent France in this mysterious association, evidently composed of individuals of divers nationalities? It was one of these insoluble problems that rose up unceasingly before my mind!
Captain Nemo entered his room, and I saw him no more for some time. But that he was sad and irresolute I could see by the vessel, of which he was the soul, and which received all his impressions. The Nautilus did not keep on in its settled course; it floated about like a corpse at the will of the waves. It went at random. He could not tear himself away from the scene of the last struggle, from this sea that had devoured one of his men. Ten days passed thus. It was not till the 1st of May that the Nautilus resumed its northerly course, after having sighted the Bahamas at the mouth of the Bahama Canal. We were then following the current from the largest river to the sea, that has its banks, its fish, and its proper temperatures. I mean the Gulf Stream. It is really a river, that flows freely to the middle of the Atlantic, and whose waters do not mix with the ocean waters. It is a salt river, salter than the surrounding sea. Its mean depth is 1,500 fathoms, its mean breadth ten miles. In certain places the current flows with the speed of two miles and a half an hour. The body of its waters is more considerable than that of all the rivers in the globe. It was on this ocean river that the Nautilus then sailed.
I must add that, during the night, the phosphorescent waters of the Gulf Stream rivalled the electric power of our watch-light, especially in the stormy weather that threatened us so frequently. May 8th, we were still crossing Cape Hatteras, at the height of the North Caroline. The width of the Gulf Stream there is seventy-five miles, and its depth 210 yards. The Nautilus still went at random; all supervision seemed abandoned. I thought that, under these circumstances, escape would be possible. Indeed, the inhabited shores offered anywhere an easy refuge. The sea was incessantly ploughed by the steamers that ply between New York or Boston and the Gulf of Mexico, and overrun day and night by the little schooners coasting about the several parts of the American coast. We could hope to be picked up. It was a favourable opportunity, notwithstanding the thirty miles that separated the Nautilus from the coasts of the Union. One unfortunate circumstance thwarted the Canadian’s plans. The weather was very bad. We were nearing those shores where tempests are so frequent, that country of waterspouts and cyclones actually engendered by the current of the Gulf Stream. To tempt the sea in a frail boat was certain destruction. Ned Land owned this himself. He fretted, seized with nostalgia that flight only could cure.
“Master,” he said that day to me, “this must come to an end. I must make a clean breast of it. This Nemo is leaving land and going up to the north. But I declare to you that I have had enough of the South Pole, and I will not follow him to the North.”
“What is to be done, Ned, since flight is impracticable just now?”
“We must speak to the Captain,” said he; “you said nothing when we were in your native seas. I will speak, now we are in mine. When I think that before long the Nautilus will be by Nova Scotia, and that there near New foundland is a large bay, and into that bay the St. Lawrence empties itself, and that the St. Lawrence is my river, the river by Quebec, my native town—when I think of this, I feel furious, it makes my hair stand on end. Sir, I would rather throw myself into the sea! I will not stay here! I am stifled!”
The Canadian was evidently losing all patience. His vigorous nature could not stand this prolonged imprisonment. His face altered daily; his temper became more surly. I knew what he must suffer, for I was seized with home-sickness myself. Nearly seven months had passed without our having had any news from land; Captain Nemo’s isolation, his altered spirits, especially since the fight with the poulps, his taciturnity, all made me view things in a different light.
“Well, sir?” said Ned, seeing I did not reply.
“Well, Ned, do you wish me to ask Captain Nemo his intentions concerning us?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Although he has already made them known?”
“Yes; I wish it settled finally. Speak for me, in my name only, if you like.”
“But I so seldom meet him. He avoids me.”
“That is all the more reason for you to go to see him.”
I went to my room. From thence I meant to go to Captain Nemo’s. It would not do to let this opportunity of meeting him slip. I knocked at the door. No answer. I knocked again, then turned the handle. The door opened, I went in. The Captain was there. Bending over his work-table, he had not heard me. Resolved not to go without having spoken, I approached him. He raised his head quickly, frowned, and said roughly, “You here! What do you want?”
“To speak to you, Captain.”
“But I am busy, sir; I am working. I leave you at liberty to shut yourself up; cannot I be allowed the same?”
This reception was not encouraging; but I was determined to hear and answer everything.
“Sir,” I said coldly, “I have to speak to you on a matter that admits of no delay.”
“What is that, sir?” he replied, ironically. “Have you discovered something that has escaped me, or has the sea delivered up any new secrets?”
We were at cross-purposes. But, before I could reply, he showed me an open manuscript on his table, and said, in a more serious tone, “Here, M. Aronnax, is a manuscript written in several languages. It contains the sum of my studies of the sea; and, if it please God, it shall not perish with me. This manuscript, signed with my name, complete with the history of my life, will be shut up in a little floating case. The last survivor of all of us on board the Nautilus will throw this case into the sea, and it will go whither it is borne by the waves.”
This man’s name! his history written by himself! His mystery would then be revealed some day.
“Captain,” I said, “I can but approve of the idea that makes you act thus. The result of your studies must not be lost. But the means you employ seem to me to be primitive. Who knows where the winds will carry this case, and in whose hands it will fall? Could you not use some other means? Could not you, or one of yours——”
“Never, sir!” he said, hastily interrupting me.
“But I and my companions are ready to keep this manuscript in store; and, if you will put us at liberty——”
“At liberty?” said the Captain, rising.
“Yes, sir; that is the subject on which I wish to question you. For seven months we have been here on board, and I ask you to-day, in the name of my companions and in my own, if your intention is to keep us here always?”
