tavwrote · 4 months
Bro I'm so sorry but you're telling me there's a fucking genshin/honkai/idk character named Pant?? Singular, Spanish/latin, Pant??
you think that's silly, wait til i tell you about the guy named rooster
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isdeathlystill · 2 months
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"If I turn into one of those mind flayers in the middle of the night, what will you do with me?"
@lattehearted || starter call. 👻
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shackld · 3 days
Okay but you have to give me someone else in addition to who I know you're gonna give me (detective girl who stole my name)
let mak kin assign you
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also,,, thistle because lol thats ptn-christina's girlfriend c:
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preyrage · 13 days
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pomegranate · 22 days
Ooooh song meme? I'll switch it up, how about a Margaret jam?
OHHH I have so many for Margaret too!!! this one is probably one of the less known songs so I’ll share it:
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indigowallbreaker · 3 months
❤: Favourite heart event
Favorite Heart Event:
GOTTA be Sebastian's 6-heart event where you play that tabletop game with him and Sam. I wish you could do the event over and over-- I like all the different combinations and outcomes! Especially since I usually get a C rank lol It makes me wanna try again and go for a better score.
Thanks for asking! I was hoping someone would give me this question :D
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persianflaw · 1 year
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... (choose violence)
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damagecompilation-a · 4 months
📜 - Sonia and horrorpedia or that genshin guy you want her to meet
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
Sonia: *Stubs their toe* FUCK! Horrorpedia: Mind your language! Sonia: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? Horrorpedia: Sonia: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Sonia: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? Horrorpedia: Oh, I’m always running Horrorpedia: The question is from what
Horrorpedia: Do you think you’d actually notice if someone didn’t cast a shadow? Or if their limbs were just slightly too long? Or if they had just a little too many teeth? like how many times have you passed Something on the street and you just didn’t Notice It? Sonia: Stay woke monsterfuckers ur love is out there!!!!! Horrorpedia: Yknow what? Not my point at all in any way whatsoever, but I’m glad I could be an inspiration.
Sonia: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Horrorpedia: Three words. Sonia:
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philgbtqochs · 6 months
99 for spotify wrapped, what just barely made the cut?
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inferioritycmplx · 1 year
monomono - Sonia
Send 'monomono' to recieve a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine!
WAR GOD TALISMAN. A charm with the letters of Kashima-Daimyoujin, a god of military arts, written on it.
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"Something tells me you'll get m-more use out of this than me..."
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tavwrote · 1 year
✏️ - Shuji and Yasu!
Shuji: *fast-forwards all the way through the movie*
Yasu: You can't just skip to the happy ending!
Shuji: I don't have time for their problems.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Shuji: *types in Yasu*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Shuji: How fucking DARE YOU-
Yasu: Can I ask you for a favor?
Shuji: I would literally die for you, but continue.
Yasu: We need to talk about you starting sentences that way.
Shuji: So you like cats?
Yasu: Yeah.
Shuji: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Yasu: I have a problem.
Shuji: Kill it.
Yasu: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
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shackld · 8 months
send a 💖and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!!
@lattehearted / @dreamingofspring BITES YOU ATTACKS YOU CHRISTINA CHRISTINAAAAAAAAAA one of my longest fuckin friends an absolute motherfucking precious human being and i need you to know how much i love and appreciate you i need you to know you're so very loved i adore seeing you and talking with you MWAAAAAAAAH
@vonerde BABY !!!!! WHAT A GOOD FUCKIN WRITER AND HUMAN dude dude dude i fangirl every time i see you you're such an inspiration for me and i watch with googoo eyes all the time. you're so RARARAGSGHAHASDFS you know??? i love you and your characters so much PLZZZZZZ know you're so loved omg omg
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pyriety-a · 1 year
"tell me" inigo 👀
If you snuck into my room I would:
[ x ] Go back to sleep [ ] Kick you out
[ ] Cuddle with you [ x ] Be like “How in the world?”
[ ] Let you sleep on the floor [ ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[ x ] Kiss or hug you back [ ] Smile and laugh
[ ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable [ ] Push you away
[ x ] Be shocked [ ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[ ] No [ x ] Yes [ ] Most certainly not. [ ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[ x ] Cute [ x ] Adorable [ x ] Attractive [ x ] Beautiful
[ ] Okay [ ] Ugly [ ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[ ] Stranger [ ] Acquaintance [ x ] Ally
[ x ] Friend [ ] Love [ ] Rival
[ ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[ ] Pathetic [ ] Of no consequence [ x ] Intriguing
[ ] Frightening [ ] Unsettling [ x ] Annoying ( complimentary )
[ ] Infuriating [ x ] Pleasant company [ x ] Comforting
[ ] Unable to be lived without [ ] Trustworthy
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screenviolense · 1 year
@lattehearted sent: sleepy ,  domestic morning kisses in the kitchen while making breakfast . - for one of the old ships?
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it was strange, still getting used to waking up early and having more of the morning for doing things she liked instead of getting ready to teach or cleaning up the trailer. and she was even luckier that he actually liked the few things she knew how to make well. letting out a hm as she added a pinch of salt to the eggs frying in the pan.
a soft little laugh left her lips at the ticklish kisses, brushing a loose curl back that hadn't yet been brushed out from the rollers. ' careful, i don't want to put too much. '
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soulcluster-moved · 1 year
@lattehearted / byleth / xx.
Her answer made the corner of his mouth quirk in an almost smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
In his long years alone watching over Flayn, each second dragged longer than the last, stretching his minutes into an oblivion as he waited and waited and waited for her to wake. Those minutes became hours, days, months, years, lost to waiting. He was not sure there was a way to measure such a time.
"If we are going by fish caught, then I am afraid my hook attracts little. But you are correct. The world may change in a single second, or feel as if it is stretched into eternity. Time can be cruel that way."
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persianflaw · 4 months
It doesnt really fit with the structure of the questions but I need your thoughts on klinger/happiness
oh i think it fits the structure just fine :3
What made you ship it?
the fact that soon-lee is played by rosalind chao, whom i love, was an immediate point in their favor. but... man, i think it's the way their storyline together is about the two of them being good, brave, selfless people. which sounds so incredibly boring when i write it out like that lmao but man, i just really like them both and i think they're better together!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
as mentioned above, their clear, sincere affection for one another. i like that klinger, so frequently the show's running dog in late seasons, gets to be a hero, gets to be romantic and loved. their wedding is one of the emotional high points of the finale. also, let me be shallow for a second: they're hot!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i don't think so! in fact, i'll take this space to say that there are some things on paper that i would normally dislike about any m/f relationship; the way klinger is intensely protective of her when she's going out to search for her family, the way they get together really quickly, soon-lee as kind of a damsel in distress, the way the relationship is set up so late in the show. normally those are things that would, if not turn me off the ship entirely, at least put me off it a bit or leave me irritated by those scenes. but in context and with jamie farr and rosalind chao's acting, it all works for me!
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