#ty betterage
hawkfurze · 4 months
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I want more episodes of WOE.BEGONE like Marissa and Sly's cowboy biker road trip.
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ltacryptid · 7 months
finally making the woe.begone character master post :3 (Not including PR1ZE)
picrew I’m using, per usual
PR1ZE (A.K.A Mikael Schiavo): (He/She) The Original. He joined WOE.begone after finding a video of someone cutting their arm off in a gore video with the phone number written in the corner. He thought it was an ARG, it was not.
His first challenge was to call his dad and tell him how his younger brother died. As soon as he stopped the call, he was shot in the head and revived by the game. And from then on, he was his own PR1ZE.
Very soon after his first challenge, he gets an email from someone claiming to be a player of Woe.Begone, Castiel (@imaginepostingonmain). He became friends with them, and found himself doing increasingly worse and worse “in between” challenges to get up the ranks.
He found Cicada (@teknikolor-walters) right after finishing his third challenge, and from then on H1VE was formed. After he was consolidated with TR0PHY he got the fucked up gender
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TR0PHY: (He/She) PR1ZE iteration created after the first time PR1ZE met Eli (also @teknikolor-walters). He’s taken away from his Cicada and manipulated/time travel tortured by her till he forgets all about them. He doesn’t speak unless spoken to. He’s basically only around because he’s pretty and he’ll kill on command.
He’s “saved”(Taken in by) H1VE after the H1VEvsElijah war is over. He’s. Not ok.
Consolidated with PR1ZE.
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MIKA: (He/It) FLINCHITE Experiment iteration. His inability to die makes him a very interesting subject to work with because no matter what they do, it will be reversed. Him dying doesn’t mean he can’t feel the pain, though. He does his best to smile through it to keep himself sane.
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B0UNTY: (He/Him) Consolidation between MIKA and 4CCOL4DE. He escaped the compound and proceeded to fall into the worst loop possible, falling in love only to have his Cicada die over, and over, and over again. He lost 27 cicadas before Scarab found him.
He’s somewhere between a hippy and a cowboy, and basically only wears unbuttoned Hawaiian shirts. He’s much calmer and has easier to control emotions.
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4CCOL4DE: (He/Him)
FLINCHITE iteration. He’s… an undeniably terrible person. He’s Ty Betterage’s right hand man, and he uses that to his advantage. He lost his Cicada and went to Ty Betterage because he’s the only person who could bring a Cicada back. It didn’t work. (also he’s the hottest)
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EUCCOL4DE/Euthanasia 4CCOL4DE: (He/Him)
FLINCHITE Training iteration. He trains people who are trying to work for ty, and by training I mean torturing. He, much like TR0PHY, had his memories removed because of repeated time travel uses and an unhealthy dose of manipulation.
He dies after escaping the compound after he remembers how much he loved his Cicada. Confronted with the guilt of his actions against Scarab, he begs Scarab to kill him. Scarab obliges.
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M3DAL: (He/Him)
Hidden PR1ZE iteration. He’s hiding out in the woods to try and avoid WOE.Begone’s detection. Lucky (or unlucky) for him, Rove (Cicada iteration) found him. They fell in love and live a stupid little life on the beach in complete solitude
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H0N0R: (He/Him)
After Cicada started replaying Woe.Begone for PR1ZE, this iteration was created to keep playing the game. He is convinced that his Cicada abandoned him.
He was sent to OVER and is now… doing his best.
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TRJD/The Repeating John Doe/John: (He/Him)
Every time PR1ZE dies his body is found. One of them came back. He hates PR1ZE, and he hates H1VE, and if he could, he’d kill them all.
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Vincent Stefanovski: (He/They)
Vincent Stefanovski played WOE.Begone. He did it for the fame and fortune, the possibility of blood on his hands. They didn’t do it for the power, he did it for the killing. He’d always dreamed of being a murderer, starting small with animals and moving up. Then he found WOE.BEGONE, and it was a dream come true.
He met Lukas in a park, hands bloodied, wrapped around a cops neck. They bonded quickly.
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Lukas J. Flüger: (She/He/They)
Lukas Flüger played WOE.Begone. It was an opening to a new technology he wanted to learn about, she wanted to grasp and pull apart. He wanted to, just for once, not be the puppet and instead control the strings. They’d always been a control freak, running every school he went to, making sure everything was always right. WOE.Begone would give him control over time, the universe itself.
After completing the second challenge, someone he thought was the gamerunners gave him a reward. Dropped a calculator into his cold hands.
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Damien King: (He/It)
Damien King is an accidental consolidation Between Lukas and Vincent. He’s… not great. One who fed off power like he needed it to live and one who stole life away for fun. Power hungry and bloodthirsty. What more do you need in a guy?
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Me and @teknikolor-walters co-own consolidations between Cicada and Damien, named Hornet Walters-King! Bird was it on their mega post so I’ll leave that to them :3
Parasite Fischer: (He/It) Woe.begone player who, instead of being sent to OVER, was sent to the FLINCHITES. He’s a sitcom character of a man. He basically fucks everything up till he finds what he needs and then sends it to the Woe.Begoners. He’s good at sticking his nose into situations and then fucking everything up.
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nettlewildfairy · 1 year
Woe.begone liveblog
Ive gotten to the episode where there are a lot of Ty Betterages, but it’s not as many Ty’s as there are Mikes
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ltacryptid · 8 months
For the ask game- this feels obvious, but w.bg :]
Favorite character
I’m a basic bitch it’s Mike Walters. Mikey specifically.
Second favorite character
ANNE!! I want to kiss her on the mouth
Least favorite character
Honestly this is so hard. I love all of these characters. So much. Probably Punished Hunter? He’s very well written I just don’t want him hurting mikey
The character I’m most like
og CANNONBALL. Like. Season 1. The art guy who wants to do an arg. That’s me as fuck
Favorite pairing
Panther and Bear. Mikedgar. Heart heart
Least favorite pairing
Uhhhhhhh. Ihm. Uh. I don’t like. Have one? I GUESS Mike and Matt? Romantically. They platonically smooch and stuff though
Favorite moment
CANONBALL’s email. Topher cutting Mike’s arm off. Anything with Michael. Anything with Ty betterage 😍😍😍💕💕💕💞💞💞💞
Rating out of 10
Time travel/10!!!
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ltacryptid · 9 months
Argh I think I missed important lore! Who is 4CCOL4DE?
GOD IM SO EXCITED TO BE ASKED THIS. 4CCOL4DE is the FLINCHITE iteration of PR1ZE. He was kidnapped by Ty Betterage after HIS fiancé, Cicada, died a violent death. He was brought into the FLINCHITE compound and was the person to reccomend the consolidation experiments of Mikey and Elijah. He’s fucked up and evil and so so so so sad
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ltacryptid · 9 months
4CCOL4DE loves Ty betterage.
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ltacryptid · 9 months
PR1ZE looks Betterage in the eyes.
“Hold your words, Ty, we both fucking hate you. We wish you were dead.”
(4CCOL4DE looks away. Can you really wish death upon the man that saved your life? What is love but a different look at hate? What is hate but love? 4CCOL4DE looks away. He cannot know. He doesn’t know what it feels like to have love ripped away from you only to find out you pulled the trigger. He doesn’t know how the rabbit loves the wolf. He hopes Ty listens. He can’t stand hearing his voice. He would give in again. And again. And again. And again. And agai)
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ltacryptid · 9 months
Ty betterage is kicking his feet and giggling as he watches 4CCOL4DE bandage Mantis’s wounds on the security camaras.
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