“M. Aronnax, I will answer you to-day as I did seven months ago: Whoever enters the Nautilus, must never quit it.”
“You impose actual slavery upon us!”
“Give it what name you please.”
“But everywhere the slave has the right to regain his liberty.”
“Who denies you this right? Have I ever tried to chain you with an oath?”
He looked at me with his arms crossed.
“Sir,” I said, “to return a second time to this subject will be neither to your nor to my taste; but, as we have entered upon it, let us go through with it. I repeat, it is not only myself whom it concerns. Study is to me a relief, a diversion, a passion that could make me forget everything. Like you, I am willing to live obscure, in the frail hope of bequeathing one day, to future time, the result of my labours. But it is otherwise with Ned Land. Every man, worthy of the name, deserves some consideration. Have you thought that love of liberty, hatred of slavery, can give rise to schemes of revenge in a nature like the Canadian’s; that he could think, attempt, and try——”
I was silenced; Captain Nemo rose.
“Whatever Ned Land thinks of, attempts, or tries, what does it matter to me? I did not seek him! It is not for my pleasure that I keep him on board! As for you, M. Aronnax, you are one of those who can understand everything, even silence. I have nothing more to say to you. Let this first time you have come to treat of this subject be the last, for a second time I will not listen to you.”
I retired. Our situation was critical. I related my conversation to my two companions.
“We know now,” said Ned, “that we can expect nothing from this man. The Nautilus is nearing Long Island. We will escape, whatever the weather may be.”
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hudsonmckenzie · 3 months
Moving from US to UK? Key consideration to think about
The huge and turbulent Atlantic Ocean separates the United States and the United Kingdom. People having ties to both nations will frequently find themselves struggling to maintain their position between two intricately diverse and powerful administrations. They may safely negotiate the cross-border obstacles and take full use of the planning possibilities if they receive the appropriate expert…
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Danielle Verboski Realtor
Immediate vicinity Groton and Stonington, two larger Connecticut towns, make up Mystic.
Over the course of almost 130 years of existence, the shipyards in Mystic, Connecticut have built over 600 sailing vessels. Around 1784, the first settlers came in the area that would later become the city. Founded in 1784, Mystic, Connecticut is a relatively young municipality. Mystic, Connecticut's outstanding waterfront position is a major factor in the town's thriving commercial community. American museum-goers can see the renowned whaling ship Charles W. Morgan at Mystic Seaport mystic ct real estate Finding out what kind of spacecraft it was was the first order of business. Over the last several decades, the hotel has undergone substantial renovations. With its status as the nation's longest river, the Mystic is an ideal starting point for cross-country skiing adventures. Those streams empty into the Atlantic Ocean not far from the point where Fishers Island Sound and the Mystic River meet. The Mystic River flows into Long Island Sound rather than the ocean. A bascule bridge allows ships to traverse the Mystic River, which links the two continents.
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There was not an infinite abyss separating us due to distance and time. A "missi-tuk" was formerly a loanword meaning "river whose currents are churned up into waves by the tides or the wind.". Modern usage of the term "Old English" refers to the language as it originally existed. The word "mystic" has a long history of being associated with many different ideas and beliefs. The word "mystic" was frequently employed in ancient writings to characterize this specific kind of river. Over time, the word "mystic" has taken on a negative meaning. The word "mystic" had a different connotation in its original form. It appears like the term "mystic" nowadays might imply anything to various individuals. There are currently 4,205 individuals residing there.
I deeply apologize if I erred in my understanding of a constitutional state's function. In times of need, Daniel will always be there for you, providing unwavering support. Engaging in discussion with him would be futile. Everyone from complete greenhorns to grizzled old hands can be found here.
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Shooting the commercial interview at her residence is actually something I really believe would be a great idea. When selling your house, Danielle can utilize both traditional and creative strategies. Despite her mixed feelings about leaving her family, she is looking forward to her retreat with much anticipation. Danielle has an inherent talent for public speaking on top of her intrinsic economic knowledge. According to her, nobody has ever constructed anything similar. She promises to do all it takes to increase your home's worth, so you can trust her word. Her assistance will cause a meteoric rise in your profits. Her exceptional character is characterized by her strong work ethic, her ability to negotiate effectively, her fluency in multiple languages, and her commitment to her career. Through it all, she has matured and gained invaluable wisdom. Perhaps it was the turning point in her professional life. One of her many commendable traits is her ability to inspire others to persevere in the face of adversity. Making difficult concepts accessible is one of her many abilities. It appears as though these explorers were always pushing the boundaries of what was known.
For all your real estate needs in the Mystic, Connecticut area, contact Danielle Verboski right away. She will respond soon. Those in need of assistance in selling their homes are encouraged to contact her. Companies usually get a return on investment (ROI) when they invest in things like marketing, customer service, and new software. Thanks to her fresh perspective and ground-breaking ideas, the company will soar to new heights under her leadership. Prior to making any substantial alterations to the house, you ought to seek Danielle's advice.
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xtruss · 4 months
The Difference Between the UK, Great Britain and England
— July 28, 2023 | Liz Olson and Logan Chamberlain
A lot of people get confused by different terms for the political or geographic body that includes England; some people will use Great Britain and the U.K. interchangeably. There are, however, some key differences between Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, and England.
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Great Britain 🇬🇧
Roman Britannia, or "Britain 🇬🇧"
The name "Britain" comes from an old Roman name "Britannia," used for the regions we'd now identify as England and Wales. Britannia was the territory under Roman rule, which ended at Hadrian's Wall (which divided Scotland, or "Caledonia," from Britannia).
