#ty christina!! i've had this open for a couple days oops
persianflaw ยท 4 months
It doesnt really fit with the structure of the questions but I need your thoughts on klinger/happiness
oh i think it fits the structure just fine :3
What made you ship it?
the fact that soon-lee is played by rosalind chao, whom i love, was an immediate point in their favor. but... man, i think it's the way their storyline together is about the two of them being good, brave, selfless people. which sounds so incredibly boring when i write it out like that lmao but man, i just really like them both and i think they're better together!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
as mentioned above, their clear, sincere affection for one another. i like that klinger, so frequently the show's running dog in late seasons, gets to be a hero, gets to be romantic and loved. their wedding is one of the emotional high points of the finale. also, let me be shallow for a second: they're hot!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i don't think so! in fact, i'll take this space to say that there are some things on paper that i would normally dislike about any m/f relationship; the way klinger is intensely protective of her when she's going out to search for her family, the way they get together really quickly, soon-lee as kind of a damsel in distress, the way the relationship is set up so late in the show. normally those are things that would, if not turn me off the ship entirely, at least put me off it a bit or leave me irritated by those scenes. but in context and with jamie farr and rosalind chao's acting, it all works for me!
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