This should not be confused with Brittany in France. They are connected, though. Brittany was, at one time, called "Lesser Britain" (as opposed to "Great Britain") since it was settled by Britons from across the Channel.
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. England is the largest and most populous nation in the UK. It is bounded by Wales and the Irish Sea to the west and Scotland to the north. The English Channel, the Strait of Dover, and the North Sea separate it from Europe to the east. The channel islands like the Isle of Wight, off the southern mainland in the English Channel are considered part of England. The Isles of Scilly, in the Atlantic Ocean off the southwestern tip of the mainland, are also considered part of England.
Great Britain 🇬🇧
The island of Great Britain, also called "Albion" by the Romans, consists of three somewhat autonomous regions that include England, Scotland and Wales. It is located east of Ireland and northwest of France in the Atlantic Ocean. The term also includes several offshore islands, including the Hebrides in Scotland.
The United Kingdom 🇬🇧
The United Kingdom (commonly abbreviated UK) is a country that includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Its official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. While England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are called countries, there exist regulations and policies in those states that are determined by the UK. The capital city of the United Kingdom is London, although the different countries maintain parliaments in Cardiff (Wales), Edinburgh (Scotland), and Belfast (Northern Ireland).
The U.K. formerly encompassed the entire island of Ireland, and the islands were collectively referred to as the British Isles. But, in the early 20th century much of Ireland won autonomy as the Irish Free State, and later won independence as the Republic of Ireland.
The United Kingdom comprises, quite literally, the united kingdoms of Scotland and England. They shared monarchs for generations, but were distinct entities. That changed when the Scottish king James Stuart (James I of England and James VI of Scotland) inherited the throne of England from Elizabeth I. James was the grandson of Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VIII. As Elizabeth I was childless, this made him her successor.
A century later, his descendant, Queen Anne of England, Scotland, and Ireland, would pass the Acts of Union. In England and Scotland both, the parliament passed an act of union formalizing a melding of the two states. The result was the United Kingdom of Great Britain. This would later include Ireland after then Acts of Union of 1800.
Welsh people were long considered part of the Kingdom of England. They would not establish their own parliament until the late 1990s.
The term U.K. also includes several dependencies and territories, nations that are political distinct but rely on the U.K. for essential services. These include Gibraltar, the Isle of Man, and other smaller islands.
The Commonwealth of Nations
The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of 52 states or countries that were formerly part of the British Empire. This does not include the United States.
16 members of the Commonwealth of Nations recognize the United Kingdom's Monarch as their own king or queen, but remain politically independent. These are identified as Commonwealth realms.
33 other Commonwealth countries are republics, which means they don't recognize a monarch. However, they still participate in the partnership.
The Commonwealth has no constitution. The Singapore Declaration of Commonwealth Principles, however, states that the Commonwealth is "a voluntary association of independent sovereign states each responsible for its own policies, consulting and co-operating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of international understanding and world peace."
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The United Kingdom 🇬🇧 of Great Britain 🇬🇧 and Northern Ireland
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Brazilian deepwater prospects “cautiously optimistic” ahead of upcoming oil auction
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Cautious optimism about Brazil’s future oil prospects is building in Brazil ahead of a Wednesday oil auction thanks to discoveries that TotalEnergies SE and Shell Plc have made on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Pelotas basin in southern Brazil, where the oil regulator will be offering exploration acreage, is viewed as geologically similar to Namibia where the two European oil majors are busy drilling to determine the size of recent finds. The African country was connected to South America before the two continents started separating more than 100 million years ago, and Pelotas is viewed as Brazil’s best geologic analogue.
Oil exploration in Brazil needs a shot in the arm. A decade has passed without any major discoveries in the nation’s waters despite attempts by the world’s most experienced offshore drillers. Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Exxon Mobil Corp, Shell and Total have all explored the pre-salt region of the Atlantic without uncovering major fields. It means that Brazil’s oil production will peak around the end of the decade unless new deposits are discovered and developed.
“The pre-salt boom is over,” Magda Chambriard, a former head of Brazil’s oil regulator, known as the ANP, said in an interview. “It’s time to look for new frontiers so Brazil can keep producing oil.” 
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iilssnet · 8 months
Analyzing Brazil and Uruguay's Maritime Disputes in Law of the Seas
Background on Brazil and Uruguay's Maritime Disputes === Maritime disputes have long been a contentious issue among nations, and Brazil and Uruguay are no exception. The two South American countries have been locked in a dispute over their maritime boundaries, particularly in the Rio de la Plata and the South Atlantic Ocean. These disputes have significant implications, not only for the involved countries but also for regional stability and the interpretation of international law. === Historical Context: Examining the Origins of the Disputes === The origin of Brazil and Uruguay's maritime disputes can be traced back to the colonial era when European powers established their presence in the region. As both countries gained independence, the question of maritime boundaries became increasingly important. The Rio de la Plata, a major estuary that separates the two nations, has been a focal point of contention due to its economic and strategic significance. === Legal Framework: Understanding the Law of the Seas === The Law of the Sea is a complex legal framework that governs the use and allocation of maritime spaces. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), adopted in 1982, provides the legal framework for resolving disputes between states. UNCLOS sets out rules for determining maritime boundaries, exclusive economic zones (EEZs), and continental shelves. === Analysis: Evaluating Brazil and Uruguay's Claims === Both Brazil and Uruguay have made claims based on their interpretation of international law and historical usage of the disputed areas. Brazil argues that its continental shelf extends beyond the Rio de la Plata, giving it rights over the maritime resources in the region. Uruguay, on the other hand, contends that the maritime boundary should be drawn along the median line between the two countries, which would significantly reduce Brazil's claimed area. === Key Points of Contention: Identifying Areas of Disagreement === The key points of contention in the Brazil-Uruguay maritime disputes revolve around the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone. Brazil's claim of an extended continental shelf conflicts with Uruguay's position that the median line should be the dividing point. Additionally, the two countries have differing interpretations of historical usage and the impact of their claims on the rights of third parties. === Recent Developments: Updates on Negotiations and Legal Proceedings === In recent years, Brazil and Uruguay have engaged in bilateral negotiations and sought mediation through international bodies to resolve their maritime disputes. In 2016, the International Court of Justice ruled on a preliminary issue, stating that it had jurisdiction to decide on the delimitation of the maritime boundary between the two countries. The case is currently ongoing, with both nations presenting their arguments and evidence. === Implications: Assessing the Consequences of the Disputes === The maritime disputes between Brazil and Uruguay have significant implications for various stakeholders. From an economic standpoint, the resolution of these disputes will determine the extent of each country's access to the region's fisheries, oil and gas reserves, and other natural resources. Furthermore, the stability and cooperation between Brazil and Uruguay could impact regional security and relations with neighboring countries. === Conclusion: Outlook on Future Resolutions === Resolving maritime disputes requires a delicate balance between legal principles, historical claims, and diplomatic negotiations. While the Brazil-Uruguay maritime disputes continue to be a source of contention, there is hope for a peaceful resolution through legal proceedings and bilateral negotiations. The outcome of the ongoing case at the International Court of Justice will be crucial in shaping the future of these maritime boundaries and setting a precedent for other similar disputes worldwide. === As Brazil and Uruguay navigate their maritime disputes, it is essential for both countries to promote dialogue and cooperation to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. The international community and regional organizations should support the efforts towards a peaceful settlement and uphold the principles of the Law of the Sea. Ultimately, a fair and just resolution will contribute to stability and prosperity in the region, setting a positive example for resolving maritime disputes worldwide. Read the full article
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noctumsolis · 9 months
It is so wild to me that there are people whose first language is English yet they have never heard the word "Thames" aloud.
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spacenutspod · 8 months
After more than six months in space, four people are set to splashdown in the waters near Florida. The SpaceX Crew-6 mission, which launched on March 2 and docked with the International Space Station (ISS) the following day, will undock on Sept. 3 at 7:05 EDT (11:05 UTC). Recovery vessels are ready to retrieve the crew and their capsule, Crew Dragon Endeavour (C206), the Atlantic Ocean with the help of support vessel Megan in the early morning hours of Sept. 4. The four people returning to Earth, who were members of both Expedition 68 and 69 aboard the ISS, include Commander Stephen Bowen, Pilot Warren “Woody” Hoburg, both from NASA, Russian cosmonaut Andre Fedyaev, and Sultan AlNeyadi, the first long-duration crew member from the United Arab Emirates and only the second Emirati to fly in space. The four crewmembers of Crew-6 in their SpaceX suits aboard the ISS. (Credit: NASA) Undocking Crew Dragon Endeavour initially docked to the zenith port of the Harmony node of the ISS back in March. However, it was moved to the forward docking port of the same module in May to allow an incoming Cargo Dragon capsule to be closer to the station’s robotic arm, Canadarm2. It is from this forward port where Endeavour‘s onboard computers will autonomously back the capsule away from the orbiting laboratory. Dragon uses its built-in Draco thrusters over the course of two separate burns, known as burn zero and burn one, to maneuver outside of an area known as the “Keep-Out Sphere.” This imaginary circle, which extends 200 meters around the ISS, officially denotes when NASA and other ISS partner nations are involved with the mission. Once it leaves that sphere, mission control in Houston will only monitor the progress of reentry, while all aspects of control switch over to SpaceX. Crew Dragon Endeavour undocks from the ISS during the Crew-2 mission. (Credit: NASA/SpaceX) This is followed approximately one hour later by burn two, a longer burn that helps place the capsule in a lower orbit below and away from the ISS. SpaceX and NASA have seven splashdown sites with four located in the Gulf of Mexico and three in the Atlantic Ocean. The primary and secondary landing sites are typically selected two weeks in advance. Teams actively monitored Hurricane Idalia as it came through the Gulf, making landfall on Florida’s “big bend” region on Aug. 30, before proceeding northeast and into the Atlantic. Splashdown of this mission was initially scheduled for Sept. 3, however, NASA delayed it due to weather. It is unclear if the weather delay was a direct result of the hurricane. The seven possible splashdown locations for Crew-6. (Credit: NASA) See AlsoCrew-6 UpdatesNSF StoreL2 SpaceX SectionClick here to Join L2 SpaceX crew recovery ship Shannon was docked in Tampa along the west coast of Florida both in anticipation of the hurricane and for the crew splashdown. The second recovery vessel, Megan, was relocated to Port Everglades to ride out the storm before moving to its splashdown location near [xxx]. Megan, named after astronaut Megan McArthur, and Shannon, named after astronaut Shannon Walker, have been used on other Crew and Cargo Dragon missions to retrieve the spacecraft and crew members. Both ships are equipped with a helipad for astronauts to be transported to shore shortly after splashdown, a medical facility for observing and assessing astronauts’ conditions, and radar to track the spacecraft. The back of the boats also contains a lift. It attaches to special points on the capsule prepared by a fast response team that will take a smaller boat out and jump onto the freshly returned capsule. Once hooked up, it is lifted onto a “donut” stand and retracted underneath a covering on the ship. A Dragon capsule returns to Port Canaveral onboard one of SpaceX’s recovery ships. (Credit: Sawyer Rosenstein for NSF) The weather requirements for Crew Dragon splashdowns are as follows: no lightning within 10 miles, waves with no greater than a seven-degree slope, wind speed no greater than 12 miles per hour, less than a 25 percent chance of rain, and at least one-half mile visibility in the daytime or one mile at night. Entry Approximately one hour prior to splashdown, Endeavour will jettison its unpressurized segment known as the “trunk”, which will reveal Dragon’s tiled heat shield. This is followed shortly after by a deorbit burn, slowing the spacecraft down just enough that it will re-enter Earth’s atmosphere, which will then be used to help slow the craft down dramatically. The forward thrusters around the docking ring are used for this burn. Following completion of this burn, the nose cone closes and locks. This protects the just-used thrusters and docking ring in addition to other communication and rendezvous equipment which is no longer needed. Splashdown As plasma builds around the capsule, mission controllers will lose contact with the crew for a brief time known as a loss of signal, sometimes referred to as LOS. The SpaceX Crew Dragon Freedom returns to Earth following the Crew-4 mission. (Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls) Once Endeavour has detected that it is at a certain altitude and velocity, it deploys its two drogue parachutes and slows down to around 560 kilometers per hour (350 miles per hour). The parachutes partially deploy at first before fully inflating in a process known as reefing. Reefing allows parachutes to open in a slower and more controlled manner to avoid higher loads on the vehicle and crew during descent. Shortly after full drogue inflation, the drogue parachutes are cut and the main parachutes are deployed. The four main parachutes also reef to ease the loads on the capsule and crew. The main parachutes slow Dragon down to around 24 kilometers per hour (15 miles per hour) for splashdown. Crew-6 Mission The crew contributed to hundreds of different science experiments and technology demonstrations according to NASA. These included human health experiments, such as BFF-Meniscus-2, which printed knee tissue in microgravity as an experiment in bioprinting. During a spacewalk, the crew helped install more of the Station’s new ISS Roll-Out Solar Arrays (iROSA). Once all are installed, these are expected to enable a 30% increase in power for operations and scientific investigations on the orbiting lab. The crew also conducted science involving our own planet, photographing and documenting the planet along with connecting with and talking to students across the globe from space. This mission marks SpaceX’s sixth operational crew mission to the ISS under NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. (Lead image: Crew Dragon Endeavour docks to the ISS during the Crew-6 mission. Credit: SpaceX) The post SpaceX crew to return to Earth after six-month ISS Stay appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com.
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20k Leagues under the sea, Jules Verne
Part 2, chapter 19 part 1
This terrible scene of the 20th of April none of us can ever forget. I have written it under the influence of violent emotion. Since then I have revised the recital; I have read it to Conseil and to the Canadian. They found it exact as to facts, but insufficient as to effect. To paint such pictures, one must have the pen of the most illustrious of our poets, the author of The Toilers of the Deep.
I have said that Captain Nemo wept while watching the waves; his grief was great. It was the second companion he had lost since our arrival on board, and what a death! That friend, crushed, stifled, bruised by the dreadful arms of a poulp, pounded by his iron jaws, would not rest with his comrades in the peaceful coral cemetery! In the midst of the struggle, it was the despairing cry uttered by the unfortunate man that had torn my heart. The poor Frenchman, forgetting his conventional language, had taken to his own mother tongue, to utter a last appeal! Amongst the crew of the Nautilus, associated with the body and soul of the Captain, recoiling like him from all contact with men, I had a fellow-countryman. Did he alone represent France in this mysterious association, evidently composed of individuals of divers nationalities? It was one of these insoluble problems that rose up unceasingly before my mind!
Captain Nemo entered his room, and I saw him no more for some time. But that he was sad and irresolute I could see by the vessel, of which he was the soul, and which received all his impressions. The Nautilus did not keep on in its settled course; it floated about like a corpse at the will of the waves. It went at random. He could not tear himself away from the scene of the last struggle, from this sea that had devoured one of his men. Ten days passed thus. It was not till the 1st of May that the Nautilus resumed its northerly course, after having sighted the Bahamas at the mouth of the Bahama Canal. We were then following the current from the largest river to the sea, that has its banks, its fish, and its proper temperatures. I mean the Gulf Stream. It is really a river, that flows freely to the middle of the Atlantic, and whose waters do not mix with the ocean waters. It is a salt river, salter than the surrounding sea. Its mean depth is 1,500 fathoms, its mean breadth ten miles. In certain places the current flows with the speed of two miles and a half an hour. The body of its waters is more considerable than that of all the rivers in the globe. It was on this ocean river that the Nautilus then sailed.
I must add that, during the night, the phosphorescent waters of the Gulf Stream rivalled the electric power of our watch-light, especially in the stormy weather that threatened us so frequently. May 8th, we were still crossing Cape Hatteras, at the height of the North Caroline. The width of the Gulf Stream there is seventy-five miles, and its depth 210 yards. The Nautilus still went at random; all supervision seemed abandoned. I thought that, under these circumstances, escape would be possible. Indeed, the inhabited shores offered anywhere an easy refuge. The sea was incessantly ploughed by the steamers that ply between New York or Boston and the Gulf of Mexico, and overrun day and night by the little schooners coasting about the several parts of the American coast. We could hope to be picked up. It was a favourable opportunity, notwithstanding the thirty miles that separated the Nautilus from the coasts of the Union. One unfortunate circumstance thwarted the Canadian’s plans. The weather was very bad. We were nearing those shores where tempests are so frequent, that country of waterspouts and cyclones actually engendered by the current of the Gulf Stream. To tempt the sea in a frail boat was certain destruction. Ned Land owned this himself. He fretted, seized with nostalgia that flight only could cure.
“Master,” he said that day to me, “this must come to an end. I must make a clean breast of it. This Nemo is leaving land and going up to the north. But I declare to you that I have had enough of the South Pole, and I will not follow him to the North.”
“What is to be done, Ned, since flight is impracticable just now?”
“We must speak to the Captain,” said he; “you said nothing when we were in your native seas. I will speak, now we are in mine. When I think that before long the Nautilus will be by Nova Scotia, and that there near New foundland is a large bay, and into that bay the St. Lawrence empties itself, and that the St. Lawrence is my river, the river by Quebec, my native town—when I think of this, I feel furious, it makes my hair stand on end. Sir, I would rather throw myself into the sea! I will not stay here! I am stifled!”
The Canadian was evidently losing all patience. His vigorous nature could not stand this prolonged imprisonment. His face altered daily; his temper became more surly. I knew what he must suffer, for I was seized with home-sickness myself. Nearly seven months had passed without our having had any news from land; Captain Nemo’s isolation, his altered spirits, especially since the fight with the poulps, his taciturnity, all made me view things in a different light.
“Well, sir?” said Ned, seeing I did not reply.
“Well, Ned, do you wish me to ask Captain Nemo his intentions concerning us?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Although he has already made them known?”
“Yes; I wish it settled finally. Speak for me, in my name only, if you like.”
“But I so seldom meet him. He avoids me.”
“That is all the more reason for you to go to see him.”
I went to my room. From thence I meant to go to Captain Nemo’s. It would not do to let this opportunity of meeting him slip. I knocked at the door. No answer. I knocked again, then turned the handle. The door opened, I went in. The Captain was there. Bending over his work-table, he had not heard me. Resolved not to go without having spoken, I approached him. He raised his head quickly, frowned, and said roughly, “You here! What do you want?”
“To speak to you, Captain.”
“But I am busy, sir; I am working. I leave you at liberty to shut yourself up; cannot I be allowed the same?”
This reception was not encouraging; but I was determined to hear and answer everything.
“Sir,” I said coldly, “I have to speak to you on a matter that admits of no delay.”
“What is that, sir?” he replied, ironically. “Have you discovered something that has escaped me, or has the sea delivered up any new secrets?”
We were at cross-purposes. But, before I could reply, he showed me an open manuscript on his table, and said, in a more serious tone, “Here, M. Aronnax, is a manuscript written in several languages. It contains the sum of my studies of the sea; and, if it please God, it shall not perish with me. This manuscript, signed with my name, complete with the history of my life, will be shut up in a little floating case. The last survivor of all of us on board the Nautilus will throw this case into the sea, and it will go whither it is borne by the waves.”
This man’s name! his history written by himself! His mystery would then be revealed some day.
“Captain,” I said, “I can but approve of the idea that makes you act thus. The result of your studies must not be lost. But the means you employ seem to me to be primitive. Who knows where the winds will carry this case, and in whose hands it will fall? Could you not use some other means? Could not you, or one of yours——”
“Never, sir!” he said, hastily interrupting me.
“But I and my companions are ready to keep this manuscript in store; and, if you will put us at liberty——”
“At liberty?” said the Captain, rising.
“Yes, sir; that is the subject on which I wish to question you. For seven months we have been here on board, and I ask you to-day, in the name of my companions and in my own, if your intention is to keep us here always?”
“M. Aronnax, I will answer you to-day as I did seven months ago: Whoever enters the Nautilus, must never quit it.”
“You impose actual slavery upon us!”
“Give it what name you please.”
“But everywhere the slave has the right to regain his liberty.”
“Who denies you this right? Have I ever tried to chain you with an oath?”
He looked at me with his arms crossed.
“Sir,” I said, “to return a second time to this subject will be neither to your nor to my taste; but, as we have entered upon it, let us go through with it. I repeat, it is not only myself whom it concerns. Study is to me a relief, a diversion, a passion that could make me forget everything. Like you, I am willing to live obscure, in the frail hope of bequeathing one day, to future time, the result of my labours. But it is otherwise with Ned Land. Every man, worthy of the name, deserves some consideration. Have you thought that love of liberty, hatred of slavery, can give rise to schemes of revenge in a nature like the Canadian’s; that he could think, attempt, and try——”
I was silenced; Captain Nemo rose.
“Whatever Ned Land thinks of, attempts, or tries, what does it matter to me? I did not seek him! It is not for my pleasure that I keep him on board! As for you, M. Aronnax, you are one of those who can understand everything, even silence. I have nothing more to say to you. Let this first time you have come to treat of this subject be the last, for a second time I will not listen to you.”
I retired. Our situation was critical. I related my conversation to my two companions.
“We know now,” said Ned, “that we can expect nothing from this man. The Nautilus is nearing Long Island. We will escape, whatever the weather may be.”
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neccorporation · 1 year
The competence of NEC India in constructing reliable submarine cable systems has been proved time and again. For over 50 years, NEC Corporation India has been involved in the submarine cable industry. With the data traffic growing by leaps and bounds, the requirement for reliable submarine cable systems is growing. In this blog, we will discuss the ways in which submarine cable systems are at par or even better than any other.
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Technological capability and track record of NEC 
NECI demonstrated four years ago that its submarine cable systems could be upgraded to a spectral efficiency of 6 bits per second per hertz in an 11,000 km segment. This represents a capacity of more than 26 terabits per second (Tb/s) in the C-band, which is over two times the capacity originally planned for the cable.
NECI has conducted transmission tests that took place over a commercial subsea cable measuring more than 10,000 km using Artificial Intelligence and probabilistic shaping.
NECI recognized the demand for submarine cable systems 
With online transactions increasing, NECI has recognized the demand for submarine cable systems. Broadband connections that will allow seamless data traffic are only possible with the help of optical fibers. Fathoming the demand, NECI was the first to obtain a long-term charter for a cable-laying ship. Till now, NECI procured submarine cable-laying ships for each project separately.
NEC Corporation has signed a charter contract with U.K.-based Global Marine Systems Limited for an optical submarine cable-laying ship for approximately four years. Through this contract, it is expected that NECI will strengthen its provision of submarine cable systems and respond to the expanding demand for submarine cables due to the increase in global data traffic.
NECI’s subsidiaries are helping it provide reliable submarine cable systems 
The subsidiaries of NECI, including NESIC and OCC, help it in delivering Make in Japan technology to its customers across the world. OCC manufactures cable to be laid in the system. The cables are the first of their kind and utilize a high fiber count. NECI platforms are also making repeaters and Submarine Line Terminal Equipment (SLTE) to ensure the efficiency of optical fibers.
Networking and integration technology is provided by NECI Networks & System Integration Corporation, one of the subsidiaries of NECI.
State-of-the-art components are manufactured in Japan. 
The components that are required for submarine cable systems, like cables, repeaters and terminal station equipment, are manufactured in Japan. OCC manufactures fibers that are capable of withstanding high pressures because they have to be laid on the sea bed. They are designed to bear tensile operational loads during the design life of over 25 years.
The 3-divided steel segments structure is friendly to the latest large core fibers, allowing the manufacture of high-count fiber cable without increasing the optical attenuation performance of fiber. The cables have the ability to withstand voltages as high as 18,000 volts. They are suitable for transoceanic projects over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.  
NEC India ensures perfect coordination when in its marine surveys & route design 
International protocols have to be followed while designing the routes for the submarine cable system. Conflicts with other sea bed users need to be avoided. Marine surveys and route design are critical aspects of constructing a submarine cable system. Since it requires coordination with people of different nationalities, understanding cross-cultural customs is required. NECI can undertake such projects because its personnel can communicate in many languages. 
Submarine Cable System projects executed by NECI 
NECI has executed many submarine cable system projects till now. A few projects executed by NECI include the following. 
JUNO – JUNO cable system is a 10,000 km high-performance submarine cable connecting U.S. and Japan 
ADC – The Asia Direct Cable is a 9,400 km high-performing submarine cable connecting China, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. 
B2BE – The Bay to Bay Express Cable System is a high-performance submarine cable to connect Singapore, Hong Kong, and the U.S. 
SJC2 – The South-East Asia-Japan 2 cable is a 10,500 km optical submarine cable system. 
MIST – It connects Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and India with a cable length of 8,100 km and a design capacity of more than 216 terabits per second. 
CANI – It connects Andaman & Nicobar Islands with the mainland 
Customer satisfaction, on-time delivery and innovation are the hallmarks of NEC. To learn more about how NECI is leveraging technology to build submarine cable systems, click on the link below. https://bit.ly/3mayDHh
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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In Namibia, Lions Are Returning to Feed on the Skeleton Coast This article is from Hakai Magazine, an online publication about science and society in coastal ecosystems, and appears here with permission. Read more stories like this at hakaimagazine.com. On a desolate stretch of Namibia’s arid Skeleton Coast National Park, an invisible fence is keeping lions and visitors apart. Namibia’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism and the nonprofit Desert Lion Conservation Trust (DLCT) created the virtual fence line, known as a geofence, to track lions approaching a 40-kilometer stretch of beach around Torra Bay, a popular fishing and camping area. Each time a lion wearing a satellite collar crosses the geofence, the system records the animal’s GPS coordinates and sends automatic alerts to the DLCT’s lion rangers and managers of the local campsite, who close the area to visitors. The early warning system is in response to a number of potentially dangerous incidents between lions and people. In one last year, a party of recreational anglers got too close to a lioness on a beach near Torra Bay, and the animal charged their vehicle. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the odds of aggressive interactions are increasing as Namibia’s desert lions re-establish themselves on the Skeleton Coast. Lions in Namibia’s northwest, renowned for eking out a living amid the Namib Desert’s harsh gravel plains and endless dunes, have a history of feeding on marine species, such as Cape fur seals, beached whales, and cormorants. Remarkably, they are the only lions known to target marine prey. But in the 1980s, the desert lions abandoned the coast after local farmers wiped out most of the population. When lions returned in 2002, it was a sign that the population was recovering. But the animals were no longer hunting marine prey, and lion ecologist Philip Stander, who founded DLCT, worried that the population had lost the knowledge. In the last eight years, though, three orphaned lionesses, known to the researchers as Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, have led a coastal hunting revival on the beaches around Torra Bay. The resurgence is exciting, but it has also brought risks; it was likely one of these lions—or a fourth, known as Xpl-108—who charged the anglers’ car last year. The lionesses started targeting coastal prey in 2015, when a drought decimated the park’s mountain zebras, springboks, oryxes, and ostriches. To replace these dietary staples, the young lionesses turned to marine birds, mainly cormorants, flamingos, and red-billed teals. Then, in 2018, DLCT scientists spotted the lionesses hunting fur seals—some of the first lions to do so in four decades. In a subsequent diet study that spanned 18 months, Stander observed that marine foods, particularly cormorants, seals, and flamingos, accounted for 86 percent of the lionesses’ diet. “It’s fascinating to follow from a biologist’s point of view,” says Félix Vallat, the DLCT’s project coordinator. “It is knowledge that has been lost. Now it’s slowly coming back.” One local who’s particularly excited about the lions' coastal revival is Naude Dreyer. Dreyer, who runs kayaking safaris in Walvis Bay, 350 kilometers to the south, had longed to see a desert lion since he was five years old. In January 2022, after a three-decade wait, he spotted two of the lionesses separately on the beach near Torra Bay and photographed one as she fed on a fur seal against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. “She looked up a few times while eating but didn’t display any aggression,” says Dreyer, who kept his distance. The lioness Dreyer photographed was likely Xpl-108, who spent more than 30 days in the geofenced area from late November through January. She, Alpha, and Bravo have all been fitted with satellite collars, and the tracking project is as much for the lions as it is to keep visitors safe. Tourists crowding the beaches during peak seasons, such as southern Africa’s recent December–January holidays, could disrupt the lions’ hunting activity or push the animals inland, toward conflict with farmers. As a safety measure, the geofence isn’t perfect. One night, Xpl-108 slipped down to the coast and killed a fur seal. The next morning, anglers arrived to fish before the rangers could cordon off the beach and startled Xpl-108, who dragged her meal four kilometers inland to the safety of a rocky outcrop. But evidence from elsewhere suggests that the project should work. Matthew Wijers, a postdoctoral lion researcher from the University of Oxford in England, who is not part of the desert lion project, says that although costly, geofencing has been effective in other parts of southern Africa. “This technology, coupled with educational programs that highlight the ecological importance of desert lions as well as the potential dangers to the public, should help reduce the risks of conflict between lions and anglers along the Skeleton Coast,” he says. Whether the lionesses will continue to hang around Torra Bay is an open question. After nearly eight years, Namibia’s drought appears to have finally broken. In that time, the lion population fell from 150 to 80 animals. Vallat predicts that within a year or two, the lions’ land-based prey—and hopefully lion numbers—should rebound. In the meantime, Vallat hopes that the geofence will keep everyone safe. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/namibia-lions-hunt-seals
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hudsonmckenzie · 4 months
Moving from US to UK? Key consideration to think about
The huge and turbulent Atlantic Ocean separates the United States and the United Kingdom. People having ties to both nations will frequently find themselves struggling to maintain their position between two intricately diverse and powerful administrations. They may safely negotiate the cross-border obstacles and take full use of the planning possibilities if they receive the appropriate expert help.
Relocating to the United Kingdom
The top law firms in London discuss some of the most important factors to take into account for US residents who are relocating to the UK for the first time in this instalment.
How to handle double taxation
People will be liable to UK taxation on their international income and gains after they become tax residents in the UK (subject to the remittance basis of taxation, detailed below). Unlike individuals relocating from most other jurisdictions, US citizens are subject to US income tax on their global income and profits. There is a chance of double taxation as a result.
Income tax treaty and the associated relief
Relief from double taxation is intended to be provided by the US-UK double taxation agreement, sometimes referred to as the "income tax treaty." In general, the treaty works by dividing up the taxation powers between the two nations and, to the degree that each has the authority to tax, by establishing a system of credits that permits taxes paid in one nation to be deducted from obligations incurred in the other.
The dual exposure can have a substantial impact on the tax-efficiency of some investment types, even though double taxation can generally be avoided by using the treaty. For instance, an asset may be treated favourably for US tax purposes but be subject to higher tax rates in the UK. US mutual funds that lack "reporting" status in the UK are a prime example1. Profits from those investments will normally be subject to income tax rates in the UK (currently up to 45%), but capital gains rates in the US (now 20%). Because of this, US citizens may still find value in the UK's remittance basis of taxation.
Seeking advantage from the “non-dom” tax system
Remittance basis of taxation should be available to US citizens residing in the UK as long as they maintain a non-UK domicile for UK tax purposes. If they do this and the income and profits are not "remitted" to the UK—that is, transferred into or utilised within the country—they can avoid paying UK tax on their capital gains and income from various law firms in London.
When it is free, a lot of Americans will use the remittance basis for the first seven years of their UK residency. Compared to making a claim for treaty relief, this offers some administrative convenience. The taxpayer will need to do an annual mathematical exercise to determine the remittance basis beyond the seven-year mark, at which point an annual fee becomes due.
When the residual exposure to US taxes is considered, the worldwide tax savings may be insignificant, making it unfeasible for US citizens to pay to access the remittance basis in many circumstances. If taxpayers can afford not to remit the income or profits deriving from such assets to the UK, it may be advantageous for them to keep holdings in investments that are not tax-efficient in the UK.
To guarantee that tax credits are accessible, US citizens who want to claim the remittance basis will need to be more careful about when they make their tax payments and remittances. Due to the complexity of this accounting issue, users of US remittance bases will need professional counsel.
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